Summary of GCD on modeling “Autumn leaves. Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group on the topic: "Autumn"

Irina Zhavoronkova
Summary of GCD on modeling in the middle group "Autumn leaf"

Target: develop aesthetic perception, create a joyful mood in children.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to separate a piece of plasticine from a whole piece by unhooking; continue to teach children to roll plasticine in straight and circular movements between their palms. Teach children by crushing (smearing) with the thumb of a piece of round-shaped plasticine, shape it into a mountain ash leaflet... Encourage the desires of children to be better, to be more attentive to their work, to feel joy from the results of collective work. To bring up in children the desire to help, the ability to sympathize, empathize.

Preliminary work: reading poems about autumn, consideration and comparison leaves on trees, Painting leaves stenciled playing the game "From which tree leaflet

Material: plasticine, rectangular cardboard blanks, napkins, mountain ash, audio recording of music.

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

The game « Leaves» .

Autumn leaves whirl quietly,

Leaves They lie down quietly under our feet.

And underfoot rustle, rustle,

As if they want to spin again.

2. The main part.


Children, look who came to us! Here she is, our guest! Who is this? (mountain ash)

How did you guess that this is a mountain ash? (the trunk is thin, the twigs are flexible, the berries are red)

A beautiful tree is our mountain ash. But why is she so sad? Let's ask her and listen to her answer. (children ask)


You know what has come autumn... And she brings both fun and sadness. Remember how I was just recently? Autumn gave me such a beautiful colored outfit. I danced in a round dance autumn and was so funny. My leaflets-sons became like that different: green, red, orange, yellow. And now I'm sad because my leaves have flown, not a single one was left on my twigs ... Oh, my leaflets, my sons, how sad that I will not see you again.


No, wait, mountain ash, maybe we can help you. Really guys? We can blind your plasticine leaves.


Just tell the guys about mine leaflets what they are and how best to do it. I'll watch you work. Children, please try!


Well, children, let's try to help the mountain ash? Then we need to find out about leaves rowan as much as possible. See how interesting leaf at mountain ash.

What is it? (stalk) Yes, this is the stalk on which leaves live... We will sculpt it first. Here's a stalk (draws in the air with his finger, children repeat).

A leaflets look one up (showing in the air with a palm, children repeat)... Then there are two brothers, the same as twins (children show with their palms).

Below are brothers- older and larger leaves... The lower, the larger and longer. Brothers live very amicably. Look, twins each and don't push each other. For the mountain ash, we need to blind the same friendly ones, so that she does not get upset, but rejoices. Let me show you first, and you will help me. Then you will do it yourself, and the mountain ash will look.

3. Finger gymnastics.


The wind flew through the forest,

Wind I counted the leaves.

Here is oak,

Here is the maple tree

Here is the maple tree

Here is a mountain ash - carved,

Here is a golden one from a birch tree.

Here is the last one leaf from aspen

The wind threw on the path.

4. Independent work of children.

Children are doing work to calm music. The teacher coordinates the work of children, provides individual assistance.


Rowan, look what we got leaflets!


Oh what leaflets! How they look like my sons. What happiness! Thank you guys!

5. Reflection.

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Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group

"Mushrooms for Squirrels"

Integration of educational areas: Artistic creation, Communication, Cognition, Reading fiction.
Tasks: teach children to sculpt mushrooms from two parts (hat, leg), to clarify the children's idea of ​​the structure of the mushroom for a more accurate transfer of the proportions of the parts. To foster interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of impressions in various types of visual activity.
Software content: develop creativity; evoke an emotional response in children - a desire to help the squirrel; teach children to sculpt familiar objects, using previously learned techniques: to form the ability to roll out a ball, flatten it, the ability to pinch all the edges of a flattened ball with a slight pulling back, smooth the surface of a sculpted object with your fingers; rolling out the cylinder-leg; connection of parts.

Vocabulary work:

Active dictionary- September October November.
Passive vocabulary- leaf fall, golden autumn, ice crust, cloudy.
Material: plasticine, stacks, a modeling board, napkins, dummies of mushrooms, a toy - a squirrel, a wicker basket.
Preliminary work: a conversation about the forest and its inhabitants, examining illustrations depicting mushrooms; drawing mushrooms, looking at dummies of mushrooms, talking about useful and poisonous mushrooms, observing while walking.

Reading the poem by G. Lagzdyn "The Tale of a Mushroom Picker"

Under the aspen, under the oak trees,
Today mushrooms are hiding
Under birches and under trees
Under the leaves and needles,
White-legged and good-looking
They are so similar to each other
As if in a hurry, in a terrible rush
The russula scattered.
And in sedge the barnacles
Boletus mushrooms are stinging
They drink aspen juices
Stretch up, lose weight
And solyushki, and solyushki,
Cheerful girlfriends
Round dances lead amicably,
Though they are standing, but ... they can be seen walking!
Who's there with the red head
Say hello to me?
Boletus. I see.
Climb into the basket. I will not offend!
On a hemp, on a hemp!
In the heat, and in the shade!
The hat is pressed against the hat,
Honey mushrooms grow together.
Sisters are dancing around
Yellow-red chanterelles
The sun shines in the glade!
The mushroom picker will not pass, he will notice !!
Load your thick visor
Pulls far and wide !!
Among the twigs and cones
A juicy saffron milk cap is hiding!
In a concave hat, as in a cup,
Two insects are swimming.
Fat-legged boletus
I'm used to joyful screams,
like a dwarf, under a white spruce,
even in the shade, but tanned !!
He pulled his hat on,
He tortured the mushroom picker ...

I. The course of direct educational activities:

Educator:- Guys, I want to ask you a riddle, and you try to guess:
-Small, remote,
I walked through the ground
Found Little Red Riding Hood !!
(children's answers)
The teacher invites the children to remember about the hikes with their parents in the forest, about what they saw in the forest.
Educator:-What kind of mushrooms are they? (Boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, fly agaric, etc.)
-Guys, look, I also have a mushroom (takes out a mushroom made of plasticine)... Let's take a look at it. What parts does the mushroom consist of (cap and leg);
-Right. What shape does the hat look like? (damn, plate);
-Right, (asks 3-4 children to name the form for fixing);
- Guys, what shape does the leg look like? (roller, cylinder);
-Right, (survey of 3-4 children to consolidate the form).


Educator:- Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Look, Squirrel has come to visit us! Let's say hello to her. - Hello, Squirrel!
(The teacher examines the squirrel toy with the children).
Educator:-Quiet, guys! The squirrel wants to tell us something (brings the squirrel to his ear)
- Guys, Squirrel asks us to help her. In the forest, she had little squirrels in a hollow. She prepared nuts and apples for the squirrels for the winter, but she did not have time to collect the mushrooms. Let us help her (children's answers);
-Do not be upset, Squirrel. Look how many guys we have in the group. They are all kind and very fond of animals. We will help you, and your little squirrels will not starve in the cold winter. We will make a lot of mushrooms for you.
-Before starting work, we will do finger gymnastics with you:
-One, two, three, four, five!!! (counting fingers, bending),
-Let's collect the leaves, (bend, unbend fingers),
-Birch leaves, rowan leaves, (bend our fingers)
- Poplar leaves, aspen leaves, (bend, unbend fingers),
-We will collect oak leaves, (bend, unbend fingers),
- We will collect the autumn bouquet for mom! (we spread our hands to the sides).

II. The educator shows the sequence of work.

1. Leg: take a piece of white (yellow, gray) plasticine and make a mushroom leg - roll out a roller (cylinder);
2. Hat: we take plasticine of red (orange, brown) color and sculpt a hat - roll out the ball, flatten and bend it to make a bowl; if we sculpt a small mushroom, you can leave the hat in the form of a ball, if a large mushroom, then bend the hat with its edges inward (outward), or make it flat, like a plate. Be sure to make a recess for the leg in the middle of the cap.
3. We connect: two parts, a cap and a leg - the mushroom is ready !!!
The teacher invites children to choose plasticine (color) for their work.
Independent activities of children (help from a teacher if necessary). During the work of children, Vivaldi's music "Autumn" sounds.

III. At the end of the work, Belochka thanks the children for their help.

She is very glad that she met such kind and sensitive children. Now her squirrels will feast on mushrooms all winter and remember the guys. Children put mushrooms in a squirrel's basket. She thanks them again and says goodbye to the children.
Cleaning of the workplace by children (scrubbing boards and desks from plasticine, washing hands, etc.).
Used Books:
1. Komarova T.S. - Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group. For classes with children 5-6 years old. / M: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2008 .-- 128 p.
2. Lykova I.A. - Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Middle group. / M .: "Karapuz", 2009. - 144 p.

Abstract of the GCD "Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit" for children of the 1st junior group.

Expand children's ideas about the environment, about the autumn changes in nature.
Learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.
To foster an emotional response to the beauty of the autumn landscape, the bright color of the leaves.
To teach, in the process of plasticineography, to find similarities with real objects, using the technique of pinching off pieces of plasticine from a whole piece.
Material. Sultanas of red, yellow, green colors, dry leaves of various sizes, a basin of water, an easel, plasticine, boards, blanks of paintings for modeling with the image of the sky, trees.
basket with apples, autumn suit.
Presentation "Autumn, Autumn", classical music soundtrack.
Children are included in the group.
Educator. Guys, what time of year is it?
Educator. Now we will look at the presentation about autumn.
Presentation show "Autumn, Autumn".
"Autumn, autumn"
Educator. In autumn, the leaves on the trees change color, falling under our feet. The sun shines very little, it rains more often, the wind blows. You and I began to dress warmer: put on jackets, hats, put on boots.
Word game "Tree".

Clouds high in the sky (children put their hands up)
and below under the tree is the river. (children squat)
High on the tree - leaves, (put your hands up)
and below under the tree - mushrooms. (sit down)
Educator. Guys, why are leaves swaying on the trees? What's blowing? (wind)
Let's help the breeze, blow and listen to the rustle of leaves.
Respiratory gymnastics "Rustle of leaves".
(children blow on the sultans)
Educator. It often rains in autumn, but what remains on the ground after the rain? (puddles)
Guys, do you think the leaves will drown in the water? Check it out?
Experience "Sinking-not-sinking".

Children dip dry leaves into the water. I am checking their size. Leaves dry, light, large and small
The teacher goes to the easel. Shows pictures, examines.
Modeling in the technique of plasticinography "Autumn Leaves" under the soundtrack of classical music.

Examining pictures of children. You have got real autumn pictures!
Educator. Listen, children! Someone comes to us, singing a song.
Fall comes in
Autumn. Hello kids,
girls and boys!
Do you love autumn? See see. The pictures were made very wonderful! Well done! Did you do the pieces of paper? Do you know the game about the leaves?
Word game "Leaflets".
We are leaves, we are leaves,
We are autumn leaves.
We sat on the branches
the wind blew - flew.
The breeze stopped blowing
We all sat down in a circle.
We flew, circled,
And they sank to the ground.
Autumn. I liked your place. Now, accept a gift from me - beautiful, liquid apples. Eat to your health, help yourself and remember autumn.
He treats the children and leaves.
Educator. So autumn is leaving, and after it a snowy, fluffy winter will come.

Tatiana Karelina

Summary of a sculpting lesson: « Autumn tree» Preparatory group

Karelina T.N., teacher of MCOU "Secondary school No. 1, Pudozh" RK

Target: improve technique plasticine modeling, develop fine motor skills, a sense of color, proportion and shape, learn to create an image wood, leaves, herbs from plasticine, using a different method sculpting(twisting, flagella, sticking); to contribute to the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children and the ability to work in pairs; to cultivate a respectful attitude and love for nature.

Equipment: plasticine, cardboard, boards for sculpting, stacks, pedagogical product sample. Illustration autumn landscape, poem by I. Bunin "Leaf fall", musical accompaniment "P. Tchaikovsky. « Autumn song»

Preliminary preparation: observing changes in nature, viewing illustrations, memorizing a poem by A.S. Pushkin "A sad time!"

Course of the lesson:

1. Create motivation.

The chalkboard contains illustrations with autumn landscapes.

Reading a poem:

"Leaf fall" I. Bunin

The forest, as if we are looking at a painted one,

Purple, gold, crimson,

With a cheerful, colorful wall

Stands over a bright glade.

Birch trees with yellow carvings

Shine in the blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening,

And between the maples turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that little window.

The forest smells like oak and pine,

Over the summer he dried up from the sun,

AND Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower….

Remember with children about the main signs autumn, say that trees differ not only in the color of the leaves, but also have a different crown shape, and in the fall how beautiful they become.

Consideration autumn illustrations paying attention to colors autumn... Remember the structure wood(trunk, crown, thin twigs, leaves).

Physical education:

The wind is blowing in our faces.

Download tree.

The breeze is getting quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher, above.

2. Show receptions sculpting and considering a sample of work to be done.

In the process of explaining, the teacher shows the techniques for making leaves from twisted flagella.

3. Practical work.

Performing work in pairs. In case of difficulty, the help of a teacher.

4. Outcome classes.

Consideration of finished works and discussion:

Reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush wilting of nature,

The forests clad in crimson and gold ...

Exhibition decoration!

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Bochkova Alexandra Vladimirovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: GBOU school number 1164 DO
Locality: Moscow
Material name:"Synopsis of an open lesson in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"
Theme:"Autumn tree". Artistic and aesthetic development (LEPKA).
Date of publication: 27.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Abstract of an open lesson in the preparatory group for artistic and aesthetic development (modeling). on the topic: "
Autumn tree! "
educator Bochkova A.V.
Making a picture using plasticinography technique.
- To improve the technique and ability to work with plasticine. - Teach children to sculpt a tree, conveying its characteristic features. - Develop fine motor skills. - To develop thinking, attention, observation, creative imagination and imagination of children. - To foster a feeling of love for nature, to teach to take care of trees.
Equipment and materials:
Plasticine, cardboard, sculpting boards, plastic knives (stacks), a sample of a pedagogical product. Illustration of an autumn landscape (trees), reading a poem, musical accompaniment "P. Tchaikovsky. "Autumn Song".
Preliminary work:
- Observing and talking on a walk for the autumn changes in nature. - Examining illustrations about autumn. - Listening to pieces of music. - Learning and reading poems about autumn. - Drawing autumn trees, bushes. - Didactic games "Autumn", "Seasons" in independent play activities.

The teacher puts plasticine, cardboard, modeling boards, plastic knives (stacks) on each workplace in advance.

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! The teacher offers children a riddle:
In the morning we go to the yard-

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, they fly, they fly.

The day is waning more and more

When does this happen?

(children's answer:

Yes guys, let's talk about autumn today. What months of autumn do you know? (children's answers: September, October, November.)
That's right guys. Autumn is early and late, look at the painting (I. Levitan's "Golden Autumn") and tell me what kind of autumn the artist portrayed? (children's answers: it's early autumn.)
Why did you decide so? (children's answers: there are still many leaves in the trees.)
What is another name for early autumn? (children's answers: golden autumn.)
Why do they say that? (children's answers: the leaves on the trees turn yellow, turn like golden.)
Leaves on trees not only turn yellow in autumn, do they also change color? (children's answers: they become multi-colored, red, orange, yellow, crimson, purple.)
What trees are shown in the picture? (children's answers: birch, maple, rowan, spruce, etc.)
The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem.
Yellow leaves are flying

Falling whirling

And under your feet just like that

How does the carpet fall.
What is the name of this natural phenomenon? (children's answers: "leaf fall")
Why does leaf fall occur? (children's answers: trees shed their leaves in autumn, this is how they prepare for winter.)
I suggest you play the game "Guess the leaf from which tree." (The teacher shows the autumn leaves of different trees, the children guess).
Guys, let's imagine that we are in an autumn forest and today we are with you, we will make a tree. But we will not have an ordinary tree, but an autumn tree made of plasticine.

2. Repetition of the rules of working with plasticine.
1. Carry out the modeling on a modeling board, do not put plasticine on the table or desk. 2. Warm up the clay in your hands well before work. 3. Do not drop the remains of the clay on the floor. 5. After work, dry your hands with a cloth and wash with warm water and soap.
3. Practical work.
Take a look at the sample. Let's get down to work (Appendix # 1). The music "Autumn Song" (from the cycle of seasons) by P. Tchaikovsky sounds, the children are doing the work.
4. Physical education.

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher, higher.
(Children imitate the breath of the wind, swinging their bodies in one direction or the other. Children squat on the words "quieter, quieter", on "higher, higher" they straighten up.)
4. Summing up:


We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magical autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit him.
- Guys, what have we done (done) with you today? (children's answer: autumn tree.) - Did you like the work? (children's answers.) - Was it difficult to do this work? (children's answers.)


Look, please, what a beautiful, fabulous, magical forest we have turned out. Guys, thank you very much, you are all great, you tried very hard. And now guys, I will ask you to invite our guests to a merry dance to a merry song about "Autumn". The open lesson was attended by: children - 24 people, parents - 4 people. The result of the children’s work is what happened. Appendix No. 1