Redness and flaking of the skin between the toes. How to take care of your feet skin as a preventive measure. Age, diet and environment are important

Problems with the skin of the feet occur quite often. At an appointment with a dermatologist or a pedicure master, the main complaints are reduced to peeling of the skin of the feet, its sloughing between the toes and over the entire surface of the foot.

So what are the main causes of these unpleasant symptoms?

Climb the skin on the soles of the feet: 5 main reasons

In order to find out exactly the cause of the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to take into account many factors, and a wide variety of them. These include seasonality, the relationship with any negative factors, the presence of symptoms of an allergic reaction, concomitant diseases, etc.

But in the meantime, doctors can indicate the main reasons:

  • Deficiency of vitamins A and E. In this case, the skin on the toes and hands will peel off seasonally, i.e. in spring and autumn, which are the classic symptoms of hypovitaminosis. Simultaneously with peeling, brittle nails and hair appear, their shine is lost, significant hair loss and the formation of dandruff are noted.
  • Allergic reactions, for example, allergic dermatitis, which can be provoked by surfactants, chlorine, frost, components of washing powders, hygiene products and even wool.
  • Increased sweating of the feet. An individual reaction, which is aggravated by the lack of adequate foot hygiene, wearing the wrong "non-breathing" shoes, will not only contribute to the appearance of diaper rash and an unpleasant odor, but also make the skin loose, which will aggravate the situation and add fungal or microbial inflammation. The looseness will cause blisters to form and the skin between the toes will begin to peel.
  • Aggressive environment. The human body is a perfect system with well thought out defense mechanisms. If the environment is too aggressive, then active growth of the stratum corneum of the epithelium begins on the skin of the feet. The heels become rough, and if this process continues and aggressive factors continue to act, then gradually the skin begins to peel off and slough off in layers.
  • Exposure to temperatures - low and high temperatures, especially their sharp drop, can cause peeling of the skin of the feet.

If the skin on the toes peels off, the fungus is the reason

At a dermatologist's appointment, the main answer to the question of why the skin on the toes peels off is the diagnosis "Fungal infection". This diagnosis is quite serious, and one cannot do without consulting a specialist and adequate drug treatment. Patients should remember that the treatment will be long and difficult. If there is no timely treatment, the disease can be seriously complicated by damage to the nails, their ingrowth.

The main symptoms of fungal lesions of the feet will be peeling of the skin of the feet, loss of shine with nails, the appearance of roughness and blotches, the appearance of moisture between the toes. And most importantly, no, even the most thorough hygiene procedures on the soles of the feet, can relieve the symptoms, and the condition only gets worse.

To make a diagnosis, medical research, some laboratory tests and determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to medications are necessary.

How to avoid?

In order for the skin on the soles not to peel off, it is necessary to strictly follow the basic rules of care, nutrition, etc. The best means of prevention will be the elimination of all aggressive and provoking factors.

In the autumn-winter period, attention should be paid to the diet; the intake of additional vitamin complexes is recommended. You need to take care of your feet not only in summer, but also during the period of wearing closed shoes - a visit to a pedicure master, moisturizing and nourishing masks, hygiene procedures.

When cracks form on the heels, it is necessary to especially carefully adhere to the basic rules of care, use moisturizers and nourishing creams and masks. But even this is not enough - it is important to remove the hardened skin in time.

Many people complain of peeling skin on their feet. Peeling is influenced by various factors, both external (wearing uncomfortable shoes) and internal (lack of vitamins or diseases of the digestive tract). Skin peeling can be painless, causing only cosmetic discomfort.

In other cases, flaking is accompanied by itching, pain, and cracks in the heels or between the toes.

Causes of pathology

When an unpleasant symptom appears, people wonder why the skin on the soles of their feet will peel. The main factor contributing to detachment in an adult or toddler is dryness of the skin of the feet. The dead layer of the epidermis is gradually peeling off.

There are the following reasons that affect the separation of the skin:

  • Uncomfortable, closed and tight shoes interfere with the breathing of the skin. Oxygen practically does not reach the feet, this causes severe flaking.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals - this factor causes skin exfoliation not only on the feet, but also on other parts of the body. At the same time, the condition of hair and nails deteriorates in people. It is generally accepted among dermatologists that peeling is caused by a lack of vitamins A and E.
  • Poor skin hydration - in summer and hot weather, the skin is very dry, and the body feels a lack of clean water. A similar condition is observed during the heating season.
  • Fungal skin diseases often lead to peeling of the feet. But in this case, it goes from the feet, the feet are very itchy. People who visit public places associated with walking barefoot are usually infected with the fungus. For example: baths, saunas, swimming pools.
  • Skin exposure to low or high temperatures, extreme and sudden changes in ambient temperature. For example: with frostbite or severe burns.
  • Wearing socks, stockings or tights made from synthetic materials. Oxygen access is hampered, the skin is very dry.
  • Peeling of the feet is also affected by prolonged stressful situations, being in a constant tense emotional state.

Poorly selected cosmetic preparations, regular exposure to chlorinated water, and disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system can cause skin exfoliation.

  1. If the skin peels off due to the fungus, then doctors prescribe local preparations in the form of creams, gels or ointments: "Lamisil", "Exoderil", "", "".
  2. For severe itching or burning, it is recommended to take antihistamines. The therapy is carried out with the help of "Zodak", "Suprastin" or "Zirtek".
  3. If the desquamation is caused by eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions, then steroid medications should be used. The most common drug is Prednisolone.
  4. Local anti-inflammatory ointments include Bepanten or Fenistil. You can also use corticosteroid drugs: Lokoid, Avantin. Ointments will relieve itching and relieve the patient's condition.
  5. In case of severe fungal infections of the feet, take a course of tablets: "Itraconazole" or "".
  6. To alleviate the condition of patients suffering from fungal diseases, baths with potassium permanganate will help. They disinfect the skin, help to cope with fungi. Heat water to 40 degrees, dilute potassium permanganate in it until the solution turns dark. Keep your feet in the bath for up to 20 minutes.

Dry your feet, apply medication, and put on cotton socks.

Home treatment

In addition to traditional medicine, you can use cosmetic skin softening methods without leaving your home. They are suitable for both children and adults.

Ointments and compresses moisturize and nourish the skin of the feet of a child and an adult:

  1. Prepare two yolks, add a few tablespoons of warm oil (sunflower or olive) to them. Whisk the mixture well, apply to clean feet, wrapping them in plastic wrap. Put on your socks, walk for an hour, then rinse.
  2. Take any foot cream, mix three spoons with 50 milliliters of chamomile broth. Next, make a solution of starch: dilute two tablespoons of the powder with water to get the state of sour cream. Mix both solutions, spread it on your feet. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on socks on top. Wash your feet well, after half an hour.
  3. Prepare a few tablespoons of fatty body cream, add a little freshly squeezed juice from carrots or beets to it (you can even mix both fresh juices). Spread the mixture on your feet, wash them after 30 - 40 minutes.

With foot fungus, you can use proven folk remedies: baths with iodine, soda, vinegar, salt.


Regular foot care in an adult avoids problems associated with dry feet.

The following preventive measures will help improve the condition of the skin:

  • always wash your feet before going to bed, lubricating them with a special foot cream;
  • Choose shoes made from quality materials and socks made from breathable fabrics (cotton or linen);
  • drink a complex of vitamins several times a year, it will improve the condition of the body as a whole;
  • a couple of times a week it is worth doing softening baths of herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, or with the addition of baking soda or lemon;
  • observe the water regime, daily an adult should consume from one and a half to two liters of clean water.
  • include in your diet foods containing vitamins A and E. Diversify the menu with fish, seafood, carrots, broccoli, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils.
  • Do leg exercises regularly to improve blood flow. Just raise your legs above body level by lying on your back. Shake your limbs for 2 to 3 minutes.


Peeling of the skin on the soles of children and adults is an unpleasant defect. Sometimes the separation of the upper layers of the epidermis is not accompanied by additional symptoms and goes unnoticed. But in some cases, on the heels or toes are formed

In the adult population, problems with the skin of the toes occur often - it cracks and peels off. If this happens in spring and autumn, the reason may be a lack of vitamins A and E, and an excess of C. If you suspect a lack of vitamins, pumpkin, stewed cabbage and carrots, more greens, boiled eggs and oatmeal should be included in the diet. Lubricate the skin on the toes with a solution of vitamins A and E in oil. If after a week or two it does not return to normal, you should consult a doctor.

Legs, in addition to an unpleasant odor and diaper rash, causes looseness of the skin, facilitating the penetration of fungi and bacteria into it. To get rid of sweating feet, you should regularly do foot baths with oak bark and chamomile.

The skin on the toes can peel off when it is affected by the fungus. Endocrine diseases, a weakened immune system, impaired blood circulation and even improperly selected shoes can give an impetus to the active development of the fungus. The disease is contagious, it can be caught during contact with a sick person in saunas, baths, swimming pools, on the beaches. The fungus multiplies rapidly, causing flaking and redness on the skin. After a while, the skin between the toes begins to get wet, cracks and peels, causing discomfort and pain.

Reliable prevention of fungus - personal hygiene. You should wash your feet daily before going to bed and dry your skin with a towel, especially on your toes. Treat rough places with a pumice stone, lubricate your feet with a suitable cream. For prevention and with the initial forms of the fungus, you can use Riodoxol ointment.

Safe way to remove keratinization of nails and skin - medical pedicure, which is carried out using a special apparatus with many elements that allow you to remove keratinization and remove layers affected by the fungus.

Fungus is hard to get rid of , with untimely treatment, the nail plates are affected, which greatly complicates the treatment. In addition, foci of hyperkeratosis are formed - an increased thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The presence of a constant source of fungal infection is dangerous, because it can easily spread throughout the body and even infect internal organs.

Toe Skin Treatment

To date, effective means are known that allow you to quickly put your legs in order -, Orungal,. They quickly penetrate into the stratum corneum and remain in it for a long time, allowing relatively short courses of therapy.

There are many traditional medicines. The most common is an onion compress. The legs are pre-steamed in hot water with baking soda, onion gruel is applied to the affected areas, fixed with polyethylene and left overnight. In the morning they wash their feet and lubricate problem areas with nourishing cream. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times.

Human feet withstand heavy loads every day, because they bear the entire body weight. The feet are constantly in motion and it is not at all strange that at a certain period of time, the skin on the toes fails, and begins to signal this by peeling and increased dryness. Most people ignore this situation, considering it a minor cosmetic defect. At times, the skin that exfoliates between the platzas can be evidence of a serious illness that can dramatically change your life without timely treatment.

Why is the skin peeling off the fingers?

The skin on the toes will not peel off for a reason, most likely there was a malfunction in your body, which caused an imbalance of hormones or a lack of some of the vitamins. If the body does not have enough calcium, as well as vitamins A and E, the skin on the toes peels off. At the same time, its peeling is observed on the feet, brittle nails appear and their shine is lost. If you notice an exacerbation of the pathological process periodically - with the change of season, then you can be sure that these are typical symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

If the skin on the toes is peeled off and the nearby areas are swollen and red, an allergic reaction can be assumed. Anything can provoke it - detergent, poor-quality socks, contact with aggressive substances or an incorrectly performed pedicure.

The skin between the toes is flaky due to excessive sweating or a fungal infection. The reason for this may be wearing shoes made of low-quality materials, lack of hygiene, or visiting public showers and swimming pools. You can recognize a fungal infection by the characteristic white coating on the skin, coarsening of the affected areas and the rapid spread of peeling. A typical symptom of a fungal infection is an unpleasant odor from the feet, even after showering.

It is very important, if you suspect you have a fungus, to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the fungus is very contagious, and you can infect other people through direct contact or using the same household items with them.

Peeling between the toes can also provoke a sharp change in temperature. In people with sensitive skin, the body thus reacts to an irritant. This situation does not require medical intervention, but it is important for a person to monitor their immunity. An organism with increased protective properties, less susceptible to irritating factors.

If the skin is constantly peeling off the toes, then the reason may be hidden in low-quality chlorinated water that you use for hygiene procedures. Chlorine dries out the epidermis, which reacts accordingly. The upper ball of cells dies due to lack of moisture and begins to flake off.

The situation in which the skin on the toes peels off the cause can be very serious. It is the harmless peeling on the big toe that psoriasis can begin. This is a systemic disease that over time affects the internal organs. It is also important to note that so far, doctors have not learned how to eliminate the disease. Once faced with an ailment, a person will now regularly face exacerbations. All doctors can do is prolong the period of remission and reduce the intensity of symptoms.

Why the skin on the toes is peeling, a dermatologist can tell you based on a thorough examination. That is why, do not try to diagnose yourself and buy medications on your own. Due to a lack of knowledge and your rash decisions, you may face serious complications, which will be much more difficult to eliminate than the original pathology.


Why the skin of an adult's legs peels off, a qualified doctor can tell already upon a visual examination. Treatment will be based on laboratory tests and the cause of the flaky skin between the toes.

Simple moisturizers can eliminate flaking between the fingers if there are no visible infectious diseases. Dry skin can be itchy and uncomfortable, but all you need to do is provide it with adequate nutrition and good hygiene.

It is very important not to get carried away with detergents, because there is a possibility that the antibacterial soap that you use so diligently can wash away the natural protective layer from the skin. That is why the epidermis dries up and begins to peel off.

They will crawl over their toes due to a lack of vitamins, as mentioned above. To normalize the balance of nutrients, you need to take medications that stimulate the immune system and vitamin complexes. Retinol, Vitamin E, Imudon, Bronchomunal and Likopid have proven themselves very well.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction will be helped by the antihistamines Tavegil and Suprastin. These medicines will also help relieve itching and burning, which are frequent companions of the body's response to an irritant. If the skin is covered between the toes due to fungus, external agents will be prescribed, such as:

  • Lamisil;
  • Exoderil;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Mycospore.

All of the above funds contain components that are active in the fight against different strains of the fungus, as well as against some gram-positive bacteria. By properly applying topical products to the flaky skin surface, you will certainly get results.

If you notice that the scaly areas are cracking and the skin peels off, revealing a red surface, it is very important to treat with antiseptics. A bacterial infection can develop in the affected area. The inflamed surface is treated with salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexin.

Folk remedies in the fight against peeling skin

If skin peels between the toes, you can eliminate the pathology using folk remedies. This is a very reasonable decision, because most medications have contraindications for use, and traditional medicine, as a rule, is based on herbal ingredients.

The skin on the toes will regain its former health when treated with olive oil mixed with tea tree oil. Tea tree has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, therefore it disinfects the epidermis, and olive oil saturates it with essential trace elements and soothes irritation.

In order to get rid of the top flaky layer, you can use belongings made from crushed oatmeal and soda. After the components are mixed together, they are applied to the skin between the fingers, already moisturized with water, and massaged. After the procedure, the skin is treated with butter and honey.

The easiest way to moisturize dry, flaky skin between your toes is to rub it with cucumber or aloe pulp.

If you encounter fungus between your toes that causes peeling, chop the garlic and apply the gruel to the affected area for twenty minutes. It is important not to overdo it, there is a chance of getting burned. If you do everything right, the skin will recover after just three treatments.

Prevention measures

Problems with the skin between the toes are very easy to avoid by preventing fungi and hypovitaminosis. Regular hygiene procedures and moisturizing your feet, treating your feet with a pumice stone to remove rough skin, will not only preserve the graceful appearance of your feet, but also reduce the likelihood of the spread of the fungus. A contrast shower or bath after a hard day will increase blood flow to the feet and reduce the likelihood of cracking, as it will strengthen local immunity.

The skin on your toes will look flawless if you learn how to choose the right shoes and hosiery for yourself. The epidermis needs constant ventilation, saving on new shoes or buying synthetic socks, you yourself bring on the disease in which the skin between the toes will peel off.

The most common causes of peeling are microtrauma on the fingers, which have been ignored. It is important to treat even minor scratches on the legs with an antiseptic, because once bacteria enter the wound, bacteria begin to multiply en masse. Scaly dryness between the toes is the most harmless symptom associated with bacterial infections.

Each person himself must understand that it is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its treatment and struggle with complications later. Lead an active lifestyle, consume vitamin-containing products, at the first alarming symptoms on the skin, consult a doctor, and you will certainly maintain the full health of your body, and the impeccable appearance of the skin on your toes.

Not all diseases seem serious enough to us to seek medical attention. And this is quite understandable - who will write out sick leave if only some unpleasant diaper rash appeared between the toes? And the employer will not understand. This is the most common reason for self-medication in our society. And it is important not to miss the symptoms of a serious illness, when a heroic attempt not to disappoint the authorities develops into a stupid disregard for oneself.

What does the problem look like?

It starts with a slight redness that can easily be mistaken for an occasional skin irritation. At first, this does not cause almost the slightest discomfort, but soon the affected areas can begin to hurt, itch, a burning sensation appears, the skin peels off, and cracks form.

The usual diaper rash between the toes can seriously reduce the quality of life and even be a symptom of a dangerous disease. At first it becomes uncomfortable and then painful to walk. Sweat takes on an unpleasant odor, so it becomes difficult to simply take off your shoes at a party. The situation is complicated by the fact that the toes are tightly adjacent to each other, and in closed shoes, this provokes an aggravation of the problem. But after a certain stage, open sandals or sandals are not the best choice, because dust gets into microcracks and wounds, increasing suffering.

Causes of diaper rash between the toes

Experts identify several culprits for the appearance of irritation:

  • fungal diseases;
  • eczema;
  • allergy;
  • excessive sweating;
  • uncomfortable shoes.

The main problem is that these reasons can be combined in any combination, complement and intensify the negative impact. That is why it is still advisable to visit a dermatologist and clarify the diagnosis, this will help to choose the right ointment for diaper rash between the toes. For example, if this is a really common problem, then zinc-based preparations can help to cope with it.

Fungal diseases

For the treatment of mycoses, first of all, timely and correct diagnosis is required. Therefore, it is advisable to go to a dermatologist - this will help eliminate the disease as soon as possible. The fact is that different types of fungus can cause similar symptoms, and it would be a mistake to smear the diaper rash between the toes with a remedy that is more suitable for treating other types of skin lesions.

Fortunately, you can buy a spray or ointment at the pharmacy for a wide range of fungal infections caused by different pathogens. The main danger in this case is a frivolous attitude and stopping treatment at the first sign of relief. Do not succumb to provocations, and be sure to bring the course of treatment to the end! Otherwise, the fungus will adapt and it will be more difficult to remove it.

TV commercials show a fairly accurate metaphor for the sensations of this disease. Not only is there a terrible itching and burning sensation between the toes, the diaper rash that appears also gets wet, emitting an unpleasant odor. Indeed, I want to climb the wall and run along the ceiling, if only it stops. If the fungus is started, the dermatologist will prescribe complex therapy - taking special drugs inside, in the form of tablets, and simultaneously treating the skin with medicinal ointments and sprays.

Eczema or allergies?

If earlier both problems were considered related, now dermatologists consider these to be separate skin diseases. Allergens can aggravate the course of eczema, supplementing it with new symptoms, so diagnosis is somewhat difficult. Skin rashes can appear due to the fact that the socks are poorly rinsed out of washing powder. between the toes if it is caused by an allergy? For self-diagnosis, you need to carefully examine the feet, if this is an acute reaction to an irritant, then redness may appear on the ankles, where the elastic band fits snugly to the skin.

First of all, it is recommended, if possible, to exclude contact with the allergen, to take antihistamines. If the diaper rash begins to fade and pass, then it will be enough to treat them with zinc ointment or powder with talcum powder, this will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Excessive sweating

This is one of the most common foot problems. A combination of hot weather and tight, airtight shoes can provoke this reaction. For example, diaper rash between the toes in men is often caused by complex causes. It all starts with sweating, and bacteria proliferate in a warm, humid environment, and the occasional spores of the fungus after visiting the shower in the gym may well find a favorable space for life there.

If you reduce the humidity, regularly reduce the number of microorganisms, then the odor will be less. On the road, for example, you can wipe your feet with wet wipes, paying close attention to the spaces between your toes, dry your feet, and put on fresh socks. Baths, special creams and foot deodorants, talcum powder, Teymurov's paste help with sweating.

Uncomfortable shoes

The main enemy can be considered sneakers, rubber boots and any other boots that tightly squeeze the toes and completely do not allow air to pass through. In such shoes, the feet begin to sweat actively, overheat, and in these conditions diaper rash and cracks between the toes quickly appear, the skin peels off and it becomes painful to walk.

If the balance of natural healthy skin is disturbed, then open sandals will not help. The cracks get rough and deeper, causing severe suffering. Due to their specific location, they are not so easy to treat, because you have to apply ointment, bandages, and when walking, they can move, injuring barely healed injuries.

To safely wear rubber boots or similar footwear, you need to be doubly careful when choosing your socks. It is better to choose products made from natural cotton. This material perfectly absorbs excess moisture. If the weather is cool, it is better to wear a woolen sock over a cotton sock. The air in the loops of such a product creates the necessary barrier of comfort and safety for the skin, thanks to which the system allows it to wick moisture away from the skin and keep the feet dry and healthy. During long hikes, it is recommended to pay special attention to the feet and the thin skin between the toes at a halt. If possible, they should be rinsed, dried, and clean and dry socks should be put on.

How to get rid of diaper rash?

First of all, you need to eliminate the causes of the problem: cure the fungus, if any, try to eliminate allergies, get rid of socks with a high content of synthetics. Natural materials can help normalize sweating, but that's not enough.

How to get rid of diaper rash between the toes using medicines? Zinc ointment is used at home, it is possible at night, and talcum powder is abundantly powdered on the feet and in all natural folds of the skin before going outside. Take care of the right shoes. If the diaper rash is inflamed and weeping, it is better to purchase an antibacterial ointment, it will help to cope with microorganisms that prevent you from quickly recovering.

Do not treat the affected areas with iodine, as some home-grown "experts" recommend. Burning already damaged skin on a regular basis means prolonging the treatment for an additional several days, or even weeks.

Foot problems in children

How can diaper rash appear in a child between the toes? Subject to all hygiene requirements, this can be explained by not yet established thermoregulation, when it comes to babies. It is often a combination of poor shoes, in which the feet sweat a lot, and low levels of immunity, if the body is unable to cope with common bacteria. This can also be a manifestation of allergies, fungal diseases. In any case, it is better to show the child to the doctor, and use the simple drugs listed above to make him feel better.

Traditional methods of treatment

The wonderful thing between the toes is the warm baths with decoctions and herbal infusions. Pharmacy chamomile, calendula and succession in any combination will help to cope with inflammation, heal small cracks. Moreover, these herbs have remarkable deodorant properties.

To reduce sweating, you need to regularly do foot baths with a decoction of oak bark. Tannins tighten and normalize the pores of the skin through which sweat is secreted. Warm water with the addition of medicinal herbs soothes not only diaper rash, foot baths have a healing effect on the body as a whole, soothe the nerves.

Another well-proven medicine is ordinary tar soap. This remedy is widely used in folk medicine, it is used to treat many skin diseases. Fortunately, now it is not necessary to use pure tar, as you can find on sale regular lumpy soap, liquid soap, and creamy balm. This simple remedy will not only disinfect and dry the legs, but also soothe irritation.

After any water procedure, you need to thoroughly blot the skin with a terry towel, especially between the fingers. If talc is not available, you can powder the skin with rice flour or potato starch.