Folk customs for Christmas. Do's and Don'ts during the Christmas season. Festive shrimps with rice in hot and sweet sauce

Nativity of Christ is one of the most important holidays for all Christians (after Easter), since on this day the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the so-called Lord's twelve feasts.

What date is Christmas

There are many signs and customs associated with Christmas - they were given special attention. It was believed that as Christmas passed, so the year would be.

As you know, for Catholics and Orthodox Christians, the date differs due to the peculiarities of the calendar (which is why we also have the old New Year's holiday, which is not celebrated anywhere else in the world). Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. Greek Catholics also celebrate Christmas together with Orthodox Christians.

Note that initially, from the end of the 2nd to the 4th century, Christmas was celebrated on January 6, after the Baptism of the Savior, but later it was postponed to December 25 due to the fact that it was on this day that pagans in the Roman Empire celebrated the Birth of the Invincible Sun, that is, the day of winter solstice.

Christmas story

According to the Old Testament prophets, Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem in 5508 from the creation of the world.

The main and initial purpose of establishing the holiday is to remember and glorify the event of the appearance in the flesh of the Son of God. The Orthodox Church also established the solemn feast of the Baptism of the Lord and called it the Epiphany, inspiring the idea that on this day Christ did not become God for the first time, but only revealed Himself as God, presenting himself as the One of the Trinity, the Son of God.

The holiday became a contrast to the rituals of the pagans. They also adopted the pagan custom of decorating trees. And also this holiday is accompanied by services and solemn chants. In the 4th century, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helen built a temple on the site of the Bethlehem cave, glorified by the birth of Christ.

Christmas Eve

The evening before Christmas or Christmas Eve (Holy evening) has its own sacred meaning. On this day, a strict fast should be observed with complete abstinence from food until the first star, which symbolizes the Christmas star that announced the birth of the infant Christ to the Magi. On this day, first of all, it is customary for everyone to eat kutya, necessarily at least a small spoon.

Christmas traditions and rituals

Since, like most holidays, Christmas has taken over the traditions of paganism, then among the traditions we meet elements of the pre-Christian era. In the old days, it was customary to sprinkle the table with hay and keep it there until the Generous Evening - this symbolized a good harvest. Later it came to symbolize that Jesus was born in a stable.

Lay a tablecloth on top, and in the center of the table put a dish with kutya and other dishes, of which there should be 12 according to the number of the apostles. The food was plentiful, with meat dishes: pancakes, pies, pickles and dried berries, fried sausage, etc.

At midnight, everyone exchanged gifts, congratulated each other and made wishes. Christmas divination was common among girls. It was believed that on Christmas, the sky opens up to the earth, and the powers of heaven fulfill all that was conceived. All wishes made for Christmas must be kind.

At Christmas, it is customary to light more candles, lights, fireplace - if any. Candles attract warmth and wealth to your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them abundantly - then the whole year will be satisfying and financially successful.

One, a special candle must be lit for deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Christmas is a great time to shop, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

From Christmas until Epiphany, throughout all the days of Christmas, certain prohibitions are in effect, which are due to the idea of ​​a holiday going back centuries as a stop of time, a kind of temporary pause during which one cannot engage in productive work and all that is associated with birth, an undertaking, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, weaving, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

At Christmas, you can't do cleaning and all sorts of housekeeping business. This day was created for peace and joy. Better yet, if you don't clean until January 14th (the next day of the old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 should be taken outside and scattered in the wind, or burned. According to the signs, after that no evil spirits will bother you for a whole year.

You can't swear on a holy day. He who swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If you are inviting guests for Christmas, see who will be the first to enter your home. If a woman walks in first, the women in your family will be sick all year long.

Christmas rules also applied to clothes: at Christmas, they have long adhered to another tradition: to put on only new clothes. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. And don't sit down at the Christmas table in black. Our ancestors believed that in the new year such people will fail in business.

It is not recommended for Christmas and guessing - in order to ask the higher powers what awaits you in the future, there will be a lot of time: it is best to do this on the so-called Christmastide - from January 8 to Epiphany, it is not for nothing that fortune-telling of this time is called - Christmastide.

You cannot drink water at Christmas, so remove all mineral water from the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this omen is a little strange, but it's better not to drink water than to suffer for the whole year for something incomprehensible.

On January 7, they go to visit relatives, as well as carol. On the morning of January 7, the whole family or several representatives go to church for Eid Prayer, and returning from church, people joyfully greet: - "Christ was born!" They are answered - "Praise him!" Beginning on the evening of January 6, the Christos (Christmas carols) walked with the "Star of Bethlehem". A large star made of gilded paper was fixed on a stick, decorated with a lantern, paper garlands, sometimes with an icon of the Nativity, the Savior or the Mother of God, then singing Christmas carols with this star go around the surrounding houses.

In some places, figurines of animals from wheat dough were baked for the holiday - cows, lambs, goats, cockerels and chickens and shepherd men.

In some regions, the table is decorated with a didukh, a sheaf of wheat or oats of a special shape: with four legs and a large number of knots, symbolizing prosperity for the next year.

The Seven Blessings of Christmas

The number seven is considered sacred. There is a belief that the one who has done the seven blessings on Orthodox Christmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels for the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give seven alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are 7 identical coins, which should be given to the one who arouses sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer. You can also give seven helpful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, when giving them away, the giver must utter the words: “I donate towels, I’ll wait to die, I’ll correct evil with good, fortunately I’ll direct my family (my family)”.


For Christmas, many different rituals have long been carried out, but so that you are not at all accused of obscurantism, make the most cute and not tied to magic. For example, starting from January 7, for forty (!) Days (this period is called peace - our ancestors believed that at this time angels help people in all matters), every morning, waking up, make a new wish - imagine how many good things will come in into your life!

Signs and superstitions

At Christmas, folk omens and superstitions acquire special strength, as if nature itself and each object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

A sign of prosperity. If you lose an item at Christmas, it means that you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing and even some kind of jewelry, then money is already rushing to you in full sail!

A sign for good luck. If you accidentally poured tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcoholic drinks), then this is good news and great success for all your undertakings.

See nature on Christmas Eve (January 7-19). If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or it often snows, or there is a lot of frost on the trees, the year will be rich, satisfying, and profitable. If it snows on Christmas day itself, this is a very good omen and promises a good year.

If a young month flaunts in the sky on Christmas, the year will be extremely unlucky financially.

The most monetary sign of Christmas is a tradition. A coin is baked into a pie - and whoever gets a piece with a coin will have a lot of money luck in the New Year.

Let the coin end up in your piece of Christmas cake!

Prayers for Christmas

Exaltation of the Nativity of Christ

We magnify Ty,
Life-giving Christ,
for our sake now the flesh of the born
from Brideless
and the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ

Thy Christmas, Christ our God,
the ascent of the world and the light of reason:
it serves the stars,
I learn from the star,
Bow to you, the Sun of Truth,
and lead you from the height of the East:
Lord, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, voice 3rd

Virgo today gives birth to the Most Substantial,
and the earth brings the nativity scene to the Unapproachable;
Angels with shepherds praise
the women travel with the star;
for the sake of us born Otrocha is young, the eternal God.

Troparion to the forefeast

Get ready, Bethlehem,
open yourself to all, Eden,
show off, Euphrafo,
like the tree of the belly in the nativity scene from the Virgin:
paradise bo Onoya the womb appears mental,
there is also a Divine Garden,
from worthless yadshe, we will live,
not like Adam will die.
Christ is born before the fallen one to raise up the image.

Forefeast (Eve), voice 4:

Sometimes you wrote with Elder Joseph,
as from the seed of David, in Bethlehem Miriam,
Vulgarous seedless Birth.
Nasta is the time of Christmas,
and there is no place for a dwelling place,
but, like a red chamber, the nativity scene showed itself to the Tsarina.
Christ is born before the fallen resurrect image.

One of the greatest holidays in the Christian world is the day of the birth of the Son of God, the baby Jesus. What is the difference between the Orthodox and Catholic traditions? Where did the custom of decorating a Christmas tree come from? How is Christmas celebrated in different countries? All this will be discussed in this article.

Christmas story

The story of the celebration of Christmas begins with the birth of little Jesus in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem.

Julius Caesar's successor, Emperor Augustus, ordered a general population census in his state, which then included Palestine. The Jews in those days had the custom of keeping records of houses and families, each of which belonged to a certain city. Therefore, the Virgin Mary, together with her husband, Elder Joseph, were forced to leave the Galilean city of Nazareth. They had to go to Bethlehem, the city of the family of David, to which they both belonged, in order to add their names to the list of Caesar's subjects.

In connection with the census order, all hotels in the city were full. The pregnant Mary, together with Joseph, managed to find a lodging for the night in a limestone cave, where the shepherds usually drove their cattle. In this place, on a cold winter night, little Jesus was born. In the absence of a cradle, the Blessed Virgin wrapped her son in swaddling clothes and put him in a nursery - a cattle feeder.

The first to know about the birth of the Son of God were the shepherds who guarded the flock nearby. An Angel appeared to them and solemnly announced the birth of the Savior of the World. The agitated shepherds hurried to Bethlehem and found a cave in which Joseph and Mary spent the night with the baby.

At the same time, the wise men (sages), who had long awaited his birth, were in a hurry from the east to meet the Savior. A bright star that suddenly lit up in the sky showed them the way. Having bowed down to the newborn Son of God, the Magi presented him with symbolic gifts. The whole world rejoiced at the long-awaited birth of the Savior.

Catholic and Orthodox Christmas: traditions of celebration

History has not preserved information about the exact date of birth of Jesus Christ. In ancient times, the first Christians considered the date of the celebration of Christmas to be January 6 (19). They believed that the Son of God, the redeemer of human sins, was to be born on the same day as the first sinner on Earth - Adam.

Later, in the 4th century, by decree of the Roman emperor Constantine, Christmas was ordered to be celebrated on December 25th. This confirmed the assumption that the Son of God was conceived on the day of March 25th. In addition, on this day, the Romans once celebrated the pagan festival of the Sun, which is now personified by Jesus.

The difference in the views of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches on the date of the celebration of Christmas arose as a result of the introduction into use at the end of the 16th century. new style. The Catholic and Protestant churches have chosen a different path, declaring December 25 as the day of Christmas according to the new calendar. This is how the discrepancy between the traditions of Catholics and Orthodox was fixed, which still exists.

Orthodox Christmas traditions: Nativity Fast

In those days, there was a tradition to decorate the spruce with shiny trifles, figures made of colored paper, coins and even waffles. By the 17th century, in Germany and Scandinavia, tree decoration had become an invariable rite, symbolizing the celebration of Christmas.

In Russia, this custom arose thanks to Peter the Great, who ordered his subjects to decorate their houses on Christmastide days with spruce and pine branches. And in the 1830s, the first whole trees appeared in the houses of St. Petersburg Germans. Gradually, this tradition was taken up by the indigenous people of the country with a wide scale inherent in the Russian. They began to install ate everywhere, including on squares and city streets. In the minds of people, they have become firmly associated with the Christmas holiday.

Christmas and New Year in Russia

In 1916, the celebration of Christmas in Russia was officially banned. There was a war with Germany, and the Holy Synod considered the Christmas tree "the enemy's idea."

With the formation of the Soviet Union, people were again allowed to set up and decorate Christmas trees. However, the religious significance of Christmas shifted into the background, and its rituals and attributes were gradually absorbed by the New Year, which turned into a secular family holiday. The seven-pointed star of Bethlehem at the top of the spruce was replaced by a five-pointed Soviet star. The day off on Christmas day has been canceled.

After the collapse of the USSR, there were no major changes. The most significant winter holiday in the post-Soviet space is still New Year. Christmas began to be widely celebrated relatively recently, mainly by Orthodox believers living in these countries. Nevertheless, on Christmas night, solemn divine services are held in the temples, which are broadcast live on television, and the holiday has also been returned to the status of a day off.

Christmas holiday in the USA

In the United States of America, the tradition of celebrating Christmas began to take root rather late - from the 18th century. Puritans, Protestants and Baptists, who made up the largest and most influential part of the settlers in the New World, have long resisted its celebration, even imposing fines and penalties for it at the legislative level.

The first American Christmas tree was planted in front of the White House only in 1891. And four years later, December 25 was recognized as a national holiday and declared a day off.

Catholic Christmas Celebration Customs: Home Decorating

In the USA, it is customary to festively decorate not only Christmas trees for Christmas, but also at home. Along the windows and under the roofs, illuminations are hung, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. The trees and bushes in the garden are also decorated with garlands.

In front of the front doors, the owners of the house usually display glowing figures of animals or snowmen. And on the door itself it is hung from spruce branches and cones intertwined with ribbons, supplemented with beads, bells and flowers. These wreaths are also used to decorate the interior of the house. Evergreen needles - the personification of the triumph over death - symbolizes happiness and prosperity.

The customs of celebrating Catholic Christmas: family evening

It is customary for a large family to gather at their parents' house for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Before the start of the gala dinner, the head of the family usually reads a prayer. Then each one eats a slice of the consecrated bread and drinks a sip of red wine.

After that, you can start your meal. The traditional dishes prepared to celebrate Christmas differ from country to country and region to region. So, in the USA, bean and cabbage soup, homemade sausages, fish, and potato pie are necessarily served on the table. The British and Scots for this day will certainly stuff a turkey, prepare a pie with meat. In Germany, goose is traditionally cooked and mulled wine is brewed.

Practices for Celebrating Catholic Christmas: Gifts and Hymns

After a lavish and hearty holiday dinner, everyone usually starts presenting each other with gifts. And the little ones prepare "Christmas socks" which they hang by the fireplace: in the morning Santa Claus will certainly leave a surprise there for them. Often, children leave treats under the tree for Santa Claus and his reindeer so that they will not be hungry at Christmas either.

Celebrating the Nativity of Christ in small American towns has also retained another pleasant tradition. On Christmas morning, people visit each other and sing old songs dedicated to this holiday. Children dressed as angels sing Christmas carols, glorify God and the birth of the baby Jesus Christ.

Christmas, as well as New Year, are the most anticipated and joyful holidays not only for Russians, but for the entire planet. This is the logical conclusion of a certain stage of life, summing up the results and, of course, the expectation of a new, unknown and, undoubtedly, better. Perhaps this is the favorite holiday of children. They already guess that Santa Claus does not exist, but they still continue to believe in him. The traditions and customs of Christmas in Russia are quite interesting and varied, let's talk about them in more detail.

Preparing for Christmas in Russia

On November 28, 2014, the Christmas fast begins - a kind of preparation for the Great Celebration. At this time, it is recommended to refrain from heavy, fatty foods, drinking. However, the ministers of the church support this in every possible way; only those who are able to fast should fast. If there is no complete self-confidence or the absence of eggs and meat causes a negative reaction, if there is a feeling of irritability and resentment towards the whole world, it is better to consult with your doctor or confessor before starting the fast. As one of the ways, you can try to fast only on Wednesdays and Fridays, and if everything works out, proceed to the next step.

Also, one of the traditions of Christmas in Russia is general cleaning: they wash the curtains, wipe the dust from hard-to-reach places, sweep the dirt out of the corners, thus, cleaning the house before the arrival of a new and bright one. In the old days, there was plenty of work for the male half as well: fix the cart, sleds, patch up the roof. Today, men can easily repair a dripping faucet or glue the fallen off tiles in the bathroom, and if this is not possible, call a plumber.

The Christmas preparations also include a trip to the fair (now a regular clothing store is suitable for this purpose). After all, for all family members it is necessary to purchase new clothes. The dishes should also be renewed, since before the commencement of the celebration, according to custom, all cracked and chipped dishes should be thrown away. We must not forget about the smallest sweet tooth. Gifts and sweets were also bought for the kids.

The whole family should take part in preparing for the holiday. “Those who work together before Christmas will live in peace and harmony throughout the next year,” says popular belief. There was work for the younger generation as well. Boys and girls, according to Christmas custom, in addition to helping adults, learned new ones, sewed costumes for the den and made the Star of Bethlehem on a long stick. During the campaign through the courtyards, the honorable mission went to the young man who carried the star, since it was he who was the first to enter the courtyard.

It is strictly forbidden to wash, cook, clean, chop wood and do other hard work. All this should be done in advance, and the holiday itself should remain clean and light, not overshadowed by any worries. Why can't you take out the trash? Because it was believed that in the corners and nooks, where most of the dirt accumulates, the souls of deceased relatives who came to celebrate Christmas with their family gather. After Baptism, they returned to themselves, to heaven - then it was possible to remove and take out the garbage.

Christmas Eve

You can't be late for Christmas Eve, this is the last day of fasting. All family members come to visit in advance and set the table together. According to the Christmas tradition, on this day, they eat sychivo (hence the name Somad, which was later transformed into Christmas Eve). Sochivo is soaked grains of rye, wheat or rice with the addition of fruits and honey, currently called kutya.

You can sit down at the table only after the evening service in churches and the appearance of the first star in the sky, which once alerted the Magi about the birth of Christ the Savior.

A bunch of fresh hay is considered an obligatory decoration of the table, as a memory of the nursery in which the baby was born. The festive table is covered with a white tablecloth and a dozen dishes are placed on it (in accordance with the number of the apostles). On the festive table should only be. The obligatory dishes on this day include baked or boiled fish, compote uzvar (consisting of ripe and dried fruits) and jam (strawberry, raspberry, strawberry, cloudberry).

Soaked wheat grains carry a symbol of the beginning of a new life, ripe fruits and fruits - a sign of the end of life. As for the fish, the name of Jesus Christ is encoded in its Greek name "ichthyos". Thus, Christmas Eve is a kind of ritual for the birth of the Son of God.

One of the funniest Christmas traditions in Russia is the Christmas cake, in which a coin was placed. Whoever gets it will get happiness.


Christmastide starts on January 6 and lasts two weeks. This is one of the most joyful and lively holidays in Russia. At this time, the famous Christmas divination is carried out. Every day is full of its own signs, ceremonies and signs. They pay special attention to dreams, almost all of them are considered prophetic. A dream on the night of Christmas Eve is considered fatal. To remember it, a dream book was placed under the pillow, and a lighted candle was left at the head of the bed.

The number of fortune-telling by which you can find out the name or see your betrothed in a dream has no number at all. This is throwing the left shoe over the threshold, and looking in the mirror, and fortune telling on hair, on rings, on rice, on wax, on coffee grounds, on a chain, etc.

To attract the groom, it was enough to take the damper from the oven, pour bread crumbs on it and feed the rooster. This bird is a symbol of the masculine principle and a new day, and the grains represent fertility and prosperity (and therefore the groom must be strong, and beautiful, and rich).

The rooster, especially if it was black, was actively used in other rituals. For example, they poured grain in the center of the room, put a container with water and a mirror. To what subject the rooster is the first to approach - this will be the future groom. If to the water - a drunkard, if to the grain - rich, and if to the mirror - beautiful.

Weather signs for Christmas

According to folk signs at Christmas, they judge the weather that awaits in the New Year:
- if there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve - wait for early spring,
- if there is thick frost on the trees in the morning - to a good harvest of bread,
- if Christmas is warm - spring will be cold,
- if it snows on January 7, there will be a bountiful harvest.

The traditions and customs of Christmas in Russia have been formed for many centuries, therefore, if you do not observe them, then at least be treated with respect.

And also you will probably be interested to read about.

(celebration traditions)

Day Nativity of Christ since ancient times it has been ranked by the Church as one of the great twelve feasts. The Gospel portrays this greatest, all-joyful and wonderful event as follows: “ I declare to you , - says the Angel to the shepherds of Bethlehem, - great joy that will be to all people: for this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, has been born to you in the city of David; and here is a sign for you: you will find the Swaddling Baby lying in the manger. And suddenly there appeared with the Angel a large army of heaven, praising God and crying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will in men

On this day, a great event for the entire Christian world took place - the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem (Jesus translated from Hebrew means "salvation"). All Christians are convinced that Jesus Christ was sent by God to earth to atone for sins and save mankind. The Old Testament prophets predicted the place and time of the birth of the Savior of the world - 5508 from the creation of the world. So, January 7 (December 25, old style) is the birthday of the Son of God on earth. The countdown begins from this day. According to the legend of the Gospel, the mother of Jesus Christ Mary and her husband Joseph lived in Nazareth, and they came to Bethlehem, following the order of the ruler Augustus to appear to the entire population for the census. Since a lot of people gathered for the census of the Roman Empire, Mary and Joseph could not find a place to sleep, and therefore they had to seek refuge in a small cave, where shepherds usually hid because of bad weather. There Mary gave birth to the Son of God. Then an angel descended from heaven and informed the shepherds, who at that moment were awake, that God was born. The shepherds were the first to come to bow to the baby. Shone in the sky Star of bethlehem... Focusing on her, three wise men (wise men) came to the cave with Mary and Jesus Christ, and brought gifts to God: gold, incense and myrrh. Gold symbolized royal power, incense - the will of God, myrrh - the fate of the prophet. By the way, it was from those ancient times that the tradition came to make the Star of Bethlehem and decorate the New Year tree with it.

The tradition of celebrating this event as a holiday appeared much later. One of the first mentions of the day of the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ dates back to the fourth century. Based on historical data, scientists concluded that Jesus was not born in winter time, and the date December 25 was chosen due to the fact that, starting from this moment, daylight hours increase. The pagans called this day as the holiday “The Birth of the Invincible Sun”, and after the adoption of Christianity in Rome it became the birthday of Christ - “The Birth of the Sun of Truth”. There are also several other theories, each of which in its own way explains the choice of this particular day to celebrate the birth of the son of God.

Emperor Aurelian introduced the official cult of the Invincible Sun, establishing the sun god as the chief deity of the empire. On a silver-plated bronze coin of Roman minting (274-275) Aurelian in his crown with sunbeams

Jerusalem, Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Serbian Orthodox churches, as well as the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church celebrate Christmas on January 7 in the new style (which corresponds to December 25 according to the old Julian calendar, which these Churches adhere to). This holiday comes to the people of a frosty night at the hour of the midnight temple service in the glow of candles, in the light of the stars and the loud singing of the choir. The sounds of children's voices, glorify God, like an angelic voice, fill the Universe with triumph. Heaven and earth glorify the Nativity of Christ. Peace reigns on earth, at least for a short time, and hearts are filled with good will. Within the limits of the forefeast and the afterfeast, the feast of the Nativity of Christ lasts twelve days. On the last day before the holiday, the eve of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas Eve) is celebrated, testifying to the special importance of the upcoming celebration, for the eve is only before the most important holidays. In the Orthodox Church in the evening, the hours are celebrated, called the Tsar, because for a long time tsars were present at this service, worshiping the newborn Tsar of kings. According to a tradition dating back to pagan times, it is forbidden to eat food until the first star on Christmas Eve. That is why the celebration of the Nativity of Christ begins with the rising of the evening dawn, which, according to legend, announced to the whole world about the time of the birth of the Son of God. The very day of the Nativity of Christ in the flesh, as the most important and solemn. On this day, according to the voice of the Church, " all kinds of joy are filled. Angels rejoice in heaven, and men rejoice: all creation is playing, born for the sake of the Lord's Savior in Bethlehem: as all idol flattery reigns and Christ reigns forever ".

Christmas - the great day of the entire Christian world - has long been accompanied by colorful folk customs. In many countries, as in Russia, it was considered one of the main family holidays. The Nativity of Christ merged with the ancient Slavic rite - Christmastide. The Yule rites eventually turned into Christmas ones. The Orthodox family had been waiting for Christmas all year, and the preparations were thorough. We fasted and ate fish for six weeks before Christmas. Who is richer - beluga, sturgeon, pike perch; who are poorer - herring, catfish, bream. There were a lot of any fish in Russia. But at Christmas, everyone ate pork.

In Ukrainian culture, Christmas begins to be celebrated on January 6, in Holy evening... The evening meal marks the end of the strict forty-day pre-Christmas fast. It is customary to gather at the table with the whole family immediately after the appearance of the first star in the sky, which symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which notified the shepherds of the birth of Jesus. There must be twelve dishes on the table - in honor of the twelve apostles. The main dish on the lean table is kutia, which is wheat or rice porridge mixed with poppy seeds, raisins, honey and nuts, as well as uzvar - compote cooked from dried fruits. On the 7th, they only visit relatives, as well as carol.

Evening meal on Holy Evening, January 6.
There must be twelve dishes on the table - in honor of the twelve apostles

In Russia, before Christmas on the sixth, Christmas Eve comes, its name comes from the special food that is traditionally eaten on this day. Juice consists of boiled wheat and honey. After the first star rises, everyone sits down at a table covered with twelve lenten dishes and dines in solemn silence. For the Russian people, one of the most cheerful periods of the year is Christmastide, during which there are mass festivities, games, songs are sung, everyone is having fun and joking. Also at this time, young girls are wondering, it is believed that it is on Christmas that one can most accurately predict their future.

In most countries in the Christian world (Catholic, Protestant and some Orthodox churches), Christmas is celebrated on December 25 in accordance with the new Gregorian calendar. Religious celebrations begin on the night of December twenty-fourth to twenty-fifth with midnight Mass. Despite the inconsequential similarity in celebrating Christmas in the countries of Europe and America, the peculiarities of different cultures and peoples complement it with their unique colors. For example, many Americans, whose ancestors migrated to America from Poland, still keep their traditions. Before Christmas, December 24, they spread hay on the floor and under the tablecloth. This should remind them of the inn, stable and manger where Jesus was born. Strict fasting on this day until the first star. In the evening, as soon as the first star rises, a traditional Polish pre-Christmas dinner begins. Beetroot soup, various fish, cabbage, mushrooms and "sweet meat" (not real meat, but honey and poppy sweetness) are traditional dishes for such a holiday. True, meat dishes can only be eaten on Christmas itself - December 25th.

Hungarian Americans place great emphasis on church services and singing on Christmas night and day. Perhaps more than any other American, no matter where their ancestors came from. In the evening, they gather in their yards around the decorated Christmas trees and wait for the first star to appear. After that, richly seasoned food is prepared: rolls with walnuts and poppy seeds, dumplings with honey and poppy seeds, biscuits with caraway seeds, sesame seeds and anise.

In the South of the United States, Christmas is celebrated especially noisy: with fireworks and fireworks. The early settlers congratulated their neighbors this way. It was also believed that in this way evil spirits were expelled.

A completely different tradition in cold Alaska. On Christmas night, groups of boys and girls with lanterns in their hands carry from house to house a large cardboard star decorated with pieces of colored paper. The next day, the children dress up in the retinue of King Herod and try to kill the baby Jesus, thus staging the events of two thousand years ago.

The traditions of celebrating Christmas in Ukraine are extremely strong and colorful. In some regions of Ukraine there is a tradition to decorate the table Didukh, a sheaf of wheat or oats of a special shape: with four legs and a lot of knots, symbolizing well-being for the next year. As in the old days, many for Christmas cover the floor in the village huts with fresh hay, and the table with straw, on which a tablecloth is then laid and food is placed. All this reminds us that the Savior was not born in the royal palaces, but in a sheep's stable and was laid in a manger on straw. On the morning of January 7, the whole family or several representatives go to church for Eid Prayer, and returning from church, people joyfully greet: - "Christ was born!" They are answered - "Praise him!" Since the evening of January 6, they go everywhere Christos (carols) with the "Star of Bethlehem". A large star made of gilded paper was fixed on a stick, decorated with a lantern, paper garlands, sometimes with an icon of the Nativity, the Savior or the Mother of God, then singing Christmas carols with this star go around the surrounding houses. Such visits are called caroling.


An ancient Christmas custom in Ukraine was (and often remains) walking with nativity scene. Nativity scene was a small box depicting a cave where, according to legend, Christ was born. This box was a miniature puppet theater in which craftsmen played whole performances on the theme of Christmas. In the 19th century, it became fashionable in many city houses to make a small home nativity scene for children. They put it under the tree. Dolls were skillfully made of paper, cotton wool, wax, and they were dressed up in brocade and silk caftans. There were both Eastern Magi and angels who glorified, but the center of the composition was inevitably Mary and Joseph, bowing over the manger with the Divine Child. In the western and southern regions of Ukraine, such a nativity scene was often installed in churches. Recently, the tradition of building a den under the Christmas tree has begun to revive, dolls for it can be purchased even in the store.

Nativity scene

The mummers also went to carols - they acted out Christmas stories, as well as other Christian stories, which are always popular among the people. These usually included the Goat, Herod, Shepherds, Kings, Jews, and even Death. Death is generally an extravagant character. At night, as you see, you can get scared. All have masks and you will never know if they are familiar or not. But with the Jews, you should be especially careful, otherwise it will entice all the money from you. Moving from house to house with the news of the Bethlehem shepherds, the mummers glorified the coming into the world of the Savior, who showed the only way to true happiness - through love for neighbors, opened the doors of mercy and compassion.

Participants in theatrical nativity scenes and carols

Despite the peculiarities of the traditions of celebrating Christmas among different peoples, at the present time, almost all of them are united by some common symbols. These include the tradition of giving gifts for Christmas, and the obligatory character of the holiday - Santa Claus (we have Santa Claus), and a Christmas tree decorated with toys and garlands. Festive wreaths and bells are hung almost everywhere at Christmas, and Christmas candles are also lit. On this bright holiday, all people glorify Christ, greet each other: “Christ was born!”, And send Christmas cards to family and friends.

Find out more about the holidays of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ:

Since 1991, Christmas is again an official holiday in the countries of the former USSR. January 7 is considered an official day off, and the church and the government are doing everything to revive the pre-revolutionary traditions and rituals of celebrating Christmas.

As for the pre-revolutionary traditions, they began to celebrate Christmas in Russia from the time of the baptism of Prince Vladimir at the end of the 10th century. Christmas: The traditions and customs of this holiday have been shaped over the centuries. Considering that Christian communities were still in ancient Kiev, historians believe that the celebration of Christmas may have a more ancient history.

It is interesting! It used to be customary to conclude labor and financial contracts for a year from Christmas to Maslenitsa.

Christmas traditions and customs in Russia are very different, some came from different nations. For example, at the beginning of the 18th century, the tradition of the nativity scene penetrated from Poland into Russia. Special Christmas performances were performed from the stages with the help of puppets. Most often they concerned the birth of Jesus in a cave, the shelter of the baby from King Herod. Later, other plots also began to appear. The tradition of such puppet shows on Christmas Day in the squares of the city continued until the October Revolution of 1917.

By the way, the traditions of celebrating Christmas have not always been associated with the New Year tree. Such a tradition, to put decorated fir trees in the squares of the city and at home, took root in Russia and Ukraine only at the end of the 19th century, and only at the beginning of the 20th century, an analogue of the Western Santa Claus, Father Frost, began to bring gifts for Christmas to Russian children. Snow Maiden, she has nothing to do with Christmas at all. It was invented by Soviet children's writers in the middle of the 20th year, in honor of the New Year's holiday.

After the October Revolution, all the symbols of Christmas, including the theater, the Christmas tree, and gifts were eradicated in the atheistic state. Until 1935, the country did not celebrate the New Year holidays at all. Since 1935, the state has begun to popularize the New Year as the main winter holiday. He draws upon himself both the custom of putting up a Christmas tree and the tradition of showing thematic performances. The Christmas tree, as it was in pre-revolutionary Russia, is today perceived as a New Year tree.

Christmas: traditions and customs are renewed today. The bright holiday, which is celebrated by believers on January 7, takes its legal and official place in a series of winter holidays.

Folk traditions of Christmas

In some areas, especially in villages, the tradition of caroling has been preserved on the eve of Christmas. On the night before Christmas, the mummers carry a traditional dish to their homes - and offer the owners of the house to taste it; the mummers also sing Christmas songs, for which the owners must give the mummers food or money.

Christmas is the beginning of Christmas time - every day after the holiday has its own religious significance, including this time for honoring the dead. Christmastide continues until January 19 - Epiphany. This time from January 7 to January 19 is an excellent time for fortune-telling and performing various ritual sacraments. Most often, young girls gathered together to make fortunes. By the way, this process is perfectly described in Nikolai Gogol's story "The Night on the Eve of Christmas". The young girls wanted to know when they got married, what their husband and new family would be like. It is for this reason that most of the Christmas fortune-telling has this theme.

On the territory of ancient Russia, it was believed that if a woman enters the house first on Christmas, this means that next year all the women in the family will be sick. Also, for Christmas, they had to take a bath, clean the house, put on clean clothes. On January 6, one could only drink water and not eat anything until the first star appeared in the sky.

At the Christmas table, at which it was customary for the whole family to gather, it was imperative to put traditional dishes. Jellied meat with horseradish belonged to them. Also, a variety of pork dishes: fried pig, stuffed pork head, aspic. There should be a lot of meat dishes on the table on January 7, because a long fast ends at Christmas. It is customary to bake whole poultry or fish; such a dish symbolizes the unity of the family in the new year.

Christmas: today some traditions and customs are forgotten, and some are being revived with a vengeance. We suggest paying attention to the beautiful custom of the first guest. The first guest is the person who lets Christmas into the house. Therefore, it is important that he comes to visit with pure and kind thoughts in order to bring happiness and prosperity to the family. The first guest should have a spruce branch in his hands; he should definitely enter through the front door of an apartment or house. The hosts must give the first guest a gift. And remember that the first guest is a woman - not the best sign for Christmas. So, call a man earlier if possible!

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