The first signs of a second pregnancy before the delay. Cramps in the lower abdomen. Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Hello, dear girls, women, future mothers! The material on this topic is unlikely to be of interest to men, even if they are happily preparing to become fathers, or are not even aware of their future fatherhood. Perhaps only for general information development, nothing more.

After all, we will talk about the signs of pregnancy that only women can feel. That’s why we, women, will talk about our own things, about women’s things.

You may have already noticed that changes are happening in your body that may be a little unclear to you. Or maybe you are pregnant? even before your period is missed, and what are the first signs of pregnancy that most often appear?

By the way, many women confirm the fact that they “knew”, or rather felt, that pregnancy was occurring even before two lines appeared on the test. Let's look at some signs of pregnancy, and you try to compare your condition and draw a conclusion.

Signs of pregnancy in the first week

Let's start with the fact that the 1st week of pregnancy begins even before pregnancy itself. Are you surprised? Just a second, now everything will become clear. A full-term pregnancy is considered to be 40 weeks. The starting point in obstetrics is considered to be the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

It is during menstruation that eggs begin to form, which are already some prototype of the future baby. In this first week, the body will select the best of three hundred thousand eggs to create a new life.

Now you understand that there are no signs of pregnancy in the 1st week, because conception has not yet occurred. The main first signs of pregnancy, which cause some concern for women, begin to appear from the 2-3rd week after conception.

The first signs of pregnancy after conception

So, conception has occurred and your body has begun an active restructuring of its tasks and functions, adapting to the needs of the unborn child growing in your tummy.

Many of the signs of pregnancy may not be pleasant for you. Alas, the restructuring of the body to a new mode of life cannot take place without leaving a trace and, moreover, painlessly.

Try to treat them with understanding and calm. Understand that pregnancy is not a disease, but just a new state of your body. At the end of this test, you will definitely receive a reward - the birth of a baby.

To make it easier for you to understand your condition, we list what signs of pregnancy are usually observed in women:

  • minor bleeding;
  • increase and change in basal temperature;
  • feeling unwell;
  • increased breast sensitivity;
  • feel “fullness” in the lower abdomen;
  • tingling sensations inside the uterus;
  • absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • can feel hot or cold;
  • aversion to smells, changes in taste, nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • lower back pain, frequent headaches;
  • bloating, sometimes intestinal upset;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • delay of menstruation.

Why are these changes happening? There is a reasonable explanation for everything. Let's sort it out in order.

First signs of pregnancy before delay: slight bleeding

Discharge that resembles the onset of your period may be a little confusing. My first thought is that my period is starting differently than usual, and at the wrong time. Such discharge is characterized by a small amount and a yellowish-brown color.

This bleeding is called “implantation bleeding” - the earliest signs of pregnancy. This phenomenon is typical for 6-12 days after conception, because at this time the embryo is planted and engrafted on the wall of the uterus.

They can also repeat after a delay, but be careful here. After all, at this time the possibility of a miscarriage cannot be ruled out; be sure to inform your gynecologist about this.

First signs of pregnancy before menstruation: change in basal temperature

To determine this sign of pregnancy, you will need to measure the temperature in your rectum for several days in a row, without getting out of bed. It is believed that if the temperature is more than 37 degrees, the woman is pregnant.

This happens because when pregnancy occurs, the level of the hormone progesterone increases, which is what affects the rise in temperature.

True, the temperature will be elevated only in the first few weeks after conception. When the placenta begins to function fully, the temperature will return again.

Signs of pregnancy before menstruation: malaise

Some girls who do not yet know that they are pregnant think that they are sick or have a cold. This is explained by the fact that in the first months of pregnancy the girl’s body temperature is increased, and as a result, fatigue increases.

But many women really feel a little unwell: a runny nose and complaints of sore throat may appear, since the overall immunity of the body is slightly reduced.

The very first signs of pregnancy: increased breast sensitivity

Changes in sensations in the breast area, swelling - a sign characteristic of the 1-2nd week of pregnancy. A woman’s breasts become more sensitive: they begin to hurt even at the slightest touch, sometimes it is almost impossible to touch them.

But there are also cases when, on the contrary, women do not feel changes in their breasts and wonder why their breasts do not hurt now, as usual before menstruation. Darkening of the skin around the nipples may also indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Small bumps in this area become more noticeable, and nipple discharge also appears when pressure is applied. This is how the body prepares the mammary glands for the important period after the birth of the baby - breastfeeding.

Signs of pregnancy before delay: feeling “full” in the lower abdomen

During pregnancy, there is a significant increase in blood flow to the pelvic area, and the uterus also begins to increase in size. Therefore, many women in an interesting position say that they feel the uterus right from the first months of pregnancy.

And this sign is considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. Another, less pleasant, side of this symptom is the appearance of hemorrhoids. In general, this phenomenon is typical for the second half of pregnancy, due to the enlargement of the fetus.

But in some expectant mothers who have already given birth, this phenomenon may occur at the beginning of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy before the delay: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fatigue

A state of absent-mindedness, rapid fatigue and drowsiness appears for the same reason: active production of the hormone progesterone, plus a complete restructuring of the woman’s body is aimed at pregnancy.

Progesterone also has a suppressive effect on the psyche, which causes drowsiness. Do not rush to get upset, this condition will not last throughout the pregnancy, and will soon pass.

After the 10th week, the placenta will begin to produce its hormones and the level of estrogen will increase, and they already have a stimulating effect on the woman’s psyche. And your drowsiness will pass.

Early signs of pregnancy before delay: may feel hot or cold

This sign of pregnancy is explained by an increase in body temperature in the first few weeks of pregnancy and a decrease in blood pressure.

You may feel hot when it’s only +10 outside, and you’re wearing only a light jacket, or, conversely, you’re shivering and you can’t keep warm under a warm blanket in woolen socks.

Signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: aversion to smells, changes in taste, nausea

- one of the early, main signs of pregnancy. It occurs starting from the 2nd week and can continue throughout the pregnancy, sometimes intensifying, sometimes receding slightly. This phenomenon is explained by changes in the functional state of the central nervous system.

Nausea, changes in taste and aversion to certain smells are typical for most women, and only a few lucky women do not face this problem throughout their pregnancy.

Vomiting can occur 2 or even more times a day; it may be accompanied by decreased appetite and excessive salivation.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay: lower back pain, frequent headaches

Low back pain may appear in the sacral area and resemble a “lumbago”, and such pain can be observed in later stages of pregnancy. Headaches occur due to a sudden change in the amount of hormones in a woman’s body.

The occurrence of such pain is also a sign of pregnancy, but, one might say, more indirect signs. Usually, at the end of the first trimester, hormone levels level out, headaches go away, and the pregnant woman can already enjoy her position.

Signs of pregnancy after conception: frequent urination

Frequent urination is identified as the first sign of pregnancy. They arise due to increased levels of female sex hormones and a rush of blood to the pelvic area, and the functioning of the kidneys also temporarily changes.

In the second trimester, this sign can safely be attributed to the general manifestations of a woman’s pregnancy. Also, urination becomes more frequent due to the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the pregnant woman’s bladder.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay: increased vaginal discharge

As we have already said, during pregnancy the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, because of this the amount of vaginal discharge increases.

By the way, such secretions have a protective function: the increased content of hydrogen ions in the vaginal secretion protects the mother’s body from the penetration of microbes.

But you should know and take into account that this environment is favorable for the proliferation of yeast fungi, so pregnant women may develop thrush, which must be treated to prevent infection of the fetus. By the way, thrush increases a woman’s risk.

Signs of pregnancy: missed period

Changes in the menstrual calendar or a delay are the surest and most well-known sign of pregnancy, because of which a woman decides to take a pregnancy test.

As we discussed above, there may be bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, but it will be minor.

In any case, it is important to understand the seriousness of a missed period and contact a gynecologist in time, because it may be a symptom of some female disease.

If your pregnancy is confirmed, smile and tune in only to a positive perception of the changes occurring in your body.

Get ready to become a mother and be healthy.

Every woman wants to know about future motherhood as early as possible, especially when the spouse has been diligently trying to conceive a child for several months. Some people buy tests in batches, while others listen intensely to internal sensations, looking for the first signs of pregnancy before their periods are missed.

Today there are many ways to find out about pregnancy before your period is missed, but not all of them can guarantee one hundred percent accuracy of the results. They can be divided into more and less reliable. Experts include the most common methods:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics;
  • Blood tests;
  • Ovulation testing;
  • Tests to determine conception;
  • Basal temperature measurements;
  • Determination of signs of conception, manifested by characteristic changes in the body, ailments and new features of well-being;
  • Folk signs.

If spouses have been trying to have a child for quite some time, they practice various methods for determining pregnancy before delay at home. The easiest way to recognize that you are pregnant is to use a specialized test. But when using such a device, it is necessary to take into account certain circumstances and timing. For example, if you do a test a couple of days after sexual intercourse, it will simply be useless. Fertilization occurs during ovulation or one day after the cell is released. Sperm that have entered the uterus can remain viable for several days, so conception does not occur immediately after sex.

Ovum viability persists for 0.5-1 days after its release from the follicle. It takes another week and a half for fertilization and implantation of the cell into the uterus. Tests that are used to detect early pregnancy work on the principle of detecting human chorionic gonadotropin. This is a hormone that appears and increases daily in the blood after the introduction of a cell. When the level of this hormone reaches 25 mIU, pregnancy will begin to manifest itself with the appearance of a second line on the test.

What else to pay attention to

Detecting pregnancy in the first days is almost impossible, but in the second week after ovulation you can try to detect the completion of conception using ultrasensitive tests that can detect hCG when its level reaches 10-15 mIU. Detection of pregnancy by such means is possible 3-4 days before the day when menstruation is expected to begin. Electronic, inkjet and tablet type tests are the most sensitive. HCG is detected in urine approximately 10-15 days after conception, while in the blood this hormone increases already a week before the expected delay. Therefore, blood diagnostics is considered a more effective way to calculate completed fertilization.

Can a gynecologist determine conception before menstruation? Of course, the doctor will be able to confirm conception through ultrasound diagnostics, blood tests and gynecological examination. On palpation, the uterus becomes round, easily excitable and dense, and the cervix becomes mobile. But there is one condition - the doctor will be able to determine the fact of conception upon examination only from 2 weeks of pregnancy.

First signs of conception

Some women guess about impending motherhood by feeling the first signs of pregnancy before their period. Due to the low concentration of hCG, tests are not capable of determining pregnancy before a delay. Fertilization can be determined by the characteristic first signs of pregnancy before the delay.

Other signs

Taste perversions are also quite common signs of pregnancy before menstruation. It occurs already in the first or second week of gestation, although it often appears at a later date. Suddenly, those foods and dishes that were previously favorites become disgusting and even disgusting. And what was not particularly to my liking before conception suddenly became one of my favorite dishes. Signs of pregnancy in the early stages, associated with an unusual combination of herring with condensed milk, etc., deserve special attention. Taste changes are caused by hormonal changes.

Vaginal discharge. With the onset of conception, an increase in mucous secretions and vaginal discharge occurs. In addition, small bloody smears accompany the process of female cell implantation. A woman may think that menstrual flow is beginning, but it is still a few days away, and its character is unusual. Typically, such discharge is brownish-yellow in color and is not abundant.

Frequent urination is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy before delay. It’s a very unpleasant feeling when a woman can run out to relieve herself a dozen times during the night. The reasons are all the same hormonal changes and changes in renal activity. There is an active flow of blood to the pelvic structures, the uterus enlarges, which puts pressure on the bladder tissue, which causes increased urination.

Thrush - due to increased secretion in the vagina, a favorable environment is created for the candida fungus, which provokes the development of thrush. Such a disease can appear at different times. It is necessary to treat the pathology, because during the process of delivery it can cause infection of the fetus.

Toxic manifestations. How to determine pregnancy before delay? For many women, the very first signs of pregnancy are caused by toxicosis, which may appear before the expected delay. A typical sign of toxicosis is nausea and vomiting syndrome. A condition in which it is difficult for mommy to eat anything or even drink regular tea is considered dangerous. If toxicosis is so severe, then it must be treated in a clinic. But in the early stages before delay, toxicosis usually manifests itself as mild dizziness, motion sickness in transport, intolerance to certain odors, etc.

Additional symptoms

How can you find out about pregnancy before your period? In addition to the signs described above, experts note the appearance of other signs of conception. When the first signs of pregnancy appear, the patient may notice that her saliva production has noticeably increased. If a woman has been preparing and planning her pregnancy for a long time, then she probably keeps a basal schedule. Such ladies know exactly when their ovulatory process occurs, and how many days before their period they can get pregnant. If pregnancy has occurred, then a sharp one-day drop in temperature will clearly appear on the graph. There are several reasons for this decline. When conception occurs, estrogen and progesterone are released, which provoke such temperature changes. After such a jump, temperatures remain at slightly above 37°C for several weeks.

Also, in the first weeks after fertilization, a woman is bothered by headaches, and early signs of pregnancy before a delay quite often suggest the presence of migraine symptoms. A woman may feel hot, and then suddenly feel chills; in the evenings, her face turns red. Often women note this feature - with pregnancy there is a sharp change in libido, which is manifested by a decrease in sexual desire. Doctors explain this phenomenon by hormonal reforms. By the end of the 3-month period, sexual desire is fully restored.

Some mothers, with the onset of an interesting situation, develop an aversion to the smell of tobacco smoke or alcohol. Having felt a similar aroma from her husband, a woman experiences attacks of nausea and vomiting. But it may also happen that the mother can feel pregnancy before the delay due to a sudden and literally irresistible craving for beer, which she did not like at all before conception.

What are the first signs of pregnancy? Similar manifestations include swelling of the extremities, which is caused by an increase in progesterone, which provokes water and salt retention. Also, among the first manifestations, experts identify intestinal disorders, bloating, etc. The intestinal walls swell due to increased blood flow, which causes frequent constipation.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

Pregnancy, pregnancy is different. There are cases when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus, but in the tubes, egg, etc. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between the early manifestations of normal conception and the first signs of an ectopic pregnancy. After all, with an ectopic type of pregnancy, it is impossible to carry and give birth to a baby, and the woman may die. Usually the first signs coincide with traditional conception:

  • Delay of menstruation;
  • Drowsiness;
  • General weakness;
  • Milky glandular swelling;
  • Early toxicosis and dizziness.

The symptoms are similar, the difference is in how many days they go away. If the fetus is ectopic, toxic symptoms are more pronounced and severe. General malaise is not limited to dizziness, often leading to deep fainting. And the signs of chronic fatigue do not bother you periodically, as during normal pregnancy, but constantly.

Spotting vaginal discharge is prolonged and is accompanied by obvious bleeding, albeit short-lived. Also, signs of an ectopic pregnancy before the delay include pain. Normally, they are localized in the uterus, and in case of pathological conception they are observed in various areas of the lower abdomen where the cell is attached. In the later stages, the signs become more pronounced and can manifest as low blood pressure, hyperthermia, and if the pipe ruptures, severe bleeding and shock.

The difference between PMS and pregnancy

We have already examined whether it is possible to determine pregnancy before a delay, having considered common signs and methods. But there is one caveat. Signs of premenstrual syndrome partially coincide with early manifestations of conception. How to distinguish PMS from pregnancy? The desire to eat something unusual is characteristic of both conditions, but with PMS it is not so pronounced and dramatic.

Premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy are characterized by enlargement of the mammary glands, but it is impossible to distinguish PMS from pregnancy before the delay by this very sign. Similar changes are observed in both conditions, because they occur against the background of hormonal changes. These manifestations have certain differences. With PMS, swelling does not last long - a couple of days, whereas during pregnancy, a similar symptom worries a woman almost continuously. This is understandable, because preparing for lactation is a responsible matter that takes up the entire gestation period.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen during PMS occur due to exfoliation of the endometrial layer. And during conception, such a feeling is caused by the attachment of the cell to the uterine wall. How to understand PMS or conception? During pregnancy, the nature of the pain is unobtrusive, short-lived, lasting about a day or two. With PMS, pain varies and lasts for a relatively long time.

A characteristic symptom of both pregnancy and PMS are mood swings. How can one distinguish such conditions and understand whether a woman is pregnant or not? With PMS, such emotional manifestations as anger and tears, irritability and malice are considered more characteristic, while during pregnancy there is a change in positive and negative emotions, for example, laughter is replaced by tears, sadness is replaced by sharp joy, etc. What signs of pregnancy are characteristic only for gestation. Such signs include toxicosis and frequent urination, bleeding, etc. Based on these manifestations, a woman begins to understand for sure that she is pregnant.

The onset of pregnancy is a special moment in a woman’s life. Some people do it easily, without much effort. Others put in some effort, so they are especially eager to find out if it worked. The most reliable ways to determine whether conception has taken place: lack of menstruation on time, 2 strips on the test or an hCG blood test. There are other primary signs of pregnancy that indicate that a baby is on the way.

How to determine pregnancy before delay

You can predict pregnancy without obvious evidence if you know the ovulation period. This process in a woman’s body begins on days 12-14 of the menstrual cycle, but may deviate slightly (due to stress, hormonal imbalance or sexually transmitted infection). With a slight glitch, you can still get pregnant. At the same time, during ovulation the following symptoms may occur:

  • lumbar pain;
  • thrush;
  • tingling in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in mucous secretions.

If at this time the woman had sexual intercourse and a child is planned, there is a high probability that conception will occur. Next, expectant parents have to wait 2-3 weeks to take a pregnancy test or blood test. Many representatives of the fairer sex want to know from the first days that conception has occurred. They listen to their body, this is correct: by external symptoms and internal well-being, you can notice signs of pregnancy in the first days after intercourse (6-7 days).

First signs of pregnancy before menstruation

There are many early signs of pregnancy before your period is missed. Among them are pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness in the bladder, dizziness, tingling in the chest. These symptoms may also indicate the approach of menstruation, a cold or malaise. If the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period appear in aggregate and are not typical for a particular woman, then, most likely, conception has occurred.


During pregnancy, light vaginal discharge occurs, but it may also indicate a disease such as thrush. It is important to consult a doctor, conduct a diagnosis, and take tests to rule out infections in the genital organs: uterus, ovaries. As a rule, the birth of a baby is indicated by abundant white discharge; it is not thick, but not liquid either. The discharge may also be pink, brown or yellow (they appear 7-14 days after conception), which means that the embryo has settled in the uterus. They have a spreading character and are few in number.

If there was previously erosion of the cervix, early signs of pregnancy before the delay appear in the form of mild bloody discharge. This symptom sometimes indicates the onset of menstruation, so suspicion of conception is unlikely to arise. If the bleeding is severe or is of a nature that does not correspond to the standard course of the process, then it is better to go to the gynecologist to hear his verdict. The danger is that bleeding can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period include a symptom such as a constant feeling of fullness in the bladder. A woman experiences it even after leaving the toilet. During pregnancy, there is a more frequent urge to urinate; the expectant mother visits the toilet every 20-30 minutes. This is a normal phenomenon due to the structure of the body and the close location of the uterine wall to the bladder.

Cystitis as a sign of pregnancy before delay

In some cases, after frequent urination, discomfort occurs in the genitals. The sensations are similar to those that occur with cystitis. If a woman does not yet know that she is expecting a child, but assumes, then it is better not to take any medications, not to use alternative medicine methods, but to go to see a doctor. Only after the examination, the gynecologist will tell you how to deal with discomfort so as not to harm the baby.


Often in the early stages of pregnancy there is a feeling of malaise: fever, weakness, lethargy. There is no runny nose or cough. There are frequent changes of fever and chills. This symptom is subjective. Some women experience a change in temperature, although it is stable. Others have a constantly elevated basal temperature. Still others do not experience any discomfort. It is important to take care of yourself and prevent diseases, because a woman’s immunity in this position is weakened, and it cannot be treated with most medications.

A woman often gets tired quickly and constantly wants to sleep. Even after 12 hours of rest she experiences drowsiness and weakness. There are other problems with sleep, for example, the expectant mother suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night or early in the morning and cannot sleep. As a rule, neither coffee, nor walks in the fresh air, nor other methods help get rid of this. The symptom will go away on its own a little later.

Do breasts hurt in the early stages?

In some cases, a woman experiences severe pain in the mammary glands. Even with the slightest touch, the expectant mother experiences pain. It also happens the other way around, when the breasts become insensitive (typical for those who previously experienced an increase in sensitivity during menstruation). A woman experiences problems with libido or, on the contrary, wants sex much more often. Organisms are different, so the reaction is very different.


Another sign that a woman is expecting a baby is bloating. Heartburn often occurs and persists throughout pregnancy. This is due to the location of the organs: the uterus presses on the organs located above (stomach), hence the discomfort. Flatulence manifests itself both with abundant nutrition and with poor nutrition. As a sign of pregnancy, this indicator should only be considered together with others.

How my stomach hurts

When pregnancy occurs, a feeling of heaviness occurs in the stomach. This is due to more active blood flow to the pelvic organs. A woman experiences unpleasant sensations similar to pain during menstruation and internal pressure. In individual cases, such discomfort manifests itself at a later date, and even throughout the entire period of gestation.


When conception occurs, the expectant mother’s body begins to work differently, much more slowly, distributing its forces so that there are enough nutrients and energy to form a new person. As a result, there is a disturbance in the functioning of the intestines; with improper nutrition, a symptom such as constipation appears. It is considered an indicator of the onset of pregnancy when there are other signs of conception before the delay.

Tingling in the uterus before the delay

In addition to the heaviness in the lower abdomen, there is a tingling sensation in the uterus or the area where it is located. Such precursors occur already in the first week of pregnancy, this is due to hormonal changes and the process of attachment of a fertilized egg. These sensations can spread to the lumbar area: lumbago occurs, radiating into the leg muscles, and convulsions are possible. You must come to terms with such discomfort, because the back will experience constant overload throughout the entire period of gestation.


This symptom may or may not appear in a particular person. Nausea is called an indicator of toxicosis in pregnant women. The symptom is observed already in the first week after conception (vomiting is rare) or a little later. Vomiting often occurs in the morning, immediately after sleep. From here, strange taste preferences or, conversely, denial of certain foods may appear.

During this period, the woman experiences a heightened sense of smell: she experiences nausea from almost any smell. On the other hand, the expectant mother can calmly relate to smells that in a standard situation are not so pleasant: tobacco, cheese, fish, detergents, acetone, etc. The woman begins to perceive smells differently (food smells like acetone, and paint smells like something... then pleasant and tasty).


If conception occurs, a woman’s diet and diet may change greatly. Salivation is stronger, so she wants to eat constantly and does not feel full. It happens that in the first 2 months a pregnant woman gains several kilograms at once because she does not understand whether she has eaten well (they say she eats for two). There must be control here, because excess food overloads the body, which is already having a hard time.


Headaches often occur during pregnancy. The sensations can be either fleeting (such as sudden and quickly passing dizziness) or long-lasting. In this case, there may be severe dizziness with darkening of the eyes, and possible loss of consciousness. These symptoms are explained by the fact that the body is under enormous stress, serious changes occur in the systems, the hormonal system.

External changes

The fact that conception has occurred can be determined even visually. Not all external signs of pregnancy are always present in the early stages, but at least one should be:

  • Swelling of the hands and face. Often occurs especially during the hot season. Sometimes it appears at the very beginning, but then you need to see a doctor, because it may indicate some kind of disease.
  • The appearance of acne (individual or entire rashes) is associated with a large release of the hormone (progesterone), in connection with which the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively. Acne also occurs from bad habits, poor diet, stress, being in stuffy rooms, dehydration, and poor skin care.
  • Isolation of veins on the chest. The appearance of a venous network, when they become clearly visible under the skin, is associated with increased blood flow in the body.
  • An increase in breast size and sensitivity occurs as a result of hormonal changes. This often becomes noticeable within the first week after conception.
  • Darkening of the skin around the nipples, expansion of the radius of the areola are physiological processes that occur in almost all women. A dark circle near the nipple will show the future baby that food is there. Sometimes the midline from the navel to the pubis darkens.
  • Redness of the skin of the face is sometimes associated with allergies, lack of vitamins B, A, E, C, a malfunction in the body, stress or some kind of infection.
  • Hair and nails grow faster due to hormones.
  • The body tends to become rounder: the breasts increase, the hips expand.

Signs of conceiving a boy and a girl

To find out whether there will be a boy or a girl, you have to wait for laboratory tests and screening at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. If parents want to determine this earlier, based on the nuances in the appearance and well-being of the expectant mother, and before an ultrasound, you can reveal the baby’s gender:



The skin improves in appearance: it becomes matte, cleaner, nails are stronger, hair is stronger.

The daughter “takes away” her mother’s beauty, so the woman often becomes unpleasant to herself. Lips may swell, skin swelling and redness may appear. The face itself turns pale, profuse skin rashes and acne are noticed.

Foot temperature

The legs are cold on the outside, but the woman feels warm, sometimes even experiencing heat in the extremities. With such sensations, body temperature often does not rise.

There is a chill in the legs, but the body temperature is slightly elevated: the limbs are very warm.

Appetite improves from the first days; the expectant mother gives preference to meat.

Appetite decreases, and taste preferences include the following: sweets, citrus fruits.

Nausea often does not occur at all, or it may be infrequent and not severe.

I often feel nauseous, especially in the morning. The symptom can appear very early: already in the first week after conception.


There are no pronounced mood swings, the woman is surprisingly active and efficient. Weakness and depression are rarely present.

Sudden mood swings are possible. The woman is too emotional and does illogical things. The expectant mother has strange and wonderful thoughts.

The shape of the abdomen becomes more rounded in the lower part. In some cases this is visible already in the early stages, in others - towards the end of pregnancy.

The abdomen does not enlarge for a long time (possibly due to decreased appetite and frequent nausea); in the last trimester it has a pointed shape rather than a round one.

Signs of multiple pregnancy

Sometimes when a child is conceived, two embryos will appear and there will be two fetuses. The number of children can only be determined by ultrasound at approximately 12 weeks by the beating of the heart (or hearts). If there is a possibility of developing a multiple pregnancy (there have been such cases in the family; conception as a result of IVF), and you want to find out about it as soon as possible, you can carefully look at the woman’s external condition and observe her well-being:



The body undergoes more serious changes than during a singleton pregnancy.

Frequent urination

The uterus enlarges even more than during a singleton pregnancy, so the frequent urge to urinate is very noticeable.

I want to eat constantly, and I gain much more weight. Taste preferences can be surprising: you want meat, fish, and sweets.

Nausea begins almost immediately after conception, but this discomfort does not interfere with active nutrition and increased appetite. The unpleasant sensations last a long time and can last throughout the day.


Due to the general condition, I constantly want to sleep and feel weak. The mood is depressed, performance is almost zero.

Belly shape

The rounding of the abdomen can be noticed already in the first trimester. It is round, and in later stages it can be very large.


Conceiving a child can be planned and desired, or vice versa. Therefore, it is so important to understand and study the first signs of pregnancy in time. If we talk about fertilization, we can detect this in the early stages, even before the delay of menstruation. Let's start.

Subjective first signs of pregnancy in the early stages

Subjective symptoms refer to a girl’s condition in which pregnancy can be confused with other changes in her health. For example, with premenstrual syndrome, chronic fatigue, mild colds, etc. However, the same symptoms indicate a possible conception, so it needs to be studied in more detail.

So, the symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period are as follows:

No. 1. Sleep problems

To detect conception before the onset of menstruation, you need to pay attention to your sleep. Pregnant women suffer from apathy and drowsiness, wake up at night, and feel tired even after a long rest. Since we are considering the subjective first signs of pregnancy in the early stages, it is quite possible that this is just chronic fatigue.

No. 2. Changes in psycho-emotional background

After fertilization, the girl suffers from sudden mood swings, nervousness, a feeling of causeless anxiety, poor sleep, and apathy. If you just recently burst into tears, and 2 minutes later you laugh as if nothing had happened, you should think about it. This is pregnancy or an overly emotional character.

No. 3. General malaise

It is not necessary that poor health should be included in the first signs of pregnancy, but fertilization can be detected in the early stages in this way before a missed period. If you are constantly depressed and get tired quickly, it could be a cold or fertilization. It is better to further support your theory by the presence of other symptoms.

No. 4. Frequent headaches and migraines

Subjective symptoms include increased intracranial pressure and the development of headaches against this background. If you notice that you suffer from severe migraines every day that only go away in the evening, it is quite possible that you are pregnant.

No. 5. Unstable libido

Signs of pregnancy manifest themselves in different ways in the early stages; before a missed period, they are determined by libido. Half a month after fertilization, you can notice a change in sexual desire. At first you really want sex, then, on the contrary, there is no attraction to your partner.

No. 6. Lower back pain

Tingling in the back and painful sensations (a feeling of heaviness) in the lower back are more likely to be symptoms of PMS. But the symptoms of conception in the first couple of weeks also characterize a possible pregnancy. If your lower back literally “shoots”, plus you feel pain in the uterus, then the answer is most likely in the affirmative. Some pregnant girls complained of a burning sensation in their backs and heaviness in their legs.

No. 7. Food cravings

The first signs of pregnancy are such that literally in the fourth week after fertilization you may feel an increased craving for food or a desire to eat a product that is unusual for you (for example, a banana with a pickled cucumber). Also, in the early stages, a brutal appetite is accompanied by complete unsatiation; the girl does not receive satisfaction from the meal. If this is not typical for you, then the answer is yes and is determined before your period is missed.

No. 8. Vomiting and nausea

Many ladies are interested in whether toxicosis can begin immediately after fertilization. In this case, everything is individual, usually heartburn and digestive problems develop first. Food is poorly digested, sensitivity to smells appears, and tastes in food change. Because of this, a girl may vomit, but not always.

No. 9. Increase in basal temperature

If it is not typical for you that your temperature can fluctuate, then this sign is considered a clear consequence of pregnancy, which is determined before the onset of menstruation. When conception has occurred, the temperature constantly remains at 37 degrees. It does not go lower, but it can go up. Even if your period has already started, but your readings still aren’t falling, the answer is probably yes. Basal temperature is measured by inserting a thermometer into the rectum, not the vagina.

No. 10. Decreased immune system

After fertilization, the embryo tries to gain a foothold in the mother’s body, for this reason the girl’s immunity drops sharply. Many people complain of pain and sore throat, mild colds, and runny nose. The first signs of pregnancy are usually characterized by all this in the early stages, but before a missed period, these are only subjective symptoms.

No. 11. Heaviness in the pelvic area

When fertilization occurs, the pelvic organs feel the flow of blood, so this place usually “pulls” and heaviness appears. Usually girls do not pay much attention to such symptoms, but in vain. Sometimes, along with heaviness and tingling in the uterus, a feeling of fullness appears in the lower abdomen. It doesn't go away even after visiting the restroom.

No. 12. Painful breasts

Before menstruation, the breasts swell and become sensitive, but after fertilization they hurt unbearably at the slightest touch. Almost all expectant mothers claim that the mammary glands have become larger and began to tingle. This symptom is not always a consequence of pregnancy; it all depends on the woman’s usual breast sensitivity. For some, on the contrary, it stops hurting.

No. 13. Chills, fever

A couple of times a day, the girl first complains of severe chills, then gets a fever, and vice versa. Despite all this, the temperature does not rise. The alternation of cold with heat does not depend on this; it manifests itself as an independent symptom of conception. However, the sign may also indicate that you are not eating well, woke up early, or dressed inappropriately for the weather.

No. 14. Low blood pressure

The first signs of pregnancy in hypotensive women appear in the early stages in the form of an even greater decrease in blood pressure. Before your period is missed, you can determine the result. If your blood pressure drops to 90/60, plus weakness, apathy, dizziness and fainting appear, you may be pregnant. But one should not rule out a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, lack of walks in the fresh air or poor sleep. In the first weeks of conception, blood pressure decreases in everyone without exception, but hypotensive patients will notice this most of all.

No. 15. Sensitivity to odors

You can often hear from pregnant girls that the room smells bad. In fact, this may not be the case; the sense of smell simply increases as a result of fertilization. It is noted that even pleasant aromas (perfume, the smell of food, etc.) can cause disgust. Some girls say that the apple smells like nail polish remover, and the garnish smells like shaving cream. Observe yourself and conclude that similar symptoms appear in the early stages after conception.

No. 16. Increased salivation

Symptoms in the form of increased salivation are accompanied by vomiting, nausea and heartburn. But this manifests itself individually for each woman. Due to the production of saliva, toxicosis becomes more pronounced. In some cases, gas formation and discomfort in the abdominal cavity are observed.

No. 17. Discomfort while sitting

The first signs of pregnancy may appear in the form of discomfort when a woman is in a sitting position. But in the early stages it will not be possible to detect this, especially before a delay in menstruation. This discomfort usually appears after the sixth week or later.

No. 18. Vaginal discharge

Due to increased secretory functions, discharge may become more abundant. They appear before the onset of menstruation in larger quantities than usual. But these are only subjective symptoms that do not give a 100% answer to the question.

No. 19. Allergic reaction

Due to changes in hormonal levels and certain disturbances in the body, a woman may develop an allergic reaction that was not previously noticed. If you feel like you start sneezing when going out into the sun or being near flowers, you may still be pregnant.

No. 20. Convulsions

These symptoms cannot be considered obvious signs of conception, but they are worth knowing about. After fertilization, a woman may wake up at night because she has cramps in her calf muscles. Typically, such symptoms are accompanied by heaviness and swelling of the limbs.

No. 21. Thrush

The vagina has a special environment that contains a large number of hydrogen ions. Because of this feature, fungi of the Candida family can actively reproduce. Itching occurs and a cheesy white discharge appears. This means that thrush is developing. Often this disease indicates pregnancy. Don't panic ahead of time.

No. 22. Frequent urination

The first signs of pregnancy may appear in the form of frequent trips to the toilet. This feature is typical in the early stages. It is also worth understanding that you cannot be completely sure of pregnancy until your period is missed. Frequent urination occurs due to hormonal changes or a common cold. During pregnancy, this phenomenon persists throughout the entire period. Consult your doctor to rule out the development of cystitis.


Complete the diagnostics without fail, so you will be absolutely sure of the result. All the described signs may not appear during pregnancy. Still, if you are faced with certain health problems, a trip to the doctor will not be superfluous. Be sure to donate blood for hCG. There is no more accurate analysis.

External signs of pregnancy

To determine the first signs of pregnancy, you should carefully examine your appearance. Some symptoms may indicate conception.

No. 1. Swelling of the hands and face

Often the first sign of pregnancy is a slightly noticeable swelling of the face. In addition, you may experience slight swelling of the limbs. This feature becomes especially noticeable when you clench your hands into a fist. Also pay attention to the swelling of your feet; by the evening you will no longer be able to fit into your usual shoes.

No. 2. Acne-like rashes

The first signs of pregnancy are characterized by the formation of pimples. In the early stages this is a common occurrence. The body is subject to severe hormonal imbalance. The face becomes covered with acne even before the missed period. This feature can appear even if you have not previously suffered from rashes.

No. 3. Strong gas formation

Soon after fertilization, the intestines begin to work differently. Because of this, women often face the problem of constipation. You may also experience increased gas formation. The stomach becomes very bloated from time to time. Your appetite will change dramatically. Focus on your general condition.

No. 4. “Sealing” of veins on the chest

Most women claim that after fertilization, you can soon notice a change in breast volume and the formation of a venous network on it. Such patterns appear depending on the characteristics of the organism.

No. 5. Breast enlargement

It's no secret that during pregnancy the mammary glands noticeably enlarge. The breasts become more voluminous, they seem to fill up. Even if you lose your appetite and start to lose weight, such a “bonus” is visible to the naked eye. It feels like there is a ball in the chest.

No. 6. Darkening of the areolas

The first sign of pregnancy may be darkening of the areolas. This phenomenon often occurs in the early stages. You should not lose sight of the fact that this feature can vary from person to person before your period is missed. The skin may not darken.

No. 7. Facial redness

After conception, a slight blush appears on the face. During pregnancy, blood circulation in the female body increases significantly. The face turns very red. As evening approaches, you begin to feel feverish.

No. 8. Appearance of a line on the stomach

After fertilization, the girl’s body is rebuilt. Over time, a brown line appears on the abdomen. It stretches from the navel down and becomes more pronounced.

To understand whether you are pregnant or not, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some facts. Study your own body and try to figure out what has changed. Take a pregnancy test if necessary. If in doubt, visit a specialist and donate blood.

Signs of pregnancy in the first week

Let's start with the fact that the 1st week of pregnancy begins even before pregnancy itself. Are you surprised? Just a second, now everything will become clear. A full-term pregnancy is considered to be 40 weeks. The starting point in obstetrics is considered to be the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

It is during menstruation that eggs begin to form, which are already some prototype of the future baby. In this first week, the body will select the best of three hundred thousand eggs to create a new life.

Now you understand that there are no signs of pregnancy in the 1st week, because conception has not yet occurred. The main first signs of pregnancy, which cause some concern for women, begin to appear from the 2-3rd week after conception.

The first signs of pregnancy after conception

So, conception has occurred and your body has begun an active restructuring of its tasks and functions, adapting to the needs of the unborn child growing in your tummy.

Many of the signs of pregnancy may not be pleasant for you. Alas, the restructuring of the body to a new mode of life cannot take place without leaving a trace and, moreover, painlessly.

Try to treat them with understanding and calm. Understand that pregnancy is not a disease, but just a new state of your body. At the end of this test, you will definitely receive a reward - the birth of a baby.

To make it easier for you to understand your condition, we list what signs of pregnancy are usually observed in women:

  • minor bleeding;
  • increase and change in basal temperature;
  • feeling unwell;
  • increased breast sensitivity;
  • feel “fullness” in the lower abdomen;
  • tingling sensations inside the uterus;
  • absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • can feel hot or cold;
  • aversion to smells, changes in taste, nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • lower back pain, frequent headaches;
  • bloating, sometimes intestinal upset;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • delay of menstruation.

Why are these changes happening? There is a reasonable explanation for everything. Let's sort it out in order.

First signs of pregnancy before delay: slight bleeding

Discharge that resembles the onset of your period may be a little confusing. My first thought is that my period is starting differently than usual, and at the wrong time. Such discharge is characterized by a small amount and a yellowish-brown color.

These bleedings are called “implantation” bleeding - the earliest signs of pregnancy. This phenomenon is typical for 6-12 days after conception, because at this time the embryo is planted and engrafted on the wall of the uterus.

They can also repeat after a delay, but be careful here. After all, at this time the possibility of a miscarriage cannot be ruled out; be sure to inform your gynecologist about this.

First signs of pregnancy before menstruation: change in basal temperature

To determine this sign of pregnancy, you will need to measure the temperature in your rectum for several days in a row, without getting out of bed. It is believed that if the temperature is more than 37 degrees, the woman is pregnant.

This happens because when pregnancy occurs, the level of the hormone progesterone increases, which is what affects the rise in temperature.

True, the temperature will be elevated only in the first few weeks after conception. When the placenta begins to function fully, the temperature will return again.

Signs of pregnancy before menstruation: malaise

Some girls who do not yet know that they are pregnant think that they are sick or have a cold. This is explained by the fact that in the first months of pregnancy the girl’s body temperature is increased, and as a result, fatigue increases.

But many women really feel a little unwell: a runny nose and complaints of sore throat may appear, since the overall immunity of the body is slightly reduced.

The very first signs of pregnancy: increased breast sensitivity

Changes in sensations in the breast area, swelling - a sign characteristic of the 1-2nd week of pregnancy. A woman’s breasts become more sensitive: they begin to hurt even at the slightest touch, sometimes it is almost impossible to touch them.

But there are also cases when, on the contrary, women do not feel changes in their breasts and wonder why their breasts do not hurt now, as usual before menstruation. Darkening of the skin around the nipples may also indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Small bumps in this area become more noticeable, and nipple discharge also appears when pressure is applied. This is how the body prepares the mammary glands for the important period after the birth of the baby - breastfeeding.

Signs of pregnancy before delay: feeling “full” in the lower abdomen

During pregnancy, there is a significant increase in blood flow to the pelvic area, and the uterus also begins to increase in size. Therefore, many women in an interesting position say that they feel the uterus right from the first months of pregnancy.

And this sign is considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. Another, less pleasant, side of this symptom is the appearance of hemorrhoids. In general, this phenomenon is typical for the second half of pregnancy, due to the enlargement of the fetus.

But in some expectant mothers who have already given birth, this phenomenon may occur at the beginning of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy before the delay: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fatigue

A state of absent-mindedness, rapid fatigue and drowsiness appears for the same reason: active production of the hormone progesterone, plus a complete restructuring of the woman’s body is aimed at pregnancy.

It also has a suppressive effect on the psyche, which causes drowsiness. Do not rush to get upset, this condition will not last throughout the pregnancy, and will soon pass.

After the 10th week, the placenta will begin to produce its hormones and the level of estrogen will increase, and they already have a stimulating effect on the woman’s psyche. And your drowsiness will pass.

Early signs of pregnancy before delay: may feel hot or cold

This sign of pregnancy is explained by an increase in body temperature in the first few weeks of pregnancy and a decrease in blood pressure.

You may feel hot when it’s only +10 outside, and you’re wearing only a light jacket, or, conversely, you’re shivering and you can’t keep warm under a warm blanket in woolen socks.

Signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: aversion to smells, changes in taste, nausea

One of the early, main signs of pregnancy. It occurs starting from the 2nd week and can continue throughout the pregnancy, sometimes intensifying, sometimes receding slightly. This phenomenon is explained by changes in the functional state of the central nervous system.

Nausea, changes in taste and aversion to certain smells are typical for most women, and only a few lucky women do not face this problem throughout their pregnancy.

Vomiting can occur 2 or even more times a day; it may be accompanied by decreased appetite and excessive salivation.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay: lower back pain, frequent headaches

Low back pain may appear in the sacral area and resemble a “lumbago”, and such pain can be observed in later stages of pregnancy. Headaches occur due to a sudden change in the amount of hormones in a woman’s body.

The occurrence of such pain is also a sign of pregnancy, but, one might say, more indirect signs. Usually, at the end of the first trimester, hormone levels level out, headaches go away, and the pregnant woman can already enjoy her position.

Signs of pregnancy after conception: frequent urination

Frequent urination is identified as the first sign of pregnancy. They arise due to increased levels of female sex hormones and a rush of blood to the pelvic area, and the functioning of the kidneys also temporarily changes.

In the second trimester, this sign can safely be attributed to the general manifestations of a woman’s pregnancy. Also, urination becomes more frequent due to the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the pregnant woman’s bladder.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay: increased vaginal discharge

As we have already said, during pregnancy the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, because of this the amount of vaginal discharge increases.

By the way, such secretions have a protective function: the increased content of hydrogen ions in the vaginal secretion protects the mother’s body from the penetration of microbes.

But you should know and take into account that this environment is favorable for the proliferation of yeast fungi, so pregnant women may develop thrush, which must be treated to prevent infection of the fetus. By the way, thrush increases a woman’s risk.

Signs of pregnancy: missed period

Changes in the menstrual calendar or a delay are the surest and most well-known sign of pregnancy, because of which a woman decides to undergo a pregnancy test.

As we discussed above, there may be bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, but it will be minor.

In any case, it is important to understand the seriousness of a missed period and contact a gynecologist in time, because it may be a symptom of some female disease.

If your pregnancy is confirmed, smile and tune in only to a positive perception of the changes occurring in your body.

Get ready to become a mother and be healthy.