Peeling jessner results. A worthy alternative to plastic surgery is Jessner's peeling. Jessner Peel pH by PEEL MEDICAL

Few women decide on self-cleaning face cleaning. On the one hand, it is very profitable in terms of money, since there are quite good savings in comparison with salon services. On the other hand, all responsibility falls on oneself, because the effect of acids on the skin is not always predictable and can result in unpleasant consequences both for appearance and health.

If you still have a desire to try, we will tell you how to correctly do the famous Jessner peeling at home without complications. To begin with, it is worth getting to know what it is and what active substances are contained in the composition used.

Photo "before" and "after" peeling Jessner

Post-peel care

To restore the barrier function of the epidermis and its damaged layers, you will need competent facial care after the procedure, which involves the use of certain means. The following rules apply throughout the entire rehabilitation period, which can last from 5 to 10 days (depending on individual characteristics).

  1. Do not peel off the crusts or accelerate the peeling process.
  2. Use for healing.
  3. Forget about decorative cosmetics.
  4. Wash - extremely carefully, without making any sudden movements. Moisturizing foams and gels should not be applied to the face, but diluted in warm filtered water and then used as directed.
  5. No scrubs or alcohol-based liquids.
  6. After the exfoliation is over, do not go outside without an SPF filter of less than 30. You cannot sunbathe during this period.
  7. For 3-4 weeks, massage, solarium and sauna visits will be prohibited.

The correct one ensures a reduction in the rehabilitation period and skin restoration without complications and unpleasant consequences.

To make Jessner's peeling happy, not disappointing, use the advice from professionals when performing it at home.

  1. Carefully study the instructions for use for the purchased drugs and follow them exactly.
  2. Recommended times are autumn and winter.
  3. Applying Jessner's composition in layers, assess the condition of the skin after each time. Listen for sensations (burning, itching, pain) and look in the mirror (redness): all accompanying symptoms should be mild. If the skin begins to itch unbearably and becomes covered with blisters, you do not need to fanatically follow through.
  4. It will be possible to repeat the procedure only after 1.5-2 months if it is a middle peeling. If superficial - in 1-2 weeks.
  5. The course consists of an average of 10 procedures, although this indicator is determined individually, depending on the condition of the skin.
  6. With prolonged or improper storage, Jessner's solution becomes not only useless, but also dangerous. Keep the jar in a cool place. Tighten the lid tightly after each use.

Question answer

The block "question-answer" will help to dispel the most common doubts associated with carrying out this cleaning at home.

  • How many procedures do you need?

For different skin - differently. For a delicate and sensitive one, sometimes 5-6 procedures are enough. For oily and problematic ones, you will need all 10. If you carry out Jessner's median peeling, the course will be shorter, since you will achieve results faster.

  • How to apply?

Layer-by-layer: each layer after 5-10 minutes. Sequence: forehead, temples, chin, neck, cheeks, nose.

  • How often can you do it?

Median - once every 1.5-2 months. Superficial - every 10 days.

  • How to wash off?

Either with the help of a special neutralizer, which can be included in the same set with the main solution, or with ordinary warm water, but without foams and gels.

  • How to take care of your skin?

It is better to purchase a set of post-peeling care products along with the peeling solution. Various brands offer both cleansing milk and revitalizing creams. If for some reason it is not available for you (expensive or not found), the best option is any wound-healing cream (for example, Panthenol).

  • Why doesn't the skin peel off after peeling?

For the rehabilitation period after Jessner's peeling, this is not a completely normal reaction. There can be two reasons. First, you have not used chemical exfoliation for a long time (or never before). Accordingly, a too thick layer of keratinized cells has accumulated on the face, which requires more than one procedure and will begin to peel off only after 3 or 4. The second reason is that the cleaning was done too superficially: the solution was applied too thinly or rushed to wash it off. Try increasing these parameters next time.

  • When to do it?

Complications and side effects

Cleansing the skin with such a powerful acidic composition is a type of chemical attack that causes a burn. Therefore, you need to be prepared that after peeling, an intense rejection of the stratum corneum can lead to not the most desirable consequences. Some of them are predictable, others are not.

The expected side effects are the natural reaction of the epidermis to external stimuli in the form of chemical ingredients. They are observed in everyone during the rehabilitation period:

  • erythema - vascular reaction of the skin, redness of the treated area;
  • dark spots;
  • hypersensitivity.

If the Jessner peeling is performed incorrectly, there are not expected consequences - complications that can adversely affect appearance and health.

These include:

  • tissue necrosis;
  • infection with non-compliance with antiseptics can lead to strepto-staphyloderma or herpes, for the treatment of which antibiotics are prescribed;
  • allergic reaction.

A rash after peeling acts as a symptom of infection and allergies, and it is strictly forbidden to treat it at home. Here you will need the professional help of a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

The cells of the dermis live only a day, and therefore processes of replacing dead tissues with new ones are constantly taking place in it. In the dermal layer, old collagen fibers and elastin are continuously destroyed, which provide the skin with firmness and elasticity. And in the epidermis, young cells are actively formed, which rise to the surface and form keratinized epithelium.

Peeling is called artificial stimulation of epidermal renewal, which is more needed by aging skin, since the rate of collagen production, metabolic and regenerative processes slow down with age. Chemical peeling is a controlled burn of the skin using a peeling composition made from one or more acids. One of the types of chemical peels is Jessner peeling. .

Types of chemical peels

Depending on the depth to which it is required to damage skin cells, the following types of peels are distinguished:

  • Super-surface - at which the minimum concentrations of active agents or enzymes are used. It can be carried out at home, since only keratinized cells of the epidermis are damaged.
  • Surface - in which a burn of 1 degree occurs, and the epidermis is affected to the granular layer. It is used to reduce pores, brighten the face, and prevent the appearance of acne. Peelings are superficial.
  • Median - in which the recovery period is up to 7 days, and tissue necrosis extends to the dermal layer of the skin. A second degree burn occurs, which increases the elasticity and turgor of the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, stretch marks, removes age spots and flat warts.
  • Deep - in which the rehabilitation period is from 2 to 4 weeks, since acids penetrate to the middle of the reticular layer of the dermis. In this case, a third degree burn occurs, which, when healed, further provides the correction of wrinkles, the removal of deep age spots and the effect of "lifting" the face.

What is included in Jessner peeling?

Jessner Peel is a gentle combined chemical peel. Most cosmetologists use this type of peel as a superficial one, but in some cases it can be used as a middle peel. The difference is how many layers of the peeling composition are applied to the treated area.

The mild action is determined by the active ingredients, which are in equal proportions (14%) in the Jessner peeling - these are resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids. Sometimes the proportion of lactic acid in the peeling mixture is up to 20%, since this substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect. In addition, the level of production of the moisturizing factor rises, the process of neocollagenesis is triggered and the foci of pigmentation are lightened.

Salicylic acid produces rapid desquamation of epidermal cells (exfoliation process), enhances the action of lactic acid and gives a powerful bacteriostatic effect. Resorcinol, which is part of Jessner's chemical peel, has the property of tanning and disinfecting leather, which makes it possible to use this component in the treatment of various dermatological diseases.

Jessner's Peel - Superficial or Medium?

As already mentioned, this type of peel can be used as a superficial or middle peel. What are the differences between exfoliation methods and what are the features of the procedures? Could Jessner's peel be called deep?

To answer these questions, it is necessary to highlight what the Jessner peeling protocol is:

With superficial peeling only one layer of the composition is applied to the treated area, after which it is necessary to immediately carry out all the necessary post-peeling measures. This type of peeling allows in a short period of time to achieve the desired level of moisture in the skin, improve relief and elasticity, reduce pores, and also eliminate shallow cosmetic defects (scars, acne marks, freckles, pigmentation foci). Slight peeling continues for 2-3 days.

When performing a median peeling three layers of peeling mixture are applied to the face, with an interval of 5 minutes. After the next application and keeping the time (from 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes), the chemical composition is washed off. Jessner's median peeling allows you to eliminate mimic wrinkles, visible scars after inflammatory processes, age spots. Before applying each subsequent layer, the specialist performing the procedure should assess the condition of the skin and monitor its changes. The rehabilitation period is 4-5 days, and the peeling of dead tissue is more intense.

According to individual indications, cosmetologists can apply not 2-3 layers of the composition, but 4-5, and this method can rightfully be considered deep peeling ... Here you can already count on the effect of rejuvenation and the elimination of deep wrinkles. But this peeling causes a strong vascular reaction (redness) with the appearance of small white foci of superficial coagulation on the skin (the “frosting” effect). At the same time, the patient feels a tingling sensation and a burning sensation, and the area of ​​influence after the procedure becomes covered with crusts, which will heal and exfoliate within 10-15 days.


Method advantages

  • When several layers of the chemical composition are applied, the peeling remains safe and does not cause severe complications, since the active ingredients do not penetrate deeply into the skin.
  • Desquamation of the epithelium occurs quickly and painlessly for the patient.
  • The effect of Jessner peeling has a uniform exfoliation of the epithelium over the entire surface of the skin.
  • On the day of the procedure, you can immediately feel the face-lifting effect (lifting effect).
  • The procedure is indicated at any age and can be used on any part of the body.
  • When carrying out superficial peeling, you can not interrupt your work activity and "go out into the world".

It should be noted that the skin before peeling does not need any special preparation, except for cleansing it of fat.

In what cases is the procedure contraindicated?

In addition to indications, there are certain contraindications to Jessner peeling, which include:

  • Skin inflammation or infection in its active stage.
  • The presence of a focus of chronic infection in the body.
  • The period after operations on other organs.
  • Damage to the organs of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, and others).
  • The presence of allergies or individual intolerance to the components of the chemical composition of Jessner peeling.
  • Pregnancy period (breastfeeding).
  • Taking systemic retinoids for the treatment of severe acne (Roaccutane, Acnecutan).
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • Viral diseases (herpes).

Post-peel care

To achieve a good effect, gentle care after Jessner peeling is of particular importance, especially if a medium or deep peel has been carried out.

The main goal of post-peeling care is to restore the barrier function of the epidermis and damaged layers. Care products should contain antioxidants, and they can only be used after a few days. In special cases, the beautician prescribes certain drugs. The crusts that appear cannot be peeled off, and the peeling process must be accelerated. Do not use makeup for 5-6 days, and do not make sudden movements when washing. For washing, you need to use ordinary warm water, adding moisturizing gels or foam.

When going out into the street, a mandatory measure of protection is the application of sunscreen. The peeling procedure can be repeated after 5-6 weeks, the need for which is determined only by a cosmetologist.

Also in the section: as an alternative to chemical

To improve the complexion of the skin of the face and its general condition, a lot of various cosmetic procedures have been created today. One of them is Jessner's peel.

This type of dermis cleansing has become extremely popular in recent years. There are quite a few reasons for this: the need to carry out the procedure only twice a year, high efficiency, and a short rehabilitation period.

Let's take a look at what this method of skin cleansing is.

What is Jessner Peeling?

There are many types of peeling for active substances applied to the skin. Jessner's chemical peel differs from them in that it contains several ingredients that exfoliate the upper layers of the dermis.

In addition, the depth of the impact is completely under the control of the performer, this is achieved by layer-by-layer application of the drug.

The Jessner peel usually contains the following ingredients:

  • lactic acid, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect;
  • salicylic acid (Jessner's salicylic peel), antibacterial effect;
  • resorcinol, disinfecting effect and enhancing the effect of both acids;
  • alcohol, solvent.

In other types of skin cleansing, these substances are used separately. When carrying out this particular procedure, it is possible to obtain a complex effect on the skin, which helps to solve a variety of problems. Jessner's peeling also has its own classification.

Peeling types

Depending on the desired depth of skin cleansing and the corresponding indications, Jessner's peeling is divided into several main types:

  1. Surface... The drug is applied in one layer. This procedure allows you to quickly achieve the desired level of skin hydration, smooth relief, eliminate acne, tighten pores and eliminate superficial scars. Peeling after cleaning is observed no more than a couple of days.
  2. Median... Peeling Jessner when applying the drug is performed in three steps with an interval of 5 minutes, each of which is washed off. Such cleansing removes deeper wrinkles, removes age spots and old scars. Rehabilitation of the skin is carried out up to five days.
  3. Deep... It is carried out in extremely rare cases. Rejuvenates the skin and requires long-term recovery, up to half a month. After the procedure, unpleasant sensations are possible: burning and tingling.

The last type of skin cleansing is carried out according to special indications for Jessner peeling. This happens with very pronounced age-related changes in the dermis or with extremely advanced cases of pigmentation. Also, deep cleansing is possible only if the drug is well tolerated.

Procedure protocol

When choosing Jessner peeling, be sure to choose a specialist who is trusted by patients. A cosmetologist should know his business and have a lot of positive reviews.

Check the composition on the elbow!

Be sure to apply a cleansing compound to the skin of the elbow before performing Jessner peeling at home. This will help determine the occurrence of allergic reactions.

The skin cleansing procedure takes place in several stages:

  • preparatory stage, the use of creams with glycolic acid, the exclusion of decorative cosmetics;
  • processing the skin with special preparations and washing them off after half a minute;
  • degreasing the skin;
  • Jessner peeling from the forehead to the chin;
  • moisturizing the dermis;
  • skin reaction and removal of edema.

This procedure leads to reddening of the skin and swelling. In the following time, active exfoliation begins. During the procedure, unpleasant sensations arise, in some cases patients are given a fan or a ventilator to relieve pain.

It is advisable to cleanse the skin with the help of Jessner peeling before the weekend, so that the external manifestations of the reaction have time to stop before going to work.

The procedure is performed in several stages, usually from 3 to 5 times. The price of Jessner peeling (full complex) varies from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles... It is worth repeating courses of cosmetic procedures of this kind no more than once every 6 months.

One of the most effective surface peels in the field of cosmetology today is Jessner peel. It should be noted that when using a certain technique of applying the composition (in several layers), the results of the procedure can be compared with the effect of a middle peeling. The main advantage of such a rejuvenating cosmetic procedure is the gentle and effective cleansing of the skin with a minimum recovery period.

The main components of Jessner's peel are lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol. These components are not a source of allergic reactions and do not carry with them the development of side effects. The action of lactic acid is aimed at softening and moisturizing the skin, stimulating collagen synthesis and the formation of new cells. Salicylic acid is designed to cleanse the skin and pores from the secretions of the sebaceous glands, as well as eliminate skin inflammation. Resorcinol has disinfecting properties, perfectly fights bacteria and gets rid of the stratum corneum.

Thanks to this procedure, gentle skin care is carried out, acne is somewhat dried, general signs of skin aging are reduced, shallow wrinkles are smoothed, the skin is tightened, which causes a slight rejuvenation and lifting effect. In addition, this procedure helps to smooth scars, narrow pores, reduce the appearance of pigmentation, and also activates the process of cell regeneration and enhances microcirculation.

Preparatory stage and procedure.
It is imperative to test the skin for allergies before the procedure, for which a small amount of the peeling composition should be applied to the skin of the neck behind the ear and wait for 24 hours. The cosmetologist, evaluating the condition and type of the patient's skin, makes an individual proportional ratio of acids and resorcinol.

Before starting the Jessner peeling procedure, the beautician prepares the patient's skin by cleansing it with a gentle cleanser. It should be remembered that cleansing is aimed at removing fat, and not at scraping off the remnants of the keratin layer. Then the specialist applies a special degreasing solution to the cleansed skin and after two to three minutes evenly distributes the peeling solution onto the skin of the face.
A disposable applicator is used to prevent infection during the procedure. For oily skin and thick skin, a gauze pad is used to apply Jessner's solution. This improves the penetration of the solution. In rare cases, the solution may be applied by aggressive wiping with a gauze swab. For thin and sensitive skin, the solution is applied to the patient with a cotton applicator. Throughout the entire time of exposure to the solution, the patient feels a burning sensation. To reduce discomfort, you can use a fan or hand fan. At the end of the procedure, the beautician gently removes the remaining solution and applies a special moisturizer after peeling.

After the procedure.
The occurrence of skin reactions to the procedure depends on the depth of the effect of the drug. Initially, there is a slight redness, as well as the effect of "frostbite" when the skin has a whitish coating. The cosmetologist removes this plaque with a cotton pad, since it is a sediment from one of the chemicals that make up the solution. This level of exfoliation (Level 1) does not cause flaking, but sometimes a subtle scaly exfoliation may occur over a period of two to three days. At this time, it is recommended to apply a fat cream or Panthenol at home, and in addition to everything, irrigate the skin with thermal water every two hours.

In the process of applying additional layers (level 2), the penetration of the solution is carried out to a sufficiently strong depth, which is expressed in a strong reddening of the skin.
In this case, small areas of white "frost" color appear, representing superficial coagulation ("frosting"). It is no longer possible to remove such white areas with an ordinary cotton swab. At the same time, patients experience moderate burning and tingling, and often tightening of the skin, which lasts for about thirty minutes, in exceptional cases this time interval increases to several hours. The next day, the skin is reddish brown, covered with a crust or film that peels off within five to seven days. It should be warned that it is impossible to forcibly remove the appeared crusts or films on the patient's skin. Depending on the individual perception of the skin, there may be cases of edema. All these manifestations are absolutely expected.

After Jessner's peeling, you should abandon any makeup for at least a week; you can only wash your face with clean boiled and warm water, with gentle, without pressure, stroking movements. Also, the cosmetologist after the procedure, depending on the type of skin, recommends post-peeling care for three weeks, as well as the use of sunscreens containing zinc oxide.

A week after the procedure, you should visit a beautician who will cleanse the skin and apply special masks for skin care.

Indications for the procedure:

  • actinic hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis);
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • the presence of pronounced signs of skin aging;
  • oily skin;
  • seborrhea (soreness of the skin against the background of increased sebum secretion);
  • acne, blackheads;
  • the presence of a fine mesh of wrinkles;
  • violation of the microrelief of the skin;
  • sunny and senile lentigo;
  • freckles.

Jessner's peel can be used as an exfoliating procedure, but not as often as, for example, glycolic acid. In the period from twenty to thirty years, it can be carried out no more than once every two to three months. During this period, glycolic acid can be used for exfoliation. At the age of thirty to forty years, it is recommended to carry out it once every one to two months, and one layer should be applied for one minute. For women over forty, peeling must be applied constantly, at least once a month and until the areas where the wrinkles are located cease to peel off after each procedure. In this case, it is necessary to give the skin a break for three months. But exfoliation with glycolic acid must be continued.

To remove pigmentation, scars, red spots, Jessner peeling should be carried out by experienced specialists in this field. Such procedures are carried out within one to three months, it all depends on the problem. For example, for pigmentation, peeling is combined with retinoids or glycolic acid, three formulations are used to remove scars and post-acne: Jessner peeling, glycolic acid and retinoids. However, such procedures require a longer recovery period.


  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the solution;
  • the presence of acute inflammatory rashes (herpes, pyoderma, etc.);
  • injury to the skin;
  • infectious skin diseases (trichophytosis, microsporia, etc.);
  • excessive sun exposure to the skin;
  • chronic dermatoses in the acute stage;
  • taking roaccutane (for acne treatment) for six months;
  • surgical operations and serious cosmetic procedures;
  • overly sensitive skin;
  • varicose veins and high blood pressure require a doctor's consultation before the peeling procedure.

Peeling programs.
The basic course includes five to six procedures with a break of two to three weeks, but taking into account the problem and individual characteristics of the skin, the number of procedures varies, since the intensity of the effect is different. The average cost of one procedure is 4500 rubles.

Benefits of Jessner Peeling:

  • minimal risk of complications;
  • the procedure does not interfere with the lifestyle;

Disadvantages of Jessner Peeling:

  • the likelihood of toxicity due to resorcinol and salicylic acid.

In conclusion, we can say that Jessner peeling is an excellent substitute for plastic surgery when the first signs of skin aging appear, as well as in the presence of damage to the skin after the negative influence of the sun. After the procedure, the skin becomes fresh, acquiring a well-groomed appearance.

What it is

According to legend, it was named after a sailor by the name of Jessner, who first thought of mixing together the acids used in the procedure. This was done to protect deck comrades from the raging viral epidemic on the ship.

Chemical peeling is named because of its composition. Chemists mix salicylic and lactic acids in equal proportions (14% each) and add resorcinol. These ingredients tend to penetrate deeply into the skin.

The resulting drug is applied to the skin, causing small or profuse peeling - it depends on the percentage of acids in the composition. This reaction is explained by the increased renewal of the skin - its layers are deliberately destroyed in order to subsequently increase the production of collagen and elastin in them, reduce the secretion of sebum, reduce the visibility of pores and have a pronounced antibacterial effect. The keratinized layer of cells is eliminated, the skin becomes irritated and reddens, and then fresh, healthy and smooth skin appears at the site of peeling.

The result of Jessner peeling depends on the number of layers of the preparation used applied to the skin. So, 1-2 layers will give the effect of superficial peeling - the skin will turn red, small white "flakes" of dead cells are formed on it, the result will not affect deep scars and blemishes.

Application in 3 and 4 coats gives the most pronounced effect of the middle peeling. The skin actively peels off, and subsequently, the clients' blemishes or pigmentation spots disappear altogether, fine wrinkles and scars are smoothed out.

Deep peeling of the skin is extremely rare, more often for medical rather than cosmetic purposes. Applying more than 4 layers of acids at a time can cause burns and permanent injuries to the skin.

Any acid peelings, except for superficial ones, can only be carried out by a dermatocosmetologist who has received a medical education and completed the appropriate courses.

How is the procedure

Before exfoliation, some specialists perform a superficial peel with a low acid content (for example, almond). This will help predict how your skin will react to stronger treatments. Already after, after at least 10 days, Jessner's peeling is started.

First, the skin is cleaned of make-up and dirt. After that, a layer of an acid preparation is applied to the face, wait up to 5 minutes, and then the layer is washed off, which causes the most unpleasant sensations. If a more pronounced effect is required, then the product is applied again up to 4 times. Many patients report a pungent alcoholic smell from acids, which is normal.

After a while, the chemical mixture is washed off with water and a healing ointment is applied. Somewhere it is Panthenol and analogs, somewhere it is an ordinary baby cream. Sometimes the specialist sends the patient home with a facial peel. In this case, after about 6 hours, it is necessary to independently wash off the acids with water without cleaning cosmetics.

You can check out the video, where the main aspects of Jessner peeling in the salon are laid out on the shelves.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for Jessner peeling:

  1. Hyperpigmentation (sun spots, freckles, and acne);
  2. Skin laxity and wrinkles;
  3. Excessive fat content of the sebaceous glands;
  4. Skin prone to rashes;
  5. Roughness, porosity of the skin.

Jessner's peeling is not recommended for people with healthy skin. If you have minor blemishes in the form of a few blemishes and wrinkles, then try mild acid treatments (such as almond peels) to improve the overall appearance of your face.


  1. Acne, demodectic mange in the active stage;
  2. Herpes and other active infections;
  3. Postoperative period;
  4. Diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  5. Intolerance to the peeling components;
  6. Pregnancy and lactation;
  7. Treatment with systemic retinoids at the time of the procedure;
  8. The presence of fresh wounds on the skin.

Photos before and after the procedure

How many procedures do you need and how often can you do them?

For a visible, but small result from Jessner peeling, one procedure is enough. However, after completing a course of 5-8 peels, the deepest forms of pigmentation and wrinkles are eliminated. The procedure can be repeated only after complete restoration of the skin!

The frequency of Jessner's peels depends on the client's age (the younger he is, the faster the tissues are restored, which means it is possible to exfoliate the skin more often). The average interval between peels is from 10 days to 2 weeks.

Home procedure

However, if you wish, you can purchase a bottle of the correct acids from a professional store. When choosing a chemical composition, be guided by a small percentage of acids - so you can practically understand how much your skin needs.

Ideally, in order to better understand the essence of the procedure and the reaction of your skin to it, you should visit at least 1 peeling in the salon. You will be able to observe the actions of a professional in order to avoid mistakes at home.

In addition to the acid bottle itself, get a healing cream for post-peel care and in case of severe burns. These can be both classic professional ointments (Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, etc.), and creams from luxury brands (BIODERMA Cicabio Creme, LA ROCHE-POSAY Cicaplast, etc.). Explore the articles and videos on Jessner's peel before starting the procedure at home.

Below is a video detailing examples of care products that will help with recovery.

Consequences of an illiterate procedure

The troubles that are most often encountered after Jessner peeling are redness, peeling, tightness, dryness and slight swelling. This is normal for such a strong acid peel - the effects disappear within a week.

However, if the beautician or the person who performed the procedure at home makes a mistake, the following complications may occur:

  1. New eruptions. Unaccustomed exposure to acids can cause skin inflammation. When a client has open and closed comedones and various forms of acne, he is prescribed non-aggressive treatment;
  2. Burns. After the procedure, the client will, in one way or another, have a mild or moderate form of burn. Anything more comes from a large number of layers of the applied product on the skin (more often in the case of deep peeling). Aggressive washing is prohibited to the patient and healing ointments are prescribed;
  3. Exacerbation of the infection. This happens if the patient did not notify the dermatocosmetologist in time about his diseases in an active form (herpes, demodicosis, etc.). Before starting the procedure, you need to recover, and if the disease is chronic, then wait for the infection to subside and take medications that contribute to this.

Care after the procedure

Treatment after any acid peel is aimed at healing the skin and protecting it from the sun.

Immediately after removing the last layer of Jessner's peeling, a healing ointment or baby cream is applied to the client's face. It is recommended to get home by car or taxi to minimize the interaction of the skin with the sun and the environment.

It is forbidden to wash and touch your face in every possible way within 12 hours after peeling. Washing the next day is allowed. Taking a shower and lightly massaging your face can speed up the process of exfoliating dead particles. It is not forbidden to use facial cleansers for dry skin. It is imperative to use healing care products throughout the day.

Do not peel off pieces of dead skin by hand. You will only slow down its healing, and in the worst case, leave wounds and spots on the face.

Make-up can be used approximately 11 days after peeling, but only if there is no obvious damage to the skin. Patients note that cosmetics adhere better to fresh skin after acids.

You also need to remember about sun protection. This applies not only to post-peeling care, but to the whole life in general. Apply with a thick patting motion. This should be done 20 minutes before sun exposure. The recommended amount of sunscreen for one face only is about 1.25 ml. Get yourself a measuring spoon to help you find the right amount of product. Its spf must be at least 30.

Refresh your sunscreen every 2 hours you are outdoors. You do not need to wash your face beforehand. Remember, not wearing sun protection will cause the new wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and freckles you fought with Jessner Peels.

Prices in the Russian Federation

Jessner's peeling is popular throughout Russia. Due to the location of the country in the north, it is easier for people to endure skin restoration, because the absence of high UV radiation does not worsen the condition of the resulting burns.

The price tag for the procedure is also considered attractive. At the end of 2017, the price for peeling in Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 3.000 to 6.000 thousand rubles. The average price for most salons is 4.500 rubles. It does not include a preliminary consultation with a beautician.

It is noteworthy that for the same amount or even less, you can purchase a ready-made bottle of Jessner's acids. You can take a chance and try to carry out the procedure yourself, but be aware of the consequences. Overexposing the composition for an extra few minutes, you can get severe burns and forever remain with deep scars on your face.

Reviews for this peeling in the salon are often positive. The girls note a quick result and a low price for one procedure, as well as a tolerable recovery period. Most often it is carried out in the autumn-winter period in order to minimize the exposure of the skin to the sun.

Thus, Jessner's peeling, like other acidic procedures, has a number of pros and cons. After assessing the severity of the procedure and care after it, as well as being informed about possible complications, you can try the peeling on yourself. Seriously, you will see a clear result in regards to the beauty of your skin after just a few procedures!

Chemical peeling - what is it?

In modern cosmetology, such a procedure as chemical peeling has become widespread. In fact, it is the effect of various acids on the skin. During the procedure, they penetrate into the skin layers, in fact causing a controlled burn, the result of which is, first of all, the destruction of cells. Then redness of the treated area occurs - this is how the inflammation reaction takes place. After that, depending on the intensity of exposure, active peeling is observed, which can last from several hours to several days or weeks. As a result, there is a significant renewal of the layers of the skin, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, the metabolism of cells and their regeneration are enhanced. It is to this type of procedure that the development of dermatologist Max Jessner belongs.

Depending on the depth of the intervention, peeling is subdivided into superficial, medium and deep.

Superficial peeling

The simplest of these is superficial peeling. It affects the uppermost stratum corneum of the skin. Depending on the intensity of the means used, there is a partial destruction of keratinized cells, in other words, a first-degree burn. After him, there is practically no rehabilitation period., and the face looks perfectly rested, fresh, gets rid of fine wrinkles and small irregularities.

Medium peeling

In this case, the process of tissue necrosis reaches the dermal layer of the skin. The procedure is more painful and requires a longer, about seven days, recovery, during which the skin will need some care. After it, a second-degree burn occurs, but after scarring, the skin turgor increases significantly, stretch marks and other small defects disappear.

Deep peeling

The procedure requires a serious approach and is carried out only in specialized clinics. In this case, the effect of acids penetrates down to the reticular layer of the skin. A third degree burn occurs, after which the rehabilitation period reaches four weeks. After its completion, there is a significant "lifting" of the face, a decrease in pigmentation. This method allows you to fight deep wrinkles.

This method is one of the most effective peelings, which is combined. Thanks to its composition, it provides a mild effect on the skin. It can be used both as a surface and as a middle one - it depends on the number of layers. This peeling is distinguished by a rather mild effect due to the fact that it contains salicylic and lactic acids, as well as resorcinol in equal parts, which are 14%.

Thanks to the action of salicylic acid, cleansing is more effective and after Jessner peeling a good bacteriostatic effect is achieved, which is supported by the anti-inflammatory effect of lactic acid. In addition, Jessner's peeling includes resorcinol, which is often used for various dermatological diseases and has excellent tanning and disinfecting properties.

Indications for the procedure

Jessner peeling is considered to be quite an effective measure for improving the condition of the skin of the face. Sometimes it can serve as a rather effective alternative to plastic surgery. Of course, this type of cosmetic procedure is not painless - during it there is a rather noticeable burning sensation on the skin, but the result will be able to compensate for this.

Peeling Jessner will help solve the following problems:

  • remove acne rashes (acne) in remission or their consequences (post-acne);
  • eliminate skin hyperpigmentation (including freckles) associated with pregnancy, gastrointestinal tract pathologies or aging;
  • removal of black and white dots (comedones) that appear when the hair follicles are clogged with sebum;
  • removal of wrinkles, scars, and other skin irregularities;
  • seborrhea - oily, combined, dry;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum (hyperkeratosis).


Due to the fact that Jessner's peeling includes resorcinol, which to a certain extent has toxic properties, the procedure may have some limitations. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the presence of large moles in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • diabetes;
  • pustular, fungal and inflammatory skin diseases;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • vascular couperosis.


Jessner's peeling is carried out in three stages, each of which requires specific skin care. In preparation for the procedure, it consists in the daily use of products that protect the skin from the sun. An allergy check is mandatory.

At the second stage, a peeling composition is applied to the face. It is worth noting that cream and soap cannot be used on this day. Before applying, the face is cleaned and degreased using specialized products. After that, the composition is applied to the skin. If the purpose of the procedure is superficial peeling, then usually applying 1-2 coats of the preparation, keeping 5 minutes between coats. After a few minutes, a white bloom appears, which makes it possible to assess the uniformity of the distribution of the drug, and indicates that the stage of the superficial procedure has been completed. In the event that the goal is a middle peeling, then the number of layers of the preparation is increased to 4, strictly observing the time between their application - it should not exceed 5 minutes. After the procedure is completed, a soothing mask is applied to the skin surface. The composition is completely washed off after 4 hours by the patient himself.

Post-peel care

After Jessner peeling, proper skin care is very important. First of all, you need to remember that the crusts that appear after the middle peeling cannot be removed on their own - you need to wait until they fall off by themselves. Otherwise, scars may form in their place. As a rule, the cosmetic products with the help of which care is carried out during this period are recommended by the beautician performing the procedure. The general recommendations for the rehabilitation period are:

  • Sun protection;
  • washing with slightly acidified water;
  • refusal from massage and cosmetics.

It should be noted that procedures such as Jessner's peeling, despite the apparent simplicity, can pose a certain danger, which is why it is advisable to carry it out in the salon, under the supervision of a knowledgeable specialist who is able to notice and prevent undesirable consequences in time. Trusting a professional, and not acting at your own peril and risk, you can protect yourself and enjoy renewed skin.

Jessner peel is a procedure positioned as a gentle, non-operative way to rejuvenate the skin of the face, eliminate various defects in the epidermis. Jessner's chemical peel, according to experts, is able to solve problems that could previously only be eliminated by cardinal surgery.

  • indications for use;
  • what is Jessner peel;
  • types of chemical peels Jessner;
  • how the session is going;
  • skin care after the procedure;
  • Jessner's chemical peeling in the summer - is it possible or not.

Indications for use

To decide to sign up for a procedure, you must have a clear idea of ​​who it is intended for. Jessner peel designed to solve the following problems:

  1. Aging of the skin. The composition used for peeling removes the lack of moisture, which leads to hydration of the skin, and the dermis is rejuvenated. Small and even deep wrinkles go away.
  2. Enlarged pores and acne. The procedure removes excess oiliness and dryness of the skin. Normalizing the balance helps to narrow the pores and eliminate the inflamed areas of acne.
  3. Scars, scars, stretch marks. As a result of peeling, dead cells are removed. Disruption of the connection between the stratum corneum and corneocytes leads to the appearance of new cells, and visible defects disappear.
  4. Hyperpigmentation. After the procedure, the skin is whitened and smoothed. She not only gains smoothness and softness, looks well-groomed, but also healthy. The natural natural tone is restored.

Jessner's chemical peel allows you to get rid of not only the problems listed above. It is effective for ingrown hairs, hyperkeratosis, freckles.

What is Jessner peel?

Having the appropriate indications for this procedure, every woman wants to know how safe she is, what it is. The essence of the anti-aging technique is to apply a special composition containing:

  • Lactic acid... Responsible for the distribution of moisture in the epidermis, restores and maintains the ideal level of water balance, stimulates collagen production. Unlike fruit acids, it can be used even on very sensitive skin.
  • Resorcinol... Being an effective antiseptic, it relieves inflammation, eliminates itching, and promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues. The substance has keratolytic and antioxidant effects.
  • Salicylic acid. Softens the stratum corneum, has a tanning, antibacterial, cauterizing effect. It increases the effectiveness of other substances that make up the peeling.

An ideally balanced ratio of components allows you to achieve an even distribution and a delicate effect, which guarantees the safety of the procedure.

Important! The procedure should not be carried out in case of diabetes mellitus, fever, herpes, rosacea, during pregnancy and lactation.

Depending on the degree of chemical exposure and the volume of the composition applied to the skin of the face, there are two options for Jessner peel:

  1. Surface. The chemical mixture is applied in one layer, penetrates to the granular layer, which allows the skin to return elasticity, smooth relief, fill the lack of moisture, get rid of pigmentation and scars. The course of surface peeling includes from 5 to 7 procedures, carried out once a week. The rehabilitation period takes no more than 4-6 days.
  2. Median. It involves the application of two or three coats of the mixture at a five-minute interval, which allows the composition to penetrate into the mesh layer. Along with the effects obtained with the superficial version, the middle one allows you to rejuvenate and tighten the skin as it becomes denser, rather than loose or weakened. Exfoliation takes 5 to 8 days, and rehabilitation takes at least 5 weeks.

The choice of chemical peeling option depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the result, the state of the dermis. Be sure to consult with a beautician and tell about your expectations from the procedure.

How is the session going?

Experts warn about the dangers of carrying out the procedure at home and with a non-professional cosmetologist. You should always contact salons with a good reputation. Another important point is that a week before the session, it is necessary to abandon the tanning bed and not be in the sun without UV protection.

The procedure itself is carried out in several stages:

  • the skin is treated with a disinfecting solution that removes excess fat;
  • peeling is applied to the face either with a cotton applicator or with napkins;
  • after a given amount of time, the remnants of the composition are removed;
  • the dermis is treated with a cooling and moisturizing agent.

The burning sensation that occurs during peeling is absolutely normal. If the discomfort is severe, the beautician turns on a ventilator to soften the effect.

Skin care after the procedure

You cannot expect a positive effect if you violate the prescriptions of a cosmetologist. Jessner's chemical peeling requires not only professional execution, but also compliance with all the rules for further facial care:

  • After the session, it is allowed to sprinkle the skin with thermal water. You can wash your face only after 12 hours, but not earlier.
  • The first three to four days minimize contact with the skin of the face, and the resulting crusts and films do not peel off in any way.
  • For a week after visiting a beautician, you cannot use decorative cosmetics, take hot and steam baths.
  • You need to wash yourself with boiled warm water. All movements should be smooth and soft.
  • Avoid direct skin contact with ultraviolet radiation. If there is an opportunity not to go out in the sun for several days, it is better to take this chance.

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin and the depth of exposure, redness, white bloom, crusts, and peeling may appear on the skin. In the latter case, moisturizing is necessary, but only with the means recommended by a specialist.

Important! Professional cosmetologists strongly advise against using homemade cosmetics. You should not apply any masks or tonic even from natural products to your face.

They return to the usual ritual for facial skin care no earlier than 7-10 days after the procedure. To consolidate the achieved effect, it is recommended that you first go for a consultation with a beautician. He will tell you exactly whether you can start using creams.

High temperatures and an abundance of ultraviolet radiation are not the best friends of any cosmetic procedures that affect the upper, middle, and deep layers of the skin. But, as professionals note, summer is not among the contraindications for peeling. And if there is such a need, it is only important to be prepared for the fact that after the session you will have to carefully protect your skin from the sun.

It is best to schedule your summer treatment before the weekend to minimize the need for sunscreen in the early days. The rest of the time, going outside, you will definitely have to apply a product with a protection factor of SPF30 + or 50+. Otherwise, hyperpigmentation will begin. The rest of the cosmetic products are discussed in advance with a specialist.


Originated as aftershave for US sailors

Submariner Max Jessner wanted to protect the crew members from pathogenic bacteria, and in the end he accidentally turned them into handsome beauties.

The second name of the procedure is "Hollywood"

Invented because of the allegedly unprecedented popularity among movie stars. In fact, it is not so easy to find specific celebrities who openly declare the use of Jessner's Peel.

This is how Rupert Murdoch rejuvenates

The most famous living media mogul was recently spotted suddenly slightly rejuvenated, but without a trace of plastic surgery. It was rumored that this was due to Hollywood exfoliation.

Makeover fits in 1 weekend

To understand what a Jessner Peel (Jessner Peel) is, it is enough to imagine a kind of compromise between radical exfoliation like TCA and super-mild enzymatic exfoliation. After PD, they quickly return to normal, but the result is still impressive.

Peeling after peeling Jessner lasts a maximum of a week, whereas, for example, rehabilitation after trichloroacetic (TCA) exfoliation sometimes reaches 3 months.

For girls (or boys) without serious dermatological problems, it is enough to do an American peeling on Friday to appear in public on Monday.

Peeling strength can be selected

The protocol of the procedure depends on the specific indications. Depending on the number of layers, it happens:

  • Jessner's superficial peeling,
  • Jessner's median peel
  • and deep: an alternative to surgical tightening.

When the procedure is more superficial, the skin after Jessner's peeling is exfoliated in small plates, like young potatoes. If you apply more layers of the composition, the skin will peel off in flaps.

Peeling after Jessner peeling begins on average on the 4th-5th day; if there is no peeling at all, this is also normal.

Defects defects like Photoshop

Filters in the photo will become unnecessary if you solve cosmetological problems with the help of beauty procedures.

The indications for Jessner peeling are varied:

  1. Oily, problem skin;
  2. Enlarged pores;
  3. Acne (but only in remission!);
  4. Post-acne (reddish-purple dots);
  5. Dark spots.

Suitable for all ages: from 18 to 50+ years old.

Before and after photos

With contraindications - sent home

You cannot count on Hollywood rejuvenation if you have:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Fresh acne (pustules);
  • Viral diseases;
  • Too thin dry skin;
  • Rosacea;
  • Demodectic mange;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Wounds;
  • Diabetes;
  • Fresh tan;
  • Aggravation of skin pathologies.

Coming on all fronts

It has a comprehensive effect due to its unique composition:

  • Salicylic acid (up to 20%);
  • Lactic acid (up to 14%);
  • Resorcinol element (up to 14%).

The mechanism is as follows: after the stress of Jessner peeling, the skin activates the protective function and begins to work to its fullest.

The difference between these two types of acids the fact that aha dissolves in water, and bha - in fats, so the latter manages to penetrate deeper into the tissues, through the sebum layer.

Salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, while aha is better for pigmented skin with photoaging.

Resorcinol- anti-inflammatory agent, topical for acne sufferers and their consequences.

Sometimes other components are included in the Jessner peeling: such as alcohol, glycolic or citric acid.

Mask - colorless, but the face may turn white

Sometimes it seems that the face after peeling Jessner seemed to be covered with frost and turned white. This is a manifestation frost effect.

Burning sensation and white crystals on the face signal the active work of the components. In fact, this is nothing more than a chemical burn, only controlled. It usually goes away in a couple of hours.

The color of the mask, contrary to popular belief, is not yellow at all, but transparent.

Once and done: all the advantages of PD

  • Only 2 procedures per year are enough;
  • Noticeable effect;
  • Painlessness;
  • No preparation needed;
  • Complex effect due to the multicomponent composition;
  • The versatility and complexity of the method;
  • Financial availability;
  • A relatively short recovery period - up to a week.

There are also disadvantages

  1. Unpleasant smell;
  2. In the early days, due to active peeling, social contacts are limited;
  3. Also possible complications after peeling Jessner:
  • redness (disappears after 3 days);
  • swelling (from the 2nd to the 7th day);
  • dark spots (up to 7 days);
  • general stress on the skin;
  • allergy (rare).

The acid works until you wash it off

With chemistry, this is no joke to you: the penetration of acid deep into the skin layers continues until it is washed off with water, which can lead to a variety of consequences.

Sometimes the peeling is not washed off in the salon, but simply a soothing mask is applied. Then the patient undertakes to neutralize the acids on his own, after 4-12 hours, according to the instructions for use and depending on the individual indications.

The skin should never be ripped off.

Preparation for peeling is not necessary, but care AFTER Jessner peeling is important:

  1. During this period, it is imperative to use a cream with a high UV factor, even if it seems that pigmentation is not about you at all. (There is always something surprising in this unpredictable world.)
  2. Important! In no case should you peel off the crust. after the procedure or scrub the skin, dry it with aggressive care products!
  3. It is better to apply the cream gently with fingertips to avoid pain.
  4. For rehabilitation and antiseptic effects, it is recommended to use Bepanten or Solcoseryl ointment (sold in a pharmacy).
  5. Within 1-3 months. you cannot use the sauna, swimming pool, solarium and gym due to the threat of sweating and difficulty in healing the skin.


Which is better: Jessner's peel or yellow?

Many are interested in which exfoliant is better, Jessner's or retinoic. For clarity, we have prepared a comparative table on the main differences between both procedures, and you can read a detailed comparative analysis here.

What is the difference between Jessner's home peeling and salon peeling? + STEP BY STEP

Home exfoliation usually aimed at superficial removal of horny cells. It is enough to apply just one layer of the preparation for a very short period of time: from 20 to 120 seconds.

In the salon or clinic the surface layers dissolve, which is quite painful. Sometimes this intervention requires local anesthesia. Sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions or thinning should not be treated this way. The integument can take a very long time to heal.


Jessner's home peeling is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation (optional): in advance, you can limit decorative cosmetics, if necessary, use creams with hyaluronic acid.
  2. Treat the skin special foam with acids, rinse off after 30 seconds.
  3. Degrease the skin alcohol solution.
  4. To apply directly composition: from bottom to top, from forehead to chin, at home maximum 2 minutes(how much to keep on the face in the salon, the doctor decides, for example: 5 minutes).
  5. Wash off with cold water.
  6. Moisturize sesame oil or petroleum jelly.
  7. Carry out prevention edema (for example, using an alginate mask).

The drug is applied with a cotton swab. In no case should a gauze swab be used - it severely injures the epidermis.

How often can Jessner peel be done?

The minimum course is 2-3 procedures with breaks:

  • 1 time / 3 weeks (for 2x-3x layers);
  • 1 time / 2 weeks (for 1 layer).

TOP-5 purchased Jessner peels


Modified Jessner peeling of the superficial-median type.

Consists of three main ingredients: lactic, salicylic and citric acid. The basis is alcohol.

Helps with "pregnancy mask", scars, stretch marks and pigmentation. Due to the softness of the composition, it can be used for rosacea and rosacea.

The procedures are carried out every 2 weeks or once a month.

To maintain the result, it is enough to carry out 1 session every 3 months.

A glass bottle (30 ml) costs about 3,150 rubles.

Classic Jessner Peel by KATLIN

The composition of this peeling is classic, i.e. containing resorcinol. No neutralization needed.

It exfoliates well, removes blackheads, brightens the skin and gets rid of age spots.

It can be both superficial and superficial-median (depends on the number of layers).

The drug is applied to a previously degreased face. After that, you need to wait until the exfoliant is completely dry (but no more than 3 minutes).

Due to the salicylic component, the effect of frost (white bloom) is possible.

A bottle of 25 ml will cost 2,900 rubles.

This exfoliant also belongs to the modified new generation: WITHOUT RESORCIN.

Pros: less toxic, suitable for people with liver and kidney problems, as well as with rosacea and rosacea.


  • Reduces the depth and number of wrinkles.
  • Treats photo- and bio-aging.
  • Removes unnecessary dead cells (hyperkeratosis), has a matting effect, normalizes the sebaceous glands.
  • Evens out the complexion.

A bottle of 50 ml will cost 3,900 rubles.

Jessner Peel pH by PEEL MEDICAL

The classic components in the composition of the drug are introduced in equal proportions: 14%.

Eliminates hyperkeratosis, has a sebum-regulating effect, helps to remove acne scars and changes in complexion.

It also helps in the treatment and prevention of inflammatory elements.

A bottle of 40 ml can be purchased for 2,800 rubles.

Jessol peel by DERMAGENETIC(analogue of Jessner)

This peeling is a modified analogue of Hollywood citric acid WITHOUT RESORCIN.

It can be of varying degrees of depth (both surface and middle), depending on the number of layers.

Not cheap, but according to reviews it is a powerful lifting tool. As a result of the course application, wrinkles are smoothed, age spots disappear, fat metabolism is normalized. The epidermis becomes denser, deeply moisturized and elastic.

A minimum of 5-10 sessions are required every 1-2 weeks.

It costs 11,000 rubles. for 50 ml.

Jessner's chemical peel is a method of exfoliating the upper layers of the facial skin using chemical components (often one or several organic acids at once). What is its essence? What it is? How does such a thing go?


Chemical peels are used to treat a variety of skin problems such as acne, sun spots, expression lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture.

These include the use of chemicals such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, Jessner's solution, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and phenol.

The chemical is applied to the skin and then removed after a while.

The top layer of your skin exfoliates as a result, revealing a younger, new level.

TCA and Jessner Peel are two of the most popular types of chemical peels.

Such a procedure is indispensable for the skin, which subsequently loses its elasticity and firmness after age-related changes and quickly becomes covered with mimic wrinkles.

These processes occur due to the fact that collagen and elastin fibers begin to rapidly break down in the epidermis. Young cells are regenerated in the skin every day.

Over time, they begin to form a natural stratum corneum. Jessner's chemical peel helps to delicately but radically control the size of this layer to allow new cells to maintain the youthful appearance of the skin.

One can single out such a minus: frequent use or application on aging skin leads to thinning of the skin and a decrease in turgor.

This, in turn, can cause a network of fine wrinkles and "sagging" of the epithelium in delicate areas such as the lower eyelid.

For older patients, deep peels are not recommended, as the risk of encountering hyper-pigmentation increases later.

What are the 4 main types of chemical peels?

There are several types of peelings, the technique of which depends on the following factors: the type of skin, the problem that needs to be addressed, the required depth of action on the cells, etc.

The price for Jessner is very democratic, 1 session will cost from 1 thousand rubles.

There are the following types:

  1. Super-surface peeling. With it, the smallest concentrations of the active substance (agents or enzymes) are usually used. This procedure is quite possible to carry out, because this peeling is distinguished by a gentle and gentle removal of dead cells. There is an opinion that American actresses often use this type, therefore its second name is Hollywood.
  2. Surface. A slight chemical burn of the skin, in which it is damaged down to the granular layer. This procedure helps to significantly reduce enlarged pores, make the complexion more even, lighter and more pleasant, remove minor acne or prevent its appearance on the face. They are usually carried out with the help of various. This also includes amber and.
  3. . Second degree skin burn. After carrying out the skin, a long recovery period is required, which in some cases can last a week. The burn reaches the dermal layer. After rehabilitation, the skin will look rejuvenated and refreshed, mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out and will look less noticeable. In addition, age spots, freckles, and flat warts on the epidermis will disappear.
  4. Deep. This type is characterized by a very long recovery period, which in some cases can take up to 1 month. After carrying out, a deep and severe skin burn of the 3rd degree occurs. After recovery, deep expression lines will become less noticeable, the complexion and tone of the face will be evened out, and the facial frame will look toned and attractive.

The chemical composition of Jessner peeling (components)

Jessner's peeling is considered a delicate method of affecting the skin. Most often it is carried out as a surface type, although some cosmetologists use it to affect the skin at the median level. Because of this, the composition of the mixture to be applied can vary markedly.

The classic peeling recipe includes the following ingredients: resorcinol, acetylsalicylic acid and purified lactic acid.

Depending on the depth of exposure to the skin, the concentration of lactic acid in the composition can reach up to 20% (in the classic version, they are mixed at 14% each).

This substance relieves inflammation on the skin, and also stimulates the active production of the moisture it needs. The intensity of the impact depends on how many layers were simultaneously applied to the upper layer of the epidermis.

Acetylsalicylic acid is responsible for the exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis. This process is also called exfoliation. Together with lactic acid, they kill pathogenic bacteria and infections.

Resorcinol also disinfects the skin, it has tanning properties, which makes it often used to treat various dermatological diseases of varying severity.

How to choose the depth of the Jessner peeling?

When carrying out surface peeling, only 1 layer of the mixture with the active substance is applied to the treatment area. In order to avoid burns, post-peeling measures should be taken immediately after rinsing.

This type of peeling is considered the best solution if it is necessary to restore the normal balance of moisture in the epidermis, as well as visually improve its appearance - smooth out superficial wrinkles, lighten and even out the tone of the face.

The procedure is considered painless and does not cause severe discomfort to the patient.

For several days during the rehabilitation period, slight peeling will be noticeable on the skin.

Do not worry - this phenomenon indicates that the epidermis is actively renewing and rebuilding. The peeling will disappear in a few days.

For the middle type of peeling, 3 layers of the mixture with the active substance are immediately applied to the patient's face. The interval between applications is short, it does not exceed 5-6 minutes.

Jessner's Peeling Blend lasts 15 to 20 minutes in total on the face. After applying the last layer, the mixture is kept for another 1 minute, after which it is removed from the skin.

This technique helps to effectively combat visible age-related changes on the epidermis, such as: deep visible wrinkles, strong pigmentation, small scars and scars.

The recovery period takes up to 5 days, at which time active peeling of the skin will be observed.

In some cases, the beautician can individually prescribe up to 5 layers of Jessner peeling composition, after which it begins to be considered deep.

Such a mixture actively smoothes even visible and deep wrinkles on the face, effectively fights pigmentation spots, as well as evens and brightens the complexion, slightly tightens its "frame".

The disadvantages of this method can be considered a long rehabilitation period, which is accompanied by some complications - the appearance of redness and white spots, which are accompanied by pain and slight discomfort. After 2 weeks, the skin will completely recover, and you can forget about side effects.

Features of the composition

Doctors distinguish the following properties of the peeling components:

  1. Salicylic acid . It well disinfects infected skin, dries it out and removes excess sebum. This substance effectively breaks down molecular bonds between cells, and also provokes the active production of keratin.
  2. Lactic acid. Moisturizes and softens the epidermis, accelerates the production of collagen fibers in the body. Also, this substance is actively involved in the production, distribution and circulation of moisture in the body.
  3. Resorcinol. This component is included in the composition in order to manifest the effect of lactic and salicylic acids, to enhance the manifestation of their effect. In addition, it removes inflammation and redness well.

The mechanism of action of Jessner peeling on the skin:

  • lactic acid makes the keratinized layer of the epidermis pliable and soft;
  • moisture inside begins to bind and evaporate from the upper soft tissues;
  • salicylic acid exfoliates the old dead layer;
  • resorcinol enhances and exhibits the action of acids, disinfects the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Depending on the depth of the impact, Jessner's peeling can be useful not only for mature, but also for young skin, which has typical imperfections typical of adolescence and adolescence.


  • acne and post-acne;
  • skin;
  • enlarged pores on the face;
  • the presence of pronounced facial wrinkles;
  • for the elimination of cosmetic defects - shallow scars, scars;
  • if you have freckles.
  1. the presence of a herpes infection in the body;
  2. infectious, purulent diseases of the epidermis;
  3. a large number of pigmentary neoplasms on the skin (including moles);
  4. with diabetes mellitus;
  5. people who suffer from oncology;
  6. in case of disruption of the body's immune system;
  7. pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  8. persons who suffer from mental illnesses and disorders.

If you ignore these contraindications, the following complications may develop: streptoderma, exacerbation of herpes infection, allergies.

A good and lasting result can be achieved by combining Jessner peeling with TCA peeling as well. With complex use, the skin will look attractive, toned and fresh for a long time.

Question answer

Pigmentation is a direct indication for this manipulation. The fact is that Jessner's peeling remarkably whitens the skin. But it is worth noting that in cosmetology there are other, more effective methods for eliminating age spots. These include laser resurfacing, ATP therapy.

Jessner peeling protocol (step by step)

Peeling takes place in the following stages:

  1. Skin peeling.
  2. Leaving after carrying out.

Preparation begins 2 weeks before the date of the procedure. You can also do this at home.

In order for the skin to soften, and the composition worked better for it, the epidermis should be wiped with a special lotion that contains fruit acids. Before the procedure, the specialist must conduct a sensitivity test (to identify individual intolerance and allergic reactions).

For the test, the beautician applies a small amount of the drug to the skin for a few minutes. If after 10 minutes there is no rash, redness or swelling, then you can start applying it to your face.

Deep peeling can only be carried out by a doctor, an average one can also be carried out by a qualified cosmetologist. Surface can be done independently, using purchased mixtures with acids.

For self-shallow peeling of Jessner, a mixture with active ingredients can be bought in a specialized online store.

How is the session going?

After the sensitivity test, the specialist will degrease the upper layer of the epidermis and apply the composition with acids. During their action, itching and burning will be felt on the face - this means that the acids have begun to work.

After the composition has dried, a soothing and pain-relieving mask will be applied.

The duration of the action of the composition lasts from 3 to 5 hours, the remnants of the substance are washed off on their own, at home.

The time of the Jessner peeling depends on the intensity of the action of acids (surface, medium or deep type), on the number of layers with the solution applied.

Each of them is applied at intervals of approximately 5 minutes. The total duration of the procedure can be up to 1 hour.

After Jessner peeling, the epidermis turns red (in some cases, white areas may appear). The next day, the skin turns brown, covered with a dense film.

Recovery time after superficial peeling is approximately 1 week. For the middle - up to 2 weeks, and for the deep - 3 weeks.

During this period, it is very important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, take care of damaged skin and nourish it with moisturizers and healing agents.

The resulting film should never be torn off by yourself. It will completely disappear in a few days after the procedure without outside interference.

The final results will be visible in 10-14 days. The skin will look rested, refreshed, and small wrinkles, age spots, deep pores, scars and scars will disappear.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Jessner's peeling involves a procedure for which more than one acid is used. It acts softly, it can be of a superficial or median effect, which directly affects the effect and duration of recovery. This procedure perfectly relieves inflammation, fights bacteria.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

After peeling Jessner, the number of acne will decrease, the pores will shrink, the complexion will improve, but you should not expect that such a procedure will remove wrinkles. After it, the folds may become slightly smaller, but they will not disappear. This is a safe manipulation, after which complications rarely appear.

Jessner peeling is an effective method of quick and budgetary skin rejuvenation, without the use of radical measures. It can be carried out both in a clinic, a beauty salon, and at home. We recommend that you definitely see the before and after photos, thematic videos and reviews before the procedure.