Selection of the shape of the eyebrows for different types of face. Square or rectangular face. Correct eyebrow shape

In some cases, your own eyebrows in their natural shape need additional care. But simply plucking them along the bottom edge is usually not enough. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the desire to paint eyebrows in the morning with a pencil is zero, or often there is no time for this at all. Correction and dyeing of eyebrows at home or in the salon is a way out of this situation.

Of course, it is easier for specialists to make a form that suits you, but what to do if you are afraid of getting to an inexperienced amateur. Then the best option would be to create the perfect shape at home, and we will help you with this. We will figure out how to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face, and also consider what rules should be followed.

Make-up secrets: how to highlight your eyes from the best side

The very first thing that should be evident in a woman's appearance is her eyes. They should be expressive, charming. But what to do if the eyes are, for example, small in shape, or set far apart from each other. How to choose the shape of your eyebrows so as not to overshadow the expressiveness of your eyes and make them definitely beautiful:

  • For women with small eyes, the main focus is on the eyebrows. Against the background of too wide, they will not be noticeable, but the average thickness with slightly lowered ones is an excellent match;
  • The established practice shows that wide eyebrows will be the ideal proposal for large eyes. By the way, this feature will add rigidity and severity to the image of a lady. Reception with an arched shape will reduce the eye, and visually align the proportions of the entire face.

How to choose eyebrows by face type

For each type of face, there are guidelines for their correct outline.

The correct shape of the eyebrows determines:

  • Expressive eyes;
  • Using less makeup;
  • Look younger than your age;
  • Create correct facial symmetry.

So, are you looking for the path to perfect eyebrows for your face? Then let's find the perfect eyebrow solution for your face type, created by makeup artists around the world. First, let's look at the types of eyebrows available.

They are divided into six types:

  • Arcuate;
  • Curved;
  • With a break;
  • Horizontal;
  • Ascending;
  • House.

Square face

A square jaw accentuates the angularity of your face, so softly rounded eyebrows are the solution to the visual relationship of all parts of the appearance. But be careful not to make them too rosy. Eyebrows for a square face with a sharp curve will make the face look surprised.

When deciding to create the correct shapes, you should exclude too thin, this option assumes that it does not look very aesthetically pleasing in relation to the square type of face.

Round face

A round face lacks a cheekbone line. In this case, the eyebrows for a round face should have a slight angular outline, such a feature will only brighten up the woman's external data. Kink is a great solution for a round face. An exception is the arcuate line, which will give the impression of a curvy ball. As a result, the eyes will fade into the background, and attention will be attracted only by overly rounded shapes.

It is worth paying close attention to the tattoo of a round face, because if you have such forms from fullness, then, losing weight, they will acquire new forms that may not suit you and make your face unattractive.

Oval elongated face

The visually stretched vertical of the face line demands the balance of the horizontal counterweight. The best option would be eyebrows, which create an extension in the part of the ponytails, and it is also good if they extend slightly beyond the corner of the eye.

The ideal shape in this case is considered straight, thanks to which the face will appear wider.

Oval face

This type of face is lucky, because here you can combine almost any eyebrow shape, the main requirement for width is that you should not unnaturally make them thicker. Eyebrows for an oval face go up smoothly, and then smoothly round down if the eyes are almond-shaped.

Also, it will not be superfluous to mention the arcuate shape. Especially suitable for girls with bangs or a high forehead. Straight eyebrows should be positioned extremely symmetrically so that they look perfectly well-groomed and neat.

Heart shaped face (triangular)

Due to the small jaw line, it is important to choose the shape of the eyebrow not too wide, otherwise the whole emphasis will be on the upper hemisphere of the face, which will present the outlines of the woman's face in an extremely unfavorable position.

Diamond-shaped face

The shape of the face in the form of a diamond is not often found: a powerful chin, pronounced cheekbones, a wide upper hemisphere in proportion to the lower - these are the features of a diamond-shaped face. It is worth noting that the eyebrows make the appearance expressive thanks to the slight break of the classic shape.

Five golden rules

Regardless of the shape of the face, eyebrow correction must comply with several laws:

  1. The eyebrow should start from the bridge of the nose. It is enough to apply a straight pencil from the wing of the nose to the corner of the eye vertically. Anything outside this line must be plucked out.
  2. Never use an overly arched shape.
  3. Don't get short eyebrows. Its tail should be at least equal to the corner of the eye. To do this, use a pencil again. Lean one end against the wing of the nose, and the other end against the outer corner of the eye. We pluck out everything that turned out to be abroad.
  4. The width between the eyebrows should be the same across the width of two fingers (except for close-set eyes).
  5. If the recommended shape of the eyebrows is curled, make it extremely smooth and neat to avoid the "barbie effect".

Eyebrow oil

Unfortunately, only those female representatives in whom this feature is genetically incorporated can have chic thick eyebrows. The rest of the girls will have to look after them. An evidence of the chaotic shape of the eyebrows can be their thin and sparse structure.

Such eyebrows do not lend themselves well to coloring, and tattooing is slightly different in the visual visibility of its application. But you should not be upset, in modern times there are many ways to restore or strengthen hair growth. What is the best eyebrow oil to use, taking into account their saturation and how effective it is, we will consider further.

The main advantage of oils is the strengthening and growth of eyebrows. After a hard day, they must be cleaned with gel. The use of massage will have a positive effect on the eyebrow area - it helps to improve blood circulation. It will also not be superfluous to comb the eyebrows with a special brush, then they will keep the given shape for a long time.

Well nourishes bulbs such oils: castor, olive, linseed, burdock, rosehip, chamomile, cornflower. It will take 5-7 minutes to make a relaxing massage with a brush and oils. They strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

I would also like to note about castor oil. It is applied for the prevention and loss of hairs. If you want to speed up the effect, use oils overnight. You just need to apply it to cleansed skin half an hour before bedtime. Rinse everything off in the morning.

How to model the shape of the eyebrows

Oddly enough, eyebrows can depend not only on the type of face, but also on the character. An experienced makeup artist will always draw conclusions based not only on external data, but also on the characteristics of style and character. As each eyebrow shape adapts to a unique note of emotion. For example, straight wide eyebrows argue for seriousness and a certain severity in character. Raised eyebrow - lightness and coquetry.

Eyebrows with a thread are categorically contraindicated for young ladies, as well as women with a heavy eyelid. Eyebrow shaping will be correct initially if you choose the correct starting point for the eyebrow. We talked about this earlier.

In an effort to create perfect outlines, do not forget that they need to be plucked out only in the place of the blurred outline, i.e. below the main line. If you pluck hairs from the upper side, the eyebrow can take on an impartial pattern that can change the expression on your face.

How to do it correctly. With tweezers convenient for you, you need to take the hair at the very root and pull sharply in the direction of its direction. If it seems to you that it is terribly painful and unpleasant, use special anesthetic gels or creams.

If your decision is in favor of dyeing your eyebrows, then remember one rule - it is recommended to make eyebrows to match the color of the hair roots. If we compare painting with permanent makeup, then the second one wins significantly. The only drawback of permanent makeup is the high cost of the service.

Many makeup artists believe that if there is no time left for makeup, you should paint your eyebrows beautifully. Feel free to experiment with different shapes. To do this, buy stencils and draw, paint, and in the end you will find a suitable shape for yourself. Do not be lazy to ask your friends and family for the opinion of your new look. If your searches have led you to success and you have found the ideal option for yourself, then feel free to make your exit unforgettable.

In this case, permanent makeup can also become relevant, since the choice was made based on numerous positive compliments and reviews. The only caveat is about color. It is not recommended to make the color of the eyebrows different from the color of the roots of your hair, i.e. there must be harmony between the balance of shades.

Eyebrows are one of the defining factors that allow you to create a full-fledged fashionable image. Correctly chosen shape of eyebrows according to the type of face will hide small nuances and correct imperfections.

What are the faces?

To guess with the eyebrows, you need to absolutely accurately determine the type of face. It is very easy to do this:

  • Square - the length and width are almost the same, only in the cheeks, the face is slightly wider;
  • Rectangle - the length is greater than the width, due to which the face becomes elongated. Cheekbones, forehead and chin are in line;
  • The circle is characterized by smoothness, splendor and softness;
  • Triangle - a wide forehead is combined with a narrow chin;
  • Oval - prominent cheekbones, chin smaller than the forehead;
  • Pear - the main volume is located in the cheeks, chin and jaw area much wider than the cheekbones and forehead;
  • Rhombus - pointed chin + high and wide cheekbones;
  • The heart is a wide, low forehead and a narrowed jaw, while the cheekbones are slightly wider.

The main types of eyebrows

Eyebrow fashions change as often as clothing fashions. In this case, it is extremely important not only to follow the trends, but also to choose the type that suits you. What are the shapes of eyebrows?

  • Straight - horizontal lines without any bends;
  • House - they are distinguished by a sharp break in the middle, which gives the gaze an openness;
  • S-shaped (curved) - the most difficult type of eyebrow, which can only be done by an experienced craftsman. Looks very elegant and sexy;
  • With a break - the classic shape, which is an ascending smooth line, the outer tip of which is much thinner than the head;
  • Arcs are soft, with a smooth arch in the middle;
  • Ascending - do not have a bend, their tail tends upward.

For the circle

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows for chubby ones? Your main task is to bring the circle closer to the oval and visually narrow it. For this purpose, the following models are suitable:

  • With a break, clear and pronounced. To create it, you need to pluck the hairs at the tip and in the middle of the eyebrow. Thanks to this, you will be able to increase your natural curve and make it noticeable. But have a sense of proportion, otherwise this kink will turn into an acute angle - this is very ugly;
  • Raising eyebrows with a wide head, a thin ponytail and a clear arch. In this case, you will have to pinch the tip a little if it is lowered down. It is important not to overdo it in order to keep the length and not get a short and wide curl. Use a cosmetic pencil or henna tattoo if necessary.

Important! Both thin arches and straight wide eyebrows are not recommended for chubby girls - they will make the face even wider and fuller.

For oval

The oval shape is considered ideal for a reason - almost all types of eyebrows are perfect for them. Perhaps the only exception is straight wide eyebrows - they make the features rough, and also visually shorten the oval.

  • With a break - they give the look of romance and femininity. The main thing is to make the corner soft and smooth. An overly sharp kink can make your gaze harsh and even somewhat vicious;
  • Horizontal - visually smooth out some oblongness of the oval and make it rounded. Remember that the shape must be symmetrical. But in order to soften the gaze and not make it gloomy, slightly pinch an eyebrow inside - this will raise the arch and open your eyes. Do not forget to remove the excess at the point of the intended bend;
  • Arcuate - make sharp features softer and softer. To make the round shape of the eyebrows just perfect, be sure to think over the ratio of its main indicators - the length, width and height of the arch.

For a square

Eyebrows for a square face with its sharp outlines should be soft, arched and slightly rounded. Experts recommend making the bend angle sharp and raised high. Ideally, it should be located above the outer tip of the eye or above its middle. The tip can be made a little longer than usual - you should avoid short lines. For width, stick to medium or slightly larger. Thin "strings" are not allowed - square faces will look ridiculous with them. However, this also applies to wide horizontal eyebrows, which expand the square and make it rough.

For a triangle

Holders of the "triangle" need to visually narrow the wide cheekbones and forehead. To do this, discard overly long lines. For you, the most beautiful shape is the eyebrows with the letter S. True, to create them you need appropriate natural data - good density and natural bend. It is best to trust the masters in this matter, but if you want to do everything yourself, follow these instructions:

  • Work on the arch - remove vegetation inside the bend, making a nice corner;
  • Pluck the hairs above the middle of the eyebrow to create a deflection;
  • Curl the tip inward and make the brow shorter.

Advice! To keep the eyebrows consistent, be sure to mark the start / end points as well as the bend.

For heart

When choosing an eyebrow shape for a heart-shaped face, choose those that balance a wide forehead with a small lower jaw. Ascending lines do an excellent job with this task.

If the eyebrows are naturally blessed with a soft curve, transform them into soft, upward arches. You cannot lower them down - this way you will draw attention to the extended upper part. But the horizontal lines will need a slight correction. First, pluck the hairs over the head, lowering the inside of the head. Then lift the tip towards the temples - pluck the bottom row from about the middle, moving to the outer edge. Holders of a heart-shaped face should not have wide and thick eyebrows - this makes the forehead heavier and emphasizes all the shortcomings of your appearance.

Advice! To make the forehead taller, lift the brow line slightly.

Tips to help you learn how to choose the right eyebrow shape for your face type:

For a rectangle

The ideal eyebrow shape for a rectangular face is wide and straight. They should not be located close to each other, because this will make your face even longer and narrower. To correct this nuance, pluck the hairs near the bridge of the nose, and make the tail moderately thin. Ascending lines with a light arch, which will soften the look, will be no less beautiful option for the "rectangle". But high arcs and a sharp bend are completely inappropriate.

For pear

Women's pear-shaped faces are distinguished by full cheeks and a disproportionately wide chin. Your main task is to align the top and bottom as much as possible. Women with a similar appearance need to paint over every hair well, giving the eyebrows a sharper outline and making them thick enough. Massive eyebrows will be able to make the upper part wider, so give preference to wide and sufficiently long lines. Their bend largely depends on facial features: for expressive ones - barely noticeable, for small ones - sharper.

For rhombus

Considering eyebrows of different shapes, look for a diamond-shaped option for a face. Here it is necessary to smooth out too sharp corners and soften clear cheekbones. Arched brows or a curved model are perfect for you.

How to pinch your eyebrows correctly?

To perform the correction procedure at home, stock up on the following materials:

  • Cream;
  • Table lamp;
  • Tweezers;
  • Cotton sponges;
  • Pencil;
  • Magnifying mirror;
  • Alcoholic lotion.

Follow this scheme:

1. Clean your face from dirt and makeup.

2. Wipe the skin with lotion - the tweezers will not slip.

3. Install a mirror and provide good lighting.

4. Select the eyebrows according to the shape of the face and mark three main points:

  • Initial - place the pencil near the wing of the nose and draw a line to the inner corner of the eye. This is the head of the eyebrow;
  • Bend point - move it to the middle to overlap the pupil;
  • Final - connect the wing to the outside of the edge of the eye.

5. Pick the tone you want. The darkest is in the middle, the lightest is at the head and at the tip. For girls with blond hair, eyebrows should be darkened by no more than a tone. And brunettes and brown-haired women - just lighten a little.

6. After plucking the first eyebrow, move to the second. Make sure that they are on the same level and are the same.

7. Disinfect the skin and cover it with cream.

Advice! To relieve discomfort while plucking excess hairs, steam the skin well or wipe it with ice.

You can correct the shape using a special stencil. This is a piece of transparent plastic with an eyebrow cut in the center of one shape or another. It is applied to the face and carefully painted over the cutout with dark shadows or a pencil. All hairs that are behind the drawn contour must be removed with tweezers.

When creating eyebrow shapes for different face types, there are a few important tips to keep in mind.

Advice 1. Show a sense of proportion - thin threads are not in vogue.

Tip 2. You can only pluck out the bottom edge.

Tip 3. To facilitate the process, stretch the skin with your finger.

Tip 4. Pull out hairs in sharp movements, moving in the direction of their growth.

Advice 5. Perform the procedure in the evening - the skin after the correction can become very reddened.

Tip 6. Provide good lighting - it should be shadowless.

Tip 7. For eyebrow shaping, do not use a machine.

Tip 8. When choosing, do not forget to take into account the facial features. For small ones, thin eyebrows are suitable, for large ones - wide.

Tip 9. The correct shape of the eyebrows can correct the face:

  • Horizontal eyebrows of medium width will help to make it wider;
  • Visually, a rounded tip can narrow it;
  • If the eyes are close, place the heads away from each other;
  • If the eyes are set too far, place them closer.

Tip 10. Regularly remove the regrown hairs.

The shape and shape of your eyebrows is primarily determined by the shape of your face.

Eyebrow shape for oval face

Eva Mendes and Heidi Klum have oval faces

The oval face shape is considered ideal, and the main task of the eyebrows is not to disturb the beautiful natural proportions. If you are the lucky owner of the correct face shape, choose horizontal eyebrows. You can round them a little, but do not raise the break of the eyebrow too high. This will visually stretch the face.

The correct eyebrow shape for an oval face

Eyebrow shape for a long face

Sarah Jessica Parker and Liv Tyler - owners of elongated faces

The elongated face needs to be made visually wider. This problem is solved by absolutely straight eyebrows. By the way, this form is also considered the most trendy this season. Straight horizontal lines round off the face, giving it a soft feel.

Straight eyebrows for a long face

Selena Gomez and Kirsten Dunst - actresses with a round face

The opposite of an elongated face is round. Accordingly, the task is the opposite - to visually stretch the shape of the face and bring it closer to the oval. For owners of a round face, eyebrows with a noticeable break, raised high, with a thin tip and a slightly wider beginning are suitable. It is very important here not to overdo it and not make a comma instead of a beautiful eyebrow.

Angelina Jolie and Olivia Wilde have square faces

The square face is the straight, hard lines of the jaw and cheekbones. To soften the transitions, the eyebrows need to be made arched, without a clear break. High, rounded eyebrows will suit you, you can even make them wide enough and noticeable.

Arched brows for a square face

Eyebrow shape for face in the shape of a heart

Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon have heart faces

The face with a heart has sharp corners in the cheekbones and chin. The correct shape of the eyebrows will help soften them and visually even out the width of the face. You want raised eyebrows with a smooth, even curve. This is the classic "spread" eyebrow shape.

Correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston have diamond-shaped faces

The diamond face is a combination of square and heart shapes. Therefore, the task is the same - to soften the contours and make the zygomatic part less wide. The classic shape of the eyebrows with a soft curve will do just fine. Only, unlike the face-heart, shape the eyebrows a little wider than the natural shape.

Eyebrow shape for a diamond-shaped face

Focusing only on photographs or diagrams in pictures, you will not be able to choose the correct eyebrow shape one hundred percent. To do this, you need to conduct an experiment. Buy eyebrow stencils or draw and cut different eyebrows out of paper. Sit in front of a mirror in good light, brush your hair off your face, rinse off your makeup, and open your neck line. Apply stencils one at a time and study your face carefully. In this case, a selfie or an opinion from the outside helps a lot. When you find the shape that suits you best, draw it directly on your eyebrows with a dark pencil. If even in such a comical form the face looks good, feel free to pluck and tint the eyebrows in this shape. This is your ideal!

In recent years, much attention has been paid to the shape of the eyebrows in makeup. Most women, in an effort to get it, turn to popular makeup artists or cosmetologists, not knowing that they can do it on their own at home. So that you can cope with this task without outside help, let's look at which eyebrow shape by face type can suit you.

How to find the perfect shape for any type of face

How to choose an eyebrow shape by face type? In this case, you can follow the general recommendation. To complete it, you will need a cosmetic pencil, a ruler, and a mirror. In this case, you will need to act like this:

  1. To begin with, you will need to apply a ruler vertically to the wing of the nose, so that it passes through the inner corner of the eye to the brow line. This will help you determine exactly where your eyebrow should start. This point should be marked with a pencil.
  2. Next, you will need to rotate the ruler so that it passes through the pupil, as in the photo. This will help you define the line of your brow. Mark it with a short stroke of a cosmetic pencil.
  3. The last thing you need to do is determine where the brow should end. To do this, draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye to the tip of the eyebrow.

This eyebrow line is ideal for any type of face. After completing it, you will only have to decide on the width of the eyebrows, outline their borders with a cosmetic pencil, and then remove everything unnecessary with tweezers. Experienced girls can use a thread for this purpose, but beginners should not do this, since they can pull out excess hairs.

Video: how to learn how to choose your eyebrow shape?

How to make a beautiful bend

If you want to get really beautiful eyebrows, but are afraid that you will not be able to make them yourself, you can use special stencils for this purpose, which are sold today in many cosmetic brands. The most important thing is to choose the ones that suit you in length, since some firms produce samples that are too short.

Working with such stencils is very simple. You apply them to your face, trace along the contour and see how the resulting shape suits you. If everything suits you, all that remains is to remove excess hairs with tweezers. If you don't like the result, you can erase the resulting lines and experiment further.


if you cannot cope with such a task on your own or are afraid that you will not be able to make two identical forms, you can turn to the master for help. Let him create the correct eyebrow line the first time, and tell you how to further maintain it using stencils and tweezers at home.

How to make a stenciled edge that will harmonize perfectly with your appearance? In order not to be mistaken when choosing such a stencil, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the selection of the shape of the eyebrow according to the type of face (oval, round, elongated, triangular, heart-shaped). Let's take a closer look at the patterns of such a selection.

What will suit the oval type

It is easiest to figure out which shape is suitable for this type of face. The oval is the ideal type on which any shape of the edge will look good. The most advantageous for him will be expressive slightly rounded edges. Eyebrows with an expressive break will also look good (you only need to avoid the shape of a house, it suits very few people). More details about which eyebrows are suitable for an oval face, you can.


the owners of this type of face should avoid the high rise of the eyebrow line. It will make the face look more elongated, breaking the natural symmetry.

As we know, the world is made up of little things. Also, the ideal image is made up of details, even from those that at times may seem subtle. Such details, which play an important role in the formation of appearance features, include eyebrows, namely, their shape, size, length and other characteristics, on which not only the harmony of the image depends, but also the character of a person.

Features of the eyebrows and the character of a woman

Eyebrows are not just horizontal lines of hair on our face designed to protect our eyes from sweat and dust. The appearance of a person and, to some extent, his character depends on their shape, with their help you can give expressiveness to the eyes, emphasize the depth of their color.

By changing the natural eyebrows, you can change the perception of your appearance completely. In what way would you like to appear before people: innocent, flirtatious or strict? Let's find out about the types of eyebrows and their influence on the character of a woman.

No eyebrows

Let's plunge into history a little. In the 15th century in the aristocratic circles of the Netherlands, France and Italy, there was a fashion for a pale complexion, a high clean forehead and a slender long neck.

Many sacrifices were made to match the ideal image and appear beautiful women of that time. To do this, they not only removed the eyebrows, but also shaved part of the hair above the forehead and on the back of the head. Now such manipulations to remove hair above the eyes symbolize the girl's lack of character.

Eyebrows of different widths

Natural eyebrows without any special changes do not carry any hidden information. But the thin line of arcs symbolizes super femininity. Let's take a look at the effect of eyebrow width on a girl's personality.


A woman with such arches cannot imagine her life without a man, she wants gifts, care, flowers and even worship. But the thin and round shape emphasizes such features of its owner as the desire to be a leader, strong-willed character, the thirst for power, the desire to become famous and dedication.

They are able to balance a long and thin face, to give harmony to the image. But with such a framing of the eyes, you should be extremely careful, because they are able to add a few extra years to the age, so it is more reasonable to wear them for young ladies, but not for women of age.

Advice! If you accidentally made a hairline thinner than necessary, or you just need to quickly change the shape and thickness of the arches, you can purchase false eyebrows. They will help you to look the way you want, while the false hair looks very natural. With these eyebrows, you do not have to use cosmetics or wait until your own hairs grow, but their price is about 600-1 thousand UAH, so not every girl can afford them.


Very rare, imperceptible arcs do not adorn girls at all. But the eyebrows, slightly different in width from the usual lines above the eyes, allow many women to look attractive, enchant with their naturalness. Such brows have temperamental and strong personalities with femininity and special sensuality.

Advice! Don't run your eyebrows, especially if yours are thick and dark. Use the necessary tools for grooming and sharpening the lines, because running hairs sticking out in different directions can make you look like the famous Leonid Brezhnev. Agree, for a girl this is not the best resemblance.


Such arcs are now fashionable, they draw attention to their owner with naturalness and naturalness. In addition, they show the wisdom, strength and determination of their owner. It is not for nothing that in Russia girls with "sable" eyebrows were the standard of beauty, because the thicker they were, the smarter a person was.

Despite everything, wide lines are not suitable for everyone. It is worth noting that hairs growing too low can create a mask of severity and gloom on the face of even the most cheerful owner. They are perfect for girls who love simplicity. Despite the fact that attention is focused on naturalness, such eyebrows need care and at least minimal correction.

But in general, practically untouched lines with minimal shape correction evoke such associations - primitiveness, natural and natural manifestations of the essence of women, including sexuality. Such "wild" eyebrows look appropriate only on young ladies.

Rounded (arcuate)

A woman with arched brows can be a discreet, discreet entertainer or businesswoman. Such lines are considered very beautiful, so many perceive the owners of a semicircular shape as licentious and vain persons.

In fact, such girls are resourceful, resourceful, confident and geniuses in financial matters: they can make money selling real estate, on the stock exchange, in general, on anything. Such persons never miss the opportunity to get the juiciest piece. In relationships with people, they are very insightful and can understand the ulterior motives in the behavior of others.

With arched eyelids, you need to avoid extremes and stick to the golden mean: they should not be too thin or too thick, too dark or very light.

This form symbolizes the presence of talent for business management. Girls with arched lines above their eyes often marry for convenience, while the partner fulfills almost all the wishes of the spouse, because she knows how to charm a man.

Such women are hypnotizing, because they combine deceit with feigned naivety. They know what they want and how to get it in the easiest way. At the same time, they are very successful in making money.


These brows are similar to the English letter S and can visually soften the sharp features of the face. Curved lines visually extend the oval of the face, making it more proportional.

It's impossible to hide from sight that many Hollywood stars favor curved arcs, and for good reason. They suit almost any type of face, with the exception of the elongated shape. Curved lines allow for an open gaze and expressive eyes.

With a break (house)

The sidelines of the house received such a playful name because of their external resemblance to the roof of a house. Women who prefer kinked brows are energetic, they combine risk, adventurism and creativity.

Broken lines are inherent in the business lady and the female leader who have a lot of vitality and energy. Wedge-shaped arcs are an indicator of adventurism in a woman, the inclinations of a creator and a genius in matters of a financial nature, a symbol of the fact that their owners will live a long and successful life.

Such lines are considered pirate and girls with house eyebrows often go ahead for the sake of what they want, in any relationship and situation they always dominate. Their life is eventful and not devoid of adventure, they are accompanied by success in most cases.

In a relaxed version, they are truly beautiful, moreover, they make the face original and interesting. A feature of this form is that it is undesirable to frown with it, because the wedge-shaped lines, shifted closer to the bridge of the nose, look quite frightening.


Long eyebrow lines are not like the others, because they do not fit the generally accepted standards. Not every girl decides to create such a detail of the image. Long lines, like the life of its owner, are mysterious and attractive.

The owner of long arcs is a strong nature, not devoid of sensuality, she knows her own worth. The peculiarity of this detail of appearance is that a girl with long arches over the eyelids can make a more adult, and the appearance of a mature woman is a little younger.

Advice! Do not bend the outer edge of the eyebrow down too much, otherwise the face will acquire an eternally sad expression.


Short arcs make the face naive, open and trusting, look great on young ladies. But on an adult woman, such a detail of appearance will look very strange, because naivety is an integral part of youth, not maturity.

Quite often there are naturally short eyebrows and the older a woman is, the more lengths need to be artificially added to them. To do this, you can finish drawing the edges with a pencil every day, decide on a tattoo, or use a very interesting service of beauty salons that appeared not so long ago. And the best option is the latter, because the extended eyebrows look as natural as possible.

These eyebrows give their wearer a youthful look. If a woman is young at heart and considers it a virtue, it is not at all necessary to change anything, you can leave their natural length.

People with short arcs are very passionate and often passionate lovers, and the strengths of such women are independence and ambition. Due to their short arcs, some may consider such individuals hot-tempered and fickle. In fact, the challenge of youth contained in the hairs of short length attracts to itself, but they are not suitable for everyone, as they show immaturity of personality and character.

Note! Short arcs should be of moderate thickness, because too narrow they seem clownish. But excessively wide arcs indicate that the nature of the owner is direct and sharp.


Low, straight, dark and wide enough lines above the eyes are considered masculine. In women with such a frame for the eyelids, traits appear in the character that are more suitable for the representative of the stronger sex - cruelty, imperiousness, straightforwardness. Girls with straight horizontal lines love guns and cars (men's toys).

Such a woman doesn't really need a man. This is an independent person who can stand up for herself and does an excellent job with all male affairs. But do not forget that straight ascending eyebrows (their outer edge is higher than the inner one) can make the face gloomy, aggressive and unhappy.

Persons with a horizontal line above their eyes are courageous and impulsive, love outdoor entertainment, achieve good success in their careers and sports. In a woman, straight eyebrows can symbolize a hidden love of risk in work and challenges, so such personalities can become excellent leaders who are unlikely to be inferior to men.

Often, girls with horizontal eyebrows are perceived by others as competent, intelligent and balanced people. But women's needs of the owners of straight eyebrows are also often overlooked, and there are such needs, despite the fact that these girls are difficult to classify as “domestic”.


This arrangement of hairs above the eyes indicates the naivety and lack of independence of its owner. In addition to these qualities, girls with drooping eyebrows often show their talent in literature, music and cinema. In their character there is boundless caring and kindness, and these are wonderful qualities that allow such people to be wonderful parents, good partners and reliable friends.

Such eyebrows are often called "suffering", because their owners immediately acquire a constantly yearning look, as if a girl endlessly asks for help. The hairs arranged in this way look good and a little seductive on young ladies, but with age they can look extremely unfortunate.

Lowering the outer edge of the brow below the inner one, the girl automatically turns into a tender, vulnerable, defenseless creature. This can attract the attention of the opposite sex, because masculine nature pushes them to protect the weak. Only you cannot overdo it with the level of the slope of the arcs, otherwise the face will acquire an overly suffering expression.


Arcs, flying out like arrows in the direction of the temples, show that their owner has a persistent and impetuous character. These brows have a lower inner edge than the outer edge. A girl with sideburns "floundering" knows perfectly well what she wants, but also has an idea of ​​how to achieve it.

You need to be more careful with such persons, since their confidence in their righteousness can develop not only into banal stubbornness, but sometimes into excessive aggressiveness. Girls with lines above their eyes in this way look unfriendly when they frown because of the threatening expression on their faces.

Fused female eyebrows - strong character

A mono eyebrow is not in vogue these days, but the hairs on the bridge of the nose in women grow together due to the excess of male hormones in the body. This difference from the rest noticeably affects the character, therefore, women with fused hairs in the bridge of the nose are persistent, courageous, their nature is endowed with firmness.

The owners of mono eyebrows constantly have a desire to command and dominate. As a result, this can complicate relationships with people and create difficulties in personal life.

Different shape of eyebrows - extraordinary character

People with different shapes of the eyebrows are characterized by inconsistency, both in tastes and in actions, they have a tendency to make rash decisions. They sometimes combine stubbornness and creativity, boredom and activity.

Often, such a non-standard appearance of women hides the genius of the mind of its owner, the ability to generate wonderful ideas and extraordinary thinking. Therefore, if you see a girl with even a small amount of hairs on the bridge of her nose, do not rush to draw hasty conclusions - perhaps the Nobel Prize awaits them.

A little about men's eyebrows

Competently designed eyebrows allow a man to achieve a presentable and stylish look. A person's face consists of individual details, and well-groomed and beautiful hairs above the eyes can emphasize the dignity of their owner, without suppressing other features of the appearance.

Often men do not correct their curves, but there are times when it is necessary. And the impetus for changes can be their appearance, which spoils the overall picture: lack of shape, too wide arches or thick hair on the bridge of the nose, turning the eyebrows into one continuous line. Men can adjust their appearance with their own hands and give their eyebrows a more attractive look, and for this it is enough to use tweezers.

Few are lucky with the natural shape of the eyebrows, and this applies to both men and women. Moderately wide, even and symmetrical arches are considered classic eyebrows for the stronger sex. They never go out of style and allow men to look stylish and trendy.

Those men who have not been rewarded by nature with eyebrows of symmetrical shape and normal density will have to correct them (of course, if they want to look attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex). Of course, fashion does not stand still and now you can see colored beards and eyebrows on the covers of magazines, but you must agree that this option is more suitable for a photo in a magazine than for everyday life.

Unlike women, men can change their eyebrows in a few ways. These include waxing, flossing and hair removal with tweezers. Using a cosmetic pencil or tattooing is not suitable for men, even with sparse hairs, and permanent eyebrows will look very feminine.

Personality of a man and eyebrows

As you already understood, eyebrows carry hidden information about the character of their owner. It is much easier to determine the peculiarities of the inner world of a man than a woman, since the representatives of the stronger sex pluck their eyebrows extremely rarely and in most cases their shape is natural.

It is not only the shape of the eyebrows that helps to determine the character of a person, but also other features (width, length, etc.).

Let's find out what men's eyebrows can tell you about:

  • "Classic" eyebrows, namely, with moderate length, width and density, do not carry any hidden information;
  • low arcs symbolize the practicality, ambition and determination of their owner;
  • high hairline they say that a man is purposeful, knows how to achieve his goal, but at the same time he is secretive;
  • wide arcs are among intellectuals and dreamers;

  • eyebrows that do not differ in thickness (thin), belong to men with a principled character;
  • bristly lines testify to the obstinacy, uncompromising character of a person who is unable to concede in anything, and if they are, in addition, very thick, then the man is also cruel;
  • if the lines to the temples widen rather than narrow, then, most likely, a person will strive for success all his life;
  • well visible mole in the hairs of the eyebrow- success will be accompanied in life, imperceptible - to problems with money, more precisely, with their accumulation;
  • wide and round arcs, down at the edges, they can say only good things about a man: generosity, cheerfulness, optimism, a great sense of humor and realism are combined with the peculiarity of his eyebrows;
  • long and straight lines usually decorate the face of intelligent and well-read men who love to entertain people, mostly women, and such rare eyebrows indicate the ability to maintain a conversation on any topic, from caring for a hamster to the country's economy;