Modeling as a means of developing coherent spoken speech in preschoolers. Modeling as a means of speech development in preschoolers

using the visual modeling method in children's speech development

  • - assimilation and analysis of sensory material;
  • - translating it into sign-symbolic language;
  • - work with the model.

When developing visual modeling skills, the following are solved: didactic tasks: - familiarity with the graphical method of presenting information; - development of the ability to decipher the model; - formation of independent modeling skills.

The visual modeling method in correction is aimed at solving interrelated problems covering different sides of speech development: - phonetic; - lexical; - grammatical; - development of coherent speech.

The first models that children encounter in the process of formation and correction of the pronunciation aspect of speech are models of such concepts as sound, syllable, word, sentence. Geometric shapes are used to designate them.

Sh Iroko uses visual symbols of vowels and consonants proposed by T.A. Tkachenko. According to the author, the merging of sounds materialized with the help of symbols is a simulation of reading, and laying out words with the help of symbols is an analogue of writing. Only both happen in a lightweight, entertaining, playful version. When choosing symbols for vowels, the main feature was the position of the lips when articulating a particular sound.

An equally interesting system of graphic designation of phonemes was proposed by V.M. Akimenko. To construct models of vowel sounds, the following were taken into account:

Participation or non-participation of the lips; - vibration of the vocal folds; - free passage of exhaled air through the mouth. And for models of consonant sounds: - the presence or absence of vibration of the vocal folds; - method of articulation; - place of articulation; - the presence or absence of additional elevation of the back of the tongue to the hard palate; - place of resonance.

When forming lexico-grammatical categories diagrams, pictograms, symbols and other visual modeling tools are used. Thus, to distinguish words from different parts of speech, conventional designations for words-objects, words-actions and words-features are introduced. The most commonly used are two variants of this graphic representation of words. The first version of the graphic image corresponds to traditional school notations. Then in the second version the word action looks like a fairy-tale man. This causes an emotional reaction and interest in children.

One of the most difficult tasks for preschool children is drawing up proposals . As practice shows, preschoolers master this skill more successfully if different models are used in correctional work. A simple diagram consisting of two subject pictures and an arrow, firstly, replacing the word-action, and secondly, indicating the object-subject relationships in the phrase, allows you to model many different sentences.

Modeling can be used to work on all types of coherent statement :

  • when retelling, composing stories based on a picture and a series of pictures, in a descriptive and creative story;
  • When retelling using reference diagrams, models are used that are created in accordance with the text. They are the visual plane and guide the process of utterance. For example, this is how the graphic plan of the fairy tale “Kolobok” can be presented.

Schematic pictures are used for retelling (reference signals) reflecting the sequence of events.

In the process of developing the skill of composing a descriptive story and a story along a certain plot line, models are used, including supporting stylized pictures that correspond to the main parts of the story. In a story, a model is a scheme for establishing methods of connection between sentences and between the structural parts of a coherent statement. Thus, three main types of story models are used, reflecting different ways of connecting phrases: - chain link (sentences “link” together, one follows from the other); - parallel communication (sentences are compared or contrasted with each other); - beam communication (the object is called and each sentence reveals one of its characteristics).

A type of schematic model is mnemonic table .

Its purpose is to use

code symbols

in the form of a diagram the content of the text,

so that in the future the child

could based on this view

clarity to decode,

remember and reproduce

fairy tale, story, poem.

In the mnemonic table graphically

information about

characters, objects

surrounding world, phenomena

nature, events.

At the initial stage of mastering modeling, children are asked to decode mnemonic tracks– part of a mnemonic table, consisting of 3-4 images.


Thus, the use of the visual modeling method makes it possible to more purposefully develop children’s impressive speech, enrich their active vocabulary, consolidate word formation skills, form and improve the ability to use various sentence structures in speech, describe objects, and compose stories. The introduction of visual models into the learning process helps to consolidate understanding of the meanings of parts of speech and grammatical categories, develop an understanding of logical-grammatical structures and the integrity of a speech utterance. The use of this method allows children to develop the following skills and abilities: - obtain information, conduct research, make comparisons, draw up a clear internal plan for mental actions and speech expressions; - formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions; - the use of visual modeling has a positive impact on the development of not only speech processes, but also non-speech ones: attention, memory, thinking.

Modeling as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers

Consultation for preschool teachers

Place of work: MKDOU kindergarten "Beryozka" Listvenichny village
Target: introduction of modern technologies into the educational process aimed at developing coherent speech in preschoolers.
“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer in vain for a long time, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly” K. D. Ushinsky
Coherent speech is a detailed, complete, compositionally and grammatically designed, semantic and emotional statement, consisting of a number of logically related sentences.
The main function of coherent speech is communicative. It is carried out in two forms: dialogical and monological. Each form has its own characteristics:
- The monologue contains a more complete formulation of information, the statement is more detailed.
- In dialogue, speech does not need to develop thoughts; it can be incomplete, abbreviated, fragmentary.
(slide No. 3 is projected on the screen)
In a child’s communication with peers and adults, coherent speech occupies a special place, reflecting the logic of the child’s thinking, his ability to comprehend perceived information and express it correctly.
In preschool age, when constructing a coherent statement, children experience difficulties in composing descriptive and narrative monologues: violation of logic, consistency of presentation, semantic omissions, use of formal connections between sentences, repetition of the same lexical means.
Today, there are many methods that can be used to regulate the process of speech development in children, one of them is the visual modeling method developed by L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonin, N.A. Vetlugina.
What is modeling?
(slide No. 4 is projected on the screen)
“Modeling” is the study of any phenomena or processes by constructing and studying models. Modeling has models as its object.
“Model” is any image (mental and conditional; images, descriptions, diagram, drawing, graph, plan) of any process or phenomenon (the original of this model), used as a substitute.
“Visual modeling” is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object being studied, the creation of its substitute and work with it.
From these definitions it follows that the modeling method is based on the principle of substitution: the child replaces a real object with another object, its image, or some conventional sign.
What are the features and significance of modeling?
(slide No. 5 is projected on the screen)
The peculiarity and significance of modeling lies in the fact that, through the use of models, it makes visible the properties, connections, and relationships of objects that are hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding specific facts and phenomena in the formation of knowledge that is attached in content to concepts
Scientific research and practice confirm that visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is accessible to preschool children.
The introduction of visual models into the educational process allows for more targeted development of children's impressive speech, enriching their active vocabulary, strengthening word formation skills, forming and improving the ability to use various sentence structures in speech, describe objects, and compose stories. In this case, the visual models used are stylized images of real objects, symbols to designate certain parts of speech, diagrams to designate the main features of certain types of described objects, as well as actions performed in relation to them for the purpose of examination, stylized designations of “key words” of the main parts of the descriptive story and so on. - make it possible to optimize the process of transition from visual-effective thinking to figurative thinking, to form verbal-logical thinking. With the help of diagrams and models, preschoolers learn to overcome various difficulties; the positive emotions they experience - surprise, the joy of success - give them confidence in their abilities.
The modeling method is also effective because it allows the teacher to maintain the cognitive interest of preschoolers throughout the lesson. It is the cognitive interest of children that promotes active mental activity, long-term and sustained concentration of attention.
And according to psychologists, a child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves his speech by learning to think.
So, the relevance of using the visual modeling method in working with preschoolers is that:
(slide No. 6 is projected on the screen)
Firstly, a preschool child is very flexible and easy to teach, but children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities. Using visual modeling creates interest and helps solve this problem;
Secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and forms techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: “When you learn, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs”;
Thirdly, using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing and systematize the acquired knowledge.
The essence of the modeling method.
(slide No. 7 is projected on the screen)
When using the visual modeling method, children become familiar with a graphical way of presenting information - a model. Next, the visual model of the statement acts as a plan that ensures the coherence and sequence of the child’s stories.
Symbols of various types can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model):
(slide No. 8 is projected on the screen)
geometric figures (slide No. 9 is projected onto the screen)
symbolic images of objects; (slide number 10 is projected onto the screen)

reference pictures; (slide No. 11 is projected onto the screen)

plans and symbols used in them; (slides No. 12 and 13 are projected onto the screen)

block frame (slide No. 14 is projected onto the screen)
Model requirements:
- Clearly display the basic properties and relationships that are the object of cognition;
- Be easy to understand and accessible to create actions with it;
- Vividly and clearly convey with its help those properties and relationships that must be mastered;
- Facilitate cognition.
The model as a form of clarity can be used in all age groups
Stages of working with the model:
1. Using a ready-made symbol or model.
2. Drawing up a model of a teacher together with children.
3. Independent compilation of models.
In the process of teaching coherent speech, modeling serves as a means of planning utterances and can be used in working on all types of coherent monologue utterances:
(slide number 15 is projected on the screen)
- retelling; (slide number 16 is projected on the screen)
- compiling stories based on the picture; (slide No. 17 is projected on the screen)
- descriptive story; (slide No. 18 is projected on the screen)
- creative story. (slide No. 19 is projected on the screen)
Patterns of formation of modeling in preschool children:
- Modeling is performed on material familiar to children, based on knowledge acquired in the classroom or in everyday life.
- It is advisable to start with modeling individual specific situations, and later – with building models that have a generalized nature.
- You should start with iconic models, i.e., those that retain a certain similarity with the modeled object, gradually moving on to conditionally symbolic images of relationships.
- You should start with modeling spatial relationships, and then move on to modeling temporal, logical, etc.
- Learning to model is easier if it starts with using ready-made models and then building them.
- The process of learning to model ends with the internalization of actions, i.e. transferring planning to an internal plan.

The use of the visual modeling method significantly facilitates the process of children mastering the skills of coherent speech and allows them to successfully overcome shortcomings in its development.
Thus, gradually mastering all types of coherent utterances with the help of modeling, children learn to plan their speech.

Practical part.
Modeling based on the fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.
1. Reading a fairy tale.
2. Conversation based on a fairy tale:
-Who lived in the house?
- What did the cat punish the cockerel when he went into the forest?
- Who wanted to steal the cockerel?
- What song did the fox sing?
- What did the cockerel call the cat?
- How did the cat save the cockerel?
3. Now let's play a fairy tale. Look how many figures I have. (examining and naming geometric shapes). Let the square be a hut in which a cat and a cockerel live. Which figurine will be a cat? Why is the cat a gray circle? (Because the cat is the same color - gray). Which figurine will be the cockerel? Why is the cockerel a red triangle? (Because the cockerel has a red comb and a red beard). Who will the orange triangle be? Why is the fox a big orange triangle? (Because the fox is red and larger in size than the cockerel and the cat).
4. Telling a fairy tale using geometric shapes
There lived a cockerel and a cat in a house
(a circle and a triangle are placed in a square)
The cat left the house to hunt.
(a triangle remains in the square, the circle is removed)
And the fox is right there.
(an orange triangle is laid out next to the square)
The fox grabbed the cockerel and carried it away.
(red triangle is placed on orange)
The fox is carrying the cockerel, and the cat is catching up with them.
(a gray circle is laid out next to the orange triangle)
The cat took the cockerel and brought it home.
(move the red triangle to the gray circle and lay out a square)
(children are shown performing actions with geometric shapes)
Play with the figures can continue as long as interest remains.
5. Telling a story using frames (slide 14)

Topic: “Using the modeling method as a means of developing coherent speech in children of middle preschool age”

Coherent speech occupies an important place in a child’s communication with peers and adults; it reflects the logic of the child’s thinking, his ability to comprehend perceived information and express it correctly. It is an indicator of how well a child speaks the vocabulary of his native language and reflects the level of aesthetic and emotional development of the child. Thus, coherent speech is a detailed presentation of certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively.

Visual modeling– this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object being studied, the creation of its substitute and work with it.

The visual modeling method helps the child visually imagine abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text) and learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means; visual material is absorbed better than verbal material.

The preschooler is deprived of the opportunity to write down, make a table, or mark anything. In kindergarten, only one type of memory is mainly involved - verbal. Supporting schemes are an attempt to use visual, motor, and associative memory to solve cognitive problems.

Scientific research and practice confirm that visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is accessible to preschool children. Scientists also note that the use of substitutes and visual models develops the mental abilities of preschoolers.

It is advisable to start teaching modeling in preschool age, since, according to L.S. Vygotsky, F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova, preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of personality. As the child develops, he actively masters the basics of his native language and speech, and his speech activity increases.

The works of L.A. became widely known. Wenger and his students on the problems of modeling in various types of activities: to teach coherent speech, schematic images of characters and the actions they perform are used.

During an experimental examination of preschool children (P. Ya. Galperin, A. V. Zaporozhets, S. N. Karpova, D. B. Elkonin) it turned out that many knowledge that a child cannot learn on the basis of a verbal explanation from an adult or in a process organized by an adult actions with objects, he easily learns if this knowledge is given in the form of actions with models that reflect the essential features of the phenomena being studied.

After analyzing my work, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to look for more effective methods of teaching children coherent storytelling, retelling close to the text, without missing the main details of objects. The child must be helped to understand the process of constructing a text and comprehend its content.

Of all the existing techniques that help in mastering coherent speech, the modeling technique turned out to be the most effective.

And the most fertile soil, with unlimited developmental and educational opportunities, is the Russian folk tale.

In the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155
“On approval of the federal state educational standard of preschool education” defines the tasks of development and education of pupils, including speech: (they are presented on the slide)

· mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

· enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech, development of speech creativity;

· development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

· acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

· formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

The urgency of the problem is that since children, due to their psychophysiological characteristics,

Ø quickly lose interest in simply telling works of fiction. Therefore, in order to support children’s interest in storytelling, I decided to use models in my work (modeling activities).

Ø coherent statements in children are short

Ø are characterized by inconsistency in storytelling, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text

Ø the child’s speech consists of separate fragments that are logically unrelated to each other.

In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they experienced, but are reluctant to take on the task of writing stories on a given topic. Basically, this does not happen because the child’s knowledge on this issue is insufficient, but because he cannot formulate it into coherent speech statements.

Today, there are many methods that can be used to regulate the process of speech development in children, one of them is visual modeling.

Therefore, the relevance of using the visual modeling method in working with

preschoolers is that:

firstly, a preschool child is very flexible and easy to teach, but for children

Characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities. Using visual

modeling generates interest and helps solve this problem;

secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process

memorization and assimilation of material, forms techniques for working with memory;

thirdly, using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing,

systematize the acquired knowledge

The main principles of working with children on visual modeling, along with general didactic ones, are objectivity and clarity and the developmental orientation of teaching.

Subjectivity refers to the organization of learning in such a way that the subject being studied is, if possible, perceived by all senses: hearing, vision, touch, smell, tactile sensations.

Objectivity presupposes the consistent replacement of a living, natural object with a subject-schematic model.

One of the factors that facilitate the process of developing coherent speech, according to L.V. Elkonin, is visibility. Visual learning involves the use in the classroom, in addition to natural objects, of various types of visual aids: paintings, drawings, tables, diagrams, and technical teaching aids.

The developmental orientation of education involves the use of methods and techniques that involve the development of the child’s higher mental functions: perception, memory, attention, thinking, etc. Examining objects and paintings helps children name objects, their characteristic features, and actions performed with them.

The second auxiliary factor is the creation plan of expression. The significance of this fact was pointed out by the famous psychologist L.S. Vygodsky. He noted the importance of sequential placement in the preliminary program, the scheme of all specific elements of the utterance, and also that each link of the utterance should be replaced in time by the next.

I have set myself the goal of developing coherent speech skills in preschool children through modeling Russian folk tales.

Highlighted tasks:

To develop in children the ability to construct complete and expressive answers to the content of the fairy tale they read;

To develop children's thinking and imagination, emotional responsiveness, memory when selecting substitutes;

Be able to create imaginary images and select substitutes to designate a character in a fairy tale, recognize fairy-tale situations by substitutes;

Develop the ability to select substitutes by color, size, shape, and character of a fairy tale character;

Develop an understanding of the fairy tale based on constructing a visual model;

In the process of work, the following stages of work were outlined:

Stage 1 preparatory:

Studying literature on the research problem;

To identify the development of speech skills of children’s coherent speech.

Prepare teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the project.

Stage 2 main:

Development of an activity system and preparation of materials for the development of coherent monologue speech of children through visual modeling, organization of preparatory work with preschoolers and implementation of the developed system in one’s own teaching practice

Interact with parents in order to enrich the gaming experience and speech activity of the child.

3 stage Final stage

Performance analysis, generalization, description and dissemination of experience.

I developed thematic planning for telling fairy tales using models.

The work system took place in several stages:

Stage 1: Introducing children to fairy tales through the teacher’s storytelling using various types of theater on a flannelgraph and viewing illustrations for fairy tales. In the process of this work, I compiled a catalog of fairy tales that can be modeled in accordance with the requirements for the children's education and training program.

Stage 2: Familiarization with fairy tale models during the didactic game “Let’s turn circles into a fairy tale” - promotes the development of word creativity. Children can either come up with their own fairy tale or tell a familiar fairy tale. “Find out who came,” “Visiting a fairy tale.”

Before we started modeling the fairy tale, the children and I talked through the main characters, how they could be portrayed, what their characteristics are, what they have (bunnies have long ears).

In the didactic game “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, children are offered a certain circle and they must name who it is (frog, mouse...), what fairy tale this hero is from.

I also introduced children to models of fairy tale heroes through outdoor games. Such as: “Shaggy Dog” (brown circle), “Wolf and Hares” (large gray circle – wolf), “Bear the Bear in the Forest” (large brown circle).

Stage 3: Telling a fairy tale by the teacher using models.

Stage 4: Telling fairy tales to children using models together with the teacher

I used models when dramatizing fairy tales (in theatrical activities)

Stage 5: Using models in independent activities.

Development of monologue speech of preschool children through the use of visual modeling” was presented to the teaching staff of a preschool education institution in the process of conducting a series of open screenings of classes on the development of communication and speech, preparing methodological recommendations for the use of visual modeling as a means of developing monologue speech in preschoolers.

Voronina Nina Vladimirovna

Natalia Solovyova
Modeling as a means of developing coherent spoken speech in preschoolers


Mastering your native language, speech development is one of the most important acquisitions for a child preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for raising and educating children.

Unfortunately, parents in our time, due to difficult social conditions, due to employment or incompetence, the process speech development they let their child take its course.

Children preschool ages are characterized by insufficiently developed skills in constructing coherent speech. Based on the results of my observations in children, the following can be noted: flaws:

liaisons statements are short;

They are characterized by inconsistency, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text;

Consists of separate fragments, logically not interconnected;

The level of information is very low.

In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they experienced, but are reluctant to take on the task of writing stories on a given topic. Basically, this happens not because the child’s knowledge on this issue is insufficient, but because he cannot formalize it in liaisons speech utterances.


To solve these problems, I studied the relevant literature. Timely and correct acquisition of speech by a child is the most important condition for a full-fledged mental development. Without is good developed speech, the ability to think logically, there is no real communication, there is no genuine success in learning.

L. S. Vygotsky wrote: “There are all factual theoretical grounds for asserting that not only the intellectual child development, but also the formation of character, emotions and personality as a whole is in directly dependent on speech».

5 slide. One of the effective funds the solution to this problem is to apply it in educational activities speech development modeling method. The basis of the method modeling, developed by L. A. Wenger, D. B. Elkonin, N. A. Vetlugina lies the principle substitution: the child replaces a real object with another object, its image, or some conventional sign. Method modeling is also effective because it allows the teacher to maintain cognitive interest preschoolers throughout the entire educational activity. It is the cognitive interest of children that contributes to active mental activity, long-term and sustainable focus. I settled on the author Vetlugina, where she claims that with the help of diagrams and preschoolers models They learn to overcome various difficulties, and the positive emotions they experience - surprise, the joy of success - give them confidence in their abilities.

While using the visual technique modeling children become familiar with the graphical way of presenting information - model. As conditional substitutes (elements models) symbols of various types can appear character: - subject pictures - silhouette images - geometric figures - plans and symbols - contrasting frame - fragmentary storytelling technique

Slide 7 Tasks:

IN communications with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, I must create conditions for all types of children’s activities

1. Create conditions for expanding ideas about the world around us and the phenomena of reality.

2. Create conditions for activating children’s vocabulary and improving dialogical and monological speeches.

3. Encourage the ability to observe, to see parts and signs in observed objects.

4. Contribute development visual-figurative and form verbal-logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, justify one’s judgment.

Practical significance:

Analysis of diagnostic data shows that a significant part of children find it difficult to select facts for their stories, to arrange them logically, to structure statements, and to formulate them logically.

In order to build a system, I developed long-term planning for organized educational activities. Application.

To solve these problems, I used a visual method modeling in the process of formation coherent speech of preschoolers.

Long-term planning.

8 slide. Models, mnemonic tables - diagrams serve as didactic material in work on development of children's coherent speech. Reception of visual modeling I used it both in working with children in joint organized activities (this is retelling fiction, memorizing poems and learning to write stories, and in independent activities of children in the evening and morning hours, organizing development environment for the development of coherent spoken speech(di).

9, 10 slide. “All professions are needed, all professions are important”. Children were asked to choose a picture depicting a profession if they wished and tell about it using plan: 11 slide name of the profession, place of work, what a person does in this profession, what is the benefit, what does he need for work and what would you like to become when you grow up. Let me give you a few examples. (Arbay, Logasheva).

12 slide. "Seasons". Compose a story using a mnemonic plan about autumn (can be used in a corner of nature).

1. A story about the sun in autumn.

2. What is the sky like in autumn?

3. What does the earth look like in autumn?

4. What happens to the trees in the fall?

5. What clothes do children wear in the fall?

6. Changes in the life of animals in the fall.

7. Changes in the life of birds.

8. Children's activities.

I also used this table when compiling descriptive stories about other seasons.

13, 14 slide. Memorizing poems.

"Autumn, autumn"

Autumn, autumn is coming to us,

What does autumn bring to us?

Colored leaves,

forest berries,

Vegetables for lunch

There are many clouds in the sky.

Slide 15 Elements models of a descriptive story become symbols-substitutes for qualitative characteristics object:

Belonging to a generic concept

Magnitude; color shape


Surface quality;

The material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects);

How is it used (what benefits does it bring?

Why do you like it (don't like it?

16 slide. Pets. 17,18, 19.

20 slide. Children have significant difficulties when composing stories based on a plot picture.

A story based on a plot picture requires the child to be able to identify the main characters or objects of the picture,

Trace them relationship and interaction,

Note the features of the compositional background of the painting

Think of the reasons for the occurrence of this situation, that is, make up the beginning of the story, and its consequences - that is, the end of the story.

21 slides. Series of paintings "The Hedgehog and the Rain".

22 slide. Series of paintings "Family".

23 slide. Reading fiction. Children made up stories about a fairy-tale hero plan:

1. height (high, low, big, small)

2. completeness (thin, fat)

3. hairstyle and hair color (long, short, cropped, braided, dark, red, blond)

4. eyes (large, small, gray, green, brown)

5. nose (sharp, long, short, thick, round, small)

6. lips (narrow, plump, red, pink)

24 slide. Mnemotables of fairy tales.

25 slide. The didactic material is interesting and accessible to children. Pupils study independently, with other peers, together with a teacher, while learning to listen and speak.

At an older age, tasks development of coherent speech becomes more difficult, V communications this is where things get complicated models. They become more abstract, and their functions are discussed with children in advance. Based models children not only convey the text, but also the dialogue of the characters, the characteristics of the characters.

Development creative activity of children directly related with the family situation, therefore cooperation with the family is an important part of working with children. This work is to educate parents about the method modeling.

For this purpose, at the parent meeting I discussed the topic “ Modeling as a means of developing children’s coherent speech”.

26 slide. results:

The effectiveness of the work carried out is confirmed by the following results:

1. Children have become more active in verbal communication, answer questions, and ask questions themselves.

2. Learned to be creative and independent.

3. Learned how to examine objects and identify their main features.

4. We learned to write descriptive stories about toys, objects, and seasons.

5. Children's memory has improved, attention has become more stable.

The result of systematic work on teaching children to tell stories using modeling is that that children by the end of the preparatory group make up extended stories, retold literary works, composed their own, well mastered the construction of grammatical structures, understood the meaning of verbs, categories of nouns and adjectives.

Thus, the sooner we teach children to tell and retell using the method modeling, the better we prepare them for school, since liaison speech is an important indicator of a child’s mental abilities and his readiness for schooling. Slide 27

“Modeling as a means of developing coherent speech in a preschooler”

Preschool children with speech disorders, as a rule, have insufficiently developed skills in constructing a coherent statement.
Based on the results of diagnosing this skill in children, the following disadvantages can be noted:
statements are short;
inconsistent, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text;
consist of separate fragments that are logically unrelated to each other;
the level of expression is very low.
In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they experienced, but are reluctant to take on the task of writing stories on a given topic. Basically, this does not happen because the child’s knowledge on this issue is insufficient, but because he cannot formulate it into coherent speech statements.
One of the ways to plan a coherent statement can be the technique of visual modeling.
Using visual modeling techniques makes it possible to:
independent analysis of a situation or object;
development of plans and ideas for a future product.
In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling serves as a means of planning utterances.
The visual modeling technique can be used in working on all types of coherent monologue statements:
compiling stories based on the picture;
descriptive story;
creative story.
Model elements
When using visual modeling techniques, children become familiar with a graphical way of providing information - a model
At the initial stage of work, geometric shapes are used as substitute symbols, their shape and color resembling the object being replaced. For example, a green triangle is a Christmas tree, a gray circle is a cat, etc. At subsequent stages, children choose substitutes, without taking into account the external features of the object. In this case, they are guided by the qualitative characteristics of the object (evil, kind, cowardly, etc.). Elements of the story plan compiled from a landscape painting can be silhouette images of its objects present in the picture, as well as those that can be identified only by indirect signs.
The following are used as substitute symbols when modeling creative stories:
subject pictures;
silhouette images;
geometric figures.
A visual model of an utterance acts as a plan that ensures coherence and consistency in the child’s stories.
Experience in working with children with speech impairments has identified several effective techniques for visually modeling a coherent utterance, the use of which increases children’s interest in this type of activity and allows one to achieve significant results in correcting the speech of preschoolers.
The simplest type of coherent utterance is considered a retelling. Retelling involves the ability to identify the main parts of the text heard, connect them with each other, and then compose a story in accordance with this scheme. A visual model acts as a story outline.
Work on developing the skill of retelling involves the formation of the following skills: 1. mastering the principle of substitution, that is, the ability to designate characters and main attributes of a work of art as substitutes;
developing the ability to convey events using proxies (subject modeling);
transmission of the sequence of episodes in accordance with the location of the substituents, and begins with the telling of familiar short fairy tales, “Turnip”, “Rock Hen”, etc.
In order to teach a child to consistently present the plot of a fairy tale, visual models of the fairy tale are used. At first, children learn to make models that accompany the teacher reading a fairy tale. For example, a teacher tells the children the fairy tale “Turnip”, and the children gradually introduce symbols that are substitutes for the heroes of the fairy tale. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that the manipulation of the elements of the model corresponds to the fragment of the fairy tale,
Elements of the model can be pictures depicting fairy tale characters, then they are replaced with substitute symbols (silhouette images or geometric shapes). Gradually, children move from simply manipulating the elements of the model to compiling a spatial dynamic model, which directly serves as a retelling plan.
Story based on a plot picture
Children have significant difficulties when composing stories based on a plot picture. A story based on a plot picture requires the child to be able to identify the main characters or objects of the picture, trace their relationship and interaction, that is, compose the beginning of the story, and the consequences - that is, the end of the story.
In practice, “stories” independently compiled by children are basically a simple listing of the characters or objects in the picture.
Work to overcome these shortcomings and develop the skill of storytelling from a picture consists of 3 stages:
highlighting fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;
determining the relationship between them;
combining fragments into a single plot. Schematic images are also elements of visual models, which are a plan for stories based on a series of paintings.
When children master the skill of constructing a coherent statement, creative elements are included in the models of retellings and stories - the child is asked to come up with the beginning or end of a story, unusual characters are included in a fairy tale or the plot of a picture, characters are assigned qualities unusual for them, etc., and then compose a story with taking into account these changes.
Story-description of a landscape painting
A special type of coherent statement is descriptive stories based on a landscape painting. This type of story is especially difficult for children. If, when retelling and composing a story based on a plot picture, the main elements of the visual model are characters - living objects, then in landscape paintings they are absent.
In this case, natural objects act as elements of the story model. . Work on such paintings is based on
highlighting significant objects in the picture;
examination of them and a detailed description of the appearance and properties of each object;
determining the relationship between individual objects in the picture;
combining mini-stories into a single plot.
As a preparatory exercise when developing the skill of composing a story based on a landscape painting, we can recommend working with the manual “Bring the Picture to Life.” This work is like a transitional stage from composing a story based on a plot picture to telling a story based on a landscape painting. Children are offered a picture with a limited number of landscape objects ( swamp, hummocks, clouds, reeds; etc.) and small images of living objects - “animators” that could appear in this composition. Children describe landscape objects, and the colorfulness and dynamism of their stories is achieved by including descriptions and actions of living objects.
The work on other pictures proceeds in a similar way. “Animations” are easy to apply and remove, can be included in different landscape compositions, different living objects can be present in one landscape, which allows, using a minimum amount of visual material, to achieve variability in children’s stories based on one landscape composition.
Fragmentary storytelling based on a landscape painting
To increase the effectiveness of work on developing the skill of composing stories based on a picture, we can recommend the technique of fragmentary storytelling, when children first compose stories about individual characters (fragments) of the picture, and then combine them into a single statement. The picture proposed for the story is divided into 4 parts. The child, gradually revealing each of the 4 parts of the picture, talks about each fragment, combining them into one plot. Work on each of the fragments is similar to the work on compiling a description of the whole picture.
Speech therapy fairy tale
One of the techniques for teaching children coherent retelling is working with speech therapy fairy tales. A speech therapy fairy tale is a text with fairy-tale content, containing as many identical sounds as possible (fairy tales by V. Volina, A. Tsyferov, etc.). This type of fairy tale includes those tales in the text of which there is often a sound that is automated in coherent speech or oppositional sounds, the pronunciation of which requires differentiation in the independent speech of children. The use of such fairy tales in work allows us to solve, along with the tasks of mastering the skill of sequential and coherent retelling, the task of automating spoken sounds in coherent speech.
Working with a speech therapy fairy tale proceeds as follows:
the teacher reads a fairy tale to the child;
the child lays out a model of a fairy tale (a picture or consisting of substitute symbols, choosing them arbitrarily);
then the child answers questions about the content of the fairy tale;
the teacher models fragments of a fairy tale, the child retells the text corresponding to this fragment;
the child retells the fairy tale according to the model.
Comparative description of items In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling can serve as a means and program for analyzing the regular properties and relationships of an object or phenomenon.
The basis of a descriptive story is made up of specific ideas. The elements of the descriptive story model are symbols that represent the characteristics of the object:
belonging to the concept;
constituent parts;
surface quality;
the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects);
How is it used (what benefits does it bring)?
Why do you like (dislike)?
Using this model, it is possible to create a description of an individual object belonging to a specific group.
Mastering the technique of comparative description occurs when children learn to freely operate with a model for describing individual objects or phenomena. . Children compare objects, first determining their similarities and then their differences.
Comparative description of the wolf and the hare
The wolf and the hare are wild animals. The hare is small, and the wolf is larger. The hare has white fur in winter, and the wolf has gray fur. The hare is a herbivore, and the wolf is a predator.
Creative story
This type of statement presupposes the child’s ability to create a special idea and develop it into a complete story with various details and events.
This skill is the opposite of the skill of composing paraphrases. Transitional exercises from modeling retelling to composing creative stories can be the following:
guessing an episode by demonstrating the action;
storytelling to demonstrate actions to adults;
The sequence of work to develop the skill of composing a coherent creative statement is as follows:
the child is asked to come up with a situation that could happen with specific characters in a certain place, a model of a story (fairy tale);
the teacher suggests specific characters in the story, and the child comes up with the spatial design of the model independently;
specific characters are replaced by their silhouette images, which allows the child to show creativity;
the child is asked to compose a story or fairy tale based on a model, the elements of which are vague substitutes for the characters in the story - geometric figures, .
Creative fairy tale based on silhouette images
One of the techniques for developing creative storytelling skills is teaching children to compose fairy tales using silhouette images. As elements of the model, the child is presented with silhouettes of animals, plants, people or natural phenomena (snow, rain, etc.). The teacher sets the beginning of the fairy tale and suggests continuing it, based on the silhouette images. The peculiarity of these elements is that silhouette images, unlike painting material, set a certain generalized image without revealing its semantic content... Children endow the silhouettes of objects with certain semantic qualities. At subsequent stages, the child himself comes up with the plot of a fairy tale on a given topic, choosing silhouettes in accordance with his plan.
As children master the skill of modeling, instead of using a detailed subject model, they use a generalized one that contains only key points.
The elements of the substitute model are schematic sketches made by children while listening to the story.
The proxy model also serves as a blueprint for composing a creative story. In this case, the child performs the opposite actions to those performed during the retelling.
retelling - listening to the text - drawing up a model - retelling the text according to the model;
creative story - drawing up a story model - story based on the model.
The presented methods of work make it possible to increase the effectiveness of speech correction for preschool children, but can also be used in working with children who do not have deficiencies in the development of coherent speech in preschool children

Belova Nina Anatolyevna