Pregnant women lie on their stomach. Why is this dangerous? Choosing a comfortable position

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Pregnancy is not only a happy period of waiting for a baby, but also all sorts of restrictions that the expectant mother inevitably has to face. Fearing harm to the child, the pregnant woman tries to learn more about the new condition and how to behave correctly. Many women are interested in what week of pregnancy they should not sleep on their stomach. To get the correct answer to this question, you need to understand female physiology, take into account certain psychological factors.

Stomach pose

Women who are used to sleeping on their stomachs find it difficult to immediately adjust. Fortunately, sleeping in this position cannot harm the baby until 12 weeks of pregnancy, therefore, there is no need to urgently get rid of the habit of sleeping in this position when 2 lines are detected on the test. The explanation is simple: in the 1st trimester the fetus is tiny, the uterus is reliably protected by the pubic bones. However, this position can cause discomfort in a woman who has only recently become pregnant, which is associated with the tone of the uterus and engorgement of the mammary glands. In this case, guided by your own feelings, it is recommended to prefer a more comfortable and physiological position, although sleeping on your stomach is early stages Doctors don't prohibit it.

In the second trimester, the expectant mother begins to notice how her tummy is rounded: the child has grown significantly. During this period, it is worth starting to think about the safety of the baby during the night's rest.

By the twentieth week, you need to completely eliminate the “on your stomach” position. It is inconvenient for a pregnant woman and harms the baby. The uterus protrudes above the pubic bones, therefore, a woman’s weight can create significant pressure on the fetus.

In the 3rd trimester, the baby in the uterus reaches large sizes, and lying on your stomach becomes unthinkable. It is comparable to lying on a ball, unnatural for the expectant mother, and harmful for the child.

Each person is accustomed to sleeping in his favorite position. Some people like to sleep on their backs, some on their sides, and others are used to sleeping on their stomachs. But what about a woman who likes to sleep on her stomach if there is a little man growing inside? Expectant mothers, especially first-time mothers, are very, very concerned about this question: is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their stomachs? It almost turns into a phobia from the moment it turns out that pregnancy has occurred. So, let’s not “cause panic on the ship” in vain. Let’s better figure out what is possible and what is not, and whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomach.

Yes or no?

So, while the period is short (1st trimester), your tummy is barely noticeable. The fruit is still small, even “microscopic”. And the uterus is also small in size. So your baby is safely “hidden” and nothing will harm him. Is it possible to lie on your stomach during pregnancy? Can! Don't be afraid, nothing bad will happen to either the baby or you because of lying on your stomach. Only during this period do some things happen in the body physiological changes: The mammary glands swell and the uterus bends forward, because of this you feel its tone. Therefore, lying on your stomach becomes problematic, because discomfort They do not allow you to fully relax and lie down in your favorite position. Plus, the expectant mother herself subconsciously begins to control herself during sleep, so as not to accidentally lie on her stomach. This is where lack of sleep comes from. As a result - bad feeling, irritability, tearfulness. Don't stress yourself out needlessly. Still good! Relax! Moreover, pregnant women already have enough reasons, as it seems to them, to once again make yourself worry.

And when is it no longer possible?

Until when can you sleep on your stomach? Starting from the 12th week, whether you like it or not, you will have to get used to sleeping only on your back or side, preferably on the left, for better blood circulation. The belly is already becoming noticeable. The uterus has grown, and they no longer cover it. Although the fetus is protected by the uterus and abdominal muscles, prolonged pressure on it (meaning while sleeping lying on the stomach) can negatively affect it. But you can still lie on your stomach for a short time. After the 20th week, the belly becomes large enough that you definitely can’t lie on it anymore. Doubts about whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomachs disappear on their own. Moreover, even lying on your back for a long time will also be undesirable at this time, since it creates unnecessary pressure: both on the uterus and on the internal organs. Get used to sleeping on your side. This will be the most optimal position until the end of pregnancy. To make it more comfortable for you to lie down, place a cushion or small pillow under your feet. If you are irresistibly drawn to lie on your stomach, place a small pillow under your side and under your stomach so that your stomach seems to sag. Don’t panic if you accidentally fall on your stomach in a dream. The baby is protected within us from such “accidents”. Remember that yours is very important emotional condition. The child, although not born, feels everything equally with you.

So, now we understand that pregnant women can sleep on their stomach, but before certain period, and it will not harm the fetus. Sleep well while you can. Finally, I would like to note one important fact: although the question of whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomach remains “burning,” the environment in which the expectant mother sleeps is also very important. A comfortable sleeping place, naturally, a ventilated room, in general, everything that should be conducive to a comfortable sleep is the key wellness expectant mother. And you will still have time to sleep on your stomach after giving birth. Moreover, this position is recommended by gynecologists so that the uterus contracts faster. Good luck with your birth and healthy baby!

During pregnancy, women have to change a lot: throw away bad habits, get useful ones, go to healthy image life, swim, walk, control your emotional state. All this is extremely important for the health and development of the future baby, for a comfortable and safe pregnancy.

Sometimes you have to correct little things that you never thought about before. The sooner your belly starts to grow, the sooner you should think about possible poses for sleep. Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy - a fairly popular question among expectant mothers, let's look at it together!

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy? Organization of sleep for the expectant mother

Few people think about the role of sleep in their lives until some external circumstances force them to do so. We fuss all the time, rushing out to work in the morning and not being able to get out of bed in the evening. social networks and force yourself to go to bed early. The result is 5-7 hours of sleep per day, and this is catastrophically little. 12 hours of sleep on weekends does not count - sleeping for that long is also harmful. Remember that feeling of exhaustion after a long sleep and the desire to sleep more? This rhythm is destructive for the body; it does not have time to recover, constantly replenishing its strength from internal reserves. Obviously, this cannot go on forever. And it’s not for nothing that experts recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day for normal performance!

The female body is very wise. Already from the first days of pregnancy, expectant mothers are often drawn to sleep; they intuitively begin to behave correctly, devoting sleep to 8-10 hours a day. These are the features of the first trimester of pregnancy, and they are associated with hormonal changes. It would be nice to pick up this pace and live in it constantly, then all problems with health, stress and depression would evaporate for the most part.

For an expectant mother, rest, peace and sleep are more important than anyone else. She should not be ashamed of her desires, listening to the needs of her own body and, if possible, realizing them. Not only sleep is important, but also its quality and the characteristics of the external environment. It has been proven that sleeping in a cool, damp room is much more comfortable than in a dry and stuffy room! Therefore, before going to bed, it is strongly recommended to thoroughly ventilate the bedroom and turn on the humidifier for two hours. This approach will be very useful when a woman becomes a mother - in such conditions her baby will also sleep better!

In addition to such parameters as temperature and humidity, it is important to take care of the organization of the sleeping place: A large and sufficiently firm mattress will help prevent possible pain in the back and lower back, which often accompany expectant mothers with large bellies. For a comfortable sleep, you can get a special pillow for pregnant women - it will not only make your sleep a joy, it will help in the future when feeding your baby.

The sleeping position itself is also important for pregnant women. Towards the end of pregnancy, it is recommended to sleep on your left side with your legs tucked under you. But it’s still dangerous to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy - is it really necessary to give up immediately and abruptly?

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach in early pregnancy?

A person is freedom-loving, and any restriction forces him to think about how to get around it. The forbidden fruit is known to be sweet. Everyone loves to sleep, and it’s better to have as much space as possible to spread your arms, legs, and lie diagonally. Who doesn't like to sleep on their stomach? Good news The point is that for the first three months you can continue this business, however, preparing yourself mentally for the fact that you will soon have to give up this luxury. If during, say, 8 weeks of pregnancy you can sleep on your stomach, then after the 12th week it is no longer advisable to do this!

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy in the second half of pregnancy?

When you are 20 weeks pregnant, sleeping on your stomach is strictly prohibited! As a rule, after the 20th week the tummy is already quite prominent, the baby’s movements can be felt by placing your palms on it. Not a single mother will lie down on such a tummy in her life; it is simply uncomfortable and dangerous even at the level of instinct!

If mom is so later If she lies on her stomach, she risks injuring her unborn baby, which is why you should not sleep on your stomach during pregnancy!
It’s inconvenient, unusual, but you shouldn’t dwell on it, because half of your pregnancy is already behind you, and very soon you’ll be able to sleep in any position you want!

Until what week of pregnancy can you sleep on your stomach?

To summarize, we can say this: sleeping before the 12th week is not dangerous, after that it is no longer advisable, and starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach is strictly prohibited!

Moreover, in the third trimester it is generally better to sleep only on your side, and on the left: it turns out that even sleeping on your back for such a long period of time can be dangerous. The fruit is already quite large and heavy, in position expectant mother on the back, under his weight, the vena cava is compressed, which impedes the flow of blood and reduces the supply of oxygen to it. And its lack is a direct path to hypoxia. Sometimes the expectant mother herself may not feel very well lying on her back, even to the point of fainting. Therefore, it is better to exclude all procedures that require a long stay on the back - cosmetic procedures, eyelash extensions, etc.

Lying on her back, the expectant mother may not know how hard it is for her baby at this moment. He can announce this with sharp and quite sensitive thrusts. You should generally listen to the behavior of the baby in the tummy. Such shocks may indicate either a lack of oxygen or uncomfortable position, or both combined. It’s best to open the window and lie down differently, or even go outside and breathe there. fresh air.

How to make an expectant mother sleep

So, the expectant mother should not panic about the restrictions regarding her sleep. Cool, humid air, a hard mattress and the presence of a special pillow for pregnant women will make her sleep as comfortable as possible.

However, if in the first trimester there are no problems with sleep: you already want to sleep all the time, any position is welcome; then in the third, some pregnant women may suffer from insomnia. This is understandable: the belly is growing by leaps and bounds, the load on the back and legs is constantly increasing, swelling and shortness of breath may appear, and heartburn is inevitable, in particular before bedtime. And it is best to sleep predominantly on your left side.

In order to similar problems did not arise, try to walk more, breathe fresh air before going to bed. Avoid watching TV 2-3 hours before bedtime; it is better to spend this time reading your favorite book. In general, reading or listening to exciting audio books - great way pass the time and sleep soundly! You can take a warm bath (never hot and only after consulting a doctor) with soothing foam or salt. Listen to music, preferably classical or just slow. And most importantly, drive away from yourself negative thoughts and emotions! They often do not allow the body to relax and go into deep sleep! If it doesn’t work out, then again, books will help you! Only positive thinking, only good emotions!

Let's sum it up

Now you know when you can and cannot sleep on your stomach during pregnancy. At the right approach This deprivation may not even be noticed; the main thing is not to think about it. Very soon you will hear your baby's first cry, and life will change once and for all! And you will finally lie down on your small tummy and enjoy these moments with all your heart!

Video " Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you will have to say goodbye to certain habits. Some women can only fall asleep lying on your stomach. With the receipt of a new status, many representatives of the fair sex are afraid harm the child, falling asleep in this position. This causes phobia and sleep disturbances.

    Can pregnant women lie on their stomach?

    The ability to lie on your stomach is determined based on trimester of pregnancy. At the very beginning of its development, no harm is observed. The uterus has not yet begun to stretch, and the embryo is reliably protected by the abdominal muscles and pubic bones . An exception may be situations in which there is a risk of miscarriage. In this case, any physical activity and pressure on the uterus.

    1st trimester

    In the first trimester, the tummy is not yet visible. The fruit is surrounded by a water shell, so under pressure negative influence it doesn't turn out to be on him. The embryo is placed deeply in the pelvis. Lying on your stomach until 12 weeks is not prohibited.

    Some women have a psychological barrier. It causes problems with sleep. The young mother is afraid to roll over on her stomach while sleeping, so she constantly wakes up. IN in this case specialist help required. It is necessary to contact your doctor to explain that there is no danger.

    ON A NOTE! If you are afraid of sleeping on your stomach, you should remember that this does not harm the baby in any way, and from the second trimester this position cannot be taken. We need to take advantage of the moment while there is no such ban.

    The situation is complicated by the fact that the 1st trimester is characterized by painful sensations in the chest. The woman physically cannot lie on it for a long time. There is a possibility that this symptom will appear only in the second half of pregnancy. In this case there is no reason to avoid placement on the stomach.

    2nd trimester

    Starting from the 13th week, the expectant mother’s tummy begins to round out. He goes beyond pelvic bones, which makes him vulnerable. During this period it is recommended lie on your side or back.

    3rd trimester

    Third trimester the most difficult for woman. During this period, weight increases, any movement becomes problematic, shortness of breath and swelling appear. Lying on your stomach will be extremely uncomfortable. Doctors do not allow this to be done also because it puts pressure on the fetus . There is a risk of hypoxia.

    ADVICE! To avoid involuntarily rolling over on your stomach in your sleep, it is recommended to surround yourself with plenty of soft pillows. A good option would be the purchase of a special pillow for pregnant women.

    When should you not lie on your stomach during pregnancy?

    Sometimes you may be prohibited from sleeping on your stomach not only in the second half of pregnancy, but also in the 1st trimester. The reasons for this ban are valid. These include the following:

    • uterine tone;
    • placental abruption;
    • thin endometrium;
    • a woman's tendency to have miscarriages.

    Gynecologists say that you need to monitor not only your posture during sleep, but also how a woman gets up in the morning. This is especially important on long term. Sudden movements may cause dizziness and loss of coordination because the center of gravity shifts.

    REFERENCE! It is advisable to sleep on your right side. This reduces pressure on the heart.

    Possible consequences

    An incorrect position while sleeping can lead to dire consequences. If there is a threat of miscarriage, intense pressure on the fetus can lead to miscarriage or fading pregnancy. The risk of developing hypoxia increases. Due to lack of air, parts of the brain suffer, which affects the child’s health. Positioning on the stomach may cause the following:

    • woman faints;
    • fetal hypoxia;
    • abortion;
    • deterioration of intestinal function;
    • compression of the vena cava.

    How to improve sleep during pregnancy?

    During sleep, the human body recovers. It is how you slept at night that determines your performance and woman's mood. To ensure the most comfortable sleep, the following principles should be observed:

A significant part of the inhabitants of our planet feel most comfortable while sleeping, lying on their stomachs. What should women who are expecting a child do: continue to sleep on their stomachs, and won’t their favorite lying position harm the baby’s health?

Is it possible to lie on your stomach during pregnancy?

In anticipation of a child, women ask many questions: regarding the health of the unborn child, their well-being, changes in the body. Girls are overcome by a lot of fears and anxieties. Is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their stomach is not a question of particular importance, but for some mothers it is very relevant.

In the dilemma of sleeping on the stomach, experts have divided opinions. Some argue that sleeping on the stomach during pregnancy will not cause any harm to the baby. But, what is very important, in the early stages - until the belly is rounded.

Some experts are firmly against sleeping on their stomachs, calling on expectant mothers to get used to sleeping on their sides from the first days of conception. Since such discipline will negate the possibility in the future of unknowingly turning over on your stomach and harming the child.

During the period of growth of the abdomen, you can forget about sleeping on it. A round belly will not allow you to perform such manipulations. In addition, with the enlargement of the mammary glands, sleeping on the belly cannot be called comfortable, but rather unpleasant.

Why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their stomachs

Lying on your stomach during active growth child, which means increasing the volume of the mother, can injure the child. On the one side, amniotic fluid, muscles of the uterus, abdominal muscles protect the fetus from the inside. But in other way - Great chance that pressure from your weight will harm the health of the baby. This is why pregnant women should not sleep on their stomach. In addition, what sane mother would calmly lie down on her little one?!

When should pregnant women not sleep on their stomach?

Some doctors claim that lying on your stomach in the early stages of pregnancy is allowed. The uterus is still small size, the embryo is absolutely protected by the pubic bone, so the pressure of your body will not cause harm. Just don’t experiment: if you feel the slightest discomfort, change your position.

When should mothers stop sleeping on their stomachs during pregnancy? Starting from the 15th week, the volume of a woman’s uterus increases significantly in size, and the belly is accordingly rounded. From this period, lie down or squeeze your stomach tight clothes forbidden.

In the middle of pregnancy, you can still pamper yourself by sleeping on your back. The weight of the child will not put pressure on the lower back and will allow blood to circulate fully.

With the beginning last trimester making any pressure on the stomach in the form of lying down or squeezing is absolutely prohibited. Even if you wanted to pamper your belly, the size of your belly simply won’t allow it. The “star” pose lying on your back will also not work. Firstly, the lower back will ache, and secondly, the weight of the child will “block” the blood flow, which will lead to oxygen starvation baby.

An alternative is to sleep on your side. For comfort, you can place a small pillow under the belly or purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which in further use can serve as a kind of playpen for the little one.

How much comfort means to a woman: a cup of strong coffee, a hot bath, a glass or two of wine with dinner, a favorite sleep on the belly. Unfortunately, with the onset of pregnancy, many weaknesses need to be put on pause. This is a temporary regime. With the birth of a child, after some time, the “start” will start again and you won’t even notice how familiar things will return to your life.