Treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy. Pregnancy after trichomoniasis. How is laboratory diagnostics performed?

During pregnancy, a woman should carefully monitor her health. Infectious diseases are especially dangerous. They can lead to serious consequences for the health and pathologies of the fetus. Doctors recommend that all expectant mothers be tested for trichomoniasis. This disease is sexually transmitted and has been quite common lately. Trichomoniasis during pregnancy has several features that must be remembered.

What is trichomoniasis?

For the full functioning of the bacteria, a moist environment is necessary. She dies only when the temperature rises to 40 degrees, after exposure to antiseptic drugs or direct sunlight.

Outside the female body, Trichomonas can live no more than five hours. This time is enough to cause infection by domestic means. Therefore, women need to carefully monitor personal hygiene, do not use the things of infected people.

What is the danger of Trichomonas infection?

Trichomonas is not able to penetrate the placental barrier, therefore, it cannot cause harm to the child’s health by itself. At the same time, this bacterium is able to capture and assimilate pathogens of concomitant infections, for example, chlamydia, gonococci and others. After therapy, Trichomonas dies and the microorganisms absorbed by it are released, which causes serious damage to the health of the mother and child.

It is extremely important to timely detect the presence of the disease and begin therapy. Therefore, during pregnancy, you must constantly be under the supervision of a doctor.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy can have the following consequences:

Trichomoniasis before pregnancy

Experts give a definite answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with trichomoniasis - the probability of this is extremely high. Therefore, it is better to begin pregnancy planning in advance. A woman who plans to become a mother should be checked in advance for all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases. Modern techniques even reveal hidden problems. If necessary, you need to undergo an appropriate course of treatment.

If trichomoniasis is left unattended and appropriate treatment is not started, then there is a likelihood of infertility. Vital activity of pathogens adversely affects the female body as a whole and the state of the reproductive system in particular. Active reproduction of Trichomonas will lead to a change in the environment in the vagina. This will lead to the death of sperm entering it. They just do not have time to reach the fallopian tubes.

Untreated trichomoniasis can lead to the development of infertility.

Among other things, the causative agent of the disease can actively multiply in the uterus. This will lead to her pathology. As a result, the likelihood of pregnancy will also be reduced. Another fact why trichomoniasis is dangerous is the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. As a result of this, an ectopic pregnancy with trichomoniasis may appear.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, trichomoniasis during pregnancy manifests itself in an acute form. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Burning sensation, itching and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain during urination.
  • Foamy vaginal discharge, which can be quite profuse. Sometimes they have a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Rapid stool.
  • Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness.

When conducting a gynecological examination, hemorrhages are detected on the walls of the vagina, which are of a point character. Sometimes the disease proceeds in a latent form.

The following symptoms may occur:

  • Pain during intercourse.
  • The appearance of purulent-mucous discharge.
  • Loss of sex drive.
  • Rapid urination.
  • From time to time, unpleasant sensations occur in the lower abdomen.
  • Chronic diseases are exacerbated.

If the immune system in a pregnant woman is seriously weakened, then the latent form of the disease quickly becomes acute. When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Reliable diagnosis

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after appropriate measures.

The following diagnostic methods for trichomoniasis in pregnant women are distinguished:

  • History taking. The specialist interviews the patient for the presence of sexual contact with a likely carrier of bacteria, evaluates all the symptoms.
  • Inspection. may be accompanied by other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the doctor should examine the patient and identify the presence of characteristic signs of the problem. Palpation of all areas of the abdomen is performed, the urethra is examined, a vaginal condition is examined.
  • Laboratory research. A vaginal smear is taken from the woman in labor. It is placed in a nutrient medium. After a certain time, the active growth of bacteria becomes noticeable under the microscope. More often, microscopy of the selected sample is carried out. In the course of such a study, it is possible to determine the presence of mobile forms of bacteria.
  • Colposcopy. During this examination, it is possible to identify changes occurring in the cervix.

Experts recommend an examination not only for trichomoniasis, but also for other sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy. This is especially true for women who have had sexually transmitted diseases and those who have had contact with likely carriers of the infection. This is done so that a woman gives birth to a healthy baby.

Therapeutic Techniques

After identifying the disease, the question arises before the doctors how to treat trichomoniasis so that the effect on the fetus is minimal. You can not use potent antibacterial drugs. However, the main way to treat trichomoniasis during pregnancy is the use of medications.

If the disease is detected in the first trimester, then the daily treatment of the urethra with a potassium preparation is indicated, douching is performed. Special candles from trichomoniasis are used. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Terzhinan.
  • Ginesol.
  • Betadium.
  • Clotrimazole.

Starting from 13 weeks, trichomoniasis can be treated during pregnancy using imidazole-based products. It can be vaginal suppositories, gels or creams. Among the most effective drugs are:

  • Atrican.
  • Ornidazole
  • Tinidazole
  • Metronidazole.

The dosage of drugs is chosen by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the woman's body. Specialists try to apply the minimum dosage so that the disease can be cured without harm to the child. Treatment will be needed not only for the expectant mother, but also for her partner. Only in this way can it be guaranteed to cope with the causative agent of infection. All recommendations of the attending physician must be strictly observed.

After completing the course of therapy, a woman who has had trichomoniasis should be under the supervision of a specialist for three months. It will take a second test. Since after treatment immunity to the disease is not developed, the likelihood of re-infection is not excluded.

Folk treatment methods

Trichomoniasis should be treated during pregnancy only with the use of medications and exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. You can supplement the main course of therapy with traditional medicine recipes. Among them are:

  • Grind a couple of cloves of fresh garlic. Squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry. The liquid prepared in this way must be drunk half a teaspoon three times a day. You should not prepare the juice in advance, it is better to squeeze it before each reception.
  • Grind a quarter of the onion and a couple of cloves of garlic on a fine grater. Put the resulting mixture on a piece of clean sterile gauze. Roll it up in a swab. Insert the prepared swab into the vagina and leave for 4 hours. The procedure is repeated daily for five days. When a negative reaction of the body, for example, backache or irritation, therapy is stopped immediately.
  • Steam five tablespoons of chamomile with two cups of boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours to make the infusion saturated. It must be taken twice a day before meals.
  • Put a spoonful of honey under the tongue and try to dissolve as slowly as possible. Honey can also be used to make tampons. To do this, moisten a sterile swab in it and insert it into the vagina.
  • Dampen a sterile swab with sea buckthorn oil. Insert it into the vagina and leave it overnight.
  • Prepare the infusion of calendula. To do this, steam two tablespoons of raw materials with two glasses of boiling water. After half an hour, pour the prepared liquid into a bath of warm water. Such sedentary baths need to be carried out daily.

Many women begin to use such funds after reading the reviews of those who have already given birth. At the same time, we must not forget that the appearance of an allergic reaction and other negative health effects after using such recipes is possible. Therefore, before using them, you should consult your doctor. This is the only way to minimize potential health hazards.

Forecast and Prevention

If trichomoniasis during pregnancy is detected at an early stage and timely measures are taken, then the prognosis is favorable. The duration of therapy will be from two to four weeks.

If trichomoniasis is not treated or the therapy is not effective, it is likely that the child will become infected. And most often girls suffer from this, since they have too short an urethra, which contributes to the easy penetration of bacteria into the body.

Trichomoniasis in pregnant women can have extremely negative health effects. Therefore, it is better to warn him. For this, preventive measures are used, similar to those used for other sexually transmitted diseases. Among them are:

  • Minimize the likelihood of infection. To do this, avoid contact with probable carriers of the causative agent of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to use towels, bedding and other things of a sick person.
  • Strengthen the immune system. Only a strong body is able to withstand infection. In order to increase the protective functions, it is necessary to introduce more vegetables and fruits into the diet. But before use, do not forget to rinse them thoroughly, especially if they will not be subjected to heat treatment.
  • Try to move more. Walking in the fresh air helps to heal the whole body. Do special exercises for pregnant women.
  • Always follow the doctor’s recommendations, periodically it is necessary to undergo examination for sexually transmitted diseases.

By following these simple precautions, you can minimize the risk of developing the disease. It is important to take appropriate action at the first alarming symptoms.

Only timely diagnosis of trichomoniasis during pregnancy and adequate treatment can guarantee a successful cure. This serious illness can have negative consequences. Remember that self-medication in this situation is extremely dangerous.

Trichomoniasis - STI, the causative agent of which is the vaginal Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis).
A59 Trichomoniasis
A59.0 Urogenital trichomoniasis.
A59.8 Trichomoniasis of other localizations.
A59.9 Trichomoniasis, unspecified


Trichomoniasis is one of the common infections among all STIs. According to WHO, annually more than 180 million people fall ill with trichomoniasis in the world.


In the clinical classification, uncomplicated and complicated forms of trichomoniasis are distinguished. According to the clinical course, they distinguish: fresh trichomoniasis with a disease duration of up to 2 months, having an acute, subacute and torpid course, as well as chronic trichomoniasis lasting more than 2 months.


The causative agent of trichomoniasis is Trichomonas vaginalis - the simplest of the class of flagella (Flagellata).

The presence of trichomonads on the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract leads to the development of the inflammatory process, and subsequently to degenerative infiltrative changes in the affected organs. Trichomonas can phagocytize microorganisms that cause STIs (chlamydia, gonococcus). Due to the mobility of Trichomonas, these pathogens extend to the upper parts of the genitourinary tract. All this contributes to chronic inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system in women, the result of which is an adhesion process in the pelvic cavity and abdominal cavity, and, as a result, the high probability of an ectopic pregnancy.


The incubation period is from 3 days to 3-4 weeks (an average of 5-6 days).

The clinical manifestations of trichomoniasis depend on the localization of the inflammatory process and the severity of its course. The most common symptoms of the disease include yellow-green foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching, colpitis and cervicitis, sometimes urethritis. In 10-50% of women, the disease is asymptomatic.

Complications of gestation

There is evidence indicating a relationship between the presence of trichomoniasis and premature birth, premature outflow of OS and low birth weight. The exact mechanism of action of Trichomonas vaginalis on chorionamniotic membranes has not yet been studied. It is not known whether Trichomonas vaginalis is capable of causing postpartum infectious lesions, either alone or in association with other microorganisms.
In newborns born from infected mothers, neonatal infection is not common (about 5%). These are mainly manifestations of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in girls.


Diagnosis of trichomoniasis is based on the following criteria:

· History data (indication of sexual contact with a sick or possibly infected partner with Trichomonas infection);
· Assessment of subjective and objective symptoms of the disease;
· Detection of Trichomonas in laboratory tests.


Identify a possible source of infection.

It is important to clarify:
· The time elapsed from the moment of the last sexual contact with the alleged source of infection to the onset of symptoms of the disease;
· Results of examination of the sexual partner for trichomoniasis.


It is necessary to carefully examine the patient to exclude manifestations of other STIs. Assess the status of all groups of lymph nodes. Palpate all parts of the abdomen, large vestibular and paraurethral glands, the urethra, conduct a bimanual vaginal examination.


The main method of laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis is microscopy of the native drug (detection of mobile forms of trichomonads). In some cases, sowing is carried out on special nutrient media.
The sensitivity of the microscopic examination of the native and gram stained methylene blue according to Gram is 40-60%, the culture method - 95%.
Currently, there are no randomized clinical trials confirming the need for a provocative test to increase the effectiveness of the diagnosis of Trichomonas infection.


Colposcopy is performed to detect changes in the cervix in any period of the disease.


The following groups of people are subject to examination for trichomoniasis:
· Women with clinical manifestations of mucopurulent cervicitis, symptoms of adnexitis;
· Persons who were in sexual contact with a patient with trichomoniasis;
· Persons being tested for other STIs.


Differential diagnosis is carried out with cervicitis of chlamydial and non-specific etiology; allergic or chemical vulvovaginitis, vulvovaginitis of another etiology; the presence of a foreign body in the vagina; cervical, vaginal or vulvar neoplasia. In the presence of PID - with other etiological factors, especially with gonorrhea, chlamydial infections, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.


Pregnancy 15 weeks. Uncomplicated trichomoniasis of the lower urinary tract (urethritis, cervicitis).



The main goal of treating trichomoniasis is the eradication of trichomonads.


Trichomoniasis in pregnant women, the complicated course of Trichomonas infection requires treatment in a hospital.
The duration of treatment is determined by the nature of the clinical manifestations and the severity of the inflammatory process and is 2-4 weeks.


Before drug treatment of trichomoniasis, all patients should be examined for other STIs and treated if necessary.

Prior to initiating therapy, the patient must obtain informed consent for treatment.

The sexual partners of patients with trichomoniasis should be examined and treated, even if they do not have trichomonas.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, treatment with protistocidal drugs is not shown, since as a result of the pathogenic effect of metronidazole in the embryo and fetus, organs and systems that are in the process of differentiation can be affected. Recommended daily lubrication of the urethra and vagina with 4% aqueous solution of methylene blue, brilliant green or potassium permanganate solution (1:10 000).

From the second trimester of pregnancy, vaginal suppositories with metronidazole are used (1 suppository at night for 7 days).

In the table. 48-10 presents a scheme of systemic drug therapy in pregnant women.

If there are no results from treatment, it is recommended to consider the following possible causes:
· False positive result of the study;
· Non-compliance with the treatment regimen, inadequate therapy;
· Repeated contact with an untreated partner;
· Infection from a new partner;
· Infection with other microorganisms.

Table 48-10. Drug treatment of trichomoniasis

Note: The simultaneous use of topical anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory drugs.

* Metronidazole and tinidazole should be prescribed with caution in the last stages of pregnancy, immediately before childbirth and during lactation due to the possibility of mutagenic and carcinogenic effects.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment is carried out on the basis of clinical laboratory and instrumental studies confirming the eradication of Trichomonas and resolution of the inflammatory process.


Simultaneous examination of all contact persons is a prerequisite for successful treatment. During treatment, it is recommended to exclude sexual contact or use a condom.


Prevention of trichomoniasis includes activities common to all STIs, and is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary prevention is aimed at changing the behavior model in high-risk groups in order to avoid infection. It is necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle, safe forms of sexual relations through the media, as well as in educational and medical institutions. It is necessary to talk about the clinical manifestations of genital infections, ways of infection, methods of prevention, taking into account the educational level of the audience. It is important to explain the dangers of self-medication and treatment to lay people.

Secondary prevention is aimed at:

· Examination and treatment of patients with diagnosed STIs, to reduce the likelihood of transmission of infection to their sexual partners;
· To reduce the risk of re-infection among patients or previously infected people;
· Effective diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment of contact persons.

Mandatory examination and treatment are subject to all sexual partners of patients with symptoms of trichomoniasis, if they have had sexual intercourse in the last 14 days.

In the absence of symptoms of the disease in a patient with trichomoniasis, all sexual partners who have had sexual contact with him over the past 60 days are subject to examination.


It is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse until complete recovery, strictly adhere to the regimen of taking medications and come to the doctor in a timely manner to determine the criteria for cure.


The prognosis for timely treatment is favorable.

Trichomoniasis is one of the most common diseases that is often diagnosed in pregnant women. That is why the local gynecologist always directs the expectant mother to undergo an examination to exclude this dangerous infection.

The fact is that trichomoniasis during pregnancy in advanced cases can affect not only the health of a woman, but also the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, the treatment of the disease should be given special attention.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted only through sexual contact. The main reason for the development is the penetration into the woman’s body of a bacterium called “trichomonas”. Each year, this microbe is found in 175 million people. Surprisingly, 80% of them are pregnant women.

Trichomonas is a unicellular microorganism that multiplies in the vaginal mucosa and urethra (urethra). It is worth noting that this is the only bacterium for which the genitals are an excellent environment for life.

Trichomonas is classified as flagella. But a few years ago it turned out that the bacterium can transform, changing its usual appearance, and “disguise” itself as human blood cells - platelets and lymphocytes. This behavior of Trichomonas at times complicates the diagnosis of the underlying disease.

It is also interesting that trichomoniasis can be picked up at home. Although the likelihood of infection is minimal, however, it does occur. You can get infected by putting on someone else's linen, not using your comb, towel, washcloth.

In most cases, the bacteria gets inside during unprotected intercourse. However, it is almost impossible to get trichomoniasis during anal or oral sex.


The incubation period of the disease ranges from 4 days to 2 months.

Trichomoniasis occurs in two forms:

  • chronic
  • spicy.

Symptoms of acute trichomoniasis:

  • intolerable itching in the vagina;
  • pain during urination;
  • copious greenish-yellow foamy discharge (sometimes with blood);
  • putrid odor from the vagina;
  • rapid stool;
  • a feeling of heat and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • fever.

The chronic form has been most often diagnosed recently. In 50% of women, the first symptoms can be felt within 5-7 months after infection. In this case, a woman can periodically observe discharge in the form of purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor.

With exacerbation of the latent form of trichomoniasis are also observed:

  • frequent urination;
  • decreased sexual desire due to pain during intercourse;
  • metabolic disorders and related diseases;
  • weakening of the protective functions of the body;
  • violation of the normal microflora of the vagina.

It is the last symptom that indicates that Trichomonas began to multiply actively.

It is worth noting that bacteria are sometimes detected completely by accident when passing laboratory tests or during a routine gynecological examination. At the same time, an infected woman is not disturbed by the symptoms characteristic of trichomoniasis.

The effect on the fetus of trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Most gynecologists claim that trichomoniasis is not able to cause fetal death or cause developmental defects.

However, if the disease is not cured in time, then this can turn into undesirable consequences.

When Trichomonas propagates, the flora of the vaginal mucosa of a pregnant woman is disturbed. This can cause damage to the lower part of the fetal bladder, which will lead to premature discharge of amniotic fluid, which means unplanned birth or miscarriage will follow.

Microbes cannot penetrate the fetus through the placenta, however, they serve as a conductor of dangerous bacteria to the uterus. This is because Trichomonas can absorb other microorganisms without destroying them. The cell inside Trichomonas is protected from the effects of drugs. In addition, when passing laboratory tests, they are quite difficult to identify.

Therefore, often when getting rid of trichomoniasis in a pregnant woman, other previously unexplored or long-treated infectious diseases can come to light.

The danger also lies in the fact that microbes can get on the baby during childbirth. In particular, there is a very high risk in this case for newborn girls. This is due to the fact that they have a very short urethra, along which trichomonads can easily penetrate the bladder.

Diagnostic measures for trichomoniasis

During the preventive examination, the gynecologist always takes a swab from the vagina. It is a bacterioscopic examination that will reveal the presence of trichomonads in the body of a pregnant woman. In the framework of laboratory research, the movement of bacteria is clearly visible. The analysis result will be ready in half an hour.

This study is able to establish the level of reproduction of Trichomonas and the severity of inflammation.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will direct to the delivery of sowing on the flora. The study allows you to identify the number of bacteria and their sensitivity to a particular antibacterial drug. This will help determine the treatment.

For a more accurate diagnosis of trichomoniasis during pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo a laboratory test called "PCR", or polymerase chain reaction. The accuracy in this case will be almost one hundred percent. The analysis will reveal the amount of Trichomonas.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy should be carried out comprehensively. The main group of drugs for effective therapy is the one that includes imidazole:

  • Ornidazole
  • Metronidazole, etc.

It should be noted that these drugs are strictly forbidden to take until the 12th week of pregnancy, since there is the possibility of irreparable harm to the fetus.

This treatment tactic does not always guarantee a result, but you can be sure that the course of the disease during pregnancy can be stopped.

  • Ginezol
  • Betadine
  • "Clotrimazole."

Medications are used vaginally as prescribed by a doctor.

It is important for trichomoniasis to begin treatment at the initial stage of infection. So complications can be avoided, and the recovery time is shortened. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse and constantly undergo an examination to exclude relapse.

Women with trichomoniasis are advised to go to hospital several weeks before giving birth. They give birth to infected in special departments. Immediately after birth, children are examined for infection. If trichomoniasis is detected, the newborn is urgently helped to avoid complications.

Trichomoniasis or trichomoniasis is a disease that, according to statistics, is considered the most common of the diseases that are sexually transmitted. In pregnant women, it appears against the background of a general decrease in immunity, in two thirds of all cases the cause of the disease is unprotected intercourse.

Description: trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Causes of trichomoniasis:

  • Unprotected genital intercourse;
  • Domestic way (in extremely rare cases).

Often a person does not know that he is sick - there are no signs. The family is planning a pregnancy, and already during the first examinations she finds out that there is an infection. Of course, if pregnancy is already there, nothing can be done. But at the planning stage, it is important to cure both before becoming pregnant.

Effect on the fetus: the danger of trichomoniasis

Fortunately, the bacterium is not able to penetrate the placental barrier. Therefore, during pregnancy, trichomoniasis is not a big danger. But often this is a mixed infection, trichomonads are joined by gonococci, chlamydia and other pathogens of dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. And with this diagnosis, the risk of infecting the baby during childbirth increases significantly.

In the first trimester, laboratory tests for STIs are mandatory for all pregnant women. Please note that if an infection is detected, both partners undergo treatment.

In some cases, doctors consider trichomoniasis as the cause:

  • Prematurity of the child;
  • Premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • Chorioamnionitis is a dangerous inflammation of the amniotic membrane.

For the woman herself, the disease is just as dangerous. It can lead to inflammation of the appendages, to endometritis, to inflammation of the peritoneum of the pelvis. Such unpleasant and dangerous diseases are often accompanied by a febrile state, purulent discharge. In the early stages of pregnancy, this is an extremely dangerous condition. Sometimes there is nothing left but to terminate the pregnancy.

Therapy: how to treat trichomoniasis

Infection can be detected in a smear during research. A smear is taken in the first trimester, or the beginning of the second, but it is necessary to treat only in the second. In the first weeks of pregnancy, such aggressive therapy can be extremely dangerous.

Pregnant candles may be prescribed:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Polygynax;
  • Ginesol;
  • Betadine.

In the second and third trimester, the doctor may prescribe Ornidazole, Tinidazole, Atrikan and other drugs.

Treatment is possible only under the supervision of a physician, exclusively under medical supervision. Most often, the doctor prescribes a minimum dosage, the course of treatment is short. Yes, this saves the risk of relapse, but such a compromise eliminates the consequences that are dangerous to the fetus.

Be sure to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. This is done within three months. That is, a woman and her partner will take smears three times. But you must understand that therapy is not able to form local immunity, it will not provide protection against reinfection if contact with an infected person occurs.

Can a baby contract trichomoniasis during childbirth?

If you started treatment on time, carried out it fully, then the risk of infection is excluded. It is possible in truly isolated cases, and then, if the expectant mother irresponsibly reacted to the treatment. Theoretically, a baby can become infected while moving through the birth canal. And if the infection has been a long time, then the child’s defenses are reduced.

If the baby is struck by Trichomonas:

  • The cornea and conjunctiva of the eye then suffer;
  • Perineal skin;
  • Tonsils
  • Anal passage;
  • Lungs;
  • Vaginal mucosa in girls.

In newborns, trichomoniasis always passes in an acute form, on the second or fourth day after the fact of infection. The affected skin of the baby's mucous membrane turns red, girls may experience foamy discharge from the genital tract.

Often the disease is accompanied by purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia. Unfortunately, for newborns, this disease is deadly. Therefore, treatment is carried out immediately after the birth of the crumbs.

The main thing that future mothers should know about such a disease fits into 4 facts. The first is to undergo laboratory tests, if an infection is detected in a smear, the analysis will be repeated. The second - only a doctor prescribes treatment, chooses the most safe drugs. Thirdly, both partners are required to be treated, and they will be tested three times to prevent re-infection. Fourth, the disease must be cured before childbirth; for a newborn, the infection is very dangerous.

What is the danger of trichomoniasis during pregnancy (video)

Trichomoniasis (sometimes called trichomon) is a sexually transmitted disease, it should be excluded before pregnancy, at the planning stage. Get tested with your partner, get treatment, and make sure that a healthy pregnancy is not in danger. If the disease manifested itself in its acute forms in the early stages, pregnancy is often terminated.

Healthy decisions!

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy is a disease dangerous to the health of the child and the expectant mother. Sexually transmitted infection is sexually transmitted; it appears when Trichomonas penetrates the body. Pathology affects the mucous membrane of the urethra and vagina, against which infertility or urogenital disorders appear.

How to diagnose trichomoniasis in pregnant women

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will take a general smear for a laboratory test. The biomaterial from the posterior vaginal fornix is \u200b\u200banalyzed. If this is possible, you should ask the doctor to perform an urgent test to track the dynamics of the movement of microorganisms.

The result of a general smear is prepared for 1-2 hours. This diagnostic method allows you to determine the number of microbes in the body and the degree of progression of trichomoniasis. If the smear is dried before the test, then most likely a negative result will appear.

Trichomonas ceases to be mobile in a dried environment and takes on a different form, so it is recommended to do an urgent analysis to obtain accurate results.

Also, trichomoniasis during pregnancy is confirmed by sowing on the flora. During the study, material taken from the vagina is placed in a special environment favorable for the further reproduction of microorganisms. The analysis allows you to detect the pathogen and to reveal how sensitive this type of bacteria is to existing antibiotics. In most cases, the study is necessary because it allows you to determine the most effective drugs for the patient. A cultural method for identifying trichomoniasis is performed to determine the infection in the body and regulate the prescribed drug therapy.

The most reliable and accurate method of research is the polymer chain reaction. During this procedure, DNA of infectious agents is detected. The analysis is carried out in a few days, and its accuracy is 95%. Upon receipt of ambiguous results, a direct immunofluorescence method is additionally prescribed. The study reveals the presence in the body of antibodies that are produced by the immune system during the development of trichomoniasis.

Which doctors need to be visited?

A gynecologist can detect trichomoniasis during pregnancy if the patient is observed by a doctor during the gestation. A smear and a blood test are enough to understand that inflammation has begun in the body. In the future, a specific laboratory study will be needed to help determine what exactly caused the ailment.

If necessary, the gynecologist sends the patient for examination by a venereologist and other relevant specialists. Serious complications and disruption of the internal organs can also be the reason for visiting other doctors.

Signs and Symptoms

The incubation period of trichomoniasis is from 2 days to 2 months. It is impossible to pinpoint the duration of the asymptomatic course of an infectious disease. The process depends on various factors, including the patient’s current state of health and the presence of chronic diseases.

Several years ago, in pregnant patients, trichomoniasis had a pronounced symptomatology. Women immediately sought medical attention because they were worried about itching, sharp pain, green discharge, a feeling of heaviness, and broken stools. In this case, the mucous membrane on the genitals became saturated red or had point hemorrhages.

Currently, the acute course of trichomoniasis is rare.

The disease almost immediately becomes chronic, so the symptoms are mild. In half of infected patients, symptoms of the disorder become visible only 6 months after the onset of the disease. Chronic trichomoniasis is more dangerous for pregnant women, since trichomonads are inside the body for a long time and have a devastating effect on systems and internal organs. In addition, the health of the embryo is at risk.

You can detect a violation by the following symptoms:

  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • itching in the genital area, it is worse when walking or playing sports;
  • metabolic changes;
  • decreased immunity, frequently occurring diseases;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • changes in the microflora of the genital organs (increased dryness).

The provoking factors of trichomoniasis are diseases leading to serious changes in the body. With a deteriorating immune system, a pregnant woman not only faces an infection, but also an exacerbation of all existing diseases. Given that women in the position are allowed to use only a small amount of medication, it becomes difficult to eliminate all violations before the time of birth.

Treatment and medications for trichomoniasis in pregnant women

Therapy is selected after obtaining the results of laboratory tests. Specialists select medicines that can suppress the reproduction of Trichomonas and not harm the condition of a developing baby. The choice of drugs depends on the duration and activity of microorganisms. Taking strong antibiotics is strictly prohibited, as this will negatively affect pregnancy, but medications are the only way to eliminate trichomoniasis.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is mandatory to take medication inside and carry out local treatment of the genitals. Douching of the urethra is carried out with a potassium preparation or other recommended means. To quickly alleviate the condition of pregnant women, intravaginal suppositories are used. The most popular of them:

From the 13th week of pregnancy, drug treatment changes.

Doctors prescribe imidazole-based drugs to pregnant patients. Preference is given to creams, vaginal suppositories or gels. The most effective drugs from this group are tinidazole, atrik, ornidazole and metronidazole.

Reception and dosage of drugs

The dosage of drugs is determined by the doctor depending on the current condition and the individual characteristics of the pregnant patient. Doctors try to prescribe the minimum dose of drugs so that the treatment of trichomoniasis does not affect the condition of the child. In some cases, experts advise to postpone taking medications, so the baby will have time to get stronger. This is due to the fact that the infection is less dangerous for the embryo than strong medications. Such methods are resorted to in the early stages of pregnancy.

Medicines for trichomoniasis should be taken not only by a woman, but also by her partner. Otherwise, re-infection will occur. A pregnant woman will have to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and not cancel the taking of antibiotics without permission.

After undergoing drug therapy, a woman should be observed for at least 3 more months. Repeated tests are also performed to diagnose the state of health and monitor positive dynamics.


The chance of having a healthy baby with timely treatment of infection is quite high. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a high risk of miscarriage. Trichomonas also negatively affect the course of pregnancy, they provoke premature birth and early discharge of water.

With a long course of the disease, serious complications arise.

Microorganisms affect the childbearing function of a woman, which can cause infertility. Conception will not be possible even after completion of therapy, since the consequence is irreversible.

Effect on the fetus

Infection during the prenatal period occurs only in the presence of concomitant diseases, in all other cases the child becomes infected during childbirth. Trichomoniasis is transmitted during passage through the birth canal, so if the disease could not be cured before the baby was born, doctors insist on a Caesarean section.

When a newborn is infected with trichomoniasis in the prenatal period, developmental abnormalities may occur. Treatment is prescribed from the first days of life when an infection is detected. Severe consequences can be avoided even in this case.


The probability of a favorable prognosis with the timely detection and treatment of trichomoniasis is 80%. The duration of drug therapy is no more than 4 weeks. In pregnant women, an infectious disease can lead to serious consequences affecting the health status of the mother and baby. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that all women adhere to preventive measures:

  • responsibly choose a sexual partner and not come into contact with dubious individuals;
  • to exclude the use of one towel, underwear, washcloths, brushes and other personal hygiene items with someone else, some people are only carriers of trichomoniasis and themselves do not suspect a violation;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle, regularly engage in gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • to be in the fresh air daily;
  • regularly undergo a full medical examination;
  • eat right and periodically drink a course of vitamins.

If the father or mother of the child suffered from trichomoniasis, then the baby without fail the first years of life will be under the supervision of doctors.

Diagnosing an infection at an early stage allows you to quickly cure the disease and avoid negative consequences. To diagnose pathology, they resort to examining and examining the taken biological material. Serological testing, bacteriological culture and polymer chain reaction are used to confirm the violation.

It is more difficult to identify the disease in boys, since in the male body trichomonads acquire a sedentary form. For an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests are performed several times.

Can I get pregnant after trichomoniasis

With the successful treatment of the infection during pregnancy or after it has ended, a woman can have another baby without problems. Difficulties arise in the case of the selection of the wrong treatment or lack of drug treatment. Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended that you pass all the necessary tests again to verify your health and prevent negative consequences.