Calories for pregnant women per day. The correct dosage of food: how much to eat for pregnant women

The nutrition of pregnant women has always been the subject of close attention - especially when it comes to those women who are naturally inclined to be overweight, or those who need to go to work and be in shape as soon as possible after giving birth. The nutrition of a pregnant woman largely determines her final weight for childbirth and further weight loss. But of course, nutrition is not the only determinant of total body weight. During pregnancy, nutrition is of paramount importance to the health of the mother and the fetus, as well as to well-being. The taste preferences of pregnant women can change to quite exotic (like herring with jam), but, usually, in this way, the body clearly hints that its needs are changing.

During pregnancy, the question always arises - "Do not I eat a lot, maybe I need a special diet?" day and one serving? These questions are especially important if the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be limited due to a large fetus, health and metabolism. Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

Nutritional Basis

During pregnancy, it is important not to go to extremes, since according to statistics, about a quarter of women obviously eat much more than the norm (you need to eat "for two"), while some others are on a diet so as not to add extra pounds and not "feed the child." Plus, the overwhelming majority of pregnant women have a reduced motor regime, as they lie at home on the couch or in the hospital, do not work, and as a result, they also have a reduced calorie consumption. Therefore, in order to roughly know how many calories to consume, and so that weight gain is within physiological norms, you need to roughly imagine how much, what and how the expectant mother should eat.

To roughly calculate the calorie content of the diet of pregnant women, you must first of all determine the initial weight, as well as calculate the BMI (body mass index). To do this, you take your original weight before pregnancy in kilograms, and divide it by a special number obtained by squaring your height in meters.

BMI = weight in kg / height in m2.

If your BMI is below normal values, then it is permissible for you to gain about 12-15 kg (and even more) during pregnancy and the calorie content of your diet will average about 2600-2800 kcal.
If your BMI is within the normal range, you can gain 9-12 kg of weight during pregnancy, and the calorie content of your diet should be 2400-2600 kcal,
If the BMI is above normal or goes into the obesity zone, you cannot gain more than 7-8 kg, this will be exactly the weight of the baby, amniotic fluid, uterus and placenta, that is, you should not gain a single kilogram for your own fat reserves. At the same time, the calorie content of the diet should be reduced to 2200-2400 kcal and even less, if there is obesity, these calories will cover the needs of the child and the body in order to bear the baby, but there will be no more calories for the formation of fat.

It's important to know!

Caloric intake is a fairly important component of the diet, but it is not the only one. The calories that are so necessary every day can be gained with any product, even one single one, simply by calculating the number of calories in 100 grams and eating the amount of the product required to the daily norms. But such food cannot be called correct and useful. Therefore, the daily caloric content of products must be formed from a variety of food products necessary for the correct metabolism.

Required daily calorie foods

Complex carbohydrates are included in the group of products necessary in the diet of a pregnant woman - these are not sugar and sweets, but complex, starchy substances - cereals, durum wheat pasta, porridge, cereal desserts. Their diet should be about half of the total calorie content. Complex carbohydrates are broken down slowly, distributing carbohydrates evenly between meals. This does not give sharp spikes in glucose, bouts of hunger and feeling unwell. In addition, they do not provide extra calories in the waist, sides and hips, as is the case with the consumption of sugar. On average, the amount of carbohydrates with a normal BMI is about 400 g, thin women can be thrown in the diet of 50-100 g on top, but for donuts, on the contrary, remove the same amount from the diet.

The second half of the caloric content of the diet should be divided approximately equally by proteins and fats. Regardless of BMI per day, you need an average of at least 110-120 g of protein and about 70-80 g of fat. It is a mistake to believe that with a large weight it is necessary to completely exclude any fats from the diet, this will not help to reduce weight, but the metabolism will disrupt. The fact is that fats play an important role in the exchange of hormones, especially sex hormones (estrogens, androgens) and they are required in the diet. In addition, they are practically not spent on nutritional function, and compared to carbohydrates, they give few calories, most of the excess weight comes during pregnancy due to sweets and carbohydrate foods, and not fats at all. Therefore, a bun with butter, salad with vegetable oil or other fatty foods in the diet are perfectly acceptable, but you need to know when to stop.

Low-calorie, but important!

It would be wrong to ignore minerals and vitamins when it comes to nutrition for pregnant women. Yes, they do not provide calories, but they perform another important function - they regulate metabolism, making the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates correct and complete. Without these substances, even with a high-calorie diet, the health of the pregnant woman and the normal development of the fetus are impossible. Therefore, the diet of pregnant women is enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits, juices, desserts, and if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, they are added in the form of preparations.

Hidden, "empty" calories

The problem with excess weight is that we consume a lot of excess calories that are not visible to the “naked” eye. They are hiding:
- in semi-finished meat products, since cheaper lard is added to meat products to reduce the cost,
- in store-bought box juices and nectars, since sugar is an excellent preservative,
- in soda, a lot of sugar is added there,
- in tea and coffee, as usually everyone forgets to count 1-2 tablespoons of sugar in them,
- homemade canned food, pickles and marinades, where sugar is also added for preservation,
- mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces. They are also usually forgotten to count, and adding one or two tablespoons of sauce to a salad increases the calorie content by almost half.

The category of unhealthy calories also includes all foods in the "fast food" group. Due to the addition of spices, flavor enhancers and additives to it, it strongly irritates the taste buds and digestive juices, forcing us to eat 25-40% more than is necessary for full saturation. These calories are not good for the pregnant woman and her baby. Therefore, during pregnancy, you need to monitor your diet so that it is complete, while not satiated with empty calories - you need to replace semi-finished products with full-fledged meat, fast foods with salads and side dishes.

Tasty and nutritious

To avoid an excess of calories in your diet, make it a rule to do so that your daily diet contains about 400-500 g of vegetables and fruits, as well as about 200-300 g of dairy products. This is a significant amount of food, therefore, adding the remaining components to it in a large volume will not work.

Vegetables and fruits, with the exception of potatoes and bananas, are low in calories, and you can eat enough of them. By filling the stomach, they will saturate well, but these foods will not give extra calories. In addition, they provide a fairly large percentage of the vitamins and minerals you need. Your daily menu should definitely include a vegetable dish (or preferably two) or salad and fruit.

The principle of drawing up an exemplary rational menu

If we take four meals a day as a basis, then in the morning and in the afternoon, a sufficiently dense diet in terms of calorie content is permissible, all morning calories are spent on the body's expenses. Therefore, all carbohydrate food and some of the "heavy" meat proteins are best taken in the first half of the day - for breakfast and lunch. But milk proteins and a variety of fruits and vegetables should fill your diet from afternoon tea to dinner.

The menu will look like this:

Breakfast and lunch (examples to choose from from the list of dishes):
- porridge, muesli, sandwiches with cheese, ham or sausage, pies, buns, any other carbohydrate products.
- protein dishes - omelets, cutlet, fish, meat stew,
- vegetable dishes with potatoes - stew,
- for lunch, be sure to have the first dish in the form of soup or puree soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot, etc.

Afternoon snack and dinner:
- vegetable salads, stews, vegetable dishes, fruit salads, desserts, casseroles,
- milk, dairy dishes, fermented milk products, dishes from low-fat cottage cheese,
- non-nutritious cookies, marshmallows in limited quantities.
- egg dishes, if they were not available for breakfast and lunch,
- fish dishes, if they were not available for breakfast and lunch.

You can compose for yourself other options for meals and meals, the main thing is to follow the general principle of calorie content and monitor weight gain.

Energy balance is a balance between the energy received from food and its costs for all types of physical activity, for maintaining basic metabolism, growth, development and additional costs in women during pregnancy.

If a woman consumes as many calories during pregnancy as she needs, then taking into account the pregnancy factor by the end of gestation, there should be 12-15 kg (for women who had a normal body mass index before pregnancy).

An increase in body weight during pregnancy of less than 6-7 kg is tantamount to its loss and adversely affects the health of both the mother and the fetus. And if the body weight of the expectant mother increases by more than 16 kg and this is not due to physiological reasons (multiple pregnancy, large fetus), then the reason may be associated with obesity (with an excess of calories in the diet) or fluid retention in the body (polyhydramnios, edema).

  • energy consumption of the basic metabolism (energy that supports the body's metabolism and the activity of all organs and systems, it depends on age, height and body weight);
  • energy consumption for physical activity (depends on the nature of work, sports, etc.);
  • energy expenditure for digesting food (the so-called food thermogenesis);
  • energy consumption for the growth and formation of tissues in a child (the larger the fetus, the more energy is spent);
  • additional energy consumption for the development of pregnancy (during pregnancy, the presence of pathologies, etc.).

What nutrients and foods give the body energy?

The amount of energy released during the assimilation of a particular food product is called energy value, or calorie content.

Calories in Pregnancy: Protein

When 1 g of protein is oxidized in the body, 4 kcal are formed. The amount of protein should be 12-14% of the total calorie content of the daily menu.

Recommended foods are protein sources. Sources of protein containing a full set of essential amino acids in an amount sufficient for the needs of a pregnant woman and fetus are animal products (milk, dairy products, eggs, meat and meat products, fish, seafood). Proteins of animal origin are assimilated by the body by 93–96%. Protein from plant products is absorbed by the body by 62–80%, and from mushrooms - by 20–40%.

Calories in Pregnancy: Fat

Fats (lipids) from food are a concentrated source of energy (1 g of fat when oxidized in the body gives 9 kcal). The amount of fat should be 28-30% of the total calorie content of the daily menu. They must necessarily contain polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (PUFA) - 6-10% of the caloric content of the daily diet. In this case, the optimal ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 should be 5-10: 1.

But the consumption of saturated (animal, refractory) fats should not exceed 10% of the calorie content of the menu per day.

Recommended foods are sources of fat. It is useful to use vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, corn), nuts, seeds - up to 40% of the total amount of essential fats. The main food source of omega-3 fatty acids is fatty fish and some seafood (scallop, squid).

Of animal fats, butter is more preferred. Lamb, pork, beef fat, margarine are not recommended. A large amount of saturated fatty acids in the composition of these animal fats is a risk factor for the development of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and other diseases in a pregnant woman.

Calories in Pregnancy: Carbohydrates

Food carbohydrates are represented mainly by polysaccharides (starch, pectins, fiber) and simple, easily digestible sugars. 1 g of carbohydrates when oxidized in the body gives 4 kcal. The amount of carbohydrates should be 58% of the calorie content of the daily menu.

Recommended foods are carbohydrate sources. The need for carbohydrates is met by foods rich in fiber, pectins and fructose (cereals, whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits, berries). It is worth limiting bakery products made from premium flour, sugar, confectionery.

Counting calories

Counting calories is not difficult at all, and you will have to make special efforts only for the first few days, then you will roughly know what the calorie content of the foods you eat is.

The calorie content per 100 g is indicated on the packaging of all food products. In addition, there are tables of the chemical composition and energy value of the products. The algorithm of actions is very simple: you weigh a portion of this or that product (chicken, meat, apple, etc.) and count how many calories it contains. Please note that this can only be done with foods that have not been further cooked with fats. For example, the calorie content of a cooked piece of meat will be one, and the calorie content of fried meat will be different, because you need to add the amount of calories contained in the oil used for frying. The same goes for salads dressed with vegetable oil.

So first you weigh the products, then you calculate their calorie content separately, then add it up and get the result. You will soon learn how to shape the calorie content of each meal according to your needs. This healthy habit will be useful to you after pregnancy, as it will allow you to control the energy value of the food eaten, which we sometimes do not notice at all, snacking on sweets, cookies and sandwiches on the go.

How to distribute calories during pregnancy?

We make a diet. In the first half of pregnancy, four meals a day are recommended (1st breakfast should be 20% of the calorie content of the menu per day, 2nd breakfast - 15%, lunch - 45%, dinner - 20%). It is advisable to eat at the same time. When the body gets used to a certain diet, it is at the time known to it that a conditioned reflex is developed, the digestive system produces active gastric and intestinal juice necessary for full digestion of food, and calories will not be deposited at the waist, but will benefit the expectant mother.

In the second half of pregnancy, it is better to switch to 5-6 meals a day(accordingly, in smaller portions) - this will reduce the load on the digestive system, food will be digested and absorbed fully, which means that undigested foods will not accumulate in the intestines, leading to flatulence (gas formation) and discomfort of a pregnant woman.

We distribute products by meals. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly distribute food throughout the day. Since proteins increase metabolism, excite the nervous system (this is due to the high content of nitrogenous extractives in protein-rich foods) and linger longer in the stomach, it is recommended to eat meat, fish and eggs in the morning and not at night. But for dinner, you can recommend dairy or vegetable dishes.

We do not gorge ourselves at night. It must be remembered that in the evening, and especially at night, digestion and metabolic processes in the body slow down. Therefore, a plentiful intake of food in the evening puts an increased load on the digestive system of the expectant mother and can lead to a violation of night sleep.

In this regard, the last meal should be at least 2–2.5 hours before bedtime. At the same time, a dinner rich in complex carbohydrates from vegetable dishes and lactose from dairy dishes will help inhibit the central nervous system and promote restful sleep.

But if you increase the energy value of dinner, then due to a slowdown in metabolic processes and the activity of the digestive system in the evening, the calories received with a late dinner are not burned, but deposited in the form of fat deposits.

Why is the excessive calorie content of the menu dangerous?

An excess of calories can lead to an excess in the body of the expectant mother, which is dangerous for the development of complications. So, according to studies by Russian scientists who analyzed the course of pregnancy and childbirth in 200 women with obesity as a result, 48% of them had concomitant diseases from the internal organs (more often diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract), 68% found gynecological problems. At the same time, the main complications during pregnancy in such women were gestosis (a condition manifested by high blood pressure, edema and kidney damage with the appearance of protein in the urine), anemia, the threat of termination of pregnancy, the birth of children with congenital defects.

Also, being overweight during pregnancy can contribute to the development of diabetes mellitus (called gestational diabetes mellitus). In addition, in obese women, the fetus is often born large, that is, more than 4 kg, which adversely affects the course of childbirth. Weakness of labor often develops, a discrepancy between the sizes of the mother's pelvis and the baby's head is found, injuries to the birth canal and injuries to the fetus occur.

In no case should you arrange hungry days, since this results in the formation of acetone bodies in the blood (ketonemia), which can adversely affect the development of the child. But it is recommended to carry out a fasting day once a week. For example, you can use the following unloading options:

  • Curd cheese: per day, divided into 5-6 receptions, eat 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese, in addition, 2-3 glasses of weak tea without sugar (with lemon is possible), fruit drink or rosehip broth are allowed.
  • Apple: 1.5 kg of raw or baked apples, 2-3 glasses of unsweetened juice or fruit drink without sugar.
  • Barley-vegetable: pearl barley porridge, boiled in water (150 g of dry cereals), in combination with vegetables. Divide the boiled barley into 4-5 servings and use it with carrots, tomatoes, green bell peppers, etc. For a change, you can choose different vegetables for each meal.

According to scientific research

By the way, studies conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health showed that 95% of women who ate adequately and balanced, observing the recommended energy value of the diet during pregnancy, gave birth to healthy children. 8% of women who ate improperly gave birth to healthy children, and 65% of them had babies born prematurely or with congenital defects.

Calorie content of the menu in different periods of pregnancy

In the first half of pregnancy (from the 1st to the 4th month), the needs of a pregnant woman's body do not differ significantly from her nutrition before conception. At this time (especially in the first 10-12 weeks), all organs and systems of the child are laid, the skeletal system, kidneys, liver, heart are formed and intensively developed, so the main attention should be paid not to the energy value, but to the qualitative composition of your menu. This is especially true for proteins (out of every 3 g of protein eaten by a pregnant woman, 1 g goes to build fetal tissues), vitamins and trace elements.

In the second half of pregnancy (from the 5th to the 7th month), due to the growth of the fetus, the beginning of the functioning of its organs, the needs of a pregnant woman for nutrients and energy increase (by an average of 350 kcal).

From the 32nd week of pregnancy (8-9 months), when the physical activity of the expectant mother decreases and she rests more, and the working pregnant woman goes on prenatal leave, it is advisable to reduce the calorie content of food by 5-10% (due to fats and easily digestible carbohydrates but not squirrel).

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What is the essence

From the moment of conception, a program is launched - a new organism develops sequentially, with an accuracy of almost hours. For example, on the 18th day, the nervous system is laid, from the 25th to the 35th day - the heart, from the 23rd to the 38th day - the arms and legs. It is necessary to eat so that at the right time in the mother's body the appropriate material is ready.

“It used to be that a child was able to take everything he needed from his mother himself,” says Elena Ostrovskaya, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, associate professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology at the St. I. I. Mechnikov. - Now it is known that in case of inadequate nutrition, the woman's body turns on a powerful mechanism of self-preservation and not in favor of the fetus. That is why it is so important to be right. "

How the diet works

IN first trimester During pregnancy, the main organs and systems begin to form - the brain, spine, heart, blood circulation, so the emphasis in the diet is on proteins. A woman should receive at least 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Spicy and salty dishes (herring, caviar, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers) are quite appropriate if you want. “The need for them arises due to insufficient secretion of gastric juice with a new hormonal regime, - explains Elena Ostrovskaya. "Usually, non-standard food preferences disappear in the third or fourth months of pregnancy."

It is important to avoid deficiencies in folate, zinc, copper and selenium. These substances reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities. C and B are needed to reduce toxicosis. Iodine and cobalt help to maintain good health and are involved in the formation of the baby's thyroid gland.

In second trimester usually rises: both the baby and the placenta grow and require more nutrients. At this time, the amount of protein should be increased to 2 g per 1 kg of body weight. A woman also needs more vitamins, but they are better absorbed. First of all, we are talking about iron, vitamin B 12 and folic acid.

The child grows and the woman gains weight. A healthy gain is about 1-1.5 kg every month. Watch your weight: just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you should eat for two. In the first trimester, the calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1800 kcal. In the second - 2000-2200 kcal. In the third - between 2200 and 2400 kcal. If you are overweight at the time of pregnancy (body mass index over 25), reduce the fat in your diet to 50-60 g per day.

Calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D are needed for the formation of bones, skin, mucous membranes and the retina of the eyes. Chromium, zinc and B vitamins help control weight and reduce the risk of diabetes in pregnancy.

In the third trimester in the body of the mother and the growing fetus, fat depots are formed - clots of nutrients necessary during childbirth and for full lactation . Carbohydrates need to be consumed more intensively: they replenish the glycogen store in the liver and muscles of the body, as well as in the placenta and muscles of the uterus.

How to switch to it

Four common problems early in pregnancy are morning sickness, constipation, bowel upset, and heartburn. To cope with morning sickness and heartburn will help the "biting regimen" - eat often and little by little, drink less coffee / tea and more pure water (6-8 glasses a day). For constipation, include more vegetable and fruit salads in the menu, for diarrhea - fiber-rich whole grain breads, bananas, oatmeal, rice, bran, oatmeal.

Eat at least 3-4 servings of foods rich in calcium (milk, cottage cheese, hard cheese, green leafy vegetables) and iron (seafood, turkey, spinach, berries, Brussels sprouts, buckwheat, dried fruits) every day. Eat a food rich in folate (beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, beef) and vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, papaya, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, bell peppers, kiwi) at least once a day.

Throughout the entire period, in the morning and in the afternoon, eat foods rich in proteins and fats, preferably unsaturated ones. Leave easily digestible foods (dairy, vegetable, cereal dishes) for the second half of the day. They do not overload the digestive tract and do not excite the nervous system.

Do not combine dense and liquid foods - eating the first and second in one meal is not recommended. It is better to drink between meals. 1.5 liters of various liquids are enough per day, including milk, compotes and soups.

In the second half of pregnancy, switch to a dairy-plant diet. Meat and fish dishes are also needed, but not more often 4-5 times a week. Boil, bake meat or fish, combine them with vegetable garnish and herbs. Raw fruits, berries and vegetables are very useful.

In recent months, the liver and kidneys of the expectant mother have been working with a heavy load, so it is better to choose light vegetarian soups and salads instead of rich broths, fried meat and hot spices.

Reduce caffeine to 300 mg per day: it disrupts blood circulation and interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. A 200 ml cup of coffee contains 150 mg of caffeine, a cup of black tea has about 80 mg, and a chocolate bar has about 25 mg.

What to focus on

Vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, liver, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, mild cheese, cereals and bread made from wholemeal flour, nuts, butter, olive, flaxseed oil.

What is better to refuse

Sugar, confectionery, white bread - these products disrupt metabolism, provoke allergies, overweight in women and newborns. Sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish are the main sources of nitrites. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

How many times a day should you eat

Often and little by little - 5-6 times a day at intervals of 2-3 hours. In the early stages, with this regimen, toxicosis is less worried; in the second half of pregnancy, the gastrointestinal tract is not overloaded.

For expectant mothers watching their weight, this issue is very relevant, because extra pounds are easily accumulated, but go away with great difficulty, besides, excess weight during pregnancy can provoke complicated childbirth. How to calculate the correct calories that you "eat" every day?

According to the established norms, for a successful pregnancy, it is necessary that the calorie intake during the first trimester averaged 2200 kcal (this is the average basic need for young women outside of pregnancy). In the second half of pregnancy, due to the growth of the uterus and fetus, the need for kilocalories rises to 2550 kcal. Along with the observance of the rules of rational nutrition, one should ensure that the energy value of the products is exactly the same.

With food, the body receives proteins, fats, carbohydrates necessary for life, as well as biologically active substances - vitamins and mineral salts. The amount of energy released during the assimilation of a particular food product is called energy value, or calorie content. The need for various nutrients and energy depends on gender, age and nature of work. The more energy is consumed, the more calories are expended. The most energy-intensive activities are sports, any physical activity. Mental activity, accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle, requires much less calories.

If calories are supplied in excess, they are converted into fat stores in the body. During pregnancy, the need for proteins, a number of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iron, and partly also for fats, increases, because the mother's body must also provide for the growing body of the child. But this does not mean that the diet needs to be doubled! "Eating for two" is more harmful than useful for the expectant mother. The calorie content of the diet is increased mainly in the second half of pregnancy, and certainly not doubled. It should be remembered that a pregnant woman's diet is built according to special laws.

During this period, a woman needs additional intake of vitamins and minerals. In order to correct the diet, it is advisable to use foods enriched with vitamins and minerals. Similar products are juices "FrutoNyanya" for two "Prevention of anemia". These juices are fortified with iron lactate (iron that is easily absorbed in the digestive tract). Adequate intake of iron in the body of a pregnant woman is important for the prevention of a condition such as iron deficiency anemia. In addition, juices "FrutoNyanya" for pregnant women "Prevention of anemia" are enriched with vitamin C, B vitamins, and folic acid, which are necessary to maintain the health of the woman herself, as well as for the full intrauterine development of the child.

Correct calculation

The calorie content per 100 g is indicated on the packaging of all food products. In addition, there are calorie tables. The algorithm of actions is very simple: you weigh a portion of this or that product - chicken, meat, sausage - and count how many calories it contains. Please note that this can only be done with foods that have not been further cooked with fats. For example, the calorie content of a cooked piece of meat will be one, and the calorie content of a fried piece will be different, because you need to add the number of calories contained in the oil or fat used for frying. The same goes for salads dressed with vegetable oil or mayonnaise. By the way, on bottles with vegetable oil they usually write how many calories and grams are contained in one tablespoon of oil, since the simultaneous use of 100 g of oil is a rarity.

So first you weigh the products, then you calculate their calorie content separately, then add it up and get the result. You will soon learn how to shape the calorie content of each meal according to your needs. This useful habit will be useful to you after pregnancy, as it will allow you to control the calorie content of food eaten, which we sometimes do not notice at all, snacking on the go with sweets, cookies, sandwiches.

Calorie content of some foods (kcal in 100 g ):

Sauces, fats

Melted fat



Light mayonnaise

Creamy margarine

Baking margarine

Corn oil

Olive oil

Sunflower oil


Soybean oil

Ghee butter

Bakery products

Butter baked goods

Dryers, gingerbread

Bread Darnitsky

Wheat bread

Rye bread





Cherry plum

A pineapple























Flour, cereals, pasta

Wheat flour

Rye flour

Cocoa powder

Buckwheat unground


Oat groats

Pearl barley

Wheat groats

Barley groats



Oat flakes







Barley flakes

Fish and seafood

Granular caviar

Chum salmon caviar

Pollock roe



Fried carp


Canned food in oil

Canned food in its own juice




Fried salmon

Smoked salmon






Baltic herring

Stellate sturgeon

Atlantic herring



Sprats in oil


Vegetables and greens



Green pea


White cabbage

Brussels sprouts


Red cabbage


Boiled potatoes

Green onion



Fresh cucumbers

Sweet green pepper















Nuts and seeds




Pine nuts







Dried apricots





Chicken egg (1 pc.)

Egg powder


Acidophilus (3.2% fat)

Bryndza cow

Yogurt (1.5%)

Fat kefir

Kefir (1%)

Low fat kefir

Milk (3.2%)

Whole cow's milk

Ice cream creamy



Cream (10%)

Cream (20% fat)

Sour cream (10%)

Sour cream (20%)

Dutch cheese

Lambert cheese

Parmesan cheese

Russian cheese

Sausage cheese

Curd cheeses

Cottage cheese (18% fat)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Meat and meat products

Lamb fat


Beef stew

Roast beef




Boiled sausage

Semi-smoked sausage


Rabbit meat

Boiled chicken

Fried chicken

Beef liver



Pork chop

Pork stew

A heart




Beef tongue

The onset of pregnancy is very often associated with weight gain. And most women, under the influence of stereotypes, begin to eat "for two" and very often such a food culture does not carry any constructiveness. Indeed, a lot of delicacies, sweets, and sometimes frankly harmful products appear on the menu - fast food, semi-finished products. The process of gaining weight is completely physiological while waiting for a baby, however, there are certain standards for each trimester of pregnancy. So, the total increase over nine months should, on average, fluctuate in the range from 10 to 15 kg. The weight of the child (2.5 -4.5 kg), placenta (1.5-2.5 kg), amniotic fluid (about 1 liter) are taken into account here. Thus, a woman leaves childbirth “thinner” by 6-8 kg. That is, the fatty layer that was soldered while waiting for the child is only 50% of the total increase - 4-8 kg. Not that much, right? Why do many people suffer from overweight and gain 10, 15, 20 kg extra pounds? It's all about nutrition and lifestyle.

Is there for two or is there for two?

The principle of "eating for two" is fundamentally wrong and this is a well-known fact. For a growing organism, it is not the quantity of food that is more important, but its quality, therefore, the diet of a pregnant woman should be as varied and literate as possible. A girl should not feel hungry, but you should not overeat either. A competent analysis of the BJU will allow you to endure and give birth to a strong and healthy child, while maintaining muscle tone and a good figure.

Carbohydrates during pregnancy

As in everyday life, carbohydrates are divided into fast and slow. But if earlier it was possible to eat a roll or cake at night, and physical activity during the day did not allow them to remain in the body in the form of fat, then with changes in lifestyle, excess weight comes. In addition to reduced activity and the expectant mother, hormonal changes are taking place, which also negatively affects the quality of the body. Fast carbohydrates are a source of energy, and chocolate can also improve your mood. But there is one caveat - all fast carbohydrates, except fruits, do not contain nutrients. If you want your child to receive the right amount of nutrients, and you remain active and alert, give your preference to slow carbohydrates.

Slow carbohydrates

  • cereals;
  • vegetables (except starchy ones).

Foods with a low glycemic index will make you feel better, healthier and leaner, and for your baby they contain all the trace elements and minerals that are required for full development. Try to use as many slow coals as possible, and take quick ones not from confectionery, but eating fruits.

Proteins during pregnancy

Protein is the building block of the body. It is he who is responsible for the musculoskeletal system, muscles, teeth. Protein is essential for the expectant mother. First of all, this is the prevention of caries and hair problems, and secondly, the future baby also needs protein for development, because it contains calcium!

Protein-rich foods:

  • meat (poultry, rabbit, veal meat is especially useful);
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products.

Fats during pregnancy

It is generally accepted that fats are bad. However, this is not quite true. After all, there are different types of fats. Beneficial triglycerides can be saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated. In addition, a lack of fat in the diet of a pregnant woman can cause a lot of negative consequences: dry skin, problems with hormones.

Healthy Fat Foods

  • red fish;
  • nuts;
  • olive and linseed oil.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates while waiting for the baby

It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to get all the necessary micronutrients, proteins and fats. This will allow the child to fully develop, and the woman to maintain good health and well-being. Don't chase calorie patterns, it's ineffective and quite individual. It is much better to ensure that the ratio of BJU is within the framework of the classic recommendations of nutritionists from around the world. A balanced diet should be 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 20% fat.