Why a man hides his feelings for a woman and how to recognize falling in love. How to understand that a man is falling in love A man is ashamed of his feelings

Why do men hide their feelings? This question very often worries many ladies. Often, the representatives of the stronger sex are stingy in the manifestation of their emotions, and no matter what feelings women evoke in them, they behave with restraint. Psychologists say that men are usually soft and vulnerable, but why then do they pretend to be insensitive, who are unfamiliar with emotional experiences? The answer is quite simple: they want to please, because the representatives of the stronger sex were instilled from childhood with the idea that a real man should be unshakable and harsh.

Why do men hide their feelings for a woman?

The fair sex often do not understand the goals, actions, feelings of their chosen ones and are constantly in the dark about what they feel for them. Why is this happening?

Representatives of the strong half until they earn capital, make a career - they do not strive for a serious relationship. Having decided on a relationship, a man seeks to provide a decent life for his lady, and for this purpose he works even harder. Love or passion is not reflected in the productivity of male labor. The representative of the stronger sex does not stop leading his usual life - meetings with friends, hobbies, and at the same time introduces one more item into his routine - his beloved woman and her problems. The fair sex in a relationship, on the contrary, completely surrenders to a new feeling. Household chores, friends, work go by the wayside. Therefore, very often women are offended by their husbands because of the lack of attention paid to them.

Why does a man hide his feelings when in love?

A man in love is characterized by confusion and. If the previously self-confident representative of the stronger sex behaved boldly, demonstrating decisiveness, as well as pressure in all actions, then during meetings with his beloved he feels a certain awkwardness, is afraid to open up and show his weakness, demonstrating feelings. The inner circle notices these internal changes in a man.

Representatives of the stronger sex explain the reasons why a man, when in love, hides his feelings for a woman. Below are some examples:

- most women like "bad" guys who do not adhere to the norms, rules and principles. Ladies like to be close to just such a chosen one, because you never know what to expect, and at any moment the anticipation of an adrenaline rush does not leave. Therefore, unfortunate men have to put on masks of scoundrels and;

- a man hides his feelings because he believes that he should behave that way. Women are allowed to be emotional and sensual, and society does not welcome such men. In fact, both sexes are equally emotional;

- men often lie about the number of their ex-girlfriends in order to appear more desirable in the eyes of the opposite sex. The idea that in the last two or three years a man has been able to charm one woman forces one to invent intricate love stories of one's past;

- a man hides his feelings in order not to show how much he likes a lady and how much he is already in love with her;

- for the representatives of the stronger sex, the definition of "in love" is equivalent to the definition of "weak". It is difficult to find a representative of the stronger sex who calls himself weak, it is because of this fear that men hide their feelings;

- it is noticed that often women, realizing that the chosen one is already in their "networks", lose interest in him. This behavior alarms the stronger sex and makes them more restrained in showing feelings;

- men do not want to show that they depend on a certain woman and do not like to be conquered;

- unwillingness to be controlled makes men hide their feelings;

- the fear of being completely defenseless also makes the stronger sex hide their feelings. Opening up to another person takes time and trust. Men, as well as women, have weak points, and are very afraid of being hit on them;

- representatives of the stronger sex are more dependent on women in intimate terms. Women often do not even realize that they can easily manipulate the stronger sex and men are in no hurry to tell them about it;

- each representative of the stronger sex is proud that he is a man and loves to demonstrate his inner strength, to impress the young lady of interest.

So, it becomes clear that there is nothing unusual and strange in the behavior of men. They, as best they can, win and keep the interest of the young lady they like.

Why men hide their feelings - the opinion of psychologists

According to most of the fair sex, it is a rather primitive thing. But thinking so, the ladies are mistaken. Representatives of the stronger sex are specific, not ordinary. They do not like to create problems from scratch, while complicating everything. And in general, the strong half, in comparison with women, behaves in a completely different way. Therefore, only an understanding of all the subtleties of the structure of male psychology will enable the weaker sex to build the most effective models of relationships with their chosen ones.

Male psychology is so arranged that only outwardly they are overly persistent, self-confident and unshakable. Often this is a mask. Most women are at a loss as to why they do not develop relationships with the male sex. They do not understand that when communicating with men they take the mask for reality, and therefore they make a large number of mistakes that the male sex does not forgive.

It has long been customary to attribute men to the stronger sex. They received such an attitude solely because of the physical advantage over the ladies, but mentally they are not as strong as the fair half. Often, the female sex does not understand that their chosen ones, who accompany them through life, can also be vulnerable and vulnerable, in need of care and tenderness.

Often each of the individuals sins by interpreting the other person through the prism of himself. In other words, each subject ascribes to another individual, which are inherent in himself, or a model of behavior, which, under certain conditions, is noted in him. And when a partner in a relationship behaves differently, a person thinks that they are not valued. But in fact, the partner only expresses disagreement or consent in a different way.

Often in life, people cannot look at situations from an alternative position or look, as if from the outside. In difficult situations, wives do not want to put themselves in the place of their husbands, and only assume what they should do. At the same time, women forget about many concomitant factors and personal. Therefore, the average husband, not having the ability to read women's thoughts, acts in a completely different way. Because of this, women's resentments arise against their husbands, who do not want to understand them. Of course, this approach has a negative impact on gender relations.

Why do men hide their feelings and how to find out what feelings the chosen one is experiencing?

It is very important for a woman not to rush her chosen one. Endless questions "do you love me?" or “how do you feel about me?” cause discomfort, embarrassment and lead out of peace of mind. manifests itself in a hundred other nuances, and words do not reflect reality. If a man has not yet figured out himself and his feelings, is not completely sure of his chosen one, then constant questions will destroy relationships that have just begun to emerge.

Women are always little attention, they freely express, resentment, joy. Why are men different? Psychologists note that men and women often do not completely understand each other's feelings and thoughts, because most of the stronger sex emotionally distance themselves from relationships, while many young ladies passionately strive for them. is such that 80% of women are "persecutors", and 80% of men are "distancers". The fairer sex wants to be closer because in a previous relationship or in childhood they experienced a feeling of abandonment.

Why do men hide their feelings and emotions?

Men try to keep a safe distance and hide their feelings from women because they are afraid of being drawn into a relationship. Most of the representatives of the stronger sex of distancers at the beginning of the relationship act as pursuers, trying to seduce the lady. The refusal of the lady only exacerbates the propensity to persecute. But given that the woman takes this step because of the destruction of the relationship, and not consciously, this only pushes the man even further.

The scenario of future relationships stretches from childhood. Most boys are afraid of getting lost, of losing their masculinity and independence. But it is often difficult for mothers to let their sons grow up on their own. As a result, boys, due to the fact that they are moving away from their mothers, experience.

A young man with this complex, developed in childhood, will avoid relationships with a girl if she turns out to be demanding, will develop in him a sense of guilt because he ignores her, or if he himself is afraid that he will not be able to meet her requirements.

In the case of girls, if the father is too close to the daughter or, on the contrary, rejects her, then the daughter perceives the mother as a rival, feeling guilty for this and.

Thus, the distancer man runs away from obligations and painful dependence, and the lady pursuer dreams that the distancer “rewrites” the scenario of her relationship with her father. The highest values ​​for the distancer are freedom and independence, and for the pursuer - close relationships and partnerships.

Friends, sometimes it seems to me that men and women are residents of completely different planets who met by some completely ridiculous accident. They have completely different desires, aspirations and, of course, views on life. But nevertheless, a man and a woman are a primordially natural complement to each other. Even such an exact science as physics tells us about the opposite morals of the female and male population, because everyone remembers that particles that are oppositely charged attract! Here is the same picture among people. How to understand that a man is hiding his feelings is the topic of my article today.

Top secret!

Do you know that scientists still cannot give an exact answer to the question of what women think? Do you know why? Yes, because even the women themselves do not know the answer! The fact is that billions of thoughts rush through our head in a second, and, perhaps, the most important of them are how to manage to do everything that you have planned, how to look stunning, why I am such a fool and, of course, how to understand that a man hides his feelings... Let's figure it out together.

What is he thinking about?

introductory word

Girls, among the many questions that you and I ask ourselves, we need to focus on those that directly relate to men. After all, you must admit that each of us wants to be the only one for our own, and for this we need to learn to understand him better, predict actions, hear ... All this will help us understand, hides our feelings, and how he does it.

Do not believe that it is difficult to persuade a man to family relationships. Any representative of the strong half of humanity sooner or later sets on fire with the desire to have his own family, and only with that woman who knows how to listen to him, can share interests and is generally able to understand him.

How do men hide their feelings?

Summing up, I would like to add a little from personal experience. Girls, if men are in love with us, we will understand this right away, because no one has yet canceled women's intuition! So, we conclude: how to understand that a man hides his feelings? Turn on your intuition! Good luck to you!

No wonder they say that a woman and a man are from different planets: they think, feel and express their feelings in different ways. At that moment, when a woman strives with all the fibers of her body for a serious relationship, a man keeps an emotional distance, trying to hide his feelings.

Sometimes it seems to you on a subconscious level that he is in love with you, but for some reason he does not admit it. Why does the stronger sex tend to hide their feelings? What prevents him from crossing the line and entering into a serious relationship? And how can you even recognize that you are not indifferent to this guy? Let's try to figure it out.

A woman just needs to realize that she is loved and appreciated. Tender words, passionate hugs, beautiful deeds are needed by any girl like air. Without manifestations of feelings, she simply withers, and at any stage of the relationship.

There can be many reasons why he does not confess his feelings to you. Consider the most common.

    Fear of being rejected. Even a successful, self-sufficient and self-confident man sometimes becomes timid and shy. Fearing that his sympathy will not be mutual, he will prefer to pretend that you are completely indifferent to him.

    The habit of living alone. He's simply used to the bachelor life. A sort of independent alpha male, he likes to live like this, and he is not going to change his foundations and habits for you.

    Bad experience. Perhaps your chosen one does not confess his feelings, because he has experienced a difficult breakup for him. Men who have such experience in their lives often try not to constrain themselves with serious obligations.

    Restraint in emotions. This is a kind of stereotype that a man should be restrained and not emotional in any matters. All high feelings, whether sympathy or love, are perceived as weakness. And since a man is a stronger sex, he will try to the last not to show interest in you. In particular, so as not to become famous as a weakling in the circle of friends.

    Uncertainty about your feelings. If the guy himself cannot figure out what he feels for you - fleeting sympathy or high feelings, then you definitely can’t expect confessions in the near future.

    Fear of becoming henpecked. The representative of the stronger sex often has a fear that if he confesses his love, then his chosen one will begin to manipulate him and use his feelings.

    Protection method. In fact, guys are sensitive, and sometimes very vulnerable. Therefore, the secrecy of feelings in this case can be regarded as a kind of armor that protects a sensitive nature.

Psychological fact!
At the moment of conquering a woman, a man experiences a large release of endorphins, and he experiences a feeling similar to euphoria. And when a woman needs to move to a more serious level of relationship, a man experiences stress and physiological discomfort. That is why men often run away from serious relationships.

A man in love is one who loves to look at a sleeping woman and enjoy her from time to time.

Frederic Begbeder

Signs of a man falling in love

If you are trying in vain to find a hidden meaning in certain actions of a man, trying to see in his eyes feelings that he does not admit, then pay attention to his behavior next to you. And although each man is individual, there are still some common signs of falling in love. Let's consider them in more detail.

Takes care of your appearance

If a man begins to be more scrupulous about his appearance - go to the gym, pay more attention to his hair, dress up, and he will smell expensive perfume, then you can be sure that he cares about you!

Talks a lot about himself

As soon as he starts falling in love with you, you will immediately learn a lot about him, and he will tell you about his many positive qualities himself. A man, like a peacock, begins to "fluff his tail" and do everything to please his chosen one.

If he told you about all his achievements, told about the noble deed he had done, played the guitar and recited a poem he learned in the third grade - do not hesitate, his thoughts are only occupied with you!

Shows care

A woman for a man in love is a crystal vessel, which he protects day and night. He has an irresistible desire to help and take care of his companion. So if a guy on a cool spring evening, as if by chance, threw his jacket over your shoulders, this is a good sign!

Thinking about material well-being

A man began to think about financial stability? It is likely that the idea of ​​​​creating a family crept into his head.

When I say nothing, this is a good sign: it means that I am shy. And when I am shy, this is a very good sign: it means that I am embarrassed. And when I am embarrassed, this is a very good sign: it means that I am in love. But when I fall in love, it's a very bad sign.

Frederic Begbeder

In addition to the pronounced indifference, a man can give out unconscious signs. He can deceive you and hide his sincere feelings, but he certainly will not be able to deceive sign language. Remember, he may not admit anything to you at all, his postures, facial expressions and gestures will say for him everything that he thinks about you.

Psychological fact!
A person in love has unstable behavior. The mood is constantly changing - from sadness and thoughtfulness to joy and fun.

Sign language of a man in love

    The body of a man in love always looks a little tense and constrained.

    He is often shy and worried, and shaking hands and sweaty palms will be a sign of this.

    A man involuntarily tries to demonstrate his body - straightens his shoulders, showing off and thereby attracting the attention of a woman.

    If a woman attracts him sexually, then during the period of communication with her, he will begin to touch his thighs and put his hands on the belt every now and then.

    A man, when talking with a woman he loves, almost always subconsciously tries to reduce the distance. With or without reason, he tries to get closer, penetrating into personal space.

The gaze of a man in love

Unconscious glances of a guy in love towards his object of adoration. If a young man is interested in a girl, then he will admire her. And realizing that it is simply indecent to look at a woman so intently, he, like a teenager, will hide his eyes and look away.

So if your companion is not a special agent, then you will definitely notice how he looks at you, unconsciously keeping his eyes on your lips. And even though these glances will be as if on the sly, you will definitely notice them anyway, since they will be very frequent.

I believe! Those eyes don't lie. After all, how many times have I told you that your main mistake is that you underestimate the importance of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes never!

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

At a certain stage of the relationship, every woman really wants to know if her chosen one got into the “network”, or is it not yet the time for a more confident offensive. But to do this, alas, is not so simple. Each representative of the fair sex sooner or later wonders how a man in love behaves, what signs of falling in love exist, and in general - can this be somehow understood?

If you are very attentive, you can read in his eyes, evaluate by actions or spoken words. Although a loving man can behave very non-standard, after all, he is an individual person, with his own feelings and views on relationships. In any case, all men in love can be divided into those who love, and those who are trying to hide their feelings for a woman.

Signs of love in men

1. Pay attention to his behavior, and you will definitely notice some awkwardness and confusion. Of course, the man has not yet had time to get used to the first manifestations of the raging feelings inside him, so he is confused. All men pride themselves on being able to cope with themselves and hide their emotions, but here everything turns out the other way around. Only a strong man is able to confess his feelings. Over time, he will definitely do this, but at first he will begin to make excuses that he is blinded by your charm and elegance, a gleam in his eyes, and it is even difficult for him to think when he is next to such a beauty. One way or another, the behavior will give it away anyway, and you can't miss it if you're really interested in it.

2. Sometimes your chosen one can seem enough arrogant and even narcissistic, and its behavior will be similar to that of a thick-skinned rhinoceros. But rest assured, this behavior is quite logical, because in your presence, uncertainty and bouts of shyness do not leave him. And such a “mask” is just an attempt to hide real feelings from you. The man tries to behave as cheekily as possible to show that he is supposedly completely free and self-confident. He cannot do anything with himself, such is the nature of man.

3. Another important sign of a man's love can be considered excessive persistence. He begins to pay a lot of attention to your person. And this happens because instinctively he has a desire to conquer you. Perseverance can be expressed in different ways: it can be an invitation to a restaurant or cafe, for a walk or to the cinema, with friends for a party. You can be sure that behind each such surprise there is a subtle strategy and deep planning, and most importantly, the fear of being rejected. If you really want to be with this man and try to build a real relationship with him, then you can safely accept his persistence.

4. Men who are used to hiding their feelings can show perseverance in the form of aggression, that is, his behavior will sometimes wear aggressive shade. The reason for this is the inability to cope with his emotions, so he will go out of his way to show you that you are unworthy of what he is experiencing. Sometimes there are also cases when sarcastic jokes and “jokes” can “shower” at the address of a loved one. But you should not react to them somehow angrily - you have interested him very deeply and seriously.

5. Why he is always there and you feel his eyes on you? He accompanies you everywhere, interrogates when and where you went, is interested in your plans? Yes, yes, you are on the way to completely conquer his heart! And do not pay attention to the fact that he always keeps saying that your person is not at all interesting to him - this is just a way of protection.

6. Signs of male love include self-presentation. He always talks a lot about himself, talks about the "feats" accomplished in his professional and personal life, his achievements in sports, work and so on. It matters a lot to him what you think of him. And he wants it to be the best opinion. He dreams in your eyes to be a "cool hero" and "superman".

7. A very pleasant manifestation of love on the part of a man is care, desire to help you. This says a lot about him as a person, about his values ​​and concepts in life. He will try to be helpful, will make a lot of effort just to make you feel good, will "get into" any of your difficulties and solve them. For him, it's a matter of honor. And even if he belongs to the type of men who try to hide their emotions, he will still be there and will help you, only with a bit of irony in his actions.

8. To understand how a loving man behaves, it is enough to pay attention to his indifference to you, that is, it begins to appear jealousy. Where is a man in love without jealousy ?! He will not tolerate rivals who circle around the lady of his heart. And jealousy will manifest itself in assertiveness and aggression. The feeling of jealousy is destructive, it seems to eat the soul from the inside, so the guy may even avoid you for a while. He does this in order to reduce his worries and worries. There are men who skillfully hide jealousy, being close by, but behind your back rivals will collapse. And the best part is, you won't even notice it. Remember that jealousy in men is a reflection of his weakness and vulnerability, so a smart man will not show it.

9. It is also important that a guy in love always interested in you and your thoughts, therefore, carefully catches your every word, even those to which you did not attach much importance. He tries to get to know you better, to determine what gives you joy and what makes you upset. He can sometimes ask very stupid questions, but in his head he has already built a whole structure of how to conquer you and what exactly to do.

10. A man in love, no matter how the lady of his heart behaves, always looks at her actions with admiration, he accepts her shortcomings, touches her oversights and awkwardness. This means that he appreciates all aspects of his chosen one.

11. If a man likes you madly, he will try to take the first steps towards intimacy, namely intimacy. It will not be some vulgar hints - by no means. He will try to touch you imperceptibly, to smell you. And if you give him a kiss, then it will become a real pleasure for him. The guy himself initiates this kind of tenderness.

12. And finally, to answer the question of how a guy in love behaves, just listen to him, the words that he utters, pay attention to intonation, voice. And sooner or later you will definitely hear a declaration of love. It can sound even in the most unusual form, be a little shocking, but always treat it calmly, because it's so nice to be loved, desired. In addition, this step is not easy for a guy. A sincere declaration of love is a big deed for a man, because men's love is somewhat different from women's. Let him express it as best he can, and if you feel the same, you will understand a man in love without any problems. Never break him or laugh, just be yourself and then he will carry you in his arms.

How to recognize a cold heart?

How many wonderful feelings we can see every day, people fall in love and enjoy emotions, sensations, but there are also people with different outlooks on life. A man may doubt his feelings, but it is worse if there are no feelings, and he knows about it. Here a woman should be extremely careful, you need to recognize falsehood in time.

1. There should be no secrets or secrets between lovers., and if a person is trying to hide something, then you should think twice about what the problem is. Not without exceptions, of course, but in most cases it is. After all, secrets are based on long-standing sins that a man can hide for years. Undoubtedly, there are secretive people, but if they love, then sooner or later everything should be known to both. This advice should always be used carefully, you should not immediately pounce and interrogate your loved one after confessions.

2. Love "walks alongside" not only with trust and care, but also with jealousy, if there is no pure relationship with the manifestation of jealousy at least sometimes, then we can say that there is no love either. This is explained simply: if all the women who surround a man are indifferent to him, then he does not care about them and is not jealous.

3. Harsh criticism of his chosen one, and sometimes tyranny, give out a cold indifferent person. Here, of course, there are no feelings. A man can even disregard a lady, her desires. All major decisions are up to him, and her word will mean nothing. A girl can act as a convenient toy, but by no means a favorite. And besides, it should be remembered that criticism, witty and sharp, like a wasp's sting, is a sign not only of a cold heart, but also of a liar actor.

4. An excessive amount of compliments that have nothing to do with the truth - this is just “blurring” the ears. An experienced seducer knows that ladies love with their ears, so his weapon is his flattering word. You have to be very careful with such people who, already on the first date, scatter in compliments and scream that they fell in love like a boy. They don’t talk about sincere feelings right away, but only when there is no more strength to be silent about them!

When you like a man, you always want to know if the feelings are mutual. And if attraction has grown into something more, then a woman thinks about it all the time. How to determine if a man is in love with you and whether he hides his feelings?

How to know that a man is in love if he hides it

Until the lady learns the truth, she will not calm down. After all, the knowledge that the chosen one also sympathizes with her gives the woman confidence. Her charms work, life is beautiful. Therefore, if you like a handsome young man or an imposing man, it is better to find out right away how he treats you.

Of course, no matter how trite it may sound, but all people are different. And falling in love, they behave not like everyone else:

  • someone is sad and throws languid glances,
  • someone is angry with their feelings, because we are tormented by the same thought: “What if she is not free or does not feel sympathy?” and, at the same time, behaves somewhat aggressively.

But still, there are ways to recognize if a man is in love with you.

So, let's begin.

  1. First of all, you should carefully look at the object of desire. Despite the feigned calm, his eyes can express everything that he himself is silent about. He cannot take his eyes off the lady he likes. The desire to possess her is so great that he “devours” his chosen one with his eyes. Alas, it is very difficult to notice it yourself. If only because if you pay attention to a man, he immediately looks away. But here friends and acquaintances can come to the rescue. Ask a friend to quietly observe the man.
  2. When a girl is involved in a conversation with a guy in love, he will hang on her every word. Even if she is full of nonsense. People in love do not notice the shortcomings of their halves. However, this statement is only half true.

Consider the reasons why a man can hide his feelings of love.

There can be a lot of reasons:

  • he is not free or you are married,
  • different social strata
  • different outlooks on life
  • fear of a serious relationship.
  • After all, you may have run over his beloved dog with a car in the past. He seems to be in love, but the thought of poor Bobik haunts him.

What is the result? He will look for those very flaws in you that will help him overcome attraction. Such a man will argue with you at any opportunity, deliberately ignore you, and some will even try to make fun of you.

To be honest, I have no sympathy for such individuals. Simply put, they are not quite adequate, they are tormented by internal contradictions. It's like at school. Boys attract the attention of girls by pulling their pigtails. The more painfully he pulls, the more pleasure he gets. No logic. But if you fell in love with such a man, then the above signs speak of a mutual feeling.

How to understand that a guy is in love, but hides his feelings

There are other signs by which you can determine if a young man is in love with you.


  • Excitement. If a man experiences this feeling when he sees you, he may be in love. Of course, unless you are from the tax or bailiff service, and your meeting with him is not working. When a desired object is nearby, we all get a little lost. Of course, it all depends on the character and conceit of the young man, but sometimes the most confident also experience a little excitement. For example, he is a talented speaker, but next to you he cannot say a word. Or he plays the guitar virtuoso, but when he sees you, he is not able to play a single melody.

  • Appearance. When we are in love, we want to look special. So that the beloved pays attention and appreciates. Not all, of course, but many men in love take clothes more seriously. Previously, he was ready to go to work in ordinary sweatpants, but today he is dressed like a real gentleman. Well, this is certainly an indicator that he cares about a woman. True, if you are not the only lady in the team, it is better to take a good look at the rest of the rivals. Suddenly, he dressed up not for you?
  • Behavior. Watch him. How does he behave with other females? If he openly flirts with others, then he does not have serious feelings for you. Another thing is when he gives you sincere compliments - that is, not typical, but individual. For example, he notices that you have a different hairstyle today, or a good mood. And with other women he shows politeness and tact, but does not try to interest them.

If there is only a friendly relationship between you so far, a man in love will want to introduce you to his close circle, that is, to friends. Thus, he emphasizes that he considers you not a stranger.

The young man will talk about plans for the future: work, children and family. So he wants to show that he has serious intentions. And this is another way to find out what you want, whether your life priorities are the same.

How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings. male opinion

When I first really liked a girl, I stupidly found her on one of the social networks and added her as a friend. We were introduced by mutual friends, but the paths rarely crossed. How else could I hint to her that I would like to talk? Sometimes I looked through her page, evaluated the photos. This kind of communication is quite normal today.

From Monday to Friday, everyone is busy with work and study, and you don’t want to miss the opportunity to chat with the lady you like. Suddenly during this period she will meet someone else? So here it is if a man is actively involved in your virtual life- this is one of the signs of his sympathy. In addition, this is how he finds out if he has competitors.

I think that prolonged virtual communication does not contribute to the development of relations. Before proceeding with the action, a short correspondence is needed. Otherwise, you run the risk of remaining one of the virtual girlfriends with whom there is nothing to talk about.

If he does not dare to take the next step, take the initiative, invite him to a cafe or a museum of modern art. So you will definitely find out if he likes you.

After a short correspondence, the moment came when the lady of my heart needed help. Of course, I couldn't refuse her. I believe that she had the opportunity to turn to any other person, but she asked for me. Why? Everything is simple. The girl also felt sympathy for me and decided to test my feelings.

After all, if a woman is dear to a man, he will never refuse her request. Therefore, feel free to ask the chosen one to help you in something. Of course, he won't buy you a fur coat or a diamond ring. And bungalows in the Maldives too. Be realistic. The request may not be that big. For example, you can ask for help moving a closet if you know for sure that he has such an opportunity. Or help with the report if you work together.

And finally. Dear ladies, you should not look for signs where there are none. If a man once paid attention to you, this does not mean that he is in love. Perhaps he is in search of fleeting hobbies, or immediately cooled down.

And if you see that a young man is interested in you, for whom you do not have mutual feelings, it is better to gently hint to him about this right away.

There are almost half as many men on the planet as women. So your admirer can become a real knight for someone. Agree, and you would not be so sorry for the time spent if the man hinted that his heart was no longer free.

Thus, with the question of how to understand what you like man in love in you, but at the same time, hides his feelings I think everything is clear. And if not, then questions in the studio!

Good mood to you all.