Beautiful phrases about relationships. Clever phrases about relationships

Quotes about relationships have become especially interesting for Internet users with the growing popularity of social networks. Today, the pages of guys and girls are full of quotes from idols. Among them are actors, musicians and writers. By the way, one of the most popular authors, whose quotes about men and women are scattered around the network, is Paulo Coelho. When it comes to the relationship between a man and a woman, it is always a conversation about love.

Quotes about unhappy love

Unfortunately, love is not always mutual, and even the most famous people fell victim to it:

  1. "Of the six billion people living on Earth, you love the only one. Then you blame the whole world, realizing that it is not worthy of this love." (Dundar).
  2. "Of all the possible mockery of life over a person, the most murderous is unrequited love." (M. Gorky).
  3. "I love and be loved. Unfortunately, these are different people." (I. Ipohorskaya).
  4. "Unrequited love is the most tenacious. Reciprocity can turn into boredom. Passion can turn into friendship or hatred. But unrequited love will never leave your heart completely. Resentment cements it firmly." (D. Yemets).
  5. "You are in love, and therefore you hate yourself. If it happened that this person did not want to be with you, then he is not destined to become your destiny." (A touching complex).

Remarque about love

Quotes by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho today is the most popular writer of our time. Phrases from his books instantly fly into quotes. What quotes does the Brazilian writer have about the relationship between men and women?

Other famous people about love

  • "Love is a theorem requiring daily proof." (Aristotle)
  • "There is no such hard work that love could not make easy and pleasant." (D. Bruno)
  • "It is impossible to be in love and wise at the same time." (F. Bacon)

Quotes about the relationship between a man and a woman are very often added for a specific person in order to draw his attention to some problem, to support or help. They become a great motivator. Decorate your page with the quotes you like, share with your friends, and who knows, maybe someday you will be quoted by others too.

They say that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. Sooner or later, they begin to show sympathy for each other, and friendship turns into love. Is it so? By and large, the opposite sex can communicate, and even be friends, but this does not mean that it will always be so. We offer you a selection of quotes, aphorisms and sayings about the relationship between men and women.

Share wise statuses with each other and draw the right conclusions. But funny statuses about the relationship of opposite sexes will cheer you up and help you playfully get out of any situation.

If the representatives of the beautiful and strong sexes do not need to be friends, then fate itself tells them to love each other. Love is created to bring men and women together and make them happy. However, love is also different. It can be taboo, unrequited, or even self-serving.

The ideal relationship between a man and a woman should be built on trust. Men should always treat ladies gallantly, and recently, for some reason, they began to neglect the elementary rules of etiquette and fulfill their male duties. And then everyone says that women have become independent, self-sufficient and independent.

True, women also have one feature - they know how to fantasize and can think of any suspicious fact, whether it will be a five-minute delay from work, or an unfamiliar number in the phone book.

In the relationship between a man and a woman, there should not be someone else's opinion and advice from others.

You can never be guided by someone else's opinion and live by someone else's mind, nature for some reason gave you its own.

A man always treats a woman the way she treats herself.

If a woman loves and respects herself, a man will not dare to treat her differently.

Most attentively, the wife listens to her husband when he talks in a dream ...

What the husband does not say, the subconscious will tell ...)

Men's madness for the sake of a woman is just sandboxing compared to the adventures that women are capable of for the sake of men.

It's no coincidence that women are called abnormal ...)))

A woman must be loved! And to love so that the rest of the men were excruciatingly painful that they do not know how.

Male strength lies in the ability to love, not humiliate.

A man who gave a woman wings will never wear horns!

In order for a woman not to cheat, she must be happy.

In order not to bore a man, a woman changes dresses, and in order not to bore a woman, a man changes women.

Throwing away old dresses, a woman can throw out an old man, so, by inertia ...)

Clever sayings and wise thoughts about relationships

A step forward is a wise decision! This is our happiness and salvation, this is not heroism, this is life!

He who does not know how to take steps towards each other simply does not know how to live.

Nothing about a man's appearance irritates a woman more than a lack of money.

Handsome is good, but handsome and rich is even better.

Whatever you give to a woman, she will give you more ... you will give her a seed, she will give you a baby ... you will give a house, she is comfort in it ... you will give her smile, she will give her heart ... a woman multiplies and increases everything ... so, making her bad, be ready for more!

A woman gives in return much more than anything, but she also takes away ... much more)))

If a man opens a car door for his wife, then it is either a new car or a new wife.

To open the door out of etiquette, men do not have enough intelligence, nor good manners, they just need to boast.

The more beautiful a woman is, the faster a man's time and money fly by.

I don’t feel sorry for money or time for beauty!

Women have made such a tool of influencing sensuality out of themselves that a man cannot calmly treat a woman. As soon as he approached her, he fell under her intoxication and went crazy (Leo Tolstoy).

They say that all women are witches ... Maybe there is really something in this?))

A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is not a man or a woman, but simply nothing. (Napoleon Bonaparte).

As a woman is pushed around, so she is compliant, so a man - so nothing at once ...)))

When a man and a woman find themselves together, she thinks: "Finally, we are together!", And he - "Finally, we are alone!"

In the end, both are glad to be together and alone!

Quotes and aphorisms

The most important thing in a relationship is not to do anything to spite each other.

Each other needs to make surprises, surprise and delight.

An ideal husband is a man who thinks he has an ideal wife. (Bernard Show)

Indeed, his wife is his choice.

Real men have a happy woman. The rest have a strong one.

There are so many strong women on earth ...

Women's and men's dreams are similar only in that they do not come true due to the fault of the opposite sex.

It's good that the opposite sex exists, there is always someone to blame your failures on ...)

A real man can be seen by a woman.

So now take her everywhere with you?

If you give a woman only words, then she has to love you only with her ears ...

Women are not greedy, but they will not give too much!

All that a woman forgives - she will still remember you.

And so that she forgot what exactly needs to be remembered. give her a fur coat and a ring.

A woman differs from a man in that she does not think over her steps, but her gait.

That's why men walk like that ... they just don't think about it!

Jokes and statuses about the relationship between a man and a woman

Making a scandal out of the blue is not as easy as it might seem. First you have to be born a woman.

Well, or change the sex nakraynyak ...)

Failure to understand the reasons for a woman's resentment does not absolve a man from responsibility.

It is better to pretend that you understood and apologize, otherwise double punishment threatens for misunderstanding ...

The ability to feed a man makes a woman 1.5 times more beautiful and increases her breast size by 1 size. And to drink - increases all of the above approximately threefold.

They feed them, give them something to drink, and then they itch, sometimes they are fat, sometimes they are alcoholic ...

When a man loves a woman, the cockroaches in her head seem to him like ladybugs.

By itself, I suppose, there are bugs ...)

It is enough for men to know that they believe in them. It is enough for women to know that they are loved. And that they are beautiful and that they are not fat. In short, they need to know everything!

Everyone finds out, and then they cry, it would be better if they did not know this.

There is only one step from a kiss to a quarrel, and a week from a quarrel to a kiss, or even new boots!

This is the best case scenario. At worst - a month without sex and a credit card at zero ...

Money spoils a man! Therefore, there must be a woman nearby - to remove damage.

And the damage is big, in one shopping trip you can not remove it ...)

If you gave a woman your hand and heart, then what's the point of being so nervous about a wallet?

Some of what is published below was written a long time ago, some more recently. Something, perhaps, is outdated, but something is surprisingly up-to-date.
1. All men are liars, talkers, hypocrites, arrogant and cowards, lascivious and despicable. All women are cunning, boastful, curious and depraved. But the most sacred and sublime thing in the world is the union of these imperfect and disgusting beings.
Alfred de Musset.
2. Marriage is the miracle of turning a kiss from pleasure to duty.

Helen Rowland.
3. Women, like Cheburashkas, are warm, soft, love with ears and live their whole life with some kind of crocodile.
Unknown author.
4. the strength of women in the weaknesses of men.
5. to get to know a man for real, you need to divorce him.
Sari Gabor.
6. Women somehow immediately guess with whom we are ready to cheat on them. Sometimes even before it occurs to us.
George Bernard Shaw.
7. love is like dinner: a woman first serves cold, then hot. But a man is like a child: he wants to start right away with a sweet tooth. And if a woman allows him, he will quickly lose his appetite.
Konstantin Melihan.
8. almost all women strive to remake men, and when they succeed, they lose interest in them.
Marlene Dietrich.
9. for the role of a lover, only one who is not ashamed to show people is suitable; in the role of a husband, anyone will do.
Nicola shamphor.
10. Can you imagine a woman who would let her lover tell her stories of 1001 nights?
Stanislav ezhi lets.
11. Friendship between a man and a woman does no honor to a man and deprives a woman of honor.
Arthur Conan Doyle.
12. A lover is the most chaste of men, he needs only one woman.
Richard aldington.
13. Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. This is why enterprising men usually have such success, although they are by no means the most attractive.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld.
14. A man who loves one woman all his life should be sent to a doctor, or perhaps to the gallows.
George Bernard Shaw.
15. Silence of a man is a sign of refusal, silence of a woman is a sign of consent.
Louis Massignon.
16. A woman must choose: with a man whom other women love, she will never be calm; with a man who is not loved by other women, she will never be happy.
Anatole France.
17. Adam and Eve could have been the perfect married couple: Adam did not have to listen to stories about men she could marry, and Eve about how well his mother cooked.
Wanda Blonska.
18. There are no mysterious women, but there are slow-witted men.
Magdalena is an impostor.
19. The more women a man knows, the more primitive his idea of ​​them. Francois mauriac

20. Every man needs to be fucked in the ass at least once so that he finally understands what it is like for women. Germaine greer.

The health of even the strongest relationships needs to be improved. Experienced people advise more often to confess their love to each other, and scientists - to move from words to deeds. Moreover, you do not need titanic efforts or large investments. It is enough to show small, but extremely significant signs of attention.

Is it difficult for you to prepare a cup of tea for your half? Trivia! But these are the little things that strengthen your union. This is the conclusion reached by sociologists from the Open University of Great Britain. Over the course of two years, they studied the lives of 5,000 people and concluded that unexpected surprises and little favors continue to matter, even after years of long-term relationship. It is a powerful link in a relationship.

Love is freedom ... to be close to someone who accepts you for who you are!

To love for something is too easy, but you try to love for Everything ..

Even a single strand can hold you together if you stop pulling the rope in your direction.

What I am for you, so you will be for me ... Heinrich Mann

Iceberg considers himself a lump until he encounters a warm attitude.

If you are cold, behave warmer.

Tell people more good words, and only good people will surround you!

An ideal husband is a man who thinks he has an ideal wife. Bernard Show

Before you start a relationship with someone, develop a relationship with yourself.

A relationship with a person is not something that comes from him. This is what comes from you. Oleg Torsunov

A man always treats a Woman the way she treats herself ..

Happiness is the present, not burdened with thoughts of the past.

I decided that I was abandoned ... I went to the mirror and looked ... nope ... Lost ...

It’s silly to be around a man who is “actually good,” but offends you all the time. Salma Hayek.

If you are disappointed in one thing, do not punish the other. And you will find Happiness.

The bridge to other people will then be strong when it is built from the broken walls of one's own self.

Love ... is too dangerous to play and too gorgeous to give up.

It is not always possible to start life from scratch ... But, after all, you can change your handwriting.

The Valley of Great Relationships is located beyond the Pass of Obids and the Gorge of Mutual Claims.

Hug each other more often - nothing heals the soul like warm words, sincere hugs.

Do not look for your soul mate ... Look for the same whole as you yourself ...

Now I know what it is to love. Anew. Differently. When everything is mutual. When he's the best ...

I build relationships based on the desire to be with you, and not out of fear of losing!

If you are always ready to easily let go of others - others will try to be with you!

The best relationships are those in which love for a person exceeds the need for him.

I am the richest person in the universe. I have You, Love and the Whole WORLD! Thank you for that.

Yes, we are not perfect, so what? But we are perfect for each other!

A chance meeting is the most non-random thing in the world ...

We choose our loved ones ourselves! Therefore, who is next to us depends only on us!

It shouldn't be boring or fun with a man. It should be warm, safe and calm with him.

You need to love your woman! Just to love. Do you want to educate someone: buy a dog ...

The most important thing in a relationship is not to do anything to spite each other.

A Step Towards - A Wise Decision! This is our happiness and salvation, this is not heroism, this is Life!

Love is a beast that grows from mutual concessions.

In words and vows, all men are the same, but Actions show the difference between them.

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows. Marlene Dietrich

Appreciate the woman who is loved! The one that is not looking for the banks of the river ...

Take care of the relationship - otherwise you will cherish the memories.

Did you cheat on her? - No. - Why? - I respect myself, which means I respect my choice!

In the relationship between a man and a woman, there should not be someone else's opinion and advice from others.

An honest heart-to-heart dialogue is always more productive than a tense silence.

Since you've forgiven a man, you shouldn't warm up his sins for breakfast.

When a man loves a woman, the cockroaches in her head seem to him like ladybugs.

Never make excuses. Who does not love - will not believe, who loves - he himself will come up with an excuse.

To walk together on the same road, you need to look in one direction ...

The Secret to Longevity - Eat more fruits and less each other!

Wash your face with love more often, there is no better and sweeter procedure than love dressed in happiness.

Trees growing by the Lake of Love always have strong roots and sweet fruits.

One man lived a long life, never married. Dying at the age of 90, one of his friends decided to ask him why he did not try to start a family.

The old man reasoned that it no longer makes sense for him to hide the reason for his celibacy, then replied: - I am not against marriage, and also generally not against the union between a man and a woman. When I was young, I wanted to get married, I was constantly in search of a suitable, ideal girlfriend for me. I was looking for a partner for my life for so long that I did not notice how my life came to an end.

To which a friend objected: - Didn't you manage to find the woman of your dreams, even if ideal only for your understanding?

The dying man replied: - Why, I found her, of course!

The old friend was surprised: - then who or what prevented you from uniting in order to create a happy family?

To which the dying old man replied with regret: - The woman I found wanted to meet the perfect man.

The parable of the ideal relationship is instructive. You shouldn't devote your life to looking for something or someone that doesn't exist. Life is not long enough to strive for the ideal. For every happy couple, it is their relationship that will be ideal if you can correctly build it.

Many parables about the relationship between a man and a woman tell you that you need to think about your partner, take care of him. It is unlikely that an alliance is possible at all, if only to pursue their own interests.

Clever sayings about the relationship between a man and a woman

She wants to remain friends. I can only change love for friendship, or disappear from her life forever. I choose the latter. Why? Because that's the way it should be ... You can't live in a house that has burned down. ”“ No, ”he said quickly. “Not that. Stay friends? To plant a small vegetable garden on the cooled lava of faded feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This only happens after small intrigues, and even then it turns out pretty fake. Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end.

Erich Maria Remarque

Relationships are a compromise, the ability to listen to another person, understand him, explain yourself, your desires, your relationship to the world, the reasons for your actions. Silence and sulk, deciding that everything is clear and so and "he must realize how wrong ..." - well, just some kind of kindergarten - no one owes anything to anyone. Explain, ask to explain, goodbye, ask to forgive, talk, just do not go into a dead end of silence and resentment, ridiculous and idiotic pride.

The strong do not look for a replacement for the person who was dear to them, but stare into the void that formed after his departure. The weak are trying to shove anyone into this emptiness, just to create the illusion that there are no empty spaces in their lives.

Beautiful relationship between a man and a woman

Differences in characters, tastes, interests, experience can be combined with a creative approach, minuses can be turned into pluses. Our differences are an inexhaustible generator of non-standard decision making.

Warm relations between a man and a woman develop only when both people give, and do not take, take steps towards each other, look in the same direction. This is not a loss of oneself, but a gaining new experience, decisions are made in a new role, new qualities are acquired.

Modernity is increasingly asking the question of whether a family is needed at all. Almost every second union ends in divorce. Civil relations are becoming the norm.

The society is acquiring a consumer character, where priorities are given to external attributes, such as a prestigious job, a comfortable existence, career growth, and a decent salary. And such privileges are achieved alone faster.

Now consumer attitude towards our whole world is being promoted from all sides. This look quickly penetrates every family. It is perceived as a hindrance to the achievement of personal whims and goals. You can often hear such statements as the family is not prestigious, it is not in fashion, it is time to erase stereotypes, why unnecessary worries.

Original statuses about the relationship between a guy and a girl

  • "Friendship between a man and a woman is possible. Provided there is some degree of physical aversion to each other."
  • "It can be scarier than losing a relationship to lose yourself in that relationship."
  • "Distance is perceived as an amazing adventure if you are expected at the end of the journey."
  • "Why words if the views are so eloquent?"
  • "Only the one who gives warmth himself can hope for the warmth of others."
  • "In an ideal relationship, everyone feels as easy as being alone and as fun as in society."
  • "The best development of relations is to switch not to you, but to us."
  • "Nothing better describes a person as their behavior after a breakup."

Quotes about human relations

Remember that, with one small exception, the world is made up of others.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

People were born for each other. So, retrain or transfer.

Marcus Aurelius

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is your karma.

Wayne Dyer

In the animal world, the main law is: to eat or be eaten; in the human world: to define or be defined.

Thomas Szasz

I don't like to talk well about myself - I prefer to talk badly about others.

Frederic Beigbeder

To deceive a person for his own good means to take responsibility, which only the gods can do.

Henry Haskins

In others, we most admire their resemblance to us.

Robert Lembke

We are locked in a fence that protects us from others.

William Copeland

We all wear masks, and the time comes when you can take them off only with a piece of your own skin.

André Berthiem

Our opinion about people depends not so much on what we see in them, but on how we see ourselves when we are with them.

Sarah Grand

In others, we can only see what we can see in ourselves.

James Baldwin

The one who defines the neighbor in one phrase deserves to be defined in one word.

Stefan Garczynski

Even if we don't like those. whoever likes us, we appreciate their discernment.

Libby Fudim

At eighteen you care what people think of you; at forty you do not care what they think of you; at sixty you already know that no one thought of you at all.

Daniel Aimen

Why don't horses commit suicide? Because they don't sort things out.

It's easier to be a woman - you are a little capricious and you already have everything you need ... It is more difficult to be a man - you are capricious and you don't even have anything to eat ...

Not only a woman, but also a man must have a riddle. And then immediately: Married? Not married?

The ability to feed a man makes a woman 1.5 times more beautiful and increases her breast size by 1 size. And to drink - increases all of the above approximately threefold.

Only a woman can simultaneously claim that you are a decent bastard and insist that you marry her like a decent person.

Women love romantic men until they need masculine help. And he stands like this - a tear in his eyes, handles from his ass ...

Men love to play rounders. This paw, that paw ...

It is enough for men to know that they believe in them. It is enough for women to know that they are loved. And that they are beautiful and that they are not fat. In short, they need to know everything!

Of everything you say to a woman, she only hears what she wants to hear. Even if you didn't say it.

Women, unlike men, are not picky about gifts - diamonds are so diamonds, a fur coat is like a fur coat, a car is like a machine. This guy can not please with the color of the socks.

A good woman is the one who worries you, but even better is the woman who worries about you.

A man can be a banker, mow grass, chop wood, and rule this whole world ... But a woman ... ALWAYS RIGHT!

If I were a man, I would never have been able to pass by such a charm as I!

It is possible to find a girl who does not smoke, does not drink, plays sports, does not cheat. It's hard to find a guy who deserves such a girl.

Male logic: I will find out - I will kill! Women's logic: for the life of me - I find out ...

You can tell a lot about a woman by her hands. For example, if they wrap around your throat, the lady is probably a little upset.

Male solidarity differs from female solidarity in that men are in solidarity just like that, and women are in solidarity against someone.

No, after all, our women have low self-esteem! Just try to approach an unfamiliar lady and kiss, you will immediately hear in response: "Are you drunk ?!" or "Are you out of your mind ?!" They seriously think that they might like it either because of drunkenness or mentally abnormal!

Have you noticed that men looking at beautiful girls on the street and women dieting and looking at pies in the windows have the same look?

There are no ugly men, it happens that some women cannot see their beauty and rich inner world due to their lack of enough money

A generation of girls has grown up who can successfully milk goats.

Girls! Take care of yourself - don't look at the guy's phone. Take care of the guy too - move your phone away from him.

There are girls with whom they sleep, and there are girls who dream ...

A woman chooses a man according to his great future, and a man chooses a woman according to her small past.

I love caring, loving, responsible and reliable men! In general, I love science fiction!

The impression that a naked woman in stockings makes on a man is fundamentally different from the impression that a naked man in socks makes on a woman.

As men make an offer: "Darling, marry me!" How girls make an offer: "I'm pregnant!"

To sow doubts in a woman, you have to agree with her.

One thing I can’t understand - how do they, all the time sitting on their necks, constantly manage to shit on their heads ?!

Women complain about the lack of strong men, but where do they come from if there are no weak women around?

A man always brings joy. First you are happy with him, and then you are happy without him.

Women do not argue about tastes - they are paid!

The desire of a woman is the law, as long as the desire of a man is a woman.

Any woman can be made happy if she gives ...

Love is freedom ... to be close to someone who accepts you for who you are!

To love for something is too easy, but you try to love for Everything ..

Even a single strand can hold you together if you stop pulling the rope in your direction.

What I am for you, so you will be for me ... Heinrich Mann

Iceberg considers himself a lump until he encounters a warm attitude.

If you are cold, behave warmer.

Tell people more good words, and only good people will surround you!

An ideal husband is a man who thinks he has an ideal wife. Bernard Show

Before you start a relationship with someone, develop a relationship with yourself.

A relationship with a person is not something that comes from him. This is what comes from you. Oleg Torsunov

A man always treats a Woman the way she treats herself ..

Happiness is the present, not burdened with thoughts of the past.

I decided that I was abandoned ... I went to the mirror and looked ... nope ... Lost ...

It’s silly to be around a man who is “actually good,” but offends you all the time. Salma Hayek.

If you are disappointed in one thing, do not punish the other. And you will find Happiness.

The bridge to other people will then be strong when it is built from the broken walls of one's own self.

Love ... is too dangerous to play and too gorgeous to give up.

It is not always possible to start life from scratch ... But, after all, you can change your handwriting.

The Valley of Great Relationships is located beyond the Pass of Obids and the Gorge of Mutual Claims.

Hug each other more often - nothing heals the soul like warm words, sincere hugs.

Do not look for your soul mate ... Look for the same whole as you yourself ...

Now I know what it is to love. Anew. Differently. When everything is mutual. When he's the best ...

I build relationships based on the desire to be with you, and not out of fear of losing!

If you are always ready to easily let go of others - others will try to be with you!

The best relationships are those in which love for a person exceeds the need for him.

I am the richest person in the universe. I have You, Love and the Whole WORLD! Thank you for that.

Yes, we are not perfect, so what? But we are perfect for each other!

A chance meeting is the most non-random thing in the world ...

We choose our loved ones ourselves! Therefore, who is next to us depends only on us!

It shouldn't be boring or fun with a man. It should be warm, safe and calm with him.

You need to love your woman! Just to love. Do you want to educate someone: buy a dog ...

The most important thing in a relationship is not to do anything to spite each other.

A Step Towards - A Wise Decision! This is our happiness and salvation, this is not heroism, this is Life!

Love is a beast that grows from mutual concessions.

In words and vows, all men are the same, but Actions show the difference between them.

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows. Marlene Dietrich

Appreciate the woman who is loved! The one that is not looking for the banks of the river ...

Take care of the relationship - otherwise you will cherish the memories.

Did you cheat on her? - No. - Why? - I respect myself, which means I respect my choice!

In the relationship between a man and a woman, there should not be someone else's opinion and advice from others.

An honest heart-to-heart dialogue is always more productive than a tense silence.

Since you've forgiven a man, you shouldn't warm up his sins for breakfast.

When a man loves a woman, the cockroaches in her head seem to him like ladybugs.