The cat strongly lines in winter. How to help cat lift? Causes of excessive wool

The first and most importantly about the linky is that Line all representatives of the animal world. All to one. At a certain point, they change the covers of the body. Someone skin, someone shell, and cats change the coat. And this is normal.

Cats even change the top layer of the skin. By the way, he changes constantly. The upper cells of the epidermis die away, and new cells come to their place and so while the animal is alive.

It is believed that a molting of predators is seasonal. Summer fur shelter is changing in the fall on the winter, and the winter spring is on the summer. So it was before and with cats. But now they moved to the apartments, and the environment does not work on them as it were, if the cat lived on the street.

In the apartment and winter and summer, almost the same temperature and cats are most often liming all year round.You can check it out, looking at the woven materials in your apartment. You can always find hair on the upholstery of the sofa, chairs and so on. With fluffy cats, the wool climbs the shreds. With smooth-haired cats, a small barbed fighter rolls.

But if you will use a cat's wool cover to the process of changing the word: gets tricks, it lines greatly, wool falls greatly, then with confidence it can be said that this is a pathological process, and not a physiological molting. And we will try to find out the causes of such a phenomenon as a pathological loss of wool in cats. So you can remove the causes and cure the cat.

Causes of strong hair loss:
1. Old age. At old cats, all physiological processes are aimed at aging and death. Hair is poorly held in the hair onion and falls more often than wanted, and the new does not always grow. Therefore, old cats sometimes have an unfounded, as if a non-dimmable look.

2. Diseases of digestive organs. When the gastrointestinal tract is amazed or sick. In fabrics and organs do not come after the digestion process, the amount of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, how much the body needs to maintain the skin and wool in good condition. And, as you know, without vitamins and minerals and hair does not grow, and the wool does not glitter. And the molting process is enhanced up to baldness.

3. Diseases of the organs of the urogenital system. If the cat has a serious kidney pathology, they do not remove many unnecessary organism of the substance. These substances accumulate, and it affects the skin, and, of course, on the coat. Do not forget that the incorrect work of the ovaries also negatively affects the condition of the skin and wool. Balds appear (they are usually symmetrical).

5. Incorrect nutrition Cats seriously affects the state of the wool cover, for example, children's chicken heads and necks favorite cats lead to constant constipation in cats, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body. And this leads to a serious molting.
Or fish, fish, fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Scientists have proven that in many varieties of sea fish contain substances that destroy Vitamin B1, and this also leads to a violation of the growth of the hair. Here is a strong molting.

6. Stress. If your cat is experiencing strong stress too often, it also leads to hair loss and slow growth of new wool.

7. Inflammation and overflow of paramanal sines leads to self-separating skin and wool. Cats practically lick their belly to clean skin. That's how they hurt and call the straight intestine.

Your actions:
1. If the cat lins, but it does not give you anxiety, it is best to teach a cat patiently take your hygienic procedures with its wool. Smooth-haired cats are perfect for a rubber brush, which dresses in hand. And if you can pay a cat procedure for a few minutes every day, then on your furniture and clothing wool will be much smaller. And the cat will look tidy and nail.

2. Another thing if the wool loss in a cat is connected with some disease. In this case, you should consult a doctor, pass the tests and begin to treat the cat.

3. Change feeding type. Exclude primarily harmful products. If necessary, change in general all the nutrition of the cat. You can make it under the control of your veterinary doctor.

Elena Valerevna Gordeva
veterinarian, zoopsychologist, dog coach

Well-groomed, beautiful fur coat is the subject of pride and the cat itself, and its owners. However, often the owners begin to notice that the wool in the fluffy beauty becomes no longer so luxurious, and the apartment where their favorite lives, completely covered with hairs. It is quite natural that people have questions: why does the cat lose greatly? What can be done in such cases?

The reasons for concern are clear, and the matter is not so much in forcedly stunned cleaning, as in the state of the animal health, because not always a strengthened molting is a consequence of a normal physiological process.

When molting is a normal phenomenon

Under the molt should be understood the natural process of changing the wool in animals. Each hairs have a lifetime, and when it expires, a new one has to appear on the place of the hair.

A healthy cat lines twice a year - in autumn and spring, this is a normal physiological process that should not cause anxiety. Lose wool absolutely all pets independently of age, gender and rock, except that bald cats are not familiar with this problem. Depending on the length of the wool among representatives of different breeds, the mink process will differ, for example, if a long-haired cat lives in the house, the consequences of this process will be much more noticeable.

In the spring, the cats are getting rid of extra hairs, thus preparing to the hot season, but in the fall, on the contrary, "insulating", the tight undercoat increases.

Normal is the renewal of the wool in kittens. The kids change the fur coat takes place at the age of 6 months. During this period, soft and fluffy wool changes to the tougher, undercoat becomes elastic and heavy. Changes and color, becoming more saturated, drawings and points acquire clarity and expressiveness.

Promoting abundant molt can also elderly animal age, which is becoming more difficult to care for the fur coat.

Pregnancy, childbirth and feeding are also absolutely natural processes that cause enhanced wool loss. After the restoration period of woolen cover will come to normal.

Naturally, molting delivers a lot of hassle to the hosts, collecting shockful wool with carpets and upholstered furniture. But as they say, do not hurt anything, the maximum that can be done - more often, so that it will be updated as soon as possible.

Another thing is when seasonal wool renewal develops into year-round and becomes uncontrollable. This is already a reason to beat the alarm, because the frequent and abundant loss of woolen cover may be the cause of a dangerous disease.

The furminator is very convenient and easy to use, removes the undercoat gently and delicately, does not damage wool and oave hair. Cat must be combed daily. In no case cannot be used a comb with sharp cloves, as they injured the gentle skin of the animal.

It is advisable to change shampoo and air conditioning, consulted with a veterinarian. It is possible that it will help solve the problem. For example, the special air conditioner "Wool" has proven perfectly well, helps restore damaged fur. The advantages of this means include the fact that it does not cause dry skin and prevents peeling.

Recover the diet of the cat, adjust its nutrition. There are special feeds aimed at improving wool. These are premium products, and they are not suiced, but pet health is not what you can save.

If the cat has stress

If you assume that the cause of the loose molting has become stress, try to reassure the animal and, if possible, eliminate the provocation factor that caused the pet anxiety. The veterinarian in this case may advise the sedatives for the time until the cat adapts to new living conditions or to the appearance of another family member.

It should be understood that all of the above measures will be useless if the loss of wool is associated with any disease. In this case, the subjects will need treatment, aimed primarily to eliminate the cause that caused loss. For example, with violations of the hormonal background, the question of castration (sterilization) of the animal should be considered.

If you are not a sphinx winner, then with the problem of wool loss from cats you have repeatedly encountered. Sometimes the wool in a pet begins to fall abundant. When the cat is very much mad, what to do? Is this normal or pet need treatment?

Why is my cat everywhere?

It's one thing when the cat is always with you, because attention is eager for and communication, and quite another when he is in every corner and even outside the dwelling. More precisely, its wool, which is completely everywhere. If the cat is leaning much, what to do?

The cat can lose the fur in such cases:

  1. So intended nature. Or rather, this is a seasonal change of wool, and nothing terrible in this is not at all. The cat, of course, is a homemade creature, but it still has a connection with nature. So, for the winter, the pet is becoming another fur coat, and closer to the spring begins to actively "shoot". If the undercoat is long, it will fall out in the cold season, but not as abundantly, as in warming. In any case, in the spring, every cat lins, "What to do?" - you ask. Complete, bathe or even stron.
  2. So affects the microclimate. All adapt to the environment in which they live. It seems to be a deep winter, and the nurses of the pet are already everywhere. Perhaps the house is too hot, and the tight fur coat just interferes. Therefore, he decided to "lose" her, until he got a heat strike. It is absolutely not scary and completely natural. What if the cat is very much linked in this case? If possible, then slightly reduce the temperature of the house. If not, you will have to make a pet to reduce natural loss.
  3. So conceived by the breed. Some breeds of cats are prone to wool dropping more than others. This is especially true for long-haired cats and animals with a compacted undercoat. In their case, only the right care will help.
  4. So affected meals. Perhaps the cat lines due to lack of minerals in food. Monotonous and scarce feeding may well reflect on the state of the wool. The body throws the forces to maintain themselves in the "worker" condition, and wool, in his understanding - this is more superfluous. What if the cat is much limiting because of this? Improve its diet and supplement it with vitamins.
  5. So influenced the change of diet. Not only a meager diet, but its change can affect wool loss. The pet can begin allergic to inappropriate food, and because of this, the cat suddenly strongly lines. With this option it is worth returning to the usual diet.
  6. So influenced stress. Everyone is inclined to excessively worry, and seals including. So if the pet is because of something heavily worried, then the loss of wool can be due precisely with stress. Moving, the appearance of another tenant, even walking down the street can be a big experience for the cat. If the cat lines because of stress, she needs to give time to be mastered or even to treat nervousness.
  7. So influenced the disease. It is likely that the cat strongly lens due to the disease. The disease can affect the work of the internal organs, the hormonal system and skin cover. If the kitten not only relieves the fur, and also lost appetite, it became inactive and sad, then it must urgently lead to the veterinarian. It is better to progress and find out that the favorite just lasted, than to skip the ability to cure him.
  8. So influenced the treatment. If, after treatment, the cat strongly lines, then the reasons may be in the drugs themselves. Some diseases require "strong" drugs that may well provoke wool loss. In addition, some medicines are treated only by the disease itself, and the body remains weakened. So normally, if the cat is linked after the disease, but what to do? Support its health with reinforced nutrition, vitamins and immunostimulating drugs.

Important! It is necessary to run to the doctor if the cat appeared noticeable carriers or wool is pulling at the slightest exposure. This definitely talks about serious problems.

If you are in doubt why the cat lins greatly, then talk to the veterinarian. He will examine the favorite, perhaps will make some tests and will definitely report the causes of the loss of wool. For prevention, you can "feed" a pet with vitamins.

Features of some breeds

Wool changes in all cats. Even sphinxes, roots and devon recrets can be "warming up" and "undress" for the season or due to temperature change in the house. However, some breeds are more abundant and more often change their fur coat. And this is not only long-haired breeds, but also some representatives of short-haired cats. Links are subject not only to purebred representatives, but also metis.

The most "linakening" cats are Persians, Maine Kuna, British and Siberian, and sometimes Scottish. The whole secret is in their pooh underlying. It is very soft and light, so it is so simple falls out, and it seems that the cat is very much linked. But for these breeds, this process is quite normal.

As soon as it became clear why the cat lines greatly, you can proceed to eliminate this problem.

Everyone, in whose home the cat lives, is well acquainted with such a problem like a molting. But if the usual change of hairproof for any animal is the norm, then the situation when the cat lines very much and without a break, already makes you alarmed. What to do in this case?

Why are cats linen?

The reasons why the cat or cat lins, there are many. Some of them are associated with the physiology of a healthy animal, others, on the contrary, require veterinarian intervention.

The main cause of molts is related to the fact that at different times of the year the cat is needed different on the thickness of the fur. In the wild, any predator changes the wool twice a year: in the spring, when, after a cold winter, the animal drops the warm "fur coat", and in the fall, when it comes it is time to turn fluffy fur before the upcoming cold. It makes no sense to beat the alarm during this period, although it may seem from the part that the animal is typing and is about to lose their wool - so a lot of it.

Other possible causes are not so harmless. Fallen wool can be the result of serious health problems.

Here are just the most common of them:

Sometimes the question is why a healthy cat suddenly begins to lift much, it is very simple: many Murlyk wool drops during pregnancy. Danger does not represent; Yes, and in any case, with the advent of kittens, the female usually stretches the wool on the stomach so that the cubs are easier to find nipples.

As another cause of too abundant molt, one can also be called old age. Many animals in old age begin to lie; It looks in some cases crazy, but nothing can be done here. All life processes after 10-13 years old have slowed down, hair bulbs cease to keep wool. In this situation, it remains only to accept and follow that the animal does not have a murge.

What if the cat is much linked?

The question is what to do so that the cat does not linake, concerns everyone without the exception of the owners. Of course, the most important thing is to eliminate the possibility of any disease as soon as possible. Only after that you can proceed to solving the problem.

Often, to solve the problem with a strong wool loss, it is enough to make a few simple actions:

  • change feed on a better or better suitable for this breed;
  • give medicines from worms (ideally, it needs to be done regularly, twice a year, but many owners forget about such prevention);
  • stop smoking in the room where the cat spends a lot of time;
  • rid a pet from stress - for example, to ban a small child to touch the cat, do not forget to endure a cat from the room before starting to dry the hair with a hairdryer.

In the event of health problems, as a rule, it is enough to cure the animal to forget about too strong molting until the next season change wool.

Proper temperature mode

Often, the cat strongly lines not because he has health problems, but simply because of too high temperatures in the apartment. Permanent heating introduces a misconception body, interfering to determine which season in the yard.

Lamps and night lights only add confusion, creating the impression of a long light day - and therefore, summer time of the year. As a result, the cat can lift all year round, and it will not talk about health problems. By the way, the yard cats from this problem are delighted.

It is easy to cope with such a problem: you need to provide your pet the correct temperature regime.

To do this, remember a few simple rules:

  • Watch the cat as less as possible lying near the heating devices. The thermal-loving purr, they strive to get a hot battery, but on their wool it affects it very sad.
  • If you live in the private sector, teach your pet go to the toilet to the street, and not in the tray.
  • Arrange the animal laying or corner for games on the balcony or on not heated attic. And so that it does not protest because of the "eviction", you can put a bracelet there, make a house or a labyrinth, hang toys.

Do not be afraid to leave a cat in a cold room. The wool in these animals is so thick that even harsh Russian frosts are not dangerous for them. Of course, this does not apply to Sphinx.

But representatives of fluffy rocks can be calmly locked for several hours in the cold - the main thing is to equip the shelter from the rain and wind, and leave enough food. After a few days later, the cat will cease to lose wool so much, and soon the skin will be thick and brilliant.

Caring for a cat

It is not always possible to cope with excess linky. Cats breeds with a dense thick bleeding, for example, Maine-kuna, British, Scottish Fold linen almost all year round. It is useless to fight this, but you can reduce the inconvenience that delivers the wool to the people and the shaggy hunters themselves.

Each owner of fluffy pets sooner or later faces problems associated with the health of their favorites. If your cat lins greatly - what to tell this article will tell. First of all, it is necessary to figure out what a molt is in cats and how to cope with the fact that the cat constantly lines. Most often, animals are experiencing this period in autumn or spring, but in some cases the process can continue throughout the year.


Possible causes of mongs

Linka always brings a lot of inconvenience to owners, since the shoes of wool constantly appear throughout the house. If the cat lins greatly, then the hairs can be found on clothes, on the carpet, on a blanket - in general, on any surface available for an animal surface. There are many reasons why your favorite pet can start losing wool. It is very important to know what to do if the animal lens heavily and why it happens.

Seasonal Link

It is important to understand that if the cat lines in the spring or autumn period, then there is no reason to panic. The reason is simple: the coat of domestic pets is preparing to change. It is quite logical that in front of the winter colds the pet should prepare and "fit" into more dense wool. Surely you noticed that more and fluffy look at such periods of the cat.

In the spring, on the contrary, the cat wants to feel most comfortable with the minimum amount of wool, and therefore gets rid of excess hair. Hence the wool with a bitch all over the house - just your favorite is preparing for warm days. Do not scold a pet. Why? As this is a completely natural process, and what to do with it - we will tell later.

Environmental temperature

In some cases, cats begin to hardly lift due to the "jokes" of temperature. As it became clear to a little higher, the decrease in the mercury column stimulates the pet to acquire a new coat. If the process is already over, and the cold weather still does not see, then warm wool is rejected by animals.

In cases where the cat lives all his life in the room, the molting schedule is somewhat clogged and sometimes loss of wool becomes permanent. The most important thing is not to panic, know what to do, and understand that the molting of cats is a completely normal phenomenon.

Health problems

In some cases, if the cat lines greatly, it becomes a sign of health problems. It is important to understand that some breeds are prone to constant mol. These include British cats, Siberian, as well as Maine Kuna. This knowledge is needed not to accept the usual loss of wool for the rate of illness.

In the event that your favorite does not belong to the specified rocks, and it looks no matter, then it needs to be left to the veterinarian. In some diseases, the wool from fluffy climbs clocks. The cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon can be hormonal problems or any "malfunctions" in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. You can find them on the itch, redness of the skin, as well as the appearance of noticeable stations.

Channel change

Sometimes problems with the gastrointestinal tract or the appearance of allergic reactions with loss of wool can be associated with the change of feed. If in a recent time you changed the diet of your pet, it is best to abandon the selected menu. Most likely, the beloved cat does not make up relations with some of the new ingredients, so wool and climbs.


Our four-legged friends are very impressionable. Very often the cat lins in the event that she was very frightened or nervous. In some situations, the pet reacts a molt even to replace the situation in the apartment, since cats are very conservative creatures.

How to deal with a strong linky

When the cat lines greatly, the life of the apartment owners turns into a real nightmare, because every few hours you have to try to harvest the hairs. Avoid molting will not work, however, reduce its abundance is quite easy. It is quite simple to do it. In the event that the process passes with additional symptoms, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian to prevent possible problems.

You should adjust the diet of the pet and plan the reception of vitamins. There are special vitamin complexes aimed at reducing molting and improving the quality of wool. Try to protect your pet from stress and not change the usual way of life for him.

So, we reduce the amount of wool drops. What should I do when the cat begins a molting? Furminator comes to the rescue, that is, a special comb. A regular combination of a pet helps to significantly reduce the amount of wool. In addition, with the help of this comb, you can prevent the appearance of chatins. Furminator carefully refers to the skin of the animal.

It is very important to wash the cat using special means. Meet the veterinarian, since a specialist can recommend effective air conditioners and balms that restore wool and save cats from dry skin.

Video "How to get rid of excess wool with a furminator"

In this video, you can see how to properly use the furminator and what to do to facilitate your favorite molting process.

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