Books of the Slavic Academy of Spiritual Development. Motherhood is the energy of a real Woman. The book "Slavic family"

With what they just did not compare a woman: poets saw in her a flower, romantics - a song, artists - a muse. And we will go in a non-standard way and compare women with ... a battery! Because a number of chemical processes also take place in her, due to which energy is generated in her body. And there is a department for storing each type of energy: sexual energy is collected here, creative concentration is there, a little lower is the spiritual department ... But there is a special, rare energy that not every woman accumulates. This is the energy of motherhood. Why is it considered rare?

On the street you can meet a variety of women: sexy Tigresses, glamorous Queens, tortured Housewives, but Real Moms are extremely rare. After all, it’s not enough to pick up a scalpel and see enough of Doctor House to call yourself a surgeon. It is not enough to open a music book and buy a piano to call yourself a pianist. So it is here: it is not enough to have three children and go with a stroller at the ready to be called Mom.

We dedicate several years of our lives to study in order to become experts in our field. But we do not prepare for motherhood in any way, believing that “we will figure it out on the spot.”

Where does this strange confidence come from? After all, a child is not a toy, you can’t attach a broken arm or leg back to him. Of course, something will turn out by itself, no one has yet canceled nature. Just a woman is a man, and a man is a rational being. And we begin to understand with this mind that we want to keep our figure, have beautiful breasts and skin without stretch marks. In short, we want to look like before pregnancy. Maybe even better. So that men passing by turn their heads, and saleswomen in stores wonder how you can look so good when you have a child! Only at this moment we do not want to be Mom.

We are not ready to take for granted the transformation of our body, we are afraid of becoming boring, fat, domesticated kluckers. The children in our lives are among the “achievements” that we will show off to other moms in the sandbox. The same achievements as a successful career, a sexy figure and a business husband. When thinking about children, no one says: “I want to become a Mom!”. Usually they say: “I want to have children!”. And at the same time remain a sexy business woman. One that will inflame desire, that will be looked upon with admiration, that will serve as a role model…

Sexual energy is relaxing and lustful. What can not be said about motherhood ... We try to get to work as soon as possible, without thinking that at the same time we will have to stop breastfeeding, which is so useful for a child ... We send a child to a nursery, so small and still so in need of a mother, so that more time devote to yourself, beloved.

What happens if someone says you are a bad mother? That it is impossible to call a mother a woman who gave birth to a child, but did not try to make at least a drop of effort for his upbringing? The one that gave the child to be raised by nannies, grandmothers, relatives, and she herself “brings her nerves and appearance in order”? How can you call a mother who, for the sake of the child, does not want to experience the pain of childbirth or lose her high, magnificent breasts? Or does she even rest in the south, having fun at night, while her little newborn child is just getting used to this world, in which from the first days there is no mother?

Of course, you would be offended to hear such words! So think about this: becoming a mother, you do not deprive yourself of all the fun in the world. Everything will work out. Becoming a mother, you turn into a magical fairy who opens up a new world for a little man! After all, everyone dreamed of being fairies in childhood, right? And what is the main thing for fairies? Fulfill your cherished desires!

In the first months of a child, being a sorceress for a baby is completely easy: once - and the baby saw how his mother smiles at him, two - mother takes him in her arms and lulls him with her gentle voice, three - mother strokes him on the back and sings funny songs ... The baby is happy , his cherished wish came true - Mom is nearby! And very soon you will be able to feel that you are ready to open up to this miracle, go through all the transformations of the soul and body and love with all your heart. Love with the heart of a mother.

When men perceive a woman only as a sexual object, they are ruled by lust, which both quickly comes and quickly evaporates. When men feel that the energy of motherhood emanates from a woman, they begin to treat her differently on a subconscious level. With special awe, care, respect. The way you would treat your own mother.

Now a woman is perceived more as a sexual object: they want to own her body, not her soul, they want to see short skirts and breasts protruding from the neckline, and not slightly longer, but no less seductive dresses or trousers. Many perceive a woman exclusively as a female. The modern world lacks sexy beauties, fatal seductresses, and successful business women. He was truly hungry only from the absence of True Mothers.

Most people are provided with all the material benefits of civilization, but spiritual benefits are forgotten. But it is so important to feel that there is a person nearby who will warm our cold souls with his loving soul. With whom it is so cozy and warm, like under a soft blanket. Only a real Woman is able to give such feelings, or rather, a real Mother.

Previously, all women aspired to become feminists, to be independent from men both financially and morally. Now the priorities of women have changed - now they see themselves as the embodiment of femininity and sexuality. And this is good, but only if this concept incorporates the full meaning of the word "woman". Keeper of the hearth, a wife who respects her husband, a caring daughter and mother - here she is, a Woman with a capital letter!

A mother is not the presence of children and a record of their existence in the passport. Mother is the ability to think and feel in a special way, it is the introduction of a special energy that cannot be expressed in words. Maternal energy is in each of us, but many do not want to release it, being afraid to devote a significant part of their time to a child or simply wanting to receive a return in return (which, of course, is strange to demand from a small child).

How to understand that you have discovered the real energy of Motherhood in yourself? There are several conditions by which this can be determined:

  1. You do not separate children into your own and others. The flow of maternal energy is so absorbing that you treat other people's children with the same care as your own.
  2. You notice that no one hurts you anymore. You are a mother, and it is felt by everyone: both adults and children. Therefore, no one wants to splash out aggression on you, and you ... you just treat everyone with love, understand, accept and forgive. Even the antics of adults - they are such children!
  3. You stop rushing. You feel like a full-flowing river, in which great power and strength are hidden. She goes about her business measuredly and calmly, reveling in her own beauty and slowness. It is this sensation that arises when the flow of maternal energy permeates you.
  4. You have a calming effect on everyone. You are able to pacify both your mind and the surrounding space. You know how to fill the space with harmony and peace.
  5. A divine beginning appears in you. And these are not empty and pretentious words. You literally become a conductor of God on Earth, you begin to love, warm and take care of his Children. You are an inexhaustible source of maternal energy that fills you, preventing you from being emptied.
  6. You are full of love. Your love for your child is all-consuming. Even when you punish him, you do it in such a way that he does not feel the bitter taste of resentment. You let him know that you did not like the act, not the child himself. And in your words you try to put all your love for him.
  7. You feel like a complete woman. Maternal energy fills you with harmony of soul and body. It is at this moment that you feel that you have never been so whole, so full of emotions, so feminine. At this moment, you are the true embodiment of the Woman.

There is a flow of maternal energy in every woman, regardless of whether she gave birth or not. It’s just that the hormones raging in her body help women who give birth to join this stream. However, this does not mean that maternal energy will never be revealed to childless women: a true mother will never remain childless. Even if the children are adopted or even neighbors. There is energy in every woman, only not everyone is ready to go towards the flow. And there are no half measures: you are either in the flow or not.

The energy of Motherhood is what is now vitally needed for the world that is dying of lack of spirituality. Many adult psychological problems lie in one thing: the absence of a Real Mom next to us in childhood. The one who, overcoming resentment and pain, is able to heal us from all wounds, is able to console our yearning souls and melt the ice on the heart.

To be a Mother means to have great power and strength. To be a Mother means to be a Special, Rare Woman. To be a Mother means to be the best.

The book "Alive and Slavs"

The book "Slavic family"

Raslav (Lvov Vladimir Fedorovich), lived in this world for 66 years, practiced healing from the age of 15. I started with folk practices, wax, salt, conspiracies, slander, sentences, etc., a candle, prayer practices and much, much more ...

What surprised him when he got acquainted with the healing practices of other peoples and nationalities, that they are all similar, despite the difference in religions, mentality, lifestyle!

But the main and priority direction at the present time are techniques and Knowledge Alive! This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is well restored! Sessions and Initiations are held both in contact and without it, it does not matter where you are in what city, country, continent!

His next level is meditation, very strong practices - Maharishi School (India), T.M. (transcendental meditation) meditation, T.M. advanced meditation, T.M. Sidhi! Then followed the school DEIR, received five steps, the expectations were high, but, but, but. Didn't practice!

Reiki, more than ten years - Master of Reiki and more than seven years Grand Master of Reiki. The possibilities of Reiki always amazed him! He also received many initiations of other Reiki directions and not only Reiki, see information below!

Love is the Great Power of Creativity, harmony and beauty! And only true mutual Love helps to cleanse oneself of negative images of spirit and blood! This life is giving birth to light, Love never turns into hatred! Falling in love, as a step towards finding Love, may be accompanied by hatred, but True Love - never! A person loves his half such or such as she or he is. Love cannot be described in words and it does not manifest itself only because something good has been done to you. Those who truly love never try to forcibly adjust each other for themselves, hiding behind the demands of an answer for love. True Love can expect, but never demands an answer.

The problems of mental and spiritual compatibility among the Slavs - Aryans are always resolved before the wedding. For this, there are Sacred Rites where the Great Wisdom of the Light Ancestors - Gods and Goddesses, the Elders of the Clans, Magi and Priests will always create the help of the right action! Wedding - Swa - De - Bo, the Sacred Act of the Gods. The Great Creative Love is always accompanied by the Universal Faith of the Slavic-Aryan Family! This is true happiness!

All the materials on the Ancient Faith presented in this publication are the smallest drop in the boundless ocean of Radiant Wisdom, i.e. Faith and vast life experience of our Great Ancestors. And the experience and Faith, spanning millions of years, cannot be described in one edition. After all, this is our Old Faith, our ancient Heritage, our original Culture and our millennia-old Tradition, which exists with us from the very beginning in time, and will exist after us. And therefore, do not forget, people, the past of your great people and the roots of your ancient Clans, for the Tree of the Family, whose roots are chopped off, dries up and dies.

But do not live, people of the Clans of the Great Race, only in your past, for you will not see your future; and do not live only in the future, for you will not be destined to see the present. You live forever, and let the past, present and future unite in your Souls and strengthen your Spirit, and then you unite harmoniously with your Gods and Ancestors, with the surrounding world of Mother Nature, with your native descendants and your Pure Conscience. Magus Velimudr of Love, Wisdom of the Vedas, Joy!

Raslav (Lvov Vladimir Fedorovich), lived in this world for 66 years, practiced healing from the age of 15. I started with folk practices, wax, salt, conspiracies, slander, sentences, etc., a candle, prayer practices and much, much more ...

What surprised him when he got acquainted with the healing practices of other peoples and nationalities, that they are all similar, despite the difference in religions, mentality, lifestyle!

But the main and priority direction at the present time are techniques and Knowledge Alive! This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is well restored! Sessions and Initiations are held both in contact and without it, it does not matter where you are in what city, country, continent!

His next level is meditation, very strong practices - Maharishi School (India), T.M. (transcendental meditation) meditation, T.M. advanced meditation, T.M. Sidhi! Then followed the school DEIR, received five steps, the expectations were high, but, but, but. Didn't practice!

Reiki, more than ten years - Master of Reiki and more than seven years Grand Master of Reiki. The possibilities of Reiki always amazed him! He also received many initiations of other Reiki directions and not only Reiki, see information below!

This is a very exciting book!
She tells about the fact that a brother and sister lived, each was passionate about his work, his favorite pastime. It was an amazing family, where there was no swearing, misunderstandings, conflicts. They had to bury their mother and father who died in a car accident, so they had to start working early.

Bogumila finished school, went to work in the library, and at the same time studied at the correspondence department at the Institute of Culture. Boguslav, like his sister, graduated from high school with honors and entered the KPI faculty of a programmer, where he studied during the events described.

Both brother and sister were tall, strong and very, unusually beautiful, especially Bogumila.

It was unearthly beauty, as they say, everything, appearance, figure, charm, everything conquered in her, which actually played with her problems that will be described further.

Boguslav was very fond of programming, and spent all his free time at the computer.

Already in his first years, he attracted the attention of specialists with his programs, and his sister often reproached him that he devoted too much time to his hobby and abandoned sports and other interests.

As usual, he answered that he was not interested in anything else, and the truth was that he noticeably lost weight, stooped a little and, which Bogumiła really did not like, began to smoke.

The book "Stars and Earths"




1.33 reasons to get up early, or 5 gifts of getting up early
2. Vedic regime of the day and nutrition
3.Foods to help you sleep well
4. Restless sleep
5. Women need to sleep longer than men.
6.9 scientific ways to get rid of any sleep problems
7. The Importance of Sleep for Fat Loss
8.Efficient watch. Early rise? FOR or AGAINST
9. Recipes for restful sleep without pills
10. For a restful sleep of our children
12.6 Rules for your youth
13. Life according to Ra is the right relationship with the outside world
15. Ability to rest
17. What to think about before going to bed?
18.12 ways to wake up early
19. Lack of sleep can lead to an unhealthy appetite.
20. Why you can’t sleep on your stomach
21. Going to bed late is harmful!
22. What are the phases of sleep?
24. Eight hours of sleep is a modern innovation.
25. Practice - healthy sleep
26. Healthy sleep. Important facts about sleep and illness

There is another compartment where the most scarce energy in the modern world is stored. Scarce and from that most desired by many. This is the energy of motherhood. Why is it scarce and rare?

A woman is like a battery. Because the main thing with which it works is energy. She saves it, transforms it, spends it. And so without stopping. Energy is different, and each is stored in a separate compartment. Here, a woman collects sexual energy, and here - lunar energy, here - the energy of the Earth, here - the energy of Water ....

There is another compartment where the most scarce energy in the modern world is stored. Scarce and from that most desired by many. This is the energy of motherhood. Why is it scarce and rare?

On the street I meet different women. Very sexy, feminine, stylish, tortured, tired, businesslike. They can be with children, strollers, bicycles. But very rarely I come across mothers.

If we buy a piano, it does not mean that we become pianists. If a scalpel has appeared in our hands, this does not make us surgeons. If we got a SLR camera, it does not make us photographers. So it is with children. If I gave birth to a child, this does not mean that I have become a Mom.

But it doesn't even occur to us. We are ready to study for five years at the institute in order to fill out accounting papers correctly, but in motherhood we expect everything to happen by itself. It would be strange if the bus was driven by a person who had just seen it. It would be even scarier if the pilot of the plane was the one who saw in the movies how these planes were landed. And imagine a surgeon who has watched the entire series "Dr. House", but has no medical education.

Why, then, in family life and in motherhood, are we sure that everything will work out by itself? Not so afraid to break something? Or it seems that there is nothing to break? Something will really work out - nature intended it that way. And a child will be born, and milk will appear. But even here, with our brains, we can interfere with the natural process and course of events. We may decide that our breasts are not meant to be fed (and why are they made?). Or that our body is not designed to give birth on its own (but how did it conceive and endure then?).

We want to have children, but we don't want to become mothers. We want to look like we never gave birth. We want to live like we don't have children. We want to hear the surprised “do you really have children ???”. We find it pleasant and pleasing to the ear. But is it compliments and achievements?

Children become items on our "list of achievements", but they cannot become a part of our life, a piece of our heart. Unfortunately. We never go through our own transformation, a change of heart, a change in our energy. Therefore, we are so afraid of getting old, getting fat and becoming homemade clowns.

In the world, sexy women are held in high esteem, businesslike, successful - anything, but not mothers. Mothers receive minimal benefits, are considered kept women, dependents, loafers. They are not respected, no one wants to be equal to them. Nobody wants to be a mother. Only to have children. Have children and stay the same, sexy and businesslike. Such girls look at us from TV screens, billboards, from the pages of magazines. They become role models. This female energy is exploited right and left, because it sells well and kindles lust in people - and hence consumption. Consumption is beneficial to the material world, lust too. But motherhood is not. Because this energy relaxes, makes a person happy with what he already has - no sales and spontaneous purchases.

We see those who gave birth to a child two months ago, and today they are already participating in the underwear show. And we believe that this is right, good. We are given as an example those who go to work when the child is barely six months old. We strive with all our might for the same.

But tell me, is there anything normal in the fact that the mother of a one-month-old baby leaves him with nannies and goes to “lose excess weight” even to the detriment of milk?

And what good is it that other people do not see motherhood in you? After all, if they don’t see it, then it’s not there ...

Has a woman become a mother who practically does not see her child and does not know at all what is in his heart?

Is there a lot of motherhood in those whose minds are busy and absorbed only in work and their own appearance?

How can motherhood coexist with an unwillingness to spoil the shape of the breast by feeding or an unwillingness to endure the pain of childbirth, preferring a caesarean?

If a mother strives to look like a twenty-year-old girl at all costs, what will become of her when her daughter turns twenty?

Is it possible to call a mother that creates an atmosphere of stress, race and constant dissatisfaction at home?

Is she considered a mother who is indifferent to the needs of other children around her?

Is it normal, having barely given birth, to already participate in some outings, go on vacation alone, hang out? After all, the first months of a child are especially valuable. This is such a secret and sacred time for the mother that it is unreasonable to spend it on entertainment and work. At this time, our soul opens and is ready to undergo transformation. Become not just a woman, but a mother. Learn to love with a full heart. Learn to be. Be in the maternal energy flow. Nature gives us such a chance with the help of hormones. But we prefer not to take advantage of this opportunity.

One of my friends is not very old. But she has enough children. She really looks very good. Otherwise good. She doesn't look like a teenage girl. But the main thing is not how she looks or dresses. You won't even remember this. As soon as she enters the room, one gets the feeling that you have been wrapped with love in a warm blanket. You personally. Like you're the most important person here. It becomes very cozy, warm, sincere. The body relaxes, slows down. She didn't even open her mouth, she just walked in.

When a woman spreads the energy of motherhood, men stop perceiving her as a sexual object. They unconsciously begin to treat her like their mother (in the good sense of the word). Help, care, surround with attention. This is respect, and respect, and care. All this can be obtained by a woman if she is able to mother.

In Vedic times, all women were called "mother" - and it is prescribed for all women, except for their wife, to be treated as a mother. Now all women are treated like females of the human race. Sorry for being so rude, but I can't think of another word. They want to enjoy us - to see our beautiful naked bodies, to enter into relationships with these bodies.

The world lacks non-sexy ladies, non-business women, non-bikini beauties. And not even teachers, doctors and cooks. This world is hungry, but it is starving in the absence of real Mothers in it. This world, as my teacher says, is thirsty. But this is no ordinary thirst and no ordinary hunger. Most people have both food and water. But there is no light in the soul, there is no warmth of hearts. And the need for this is huge. For someone to warm our soul with their soul: so that we can relax next to someone. Be yourself. At the same time, be loved and warmed. As if you were personally wrapped in a warm blanket. This is possible only next to a real woman, but more precisely - with a real mother.

We were so carried away by the revival of femininity, hit the sexual practices, began to develop our attractiveness, that we devalued motherhood. We are becoming women, which is great, considering that we used to aspire to become men. But isn't it time for us to go further in our femininity, to become not just women, but mothers? After all, this is a more difficult level, more solid and more worthwhile.

A mother is not an entry in the passport in the column “children”, it is something more. This is not a diploma of vocational education, and not an entry in the work book. Mother is a way of thinking and a way to feel, these are values ​​and energy. It's more than words can describe - even in this book. This energy is in each of us. But for the most part, she's dormant. It is rejected by many because it is not very convenient and does not bring the necessary dividends immediately. Many cannot appreciate its depth and see only the upper layers. Many are simply afraid of her, hanging strange labels. And most of them have never touched it, even with children.

The energy of the mother is the energy in which a woman should be ninety percent of the time. You only need to switch when you are alone with your husband - and there you already let out your sexy kitty (and even then not all the time). In any other situation, being a mother is safer and more beneficial. But - alas - not prestigious. For this they do not give awards, diplomas, do not applaud and do not even pay salaries. Here is such a paradox - what is most needed in this world now remains the most unprestigious and low-paid activity.

How to understand that this energy is maternal? How does it look and feel?

  • When you are in this maternal energy flow, there are no children of your own and other people's for you. You are equally good with all the kids that come across your way. You feed any of them, making no distinction between them.
  • When you are in this flow, for you and any adult is like your child. And you can treat him not condescendingly, but with love. Understand, forgive, accept. One day you will even notice that no one is trying to offend you. Because a real mother is a deficit, and people feel it.
  • A woman in the state of Mother is not in a hurry, she is not in a hurry. This is the state of a measured, powerful flow. This is no longer a stormy mountain stream, but a wide and full-flowing river, possessing great strength and power. On the surface of such a river, you will not see unnecessary movements, it flows on its own business, having every right and every opportunity to do so.
  • The mother is able to pacify the space - this is precisely her task, her flow and her peculiarity. She is able to balance both her mind and fill the surrounding space with fluid and even a little viscous silence and peace.
  • The mother energy comes from above, so you cannot be empty in caring for others. You work as a conductor, become the hands of God on this Earth, starting to love and warm His children.
  • And for the same reason, the state of the Mother always implies that you are "connected" to the Source at this moment. If you lose contact, then you fall out of the stream, alas.
  • Everything that Mother does is done with Love. With an open heart. Even if she has to punish the child, her open heart does it so that the child does not feel resentment. Because everything is out of love and with love.
  • The mother energy in a woman brings her to a balance between body and soul - she has contact with both. There is balance, harmony in self-awareness, wholeness, completeness.

You can still describe these amazing women for a long time. I confess that I myself am pleased to talk about them, because such pleasant sensations from memories appear in the body. I myself am far from ideal, so far this is my guideline.

We are either in this flow or we are not. There are no half measures. There is energy in everyone, but not everyone is allowed to run the show. Unfortunately.

And in fact, being in this stream does not depend on whether the woman gave birth or not. Many girls in their childhood live in this state until they are told that this is wrong. Then they will carry out other people's instructions all their lives that being a mother is not enough. Not enough for what?

Of course, during pregnancy and after childbirth, nature helps us to enter this flow. But this is just one of the options. Which is not for everyone. And many childless women just have to pass this exam - to learn to be in this flow, to become a mother before you have a child. Because a real mother cannot remain without children. If this energy blooms in you, you will definitely have children. They will be attracted to you like bees to an open flower. And it will not matter to you whether they are relatives or not - what God has given, all yours.

But what if I'm not yet a flower or even a bud, if I just want to have my own bees? If I chase after them, lure them into my net in various ways and devices, will I get what I want? Maybe yes - for a while I will have my own bees. But I won't be a flower. And by their own will, these bees will no longer fly to me.

The state of the Mother is a great power, a great power. This is what our world needs right now. This is why our souls yearn, cherishing resentment against their parents.

The reason for all our childhood traumas is only one thing - we did not have a Real Mom with us. Our Moms did not learn this, they were not up to it. And now we are looking for these Moms everywhere, we are stepping on a rake again. Instead of finding this energy within yourself. And heal not only our wounds, but also the sores of those who are close to us.

Being a mother is not easy. Being is always more difficult than just having or being able to. To be is always a transformation, often through pain and "I can't". But to be is also a huge force, power, a huge resource.

And if we are talking about motherhood, then being a mother is not only important, but also vital now. The whole world needs. To our children. And to ourselves.

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A woman is like a battery. Because the main thing she works with is energy. She saves it, transforms it, spends it. And so without stopping. Energy is different, and each is stored in a separate compartment. Here, a woman collects sexual energy, and here - lunar energy, here - the energy of the Earth, here - the energy of Water ....

There is another compartment where the most scarce energy in the modern world is stored. Scarce and from that most desired by many. This is the energy of motherhood. Why is it scarce and rare?

On the street I meet different women. Very sexy, feminine stylish, tortured, tired, businesslike. They can be with children, strollers, bicycles. But very rarely I come across mothers.

If we buy a piano, it does not mean that we become pianists. If a scalpel has appeared in our hands, this does not make us surgeons. If we got a SLR camera, it does not make us photographers. So it is with children. If I gave birth to a child, this does not mean that I have become a Mom.

But it doesn't even occur to us. We are ready to study for five years at the institute in order to fill out accounting papers correctly, but in motherhood we expect everything to happen by itself.

It would be strange if the bus was driven by a person who had just seen it. It would be even worse if the pilot of the plane was the one who saw in the movies how these planes were landed. And imagine a surgeon who has watched the entire series "Dr. House", but has no medical education.

Why, then, in family life and in motherhood, are we sure that everything will work out by itself? Not so afraid to break something? Or it seems that there is nothing to break? Something really will turn out - the nature so is conceived. And a child will be born, and milk will appear.

But even here, with our brains, we can interfere with the natural process and course of events. We may decide that our breasts are not meant to be fed (and why are they made?). Or that our body is not designed to give birth on its own (but how did it conceive and endure then?).

We want to have children, but we don't want to become mothers. We want to look like we never gave birth. We want to live like we don't have children. We want to hear the surprised “do you really have children ???”. We find it pleasant and pleasing to the ear. But is it compliments and achievements?

Children become items on our "list of achievements", but they cannot become a part of our life, a piece of our heart. Unfortunately. We never go through our own transformation, a change of heart, a change in our energy. Therefore, we are so afraid of getting old, getting fat and becoming homemade clowns.

In the world, sexy women are held in high esteem, businesslike, successful - whatever, but not mothers. Mothers receive minimal benefits, are considered kept women, dependents, loafers. They are not respected, no one wants to be equal to them. Nobody wants to be a mother. Only to have children.

Have children and stay the same, sexy and businesslike. Such girls look at us from TV screens, billboards, from the pages of magazines. They become role models. This female energy is exploited right and left, because it sells well and kindles lust in people - and hence consumption.

Consumption is beneficial to the material world, lust too. But motherhood is not. Because this energy relaxes, makes a person happy with what he already has - no sales and spontaneous purchases.

We see those who gave birth to a child two months ago, and today they are already participating in the underwear show. And we believe that this is right, good. We are given as an example those who go to work when the child is barely six months old. We strive with all our might for the same.

But tell me, is there anything normal in the fact that the mother of a one-month-old baby leaves him with nannies and goes to “lose excess weight” even to the detriment of milk? And what good is it that other people do not see motherhood in you? After all, if they don’t see it, then it’s not there ...

Is there a lot of motherhood in those whose minds are busy and absorbed only in work and their own appearance? How can motherhood coexist with an unwillingness to spoil the shape of the breast by feeding or an unwillingness to endure the pain of childbirth, preferring a caesarean?

If a mother strives to look like a twenty-year-old girl at all costs, what will become of her when her daughter turns twenty? Is it possible to call a mother that creates an atmosphere of stress, race and constant dissatisfaction at home?

Is she considered a mother who is indifferent to the needs of other children around her? Is it possible to consider a woman who does not feel compassion for other mothers as a real mother?

Is it normal, having barely given birth, to already participate in some outings, go on vacation alone, hang out? After all, the first months of a child are especially valuable. This is such a secret and sacred time for the mother that it is unreasonable to spend it on entertainment and work.

At this time, our soul opens and is ready to undergo transformation. Become not just a woman, but a Mother. Learn to love with a full heart. Learn to be. Be in the maternal energy flow. Nature gives us such a chance with the help of hormones. But we prefer not to take advantage of this opportunity.

One of my friends is not very old. But she has enough children. She really looks very good. Otherwise good. She doesn't look like a teenage girl. But the main thing is not how she looks or dresses. You won't even remember this.

As soon as she enters the room, one gets the feeling that you have been wrapped with love in a warm blanket. You personally. Like you're the most important person here. It becomes very cozy, warm, sincere. The body relaxes, slows down. She didn't even open her mouth, she just walked in.

When a woman spreads the energy of motherhood, men stop perceiving her as a sexual object. They unconsciously begin to treat her like their mother (in the good sense of the word). Help, care, surround with attention. This is respect, and respect, and care. A woman can learn all this if she is in the state of the Mother.

In Vedic times, all women were called "mother" - and it is prescribed for all women, except for their wife, to be treated as a mother. Now all women are treated like females of the human race. Sorry for being so rude, but I can't think of another word. They want to enjoy us - to see our beautiful naked bodies, to enter into relationships with these bodies.

The world lacks non-sexy ladies, non-business women, non-bikini beauties. And not even teachers, doctors and cooks. This world is hungry, but it is starving in the absence of real Mothers in it. This world, as my teacher says, is thirsty. But this is no ordinary thirst and no ordinary hunger.

Most people have both food and water. But there is no light in the soul, there is no warmth of hearts. And the need for this is huge. For someone to warm our souls with their soul, so that we can relax next to someone. Be yourself. At the same time, be loved and warmed. As if you were personally wrapped in a warm blanket. This is possible only next to a real Woman, but even more precisely - with a real Mother.

We were so carried away by the revival of femininity, hit the sexual practices, began to develop our attractiveness, that we devalued motherhood. We are becoming women, which is great, considering that we used to aspire to become men.

A mother is not an entry in the passport in the column "children", it is something more. This is not a diploma of vocational education, and not an entry in the work book. Mother is a way of thinking and a way to feel, these are values ​​and energy. It's more than words can describe.

This energy is in each of us. But for the most part, she's dormant. It is rejected by many because it is not very convenient and does not bring the necessary dividends immediately. Many cannot appreciate its depth and see only the upper layers. Many are simply afraid of her, hanging strange labels. And most of them have never touched it, even with children.

The energy of the mother is the energy in which a woman should be 90% of the time. You need to switch only when you are alone with your husband - and there you already let out your sexy kitty (and even then not all the time).

In any other situation, being a mother is safer and more beneficial. But - alas - not prestigious. For this they do not give awards, diplomas, do not applaud and do not even pay salaries. Here is such a paradox - what is most needed in this world now remains the most unprestigious and low-paid activity.

How to understand that this energy is maternal? How does it look and feel?

When you are in this maternal energy flow, there are no children of your own and other people's for you. You are equally good with all the kids that come across your way. You feed any of them, making no distinction between them.

When you are in this flow, for you and any adult is like your child. And you can treat him not condescendingly, but with love. Understand, forgive, accept. One day you will even notice that no one is trying to offend you. Because a real mother is a deficit, and people feel it.

A woman in the state of Mother is not in a hurry, she is not in a hurry. This is the state of a measured, powerful flow. This is no longer a stormy mountain stream, but a wide and full-flowing river, possessing great strength and power. On the surface of such a river, you will not see unnecessary movements, it flows on its own business, having every right and every opportunity to do so.

The mother is able to pacify the space - this is precisely her task, her flow and her peculiarity. She is able to balance both her mind and fill the surrounding space with fluid and even a little viscous silence and peace.

The mother energy comes from above, so you cannot be empty in caring for others. You work as a guide, become the hands of God on this Earth, starting to love and warm His children. And for the same reason, the state of the Mother always implies that you are "connected" to the Source at this moment. If you lose contact, then you fall out of the stream, alas.

Everything that Mother does is done with Love. With an open heart. Even if she has to punish the child, her open heart makes it so that the child does not feel resentment. Because everything is out of love and with love.

Maternal energy in a woman leads her to a balance between body and soul - she has contact with both. There is balance, harmony in self-awareness, wholeness, completeness.

You can still describe these amazing women for a long time. I confess that I myself am pleased to talk about them, because such pleasant sensations from memories appear in the body. I myself am far from ideal, so far this is my guideline.

We are either in this flow or we are not. There are no half measures. There is energy in everyone, but not everyone is allowed to run the show. Unfortunately.

And in fact, being in this stream does NOT depend on whether the woman gave birth or not. Many girls in their childhood live in this state until they are told that this is wrong. Then they will carry out other people's instructions all their lives that being a mother is not enough. Not enough for what?

Of course, during pregnancy and after childbirth, nature helps us to enter this flow. But this is just one of the options. Which is not for everyone. And many childless women just have to pass this exam - to learn to be in this flow, to become a mother before you have a child.

Because a real mother cannot remain without children. If this energy blooms in you, you will definitely have children. They will be attracted to you like bees to an open flower. And it will not matter to you whether they are relatives or not - what God has given, all yours.

But what if I'm not yet a flower or even a bud, if I just want to have my own bees? If I chase after them, lure them into my net in various ways and devices, will I get what I want? Maybe yes - for a while I will have my own bees. But I won't be a flower. And by their own will, these bees will no longer fly to me.

The state of the Mother is a great power, a great power. This is what our world needs right now. This is why our souls yearn, cherishing resentment against their parents.

The reason for all our childhood traumas is only one thing - we did not have a Real Mom with us. Our Moms did not learn this, they were not up to it. And now we are looking for these Moms everywhere, we are stepping on a rake again. Instead of finding this energy within yourself. And heal not only our wounds, but also the sores of those who are close to us.

Being a Mother is not easy. Being is always more difficult than just having or being able to. To be is always a transformation, often through pain and "I can't". But to be is also a huge force, power, a huge resource.

And if we are talking about motherhood, then being a Mother is not only important, but also vital now. The whole world needs. To our children. And to ourselves.