Cleansing body mask at home. Juicy, delicious and fragrant: the most useful masks for deep hydration of the skin of the body. Preparation for procedures

Grind a tablespoon of ground coffee with the same amount of olive oil and add two tablespoons of cream. The mixture is slightly heated in a water bath, then applied to the body and left for ten minutes. Instead of cream, you can use sour cream or natural unsweetened yogurt.

Mix two tablespoons of coffee grounds with half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of sugar, add a pinch of ground cinnamon and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply in circular motions and leave for twenty minutes. Adding coffee to masks not only cleanses the skin, but also makes it supple, giving a pleasant tan shade.

This mask should be applied to a dry body without steaming: mix a teaspoon of liquid honey with five tablespoons of fresh grape juice and two teaspoons of your daily body cream. Apply the mixture on the skin and leave for half an hour.

But the following mask is effective against acne on the chest and back. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour half a bag of henna with boiling water until a thick mass forms. As soon as the mass has cooled, apply to problem areas and leave for half an hour, after which the composition is thoroughly washed off. Then take tar soap and thoroughly lather all the same problem areas and wait five minutes, then take a shower. It is recommended to do this mask two to three times a week. Already after the second procedure you will notice a significant improvement.

Combine 1/8 tsp. borax powder (purchased at the pharmacy) with two tablespoons of honey and add four tablespoons of glycerin. Lastly, pour two tablespoons of cognac into the mixture. Apply the composition on the body with massaging movements for ten minutes, then wait another five minutes and take a shower. This mask not only perfectly nourishes the skin, but also cleanses it.

Grind in a blender one orange with the peel, half the pulp of a grapefruit, the pulp of one banana and half a glass of oatmeal flakes. Then add three tablespoons of wine and olive oil to the resulting mass. Apply the mask with vigorous movements on the body, massage for ten minutes, then allow the mask to absorb into the skin for five minutes, then rinse with cool water. You do not need to dry yourself after a shower, just pat your body lightly with a towel.

This mask has a pleasant tonic effect and deeply nourishes the skin. Melt a mixture of ¼ cup honey and ¾ cocoa powder in a water bath. The mixture should be hot, but not burning the skin. Apply evenly on the body, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

Grind pumpkin pulp with seeds in a blender. Apply the resulting mass with rubbing movements to the entire body. After fifteen minutes, the composition can be washed off.

Combine ¼ teaspoon essential oil of cornflower, dill, cypress, pine, juniper with twelve teaspoons of olive oil. Shake the mixture thoroughly and pour into a clean and dry bottle. Apply the resulting product with massaging movements on problem areas (sides, thighs, buttocks, arms). After fifteen minutes, you should take a shower with a mild gel, and then apply a moisturizer (cream, lotion).

The mask of egg yolks and liquid honey perfectly softens and nourishes the skin. The mass is applied to the body and left for fifteen minutes.

An excellent softening and nourishing remedy for the skin of the body is a mixture of 50 ml of milk and a glass of mineral water. Apply this cocktail to the entire surface of the body and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mix three tablespoons of grated coconut, kefir, low-fat yogurt and honey. Apply the composition to the body and leave for twenty minutes. The mask nourishes the skin, making it smooth and supple.

This mask activates blood circulation and improves skin elasticity. To prepare it, dilute 15 g of dry brewer's yeast in four teaspoons of cream, let the mixture stand and add four teaspoons of honey. The composition should stand for twenty minutes, then apply to the body.

We women are quite vain creatures and that is why it is so important for us to know that our skin looks much better than others! Its evenness, velvety smoothness and gentle shimmer suggests that we are young, beautiful, well-groomed and healthy - after all, only a healthy woman can boast of beautiful skin.

Body care is an integral part of our daily worries, without which it is difficult to achieve the ideal - today there are a lot of different cosmetic products and procedures to improve the condition of the skin. However, no one has canceled folk body masks - a simple but surprisingly effective way to improve the condition of the skin of the body and restore its tone.

In order for the skin to retain its beauty for many years and not betray its true age, it simply needs several components of daily care: nutrition, toning and moisturizing.

All this can be given in abundance by folk body masks, which can be prepared from the simplest products that are likely to be found in the stocks of a housewife.

Homemade, folk body masks: the best recipes

Judge for yourself, the list of products from which you can make homemade body masks is very wide - there is honey, milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, carrots, potatoes, cucumber, melon, zucchini, strawberries, eggs, oatmeal, coffee, olive and sunflower oil, bananas, vodka, cognac, juices and much more!

Combining certain ingredients depending on the problem that spoils the skin, you can prepare homemade body masks and amaze those around you with your beauty. In addition, homemade body masks will help solve the problem of dry skin, flaking, circulatory disorders, cellulite, body fat, pigmentation and discoloration of the skin of the body.

What are body masks made from?

So, nourishing body masks, as a rule, are prepared from foods rich in fats, proteins and vitamins. An example of a classic nourishing mask can be a honey-egg mask, which, like all nourishing masks, must be applied twice a week. Nourishing masks include masks based on sour cream, cream, olive oil, eggs, cottage cheese.

  • Moisturizing masks, as a rule, are made from vegetables and fruits: they include a mask of cucumbers, melons, zucchini, green tea, strawberries. You can apply moisturizing masks twice a week in winter, every day in summer.
  • Recipes for body masks aimed at toning are based on alcohol solutions, coffee, red pepper, spices, honey, essential oils, cosmetic clay, brewer's yeast. These same components will help get rid of body fat and cellulite when applied under insulation. These recipes for body masks help remove excess fluid from the tissues, restore blood circulation. It is recommended to use toning and anti-cellulite masks no more than twice a week.
  • To improve skin color, there are special body mask recipes that include products with a high vitamin composition. It is appropriate to use honey, carrot juice, grape and pomegranate juice, cucumber juice and parsley juice. Parsley also contributes to skin lightening. These masks should be used daily.
  • For fading and aging skin of the body, when excessive dryness of the skin begins to show, its “senile” lagging behind the muscles, you can use anti-aging body mask recipes based on cream, cottage cheese, bananas. In this case, the juice of tomatoes, melons and apples helps a lot. Masks will give excellent results with daily use.
  • To give the skin elasticity, there are masks - and here it is advisable to use cream, honey and egg yolk.

The variety of homemade masks gives us a great opportunity to always have effective natural beauty products with us. You should not deny yourself such pleasure, especially since the power of nature itself gives us energy that fills the skin with youth, passion and elasticity!

At any age, women want to have a beautiful body. And body masks at home will help provide a safe and inexpensive result. At the same time, you do not need to waste time visiting beauty salons - all procedures can be carried out right at home at any convenient time.

What are the advantages of body masks used at home?

First, it's availability. All the ingredients for the composition can be found in the refrigerator, kitchen cabinet, or at the nearest grocery store or drugstore. And they will cost quite a bit, unlike expensive cosmetics or salon procedures.

Second, safety. Recently, much has been written about the dangers of some components included in the masks produced by cosmetic companies. The composition of home remedies includes only natural ingredients.

Thirdly, convenience and speed. To make a mask, you do not need to waste time and go to a specialized cosmetics store or beauty salon. It is enough just to come to your kitchen, mix the necessary components and apply the resulting composition to the body.

During the mask, you can even continue to do household chores. Therefore, home procedures require very little free time.

Recipes for homemade body masks

There are a huge number of recipes for masks for any skin and for any purpose. Depending on the problems, they can have different effects on the skin of the body: rejuvenating, nourishing, moisturizing, anti-cellulite, etc. Consider the most popular and effective recipes for homemade body masks.

Masks can be used both in courses, that is, use only one type for 2-3 months, or alternate different compositions of funds.

In order for the desired goal, beautiful elastic skin of the body, to be achieved as quickly as possible, it is worth following some important rules:

  1. Masks should be applied to clean, steamed skin, after peeling, so that the active ingredients can better penetrate deep into the epidermis. For this reason, it is convenient to use body masks in the sauna. As a peeling, you can use coarse ground coffee or sea salt mixed with sour cream or olive oil.
  2. To achieve the best effect when applying the composition, you can carry out a light body massage, consisting of simple techniques: circular movements, pinching, patting. Such a measure will help improve the blood circulation of cells and their absorption of nutrients from the mask. Of course, massage should not be performed on delicate areas, such as the chest, but on problem areas: hips, buttocks, abdomen, sides.
  3. It is useful to supplement anti-cellulite compositions and masks with a slimming effect with a film wrap.
  4. For optimal results, masks are recommended to be used 2-3 times a week.
  5. After washing off the mask, you need to apply a moisturizer to the body, a regular baby cream is perfect for this purpose.

Making your own body masks at home is not difficult at all.

If you regularly and correctly perform all the procedures, then you can quickly achieve the result - elastic, smooth, delicate skin of the body. And if you add proper nutrition, peeling, physical exercises to the use of masks, then the result will appear much faster and last for a longer time.

Masks according to folk recipes for the body at home, body masks in the bath, in the sauna, masks for body elasticity, body masks for weight loss, folk body masks for stretch marks, body masks for edema, rejuvenating body masks, body masks body scrub, body masks against cellulite

In order for the skin of your body to be beyond praise, to please with its appearance, and simply to be comfortable “clothes” for your body, you need to take care of it or at least just occasionally indulge in good masks and useful procedures.
Body masks from the collection can be used in the bath, in the sauna, as well as at home.

Important: body masks must be applied to clean, steamed skin!

The main ingredients of body masks:


Natural bitter chocolate is a real "antidepressant" for the skin, smoothes, softens, tones the skin, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Chocolate is used for tired skin, as a nourishing element of the mask, as a substance that helps get rid of cellulite.


Only natural ground coffee is suitable as a cosmetic product.
Coffee as a carrier of caffeine "invigorates", tones the skin, caffeine, penetrating through the pores, promotes the breakdown of fats. Masks are very effective in “reviving” the skin of that part of the body that has been in plaster for a long time (leg, arm). Simply irreplaceable!
Coffee grounds or soaked ground coffee can also be used to give the skin a "tanned" tint (if layered on the body). As a gentle scrub (peeling), coffee liquid is very good for dry skin, or skin that is prone to irritation.


It is best to use kefir 1-2-3 days fresh. This is a great product for softening and moisturizing the skin. Since kefir is a fermented milk product, a small amount of acid contained in it can be used as a “transport” for substances that make up other components of the mask. The acids help loosen up the skin, and thus deliver nutrients deeper into it. Therefore, kefir is often used as the basis for a mask with coffee, chocolate, herbs, etc.

Oatmeal (hercules)

For body masks, you can use coarse hercules (coarse grinding), since when removing the mask based on hercules, you will also get a good scrub (peeling), if you wash off the mask with your hands, in circular motions.
Hercules has a tightening effect, and is also used as a nourishing mask for tired, flabby skin.

Essential oils

You can add ½ teaspoon of essential oil to any body mask. Depending on what additional effect you want to get from the mask, add this oil.
Ylang Ylang: relaxes, has a good effect on the nervous system, is an aphrodisiac, is used for anorgasmia and reduced sexual desire;
Patchouli: tones, invigorates, is an aphrodisiac;
Mandarin oil: softens the skin, improves tone, mood, helps with stretch marks;
orange oil: "awakens" the skin, improves mood, nourishes, helps with stretch marks;

Important: buy essential oils only in a pharmacy or, if you buy not in a pharmacy, ask for a certificate of conformity!

A revitalizing, toning body mask

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of freshly brewed coffee grounds or ground coffee soaked in a small amount of boiling water; essential oil (according to the characteristics of the action).

Mix coffee grounds and oil, apply to the body with massage movements, slowly but vigorously massage and rinse.

Moisturizing Body Scrub Mask

Ingredients: 2 cups of steamed oatmeal, 0.5 liters of coffee grounds or ground coffee soaked in a small amount of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over 2 cups of dry oatmeal, let stand for 10-15 minutes, mix with coffee grounds, apply to the body with massage movements, let it dry a little and rinse with massage movements.

Softening, toning body mask

Ingredients: 1 cup ground coffee, 0.5 cups cream (or fat sour cream), 1/3 cup vegetable oil (preferably unrefined olive or sunflower).

Coffee, cream (or sour cream), butter mix well, if necessary, add a little water and heat in a water bath, apply the mixture on the body.
Keep for 15-20 minutes, rinse.

Toning, awakening body mask

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of coffee grounds or ground coffee soaked in a small amount of boiling water; ½ teaspoon salt (not iodized), 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
Mix all the ingredients well, apply on the skin of the body with massage movements.
Keep for 20-30 minutes, rinse.

Toning, nourishing, anti-edema and cellulite mask for tired body skin

Ingredients: bitter chocolate 60-70% (1-2 bars), 2 handfuls of seaweed (kelp), 1 tbsp. grated red pepper, 1/3 cup dried horsetail herb, 1 grapefruit, ½ teaspoon peppermint tincture.
Before applying the mask, make sure that you do not have any scratches, wounds or irritations on your body!

Brew algae with slightly cooled (not boiling water), leave for 15 minutes, brew horsetail for 15 minutes, squeeze juice from a whole grapefruit.
Drain the algae, but leave a little water, cool, mix with a blender. Melt the chocolate in a bowl, let it cool slightly, add a decoction of horsetail, seaweed, grapefruit juice, pepper, mint tincture. Mix everything very well (you can use a blender).
Apply to the body with massage movements, avoiding the skin of the chest and bikini area.
Keep for half an hour, rinse.

Toning, firming, anti-stretch marks body mask

Ingredients: bitter chocolate 60-70% (1-2 bars), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of peach oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apricot oil, 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Melt the chocolate in a bowl, let it cool down a bit, pour in the lemon juice, mix, add peach and apricot oil, mix, apply on the body.
Hold for 30 minutes, rinse.

A nourishing, tightening body mask for stretch marks

Ingredients: bitter chocolate 60-70% (1-2 bars), ½ cup vegetable oil (preferably unrefined olive or sunflower), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tangerine oil.
Melt the chocolate in a bowl, let it cool slightly, pour in vegetable oil, add tangerine oil, mix well, apply on the body.
Hold for 20 minutes, rinse.

Rejuvenating, toning body mask against stretch marks and swelling

Ingredients: bitter chocolate 60-70% (1-2 bars), 1 cup coffee grounds or ground coffee soaked in a small amount of boiling water, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey of light varieties, ½ cup of starch, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Melt the chocolate in a bowl, let it cool down a bit, add coffee grounds, mix, add starch in a thin stream, stirring the mass, add honey and salt. Mix very well (you can use a blender). Apply to the body.
Keep for 20-30 minutes, rinse.

Super-nourishing, softening mask for dry, tired body skin

Ingredients: 0.5 cups of honey (light varieties), 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 cup of steamed oatmeal.
Before applying the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to honey!

Brew 1 cup of dry oatmeal with boiling water, wait 10-15 minutes; then add honey, mix well, pour in lemon juice and mix again. Apply to cleansed, steamed skin.

Softening, nourishing, rejuvenating body mask

Ingredients: 3-4 chicken or 7-8 quail eggs, 0.5 cups of light varieties of honey, 0.5-1 cups of kefir.
Before applying the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to honey!
Grind the eggs, add kefir and honey, mix very well, apply on the body.
Hold for 15 minutes, rinse.

Nourishing, rejuvenating body mask for oily skin

Ingredients: 20g. fresh yeast, 0.5 cups of cream (or low-fat sour cream 10-15%), 0.5 cups of light varieties of honey.
Before applying the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to honey!

Yeast should be diluted in cream or sour cream, wait for the yeast to “disperse”, add honey and let stand for 20 minutes (to ferment).
Then mix well and apply on the body.
Hold for 20 minutes, rinse.

Anti-cellulite, toning body slimming mask

Ingredients: 0.5 cups of light varieties of honey, 1 tbsp. teaspoon ground red pepper, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground nutmeg.
Before applying the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to honey, and that there are no scratches, wounds or irritations on your body!
Avoid getting the mask on the mucous membranes of the body!
Don't wear a mask on your chest!

Mix all the ingredients well and apply with massage movements to the “problem” areas: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, shoulders (on the inside of the top of the arm).
Hold for 10 minutes, rinse with massage movements.

Nourishing, rejuvenating body mask for dry skin

Ingredients: 2-3 overripe bananas (those that have already begun to darken), 0.5 cups of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), 0.5 cups of cream or sour cream, 2-3 capsules of vit. E. (sold in pharmacies), 1/3 freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Peel bananas, preferably mash with a wooden spoon, add butter, cream (or sour cream), lemon juice, mix well. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little boiled water or kefir.
Apply to the steamed skin of the body.
Keep for 15-20 minutes, rinse.

A super-nourishing, rejuvenating lifting body mask

Ingredients: 2 cups of steamed oatmeal, 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a glass of cognac, 2 chicken or 4-5 quail eggs, 1/3 cup of light varieties of honey.
Before applying the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to honey!
Pour boiling water over 2 cups of dry oatmeal and wait 10 minutes, add well-ground eggs, lemon juice, cognac and honey. Mix very well and apply on the body.
Keep for 20 minutes, rinse with massage movements.

The skin of a woman, and especially aging skin, needs additional nutrition, which nourishing creams cannot give her in full. It is known that the skin very much betrays all the “vices” of its mistress, such as lack of sleep, addiction to coffee, nicotine and alcohol. Chlorinated water, exposure to sunlight or love for solariums also adversely affect the condition of the skin of the body, which ages and wrinkles before our eyes. To help the skin stay young and beautiful as fashionably longer, you need to regularly make nourishing body masks.

To soften tired and dry skin, cosmetologists recommend regular nourishing masks, which should be done at least twice a week. It is such a small interval between masks that will allow the skin to adapt, but will not let you feel a lack of nutrients. Here are some great recipes that each of us can easily cook in our home salon!

Best Recipes

With banana and sour cream: this complex mask will completely saturate the skin with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, which are abundant in both honey and banana. Sour cream is used here as a link and an additional softening component. For one banana, you need to take a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of sour cream, grind the pulp with honey and sour cream and apply to the skin of the body. Hold until dry and rinse with warm water without wiping.

Cottage cheese perfectly nourishes the skin and gives it a beautiful and even color - among the variety of curd masks there are quite unusual ones. Here is one of them: for a medium inflorescence of sea kale, previously washed and sorted, you need to take one grated carrot, 50 g of cottage cheese, yolk and a little almond oil. The mask is passed through a blender, applied to the body and wrapped with a film, leaving for half an hour, then washed off and dried without a towel.

In the nutrition of the skin, it is also important to saturate it with vitamins. Citrus fruits are simply indispensable for the skin, especially in winter, when access to fruits is somewhat limited. A powerful nourishing orange mask includes the following ingredients: the pulp of one orange, a couple of spoons of bone marrow, a tablespoon of St. John's wort (available at the pharmacy), egg yolk, a spoonful of almond oil. Bone marrow is introduced into the mixture melted in a water bath, stirring gently. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Good skin care and nourishing masks with yeast. They enrich the skin with B group vitamins and microelements. To prepare the mask, you will need a third of a small stick of yeast, a little warm milk, a tablespoon of sour cream. Yeast should be dissolved in warm milk, add sour cream and brush over the body with a mixture. As it dries, apply new layers until the composition runs out. After the last layer has dried, wash off the mask and apply a nourishing cream.

In the winter months, masks with oatmeal or oatmeal are simply indispensable: for three tablespoons of oatmeal, take 100 ml of warm milk and steam them for about fifteen minutes. After the hercules swells, a tablespoon of orange or lemon juice is added to it. The duration of the mask is ten minutes.

The nutrition of aging skin is a special matter and requires a more careful attitude. For such skin, only masks with soft ingredients can be used, for example, such as cottage cheese, sour cream, banana, potatoes.

A cottage cheese mask will help restore skin tone, restore its beautiful color: for half a glass of cottage cheese, you need to take two tablespoons of sour cream or fatty yogurt, mix everything in a blender and apply with a brush on the skin in one layer. You need to make such a mask twice a week, and the skin will become like that of a young girl!