Summaries of the final complex lessons in the preparatory group. Integrated Kindergarten Lesson: Traveling the Road of Knowledge



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center kindergarten No. 5 "Thumbelina".

Abstract of the integrated GCD

for the preparatory group for school.

On the subject: "Soon to school!"

Integration of areas: Cognition, socialization, communication, reading fiction, health.

Completed: higher educator
qualification category

Batyrbaeva Mukhabat Kamylzhanovna.

Pushchino, 2014

Target : To consolidate the knowledge gained with the children, to give children pleasure from developing games.

Tasks (educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication, reading fiction, health)

Educational:To consolidate the knowledge of children about the seasons, parts of the day, about the days of the week. Continue to learn how to find the neighbors of a number, solve problems, read words, determine the number of syllables, put stress in a word, make a sentence according to a scheme on a given topic.

Developing: Develop attention, thinking, coherent speech, work on the expressiveness of speech, continue to develop the ability to answer a question in a full common sentence.

Educational: To foster a general culture of children's behavior through teaching verbal politeness. Learn to be polite and benevolent, to be able to work in a team.

Wellness:Create a positive emotional attitude, provide a health-saving, non-stop form of GCD.

Preliminary work:Guessing riddles, learning the games "Tell me a word", "The ABC of beautiful words", learning poems about kindness, a conversation on the topic "What is good?"

Methodical techniques:Surprise moments (letter, hidden assignment envelopes, gifts). Verbal techniques (artistic word, conversation, problem cognitive leading questions, positively stimulating assessment - encouragement). Verbal didactic games "Speak a word", "The ABC of beautiful words." Work according to the scheme, work with letters to compose words, show a presentation.

Equipment and technical means:A letter from the guys in a mail envelope, envelopes with a pencil, a book and a notebook with nested assignments and cards with the syllables "dob", "ro", "ta", colored cards with letters and numbers, a three-word sentence diagram, a portfolio. Three magnetic boards, 15 magnets. Laptop, projector.

GCD move:

Educator and children:

“Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello - “Good morning!

Good morning! The sun and the birds!

Good morning, smiling faces! "

And everyone becomes kind, trusting.

May the good morning last until the evening!

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and give them our smiles. Now everyone look at me and give me your smiles. Good morning dear children and adults. This morning we received a letter, now let's see who it is from ... The envelope says from Artyom, Alyosha, Masha, Denis and Diana (these children left our group for school a year ago).“Hello dear friends! We are doing well, we really enjoy studying at school, we have made many good friends. We try to learn from "4" and "5", and at school it is very important to be kind so that you have many friends. We know that you, too, will soon go to school and have hidden interesting assignments for you. When you find them and complete them, a surprise awaits you. Good luck and success, see you. "

I know that you want to go to school, but for what?

Children's answers.

Educator: So, let's complete the tasks, but where are they? To find the task you need to solve the riddle, listen:

He writes when dictated, he draws and draws

And tonight he’ll paint my album. (Pencil.)

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, you guessed right, look for an envelope with a pencil.

The children find the envelope and bring it to the teacher.

Educator: Let's see what kind of task ... We need to answer the questions with a full answer, ready?

What time of day is it? Time of day neighbors morning? What day of the week is it today? What was yesterday? What day of the week will be tomorrow? What are the neighbors of Monday? Fridays? How many days in a week? Seventh day of the week? How many fingers are on your hand? And on your hands? The time of year outside the window? Neighbors of winter, autumn?

Seryozhka fell into the snow, followed by Alyoshka,

And behind him is Marinka, and behind her is Irinka,

And then Ignat fell, how many were all the guys? (Five.)

Uncle hedgehog went into the garden, found ten ripe pears.

He gave three of them to the hedgehogs, the rest to the hares.

(How many pears did he give to the rabbits?) (Seven.)

The ants live amicably and do not scurry about idle.

Three carry a blade of grass, three carry a blade of grass,

Three carry needles. How many of them are under the tree? (Nine.)

During the answers, the teacher insists on a complete answer, the children respond with full common sentences.

Educator: Well done, they coped with the task, but there is something else in the envelope (he pulls out a card with the syllable "TA", the children are reading), I wonder what it is? We will look for the second task, in order to find it we need to solve the riddle:

Not a bush - but with leaves, not a shirt - but sewn,

Not a person - but talking ... (Book)

Let's look for an envelope with a picture of a book ... (Children find an envelope, the teacher opens it.) There are multi-colored cards - these are encrypted words and a diagram. You must arrange the letters according to the color of the card and in order in accordance with the numbers, read the resulting words, divide them into syllables and determine where the stress falls. (The teacher distributes colored cards, the children complete the task: they make up words, read them, divide them into syllables, put stress.)


After the kids have done it.

See what this circuit is? ! _____ ______ ______.

Children: This is a three-word sentence outline.

Educator: That's right, you need to draw up proposals for the winter according to the scheme, and I will post a winter picture here, I think it will be easier for you.

Children's answers.

Educator: Clever guys! We coped very well with the second task, and this is what is in the envelope (he takes out and shows a card with the syllable “RO”, the children are reading). Guess another riddle:

Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler

Manage to write on them!

You can draw ...

What am I? (Notebook.)

Educator: You guessed it right, well done! We are looking for an envelope with a picture of a notebook. (Children find the envelope, the teacher opens the envelope, takes out the task.) Here is the game "Say a word"

I'll start, and you end, answer in unison

An ice block will melt from a good word ... "thank you"!

The old tree stump will turn green when he hears ... "good afternoon"!

When you are scolded for pranks, you say ... "forgive me please."

If a friend is in trouble ... "help him."

Resolve disputes with words ... "not with your fists."

Let us never forget kind, polite words. We will often speak them to each other, speak kindly, gently, quietly, looking into the eyes of a person. At the same time, smiling, because a gloomy day becomes brighter from a smile. A beautiful word helps to live.

Let's play the game "The ABC of Beautiful Words":

(The teacher names the letters of the alphabet, and the children should name the adjectives in the singular, masculine.)

Guys, what do you think is good?

Children: One "good" is treasures, books, jewelry, paintings, toys. Such "goodness" can be seen and even touched by hands. Another "goodness" can be heard - this is beautiful music, soulful poetry, gentle, polite words.

Educator: But there is such a "goodness" that every person and me, and your parents, and our guests, and you should have. It is a kind heart, kind soul, to help those who are in trouble. Such people are said to be "a kind person".

There is a card in the envelope (the teacher takes it out, shows, the children read) "EXT". We have three syllables, let's try to make a word out of them.

Children compose the word "KIND", read it.

Educator: Our guys know wonderful poems about kindness, let's listen to them. What good fellows you are! We completed all the tasks correctly, I invite everyone to sit down more comfortably, watch and listen ...

Show of the presentation "Kindness". Funtik's song sounds.

Educator: I found a briefcase, it’s probably a surprise prepared by the guys, but why is it alone? There are a lot of us, let's see what is here ... (Takes out a copy with a pen.) And here is a surprise! There is also a note from our students: “Well done! You did an excellent job with all the tasks and deserve these gifts. We are waiting for you at school. "

Educator: All tasks have been completed. You did everything well. I suggest you choose one of three cards and answer the question with a card: "Did you like the lesson?"

Red - I liked it; Yellow - not very; Blue - did not like it.

(Children choose, the teacher specifies why.)

Children's answers.

Educator: Thanks to our guests, educators, thanks to our guys.

(Children say goodbye)

Educator of the II category Esipova Natalya Nikolaevna

Program content: create conditions for activity, independence, manifestation of the subject position in cognitive activity; to identify the level of knowledge of children by sections: mathematics, cognitive activity, literacy, based on the criteria for the level of development of children in these sections.

Material: a travel card, numbers from one to ten, chips, two magnetic boards, 10 magnets for each team, a ball, a steering wheel;
- for each team of children:

Mathematics: large geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), plot pictures for composing problems, sheets with segments, 8 triangles each, two rulers, a simple pencil, a pen, trays for handouts, numbers from one to ten, sheets with a picture for drawing figures from triangles;
literacy: one word for the sound scheme, one set of syllables for composing a word, one set of words for composing a sentence;
cognitive activity: cards with questions on environmental ideas (see the appendix to the lesson).
- for each parenting team:
mathematics: sheets in a cage, a pen;
diploma: a set of letters;
cognitive activity card with questions about the surrounding reality (see the appendix to the lesson)

The structure of the lesson.
Introductory part.
Children enter the group.
Educator: Children, let's say hello to the guests who came to travel with us.
Guys, where can you travel? (children offer different guesses).
Educator: Guys, what countries do you know? (children list)
What is the name of our country? (children's answer)
And if you dream, can a kindergarten be considered a country?
Let's give this country a name. (bring the children up to the name "country of preschoolers"). And in every country there are different cities.
Then we can say that in our country "Country of Preschool Children" there are three wonderful cities: Soschitaika - the city of mathematics, Chitayka - the city of literacy, Poznavayka - the city in which we learn a lot and learn to live in friendship with the world around us.
Today I invite you to show our guests these cities that will lead us, what country do you think? (lead to the answer - "Country of first graders"). Parents will also travel with us and will help us on our journey.
Educator: But in order to get into the country of first-graders, you need to be attentive, quick-witted, smart, friendly, to correctly complete many different obstacles. Aren't you scared?
And so we set off. And this map will help us with this.

Main part.
1 part. Maths.
An announcement is read on the tape recording:
“Bus number 9 is leaving for the town of Soschitayka.
You can get on this bus with tickets, but only in pairs, the numbers on the tickets must add up to the number 9. ”
(children should separate in pairs and bring the numbers in pairs that make up the number 9).
Our bus needs to find a driver, he will be the one who will tell me a number consisting of one ten and five units (the answers of the children, the one who named it first gets into the driver's seat).
And we also need a conductor, he will be the one who will tell me a number of two tens and three units (children's answer).
Dear conductor, please check the passengers' tickets.
(children sit in their seats on the "bus")
Educator: And while we are driving to the town of Soschitaika, let's play a game
"Name the neighbors" (with a ball)
Have arrived.
Look at two tables and geometric shapes on them. How do they differ from each other? (lead to division into teams)
(different tasks on geometric shapes)
Educator: Now guess the task, which geometric shape will we now perform?

Circle. Picture tasks.
It is necessary not only to correctly solve the problem, but also to be able to tell it. Highlighting its constituent parts (condition, question, solution, answer)
Logic tasks. (Two tasks for each team)
(Riddle about the square)
Square. Measuring and comparing numbers.
It is necessary to connect two points with a ruler and measure the resulting segment and the existing segment and compare the numbers using signs greater than, less than, equal.
(triangle riddle)
Triangle. Game with triangles.
Take a close look at the drawing and compose it.
(for the correct completion of tasks, children are given a token)

What good fellows you are, you have completed all the tasks proposed by the city of Soschitayka, you can send to the next city, we will fly there on the cloud. And while you are resting on this cloud, your parents will also carry out tasks.
1 task - logic puzzles.
2nd task - graphic dictation.

Part 2. Diploma.
On the tables, for both teams, different tasks were offered on the passed material on literacy (three tables for each team and one table in common). Children complete the task on the first table and move to the next table, when the tasks are completed, the children, together with the teacher, check whether the tasks were completed correctly. For correct execution, the team receives a token. Then the teams come to the common table and perform the task: "Make a proposal according to the scheme", in this task you can make more sentences and collect more chips.
First task: Make the sound scheme of the word.
1 command - the word "book".
Team 2 - the word "sounds".
Second task: Make a word from syllables and put stress.
1 team - the word "ku-kol-ka".
2 command - the word "ma-shin-ka".
The third task: Make a sentence from words.
Children must correctly construct a sentence (each child holds one word, and are built from left to right facing their parents). When a sentence is built, you can propose to build a sentence by swapping words in places.
1 team - offer “Warm summer is coming soon”.
2nd team - offer "The first flowers bloom in the spring".
Common table: four sheets with sound schemes.
Both teams come to the tables at the same time and make speed proposals.
The teacher sums up the results of the literacy game.
Then the children are invited to sit on the chairs and listen to how the parents will respond.

Tasks for parents
"Make up the word." (letters are on the tables in front of the parents, parents are asked questions, they must choose the correct letter, and make up the word "School" from 5 letters)
1. The first consonant sound, which begins the name of a large-horned animal, which gives a useful product from which you can make an omelet. (Cow)
2. The second vowel sound of a hard surface on which we walk. (Floor)
3. The vowel sound, which begins the name of the science that studies the structure of man. (Anatomy)
4. The first vowel sound of the name of the flower, which is stripped by the wind. (Dandelion)
5. The first or last consonant sound of a forest house built of branches, where with a sweet paradise. (Shalash)
Summing up the results for this competition.
Educator: To get to the city of Poznavayka, you need to guess the riddle. (riddle about the book)

Part 3. Cognitive block.
Each team answers questions within 1 minute.
For each correct answer, the team receives one token.
The same principle is used to play with the parents.

Final part.
Educator: So we have reached the country of First-graders.
And here is your first bell, it greets you. I am glad that you and I were able to reach this country with good results, and I think that in this country you will only study for …… .. (children finish).
You see, dear parents, children promise you to study only for four and five, and I think you will help them in this.

Questions for children.
1. A vessel for tea? (kettle)
2. Where does rain come from? (cloud)
3. The layout of the globe? (globe)
4. Who builds dams on the river? (beaver)
5. What do you open in the morning when you go to wash? (tap)
6. What is the largest marine animal? (whale)
7. Where does the camel live? (desert)
8. What do fish breathe? (gills)
9. What is the name of the people who fish? (fisherman)
10. An insect like a helicopter? (dragonfly)
11. A house floating on water? (ship)
12. What is the name of the city in which you live? (Berezniki)
13. Bird house? (nest)
14. Why does the water in the river heat up? (Sun)
15. Who is flying the plane? (pilot)
16. Is the fox a wild animal or a pet? (wild)
17. The longest-nosed boy? (Pinocchio)
18. Where does the river flow into? (sea)
19. What is the first astronaut? (Gagarin)
20. Who has a hump on their back? (camel)
21. What are the balloons filled with? (by air)
22. Is it always a green tree? (spruce)
23. What is the name of a huge flash of electricity sparkling between the clouds? (lightning)
24. What does a cactus have instead of leaves? (thorns)
25. What does a bear do in winter? (sleeping)
26. Glass house for fish? (aquarium)
27. What is the coldest time of the year? (winter)
28. Who has needles on their backs? (hedgehog)
29. What does a car eat? (petrol)
30. What else is a pig's nose called? (penny)
31. What does a drop turn into when heated? (steam)
32. What is the name of the game, which is played with a stick and a puck? (hockey)
33. Who is the mouse afraid of? (cat)
34. What day is it? (...)
35. Where does the polar bear live? (north)
36. What does water turn into when it freezes? (ice)
37. What do we hear? (ear)
38. How does the fox cover up his tracks? (tail)
39. When is it hot outside? (summer)
40. What is the sheep's calf? (lamb)
41. What can you use to cross the river? (a boat)
42. What digit does the count start with? (one)
43. Who is called the king of beasts? (a lion)
44. What color is the water? (colorless)
45. Who has a house in a hollow? (squirrel)
46. ​​What is the name of the president of our country? (Putin)
47. A device for cleaning dust in the house? (vacuum cleaner)
48. Which bird stands on one leg? (heron)
49. What drives the wind across the sea? (wave)
50. What is the name of mom's dad? (granddad)
51. Who has a trunk instead of a nose? (elephant)
52. What remains on the asphalt after the rain? (puddle)
53. What are teeth for? (chew)
54. What animal likes to howl at the moon? (Wolf)
55. How is soap washed off? (with water)
56. Who wears the dress? (girl)
57. Who has long ears? (Hare)
58. What is the car with horns? (trolleybus)
59. What bird can be taught to speak? (parrot)
60. Name the predator. (...)
61. What can you paint with? (pencil,..)
62. Why does tea become sweet? (sugar)
63. A flower-like insect? (butterfly)
64. Where can you swim in winter? (pool)
65. Does a snake have legs? (No)
66. What grows upside down in winter? (icicle)
67. Which animal has the longest neck? (giraffe)
68. Who works underwater? (diver)
69. A predatory marine animal? (shark)
70. What is the name of our country? (Russia)

Questions to parents.
1. Small sea in the house? (bath)
2. Apparatus with which a person breathes under water? (scuba diving)
3. A stream of water gushing out of the ground? (the fountain)
4. How do fish breed? (caviar)
5. Does a polar bear swim? (Yes)
6. What is the highest mountain on the planet? (Everest)
7. Satellite of the Earth? (moon)
8. What is the name of a huge piece of ice in the ocean? (Iceberg)
9. What is the camel's hump filled with? (fat)
10. Coldest continent on the planet? (Antarctica)
11. Is the layer of air surrounding the earth? (atmosphere)
12. Capital of Mexico? (Mexico City)
13. Where is colder in the mountains at the top or at the bottom? (on the top)
14. Which animal changes its color? (chameleon)
15.A penguin is a bird or an animal (bird)
16. A measure of time? (...)
17. Which animal is the tallest? (giraffe)
18. The sourest fruit? (lemon)
19. What is the last month of the year? (December)
20. What dissolves faster in cold water: salt or sugar? (salt)
21. According to children, the fattest writer? (Tolstoy)
22. What is pochepups? (Chupa Chups)

23. The capital of our country? (Moscow)
24. Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable? (berry)
25. What animal sleeps upside down all its life? (bat)
26. Iris - is it a flower or a candy? (flower)
27. Is the ruff a bird? (a fish)
28. Is night part of the day or time of year? (part of the day)
29. Where is it more convenient for the hare to run: from the mountain or uphill? (uphill)
30. The author of the work "Eugene Onegin"? (Pushkin)
31. Finish the proverb "Away is good ..." (but at home it is better)
32. Snow granddaughter of Santa Claus? (Snow Maiden)
33. Dust collector? (vacuum cleaner)
34. What is the first month of the year? (January)
35. Which insect lays its eggs in the water? (dragonfly)
36. What is your relationship to your husband's mother? (mother-in-law)
37. What's your zodiac sign? (...)
38. What day is April 1 called? (April Fool's Day)
39. A device that keeps liquid hot? (plate)
40. The place where the kangaroo is sitting? (pocket)
41. Children's doctor? (pediatrician)
42. A device that helps to study the sky, stars? (telescope)
43. Does a wooden spoon sink? (Yes)
44. What is the water in the sea? (salty)
45. "Children talk."
46. ​​What is the name of the street, which is named, according to children, in honor of the scientist who breaks noses? (Lomonosov)
47. What do you mean - pukil? (bought)

Synopsis of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory group "Surprise from Luntik"

Target: Revealing knowledge, abilities, skills of pupils of the preparatory group.
1. Educational:
Strengthen the ability to navigate in the surrounding space and on a plane (the ability to use a map).
Improve counting skills in children within 10, consolidate ordinal and quantitative counting; continue to teach children to name the next and previous number to the named one, to name the neighbors of the number.
Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis, the ability to read simple words, continue to work on the development of speech.
2. Developing:
To develop logical thinking, the ability to solve simple math problems, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
3. Educational:
Form the ability to negotiate, help each other.
Foster curiosity, love of nature, desire to learn.
Equipment and materials:
Laptop, projector.
Map in the form of the alphabet.
Preliminary work: examining illustrations, didactic games: “name your neighbors”, “count how many”, “find a clue”. Prepare demo material.
Methodical techniques: visual, verbal (reminders, instructions, questions), game (surprise moment), encouragement, differentiated analysis of the lesson.

Course of the lesson

1. Greetings.
Educator:- Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Please stand in a circle.
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we will smile at each other
Educator:- Guys, what a wonderful day today! The sun shines and gives us its smile! Join hands in pairs and give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, give them a smile. Fine!
(A kite with a letter flies into the group.)
Educator: Guys, what is this? A kite and he with a letter. And from whom you will recognize it, if you make up the letters according to the color of the rainbow and read the word, then you will find out from whom it is. Children read from "Luntik"
Do you want to know what it says?
Reads: “Dear guys! I flew away to conquer space. And I have prepared a surprise for you. I am sending you balloons in them for you tasks, complete them, and you too will make an amazing journey. Good luck! Your friend Luntik. "
Educator: Well, let's hit the road.
(There are balls in front of the children, the letters “stops” are highlighted on them. Children name the letters of the alphabet, complete tasks).
The first stop is the letter "B" - "Cheerful math dictation".
Let's remember counting to 10 forward and backward. Now take your notebooks and a simple pencil for "Graphic Dictation" and put the pencil on the red dot. Begin.
2 cells - to the right
5 cells - down
3 cells - up diagonally to the right
2 cells - up
2 cells - to the right
9 cells - down
2 cells - to the left
5 cells - up
3 cells - diagonally down to the left
2 cells - down
2 cells - to the left
9 cells - up
What happened guys? The letter "I" is correct. What color are we going to paint over it?
Correctly red, paint over.
Phys. a minute.
"The mice went out for a walk"
Children go to the next balls and find a new task.
Second stop- the letter "I" - "Correct the mistake."
1. A worm pecked a starling.
2. The song was sung by the nightingale.
3. The furry caterpillar ate the titmouse.
4. There was a vase in the flower.
5. The mushrooms collected the children in a basket.
6. The fluffy mouse caught the cat.
The third stop is the letter "L" - "Logical tasks".
1. Mom has a cat, Fluff, a dog, Druzhok, and a daughter, Lida. How many children does mom have? (1).
2. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? (crocodiles don't live there).
3. Who bellows louder: a rooster or a cow? (the rooster does not know how to moo).
4. What color is the hair of the kolobok? (the kolobok has no hair).
5. There are two oranges and four bananas on the table. How many vegetables are on the table? (no one).
6. How many stars are there in the sky during the day? (0)
7. How many corners does the circle have? (No)
8. What utensils are not allowed to drink from? (from empty).
The fourth stop - the letter "O" - "Determine which letter to insert in the word" Pictures and words on the projector. For example: dm, house, mk, poppy, sr, cheese, kt, whale, zbr, fence ...
The fifth stop is the letter "P" - "Cognitive".
1. What month ends the year? (December)
2. Which month begins the year? (January)
3. How many days per week? (name them)
4. What is the name of the state in which we live? (RUSSIA)
5. What river flows through our city? (Miass)
6. What is the name of the model of the globe? (Globe)
Sixth stop - the letter "U" - "Find out which word will turn out"
Children complete assignments in notebooks.

Seventh stop - the letter "C" - "The numbers got lost"
Find the neighbors of the number: 3, 6, 9. Check
Eighth stop - the letter "I" - "Apple tree".
Pictures from a fairy tale appear on the projector.
Educator: Tell me, from which fairy tale?
Children: "Fear Has Great Eyes" Russian folk tale.
Educator: Tell who had what fear.
Children's answers.
Educator: Well done boys. You have completed all the tasks.
- Which task did you like more?
- What was the most difficult task?
- Are you glad that Luntik has prepared a surprise for you?
Let's ask our guests if we have coped with the tasks of Luntik. (Senior teacher gives children a book from the series "My first encyclopedia")

Presentation on the topic: Surprise from Luntik

MKDOU Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 2 "Sun"

with priority implementation

physical direction of development of pupils

Summary of the final integrated lesson

in the preparatory group.

"Goodbye toys, hello school"


Lylova O.V.

Talitsa, 2015

Integration of educational areas:"Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic - aesthetic development", "Physical development", "Social - communicative development".

Target: Summarize the knowledge gained during the year.

Learning tasks:

To acquaint children with the names of school lessons.

Find out whether the children have mastered direct and reverse counting.

Determine the ability of children to solve oral problems.

Continue to improve children's reading skills.

Continue learning how to make words from letters.

Learn to navigate on a piece of paper by placing the image in the indicated direction.

Developmental tasks:

Expand children's understanding of their responsibilities, primarily in relation to school preparation.

Develop the notion that the Russian Federation (Russia) is a huge, multinational country.

Expand the understanding of the native land.

Continue to introduce you to the sights of the city where the children live.

To form an interest in learning activities and a desire to study at school.

To develop the cognitive activity of children.

Improve speech as a means of communication.

Educational tasks:

To foster a positive attitude of children towards the school of future first graders.

Involve children in play and speech interaction.

To cultivate the ability to work without interfering with each other.

Preliminary work:

Learning poetry, songs.

Examination of illustrations, conversations.

Watching video films: "Russia is our homeland", "Talitsa is our hometown".

Excursion to the school, to the post office, to the N.I. Kuznetsov, to the military registration and enlistment office.

Solving math problems and examples.

Writing graphic dictations throughout the year.


Caps, pacifiers, bibs, toys, laundry basket, bucket;

Toy cubes, pointer, bell.

Audio recordings (Song "Farewell to toys", "Lullaby for my baby");

Video recordings (Physical minutes "Hare" and gymnastics for the eyes "Flowers in the meadow");

Presentation "Our Motherland - Russia";

A book about the city of Talitsa;

Projector, laptop and music center;

Gifts for children - bookmarks;

Individual yellow cards for each child with examples, carrots with numbers, pencils, checkered leaflets;

Individual cut letters to compose the word "Well done";

Magnets for sound - letter analysis (red, blue, green).

Music "Lullaby for my baby"

Children enter the hall to the music with pacifiers in their mouths and wearing caps, some children have pots in their hands, and others have toys.


In 2010, children came to our kindergarten,

They didn’t know how, every day they roared.

You ask what is your name? Say: "Her"

What is your name? "Poya"

What kind of "Her", what kind of "Poya" I don’t understand, well I’ll ask my mother in the evening.

Tell Stepa, get on the pot quickly,

He responds, smiles at me and hides behind a pot.

I began to think, and ponder how to raise children.

To begin with, she told them:

Remove caps and bibs and put them in a basket.

You don't need pacifiers either; throw them in the trash bin.

Soon the children stopped crying, they became adults.

They play, then sing, they do not give rest in the group.

Just tell them: one, two, three, put the toys back in their place.

Instantly get up, put away, and go to the chairs.

Time flew by quickly, the Pochemuchki group matured.

Child 1:

For many, many years in a row

We went to kindergarten

Life was in full swing here Veronica K.

We didn’t sit around

We learned to paint

Child 2:

We asked mommy to go home

What was just oh-oh-oh!

And it doesn't matter that the group is not, Veronica Z.

No dad and no mom

Here are educators and nannies,

They are everywhere with us.

Child 3:

It's an unusual day today

Wonderful, great!

There is only one reason for this,

Everyone understands it.

Very soon, very soon Lera S.

We'll go to school.

And it's time to wish

To us "No fluff, no feather!"


Yes, we're big now

Let's go to first grade.

And in our beloved garden

Today we will sit down for the first time!

Well guys, you hear the call,

He calls us to the first lesson!

The bell rings


And 1 lesson - the world around.

The world around us teaches us

To love and observe nature

Do not forget your native land

Protect both forest and water.

The topic of our lesson "Our homeland is an immense country"

Presentation "Our homeland is an immense country"


If long-long-long

Fly us on the plane

If long-long-long

We should look at Russia,

Then we will see

Both forests and cities, Natasha D.

Ocean expanses

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains.

We will see a distance without an edge

Tundra where spring rings

And then you will understand what

Our homeland is big

An immense country.


Attention to the screen!

What is the name of our country?

Child: Our country is called Russia.


And what are the people who live in Russia called?

Children: People living in Russia are called Russians, Russians, Russians.


Each country has its own main capital city. What is the name of the capital of Russia?

Child: The capital of our country is Moscow.


Who is the most important in our country?


The most important in our country is the president.


What is the president's name?


The name of the President is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.


Where can you see our entire country?


Our country can be seen on a map, globe, TV, etc.


Arina show our country on the map.


You will not find on the world map

The house you live in.

And even the streets of native Arina P.

We will not find that on the map.

But we will always find on it

Our country is our ancestral home.

Then it shows the country on the map.


Russia is our Motherland. Where does the Motherland begin?

1 child: Homeland is the city where we were born.

2 child: Homeland we call the house and the street on which we live.

3 child: Homeland is my family and friends.

Educator: That's right, each of us has a small homeland, that corner of the earth where our home is. This is our city. What is it called?


Our city is called Talitsa.

The bell rings


The first lesson ended with us,

We were talking about Russia just now.

And now we are getting up on our feet, and we will spend a physical minute with Polina Egorova.

Physics program "Our homeland"

The capital of our Motherland - Moscow

(R uki lift up, with the fingers of your right hand wrap your fingers left hand)

The ride is very long - two days.

(raise index and middle fingers of the right hand up)

With a high, main tower,

(get up on your toes, get up)

With chimes on it

(hands up, reach out)

And with a huge area,

(spread your arms to the sides at the level chest)

With a humble name,

(bend your arms at the elbows, stretch them forward)

She is called Red

And it looks great.

There are countless museums there,

(bend your elbows and spread all fingers)

There are theaters, monuments.

(bend two fingers with your left hand right hand)

We will go to visit friends,

(bend your arms at the elbows, alternately pushing them forward, fingers clenched into fists)

To tell you about it.

(bend your elbows and stretch them forward, palms up)

The bell rings

First by syllables, and now as we want,

We learn easily verse lines,

We will compose a story about the city of Talitsa in an instant!


You have books on your table.

In these books, we can learn everything about our city.

Lera open page 1,

And read what is written there.

Pasha go to page 2.

Natasha turn to page 3.

Arina open page 4.

Ilya turn to page 5.

Katya turn to page 6.

Andrey open page 7.

Artem open pages 8.

Vanya read what is written on page 9.

Cyril read what is written on the last page 10.

The bell rings


We read about Talitsa for a long time,

Our eyes got a little tired.

Let's take a look at the screen now

And we'll do gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Flowers in the meadow"

The bell rings


Well, here comes the call again,

We begin the third lesson.

3 Math lesson

An interesting lesson on it, we think

Together we solve examples and problems.

The subject of mathematics is

More action, less words.


Many birds, animals and insects,

They live in our city.

But how many of them are unknown to us,

Let's try to solve everything in the problems.

Mathematical problems.

    Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

    Two fluffy cats

We sat down on the window.

Then one came running to them.

How many cats have become together? (There were 3 cats together)

    To the gray heron for the lesson.

Seven forty arrived.

And of them only one forty.

Prepared lessons.

How many idlers, forty.

Arrived for class? (Forty loafers flew in for lesson 6)

    Gave the hedgehogs a hedgehog

Eight leather boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many hedgehogs have hedgehogs? (The hedgehog has only 2 hedgehogs)

    Nine funny cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired -

He lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer

How many bears are ahead? (There are only 8 bears ahead)


Guys, would you like to help the bear who has fallen behind? (Yes)

Let's help him get to the forest,

And find raspberries there.

On your table are squared sheets of paper and pencils, we will now write a graphic dictation. Find a point and place a pencil on that point. Ready?

Children: Yes!


All oral problems were solved,

But we forgot about the written ones.

Let's take the yellow cards on the table,

And let's start solving examples.

These examples are also not easy,

Put the "+" or "-" sign rather.

Cards with "Plus and Minus" examples.


They still haven't solved one oral problem,

They completely, completely forgot about her.

    Once to the bunny for lunch

A friend-neighbor rode up.

The hares sat on a stump

How many carrots have you eaten? (10 carrots eaten)


And here are the carrots they wanted to eat, dozens are written on each carrot.

Your task is to arrange tens in forward and reverse order.


Well done! We have solved all the problems and examples, and we have not forgotten about the graphic dictation. And in this lesson, we repeated the direct and reverse counting.

The bell rings


Well math is over with us,

It's time to start dancing with the bunny.

We get up on our legs, and we will begin to exercise.

Physics "Hare"

The bell rings


The bell rings and calls us for the fourth lesson.

4 Literacy lesson


To study well

You should all know the letters

All these letters every day.

Be sure to repeat.

You did a great job today with all the tasks in the previous lessons! And finally, I would like to say a nice word to you. But the letters in the word crumbled and messed up.

1 Task: Your task is to put the letters in order, using the numbers on each letter, and read the word. You have these letters on your table in plates, let's get down to the task, and I'll ask Veronica K. to go to the board.

Children examine the letters, arrange them in accordance with the written numbers, read the word "GOOD MEN!"


What word Veronica did you get? (Well done).

2 Task: Performing a sound is a literal analysis of this word.

When parsing a word, sounds are designated by circles of certain colors: green, blue, red. Let's get to work. I will ask Natasha D. to go to the board.

Let's check together if Natasha did the right thing. Raise your hand from someone the same way.

How many syllables are in this word? (3)

How many letters are there in this word? (7)

How many sounds are in this word? (7)


Indeed, the guys are great.

Sounds, letters repeated

And they didn't forget about the syllables.

The bell rings


The last trial lesson is over.

And your favorite toy is waiting for you guys.

We will take toys in your hands

And we will sing a farewell song for all!

Song "Goodbye Toys"


For us, you kids have become pride,

You tried with us, studied, played.

Be more attentive at school

Do not forget us as educators.

And today I want to give you beautiful bookmarks.

You need them for order.

Don't flip through the pages in vain.

Where is the bookmark, read there!

Do you need toys guys at school?

Children: No

We say to our toys: "Bye"

It's time for us to bring them to the methodical office!

Children go to give gifts, and a backing track playsSongs "Goodbye Toys"

Summary of the final lesson in the preparatory group:

Integrated lesson on FEMP and communication "In search of a surprise".

Program content:


To reinforce elementary mathematical concepts in children, to improve the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10. Ability to name neighbors of numbers.

Ability to compare numbers, use signs for comparison; compose and solve simple addition and subtraction problems; consolidate knowledge of the ordinal count.

Develop logical thinking.

To consolidate the ability to draw by points, the names of geometric shapes, days of the week, parts of the day, months of the year, to navigate in space.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound З, Ж; call words for the sound З, Ж.

Continue work on revitalizing and refining the children's vocabulary. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables, make sentences.

To cultivate the ability to achieve goals, independence

Material: For each child there are sheets of paper with geometric shapes (drawn with dots); a chest with cardboard locks, simple pencils, surprise candy.

Methodological techniques: surprise moment, artistic word, game techniques, drawing by points, individual work, questions.

Course of the lesson.

Organization of children. (children stand in a circle).

Educator: Good afternoon!

First, let's stand in a circle

How much joy is around!

We will all join hands

And we will smile at each other

We're ready to play!

You can start the meeting!

Guys, guests have come to our class today, let's say hello.

Now let's sit on the chairs.

Today we have an unusual activity. I have prepared a surprise for you, but you can find out what it is if you complete all the tasks. The surprise is in this chest, but it is closed, we need to open it with you, remove all the locks. Each castle will be opened if you complete the tasks correctly. The tasks will be very interesting. After completing all the tasks, you will find out what surprise I have prepared. You are ready? Good luck then!

2. The main part.

1 task:(slide)

What time of year is it now? (Spring)

What words can describe spring? (warm, sunny, rainy, cloudy, long-awaited, beautiful, fragrant, ringing, murmuring, noisy, thunderous, blooming, cheerful, welcome ...)

Name the spring months.

What month is it now? (April, which one?)

How many days in a week?

What day today?

List the days of the week in order.

What parts of the day do you know?

Name the parts of the day in order.

Well done! (open the lock). We opened 1 lock.

2 task "Name the missing number"(children sit on high chairs in a semicircle, slide show on the screen)

3 task. And now for the unusual tasks - for attention.

Ducklings and chickens are going to swim from one bank to the other. Who will be the first to swim to the coast? (Ducklings. Chickens cannot swim).

There is an oak tree in the field. There are three branches on the oak tree. Each branch has three apples. How many apples are there? (Not at all. Apples do not grow on oak).

What can you see with your eyes closed?

Is it possible to light an ordinary match under water so that it burns out to the end?

Two fathers and two sons walked, they found three oranges. They began to divide - all got one by one. How could this be?

Anton broke the branch into three pieces. How many breaks did the boy make? (Two)

What kind of comb should not be used to comb your head? (Petushin).

Educator: Well done, attentive. We open the second lock.

Finger gymnastics.

Poyka poyka singing along 10 birds flock

This bird is a nightingale

This is a bird - a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

(Bend the fingers of the same name, starting with the thumbs)

This bird is an angry eagle.

(Waving folded palms crosswise)

Birds, birds home!

(They flap with both hands like wings.)

And now we go through and sit on the chairs. The backs are straight, the legs are together.

4 task. "Recognize the figure."

The next task is written. Move the sheets of paper, take pencils: connect dots of the same color.

Name the geometric shapes.

Which figure is superfluous? Why?

What are the geometric shapes that have no corners? (circle, oval)

Well done! We open the lock number 3.

4 task. "Put the required sign" "<»; « >»; «=» (signs are shown on the screen, slides).

Look at the screen.

What is depicted? It is necessary to say which number is greater and which is less, what sign did we put?

Why was this sign put up?

Did everyone do it right? Well done! We open the next lock.

5 task "Guess the mathematical riddle."

1 “Seven tiny kittens that are given to them - they all eat, and one asks for sour cream. How many kittens? (eight).

2 “Four sheep lay on the grass, Then two sheep ran home. Now tell me quickly: How many sheep are now? " (two)

3 "How many tails do three elephants have?" (three)

4 "How many ears do two mice have?"

5 "Sasha has eight cubes, Pasha has one more. You children, count these cubes!" (nine).

(Open the lock)

Physical education.

On Monday.

I went swimming on Monday, (pretend drawing)

And on Tuesday, he painted. (depict drawing)

On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time ("We are washing")

And on Thursday I played football. (running in place)

Friday I was jumping, running (jumping)

I danced for a very long time. (spinning in place).

And on Saturday, Sunday (claps)

I rested all day. (children squat down, hands under - cheek - fall asleep).

6 task: Game "Spell the word".

Think of the mosquito song. What sound does it start with? -Z ...

Now name the words that begin with the sound Z. (hall, sunset, hare, west, sunset, ...)

Remember the song of the beetle - F ...

Name the words that begin with the sound J. (toad, beetle, acorn, iron ...)

Remember the song of the snake - W ...

Name the words that begin with the sound Ш. (Wardrobe, scarf, ball ...)

З, Ж, Ш - what are these sounds? (consonants) What vowel sounds do you know?

Well done, we open the lock.

7 task. "Count the syllables" - a slideshow of insect pictures. (Grasshopper, cricket, locust, wasp, dragonfly, ant, spider, fly, cockroach, butterfly, tick)

Children name the word and count the syllables.

Well done boys. And they coped with this task. The lock was opened.

8 task. "Say the opposite."(word play)

Game "On the contrary".

Educator: I suggest playing the game "On the contrary"

I tell you high

Tell me. (Low)

I tell you far

And you say (close)

Long short)

Wide narrow)

Thick (short)

Hot Cold)

Ceiling (floor)

Sad (funny)

Evil (kind)

Good bad)

Goes (stands)

Morning evening)

Sick (healthy)

Old (young)

Clean (dirty)

Sweet sugar - lemon (sour)

The moon is visible at night and the sun is (during the day)

The river is wide and the stream is (narrow)

The stone is heavy and the fluff (light)

Well done guys, we opened another castle.

9 task. And the last task "Dictation" (graphic dictation "Key")

Flip your sheets over and find a point. Put a pencil on it and start drawing.

What did you do? (Key) Well done!

So we have coped with the last task. The chest opened. But what is inside, we will find out a little later. Now come all to me. (On the palace)

Guys, did you like our lesson? What did you like the most? And what seemed difficult to you, maybe something didn't work out for you?

Today I am convinced that you are smart, know a lot and can. Know geometric shapes, numbers, know how to navigate. Divide words into syllables, solve examples and problems. Now let's see what we have in the chest. Surprising moment.