Summaries of classes on the sensory development of children. Which ball is bigger

Lesson summary for sensory education for kids early age"The sun is looking out the window"

Kozina Lyudmila, educator of the highest qualification category of the communal preschool educational institution №254 "Teremok" in Donetsk.

Software content:

Create emotional mood, activate speech development child and vocabulary;

Form an idea of ​​the shape, size and color;

Evoke and maintain a sense of discovery: (onion scales can be used as "clothing");

Develop cognitive interest, fix sensory standards;

Foster a benevolent attitude towards each other.


Onions, scales, rays.

Materials and equipment:

A toy bear, a basket of onions, an outline of the image of an onion, bottles of semolina, onion peels, cardboard suns that are hung at the top, laces, bubble.

Course of the lesson:


Children, glad to see you all, say hello to each other, hug your friends. Tell your eyes:

« Good morning, eyes "!

Good morning eyes, are you awake?

(Children stroking their eyelids.)

Good morning, ears, are you awake?

(Children stroking their ears).

Good morning cheeks, are you awake?

(Children stroking their cheeks).

Good morning pens, are you awake?

(Children stroking their hands).

Good morning legs, are you awake?

(Children stroking their feet).

Good morning, Sunshine! We woke up and smiled!

(They stretch their arms up and smile broadly).


Children, look how many suns we have in the group. (The "suns" are suspended at the top of the ceiling). We will now tell our suns a rhyme and greet them.

Poem by Agnia Barto "The sun looks out the window"

The sun looks out the window.

Warms our room

We clapped our hands

We are very glad to the sun.

(Children clap their hands).


Stretch your pens up, let's say hello to the sun again. Oh, what a fine fellow you are! We felt warm, joyful and comfortable.


Children, I see that you are friendly with each other and love each other, so let's make a gift to each other. (The teacher pours semolina from the bottles onto the dark floor and invites the children to draw a sun with rays with their fingers).

Children carry out the task. During the lesson, the teacher asks the children questions:

What geometric shape does the sun look like? (Answers of children. Circle). What else does the sun have? (Rays). What are the rays of the sun? (Long, short).


Well done! Here are what good gifts you did to each other.


Oh guys, hear someone crying. The sun is crying. He is sad without his rays. Let's help him. (Children sit on a rug near the sun, each of the children takes a ray and attaches with buttons to the sun, then they fasten their eyes, nose, mouth and decorate the rays with multi-colored laces). Well done! Now the sun is joyful, cheerful and smiles at you and me. What color is our sun? (Answers of children).


Children, while we were delighted with the sun, a bear came to visit us. And he brought us something. (The teacher takes a basket of onions from the bear). Let's see what the bear brought us. Oh, and this is an onion! Come all to me, I will give you the onion in your hands. (The teacher distributes a small onion to the children).


And I have an onion. How many onions do I have? (Children's answer. One). Now you all stretch out your hands with your bow. How many onions do you have? (Answers of children. Many).


Now let's compare the size of the onion. What kind of onion do I have? (Answers of children. Big). And in all of you, what kind of onion? (Answers of children. Small). What color is the onion? (Answers of children).


Children, look how many "clothes" scales my onion has. I'm going to undress her now and rustle them like this. (The teacher crushes the onion scales and rustles them). And now we will rustle like onion scales.

Imitation of rustling scales. (Children rub palm on palm and say "Shur, Shur, Shur").


Children, while we rustled with you, our bear was saddened. He wants us to give him a big onion too. Look, you and I have a big onion, but this onion must be “dressed”. I'll put some glue on the onion, and you will put it on. (The teacher offers the children to grind the scales, and sprinkle them with the glue-covered silhouette of the onion drawn on a Whatman paper. The children, together with the teacher, do the work).


Look, children, what a wonderful big onion we have made. This is for you, bear, we tried so hard.


Mishka liked the gift so much and he offers to play with it.

Cheerful music sounds. The game "Soap Bubbles" is being held.

Vera Shevtsova
Lesson summary for sensory development in the first younger group

Municipal budgetary preschool

educational institution

Kindergarten No. 60 of the city of Krasnodar

Summary of classes on sensory development in 1 junior group.

Developed and conducted by the educator Shevtsova Vera Nikolaevna

Programming tasks.

1. Continue teaching children to distinguish between primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green).

2. Learn to coordinate numbers "one" and "many" with nouns.

3. Form an idea of magnitude: big small.

4. Encourage children to answer questions.

5. Develop voluntary attention, imagination, memory.

6. Foster curiosity, expand the experience of orientation in the environment, enriching children with a variety of sensory experiences.

Demonstration material.

Illustration ( Balloons, toys (doll Tanya, balls).


Doll Tanya, balls, a strip of cardboard, 4 multi-colored cardboard circles, balloons.

Educator: Children, the doll Tanya came to visit us. Let's say hello to her.

1. Children: "Hello doll Tanya."

(Crying is heard)

Educator: - Oh, guys, is the Tanya doll crying?

Drawing the attention of children to the doll Tanya. I take the doll Tanya in my hands.

I ask the children.

Why do you think Tanya is crying? (If the children find it difficult to answer, I inform you.)

- I dropped the ball into the river. Let's comfort Tanya, we will regret it. (Children, together with the teacher, stroke the doll Tanya).

Guys, we know about the ball a poem by A. Barto "Ball".

I invite one child to recite a verse.

Reading a poem by A. Barto Ball.

Our Tanya is crying out loud:

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:

The ball will not sink in the river.

Tanya really liked our guest and she brought us a lot of balls.

(Big and small balls).

The teacher puts balls of different sizes and colors in front of the children.

Guys, show me the big balls? .

Show me the little balls? (Individually ask 2 - 3 children to show the big small ball).

Encouraging children to speak words "Big", "Small".

Guys, tell me what color is the big ball? (Choral and individual answers).

And the small balls, what color? (Individually ask 2-3 children).

Guys, how many balls did the doll Tanya bring to us? ("Many", "One")

Children: the doll Tanya brought us a lot of balls.

What good fellows you are, "A lot" is correct.

2. Didactic game "Balloons"

Target: to promote the formation of color representations in children.

To teach to correlate the colors of dissimilar objects.

Material: A strip of cardboard (30x12 cm, on which threads of the main colors are drawn and 4 multi-colored cardboard circles - "balloons" - their color corresponds to the color of the threads.

Game progress: the teacher shows the children a cardboard strip on which they multicolored threads... Invites children to look at balloons: "Today we will play with you air balloons... Each of you has cardboard strip... look at the balls, they are also multi-colored, like the strings. Each ball has its own thread on a strip of cardboard. To each thread you need to pick up a balloon of the same color and tie it to a thread ": tie a red balloon to a red thread, etc.

See how I do it. The teacher applies balloons of the corresponding colors to several threads. Explains to children that these balls are selected correctly and can be tied to threads. Then he shows the balls that are not correctly selected in color - he puts on the green thread, for example, a yellow ball, etc. Explains to the children that these balls cannot be tied, since they are not correctly selected in color. Then the children complete the task on their own.

3. Physical minutes.

Outdoor game "My jolly jingle ball"

My jolly jingle ball

Where have you set off to gallop?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

4. Educator. - Do you guys like playing with balloons?

Look at what beautiful balls I have.

David, what color is this balloon?

Child's answer. - Red.

Educator. - Ksyusha, what color is the ball?

Child's answer. - Yellow. (Asks 4 children).

Do you guys want to play with balls? We play with balloons with children.

Lesson over... Goodbye.

Related publications:

Directly educational activity on the theme "Multi-colored Hedgehogs" on the sensory development of children of the first younger group using.

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Summary of GCD for sensory development in the II younger group "On a visit to toys" Carrying out form: lesson-travel. Purpose: To improve perception through the assimilation of sensory standards (color, shape, properties of objects).

"Let's feed the bears." Summary of GCD for sensory development in the second junior group based on the fairy tale "Three Bears" Purpose: Familiarization of children with relationships in size. Tasks: Familiarizing children with relationships in size when establishing a correspondence between.

Synopsis of the NGO "Let's Help the Sun" on the sensory development of children in the second junior group municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten №10 in Tatarsk “Sensory development of children through didactic.

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Magic water.


  1. Development of tactile perception: concepts cold - warm - hot.
  2. Correlation of the concept (temperature) with the plot picture.
  3. Development of auditory perception: discrimination of non-speech sounds.
  4. Correlation of action and symbolic image (pictograms).
  5. Development of the ability to perform actions according to the model.


Bath for games with sand and water, three bottles of cold, warm and hot water, pictures: winter, ice hole, bucket of water; summer: a river, the bright sun is shining; a gas stove with a burning burner and a boiling kettle on it, schematic pictures - pictograms: a cup, a faucet with pouring water, a shower, a swimmer in the water, washing dishes, etc. (May be different variants pictograms).


15-20-25 minutes.

Carrying out conditions:

The lesson can be pre-divided into three parts:

Working with pictograms,

Acquaintance with the concepts: cold, warm, hot,

Distinguishing non-speech sounds.

Each part can be self-study lasting 10-15 minutes.

Course of the lesson:

The teacher informs the child that they will play with water today. Asks if the child likes to play with water. If the child is not verbal, you can use the following phrases: “I know you like to play with water”, “Do you want to play with water?”. The teacher asks the child, where else, besides games, do we meet (use) water?

If the child speaks, then he answers and shows the corresponding picture. If the child is non-verbal, he finds a picture, the teacher names the picture.

- "We drink water" - a cup,

- "We wash our hands, face with water" - a tap with water,

- “We wash with water, take a shower” - a picture with a picture of a shower,

- “We are swimming in the water” - a swimmer and so on (the number and set of pictures depends on the child's capabilities.

Bottle with cold water- cold, hands are frozen, unpleasant.

Bottle with warm water- warm, pleasant to the hands, can be brought to the cheeks, etc.

A bottle of hot water is hot, we pull back the hand, it is dangerous.

After the bottles have been examined, the teacher asks the child to choose and show a bottle with cold water, then with warm and hot water (the concepts are being consolidated).

The teacher says that he took this water into different places, just forgot where the water came from. The child is invited to consider the pictures and correlate the water temperature with the plot of the picture.

The hole is cold water

Summer, the river is warm water,

The kettle is hot water.

The child examines the pictures, the child or the teacher speaks out the plot of the picture, draws conclusions and places bottles of water to the corresponding pictures. Once again, the concepts are consolidated: cold, warm, hot.

Then the teacher says that it is most pleasant to play in warm water.

(For safer children, you can conduct a small experiment: mix cold and hot water to get warm).

The teacher invites the child to go to the bathtub with water, put his hands in it. Again, the temperature of the water is specified (what kind of water is warm, cold or hot, concepts are fixed).

The teacher tells the child that water can make different sounds:

Water drips - hands fall into the water, then rise and droplets flow from them - drip - drip,

Water gurgles - water pours out of a bottle of water in a thin stream, gurgles like a trickle,

Water splashes - in a bath with water, intense hand movements are carried out, waves are obtained,

Water gurgles - we put an empty bottle into the bathtub and fill it with water, bouillon, etc.

The teacher shows each action to the child, if the child cannot repeat himself, then the teacher helps him, work "hand in hand" is possible.


Day and night.


  1. Stimulation of the entire sensory sphere:

Development visual perception, visual concentration, fixing sensory standards of color, size;

Development of auditory perception, auditory concentration,

Development of tactile-motor, tactile-vibration sensations.

2. Development of general and fine motor skills.

3. Development of spatial representations.


Bubble column with fish (hereinafter referred to as the aquarium), "Starry sky" panel, fluorescent lamps, "dry shower" (you can use different colors (for example: green - spring, summer or yellow, red - autumn) strips of fabric or different tactile feelings), audio recording "Breath of Spring" or "Magic of the Forest".

Duration of the lesson:

15-20-25 minutes.

Carrying out conditions:

For small children and children with complex concomitant pathology, the lesson can be divided into two parts: preliminarily conduct a game - lesson with an aquarium and separately with the "Starry Sky" panel, then join the two parts in the next lesson.

Course of the lesson:

It is light in the "dark" room (roman blinds are raised or lights are on). Music is on.

The teacher invites the child to go for a walk in the "magic" room. Draws the child's attention that the room is light. They pass through the "magic forest" ("dry shower", they say tactile sensations) and approach the bubble column with fish.

The teacher draws the child's attention to the column and says that there is an aquarium in the "magic room", and fish live in it.

The aquarium is off - the fish are resting, sleeping. The teacher invites the child to touch the aquarium with his hands, says that it is cold.

The teacher turns on the aquarium and draws the child's attention to the fish (they woke up, swim).

The child's attention is drawn to the fish. What are they? Big and small!

Show me the big fish, show me the little fish!

What color are the fish (yellow, blue, green, etc.)

Show a yellow fish (blue, green, etc.)

Find and show the little yellow fish!

Find and show the big green fish! Etc.

When working with an aquarium, you can fix sensory standards of color and size. Draw the child's attention to the changing color of the water.

What color is the water now (red, green, yellow, etc.)

For young children and children with multiple disabilities, the following task is possible:

Catch a fish (the child runs his hand over the aquarium following the movement of the fish). This gives excellent tactile and vibrational sensations, coordinates the work of the eye-hand.

The lighting in the room is gradually turned off or the roman blinds are lowered.

The teacher draws the child's attention that while they were playing, it became completely dark and you need to return home. The teacher holds the child by the hand or hugs him, says that they will find their way home by the stars.

The panel "Starry Sky" turns on. The teacher draws the child's attention to the stars, says that there are many small stars in the sky. They different color: white and blue.

Show the white star;

Show me the blue star.

The teacher invites the child to run his hand over the stars (tactile sensation).

Look, the asterisk is hidden, it is not there (the star is covered by the hand). Here she appeared! (we remove our hand). We invite the child to hide the asterisk.

The fluorescent lamps turn on and the stars begin to shine on the ceiling. The room is transformed, acquiring "magic".

The teacher draws the child's attention to the fact that the sky lit up big stars... They light up the "magic" room and help you find your way home.

The teacher and the child leave the "dark" room and share their impressions.


Walk on magic forest.


  1. Development of perceptual actions.
  2. Development of general and fine motor skills.
  3. Development of ideas about the form of an object.
  4. Development of auditory perception, auditory concentration.
  5. Development of visual perception.
  6. Formation respectful attitude to toys, caring for loved ones.


Sensory trail, Hedgehog toy, "Dry shower", dummy apple and mushroom, pine and spruce cones, "Noise of the rain" toy or audio recording with rain noise, fan.

Carrying out conditions:

Sensory room (dark room). The equipment is placed taking into account the sequence of the lesson.

For a child with multiple severe disabilities, the session can be broken down into smaller parts. For example:

1h - passing along the sensory path (independently, with significant support from an adult, pronouncing tactile sensations);

2h - a walk in a quiet forest in windy weather, maybe an option in a wheelchair,

3h - meeting with a hedgehog (acquaintance, examination), etc.

Lesson time:

15-20 - 30 minutes. (depends on the severity of the child's diagnosis, his involvement, for "heavy" children, preferably individually, for more intact children - group.

Course of the lesson:

The room is light.

The teacher invites the child to go for a walk in the magical forest. But to get there, you need to walk along a narrow path. (The teacher draws the child's attention to the Sensory Pathway, explains that the path is narrow and must be walked carefully).

Along the narrow road

Top-top, top-top,

Sha-ha-yut na-shi knife-ki

Top-top, top-top.

Well ve-se-le-e

Top-top, top-top,

This is how we u-me-em,

Top-top, top-top.

(the teacher, leading the child by the hand, slowly recites the quatrain, stopping at each element of the "Sensory path")

On a flat path

Our legs ran.

(the child runs along the carpet). You can walk the path 2-3 times, already without the support of the teacher. Follow the rhythm of the voice when moving.

The teacher pays attention to the "Dry Shower" suspended from the ceiling. Says that this is a magical forest. Draws the child's attention to the tenderly bent "branches" of trees, invites them to touch them with their hands, Draws attention to the fact that they are smooth, silky, pleasant to the touch. The child conducts survey actions independently or together with a teacher.

Then, it is proposed to take a walk in the forest (the child, together with the teacher / or, repeating the actions of the teacher / or following the instructions, goes through the "Dry shower" several times.

The teacher speaks out his feelings / the child speaks out his feelings.

The teacher begins to shake the "dry shower" little by little, says that the wind is blowing in the forest, he rocks the trees. Trees sway harder and harder, getting through them becomes more and more difficult. (You can direct a fan to the "dry shower"). The wind gradually dies down….

The teacher and the child go out of the woods to the "clearing".

The teacher draws the child's attention to the toy - the hedgehog, says that the hedgehog lives in the forest. Next, the child examines the toy, touches it, draws attention to the spiky back of the hedgehog.

The teacher says that a hedgehog in the forest has collected a treat. The child is invited to consider what the hedgehog found in the forest (apple, mushroom, cones). The teacher invites the child to touch objects, examination actions are carried out, tactile sensations, the shape of objects are spoken. For example: the apple is round, smooth; oval prickly cone, etc.

The room is getting dark for a short time, first a quiet, then a louder noise of rain is heard (a toy "Rain noise" or an audio recording is used. (The teacher hugs the child, says that he would not be afraid that the forest is magical, he will help to hide from the rain).

The fluorescent lamps turn on, the room is transformed, the magic forest begins to glow.

The teacher invites the child to hide from the rain in a magical forest. Reminds that the hedgehog is also cold in the rain and needs to be taken with you under the trees.

For some time the teacher and the child wait out the rain in the magic forest.

Then the sounds of the rain subside. A light comes on in the room.

The teacher / or child tells what he saw, heard and felt during the walk.

The teacher says that the walk through the magical forest is over, and it is time to return home.


Saint Petersburg state budgetary inpatient institution social service « Orphanage-boarding school for children with disabilities mental development No. 1 "of the Committee on Social Policy



TOPIC: "Travel to the sea

(with elements of relaxation) "

Teacher-defectologist: Alekseeva T.A.



  1. Stimulation of tactile and tactile-motor perception.
  2. Correction of general and motor skills.
  3. Removal of muscular and psycho-emotional stress.

Equipment : "Sensory trail", the ROMPA projector with a wheel "Underwater World", the manual "The sound of the ocean", the water bed, the audio recording "The sound of the surf".

Duration of the lesson: 15-20 minutes.

Course of the lesson:

The teacher tells the child that today they have to travel to the sea. The sea is very large, there are many beautiful fish swimming in it. "To get to the water, we need to walk along the path" - (the manual "Sensory path" is used, elements with foam rubber, balls and cereals).

Element with foam rubber- our feet stepped on the grass, feet are pleasant, soft.

Element with balls- there are pebbles on our way, these are small smooth pebbles. They are hard, uneven, slightly prickle legs. Be careful, keep your balance, don't fall.

Element with groats -so we got to the sand, it pleasantly tingles our legs, warms them, it is pleasant for the legs (we linger on each element for a short time, we pronounce the sensations).

"Here on the sand we can sit and relax."

The teacher shows the child the manual "Sound of the Ocean" and offers to consider the underwater world: "Look what beautiful fish, a lot of them. They are of different colors and sizes. Show me a red (yellow, etc.) fish. Show me the biggest (smallest) fish. Our fish swim in the sea. When the sea is windy, the water beats against the sandy shore and makes noise. Hear how the waves are making noise! ​​" (the manual "ocean noise" is used, simulating the noise of waves, sounds are sometimes quiet, sometimes louder).

“And now, you yourself can swing on the waves. Make yourself comfortable (the child lies down on the water bed, you can turn on the sound recording "The Sound of the Surf"). “Touch the bed with your hands, it’s warm, it’s the water that warmed it up. Feel the warmth with your whole body ”(the teacher gently shakes the child on the bed).

“How pleasant it is to swing on the waves. The water is warm and affectionate. The oncoming wave gently lifts you up and down. You are warm and calm. Your body relaxed and resting ... Swaying on the waves, we can watch the inhabitants underwater world(the projector turns on). Beautiful fish, jellyfish swim past you, and a small crab is hiding. And this starfish... How pleasant it is to lie, swaying on the waves ... "

The child is resting, listening to music ...

“You had a good rest, listened to the sound of the waves, the sounds of the sea, and now it's time for us to return home” (the teacher helps the child get out of bed, asks about his impressions, thanks for taking part in the game).


"Over the bumps" (with elements of relaxation)


  1. Development of tactile sensations.
  2. Development of general motor skills.
  3. Developing a sense of balance.
  4. Development of coordination of movements.


"Sensory trail", pouf "Soft island", massage trail, soft toy- hare, audio recording "Sounds of the forest".

Duration of the lesson: 10-15 minutes.

Course of the lesson:

The teacher tells the child that the bunny ran away from the evil wolf, got lost in the forest and ended up on a small island. “The hare cannot get out of the island by itself, let's help him find his way home. But the trouble is, the island is surrounded by a dangerous swamp. You can get to the island only by jumping over bumps (the elements of the "sensory trail" are located in random order at a short distance from each other). You need to be very careful and accurate and only jump from bump to bump, otherwise you can get your feet wet and get dirty in the swamp. "

The teacher shows the child how to get to the island. Further, the child, independently or with the help of a teacher, jumps from one element to another and gets to the island. “And here is our bunny. He missed us. Stroke him, tell him: do not be sad, bunny, I will help you. " “But before we go back, we need a little rest. The path through the swamp was difficult. Lie down for a while on our little island, rest, listen to the birds singing (the audio recording "Sounds of the Forest" is turned on). The wind rustles the foliage of the trees…. How pleasant it is to relax in the forest ... Our islet is soft and comfortable ... .. "

“So we rested, it's time to get ready for the return trip. Look, a narrow path (massage path) leads from our island, we can cross the swamp along it. Hold the bunny tight and walk carefully along the path. It is narrow, slippery, keep a close eye on the path, keep your balance. So we got out of the forest and saved the bunny. What a fine fellow you are! " The teacher asks the child about his impressions, was it not scary to cross the swamp, what kind deed he did ....

Olga Sumenko
Summary of the lesson on sensory development "It's fun to play together"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 6"

NS. Sandy

Lesson summary

on sensory parenting

senior group

« It's fun to play together» .

Compiled by the teacher:

Olga V. Sumenko

NS. Sandy, 2011

« It's fun to play together» .

Software content. Exercise children in distinguishing between a circle, a square, a triangle, find models of these figures, despite the differences in their color and size; develop visual, auditory perception, imagination.

To consolidate the ability to select objects from a group and combine them into a group; use the words many, one, none, teach to reconcile the number one with a noun in gender, number; continue to form practical knowledge about the color of objects, size (big small).

To bring up in children a benevolent attitude towards each other, a desire to play together.

Demonstration material. Squirrel toy, « magic bag» , car, napkin.

Handout. Basket, 5 flags of different colors, "Numbers" cars for each child.

Equipment. "Garages"- chairs (they have models of geometric figures: circle, square, large triangle).

The course of the lesson.

Children sit on high chairs. A bear cub is hidden on the carpet in the center under a napkin.

Educator: Children, someone came to visit us and hid, guess (makes a riddle):

Not a mouse, not a bird,

Frolics in the forest

Lives in the trees

And gnaws nuts. Who is this?

Children: Squirrel.

Educator: That's right, it's a squirrel. See what color it is?

Children: Brown.

Educator: Touch, stroke, squirrel. What is she like?

Children: Soft. Fluffy.

Educator: The squirrel came to play with us and brought flags. Let's stand around the squirrel, join hands (children stand in a circle).

Educator: Children, what kind of figure did we get?

Children: Circle! Circle!

Educator: That's right, we got a circle. Children, what is our circle?

Children: Big. Round.

Educator: Right, we did it big circle, beautiful, smooth. What needs to be done to make the circle small?

Children: Come closer. Make it smaller.

Educator: Let's get closer to the squirrel (children come to the center).

Educator: What is our circle?

Children: Small, cramped.

Educator: Right, we did it small circle... How do you make the circle big again?

Children: Step back. Expand.

Educator: Make a big circle (children step back, make a big circle).

Educator: This is what a big circle we have. Children, our circle can roll. Let's roll our circle.

The game"Circle" (children go in circles):

Oh, circle, circle, circle

Our circle rolled.

It rolled, it rolled

Suddenly the circle stopped.

Come out, girls, in a circle

Polina, take the yellow flag

Arina - red flag,

Alla is a blue flag

Dasha is a green flag,

Sasha is a white flag.

Educator: What a beauty, the colors were right! Girls, how many checkboxes are left in the basket?

Children: No one. There are no flags, not how many.

Educator: That's right, there is not a single flag left in the basket. Sasha, how many flags do you have? Alla, how much do you have? (all girls answer).

Children: One. One checkbox.



Educator: Put (children check the boxes)

Educator: How many checkboxes are there in the basket?

Children: Many.

Educator: That's right, well done! Girls, get up again in the circle, and it will roll again.

Oh, circle, circle, circle,

Our circle rolled.

It rolled, it rolled

Suddenly the circle stopped.

Come out, boys, in a circle,

Vanya, take the yellow flag,

Cyril is a green flag,

Egor - red flag,

Artem is a blue flag,

Nikita is a white flag.

(children take flags)

Educator: What a beauty, the colors were right! Boys, how many flags are left in the basket?

Children: No one. Not how much, there are no flags.

Educator: That's right, there is not a single flag left in the basket. Kirill, how many flags do you have? And you, Nikita? Etc.

Children: One checkbox. One.

Educator: That's right, you have one checkbox each. What needs to be done so that there are a lot of checkboxes in the basket again?

Children: Check the boxes in the shopping cart. Add to cart.

Educator: Put (children put on)... How many checkboxes are there in the shopping cart?

Children: Many.

Educator: That's right, well done! Boys, stand in a circle. Squirrel, do you remember what figure we got when everyone joined hands? (the teacher turns to the squirrel)

Squirrel: Square.

Educator: Square?

Squirrel: Yes, it's a square.

Educator: Children, did the squirrel say it correctly?

Children: No! Wrong!

Educator: And what figure did you get when everyone joined hands?

Children: Circle.

Educator: Children, explain to the squirrel how a circle differs from a square?

Children: A square has corners, a circle has no corners. A circle can roll, a square cannot.

Educator: That's right, well done, guys! Sit on the chairs (children sit on high chairs).

Educator: Children, look how beautiful the squirrel has a bag! Just wonderful! What did he bring us? Do you want to know?

Children: Yes! We want!

Educator: Guess riddle:

Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

Do you know her, of course?

Children: A car!

Educator: That's right, it's a car, (takes a car out of a bag, shows)... Which car? What colour?

Children: Big. Passenger. Red.

Educator: That's right, kids, well done! Let's let's play transforming, and let the bear look. Close your eyes, turn into cars. One, two, three - hum the car! Now, you are cars, and I am a policeman.

Each car has its own number. Here are the numbers, the squirrel in the bag. Take it yourself from the bag (children take the numbers in the form of a rudder, in the middle with a picture geometric shapes).

Educator: Julia's car, what is your number? (children call their number).

Children: Red triangle. Blue circle.

Educator: Cars, get out of your garages. Go! (children drive)... The night is coming! Go to your garage! Take a close look at the garage number. The figure in the garage must be the same as the figure on the license plate.

After the cars enter the garage, the teacher asks:

Car - Arina, why did she drive into this garage?

Children: Because there is a yellow circle and I have a yellow circle. Because here is a red square and I have a red square (all children answer).

Educator: That's right, the car number is the same as the garage number - the same. Let's play again! (cars go under musical accompaniment, the teacher swaps garages).

Educator: Well done, cars! Right occupied their garages... It's time for us to turn into children! Close your eyes, turn into children. One two Three! Look at me! Oh, here she is, Katya! Here is Natasha, Dasha, etc. There are no more cars.

The teacher turns to squirrel: "Squirrel, did you like our games?"

bear: Yes, I liked it, well done guys, they know the colors, they don't confuse flags, they remember the shapes - a circle, a square, a triangle, and amicably were playing... I like these guys, I will live with you.

Used Books:

V. Sotnikova magazine "The smallest in kindergarten" Linka-Press, 2005

V. P. Novikova "Mathematics in kindergarten"- M., "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2005

Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. "The program of education and training in kindergarten"- M., "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2005

Bondarenko T. M. "Complex classes in the second junior group of kindergarten "- M., "Teacher", 2004

Summary of the lesson on sensory development "Birthday of Masha's doll" (1 junior group)

Author: Olga Kuntsevich, educator.
Place of work: MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 39" Golden Cockerel "Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan"

Work description:
I bring to your attention material that is aimed at developing sensory skills. This is the ability to operate with objects, select objects based on color, by display and by verbal designation, analyze and generalize the signs of objects. this work will be interesting for kindergarten teachers working with young children.
Develop visual imaginative thinking.
Educational: to consolidate knowledge of colors (red, blue, yellow,); encourage naming colors; to consolidate the concepts of "big", "small";
Developing: develop fine motor skills;
Educational: create joyful mood; to bring up a joyful mood in children; to bring up in children a sense of responsiveness, a desire to help.
Preliminary work:
Examination of pictures and objects by size, length and color. Finger drawing.
Colored stripes "path" (yellow and red, long and short), Masha doll, a set of cubes different sizes(small and large), a basket, boxes (large and small), cups and plates for each child (red and yellow), dress templates for each child, blue gouache, a house, an envelope with a letter.
Course of the lesson
(Children are included in the group)
Educator: Look guys, how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello.
Educator: Do you know, today, I received a letter, let's see what's in it?
(takes a letter out of the envelope)
Educator: Guys, this is a letter from Masha's doll, she asks us to help her prepare for her birthday. Well, let's help, and guys?
Children: Yes, we will help.
Educator: But she lives far away, and you have to go to her along the path. Guys, look in front of us two paths, yellow and red, one short and the other long. What color is this path?
Children: Red.
Educator: Is it short or long?
Children: Long.
Educator: What color is this path?
Children: Yellow color.
Educator: Long or short?
Children: Short.
Educator: Well done, but to the doll Masha you have to walk the long red carpet. Where is our long red path?
Children: There she is. (children walk along the path)
Educator: Guys, look on the path there is a basket, what is it with?
Children: With cubes.
Educator: What kind of cubes are they?
Children: Different, big and small.
Educator: But in order for us to be able to go further along the path, we need to arrange them in boxes. Large cubes in a large box and small cubes in a small box. (children put cubes in boxes)
Physical education
Down the track, down the track
Down the track, down the track
We jump on the right leg (Jumps on the right leg.)
And along the same path
We ride on our left leg. (Bounces on the left leg.)
Let's run along the path
We'll reach the lawn. (Running in place.)
On the lawn, on the lawn
We will jump like bunnies. (Jumping in place on both legs.)
Stop. Let's get some rest.
And let's go home on foot. (Walking in place.)
Educator: Well, now let's hurry to our doll Masha. (children reach Masha's house)
Educator: We came with you to Masha's house. Hello Masha! Guys look, and Masha is so sad. She had a misfortune, she did not have time to prepare a dress for the holiday, let's help. (children come to the table)
Educator: Guys, let's go to the table and each of you will decorate a dress for Masha.
(children draw dots with their finger on the silhouette of the dress).
Educator: Well done guys, how many dresses Masha will have now.
Children: Many.
Educator: And one more request remained with Masha. She prepared the dishes for tea, but she forgot how to arrange them, need help?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Let's go and arrange all the dishes correctly. (children put cups on plates of the same color, and the teacher asks how to put them?)
Educator: Well done. We did everything right. Now Masha's doll will have a beautifully laid table.
Educator: Well, it's time for us to return to the group. Let's say goodbye to the doll Masha.
Children: Goodbye.
Educator: Well, the yellow short path will lead us to the house, guys.
Educator: (summing up) Questions:
1) What did we clean up in big boxes and small?
2) Which path did we go to the doll Masha?
3) How many dresses did we give Masha?
Children's answers:
1) Large cubes and small cubes,
2) Along the long red carpet.
3) A lot.
Educator: Guys, this is where our lesson is over, let's say goodbye to the guests.
Children: Bye!