Should and should retirees pay for major repairs of the house: are they always obliged to do this, or are there benefits? Pensioners will be exempted from paying for capital repairs: the State Duma is considering the complete exemption of pensioners from contributions to capital repairs

Recently, the payment for the overhaul of the apartment building has been completely entrusted to the apartment owners. Immediately after that, a law appeared that allows the provision of benefits for major repairs to pensioners and other citizens. In the article, we will list all categories of beneficiaries and will focus on exactly what subsidy rules are provided for older people.

271-FZ, adopted at the end of 2012, finally determined that the collection of funds for major repairs in multi-storey buildings will be carried out at the expense of contributions every month from apartment owners. The first fundraising systems started operating in 2014. At the end of 2015, the president signed a law exempting certain categories of citizens from.

Which segments of the population are eligible for benefits?

The benefits established by the president for capital repairs apply, first of all, to single pensioners and disabled people. Citizens over the age of 80 can be fully exempt from payment, over 70 - by 50%. The word "may" is key here, since the law does not directly give benefits, but allows the regions to establish them at their own discretion.

According to the current rules, the following categories of citizens are also recognized as beneficiaries:

  • disabled children;
  • apartment owners whose children have disabilities.

In their case, the amount of the benefit is no more than 50%. The specific size and list of categories of citizens, partially exempt from payment, are also determined at the regional level.

In the case of pensioners after 70 years of age, the granting of benefits is carried out subject to three conditions:

  • lonely living;
  • ownership of housing;
  • lack of any other source of income other than a pension (employed older people are not provided with a benefit).

The benefit will work if the apartment is owned by one person over 70 or 80 years old. If among the owners or persons registered in the dwelling, in addition to the elderly, there is someone working or under 70 years of age, then the benefit is not eligible.

The criteria for pensioners to receive benefits for capital repairs are regularly questioned. For a better understanding, here are some examples.

  1. The home is owned by two retired spouses, each over 70 years old. None of the elderly people work, only they are registered in the apartment. These retirees are considered lonely, so they can receive a benefit.
  2. One man over 70 lives in the apartment, he is the sole owner. He has a son who has been living abroad for a long time, but remains registered on his father's living space. If, in such a situation, you apply for a major repair benefit, the pensioner will be denied. Formally, a person cannot be recognized as living alone. To receive a benefit, he needs to discharge his son from the apartment and again apply to the state authorities.
  3. One 80-year-old woman lives in the apartment, she is registered, but is not the owner. The owners of housing in Rosreestr are her son with his wife and children. In this case, Article 169 of the RF LC does not allow using the privilege, because it is only due to apartment owners.
  4. A man over 80 lives in the apartment with his son, who does not have a residence permit here. When a pensioner applies, a benefit will be provided, because he is officially recognized as single.

The privilege applies only to apartment owners - this is due to the fact that the obligation to pay contributions for major repairs of apartment buildings lies with them.

Categories of beneficiaries on contributions for overhaul

The current system of providing pensioners with benefits for paying for capital repairs is also complicated because the citizens who can count on the provision of subsidies are divided into two categories:

  • federal;
  • regional.

Federal beneficiaries receive a subsidy in any case, regardless of regional legislation. This includes the following subcategories of citizens:

  • disabled people and participants of the Second World War, as well as people who are equated to them in rights;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad, who received a corresponding sign as a reward;
  • combat veterans;
  • disabled people of the first and second groups;
  • disabled children;
  • apartment owners whose children have disabilities;
  • russian citizens affected by radiation (first of all, "Chernobyl victims").

Regional beneficiaries include retirees over 70 and 80 years old, labor veterans and other categories that may be established by local authorities. For example, in Moscow, a 50 percent discount on overhaul payments is provided:

  • honorary donors (Moscow, Russian and Soviet);
  • having a medal "For the Defense of Moscow";
  • those who continuously served or worked in Moscow in 1941-1942 during the period of military operations in the Moscow direction.

If a decision is made at the local level to supplement the federal list of beneficiaries, then payments to them are made from the regional or city budget. For this reason, the spread of the categories of persons eligible for subsidies can be very large across the country.

How to apply for a benefit

Before applying for a benefit, you need to make sure that payments for overhaul are charged lawfully. For this, there is a registration list of MKD, whose residents are required to pay for this expense item. For information on whether a home is on the list, contact the property manager or your local government office. There are several cases in which major repairs are usually not required to be paid. For example, this rule applies to new buildings during the first few years after settlement and in houses that are going to be demolished.

To apply for a benefit, a pensioner is advised to pay off all debts for major repairs if he missed the required payment. In the presence of arrears, the subsidy is not provided. In practice, situations are often encountered when a person in a difficult financial situation cannot pay in full for utilities and housing services. The accumulated debts do not allow you to apply for a benefit, so a vicious circle turns out.

If there is no debt or it has been repaid, then in order to apply for a relief for overhaul, the pensioner must contact the MFC with the provision of a package of documents.

  1. Applicant's passport. It is needed, among other things, to establish the age of a person applying for a subsidy.
  2. Application for benefits. It should be short and informative. The application indicates the personal data of the person, the address of residence and the criterion for which the beneficiary falls.
  3. Extract from the USRN to confirm the ownership of the apartment.
  4. Documents confirming the status of a pensioner.
  5. Help showing the absence of arrears for housing and communal services.
  6. Extract from the house book, allowing you to see the people registered in the apartment.
  7. Information about people living with the applicant. They are needed if the benefit is issued on the fact of living in the same living space with non-working pensioners. The status of these persons also needs to be confirmed.
  8. Information about the income received by the applicant.
  9. Personal account data.

In addition to the MFC, you can contact the social security service with a similar question. The applicant can also apply for a relief for a fee for major repairs on the State Services website, but due to age, not all pensioners and veterans can deal with this issue. After submitting the documents, the applicant is entered into the register of beneficiaries with a recalculation in about 10 days.

If, due to old age or health conditions, a person is not able to personally submit an application and accompanying papers, then relatives and other proxies can help him. To do this, you need to contact a notary office and issue a power of attorney to perform such actions.

The benefit is provided in two options:

  • return to the specified personal account of a part of the funds contributed as payment;
  • subsidy for those citizens who are not able to pay the fee on receipt.

Benefits in the regions

It has already been noted above that Article 169 of the RF LC indicates the right of regional authorities to provide benefits for paying for major repairs to pensioners and other categories of citizens. Subsidization is not the responsibility of the region and is at its discretion. In almost all regions of the country, local laws are currently in force, which regulate in detail the conditions for granting benefits, their amounts and the procedure for registration.

Rates for overhaul in high-rise buildings in Moscow are the highest in the country. If in some poor regions they start from 3-4 rubles per square meter, depending on the type of house, in the capital since July 2017 the rate has been raised to 17 rubles. For this reason, there are a lot of people in Moscow who apply for this benefit. When registering it, residents of the capital can provide a Muscovite card instead of a personal account.

In St. Petersburg, since July 2016, benefits have been given to pensioners who have reached the age of 70. The city has launched a 25-year program, during which it is planned to repair all registered apartment buildings.

One of the first regions that completely freed residents over 80 years old from paying for overhaul was the Oryol Region. In addition, the authorities of this subject exempted residents of new buildings from this item of expenses, but only during the first 2 years of operation of the house.

In the Belgorod region, pensioners have been receiving benefits since July 2016, in Kostroma since January 2016. In the Ulyanovsk region, a similar law has been in effect since February 2016, and it allows recalculation for the period from January 2016.

Each region has its own rules and features, and in many subjects they are regularly revised.

The state guarantees certain indulgences, benefits, compensation payments to vulnerable categories of the population. In particular, benefits for major repairs are provided to pensioners over 80 years old. We will talk about the conditions of accrual, the form of appointment, and the design features of this exemption within the framework of this article.

Federal Law No. 271 stipulates the specifics of granting concessions to certain categories of the population. And from article No. 181, a list of benefits for people with disabilities is prescribed.


So that the apartment building could be repaired in a timely manner, all its communications established, the utility service extracts a certain fee from residents for major repairs. All persons, without exception, must repay these payments. Only here the privileged categories of the population, including persons with disabilities, families with disabled children at the state or regional level, are given a discount.

Attention! In all constituent entities, with the exception of Moscow, the overhaul relief is provided in the form of compensation for part of the amount. In the capital, the tenants are immediately sent a receipt with the contribution reduced by the amount of the discount.

This benefit is also guaranteed for pensioners. Citizens are given 50% of the compensation and the recipients receive 100% of the compensation. But can we talk about the complete exemption of the applicant from payments? No, we cannot, since the corresponding decision was not approved.

The law really provides elderly people with a 100% discount, but within the established standards for area. And they are provided only when a number of conditions are met. The eighty-year threshold in itself is not a basis for an exemption. It will only be provided when age is combined with other factors, which we will discuss below.

Legislative confirmation

Art. 169 LCD, in part 2, paragraph 1 secures the local authorities the right to regulate the issue of granting benefits in their region. The article also defines the categories of recipients of such a discount, which include disabled people, families with children, as well as elderly pensioners.

Individual subjects of the Federation themselves set the standard for the area for which the discount will apply. For example, in the Chernozem region, a lonely beneficiary is assigned 33 square meters. m, two family members 21 sq. m each, but three applicants can count on 36 sq. m in total, that is, 18 m each.

On a note! In order for a summer citizen to receive compensation for overhaul, he needs to fulfill the conditions: reaching 80 years, lack of ability to work. If a working family member lives with the applicants (registered in the same area) for major repairs, pensioners will have to pay without hope of compensation.

Conditions for granting compensation

A pensioner receives the right to benefits upon reaching the age of 70, then he can be assigned 50% compensation. Achievement of 80 years already determines 100% reimbursement of payment, taking into account the area standard. But the law does not guarantee the possibility, since it is achieved subject to a number of conditions:

  • a pensioner lives alone and does not work;
  • the applicant lives with other disabled citizens;
  • housing meets the standards established by law;
  • the person has no utility bills in arrears.

Elderly people who have utility bills in arrears, regardless of whether it is a debt for gas, electricity or overhaul, will not be given compensation for overhaul. Pay for the services, conclude an agreement for payment by installments, and their payment will be received by the housing sector in parts. If you chose the second option, you must provide a debt restructuring agreement.

How to find out about the benefits for major repairs in your region?

Upon reaching the age after 80, a citizen acquires the right to preferential compensation. But their implementation depends on the regional authorities. By passing the relevant laws, they set the conditions for the validity of discounts for beneficiaries. What should be the standards for the area, compensation will be paid or the discount will be immediately deducted from the payment amount - all these decisions are made at the local level.

When assigning benefits, the type of home ownership, the factor of loneliness may matter (if a grandmother lives alone, then she is considered lonely, when someone is registered with her - no). Other conditions in a specific subject should be clarified with the social protection authorities, as well as with the representative offices of the MFC. There may be restrictions on time, area, number of residents.

Attention! To clarify the conditions for the provision of overhaul benefits in your region, go to the social security department or the MFC.

Some oblasts, due to limited budgets, cannot fully implement the program, in such cases they should be allocated a subsidy from the state. In any case, support will be provided to retirees. Rosstat data confirm that about 3 million elderly people will receive benefits.

How to issue an exemption?

Both for clarification of information and for the implementation of their preferential right, pensioners or their legal representatives need to go to the social protection authorities. Also, applications are accepted at multifunctional centers in the field. The entire package of documents is immediately accepted.

Attention! The application can also be submitted through the State Services website.

Before applying, the applicant must pay off all debts, pay a penalty (if it has been calculated). If it is not possible to pay everything at once we use the possibility of debt restructuring. Compensation for major repairs begins to be calculated in April-May. Refunds to the pensioner are received by postal order or credited to the card.

Documents for registration:

  • application (a standard form is filled out on the State Services portal or written according to the sample in the department);
  • statement on the absence of debts on utility bills;
  • a receipt for the payment of the first installment for major repairs (these payments are assigned only years after the house was put into operation);
  • the passport;
  • papers that confirm the ownership of the object;
  • a document that confirms the right to benefits;
  • certificates, documents confirming the disability of other citizens living with the pensioner (if the residents are registered, live with the applicant in the same area, they own real estate with him). Only the owner can apply for a benefit.

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  1. The pensioner lives alone, has no income, has reached the age of 70/80 - the benefit is valid.
  2. Together with the owner, who is 70-80 years old, disabled family members live - a discount is provided.
  3. The beneficiary pensioner lives together, owns an apartment with able-bodied citizens - the benefits will be denied.
  4. A disabled pensioner receives a discount only if he or she lives in an apartment under a social contract. If he is the owner, there will be no discount.

Reading questions

  • First question: So do retirees pay after 80 years old?
    Answer: Yes, these people also pay capital repair fees. Only they have the opportunity to receive tax relief for capital repairs, if they comply with a number of conditions. If they fall into this category, they are assigned monthly compensation benefits. Part of the payment is returned, because a 100% discount is provided only for a limited part of the area, and not for the entire apartment.
    For example, a pensioner has 48 sq. m. area and he lives alone, then he is guaranteed about 33 square meters. m. of preferential area, that is, he will not pay a fee for this area. And for 15 sq. m he will have to pay at full cost.
  • Second question: If a pensioner is disabled at the age of 45, he is entitled to a 50% discount on overhaul, but he was denied a benefit. Arguments this by the fact that he is the owner of the premises. What does it mean?
    Answer: If a person with disabilities is the owner of an apartment, has inherited a part of the premises or the housing has been donated to him, then he loses the grounds for the benefit. The point is that only persons living in public housing under a social tenancy agreement are entitled to a corresponding discount. Thus, our applicant will be able to receive such an exemption only upon reaching 70 years of age on a general basis, at 80 he will be offered 100% compensation for a part of the living space.
  • Question three: Do groups over 70/80 years of age receive compensation automatically or do they need to claim their right? If so, what documents will have to be collected for this?
    Answer: Payment for the overhaul of the house will be charged in full, including for summer people, if the applicant does not claim his right to a discount. You can issue compensation for overhaul at the MFC or social service, acting in person or through a representative. As for the documents, their list is given in the article above.

By pressing the button, you give

During the presidium of the city government, Sergei Sobyanin spoke positively about the expansion of the number of privileged categories of citizens in Moscow. Thus, many of the Muscovites received an additional opportunity to reduce their own expenses for housing and communal services, in this case for major repairs. After all, it is no secret that now every month a new amount comes to the ENP due to the repair rate per square meter of living space. Below, our agency publishes a complete list of categories of citizens who are eligible for benefits to reduce the amount of payment for major repairs.

There are two components in the discount table: the percentage of the discount provided and the area for calculating the discount.

List of categories of citizens eligible for benefits in paying for housing in private housing stock

Overhaul contribution

Discount percentage

Area for calculating benefits

Heroes of the USSR, RF and full holders of the Order of Glory who do not receive a monthly cash payment

No restrictions on norms

Surviving spouses and parents of Heroes of the USSR, RF and full holders of the Order of Glory, who do not receive a monthly cash payment

No restrictions on norms

Heroes Social. Labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory who do not receive a monthly cash payment

No restrictions on norms

Disabled combatants, disabled as a result of the performance of military service duties and official duties

Social Rate for 1 person

Families of disabled combatants, disabled persons as a result of military service duties and official duties

WWII invalids

Social Rate for 1 person

Families of invalids of the Great Patriotic War

Occupied area minus 33 sq. m.

Participants of the Second World War, who served in military units, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army during the Second World War, who are disabled;

Participants in hostilities equivalent to the period of the Second World War

Social Rate for 1 person

Families of WWII veterans who served in military units, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, who are disabled; families of participants in hostilities, equated to the period of the Second World War

Occupied area minus 33 sq. m.

WWII veterans who served in military units that were part of the active army

Social Rate for 1 person

Families of WWII veterans who served in military units that were part of the active army

Occupied area minus 33 sq. m.

Persons who worked at enterprises, organizations and institutions of Leningrad during the blockade from 09/08/41 to 01/27/44 and were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad";

No restrictions on norms

Persons awarded with the sign "Inhabitant of the besieged Leningrad", recognized as disabled

No restrictions on norms

War veterans

No restrictions on norms

Parents, spouses who have not remarried, deceased (perished) invalids of the Great Patriotic War and invalids of military operations

No restrictions on norms

Disabled family members of a deceased (deceased) disabled person of the Great Patriotic War and a disabled person in military operations, who were dependent on him and receiving a pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

No restrictions on norms

Spouses of the deceased (perished) participants of the Great Patriotic War who did not remarry

No restrictions on norms

Parents of the deceased (perished) participants of the Second World War

No restrictions on norms

Disabled members of the family of a deceased, (deceased) participant of the Great Patriotic War, who were dependent on him and receiving a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner

No restrictions on norms

Spouses of deceased (perished) war veterans who did not remarry and live alone or with minor children, or with a child over 18 years old who became disabled before reaching 18 years old, or with children under 23 years old and studying in educational institutions full-time education

No restrictions on norms

Parents of deceased (perished) war veterans

No restrictions on norms

Disabled family members of a deceased (deceased) military veteran who were dependent on him and receiving a survivor's pension

No restrictions on norms

Family members of military personnel, employees of internal affairs and state security bodies, killed or missing in the line of duty

No restrictions on norms

Juvenile prisoners of concentration camps and other places of detention created by the Nazis

No restrictions on norms

Persons who have been subjected to political repression, who are retired or disabled

Social family norm

Persons who have suffered from political repression, who are pensioners or disabled

Social family norm

Family members of the rehabilitated, victims of repression, who are retired or disabled

Social family norm

Citizens who have received diseases associated with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Social family norm

Citizens evacuated in 1986 from the exclusion zone

Social family norm

Citizens displaced from the resettlement zone in 1986 and in subsequent years

Social family norm

Citizens who took part in 1986-1987 in work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Social family norm

Families of citizens who died (perished) as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Social family norm

Persons who have received radiation sickness or become disabled as a result of accidents at other (except for the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) nuclear facilities

Social family norm

Citizens from special risk units

Social family norm

Families who have lost their breadwinner from among persons operating in special risk units

Social family norm

Citizens who took part in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at PA "Mayak"

Social family norm

Citizens who got ill as a result of the accident at PA "Mayak", evacuated from areas exposed to radioactive contamination

Social family norm

Families who lost their breadwinner as a result of the accident at PA "Mayak"

Social family norm

Citizens affected by nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site

Social family norm

Labor veterans after the appointment of a pension on the basis of the law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ

Social family norm

Veterans of military service and labor veterans after the appointment of a pension on grounds other than the law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, upon reaching the age that gives the right to an old-age pension

Social family norm

Orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them

No restrictions on norms

Home front workers

Social family norm

Participants of the Second World War, who served in military units, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army during the Second World War, who are not disabled

Social family norm

List of categories of citizens who are additionally provided with benefits for paying for major repairs in Moscow

Name of the preferential category

Overhaul contribution

Discount percentage

Area for calculating benefits

Moscow beneficiaries

Persons awarded with the medal "For the Defense of Moscow"

Persons who continuously worked at enterprises, organizations and institutions of Moscow from 22.07.41 to 25.01.42

Social Rate for 1 person (33 sq. M.)

Citizens awarded with the badge "Honorary Donor of Russia" or "Honorary Donor of the USSR"

Social Rate for 1 person (33 sq. M.)

Families with 10 or more children

Social Family allowance

Large families with three or more children

Social Family allowance

Honorary Donor of Moscow

Social Rate for 1 person (33 sq. M.)

Federal beneficiaries

Persons recognized as disabled

Social Rate for 1 person (33 sq. M.)

Families with disabled children under the age of 18

Social Family allowance

You can learn more about the procedure for granting benefits for paying for housing and communal services on the official website of the SCU SCHS