New Year's script: “Magic New Year. Magic holiday - new year New year holiday of magic

A magical holiday - New Year!
The long-awaited and very beloved holiday among Russians is unconditional. After all, it is with him that we associate all the kindest, the best, hopes for the best, that the cherished dream, conceived by the chimes, will surely come true.
There is very little time left before the onset of the holiday. And it is already worth starting to prepare for his meeting. Think about what to buy for the new year, how to please and surprise loved ones and friends. All these are pleasant chores, but they require a certain amount of time. So go ahead - get ready for the holiday.

Interior decoration

To create a holiday atmosphere, fun, you must first of all decorate your home or office in the New Year's style. The sooner you do this, the longer you will feel the feeling of celebration. For many years, the following have become obligatory New Year's attributes: Christmas trees, garlands, tinsel, balls, tangerines, snowflakes on the windows. If you can install a Christmas tree at home, then a composition of fir branches with cones will look beautiful in the office. New Year's posters made in a family circle or with work colleagues will also complement the holiday atmosphere.
They transformed the interior, made it magical. What's next?

What to present for the New Year?

Not a single holiday is complete without gifts, and even more so the New Year. It is especially pleasant that you give and are presented to you. Even at first glance, an unpretentious trinket can make an adult very happy. First, you need to make a list of all the people you are going to please with New Year's surprises. This is, of course, your family, parents, friends, work colleagues. But the New Year is a holiday of magic, and you might want to give a piece of this magic to kids from orphanages and orphanages. Seeing how people around you are happy with your souvenir made from the heart, with love, is even a greater joy than receiving gifts yourself.

Having decided on the list, you need to understand what gifts you give to. To do this, you need to take into account some points:
age, gender, marital status of your loved ones. Seniors will appreciate health-promoting gifts with practical benefits, perhaps some family heirlooms. Young people will surprise and delight with a fashionable gadget, and children will be delighted with a new toy;
preferences or wishes. Perhaps one of his relatives and friends has been sentenced for a long time about the thing that he needs so much. It may be an insignificant little thing, but it is she who will make him happy;
symbol of the year. A souvenir in the form can become an actual and interesting gift. It can be a soft toy, magnet, ceramic, glass, postcards and much more;
Package. A beautifully and effectively designed gift will complement the feeling of the holiday. It's so nice to take off the bows, rustle the open wrapper and finally see the long-awaited surprise.
All these nuances will help you choose the right and pleasant gifts for your loved ones and friends.

New Year's outfits

Everyone wants to look attractive and irresistible this night. 2015 is the year of the green wooden sheep (goat), and she is a big fashionista. It is better to give preferences in clothes to colors: green, yellow, blue and their half-tones.

Recommendations for ladies
A pendant or brooch in the shape of a lamb will look appropriate. You can complement your outfit with wooden beads, bracelets, earrings. There are many beautiful and exclusive items on sale now. The hairstyle can be styled with curly curls, make naughty curls, paying tribute to the goat.
If you are planning to celebrate a holiday on the street, then choose wool, cashmere - all this will delight and win over the hostess of the year.

Recommendations for men
It will be convenient to celebrate the New Year at home in a knitted sweater or a simple plain shirt. It is worth paying attention to expensive and status things, to be a little fancy.

Carnival outfits
If you are planning a themed holiday, then you should think about a costume in advance. Girls can dress up as a white, fluffy lamb, angel, or the Snow Queen. Men can appear in the form of a knight, king, shepherd. Everything is limited only by your imagination.
It is not necessary that the New Year's be the most expensive and fashionable, the main thing is that it should please you, be festive and cheerful.

New Year's table

This is perhaps one of the main components of the New Year. Delicious treats, original snacks, tangerines, champagne. Well, of course, no where without the traditional salad Olivier and jellied fish.
Each family has its own preferences and traditions of this holiday. But most housewives have a question: "What to buy for the New Year's table?" After all, I want to surprise guests with something new and original.
Now many interesting things can be seen in culinary programs, the Internet, books, magazines. Choose the one you like and delight your loved ones and friends.

You can also treat yourself to unusual products with caviar, turkey, pineapples. There is a proverb: "What is on the table in the New Year will be the whole year." So, try to diversify your menu so that the whole year is successful and generous for you.
The hostess of the next year will like the abundance of greens on the table, you can make an original salad with cabbage. And of course, there is nothing without champagne, the main drink of New Year's Eve. It is for him that the most cherished dreams are made.
Mandarins are one of the symbols. Let their pleasant scent decorate your holiday table. Pick up beautiful sets of plates, forks, spoons. Wipe the glasses until shiny. The tablecloth can be matched with New Year's symbols. Decorate the table with spruce sprigs.

Create an atmosphere of an upcoming holiday around you. It is a very enjoyable activity that will make you smile and energize other people. Happy New Year 2015!

"The dog is curled up in a ball and thinks - here's winter!" I decided to start with these words of Oleg Mityaev because they are touching and timely ... Yes, winter, as a diligent hostess, is already putting things in order on the ground, covering the dirt and roofs of houses with a snow-white blanket and carefully decorating the trees. And there are pleasant New Year's chores ahead, and soon we will step over again into the next, New Year ... His meeting is always a children's fairy tale, even for us adults ...

The atmosphere of sweet magic and a little sad excitement, spicy and secret wonders! A holiday with a sense of the tart aroma of tangerines, the nostalgic scent of pine needles, the shine of colored lights: a carousel of balls and garlands ... And then there will be bubbles of champagne, gastronomic abundance, the breath of new events and the aching anticipation of fulfilling wishes ...

Do you remember, dear ladies, how in a distant place we admiredly looked out the window in anticipation of a fabulous car - a Carriage with inside? This car was always late, or so it seemed to us, then it drove up, it was very important and wonderful to get out of it and his sparkling retinue! We jumped from the stool, worrying and rejoicing, with a tremor from happiness or from the excitement that held us down and ran somewhere, either to meet or hide from such unexpected and impossible, but just happened Happiness!

Then it was incomprehensible and surprising to us why Santa Claus still sat at the table for a long time, talked about something, ate like an ordinary person, and even left an empty glass after himself ... After all, only later did we begin to understand that Santa Claus is different, with poorly learned roles, sometimes drunk, and sometimes just indifferent ... Yes, it is always important to "play your roles" to the end, and life, as you know, is a theater, so Santa Clauses must be "Real"! Because it is very important for the formation of value orientations, now for our children too ...

The next one will definitely be special! We always hope for this ... It seems to us that it will definitely become a new stage in our life, and the wishes made for this New Year will certainly come true, and in general, that it is with this chime that all the real and wonderful! But this may well become true, dear women, and we can really start our New life! What needs to be done to make life change and go differently, as we would like, you ask?

First you need to want it to change, then understand for yourself how it should change, and after that you only have to act decisively! And be sure to be consistent, do not cover as much as you cannot manage, because you know that New Year's preparation always takes a lot of time and effort. Choose only the most important things for yourself! That only is the preparation of gifts for family and friends (carnival costumes and various crafts), the choice, and then the creation of a New Year's outfit and "festive table". If you have the opportunity, my friends, better save your time by ordering, for example, a New Year's dinner or at least a few of your favorite meals at home. This will save you a lot of worries ...

We are all already aware that the coming year according to the Eastern horoscope will be the year of the red fire boar or, in different interpretations ... It is customary to adhere to certain colors in clothes that correspond to a given animal, so that the coming year will be happy and generous with good luck. Therefore, in order to appease our dear pig, let's, dear ladies, put on a warm color scheme, summer-autumn mood, as the astrologers advise us.

Preferred colors pink and scarlet, orange and ocher, brick brown, red clay and terracotta. Colors with poetic names such as tabasco, aragon and carnelian, marsala and ginger, cranberry, and magenta are also appropriate. Surely the color of golden sunset, evening sand, or spicy orange, or maybe carmine or a raspberry rose will suit you ... The natural shades of saffron, pink azalea and almond flowers are beautiful and refined, a mustard shade, purple fuchsia, barberry and burgundy are interesting ... you see, there are plenty, and you can safely choose the image that will inspire you.

And yet, this one should be remembered for a long time, and it must be different from all the previous ones ... Yes, we prepare every time and always do not have time, and the feeling of joy from the holiday is somehow incomplete ... And all from the fact that in the festive turmoil and we forget about ourselves in the New Year's race! While you have a free minute, sit quietly and think about the following questions and write down your thoughts on paper. It is not difficult and will not take much of your time. So, please answer honestly to yourself :

- How do I want to spend New Year's?
- How do I definitely not want to spend New Year's Eve?
- How will you most likely be able to spend New Year's Eve?
- What am I most afraid of not having time to do before the New Year?
- How can I please my family and friends?
- What New Year's Eve was the most memorable for me and why?
- How should my life change in the New Year?
- What do I want to leave in the old year?

Also, just finish, please, the following 3 sentences:

- I will be glad if at the holiday ……………………………………………
- It is important for me that during the holiday I feel like ………………
- It is important for me that during the holiday my loved ones feel ...

That's all! Please try. After all, it costs you nothing ... Yes, you have never done this before, but it can help to sort out our restless thoughts on the shelves! I personally do this, I will not speak loud words, but it helps me ... When you answer unambiguously and sincerely, your personal desires immediately begin to emerge, and everything becomes much simpler and more definite. Let your honest answers be a guide to your immediate action!

Maybe there, in the Land of Childhood, we knew how to enjoy New Year's impressions, because we were sincere, open to miracles and still knew how to wish! Indeed, we cannot let this New Year's holiday take its course and not use our chance, which falls only once a year! So let's now fulfill our own desires, well, at least one of several!

I wish you, dear ladies, that the fairy tale, woven of childish nostalgia, fluffy snow and the spicy aroma of "coniferous-tangerine" celebration, does not end, but continues to warm you and me all year round with its spiritual warmth! Happy New Year!

We offer you some simple tips on how to make the New Year's holiday even more magical and memorable for your children:

1. It is important that New Year's gifts are not just beautiful, but intricately and magically packed so that they attract the child with their wonderful and mysterious sparkle, their fairy-tale secret.

Show your imagination, even if there are several layers of packaging, you can come up with a game according to which the baby unfolds each next wrapper, solving a simple riddle, for example. But even without any games, it will be a real pleasure for a child to unfold bright, colorful, iridescent packaging.

2. In order to create a festive mood in the child in advance in anticipation of the New Year, you can work with him, write, draw New Year's greetings, gifts, toys for the Christmas tree and even a family wall newspaper.

Older children can be asked to prepare a performance or congratulation for the family celebration themselves, or just any holiday surprise they want.

3. Give New Year's gifts to children in the most unusual ways:

1) For example, for small children, already familiar with some animals, these birds and four-legged friends can "bring" gifts in exchange for a treat. For example, nuts or seeds sprinkled on the balcony will disappear, and instead of them, sweets, supposedly brought by squirrels, will appear. Or mice for a piece of cheese left under the door will bring the kid a toy. And you can exchange the treats left for the animals for gifts on New Year's Eve.

2) Great will be the joy of a child who finds on the balcony or in a snowdrift during a walk a wonderful gift from Winter itself!

In order to prepare such a surprise, you need a small gift that is not afraid of cold and moisture. Pack it in an airtight metal or plastic box, wrap it in festive packaging and freeze it in a saucepan of water - on the balcony or in the fridge freezer. There, in the water, you can add spruce twigs, cones or needles, tinsel or.

You can put a transparent block of ice with these gifts on the balcony or hide it in a snowdrift, turning the search for a magic gift for a child into an exciting game.

3) During a walk, even invisible elves of Santa Claus can throw small gifts (edible ones are also possible) into the baby's hood - for good behavior and excellent New Year's mood. Of course, before the walk, you should tell the child a corresponding fairy tale, and put the gifts in the hood imperceptibly and then wonder how they got there.

4) If your child is already a little older, and you want to give him some money, you can arrange for him a classic "field of miracles" from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Let him bury a coin on the eve of the New Year in a pot of earth, and the next morning he will find a branch of a tree “grown” in the ground with leaf-coins attached to it.

4. If you want Santa Claus or Santa Claus to come to your baby, it is not at all necessary to invite an actor or dress up dad in a beard and a fur coat. Real magic is imperceptible, and the traces of what came to the child will delight and intrigue the baby no less than the real figure.

Therefore, a late call at the door (ask friends or neighbors), snow footprints at the doorstep and a gift tied to the door will be a good surprise for a child who ran to open the door for Santa Claus.

A beautiful congratulatory inscription or drawing from Santa Claus on the frosty outer side of the window on the morning of the new year, along with gifts left on the balcony or window sill outside (decorated with toys or a spruce branch), will have no less effect on the child.