How to become a more feminine girl. Awakening femininity: advice from a psychologist. Its external manifestations include

Describing the ideal representative of the beautiful half of humanity, guys often mention such a characteristic as femininity. This quality is glorified by singers and writers, portrayed by artists and composers.

What does femininity look like? Perhaps it's all about the right clothes and makeup? Or does a beautiful figure play a special role? Of course, external data do not occupy the last place in the concept of "femininity", but young people value inner feminine strength more.

Beautiful girls, who do not at all understand why the opposite sex considers them more likely to be friends, sooner or later begin to ask the right question: what is femininity and is it not expected from young ladies by men?

According to numerous sources, femininity is a combination of characteristics that are usually attributed to the weaker sex or expected from girls, for example, sensitivity, honesty, devotion, tenderness, gentleness.

All this makes the representatives of the strong half of humanity feel like a man. Of course, in different cultures and eras, femininity has been interpreted in very different ways. However, the qualities listed above are inherent, perhaps, to every time and people.

But! Modern ladies are becoming more and more confident in their own capabilities, free and wanting independence. To cope with difficulties, women make their own efforts without asking for help from men. Femininity is gradually disappearing ...

Guys love with their eyes, as you know, which is why a feminine lady for them is the one whose figure and appearance arouses desire. This is the so-called external femininity, which creates a certain set of impressions for the stronger sex with just one glance at a girl.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man? Is the figure and selectivity in clothing important?

  1. A feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, young ladies with thick "manes" to the waist are considered more attractive than girls with short haircuts. However, the main thing is well-groomed and natural hair, it is better to do without tall and overly complex hairstyles.
  2. A beautiful figure is not just a tribute to fashion. You should not think about beauty standards, it is better to think about normal weight, exercise and nutrition. A slender figure, optimal body weight are signs of femininity.
  3. Femininity with male eyes is the presence of dresses, high heels, transparent blouses in a girl's wardrobe. In clothes, materials that are delicate to the touch are preferable, which flow and give the figure a lightness and airiness. Excessively brutal things destroy the female essence.
  4. Polls on men's forums show that, not really understanding the intricacies of the use of cosmetics, guys subconsciously consider excessive "coloring" on the face vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and delicate shades in her makeup.
  5. The figure, of course, is important, but a well-groomed and neat appearance is considered an equally essential condition for the external attributes of femininity. Beautiful skin, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure are the most feminine signs of a true lady.

It is extremely difficult to explain and talk about what inner femininity is through the eyes of men. Each representative of the stronger sex realizes what a feminine woman she is, but rarely can anyone convey in words.

This is not a figure, not hair, but something so personal that it can induce a guy to take action, arouse in him a desire to achieve a girl.

Let's turn again to the men's forums. What do guys mean by "femininity"?

  1. The feminine woman is relaxed and calm. Irritability, nervousness and hysteria do not adorn a lovely lady. She is like a kitty that is lying on a soft, but at any moment she is ready to get together, concentrate and go out on the "hunt".
  2. The ability to trust a man is an important quality of girls. The commanding tone, numerous teachings and a hard look are unlikely to adorn a woman. Guys, looking at a young lady, should want to stand up for her, hide behind their backs and in every possible way keep from any problems.
  3. True femininity is listening and communicating. This means both the ability to feel and "get infected" by the emotions of the interlocutor, and general erudition, possession of certain knowledge, speech skills. In addition, it is important for a girl to be able to keep secrets.
  4. Emotionality is also a sign of femininity, so do not fall for feminist sentiments and forget about your nature. But! Excessive expression of feelings can transfer you to the rank of an unbalanced person and a hysterical personality. An important rule is naturalness and, oddly enough, rationality in emotional manifestations.
  5. A figure, a pretty face, good taste in clothes? No. For a long time, women have been associated with motherhood. No beauty can compare in femininity with a future mother, with a girl raising a child. This is a natural instinct, if you will, a woman's destiny.

Men's forums are full of opinions and comments regarding the feminine essence, femininity and the ideal image of the second half. So, what kind of woman is she?

She is charming, distinguished by sophistication, good manners, the ability to profitably teach herself, which produces an incredible effect. What is femininity through the eyes of men?

This image includes criteria such as:

  • inner softness;
  • trust and respect for a partner;
  • the ability to avoid conflicts;
  • affectionate character;
  • love for the child;
  • a slim body;
  • long hair of natural shades;
  • love and pursuit of purity in all aspects;
  • striving for self-development;
  • lack of bad habits.

Of course, some guys are crazy about girls with a strong character, purposeful and able to solve their problems on their own.

However, these men still prefer to connect their fate with feminine girls who are distinguished by weakness and gentleness.

How to become more feminine?

True femininity lies in simple truths that are available to every girl. But as it always happens, simplicity is extremely difficult. The men's forum and the guys' comments show what they expect from potential life partners.

So, what can a girl change in herself so that a man considers her feminine?

  1. Inaccessibility. A girl is a target for the stronger sex, because they still remain warriors and hunters. A man wants to conquer a fortress, conquer the top. A feminine woman is valued for her inaccessibility and the ability to be proud (of course, without unnecessary fanaticism).
  2. Happiness. Joyful carelessness, smileiness and easy communication give the girl more femininity. Many men strive for such a young lady. However, today's ladies are less and less happy with little things, small surprises, acquiring detachment, masculine traits.
  3. Weakness. Modern girls enter into a tough confrontation with men for social domination, equal rights and more significant social roles. Such a struggle does not contribute to femininity, because by their nature, lovely ladies are weak creatures that need a man's shoulder. Men on the forums are sure that a woman's charm lies in her weakness.
  4. Showiness. An attractive and charismatic girl stands out from the crowd. A sweet young lady seems more feminine than a beauty, whose clothes are dominated by a masculine style. Body-flattering dresses and accessories always appeal to guys.
  5. Romance. Who said sentimentality is out of fashion these days? Admiring the sunset, walking and kissing under the moon, watching a melodrama together is a romance that, unfortunately, is gradually disappearing due to the oversaturation of impressions and emotions in our life.
  6. Ability to love. The uniqueness of a woman lies in her desire and ability to love, give her feelings and take the emotions of the chosen one. How beautiful a girl in love is! Especially when love is mutual. However, some modern young ladies prefer short-term relationships that do not involve deep feelings.
  7. Ability to inspire. Inspiration makes representatives of the strong half of humanity write poems and poems, perform feats, and improve themselves. However, only a feminine girl is able to inspire with her figure, voice, love - by any available means. There is a curious phrase that says that behind every great man there was a great woman.
  8. Thrift. The ability to create coziness in the home, to preserve the hearth and the desire to raise a child are qualities inherent in an economic woman. However, they are also present in a feminine girl, since both of these characteristics are taken into account by men when choosing a future wife.
  9. Moderation. Femininity does not mean trying to fill a guy's entire life space. Do not forget that a real woman is somewhat inaccessible, mysterious. She is a riddle that a man wants to solve. You should not fully open up at the very beginning of the acquaintance, along the way demanding the same step from your partner.

Femininity through the eyes of men is a combination of multiple factors. A beautiful figure, romance and gentleness ...

A feminine girl knows how to adequately present herself to her chosen one, turn her own weaknesses into strengths of the personality, create a warm atmosphere in the family and give emotions to a dear person. Be feminine, because it is so beautiful!

How to become feminine? Such a question of developing or discovering one's own feminine manifestations regains its relevance, because being endowed with all the qualities and manifestations of femininity from birth, plunging more and more into social life, a woman loses them or some part. The realities of life have practically equalized gender differences and, along with numerous rights, women have received additional responsibilities, now they are entering those spheres of life that were previously available only to men and are forced to compete there, on rather tough conditions. With a constant struggle for survival, the danger of showing her own weakness and the need to use male strategies of behavior, a woman gets used to living in this way, and then asks how to become a soft and feminine, and not a hard, sexless machine to achieve goals.

Femininity is not acquired in one day or a session in the spa, it is an innate condition of every woman, the daily concern is only to take care of its maintenance or restoration in case of loss. So, if you get to a seminar dedicated to something about femininity and they begin to reshape you into someone who you have never been and are forced to do things that suck energy out of you, and do not nourish you with strength and joy - feel free to leave, because disclosure inherent in nature should not be felt as violence and hard work. Returning and caring for one's own femininity in the organic course of events is accompanied by joy, inspiration, a surge of strength and a desire to share this happy state of yours, easily striving further.

How to become more feminine

A woman usually begins to think about such a situation when she notices a lack of male attention to her own person, while what rotates, most likely, in the male team, where she is her boyfriend, partner or competitor, but no one has invited her on a date for a long time ... A collision with reality can cause a trip to visit a friend, who gets lost and, not knowing how to cope with the simplest tasks (hammering a nail or going for groceries on her own). Turning on the analysis, the woman begins to understand that her husband, brothers and strangers flock to the aid of this ineptitude, and, on the contrary, run away from her, who skillfully chooses a drill in a hardware store.

If you are thinking how to become more feminine and tender, take a closer look at your own look, usually it broadcasts a lot about your condition and the habit of building contact. Men may have a purely professional or medical interest in a cold, prickly and haughty look, following every little thing. Many people try to dress up in pink skirts with ruffles, hang themselves with clinking bracelets and wait for happiness, but femininity is for the most part not only in external manifestations. You can bring yourself to the standard state of a cinematic beauty, but as soon as those around you meet your gaze or hear a mentor's notes in your voice, the charm of the outer mask will dissipate. Your gestures and gait, conversation style, vocabulary and volume of voice, touch and tact play a significantly larger role in manifesting femininity.

Femininity is the most important quality that attracts men, and not a sense of humor, erudition and a pumped-up priest (this is more of a feminine list of attractive parameters in a man), but it is a mistake to believe that manifestations of a feminine nature are necessary only in male-female relationships. This is a set of qualities that help build and improve relationships in the family (in its global sense, with all relatives and generations) and the work team. Many people begin to think about how to become soft and feminine when a child is born, because if both parents behave in a more masculine way, then the child simply has nowhere to learn sensitivity, understanding emotions, building communications and many other things that are more developed in women.

To figure out how to become more feminine and tender, it is worth identifying the main positions that make up femininity for the woman herself and those around her. Almost synonymous with femininity in a statistical survey was softness, and softness in everything. This applies to how you present your own gestures, if they are sharp and ragged, then the image is distant, and if smooth and fluid, then you are close to the ideal. Soft touch, warm, almost imperceptible, instead of sharp jolts or unexpected, frightening touches.

The softness of your intonations and voice - if you control how you communicate with people, removing hysterical squeaky notes, lowering the timbre and adding velvety, then even harsh criticism will sound soft and enveloping. Softness also includes what people feel when touching you - warm cashmere, soft silk, well-groomed warm hands immerse you in an atmosphere of light, comfort and warmth. While the skin, metal rivets, frozen fingers make you tense and gather, and the inner sensation of such a person is alert and opposing.

If you feel a loss of connection with your femininity, then join the female company, in principle, everyone should have it (at least in the minimum version of one friend), since male society will never replace communication with representatives of the same sex. Our energy and world perception processes are arranged in different ways, and when you are in a male environment for a long time, then your natural rhythms and paths begin to rebuild to less suitable ones. Women's society restores the normal functioning of the female psyche, where emotions become more accessible, the observation of many details at the same time, as well as the realization of exclusively female ones.

In the female circle, increased needs for communication are satisfied, and it will be much more fun to go shopping with a friend than to pull out even the best other for trying on thousands of outfits (well, or what do you like there that men do not understand). In addition, you support your gender and understand that every situation can be solved by a woman's and a man's way, and looking at your friends and listening to their stories can teach you a lot (for example, how not to nail the kitchen shelf yourself).

In behavior, femininity is manifested by cheerfulness and a variety of hobbies, when communicating, openness and willingness to help a person are manifested (you can fill in an awkward pause in a conversation in time and the person will be very grateful to you). A feminine girl is in contact with society and actively participates in his life, showing kindness, care and gentleness. Those. Leave the law enforcement officers to swear at the station with drunks, and you can feed the tramp yourself. There is an opinion that the feminine vocabulary does not tolerate swear words, but you should not turn into a defenseless sheep either - learn to put your opponent in place with a quiet voice and literary epithets (this sounds even more offensive to someone else, because it immediately raises you several levels higher).

The disseminated image of a Vedic woman as the ideal of femininity can lead along the wrong path of perception - to smile, please, be silent, endure, but this is not true, even from the point of view of the Vedic concept itself. It says a lot about respect and, and also about the fact that if a person behaves inappropriately towards you, then it is your direct responsibility to stop that behavior.

Woman is not only softness, it is also passion and fire, a powerful force that is capable of creating and destroying. Covering up some of your energy in order to appear comfortable is not the path to your own femininity. Remember that all your qualities are laid down for a reason, but you need to learn how to apply them, and if you have tremendous power, then send it into the world, do not tolerate ridicule and threats - give a strong and instant rebuff, showing your teeth. It is such living and real people that attract attention, women who are able to put a man in his place become interesting to them, since each person has his boundaries and limits of admissibility.

How to become feminine and desirable

If we talk about the manifestation of femininity, as the main factor in attracting men, then the importance of appearance begins to affect, although it is useless to talk about standards, since the criteria for beauty and femininity change depending on the era and country, if you do not consider that every man can have his own, different tastes from the rest. Adjusting yourself to the image from the cover is no longer relevant, instead, you should highlight your outstanding features and take care of yourself. It is worth getting rid of the main points that appear in appearance and talk about health problems - heal the skin, correct posture, take care of teeth and nails, as well as the condition of the hair. These indicators should not be in line with fashion, but should speak of health and look well-groomed. No money for fashionable coloring and building - cut off the split ends and remove the peeling varnish. Femininity is not in the amounts left in the salon, but in respect for your own body.

Treat yourself to a massage and aromatherapy - this not only strengthens health, but fills you with joy, replenishes tactile hunger, promotes the production of endorphins, and develops sensitivity. A woman who glows with happiness, moves in a relaxed manner and knows her sensitive and erogenous zones in a completely different way is perceived even by strangers passing along the street. In principle, the whole woman is about pleasure. And the more you give it to yourself, the more you know the ways and your own reactions to various pleasurable events, the more variety of sensuality you can conquer a man. In addition, a contented woman becomes soft and plastic, in her behavior, without any deliberate measures, femininity is more and more revealed and she becomes more and more desirable.

It would be nice to deal with your own social roles (lover, mother, daughter, boss, male hypostases), since it is their confusion that interferes with building full-fledged paired relationships. This happens because of the stretching children's and adolescent complexes, psychotraumas received, or it is a consequence of actions according to the script, but when a woman communicates with a man from a different position, he loses his desire. For example, increased control and guardianship, mothering in small doses are appropriate in a relationship, especially when the spouse, for example, is sick, but excessive communication from such a position kills any intimate desire. Just like the interaction from the role of a little girl, it will include care in the man and he will bring you candy, but he will build relationships with an adult woman internally. And with the strong activity of your animus, the relationship will become competitive, but not loving. These are just a few examples of how roles and internal subpersonalities can destroy relationships, so if you feel that it is also in your behavior, instead of buying a third sexy dress, it is better to go to a therapist to learn how to regulate the manifestations of your own internal parts in interaction with people.

Desire in a man is aroused not by what he can see, but by what he can imagine - it is him and the understatement that engenders, and frank cuts and bright colors bring boredom (what can you wish if you have already seen everything?). This rule works with respect to appearance (so choose closed styles, but outlining your figure) and with respect to behavior (ambiguous jokes with royal intelligence, lack of embarrassment when talking about intimate moments, along with physical integrity) - such combinations make men's fantasy work to the fullest, and the desire of your society is getting stronger.

How to be elegant and feminine

Elegance is what saves many women in its manifestation in the world, it is always relevant, always appropriate, emphasizes femininity and fashion does not go out either. The basis of any elegance is simplicity and taste, as for appearance, it is impeccable adherence to personal hygiene and maintaining the health of the body, neatness (excessive length of nails and hair in different parts of the body can distort the image, subject to all other recommendations). Observe moderation in makeup - its main function should be to correct skin tone, all other color solutions can correct imperfections, being in a neutral nude scale, with the exception of evening looks or for special occasions, then you can add a bright accent (adhering to the principle of moderation - either eyes , or lips).

Elegance is a quality that touches everything, so when choosing a perfume, stop at one original representative of the perfume house, instead of a dozen bottles of fakes or cheap colognes sold in transitions. The same is true about jewelry - one laconic platinum earrings are better than a whole cabinet of cheap jewelry.

As for clothes, they should emphasize your dignity, be comfortable and reflect your inner style. If you have a lot of location changes in a day, and you are trying to travel in white stiletto heels, it will look comical. Always choose what suits the situation and your life. Naturally, clothes should not be worn out, leaky or dirty, but there is no need to buy everything in expensive boutiques. Folding your own style, you may find that the most comfortable natural fabric shirt is sold at a nearby handmade store.

If you don’t know what to choose, give preference to the classics, and if you don’t sew clothes to order, adjust it to fit you in length and in darts, volume and flare (the shapes are different, but the factory pattern is the same, so after spending a little time on fitting clothes, you get perfect the thing sitting on you).

Classic colors and natural fabrics look expensive and elegant, in addition, they are successfully combined with each other, so you get a versatile wardrobe. Between choosing to wear something or not, always choose a smaller number - simplicity is the basis of elegance, and an image overloaded with details is more typical for boho chic than for classic elegance.

The ability to create a pleasant atmosphere around and to show ease is a virtue of elegance. The ability to win over people, find common themes (by the way, you can prepare them in advance) and stay calm in any situations are developed through training. A polite attitude towards people (regardless of their status and your personal relationships) and adherence to social norms are manifestations of not only knowledge of etiquette, but characterize the inner intelligence of a person. Lightness and unobtrusiveness, restraint and confidence, restraint and dignity are common features of elegance and femininity.

Femininity is different. It happens that outwardly a woman looks very feminine, but it is impossible to live next to her. And from the outside it seems strange that such a beautiful woman is alone. And having been in the shoes of her man, you understand why. For all her beauty, she can turn out to be a tyrannical at home, arguing about and without, selfish, unwilling to serve anyone.

And that's why it's important to talk about holistic femininity, in this book I call her mature. That femininity that is the same inside and out. Four levels of human life can help us in this.


  • The physical level, which includes everything related to our body.
  • The emotional level, where everything related to relationships is located.
  • The intellectual level, where our knowledge, skills, mental attitudes live.
  • The spiritual level, where the relationship with God, and the direction of life, and its meaning.

If we are talking about femininity, then it is important to approach it comprehensively, from all four levels.

1. Femininity at the physical level

For starters, this includes how we look on the outside. And there are a lot of components.

  • What are we wearing? How feminine are the clothes and emphasize our femininity?
  • How chaste are our clothes? How much does she preserve feminine energy? Or does it cause lust, provoke and spill everything we have accumulated into nowhere?
  • What is the condition of our skin? Have you taken care of her? Have we accentuated our beauty with cosmetics?
  • What kind of relationship do we have with hair? Are they healthy? Are they well-groomed? Are they tidied up?
  • Do we have jewelry, accessories? Do we know how to wear all this and complement our images?
  • What kind of shoes do we wear? Trampled boots or delicate shoes (not only stilettos can be feminine, there are also ballet flats and shoes with small heels)
  • What is the state of our health? Especially in the female part of it?
  • Are we following our figure or have we spit on it for a long time? It is said that the most feminine part of the figure is the waist. That is, a woman should always have it. Do we have it?
  • How do we move, how do we walk, are our movements smooth?
  • How do we talk? How pleasant is our voice to ourselves and to those who speak to us?

It also includes how we create - or don't create - the space around us:

  • Do we know how to cook and put love in food?
  • Do we know how to create an atmosphere in the house?
  • Do we know how to create comfort with simple trifles?
  • Do we know how to get rid of trash in our lives in time?
  • Do we know how to maintain cleanliness and order within reasonable limits?
  • Do we know how to create the feeling of a full bowl in the house with any family income?

2. The emotional component of femininity

Since everything is about relationships here, there is a lot of work here:

  • Do we understand ourselves? Do we know our needs and desires? Do we know how to inform our loved ones about this?
  • Do we understand others or are we completely self-absorbed? Do we understand that others generally have these very desires and aspirations?
  • Do we know how to see the needs of a loved one? Do we know how to distinguish between wants and needs? And do we give loved ones what they need?
  • Do we know how to have fun in relationships? And do we know how to give pleasure in relationships to others?
  • Do we know how to serve loved ones or do we consider it beneath our dignity? Do we demand service from others?
  • Do we know how to forgive or carry grievances for years and decades? Are we eating these memories into our hearts, or can we let them go and move on?
  • Are we good at asking for forgiveness or are we too proud for that? Do we consider ourselves right to the last, even if it hurts someone and destroys our relationship?
  • Are we investing in relationships or are we just trying to get something out of the relationship for ourselves?
  • Do we know how to accept our loved ones with all their features and shortcomings?
  • Are we engaged in creativity and are we able to creatively solve problems and situations?
  • Do we know how to support, inspire loved ones, especially a man? Or are we just pushing, demanding and blackmailing?
  • Do we know how to forgive mistakes? To yourself? Close? To others?
  • How do we build relationships with the world? Are we trying to earn love? Or do we think that everyone owes us something?
  • Do we condemn others, complain, criticize? Are we multiplying negativity in the world or are we increasing the amount of goodness and light?
  • Do we have strong, warm internal relations with our parents? Or are we offended by them, hate and take revenge? Are you grateful for giving us life and for everything they gave us?
  • Do we see personalities in our children or are we trying to assert ourselves at their expense, to make our dreams come true?
  • Do we have a good connection with the clan, with ancestors, with ancestral energy? Or are we offended at everyone and everything and try to keep contacts to a minimum? Do we know our ancestors and can we be grateful to them?
  • Do we know how to thank, say kind and warm words? Do we know how to accept gifts, compliments, gratitude from others? After all, receiving is no less important than giving.
  • Do we know how to open hearts to our loved ones? Do we know how to talk about our feelings so as not to hurt the feelings of another person?
  • Do we know how to handle our feelings? Do we know how to live them? Or are we blocking? Or pour it out on someone? Do we know how to understand what we are feeling?
  • Do we live with our hearts or with our heads? Do we know how to feel or just think without stopping?
  • Do we know how to love? So that the one we love feels it? And do we know how to accept love from those who give it to us?
  • How do people feel after communicating with us? Are we sucking out all the juices? Do we trample others in the mud? Or inspiring and instilling confidence?
  • Why do we develop femininity at all? For yourself? To bloom and smell for anyone? Or to light someone's life with your love?

3. Intellectual femininity

Are intelligence and femininity compatible? It often seems that a woman should be as stupid as possible, and then it will be easier for her. But this is not true.

  • True femininity is wise. That is, her knowledge is of an applied nature, she not only knows what to do, how to do it, she knows how to do it. Knows what to say and how. Knows when to speak and to whom. Etc.
  • Good manners. True femininity knows how to behave in society. And this is not a mask, not a pretense. She just doesn’t ask people uncomfortable questions, she’s never vulgar, she apologizes for hurting someone.
  • Knows how to obey her husband. More precisely, first obeys the father, then the husband, then the adult son. Knows how to trust and transfer responsibility, decision-making.
  • She speaks so that it is pleasant to listen to her. With a good vocabulary. No obscene language.
  • Doesn't argue. In a dispute, truth is not born, disputes destroy relationships. And there is no point in them. None. Why waste time and effort?
  • Doesn't get smart. He does not boast of his erudition and erudition. Uses his knowledge for the intended purpose.
  • Does not open the eyes of others to the truth. Allows others to be who they are.
  • Does she study women's arts, or strives to master them. Develops as a woman, in female disciplines - beauty, home economics, creativity, family relations.
  • He studies the laws of life, seeks to understand how to live. He does not come up with the rules of the game for himself, but learns from his ancestors, studies, analyzes.
  • Never stops in its inner growth. Always striving to become even better.

4. Spiritual femininity

  • Do we understand that we are part of a whole? Or do we believe that all happiness was created by our own hands, and misfortunes fell on their own according to the law of meanness?
  • Are we grateful to the Higher Powers for everything that has already been given to us? Or are we just asking for something over and over again?
  • Do we know how to trust our destiny to the Higher powers? Do we understand that they know best what to give us and when? Or are we all the time fighting and knocking out something else for ourselves?
  • Do we know how to pray - sincerely and from the heart? Do we know how to open our heart to the Higher powers?
  • Do we know how to pray for loved ones and do we do it regularly? Do we understand that instead of worrying about someone, it is better to pray for him? And do we have the inner determination and generosity for such prayers?
  • Do we understand that people need love the most when they least deserve it? And do we know how to love in such situations? In sickness, in poverty, in sorrow, in mistakes?
  • Do we help people around us? Do we understand that God has no hands other than ours? Do we try to support and help others?
  • Are we engaged in charity - at least in some form? At least from time to time?

For me personally, there is a lot of work on this list. No end to end. Grow and grow. Grow up and mature. Open your heart, melt it, learn to give and receive love ...

I don't believe in partial femininity. It can only be whole. The one that is beyond doubt. Harmonious on all four levels. Otherwise, it's just a surrogate.

I do not believe in the femininity of girls with open bodies, which are flashy and sexy. I do not believe in femininity that takes someone else's husband out of the family.

I do not believe in femininity, which proves something to everyone and teaches something.

I do not believe in the femininity of those with whom there is no man for a long time - there is no beautiful flower that no one needs.

I do not believe in femininity, which is only for itself, when it deliberately does not have a continuation in the form of children.

I do not believe in femininity, which is killed at work for the sake of a career and money.

I do not believe in femininity, destroying her family with scandals and reproaches, betrayal and foul language.

I do not believe that femininity can be indifferent to other people's troubles or even cruel to another person or creature.

I do not believe in the femininity of the stupid and narrow-minded who do not try to learn something.

I do not believe in the femininity of those who simply waste their lives and measure everything with money and material goods.

I don’t believe in the femininity of those who have abortions.

I do not believe in the femininity of those who crush their husbands under their heels.

I do not believe that whiners, victims, complainers, infantile creatures can be feminine.

I do not believe in femininity, which proves its femininity to everyone.

I do not believe. Because true femininity is beyond doubt. Whoever looks at her and whenever it happens, the effect will be the same. It will be possible to see only a woman in her. Even if she is in a bad mood or crying. Even if she makes a mistake or is just learning to react correctly. Even if she is just beginning her journey, and it is not easy for her.

Developing simultaneously at all four levels, we come to integrity, harmony, maturity.

Now you can often hear that men are becoming softer and more vulnerable, but women, on the contrary, are decisive and tough. Women fought for equal rights for so long that they almost caught up with their opponents in everything. They have gone from being a housewife who cannot even vote to being a successful businesswoman in leadership positions. Did the beautiful ladies become happier from this? Undoubtedly! The freedom to express your personality the way you want it, this is undoubtedly a state close to happiness.

However, something was lost in the pursuit of freedom and independence. Mastering the determination and confidence, courage and assertiveness of a woman .. a little forgotten how to be women. Why is this even necessary? The ability to be feminine and gentle will never come in handy if you do not want to see a real man next to you. Have you noticed that opposites attract? In marriage, each spouse compensates for the weaknesses of his "half". Otherwise, the alliance will be doomed: imagine two "commanders" who only know how to give orders, but not obey them. Or, conversely, two "greenhouse flowers", neither of which can muster the resolve to reprimand the child.

If you want to attract a real man into your life, you have only one way out - to become a real woman yourself. Do you think it's so difficult? Not at all! After all, this is already inherent in your nature. You just need to make a few touches, refresh forgotten feelings, awaken your true self .. A few simple recommendations will help you feel like a gentle fairy, playful and sexy.

1. The first thing to change is clothes... Jeans, of course, are more comfortable, but you will have to put on dresses, skirts and sundresses. Keep in mind that this alone will immediately increase the interest of the opposite sex in your person.

2. Heels... Let them be short, but they must be present. A graceful thin heel will pierce any man's heart, like Cupid's arrow. And for special occasions - a special length.

3. Hairstyle... Of course, women with short hair can be sexy. But long hair (and especially loose hair) is a primordially feminine privilege. If you want to become a mysterious alluring nymph for a man, let your hair down and he will be submissive.

4. No dress or heels will help you if your face has expression like a stern soldier. Learn to smile seductively, open your eyes innocently, tilt your head languidly. Practice in front of a mirror when you are alone. And feel free to put this into practice.

5. Language of the body equally important. Pay attention to the posture in which you are sitting. She should be relaxed but attractive. There is no doubt that sitting with your legs crossed is harmful. But sometimes it’s just necessary. Don't forget about your gait. It should be smooth and unhurried, and the hips should wiggle slightly when walking. Slouching is prohibited!

6. Don't neglect makeup... Think for yourself which makeup looks feminine and suits your face type at the same time. In any case, he should not be bright and flashy, as well as overly sexual and aggressive. Let it be associated with the word "warm". Lines and contours should be curved and transitions should be smooth.

7. Listen to your voice... And laughter. You do not even suspect (unless, of course, you are involved in acting professionally) what palette of feelings you are able to convey with the help of your voice. You can play it by saying the same words in many different ways. Try it - it's pretty fun. And use the most gentle and sexy notes in the noble cause of seducing your beloved.

8. Enough about the external - let's move on to the internal. In order to learn to be feminine, you need accept your female role... Perhaps at work you are used to making decisions, commanding subordinates. But in a relationship with a loved one, this will not work. You have to come to terms with the fact that the leading role will belong to him. Do not rush forward, do not argue, learn to rely on the choice of a man, and not insist on your own opinion.

Still in doubt?

Are there really specialists in your school?

Unlike most training centers, all consultants and trainers in our school are certified specialists who have graduated from specialized higher educational institutions. You can familiarize yourself with the profile and certifications of each specialist in the "Our specialists" section. A prerequisite for working in our team is not only specialized education, but also practical experience in specialization, therefore, we have excluded a situation when a shoe seller advises you on the issue of sexology.

Why should I learn about sex and relationships?

Everyone knows that learning to read and write is necessary at school, and not on your own. But for some reason, most people think that they know anatomy, psychology and have the skills to communicate with the opposite sex from birth, especially in matters of sexology. But face the truth, it is unlikely that you now remember at least the basics of anatomy, as for your body, then what to say about the body and psyche of another person. The knowledge collected in our courses and webinars is an extract of practical recommendations for family and intimate life, and not idle talk about everything and nothing.

How are you different from other relationship and sex centers and courses?

The main mission of our school is to improve the quality of your family and intimate life, and not to earn money, therefore our courses contain a maximum of working tools and advice from specialists with extensive practical experience, at the lowest cost, and not talking about everything and about anything with girlfriends and other pseudo-coaches. The main difference is that you can test all the techniques and recommendations in practice immediately after studying and get feedback from your partner. It is also worth noting that we do not leave our clients to the mercy of fate and are always happy to help and answer any questions that arise on our forum. You can also consult a specialist online without leaving your home, and, of course, you can take part in our live webinars.

Are your courses self-development and spiritual growth courses?

Our school is not engaged in esotericism or pseudo-psychological practices, we are strongly against such practices! We provide only consulting services within the framework of official science and medicine in the field of sexology and interpersonal psychology. We came with a request for anorgasmia - we will help to cope with this, we are not sure of our intimate skills - we will tell and show what and how to do to improve your intimate life, experience problems in communicating with the opposite sex - we will point out the main mistakes and that's it, no one will fit into your personal life or call for something. Our task is to solve your specific request, and your religion, life views, etc. this is purely your own business.

Why do you have such low prices, do you have incomplete courses?

We know that some centers and private consultants are trying to charge up to 50 thousand rubles for their services. for a much smaller amount of materials, but, from our point of view, this is banal greed and a desire to cash in on the needs of people. Our prices are tied to the cost of consulting services in the central part of Russia, so we guarantee that with us you will receive a maximum of specific advice and techniques to solve your request, without unnecessary water and at a minimum cost throughout the entire Russian net.

Where did you get all the knowledge that you teach in the courses?

Unlike most pseudo-psychologists on the Internet, who claim that the knowledge they teach is tested on personal experience, our courses are based on the scientific base of many practicing sexologists and psychologists from Russia, Europe and America, as well as feedback from thousands of happy couples around the world. We have deliberately removed the subjective judgments of the authors from the courses, which guarantees the universality of the courses and maximum efficiency for most couples. Our certifications are presented on the page "About the school"