Salt dough horseshoe. Do-it-yourself horseshoe from salt dough: a master class with a photo. Amulet-horseshoe made of salt dough

A horseshoe has long been considered a potent talisman that helps to attract family happiness, health, good luck and wealth into a person’s life. Such an amulet in the house removes all ill-wishers from the doors and attracts people with good intentions. He will keep the owners, give them strength and youth, happiness and love. Therefore, if you have a goal to protect your home, or give a charm to loved ones, you can make a horseshoe with your own hands from a pre-made salt dough. Our step-by-step master class will help you with this.

How to make a horseshoe from salt dough step by step with your own hands

To make a talisman in the form of a horseshoe from the simplest salt dough, we need:

  • Salty dough.
  • Board.
  • Rolling pin.
  • Cardboard.
  • Acrylic or watercolor paints.
  • Toothpick.
  • Glass with water.
  • Tassel.
  • Sequins.

First of all, you need to knead the salt dough. For this we need:

  • 200 g flour.
  • 100 g of salt.
  • 50 g starch.
  • 125 ml of water.
  • 1 tbsp PVA glue.
  1. Mix flour and salt, after sifting through a sieve. Then add PVA glue and mix. Flour is better to take the highest grade. If you use pancake flour or flour with additives, the dough may crack. To obtain a high-quality test, the salt must be non-iodized.
  2. Add cold water in small portions (so that the dough does not boil), stirring after each portion. This is necessary in order to obtain the correct consistency of the dough. Depending on the type of flour, a different amount of water may be required.
  3. Knead the dough. To begin with, you can use a mixer, but after thickening it is better to do it with your hands on the board. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands.

As soon as our dough is ready, we proceed to the manufacture of the amulet with our own hands. Progress:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard, draw a horseshoe of the desired size and shape and cut it out. This will be the template for our product.
  2. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin 1 cm thick.
  3. We apply our horseshoe template to the dough and cut it out along the contour with a clerical knife. If this is not the case, you can use a kitchen knife with a thin but sharp blade.
  4. Once again, roll out the remaining dough and cut out leaves from it, with which we will decorate the horseshoe. To do this, we will use home-made tin molds or make cardboard templates.
  5. We form teardrop-shaped leaves of different sizes. We decorate the veins with a toothpick. We put the finished leaves on the horseshoe, after moistening them at the attachment points with a brush dipped in water.
  6. We form the leaves of a bunch of grapes and glue them to the horseshoe.
  7. Now let's deal with the fruits with which we will decorate the amulet. We form a bunch of grapes from dough balls. To make apples, roll four balls of the same shape. From the center to the sides on these four balls we push the grooves with a toothpick. We roll up another small ball and insert it into the middle of the apples. For pears, we need to roll two larger balls. Lightly squeeze one of the sides of these balls. We roll a small sausage - a tail for pears. At the top of the pear we make a hole and insert the tail into it.
  8. We spread the fruit on a horseshoe.
  9. With a toothpick or the back end of the brush, we make holes at the ends of the horseshoe (stepping back a few centimeters from the edge, because the product is heavy).
  10. We leave the product to dry (you can put it under the battery) for 2 days.
  11. After 2 days, carefully turn the product over and dry on the other side for another 2-3 days.
  12. After the horseshoe is completely dry, we begin to paint it. To do this, you can use any paint: acrylic, watercolor or gouache. Only when decorating with watercolors will it be necessary to apply it in several layers, because. watercolor is quickly absorbed and the color fades.
  13. Using a brush, cover the horseshoe on top with acrylic varnish. We do this very carefully so as not to smear the paint.
  14. If desired, glitter can be applied to the varnish that has not yet dried, gently shaking them off the brush.
  15. After the product has completely dried, we thread a thread or a beautiful lace into the holes, fix it.

Our horseshoe is ready!

It is not necessary to decorate the horseshoe the way we did. It all depends on the flight of your imagination. You can simply decorate with patterns, flowers, some small figures, and if you have creative abilities, you can mold a figure of a horse or brownie. Only when making such a talisman, it is important to remember that each element of the decoration should have a special meaning, symbolize the good that is brought into the house. See the photo below for examples of horseshoe decoration.

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of the master class, we want to invite you to watch our video master class on making a horseshoe, which will be useful in learning and will be a good example for you. Happy learning!

We suggest not to wait for happiness, but to mold a charm for the house in the form of a horseshoe from salt dough with your own hands.

You will learn all the subtleties of testoplasty from this step-by-step master class - follow the recommendations and repeat the steps in the photo. Such a horseshoe can be hung over the door or presented as a gift to a loved one. If you make changes to the proposed design, you can create many different crafts. In secret - the cost of the product is cheap, but the decor looks expensive and solid.

Materials and tools

To sculpt a decorative horseshoe you will need:

  • 0.5 st. flour;
  • 0.25 st. extra salts;
  • 0.25 st. ordinary edible salt;
  • 0.5 st. cold water (may need a little less).

From tools:

  • rolling pin;
  • nail scissors;
  • toothpick or sharp stack;
  • paper horseshoe stencil.

Salt dough is a malleable, plastic material, products from which, after drying, will last for decades. Almost everything can be made from the dough, from miniature and ending with and. Read more about working in the testoplasty technique and about all the nuances of sculpting and drying.

Modeling and decoration of a horseshoe

Roll out the dough evenly with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Attach a horseshoe paper stencil on top and cut along the contour with a knife.

Roll all excess salt dough into a ball and cover with polyethylene so that it does not get weathered - you will sculpt the rest of the details from it.

Smooth the edges with a finger dipped in water, so the cuts will be neat and smooth.

Pinch off a small piece and roll into a ball with your palms, then you need to narrow one side of the ball a little to get the shape of an egg. Flatten the resulting figure a little and stick to the horseshoe.

From a small triangle, form a "tail" like a tied bag. Make three of these bags and arrange them in a row.

Form a ball from a piece of dough. Then, with a knife, make shallow, vertical notches, as in the photo.

Stick the resulting figure on a horseshoe under the bags. From a small twisted sausage, form a pumpkin tail and stick it on top.

Form a ball a little smaller than the previous one and stick it next to the pumpkin. Then stick a very small piece of dough on top of this ball. Make a few cuts with nail scissors, forming an apple.

As planned, you should get a horseshoe of abundance, symbolizing a good harvest and prosperity, so do not spare the decor. Stick two garlic cloves next to the apple. Garlic is formed in the same way as a pumpkin, and its hairy middle is made with scissors, like an apple.

From the same piece of dough as for pumpkin, roll up a sausage, narrowed on one side. Bend the sausage into a fancy shape and stick next to the pumpkin, forming a hot pepper.

Form an egg from a small ball, then flatten the figure strongly with your fingers. With a toothpick or a sharp stack, draw the veins of the leaf. You need several such leaves and it is desirable that they all be of different shapes.

Arrange the leaves on the horseshoe of abundance. Add small details to the amulet, for example, cherries from small balls or simple flowers. Make holes at the top of the horseshoe, as in the photo.

Dry the finished horseshoe-amulet in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees for 2.5-3.5 hours. After drying and cooling, decorate the product with gouache paints and varnish.

Thread a string through the hole and hang it up.

If you make a craft of a small size, you can glue a magnet on the back. Why not a gift to colleagues or friends?

Show how to make a horseshoe out of salt dough to children, this master class is quite capable of mastering even elementary school students. Just do not leave children alone with the oven!

A horseshoe has long been considered a potent talisman that helps to attract family happiness, health, good luck and wealth into a person’s life. Such an amulet in the house removes all ill-wishers from the doors and attracts people with good intentions. He will keep the owners, give them strength and youth, happiness and love. Therefore, if you have a goal to protect your home, or give a charm to loved ones, you can make a horseshoe with your own hands from a pre-made salt dough. Our step-by-step master class will help you with this.

How to make a horseshoe from salt dough step by step with your own hands

To make a talisman in the form of a horseshoe from the simplest salt dough, we need:

  • Salty dough.
  • Board.
  • Rolling pin.
  • Cardboard.
  • Acrylic or watercolor paints.
  • Toothpick.
  • Glass with water.
  • Tassel.
  • Sequins.

First of all, you need to knead the salt dough. For this we need:

  • 200 g flour.
  • 100 g of salt.
  • 50 g starch.
  • 125 ml of water.
  • 1 tbsp PVA glue.
  1. Mix flour and salt, after sifting through a sieve. Then add PVA glue and mix. Flour is better to take the highest grade. If you use pancake flour or flour with additives, the dough may crack. To obtain a high-quality test, the salt must be non-iodized.
  2. Add cold water in small portions (so that the dough does not boil), stirring after each portion. This is necessary in order to obtain the correct consistency of the dough. Depending on the type of flour, a different amount of water may be required.
  3. Knead the dough. To begin with, you can use a mixer, but after thickening it is better to do it with your hands on the board. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands.

As soon as our dough is ready, we proceed to the manufacture of the amulet with our own hands. Progress:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard, draw a horseshoe of the desired size and shape and cut it out. This will be the template for our product.
  2. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin 1 cm thick.
  3. We apply our horseshoe template to the dough and cut it out along the contour with a clerical knife. If this is not the case, you can use a kitchen knife with a thin but sharp blade.
  4. Once again, roll out the remaining dough and cut out leaves from it, with which we will decorate the horseshoe. To do this, we will use home-made tin molds or make cardboard templates.
  5. We form teardrop-shaped leaves of different sizes. We decorate the veins with a toothpick. We put the finished leaves on the horseshoe, after moistening them at the attachment points with a brush dipped in water.
  6. We form the leaves of a bunch of grapes and glue them to the horseshoe.
  7. Now let's deal with the fruits with which we will decorate the amulet. We form a bunch of grapes from dough balls. To make apples, roll four balls of the same shape. From the center to the sides on these four balls we push the grooves with a toothpick. We roll up another small ball and insert it into the middle of the apples. For pears, we need to roll two larger balls. Lightly squeeze one of the sides of these balls. We roll a small sausage - a tail for pears. At the top of the pear we make a hole and insert the tail into it.
  8. We spread the fruit on a horseshoe.
  9. With a toothpick or the back end of the brush, we make holes at the ends of the horseshoe (stepping back a few centimeters from the edge, because the product is heavy).
  10. We leave the product to dry (you can put it under the battery) for 2 days.
  11. After 2 days, carefully turn the product over and dry on the other side for another 2-3 days.
  12. After the horseshoe is completely dry, we begin to paint it. To do this, you can use any paint: acrylic, watercolor or gouache. Only when decorating with watercolors will it be necessary to apply it in several layers, because. watercolor is quickly absorbed and the color fades.
  13. Using a brush, cover the horseshoe on top with acrylic varnish. We do this very carefully so as not to smear the paint.
  14. If desired, glitter can be applied to the varnish that has not yet dried, gently shaking them off the brush.
  15. After the product has completely dried, we thread a thread or a beautiful lace into the holes, fix it.

Our horseshoe is ready!

It is not necessary to decorate the horseshoe the way we did. It all depends on the flight of your imagination. You can simply decorate with patterns, flowers, some small figures, and if you have creative abilities, you can mold a figure of a horse or brownie. Only when making such a talisman, it is important to remember that each element of the decoration should have a special meaning, symbolize the good that is brought into the house. See the photo below for examples of horseshoe decoration.

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of the master class, we want to invite you to watch our video master class on making a horseshoe, which will be useful in learning and will be a good example for you. Happy learning!

In this master class, we will create a horseshoe for happiness with our own hands. We will make from salt dough. And in order for the amulet to acquire additional strength, we will add to the horseshoe the keeper of the hearth - the brownie.

Materials and fixtures

For test:

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 0.5 cups fine salt;
  • 0.5 cups of regular medium salt;
  • about 1 - 1.5 tbsp. cold water.

For work you will need:

  • stacks or improvised materials;
  • rolling pin;
  • gouache paints;
  • brushes;
  • twine;
  • glue gun with silicone rods;
  • universal aerosol varnish.

If you do not have a gun, it is quite possible to use Moment glue.

Production by stages


  1. First we create a horseshoe template. To do this, draw it on cardboard or plain paper and cut it out. There should not be any difficulties here: everyone can draw a semi-oval. The approximate size of the workpiece is 15 cm in height and 15 in width along the widest part.
  2. Knead a very stiff dough of flour, salt and cold water.
  3. Roll out into a layer up to 2 cm thick.
  4. We spread the cardboard horseshoe template on a layer of salt dough and cut along the contour. In principle, we have already created a horseshoe with our own hands. But we also need a hearth keeper - a brownie.
  5. Put a ball of dough on top of the concave part and slightly stretch it into an oval. It turns out the body of a brownie.
  6. We make 2 identical sausages (legs) from the dough, proportional to the body. To make the leg of the weirdo closest to us, we stick the sausage to the bottom of the body, bend it as shown in the photo, and attach the second edge to the horseshoe.
  7. We also attach the second sausage to the lower part of the body of the brownie, but we hide the joint behind the first leg. We bend the leg so that it is located on top of the first. That is, we throw the left over the right. We lower the lower edge of the sausage and lightly press it against the horseshoe. Do not leave protruding parts. Everything must be glued together and firmly. Because salt dough is not such a strong material. And in order to make protruding, separate located, parts, you need a frame.
  8. Now we make 2 identical sausages for hands. We flatten each sausage a little from one edge and make short cuts with nail scissors, forming a palm with fingers.
  9. We bend the left hand and stick it on the stomach. We bend the right one up and stick it to the horseshoe.
  10. From a ball, of such a size that it is proportional to the torso and limbs, we form the head.
  11. From small balls we make eyes and a nose. We outline the mouth with a stack. We also create an ear from a tiny ball. Then half of the ball-ear is kneaded with a stack and pressed into the head so that only the outline remains. And the second half of the ball stuck out, that is, it was the ear itself.
  12. Take a rectangular piece of dough, stick it over your head. Then, with the blunt side of the knife, we make a lot of dents and notches, forming the harmonica fur of the brownie.
  13. Now we will make a belt on the stomach and a few folds (with a stack or a toothpick). At the feet, on a horseshoe, place a piece of dough rolled into a ball. Let's stretch it out a little so that it looks like an egg and has a "sharp" and "blunt" side. This will be the pouch of our hearth keeper's wealth.
  14. Above the "sharp" side, add a small triangle, point down. Now we make dents with a stack or a toothpick. And an incomprehensible testicle turns into a bag of goodness.
  15. Similarly, we create two more bags.
  16. Add small details (optional), for example, a ladybug. Poke holes for hanging.
  17. Now our horseshoe-amulet for happiness must be baked or dried. If we want to bake, then put it in the oven at 100 degrees for 5-7 hours. But it is better to simply dry the dough in the air in a warm room or on a battery for 2-5 days.


Creating a brownie's hair

That's all. A horseshoe-amulet for happiness, made from salt dough with your own hands, is ready to decorate a house, a New Year tree, a wall on a balcony.

even a beginner can make it with his own hands, and the result will certainly please both the one who worked on the creation of this souvenir and his relatives. Such a craft can be presented without hesitation as a gift to your friends and relatives or used to decorate the premises.

The basis for work in this case will be the classic, kneaded according to the usual recipe: two parts of flour to one part of salt. It is better to dilute salt with warm water - in this case, it will dissolve faster. A master class on kneading such a dough can be found on the Web.

From the finished dough you need to make an even stick (sausage).

By bending it in an arc and flattening it with a rolling pin, we will get a horseshoe. Using a knife or any sharp object, make two holes along the edges of the horseshoe. While our salt dough horseshoe is not frozen, we decorate it.

To do this, roll another sausage from the dough and cut it into small pieces. We give each piece the shape of a ball, and then droplets.

We flatten the droplets - petals are obtained. We lay out flowers from them. To make the elements of flowers better attached, you can slightly moisten their surface (or surface) of the horseshoe with plain water.

In the center of each flower we put a small ball, flatten it and make its surface embossed with a toothpick or any other sharp object.

With the same object we make holes along the edges of the petals - we give them a more interesting shape.

We attach small balls between the petals.

We sculpt the leaves, push the veins on them with a toothpick. First, we make the central vein. And already from it to the side we lay small additional grooves.

Gradually, we get an openwork, very elegant horseshoe.

After drying it, we proceed to painting. We paint the horseshoe itself brown.

The flowers are yellow, the hearts are orange, and the balls between the petals are burgundy or crimson. Color the leaves green.

With decorative golden paint, with light strokes, we apply highlights of color to flower petals and leaves.

We learned how to make a horseshoe! And so that the product does not remain on the sidelines, we tie a bright satin ribbon to it and hang it in the most prominent place in the kitchen.

Any room will be transformed from such a souvenir.