Nutrilon Premium 1 in a cardboard box. Mix of nutril for newborns. Why do palm oil add

For children try to pick up the best. Almost every woman wants to feed her baby with breasts, as breast milk is the most useful and most delicious. But sometimes it happens that, by coincidence, mom has to either partially either completely move to artificial mixtures, which in fact do not yield to natural nutrition in their composition. One of the most famous mixtures can be called "Nutrilon Premium 1". Reviews about it are also positive. The composition of the product is indicated on its packaging and contains important substances for the correct development of the kid.

Nutrilon Premium 1. Composition of the mix

In enters a whole set of substances, the reasonable use of which helps the child normally grow and develop from birth. This is a carefully balanced and professionally selected set of ingredients, so necessary kid for the active functioning of the body.

The mixture "Nutrilon Premium 1" composition has the following: skimmed milk, lactose, demineralized dairy serum, whey concentrate. The product is also enriched with a mixture of vegetable oils, minerals, fish oil, microelements, taurine, vitamin complex, inosyl, nucleotides, L-carnitine and L-Tyosin.

Application area

The mixture "Nutrilon Premium 1" is intended to feed children from birth and up to six months. It is used if the lack of breast milk is felt or there is no possibility of breastfeeding.

Of course, the best nutrition for kids of this age will be breast milk. "Nutrilon 1 Premium" is used as its substitute. He takes into account the high needs of children and helps protect them from diseases. Immunofortis prebiotics are very close to the prebiotics of maternal milk, which favors the strengthening of the immune system. Special fatty acids ARA and DHA have a positive effect on the development of the intellect and immunity of the child.

Order of administration

To ensure the safety of introducing a new dust, the mixture must be launched in small quantities, using a separate bottle before feeding. The kid will need adaptation to new food. Therefore, gradually, over time, increasing the number of "Nutrilon 1 Premium", do not forget to reduce the usual food. Gradually, the child's body will learn to accept a new product. If the process of adaptation is accompanied by any reactions of the body, the timely evaluation of the process will help prevent the negative consequences of introducing a new mixture into the child's diet.

Mode of application

Before cooking, it is necessary to seriously approach the process of washing the hands and sterilization of the bottle and nipples. Then boil the water and give it to cool to a temperature of 40 ° C. Find your parameters in the feeding table, and in accordance with its calculations, measure the exact amount and pour into the prepared dishes. It is better not to use this water. When cooking a mixture, be sure to use to be as accurate as possible in measurements, the filling of the measuring spoon should be without a slide. The exact amount of the product is added to the water, as a large or smaller weight can harm the child. Then close the bottle and vigorously shake over a few seconds until complete dissolution. Next, you should change the lid on the nipple. Be sure to check the temperature of the fluid on the inside of the wrist, it must be no higher than 37 ° C. The prepared mixture is suitable for use for an hour.


Before starting to apply Nutrilon 1 Premium, you need a doctor consultation. It is necessary to accurately follow the instructions in terms of the dosage of the prepared mixture, so as not to harm the child. Do not use nutritional residues for subsequent feedings. Do not apply the microwave oven for heating it to avoid the presence of hot lumps. No need to leave a child unattended during feeding.


Product components can not be individually transferred to children. But it is about Sugar and a cow protein (lactose). In the case of (to determine it easily), the child will have a bad chair, jump off, and also covers a strong rash. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to complete the mixture.

Storage conditions

The mixture must be stored in a closed jar in a dry cool place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Air humidity in the storage location should not exceed 75%, otherwise the powder can dance. The refrigerator is also not the most appropriate option, as it can "enrich" the power of the smells and microflora products stored in it. Dettle of flour and cereal products guarantees safety from insect infection.

Shelf life

The shelf life of the mixture is 18 months. If the bank is already open, then its content must be used for three weeks. When storing a mixture "Nutrilon 1 Premium", it is necessary to ensure inaccessibility for children. The product can not be used after the expiration of the established expiration date, as this may lead to poisoning.

Nutrilon's children's mixtures from Nutricia have proven itself in the international and Russian market. Founded in 1901, a company for the production of dairy mixes with a symbolic title, translated from Latin Meaning "Kormilitsa", in the second half of the last century he had rapidly developed and expanded the geography of his business.

The most popular and demanded product from the company Nutricia in the market of children's mixtures was notprilon for newborns. To conquer the recognition of mothers around the world, it helped him not only tested quality and reliability, but also an extensive product line for demanding children with various health problems, as well as constant improvement, taking into account the wishes of the parents.

For each age group, there are not only milk and fermented varieties, but also specialized prophylactic and therapeutic mixes for kids with problems of digestion, premature or prone to allergies. All products are produced in various options by weight.

Any mom will be able to pick up for his infant suitable in all NUTRILON parameters. Decide on the choice, especially if the child needs a special nutrition, a pediatrician will help.

Assortment of children's dairy mixes for newborns Nutrilon is represented by four categories in accordance with age

Dry milk adapted mixing premium nutril is designed to supply healthy kids from birth with a lack or absence of breast milk.

  • Produced for children of four age categories: from birth to six months (1), from 6 months to a year (2), from one year to one and a half years (3), from one and a half years (4). The last two varieties are for older children and are called milk drink or "baby milk" Nutrilon Junior.
  • In the sale of Nutrilon Premium 1 and 2 steps and in cardboard boxes of 350 g, and in the Pack of 400 and 800g. Milk drink 3 and 4 steps - only in the Pack.
  • For whom it is suitable: for healthy children located on any of the three types of feeding.
  • Baby nutrition Nutrilon in the premium line is characterized by an important additive in the form of a unique PRONUTRI + complex. Its action is aimed at forming immunity, physical and intellectual development, as well as the development of organs of vision in newborns. Pronutri + includes prebiotics, fatty acids and a complex of vitamins. Therefore, this mixture is in demand for both nursing mothers and those who have completely switched to artificial food.

Nutrilon Comfort - Preventive Children's mixture based on partially hydrolyzed protein.

  • Produced for children of two age categories: from birth to 6 months (1) and from six months to a year (2).
  • Packing format: Tin Bank 400 and 900 g
  • For whom it is suitable: Nutrilon Comfort is also suitable for healthy children, and for children with digestive problems, such as colic and constipation. Its main goal is to improve the intestinal microflora. This mixture is prophylactic, it may be the only and permanent nutrition of the baby, as it contains all the necessary substances for full nutrition.
  • Nutrilon Comfort is characterized by a bitter taste, it is normal for mixtures, which contains hydrolyzed protein. It will be easier to get used to the new taste with the gradual introduction of a new mixture. Another difference can be grains found in the diluted mixture. This is explained by the presence of thickeners intended to reduce shoes.

It did not cost the assortment of Nutricia and without a preventive milk mixture.

  • Nutrilon fermented fermented for children from birth to six months (1) and from 6 to 12 months (2).
  • Sold in tin banks weighing 400 g.
  • For whom it is suitable: the milk mixture is suitable for healthy kids and babies, prone to digestive discomfort. Such a nutrition may be the only thing in the diet of the crumbs and fully satisfy its needs, and can be combined with the mother's milk or milk mixture of Nutrilon Premium.
  • Nutrilon milk nutrition has neutral acidity close by level to the acidity of breast milk. Therefore, it can be given to children of the first year of life as the main nutrition.

For healthy kids having a genetic predisposition to allergies, and children with already manifested symptoms of food intolerance, Nutricia offers a prophylactic mixture based on partially hydrolyzed protein Nutrilon hypoallergenic.

  • This food is produced for allergy children aged 0-6 months (1) and 6-12 months (2).
  • Produced in tin banks weighing 400 g
  • For whom it is suitable: hypoallergenic food belongs to the prophylactic group, therefore, it can be used for feeding both healthy children and those suffering from allergies.
  • The hypoallergenic mixture can be combined with a conventional milk mixture only during the shift period one to another. You can not constantly combine them in the diet, since in this case the effect of the use of hypoallergenic product will simply be not.

Among the milk mixtures, Nutrilon has a product for low-tender children - Nutrilon Prev, with its development, special needs of premature babies were taken into account.

  • Mixtures of this type are also separated by steps, but not in accordance with age, but depending on the weight of the baby. If Kroch was born with a body weight up to 1800 g, then it is suitable for Nutrilon Pre (0), as soon as its weight increases to 1.8 kg, it will be possible to switch to non-iris pre (1).
  • Packed powder in traditional tin cans for 400 g.
  • For whom it is suitable: this product is designed specifically for premature, male children, taking into account their needs.
  • Born ahead of the toddler's term is particularly in dire need of love and care, and for active growth and development it needs special nutrition with a high content of protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the Nutrilon pre contains the unique complex of pronutri +, which includes fatty acids for the development of the nervous system and prebiotics to support immunity and healthy intestinal microflora.

In addition to these preventive mixtures, Nutricia produces several varieties of nutrilon therapeutic nutrition.

Medicine Dry Mixtures Nutrilon

This type of baby food is included in the diet of the child only to prescribe a pediatrician in the presence of appropriate indications. All of them are produced only in traditional core cans of 400 g and are suitable for children of the first year of life from birth.

This group includes:

  • Nutrilon Antirefluorux with nucleotides is designed for children prone to frequent jerking. Most often, such a problem arises due to the immaturity of the digestive system and passes as the child grows. The composition of the antirefluxus mixture there is a natural thickener - gum. Such a component not only effectively copes with shinking syndrome in babies, but also favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. You can feed them as independent meals or as an addition to breast milk.
  • Nutrilon Calcium Casinat-based Nutrilon is suitable for newborns with lactose intolerance. Lactose is completely replaced with glucose syrup in this mixture, it is easily digested, and such nutrition allows you to quickly cope with the manifestations of lactase deficiency. The nucleotides contained in the composition and the fatty acid complex improve digestion and contribute to the development of the brain. This mixture may be basic in the diet of the baby, and it can only replace it partially.
  • Nutrilon amino acids is an ideal option for the heavy form of food allergies on a protein of cow's milk or soybean with multiple food allergies and in cases where an element diet is needed.
  • Nutrilon Pepti Allergic based on a completely hydrolyzed protein is recommended for infants with food intolerance to the protein of cow's milk. Deeply split serum protein corresponds to breast milk according to the amino acid spectrum, but it is precisely because of the hydraulic that this mixture has a bitter taste. For the same reason, the child's chair can become green. These properties are characteristic of all baby food with protein hydraulic.
  • Nutrilon Pepti Gastro is suitable for the aggregate of such diagnoses as food intolerance and intestinal absorption. In its composition, in addition to high-fluid protein, high-calorie medium-chain triglycerides, which replenish the energy deficit in children with Malabsorption are also contained. Nucleotides normalize the barrier function of the intestine and digestion as a whole.

Note: Previously, Nutricia produced Nutrilon Kashi. At the moment, this product is not produced, but on the same technology, the Istra factory now produces baby porridge.

The choice in the baby nutrition line is very large, it is definitely decisive to decide which is better impossible. There is no one, ideally suitable for all mixtures. Even the best nutrition may not come to someone. Therefore, in the choice of children's dairy mixture, an individual approach is necessary. The correction of the diet should be carried out by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of a particular child. The correctly selected menu is capable of not only to prevent possible health problems, but also to solve existing.

Questions mom

What to choose: Nutrilon or Nan?

These two mixtures are very similar: they have one price category, almost identical compositions and a good long-term reputation. Rare negative feedback on this food is also found, it is inevitable, because each organism can react differently to a new mixture. If one of these options came up, it makes no sense to change it to another in search of the best.

Why do palm oil add?

Palm oil in the composition of the children's dairy mixture sometimes scares the consumer. In fact, when using good raw materials and its careful cleaning, this component will in no case hurt your crumb. Its use in the production of baby food is allowed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Thanks to palm oil, the fat composition of the mixture is close to the norm of breast milk. And the energy supplier for the growing organism is palmitic acid - replaces palmitic acid breast milk.

How to make a mixture?

There are several basic rules for the preparation of the dairy mixture. Before breeding the mixture, wash your hands and sterinate all parts of the bottle. Use only chilled boiled water. The temperature of the finished mixture should be about 37 ° C. Mix in a bottle of water and the mixture exactly according to the instructions, measure the amount of powder only with a measurable package spoon. Shake the mixture in a closed bottle, then check its temperature, pin to the inside of the wrist. Do not use remnants for the next feeding. Do not add any additional ingredients to the mixture, do not mix it with anything.

Children's mixtures of the brand "Nutrilon" are manufactured by Nutricia and are perhaps the best mixtures for breast-age children in the Russian market, since when they are created, advanced production technologies and the latest ideas are used. The line of mixtures "Nutrilon" is distinguished by a variety and aimed at solving all sorts of nutritional problems in the event of their occurrence.

Baby nutrition "Nutrilon" for healthy children

Under the mixtures of this category, Nutricia refers to ordinary adapted mixtures and mixtures with a prophylactic effect, that is, capable of preventing disorders or eliminate their light manifestations.

Mixtures "Nutrilon Premium" and "Nutrilon Junior"

Depending on the age of the child, the following types are divided into the following types:

  • adapted Children's Machine Blend "Nutrilon Premium" 1 from birth;
  • subsequent adapted children's milk mixture "Nutrilon Premium" 2 from six months;
  • children's Milk "Nutrilon Junior" 3 from twelve months;
  • children's Milk "Nutrilon Junior" 4 from eighteen months.

Available in packages "Pack" 400 and 800 g, and "Nutrilon Premium" 1 Also in cardboard boxes for 350 g. The "Nutrilon Premium" packaging form and the "Junior" packaging allows you to keep it with one hand, without fear of slipping. The whole procedure for settling the mixture from the can is maximally hygienic and sequence. Even if accidentally package will lean greatly, the mixture will not scatter thanks to the restricter's corner. A measured spoon is attached to the lid with a special clip, so by opening the packaging every time, a spoon is extracted at the same time, and there is no need to look for it somewhere inside. Clipping when closing the bank will inform you that the contents are securely protected from moisture.


Adapted and subsequent adapted mixture of "Nutrilon Premium" is good with the composition as close to it. Nutrilon Premium 1 has a high adaptation on the protein component due to the predominance of serum proteins over the casein in a ratio of 60/40, and the "Nutrilon of Premium" 2 is less adapted, so the ratio of serum proteins and casein is 50/50.

Nutrilon junior 3.4 is not a substitute for female milk, which is reflected in its composition, in which casein proteins prevail over the proteins of the dairy serum (65/35) as in the cow's milk. Therefore, Nutrilon Junior 3.4 and the products similar to it are called baby milk.

To create the necessary ratio of breast proteins and casein, three types of dairy products are used in different ratios: demineralized dairy serum, skimmed milk and breast protein concentrate. They are made from cow's milk and in amino acid composition differ from the protein of female milk. Therefore, the manufacturer introduces 1.2 such essential amino acids as Taurine and L tryptophan into the "Nutrilon of Premium", which the newborn body cannot be synthesized independently, but needs their considerable amount. In the "Nutrilon Junior" 3.4 introduced only one indispensable amino acid - Taurine, which is necessary for the child even after a year for the normal development of the central nervous system and muscles.


A feature of the carbohydrate composition of the mixtures "Nutrilon", with the exception of "Nutrilon Premium" 2, is the absence of maltodextrin. Its presence in no way makes a mixture worse. Maltodextrin is well absorbed by the body and does not cause children to add to sweet. The feasibility of its introduction is due to the desire to create a longer sense of satiety in a child to increase the intervals between feeding. Therefore, it is often administered in the subsequent mixtures (for children over 4-6 months).


The component composition of fat mixes "Nutrilon Premium" 1,2 includes vegetable oils, fish oil, single-cellular mushroom oil and trace amounts of dairy fat. All of them contribute to the resulting fat, as close as possible in the fatty-acid composition to the fat of maternal milk.

To ensure the required amount of palmitic acid, palm oil is used, which is a champion in its content among all vegetable oils. "Nutrilon Premium" 1.2 In addition to palm contains more rapeseed, coconut and sunflower oil. Due to such a combination, the child receives valuable linoles and α-linolenic acids. Mortierella Alpina single-cellular mushroom oil is rich in arachidonic acid (ARA), and fish oil serve as a source of docosahaseanova (DHA) and ECO-seated acids (EPA). Since Era suppresses its own Synthesis ARA in the body, the Mortierella Alpina oil additive is simply necessary to maintain the normal ARA level in case the mixture has been added fishery. These acids are conditionally indispensable, that is, can be synthesized in limited quantities, so they need additional arrival from outside, as evidenced by their high concentrations in maternal milk.

The uniqueness of the Nutrilon Premium and Nutrilon Junior is also in the fact that, unlike other mixtures, which contain ARA and DHA, there are still eico-seated acid in them, which contributes to the prevention of various kinds of skin irritations.

Nutrilon junior 3.4 contain palm, sunflower, rapeseed oil and fish oil, which in a complex with other food products fully cope with the provision of a grown organism with the necessary fatty acids.

Other components

The biologically active components that are included in the mixtures "Nutrilon" include prebethkins (Galactooligosaccharides (state) and fructoligosaccharides (FOS)), nucleotides, vitamins, minerals.

Galactooligosaccharides (state) and fructoligosaccharides (FOS), Nutrilon mixtures have a number of important properties:

  • contribute to the growth of the useful intestinal microflora;
  • support the immune system, reducing the risk of infections and allergic reactions;
  • help to make a child's chair softer.

Nucleotides are in the mixtures "Nutrilon Premium" 1.2, and there are no 3.4 in the Nutrilon Junior. By its chemical nature, these are monomers of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), that is, nucleotides serve as bricks to build them. Folding out in a certain sequence, they are a means of writing genetic information. Another important function of nucleotides is the energy - participation in the construction of compounds in which the energy required for the flow of life processes in cells is accumulated.

Despite the fact that nucleotides are not indispensable components of nutrition (can be synthesized by the body), the need for these compounds is particularly acute during illness, intensive growth and development. The synthesis of nucleotides in the body is rather energy-efficient and limited in volume, therefore children up to one year do not need to receive them from outside together with the main source of food - breast milk or its substitute. A number of studies show that the additive of nucleic acid monomers into the mixture increases the weight gain, and also improves mental and physical development. After a year, the child's diet becomes diverse and therefore the need for nucleotide additives to the mixture disappears.

Blend "Nutrilon Premium" 1

Nutritional value Table
Method of cooking and feeding table

Pros and Cons "Nutrilon Premium" and "Nutrilon Junior"

The perfect nutrition for the baby is breast milk mother, so no mixture can replace it and will always have both positive and negative sides. Breast milk substitutes and Nutrilon baby milk meet the most modern quality standards, with their development, the most recent ideas about the quantitative and high-quality composition of breast milk are taken into account, so you will probably give them preference, you will certainly regret it. As for the specialized products "Nutrilon", they will become your reliable support in solving any problems in the nutrition of your baby. The price for 400 g of a mixture "Nutrilon" 1 is about 420 rubles.


  1. The mixtures reproduce the protein, fat, lactose, for female milk at different stages.
  2. Nutrilon Premium and Nutrilon Junior are the only mixtures on the market containing at the same time ARA, DHA and Era, which are beneficial affecting the vision and brain of the child.
  3. The mixture contains the necessary biologically active components: nucleotides, irreplaceable amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
  4. Low osmolayality, thanks to which the sewage system is not overloaded.


Of the minuses, you can note the absence of probiotics and a fairly high price. However, the question of the feasibility of administration in the mixture of probiotics remains yet open, since not all research results are unequivocal and converge in a single opinion. The mixture contains palm oil.

"Nutrilon sour gun" 1,2

Promotes the normalization of digestion. Unlike other fermented milk mixtures, it can be used as the main nutrition, since its level of acidity is close to breast milk.

The composition "Nutrilon fermented" differs from the usual Nutrilon Premium due to the ribbon of the milk component under the action of special lactic acid microorganisms. During this process, protein, fat and lactose, with the formation of a number of products (peptides, fatty acids, bactericidal substances, vitamins, lactic acid) occurs. These compounds are not only easily dismissed, but also useful. In the "Nutrilon of an acidic" equal ratio of serum proteins and casein, it contains probiotics (living lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria) and maltodextrin. The fatty acid composition differs from other mixtures "Nutrilon" by the lack of ARA, DHA and EPA, as there is no fish oil and single-celled mushrooms Mortierella alpina. Another disadvantage is the absence of nucleotides.

"Nutrilon hypoallergenic" 1,2

Designed for children prone to allergic reactions.

Contains a partially hydrolyzed milk serum concentrate (the degree of protein cleavage is higher than in a mixture "Nutrilon Comfort"), which is quickly and easily absorbed by the organism in the mixture, the food additive E472C (citric acid ester and mono and heat digliserides) is added, commonly used as an emulsifier and the stabilizer to preserve the consistency and viscosity ready to use the mixture. This food additive is allowed to add to the substitutes of female milk containing partially hydrolyzed proteins, amino acids, peptides in the amount of not more than 7.5g / l and 9 g / l of the finished product (TP TS "Safety requirements of food additives, flavors and technological aids") . As part of Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 2 presents corn starch.

Specialized mixtures "Nutrilon"

Designed for therapeutic nutrition of children as a single source or for partial diet replacement. Feeding by specialized mixtures "Nutrilon" is possible only after consulting a doctor.

"Nutrilon Bearless"

Designed for children with full or partial lactose intolerance from birth.

The protein component is represented by calcium caseinate (in this form casein is quite soluble in water), and lactose is completely excluded from the mixture (instead of lactose, glucose syrup is added to the mixture, which gives a sweet taste and easily absorbed), which is a component of demineralized dairy serum and dry low-fat dehydrated milk. Along with L-tryptophan in this baby food, an indispensable amino acid L-cysteine \u200b\u200bhas been added, a rich source of which dairy serum serves in conventional milk substitutes. Due to the peculiarities of the composition of the "Nutrilon of the Bescardous", this amino acid is introduced separately.

"Nutrilon Antirefluux"

I contributes to the elimination of shoes in children of infant from birth.

The component that prevents jugging (thickener) is the gum of the beans of the horn tree, which is present in the mixture in a modified form, due to which it dissolves in the mixture at a temperature of 40-50 ° C (natural gum dissolves at higher temperatures). At the same time, the gum of the beans of the horn tree has a prebiotic effect, as it does not split off with digestive enzymes and is consumed for nutrition with microorganisms of a thick bowel. This compound also contributes to the formation of a soft chair and eliminating constipation. The mixture is caseindominant (casein prevails over the proteins of the dairy serum), contains maltodextrin and adding an indispensable amino acid L-cysteine.

"Nutrilon amino acids"

For children with severe form of food allergies to proteins of cow milk, soybean, multiple food allergies, Mal Absorption syndrome.

The mixture completely eliminates the possibility of food allergies to the protein of cow's milk, soybeans, as it does not contain even the tiny fragments. The protein is completely replaced with a mixture of amino acids in the necessary proportions, which are absorbed by the body directly, without requiring the effects of enzymes. Since the amino acids are prone to rapid oxidation in the mixture, the allowed E304 antioxidants (ascorbilmitate), E 307 (α-tocopherol) and E 306 (mixture of tocopherols) and the food additive E472C (citric acid ester and mono and diglisherides of fatty acids), which is used as Emulsifier and stabilizer to preserve the consistency and viscosity of the product ready to use. Instead of lactose, glucose syrup is introduced as more easily absorbed, and in addition to coconut, sunflower, rapeseed oil, Mortierella Alpina oil (richly oleic acid) and Crypthecodinium cohnii microalgae (richly docosahexaenic acid) were introduced into the fat. The mixture has quite high osmolality (340 mos / kg), which is its disadvantage.

"Nutrilon Pepti Allergy"

For children with food allergies from birth. It helps to facilitate its symptoms, including such as atopic dermatitis.

Made with the use of fully hydrolyzed whey proteins, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Maltodextrin and the whole complex of substances necessary for the growth and development of the child are present. Lactose content is reduced compared to the mixtures "Nutrilon" for healthy children. The side effect of using the mixture is a green chair caused by the presence of a hydrolyzed protein. Like all mixtures based on hydrolyzed protein, it has a bitter taste. There is a dietary supplement E472C.

"Nutrilon Pepti Gastro"

For children with disorders of intestinal suction and food intolerance from birth.

Contains hydrolyzed whey proteins to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. The medium-chain triglycerides of the mixture do not require the effects of the enzyme of the pancreas - lipase and are absorbed by the body directly, which is important when intestinal absorption disorders, since the conventional fats with a lapse of the lipase simply do not split. Also, the mixture contains rapeseed, sunflower, palm oil, fishery and Mortierella Alpina oil. There are no lactose in composition, glucose syrup is introduced instead. A food additive E472C has been added to the mixture. A possible side effect of application is a green chair due to the presence of a hydrolyzed protein.

"Nutrilon Pre" 0.1

Designed for feeding premature and low-tech children.

It is characterized by an increased common protein content. The ratio of serum proteins and casein 60/40. Contains oils: coconut, sunflower, soy, palm, evening primroses, Mortierella Alpina and fishe fat. Evening primrose oil is particularly rich in gamma linoleic acid, which is usually formed from linoleic acid with a sufficient amount of enzymes, which in premature children may not be enough. The shortage of gamma-linoleic acid causes a violation of the synthesis of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins that carry out the regulatory function. Medium chain triglycerides, absorbing quickly and easily, provide the body of the kid with the necessary energy, egg yolk phospholipids beneficially affect the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. "Nutrilon pre" is used as long as the newborn will not get a mass of 1800 g, after which they are transferred to the mixture "Nutrilon Pre" with a lower protein content.

So, it will be about a mixture of Nutrilon Premium 1. Many mothers here wrote here that in no case to buy a nonfilon of 400 grams in banks, but only in cardboard boxes of the Russian Federation, because as German and Dutch foaming, the children goes away from him. So I personally have been tested by all 3 options, conclusion: the nutrimon from the cardboard box is foaming at no less, just with it and sweeps, since it is much fascinated to the taste, storing the mixture in the cardboard box is extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, moms, solve themselves and follow the intuition when choosing a mixture or transition (as our option from Nenny to Nutrilon).

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We did not go to the tip in the tin, but premium in cardboard with code 229 (Germany, if I'm not mistaken), TTT is well. And yes, he foams very much, which I was very surprised. Since before that, he drose the very first mixture is Nutrilon, for me as the best of these three! 👍🏻 Even on a bottle it can be seen that it does not remain so fat, such as after non-smoking comfort.

Every time different parts, in Dr.Brane did not bother, all the foam remained

- @ Kristina221190, and I took the cardboard production of domestic, with it and sprinkled, and sugar there is more just horror. Apparently Germany, although in the cardboard, but produces a definitely better product

- @tatatatiana, probably so. We just poured on comfort and started terrible dermatitis, it's good that I reacted in time, well, almost on time, on the second day ... With this yet, I didn't notice anything like that, all the rashes acknowledged with an emulium, on the third day everything went out @ @ 9rema And about the foam, we have a bottle of Avent Classic and, too, everything remains in it, just surprised to such a number of foam 🙈🙈🙈

- @ kristina221190 I also ohrenel to put it mildly, as I saw)) But the daughter shouted, jumped, fell asleep) In the store they said that such a thing happens ... and my husband and I relaxed

- @ 9rema, yeah! We also. Pah-pah-pah. We are still a week on the mixture. I hope you will not have to pick up anymore

- @ kristina221190 We are half a year) Relax)))

- @ 9rema, thank you)))

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