How to crush elastic curls on a spiral curlers - photos, reviews, video. Biguchi Magic Leverage: description, features and application

Women have an incredible burden and ability to dramatically change. Straight hair today can already be changed from cheerful curls tomorrow, and in a few days turn into soft feminine waves. Of course, the hair can not change the structure themselves, and therefore the dreamy experiments need small helpers in this difficult to create beauty. Biguchi Magic Leverage - a quick and easy way to create a volume of climbing curls on the head.

Features of the design and principle of operation

Magic Leverage. It is difficult to call classic curlers, because in understanding many of the latter are a cylindrical rigid construction, on which the hair from the roots is screwed and fastened with a rubber band or a plastic holder. Biguchi, referred to "Magic", such a basis does not have, having in your arsenal only nonwoven material and hook.

So, the curiosity of the new generation is reminiscent of the food silicone, although in reality they are made from an artificial material that differs with their ease and wicker structure. Magic curlers are kind of soft hollow tubes, twisted in the form of a spiral. The shape of the spirals will also take strands of the hair, because the future curl is placed in this tube to give shape. Squake strands in a plastic crochet billboy, creating a loop hair. This hook can be long or short depending on the length of the spiral and hair, one way or another its end should go beyond the tube.

Such curiors are called magic not just like that, because with their help their hair is not confused and not injured by an excessive stretch, as it might be with conventional species. On the contrary, B. Magic Leverage.they do not have any discomfort, freely settled in the tubes, which all the rest do not give strands to be interpreted among themselves.

It is important in the principle of curlers and the process of relieving them from the head. By pulling the tip of the tube down, the strand is gradually released and obviously stacked smoothly. The free curly does not need to be placed in the right direction, because the spiral form does not imply it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the curlers of any kind before numerous puffers and other devices that have the temperature effect are obvious - they do not disturb the structure of the hair and are not dried with direct effects of high temperatures. However, magical hair curlers are also soft, which is especially good for ladies, preferring to leave strands to root at night with a natural way without using a hair dryer. Flexible and soft spirals quickly adapt to the shape of the head, not forcing owners to look for a comfortable position for sleep.

In addition, it is worth noting which curls are obtained using Magic Leverage.. First of all, their fragmentation in the curling process allows you to get perfectly smooth on the surface of the curls. With further laying, they can be left unchanged, and you can connect by creating more lush hairstyle. Locks do not have the chances, as from the curl, creating an incredibly natural and attractive image.

It is impossible not to say about the pluses of the polymer material. It breathes and passes air, which means that moisturized hair can quickly dry even without using a hair dryer. And the more material is durable and, unlike standard curiors, it cannot come into disrepair and gum, because they do not exist in this model. Artificial raw materials do not give strands to fall out of the curlers, completely excluding slipping during the curling process.

Women all around the world love these synthetic spirals for the riot of paints and an attractive appearance of the head even at the moment of curling.

Still, despite all the advantages, there is Magic Leverage. Your shortcomings. So, in most packages there is an insufficient number of spirals capable of covered with curls the entire perimeter of the head, and therefore wanting to get a good result, you will have to get two or more packaging.

Some claims and the length of the helix are expressed. As a rule, the standard set includes curlers equal to a decomposed form 25 cm, which coincides with the length of the hair to the shoulders. Find the most long, capable of covering hair length to the waist or curlers curlers incredibly difficult and is possible only on some websites online stores.

Main varieties

Wanting to buy magic curlers, you should not run to the nearest shop. It is in retail that fakes can be cracked, and therefore it is important to study the types and sizes of this Magic Leverage.offered on the official website of the manufacturer.

Types of packaging Magic Leverage.:

  1. small 18 pieces;
  2. standard 18 pieces;
  3. the average 18 pieces of 25 cm in size;
  4. round 18 pieces;
  5. standard 26 pieces;
  6. average 35 cm;
  7. round elongated;
  8. average 44 cm;
  9. average 48 cm;
  10. super long 62 cm;
  11. wide average 44 cm;
  12. wide long 54 cm;
  13. superwatch 40 cm;
  14. wave 30 cm;
  15. wave 50 cm;
  16. superppermaster 48 cm.

Obviously, the diversity of subspecies here can be envied. In the assortment of the supplier there are bills for each hair length, and therefore the meaning of the search for other products from the dubious supplier does not exist.

So, each of the above subspecies differs not only by the length of the helix, but also the size of the curl and width. For example, the first species represents the shortest spirals. Their length is only 14-15 cm, and the amount in the package is 18 pieces. For thick curls, the supplier advises to buy two sets of small curlers, because the diameter of the curl and the width of the curl is 2 cm.

  • Standard spiral bills There are a set of spirals of 15 and 25 cm in an amount of 18 or 26 pieces. Such sets are perfectly suitable for hairparts of various lengths, and therefore are particularly popular.

  • If the length of the hair is equal to the entire perimeter of the head and curls reach shoulders or blades, suppliers recommend paying attention to middle ribbons . This set includes 18 pieces of spirals with a possible length from 25 to 48 cm.
  • Round bills and round elongated Create a classic form of elastic curls and waves. In the set you can see the size 14 and 24 cm, as well as 16 and 29 cm.

  • The longest spirals Biguchi 62 cm longs with a 2-cm diameter 2 cm. The hook for this category has three composite blocks, which makes the process of winding long hair more convenient.

  • Wide bills - Another kind of variety in the company's assortment. The width of the curl is ranged here from 2.2 to 3.7 cm. Such large dimensions make it possible to create a magnificity of the lap without precise drawing of the curls. Soft wavy curls without spirals easily succeed. Thank you curvature waves suitable for hair length 30-50 cm.

How to use?

Despite numerous reviews about the simplicity and elementality of the curling procedure by magical hair curlers, to use them personally in fact it turns out more difficult, and therefore some skill is required.

So, before you start twist, the hair needs to be washed. Light clean hair will be great to keep curls. The manufacturers of some curlers recommend winding wet curls, and then thoroughly dry the hair dryer. Such a root incorrect approach will make the procedure for creating curls as painful and, most likely, the first and last.

Wet hair will be stuck in the spirals still at the very base, without giving stretching strands with crochet. Therefore, drying the curls with a hairdryer is important before curling, leaving them wet only a third.

When the hair was dried to the desired level, you can begin the curler action itself. However, at this step for greater effect, experts advise to apply styling, such as light foam or spray. A small amount of foam is extruded on a massage brush, after which it is thoroughly distributed over all hair. So the high strength of the future hairstyles is achieved.

The next step is to thorough hair combing and the distribution of them on strands. Starting twigs here should be with a nape, for convenience, pre-assess the remaining strands into the bundle. And so, when everything is ready, you need to choose a hook of the required length and introduce it into the spiral.

Algorithm of the curling:

  • hook a crochet strand of the desired thickness depending on the view of the curlers;
  • place the silicone ring on the spiral, giving it an oval shape;
  • carefully pull the hook down into the spiral, fascinating a strand;
  • finally remove the hook from the helix;
  • repeat all the steps with the remaining strands.

After removing the hook, the spiral elongated in the tape again acquires its original swirling appearance.

When all the strands were closed in bright spirals, the drying process starts. And here you can go in two ways. In the first, faster version, the hair is dried with a hairdryer, in the second - dried naturally, most often leaving for the night. For light waves, 20 minutes of staying dry hair in curlers are enough for more elastic spirals - about an hour.

Remove Magic Leverage.Just pulling the tip of the spiral. Elastic curls can not be combed and gently put into intricate hairstyle with curls, but you can use the comb and create soft lush waves. To secure the effect for thick and heavy hair, hairdressers recommend using medium fixation hair polish. Such a hairstyle created for all rules will delight its owner from morning to evening, without losing his charm and having harmed hair.

About how to make beautiful curls, see the next video.

How to distinguish from fake?

Magic Leverage. - Popular product, and therefore the tremendous number of sellers dream to create its cheap copy and give the prototype for the original. To avoid this will help buying a curlers on the official website, where the cost of the kit is not lower than 600 rubles. The kit at the same time consists of at least 18 multicolored spirals designed for grabbing all hair.

If there is no possibility of ordering on official sites, you can try to purchase goods and retail points, but only after a careful preliminary inspection. So, the "magic" originals and fakes have silicone tips holding curlers in a fixed state on her hair. It is worth noting that the copies are most often performed inactively, the tips are not closed, they have uneven edges and burrs. In the originals, Silicone is tightly pressed to each other, which makes operation Magic Leverage. Long, happy and painless.

Hello, beautiful girls!
Today I want to show you curlers who have become a real find for me, I really love curls, and with the onset of warm sunny days, and I want to release the hair out in all its glory. I invite everyone under the cat
The "Magic Lock" set includes 10 pieces of curlers and one hook. The length of the curiosity is 20 cm, in the promoted form - 45 cm, the diameter is 2 cm. I will immediately say that for my volume of the hair of one packaging is not enough, you need to buy two sets at once. As for the length of the curlers, if you wind them off the roots, then they are short, but if you turn them down below 15-20 cm, then it is quite normal.

Very modest information about the manufacturer and curlers, as they were sold without packaging, were simply in a transparent package

Spiral shape curiosity, made of durable plastic grid. At both ends there are silicone strips that help them fix on her hair. Biguches are divided into colors to make it easier to navigate, as they have different directions of the spiral. Locks can be created either towards the face, or vice versa on behalf. I always confuse which of them where, so I always have different curls .

A hook is attached to the curle, with which the whole process occurs. I read in many reviews that the curves cling to everything are coming for that only possible. My hook is made quite well, smooth and smooth. It consists of three sections, in the team form of its length is 53 cm.

Having tried the injected these "miracle" curiosity, I was very upset, but then I realized that everything did not correctly. Namely, I tried to shove into this spiral a very thick strand, she stuck in the middle of the curlers, partially knocked out of the hook, it was impossible for me to hurt, I thought it was now all my hair to weder .
Then I began to try to take a strand smaller and everything turned out. Over time, the curling process has become very simple and fast, about 10 minutes, and the main thing is painless for hair. Handing usually on slightly wet hair, for each strand distributing a little stamping hair foam.
We now turn to business. To start, "wear" hair curlers on the hook

Then we take a small strand of the hair, do it on the hook, the main thing is that the strand partially did not get out of the hook head, and it will be very painful
Further just drag the hook down and ready
I always put the curlers only for the night, otherwise I don't hold curls at all. I tried to put them for two or three hours in the afternoon, while dried by a hairdryer, the curls were enough for 30 minutes, then the hair became absolutely straight, as if they did not curl them. Therefore, if you curl, then only for the night. Sleeping on them is not so hurt, I used to sleep on much more hard curlers. But I think because I put them not from the roots, but slightly lower, so they do not flow into the head and do not interfere. Early shooting "Magic Lokon" need carefully, in no case to be painted with hair . It is necessary to straighten the spiral, click on the very silicone strips, located at both ends of the curlers, that is, to round them and the curl is easily removed from the stocking at the same time nothing domates. In general, with proper use of similar curlers, hair is not injured, in any case, no more than using ordinary hair curlers.

Source material: I have absolutely straight hair, long, not painted, coulver is bad.

Only removed billwords

Locks did not comb just shared with his fingers

Such a laying is holding me all day (the exception, if the street is very wet weather), light waves remain on the second day from the curls, which are also very interesting to look.

Outcome: These curlers were very convenient for me and easy to use. In addition, they give wonderful elastic curls. The laying is obtained with them no worse than in the cabin, only in the cabin, such curls create with hot tongs, which still harms hair, despite the fact that it is used in front of it. In the future, I would like to buy curlers slightly longer and larger in diameter. In general, excellent bills

Price: About 400 rubles
Evaluation: 5

Have a nice day and excellent mood
Thanks for attention!

/ 21.12.2017

Curly spiral with crochet how to use. What are the Magic Leverage curlers? To whom the curling vertical diplotkov is suitable.

Curl Spirals is a way of vertical hair curling. Unlike horizontal, such a curling creates small, but smooth curls, which can not always be achieved with the help of conventional curlers. Therefore, it can be assumed that the curl curls are suitable first of all to those women who have never tried to create a hairstyle from the curls on their own, and at the same time fear to spoil their appearance, at least before the next head washing.

Curl curvage curlers can be made from different materials, from which they are separated on soft and solid. The hair curling method is very dependent on this factor: so if there are screwdout on solid curlers, then using soft, just need to be able to separate evenly strands and gently use the crochet, while having trained their hair and pulling them into a special twisted case. Let's focus more on what the difference is and how to use them.

Biguchi spiral soft

Such curiors are also called magic spirals: they allow, making a minimum of effort, to get the so-called American letters having an average thickness. These bills are called Magic Leverag, and sold, often with an additional set of different sizes of spirals. The kit comes the hook consisting of two parts that are easy to connect, as well as the curios themselves, in fact, which are small covers, narrowed in the ends and spirals.

And in fact, not in vain, these bills are called magic, because The effect that turns out is incomparable with the efforts that you want to attach: if you make a hairstyle neatly, it is unlikely that someone can suspect that this beauty is created using several movements of the hand without the help of a professional.

Solid spiral bills

Solid spiral curlers can be wooden, plastic and metal. It is more difficult to handle with them than with soft - here the price of beautiful curls is measured by experience and skill.

Solid spiral curlers look in the form of a tube with spiral cutters and a retainer - a rubber band or a metal bar. Their basic disadvantage is that it is not easy to sculpt the hair with wooden or metal spirals when they take strands on the back of the head.

However, if you learn how to make a twist with such curlers, then as a result you can get beautifully elegantly decorated strands and curls.

How to use spiral curlers?

Depending on the material from which the curlers are made, there are two curved techniques: it is easier to curl the hair soft, and if there is a helper - hard.

How to wind solid spiral curlers?

First you need to divide the hair on the strand of the middle thickness, and fix each of them so that the hair is not confused. Then one spiral is taken, it is taken to the bottom of the hair growth, and then the strand is screwed down the spiral so that the next one is overlayed at half the previous one. After that, the hair curlers fix.

In order to get clearly defined strands, before winding, moisten their hair gel or spray.

Spiral curlers need to be worn at least 3 hours: the longer and heavier hair, the longer.

So, how to use such products (curling technique is presented in the video below) We will also tell me further.

  1. Wash and disperse the hair.
  2. Treat hair with a special gel or mousse for laying.
  3. Divide the hair into several sections.
  4. From the occipital region, allocate one strand, no more than 1 cm wide.
  5. Curtain a special hook through the tape (as shown in the photo).
  6. Hook a crochet to strand at the base and thread her through the tape (work with a crochet and ribbon, look at the video).
  7. Fix the terminal tip clip.
  8. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the strands. Remember that after the occipital zone, side curls should be curl, and then the hair on the painter.
  9. Dry hair with a hairdryer.
  10. In order to remove the curiosity, quite carefully pull the tape.
  11. Fix the hairstyle with varnish.

There are plenty of methods and tools to create curls. One of the Magic Leverage hair curves. We will tell you what these wonderful spirals won the recognition of beauties, how to use them correctly, what kind of varieties are and where to buy original magic hair curlers Magic Leverage.

What are the Magic Leverage curlers?

What are the girls' requirements to make tools for creating curls? First of all, they must provide a worthy result: natural curls without chances. It is important that the hair suffered the minimum at the cheating, and a little bit of the time on the process of creating curls. And of course, the laying should hold out as long as possible. All these criteria correspond to bills Magic Leverage and numerous positive reviews of beauties confirm.

These wonderful spirals of bright colors are made of thin silicone, they are hollow inside. In the kit, except for curlers enters a special magic hook, with which you need to pick up and reflamp. The manufacturer offers girls different in diameter, length and twist. Depending on how long your hair and which curls you want to get, you can choose wide or thin, long or short spirals, rollers or curlers waves.

What is Magic Leverage magic in curlers?

What are so good these bills and what do they differ from their "fellow"? We studied the reviews of the experienced and in a hurry to allocate the advantages of this new HAIR-industry:

  • Biguchi Magic Leverg is easy to use alone. Trustee, you can quickly turn the entire lap in minutes.
  • When cheating, the hair is injured minimally, as you do not have to clamp them with special locks, as it happens with ordinary hair curlers, what can we talk about the destructive effects of staplers.
  • In contrast to billion-boomerangs, Magic Leverg is securely fixed, do not spin and crawl off strands.
  • Wonderful spirals do not leave the chances on her hair, as it happens with a foam rubber alternative.
  • Spectacular curls will delight you all day without applying additional styling agents.

Special attention deserves the quality of materials from which the goods are made. But it is only about original spirals. For fakes, this device divorced abuse, we will tell about it a little later.

Disadvantages of Madzhik Leverg

The fact that Madzhik Leverg absolutely does not injury the hair cannot be said: it's impossible to make hair through a narrow tube on a special crochet, stretching them into a slightly wet state, still strands are exposed to a certain negative effect. This is especially true of the first test cheating. But in comparison with alternative ways and tools, Magic Leverg-certain challenge leaders. Another small minus can be considered that sleeping with them will be quite uncomfortable, as the spirals are in a free-suspended state.

How to use Magic Leverage

The instruction of creating ideal curls with the help of a miracle spiral is simple, holding this set in the hands, you will probably and yourself guess what. But for funny confidence, step-by-step instruction, how to use Magic Leverage hair curlers for you:

  1. The manufacturer recommends winding the hair with 70%. Sweep strands after washing with a towel to the state "for another 15 minutes and you can leave the house."
  2. If you want to extend the life of your styling, apply foam or mousse into a slightly wet hair, distribute the tool along the entire length.
  3. Take a miracle hook, grind it to the spiral. Pay attention to the way curls are spinning. So that the curls are the same, the spirals must "look" in one direction.
  4. Separate a strand. Pick up a crochet strand at the base and thread in the curlers.
  5. Screw the whole champper and wait a couple of hours while the hair is completely dried.
  6. Remove the curiosity, gently pulling them down.

Locks are slightly separated by fingers and fix the result with varnish. Laying looks like you just left the cabin.

Where to buy Magic Leverage?

You can buy original Magic Leverage on the manufacturer's official website. The cost of a set with a minimum number of short spirals is about 400 rubles. Biguchi to create large-class premium will cost you at 1200 rubles, and the price of a standard set for the average hair length is about 700 rubles.

Alternative to Magic Leverage.

Under an alternative, we mean cheap analogues of the wonder-spiral. You can buy them in such popular Chinese online stores like Ebay and Aliexpress. The cost of a set of Chinese production is about 150 rubles. Chinese curlers provide the same magic effect as the original Magic Leverage, which is confirmed by feedback. But the quality of execution naturally corresponds to the price. The variety of widths, length and type of spinning an alternative from China has no, in the set includes 18 medium length and wand-hook.

How to distinguish fake

In addition to the official site, Magic Leverage is sold on many Russian sites, the cost is different everywhere. Most often it is a product with Aliexpress, but sell it under the guise of original Magic Leverg. In order not to overpay for low quality goods, pay attention to the features of the original Magic Leverage:

  • Original packaging to choose from: box, cosmetics or zip bag.
  • In the photo of the original spirals it can be seen that their edges are smooth, and the texture of the material is homogeneous.
  • All spirals are neatly twisted, and the hook is made of blue or pink plastic.

Holding a low quality product in your hands, you will see roughness and irregularities, feel a sharp smell.

Video: How to use Magic Leverage

All curiors are divided into 2 large groups.

Horizontal (or round)

Most hair curlers that we all tried in our lives belong to this group. These are any:

  • thermo curlers;
  • mesh;
  • aluminum curlers;
  • foam;
  • papillary;
  • biguchi Velcro;
  • boomerangs and many others.

If you have once tried to curl hair on rags, socks, laces, napkins, paper, on a spider-twist, bandage for hair and other households, then you did a round (horizontal) twigs - this is a jural of the tip to the roots. After removing the curlers, the curl usually wool well at the bottom and almost wool up.

Vertical (or spiral)

This group gives a spectacular spiral twist. The curl in this case currens along the entire length: from the roots to the tips.

There is not so many spiral curlers:

  • Locks are spliting sticks made of foam rubber who do not harm hair and scalp;

  • biguchi Magic Leverag (Madzhik Leveridge) are spiral-shaped covers in which you need to sell strand of hair using a special long hook;

  • the curls of the Soviet sample are made of plastic and have a hook for fastening hair curlers in hair roots;

  • biguchi spirals made of wood produced without a hook, these are long sticks with spiral carvings;

  • Some variations of plastic curlers with spiral notches of Chinese manufacturers.

For most spiral curlers, it is characteristic that you cannot choose the thickness of the strands, and only enough strands are forced to wind. Therefore, there are often not luxurious large curls-helix, but small afro-curri or puppet boule.

The unconditional dignity of all these curlers is the curvage of the entire length from the roots to the tips.

But elms have additional benefits:

  • You can vary the thickness of the strands, for example, one time you can turn off only 7 bills, dividing a lot of hair to large strands, as a result you will get soft spiral waves over the entire length.

Another time to make a strand of persecute, using 15-20 pieces, and get tight Hollywood curls.

You can create a completely lush puppet-naughty twist, screwing small strands.

  • They are very comfortable to sleep. For this purpose, everything is thought out: and male curlers, and soft rubber, and the strength of fastening elbows on the head so that even in a restless dream you have not lost the curlers. They create a soft pillow around your head and you sleep comfortably and completely painless. If you tried to sleep on any other curlers, then you know exactly what we are talking about.

  • They can be changed in them, doing homework - Locks are so firmly held that it makes no sense to fear.
  • Compared to other hair curlers that you reach the day, or by any curios and iron, Loksi really save your time. In the evening you spend a little more time than to calculate the hair, and in the morning a few minutes on their removal. This means that you can sleep longer, especially since sleeping on them is comfortable.

  • These curlers have a magic feature to quickly restore their shape, so during sleeping curl is not crushed, but remains round.
  • Locks are available in 2 sizes so that lover of classic or luxurious large curls can create them at any time.

  • They are very lung. If you ever screwed old curl curls, you know how much they pull hair under their weight. A pack of 10 locations weighs about 30 g, this weight your hair will not feel at all.

Well, how are other soft curiors? After all, you can also sleep?

Many billion manufacturers say that they can sleep on their curlers. We advise when buying these curves to take into account 2 factors:

  • How soft are these models? Just take it, there are no sharp corners, hard details, burr, who will pull the hair and injure the skin of the head.
  • How firmly they hold strand, is there a reliable fastening? If you screwed these curlers and pulled out, drivers, have lost them, will they remain so firmly fixed?

If both factors coincide, then you are waiting for a truly comfortable sleep and the predicted result is a gorgeous curler of your hair from the roots to the most tips!

Curls "Magic Locks" Magic Leverage - Useful invention for girls with straight hair. These interesting devices are made in the form of spiral tubes made of soft material - elastic nylon fiber. Their surface looks like a dense mesh that does not prevent air passage. She perfectly holds the shape and creates an impeccable curl, allowing him to dry quickly. At the ends there are strong silicone tips, reliably and carefully fixing strands.

Suitable for self-use and allow you to make impeccable laying with minimal time and strength costs. They successfully curl hard, and naughty hair, and strands of different lengths with a cascading haircut. Such hairdressers can wear overnight and allow you to create various locations options - from small curls to large waves or an additional volume effect.

Biguchie spirals are simple and easy to use. They allow you to create elastic curls of the natural species, a strand of strands to an elastic tube using a special hook. After that, the tube smoothly twists and takes the shape of the helix, and the hair turns into beautiful curls. Step-by-step instructions on the use of aigious spiral-spirals Magic Leveridge is shown below.

How to use flexible curiosity Magic Leverage⬆

To get elastic and well-screwed curls with a spiral of Madzhik Leverge, you need:

Advantages and disadvantages of tape curlers Madzhik leverage

These wonder-bills combine a lot of advantages. They are convenient for use and do not harm hair - unlike the thermal vehicles and hot flocks, which damage the structure of hairs. The use of soft curlers is a careful and effective curling method, allowing you to get the perfect laying without much effort and sleepless nights.

Among other advantages of the girl celebrate:

Among the disadvantages of flexible spirax-curlers, Migik, the buyer's leverage note the insufficient strength of the supplied hook. If you attach a lot of effort, the hook breaks, especially the girls with thick hair trying to push a wide strand into the tube. To solve this problem, you can use a hairpin or make a hook from a thin stem of an artificial flower. To do this, it is necessary to heat the edge of the stem and carefully tie it with the tape. Also, with a greater volume of hair, the time of their drying can significantly delay. To speed up this process, you will have to use a hairdryer.

We choose the suitable curlers Magic Leverage⬆

Such curves are shipped in various sets, most often - 18 or 20 multi-colored spirals. Depending on the length of the hair, you can choose products of suitable size:

  • for short hair - any length of flexible curvature ribbons is suitable, from 15 to 55 cm, but it is more convenient to use shorter models;
  • for moderate length - buy curls-spirals 30-55 cm long;
  • for long hair - products 45-58 cm products are intended.

There are such curlers and the diameter of the tubular tubing. For a larger curl, models with a diameter of 3 cm are recommended, for small - 2 cm, and for creating soft curls and the effect of volumetric hairstyles, the wider spirals are intended - with a diameter of 4-5 cm.

Tips for the use of flexible spirals -igious

To get luxurious curls from the first time, consider the following tips:

  • before using the magic Bigudes of Magic LEverage, you need to dry your hair - they should not be wet, but slightly wet, otherwise they will dry them problematic;
  • thin and naughty hair predetermine the mousse or other soft styling agent;
  • you do not need to wind the hair on the ribbons - to form the curls, the hook-running hook is used, with which separated spars are tested inside the helix tubes;
  • for hard hair, it is recommended to use the "Japanese" species of curlers;
  • for long and thick hair, buy several sets to get about 48 bills;
  • correctly pick up the pipes, depending on the length of the strand;
  • do not pushed too thick strands through the tubes;
  • when having hair twigs along the entire length, patch off the distorted crochet strands closer to the roar zone;
  • keep spiral ribbons on your hair for at least 20 minutes - to completely drying strands.

We bring to your attention another interesting article - about

Girls with straight hair are often wondering how to use Magic Leverage Bigudes. They have become so popular lately that every second woman wants to buy them. What's the secret? In a good advertising company, or really the product deserves due attention? Judging by the reviews of girls, hair curlers are able to create elastic curls that look natural and naturally. But what is their secret? Perhaps, the whole thing in Silicone, which smoothly envelopes curls, is well fixed, giving the desired shape.

How to use Magic Leverage Bigudes - a question that does not give rest to many girls. It looks like ordinary long capsules, which are still chaotic. How to start a curl there? At first glance it seems that this is a complex occupation. In fact, the process is quite simple, takes no more than 5 seconds. All nuances and differences from other models of bills, let's talk in the article.

Correctly fix the bills

With Magic Leverage, you can get beautiful curls in just 20 minutes. At the same time they will be elastic and well twisted. It is easy enough to make them, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Wash the hair with shampoo. This is one of the main steps if the curls are dirty and greasy, there will be no effect. Hair cells will not be able to adopt the desired shape;
  • Sew the curls with a hairdryer should not be, they should be a little wet. Many girls complain that strands are poorly placed in curlers, perhaps the thing is that the hair was too wet;
  • If the hair is hardly held by the form, it is better to apply funds to secure (do not choose a foam and gels with strong fixation, in this case the curls will look unfulstly);
  • Do curly by the rules. Start from locks on the top and gradually go to the back of the head, sides, finally leave a bang;
  • Separate the combine strand. Its width depends on what curl you want to get. If you need a large curvage, separate a strand, a width of at least 5 cm;
  • Next, we take a special hook, which is included in the set, insert it into the tape;
  • Neatly cling to them strand and spend it through the capsule;
  • We release curiosity and they themselves twist in the spiral.
Hairdressers advise to promote the spiral, as close as possible to the roots, so that the hairstyle looks more natural.

Why Magic Leverage?

The cost of similar bills from 700 to 2500 rubles. It all depends on the number of pieces in packaging and size. Agree, the price is not small. Many people have a question, what is their advantage over ordinary thermal vehicles?

  • They do not spoil the hair structure. You can forget about the split tips. Even with constant use there is no risk to face a similar problem;
  • Due to the fact that the manufacturer uses a polymer that can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° C, you can dry the curls with a hairdryer;
  • Thanks to the large size of the sizes, you can use for both short and long hair;
  • Locks can be made in less than 20 minutes;
  • Curls are obtained without chances, lungs and natural;
  • The process of cheating takes no more than 10 minutes. There are no difficulties and obstacles;
  • The polymer is very soft, the hair curlers do not squeeze the head, it is convenient to sleep with them;
  • Occupy little storage space.
After the Magic Leverage curlers appeared on sale, many girls gladly make light curls.

About shortcomings

Magic hair curlers have become so popular lately that many girls want to acquire them. There was a conversation above positive moments, and is there a negative sides? As manufacturers assure, they are not, but judging by the reviews, some shortcomings are still available.

First, the quality of the hook that comes in the kit. Many ladies noted that he often breaks. Buy the spare is not possible, since it is not sold separately. Especially this problem concerns those girls who are the owners of a thick chapels. In this case, experts recommend using a conventional hairpin.

Secondly, curiors are not sold in every store. As a rule, they can be purchased through the Internet. You need to do this through the official website, not trusting the intermediaries. Only in this case you can get a quality product.

Thirdly, curls will dry in curlers for a very long time. On this can leave the whole day. To correct the situation, hairdressers advise to use a hairdryer.

As we see, there are very few flaws, and the plus a huge amount. This suggests that the goods really deserves attention. After all, thanks to the raised hair, you can create many hairstyles, ranging from everyday and ending with evening. At the same time, you can be sure that the curls will not break.

Correctly select bills

When choosing, you must pay attention to the length and thickness of the hair. Manufacturers took into account these factors and developed a product that is suitable for every girl. So, the range is represented by the following types of bills:

  • Depending on the length of the chapels. The polymer ribbon is offered from 15 to 75 cm. Suitable for both girls with kara and those who have hair lower shoulders;
  • Big width. Want to have small curls that resemble curls after a chemical curling? Take the tape no more than 2 cm in diameter. Average - 2.5 - 4 cm. It is possible to make a wave, which is so popular in Hollywood. For these purposes, buy a hair curlers with a diameter of 5 cm.
Magic hair curlers are sold in sets. Standard - 18 pieces. But for those who want to add a few hair curlers to their set, you can choose a mini set by 6 pieces. But the owners of long and thick hair will suit the set on 48 bills.

Perhaps every girl with straight hair at least once in life dreamed of being curls and curls. They add a kind of highlight and charm. But, as you know, the curls very spoil curls. Termobugi lead to the split tips, and it is not very convenient to sleep with them. And it is not worth talking at all. Hair after it will have to restore it for a very long time.

Recently, magic curlers have become popular. They are made of special, soft material, create beautiful curls that hold long and look natural. For many girls, the question is relevant how to use Magic Leverage bigwoods? At first glance it seems that this is a difficult process. But in fact, everything is very simple and easy. Enough to go to a special hook a small strand of hair and let go of hair curlers. They will instantly twist. In order to speed up the drying process, you can use the hairdryer. The girls who applied similar curiors remained in complete delight.