Congratulations to a happy birthday deputy in prose. Congratulations to the deputy happy birthday in prose Congratulations to the Chief Deputy with Anniversary

Today is the birthday of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region of Alexander Viktorovich Ussa. A numerous congratulatory telegrams from all over the edge are coming to the Speaker of the Regional Parliament and because of its limits.

"You never regretted the efforts to improve legislation aimed at ensuring the effective development of the richest edge of Siberia, improving the quality of life of Siberians, "Vice-Chairman of the Council of the Federation Svetlana Orlova writes in the government telegram. - Let your experience of the leader, professionalism, knowledge of life and people for many years serve Russia, Siberia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. "

"Your successes are absolutely obvious in the legislative power, and it does not even require evidence examples.- I am sure the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Lion Kuznetsov. - In addition, we all remember that behind your shoulders - years of successful work in the authority of the executive, and at the shoulders today's post of President SFU. Your contribution to the work of the judiciary is significant - through lawmaking, as well as through lawyers. Well, about the fact that you are a favorite of the media, speak simply unnecessary. In a good envy of this and other of your unique talents and successes. Hugging. Happy Birthday!"

"Let there be reliable friends next to you, and the heat and support of loved ones give you strength for new achievements and success in all directions of your activity"- Wishes first Deputy Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Region of Edmham Acculatov.

"Let your activities aimed at solving important social tasks and the development of the region brings their weighty fruits, and respect and mutual understanding of colleagues and friends continue to accompany and help you in your fruitful work"- writes member of the Federation Council Vyacheslav Novikov.

"Your legislative, social and political activities are widely known in Russia, your authority weighing, - notes the member of the Federation Council Viktor Kosomrov. - I sincerely wish you further success in responsible state affairs for the benefit of the Fatherland, life equilibrium and coziness, desirable happiness for long, for many years! "

"I am sure you make a worthy contribution to the successful and dynamic development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and you have any tasks on the shoulder- Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk City Council of Deputies Vladimir Chashchenin writes. - Let all your desires achieve goals, and hopes and dreams are embodied in life. "

"In this wonderful day, I wish you new success in your activities, confident movement forward, the accomplishment of your plans!" - Congratulates the governor of the Novosibirsk region Vasily Yurchenko. "Let you always accompany the luck in affairs, does not leave the vigor of spirit and optimism, surround the support and respect of like-minded people, love, care and understanding of loved ones!" - Wishers Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region Ivan Moroz.

"You have deserved respect for countrymen and neighbors as an experienced leader and wise politician! - Chairman of the Altai Regional Legislative Assembly Ivan Laor writes. - Let you always accompany the luck! I wish you strong Siberian health, reliable friends, happiness and well-being! "

"Let your life be filled with pleasant discoveries and changes- the head of Achinsk Xlya Akhmetov wishes, - let always accompany happiness, health, joy, love, good mood and success in the embodiment of the intended projects! "

"Your life path deserves the deepest and sincere respect- notes the head of the city of Dudinka Alexei Dyachenko. - You won a reputation as a talented, professional manager, energetic and wise person, always configured to win and knowing this victory to achieve. "

"You know as a competent manager, hardworking and very responsible person., - emphasizes the deputy head of the city of Borodino on social issues Elena Zolotarev. - Let all your undertakes and works embedded in the improvement and development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, will receive their continuation and will be assessed not only by contemporaries, but also descendants! "

"Your long-term fruitful work as Chairman of the Region Legislative Assembly is a real and significant contribution to the development of our region., "said Andrei Fedorov, Director General of Suek-Krasnoyarsk OJSC. - Successes in the implementation of the most bold plans and undertakings, inexhaustible vital energy and strong Siberian health for many years! "

"Knowing your energy and perseverance, purposefulness and performance, your professionalism, I believe that the conquest of inaccessible vertices will become a reality for you! - writes President CJSC AIKB "Yenisei Joint Bank" Assia Belonogov. - Let all worries be pleasant, and work - fruitful! "

"I wish that life has always been to you in joy, so that a buggy bird of happiness did not leave you ever, so that all errors, if they are, would be corrected" , "CEO CEO congratulates, deputy of the Krasnoyarsk City Council Anatoly Matyushenko.

"Huge human thank you for your talent of the head- Thanks the chief physician of the Krasnoyarsk Maternity House No. 4 Lyudmila Popova. - Health to you, your family for many, many years ahead, so that everything you come to, brought you only positive emotions and faith in the future! "

The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, the heads of the municipalities of the region, federal and regional structures, companies, enterprises and organizations of the region congratulate the leaders of the municipalities of the region. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly, employees of the apparatus of the regional parliament join the congratulations and from all the souls wish Alexander Viktorovich's cheerfulness of the Spirit and Body, new accomplishments and bright victories.

press Service of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

PRESS RELEASE № 657 (12174)

City life

On the eve of this holiday, a lot of letters with congratulations Sergei Viktorovich comes to the editorial board "Gallery Chizhov". Part of them we publish in this room.

S. Neverov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the FS RF, Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Congratulations on your birthday! Let every day of your life brings only good events, and the vigor of the spirit and optimism will never leave you. Well-being and good luck.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the FS RF, Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party S. Neversov

NOT. Rogozhkin, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Main Command, the military council of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you happiness, good health, good and success in your multifaceted activities for the benefit of our Fatherland - Russia.

deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Army General N.E. Rogozhkin

V.S. Katrenko, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take sincere congratulations on your birthday! You fully have the qualities of a highly efficient and successful head capable of achieving the most ambitious goals. You managed to reach vertices not only in business, but also in politics, get widespread public recognition and respect. Being an active supporter of socially responsible business, you show yourself in such a noble area as charity, actively implementing socially significant projects. I wish you good health, optimism, well-being, prosperity, further successful activities for the benefit of Russia.

Sincerely, the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation V.S. Katrenko

L.G. Ivlev, Deputy Chairman of the CEC of Russia

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your birthday! I sincerely wish you inexhaustible energy and inspiration, optimism and success in all endeavors for the benefit of our fatherland! Good health, happiness and well-being!

Sincerely, Deputy Chairman of the CEC Russia L.G. Ivlev

A.V. Gordeev, Governor of the Voronezh region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the warmest congratulations on your birthday, and with them - sincere wishes of success in work, good health, happiness, well-being to you and your loved ones.

Regards, Governor of the Voronezh region A.V. Gordeev

A.V. Gusev, First Deputy Governor of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the warmest and sincere happy birthday greetings! The Voronezh region was fortunate enough that you represent her interests in the higher authority of the legislative power. All Voronezh people know you as a person not only talented and initiative, but also knowing how to keep their word. And most importantly - your organizational talent, a large political experience that has developed over the years, all your efforts are aimed at solving problems of ordinary Russians and, of course, their countrymen. Veterans and schoolchildren, large families and everyone who needs social protection see your attention, care and responsibility for their fate. You can envy your health and organizational talent in a good way. They are based on big patriotism and an undoubted desire to make the life of everyone better. In my birthday, I wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, new ideas and undertakings, reliable and faithful companions in noble labor for the benefit of the country and the region. Let your family always have health and joy!

First Deputy Governor of the Voronezh Region A.V. Gusev

V.A. Pekhtin, Chairman of the Commission of the State Duma on the issues of deputy ethics

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take sincere congratulations on your birthday! In this solemn day, I wish you the most important thing - good health and long-life life! Let the spiritual heat, support for friends and colleagues, close and relatives always fills your life, and good luck accompanies in all matters!

Chairman of the Commission of the State Duma on issues of deputy ethics V.A. Pekhtin

A.M. Makarov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the most sincere and warm congratulations on the occasion of your birthday! In this joyful for you and your loved ones from the bottom of my heart, I wish you health, inexhaustible energy, peace and well-being, so that problems avoid you, and good luck, happiness, the attention of friends and the warmth of home the hearth have always been with you! Let you surround only true friends and reliable colleagues, and in the family reigns love and well-being. Let all your plans and hopes come true, and in the house there are always good and joy. Let you never leave hope, wisdom and patience, and the years that will be the same bright, filled with happy, memorable events!

Sincerely, A.M. Makarov

S.A. Gavrilov, Chairman of the GD Committee on property issues

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. At all stages of their biography, you exceed the interests of the case and always achieved the necessary result. You are distinguished by the collence, competence, the ability to control the situation, think quickly. Your colleagues especially appreciate your human qualities - principled, the ability to work in a team, to take the only correct decision in difficult situations. Let me wish you good health, cheerfulness, good luck, implement all plans!

Chairman of the GD Committee on Property Ownership Gavrilov

G. Karelova, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of DG on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere birthday greetings! I sincerely wish you good health, success in work for the benefit of development, prosperity and modernization of Russia. Let your creative ideas are carried out, and luck always accompanies in matters. Long years of life, good and happiness to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of DG on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs of Karelov

T.V. Yakovleva, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere happy birthday greetings!
As your colleague on work in the State Duma, I always celebrate your high professionalism, competence, the ability to work with full self-dedication, organizational talent and initiative. I am sure that these qualities will continue to promote your fruitful work for the benefit of Russia and the Voronezh region!
Dear Sergei Viktorovich, your rich management experience, purposefulness and ability to bring the case to the end, to remain always a person "Words and Causes" invariably inspire like-minded people to professional accomplishments, directly cause voter confidence.
I sincerely wish you health, happiness and well-being, loyal and reliable friends, ambitious goals and opportunities to achieve them! Let it continue to your activity, the life-affirming energy set the tone of the combat mood of your team! Successes in all endeavors!

Sincerely, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health T. V. Yakovlev

AND ABOUT. Arshba, First Deputy Head of the Unified Russia faction in DG, head of the intrafraction group

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!

I evaluate your performance, the strength and breadth of the soul, the purposefulness I did not happen to be a bit - during our joint work in the State Duma for 3 convisions. You have proven yourself as a confident and ambitious politician who can think globally, considering its own success in the venibolic connection from the well-being of the entire society and the whole country.
I congratulate you on your birthday as a reliable like-minded person and as a strong member of the team "United Russia", which, I am confident, as a result of joint efforts, new victories are waiting, marked with stable and unchanged leadership, the growth of people's trust and real deeds for the benefit of fellow citizens! Good health, political and professional longevity, loyal and reliable friends, unrelenting influence in the region! Let labor days be full of bright accomplishments, and the free time consists of pleasant moments in the company of the closest!

Sincerely, the First Deputy Head of the Unified Russia faction in GD is the head of the intrafraction group O.I. Arshba

V.S. Timchenko, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the warmest and sincere happy birthday greetings! I sincerely wish you good health, excellent mood, happiness, good luck, implement all the planned plans and well-being to you and your loved ones. Let this day be filled with the joy and warm smiles of your friends and relatives!

Sincerely, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma V.S. Timchenko

R.V. Karmazina, First Deputy Head of the Unified Russia faction in DG, Member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, Member of the Commission of the State Duma on Deputy Ethics

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take congratulations on your birthday!
Organizational talent, initiative, strategic vision, the ability to take responsibility for their own management decisions distinguish you as an experienced managerial and strongly established policies. In many ways, thanks to you, the actual problems of the Voronezh region are successfully allowed, and the State Duma becomes an effective and effective mechanism for a qualitative change in life in the country.
Congratulations to you as a companion and like-minded people, with whom three deputy convocations and joint effective work in the Committee on the Budget and Taxes of the State Duma are associated! Good health and family world, reliable friends and strong like-minded people, successful starts and stable folk confidence! Let your wisdom and activity remain the basis of the country's dynamic development!

Sincerely, First Deputy Head of the Unified Russia faction in the State Duma, Member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, Member of the Commission of the State Duma on the Deputy Ethics of R.V. Karmazina

A.N. Heirullin, deputy of the State Duma, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Affairs

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
In this wonderful day, I wish you a wonderful mood, good health, devotees of like-minded people, new successes and victories! Let your work continue to give you joy, plans and aspirations are easily embodied in life, and never runs out the stock of energy and forces for new successful undertakings!

Sincerely, deputy of the State Duma, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Affairs A.N. Khairullin

V. Seleznev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! I sincerely wish your activity for the benefit of the Fatherland and in the future brought you great professional satisfaction and joy. Good health, strength and energy, implementation of planned plans and high achievements in the state post.

Sincerely, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property Valery Seleznev

A.K. Solovyov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia, Chairman of the Central Chernozem Bank

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Today you meet him in the flourishing of the creative forces entered into a rich life experience accumulated over the years in business, in regional and federal authorities. Voronezh residents highly appreciate your contribution to the development of the Voronezh region, pay tribute to your professional and human qualities that allow you to perfectly fulfill the deputies in the State Duma. I sincerely wish you bold ideas and plans, good health for their incarnation, satisfaction from the results obtained, happiness, success for many years!

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia, Chairman of the Central Chernozem Bank A.K. Soloviev

Yu.O. Isaev, deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! I am convinced that your talent policy, tireless activities, enthusiasm and attentive attitude towards others will help bring to all your ideas and plans! I wish you good luck in all endeavors, happiness and family well-being!

Deputy State Duma Yu.O. Isaev

Yu.V. Vasilyev, Member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Congratulations on your birthday!
The true deputy is characterized by the ability to always and to achieve the goal, the ability to work in difficult conditions and reliably to defend the interests of people who delegated him to take care of the welfare of the region in the highest legislative body. During our joint work in the State Duma, 4, 5 and 6 of the conveners, you have repeatedly confirmed the presence of these qualities, and at the same time the ability to become a state-increasing policy. During the collaboration with you in the Committee on the budget and taxes in the fifth convocation of the State Duma, I personally made sure that you invariably show professionalism and innovative approach to business. Today, your activity and unique working capacity remain important terms of the effective work of the Key Subcommittees of the State Duma Budget Committee and Tax Committee. I am sure that the presence of such an experienced and reliable policy of the Voronezh region as part of the Deputy Corps of the Voronezh region means further progressive development of the region and the whole country!
In honor of the birthday, take my wishes of health and well-being, promising and profitable undertakings, new victories in creative work, coherence and unity in our team of like-minded people! Let in the warm family circle always remain to restore forces for new victories! And even in the future your creative potential and energy actively contribute to fruitful legislative activities for the benefit of Russia and its citizens!

Regards, Member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Yu. V. Vasilyev

S.V. Zhuravlev, deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Voronezh Regional Duma by Industry, Transport, Communications

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday. You can rightly be called one of the youngest and at the same time successful politicians and managers of the new formation. Your inexhaustible energy, openness of new projects, high professionalism and purposefulness are the key components of your guide style and the key to your successful political and social activities. In this holiday, I wish you supporting faithful like-minded people, success in professional activities, the realization of all intended plans, political victories! Energy, optimism and good luck! Good health, happiness and well-being to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee S.V. Zhuravlev

A.A. Zhuravlev, Deputy State Duma FS RF

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take my birthday greetings!
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to make sure in the effectiveness of your work. As a strong policy and the true patriot of your city and the region, the deputy of the State Duma, emanating in management decisions exclusively of the interests of countrymen. As a competent managerial, who knows how to generate interesting, win-win, socially useful ideas and brightly and convincing them in reality.
It is especially pleasant for me, taking into account new circumstances to work shoulder to shoulder with you in the State Duma 6 convocation, and I am sure our cohesion of friends and like-minded people will even more efficiently represent the area at the federal level, contributing to the development and prosperity of the region. I congratulate you on your birthday and I wish you health, well-being, family world, promising undertakings, unity and cohesion in the team! Let your creative forces and then serve the Voronezh region and all of Russia!

Sincerely, deputy of the State Duma FS RF A.A. Zhuravlev

E. Devuzskaya, Deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my best and warm birthday greetings! Let your life always be filled with inexhaustible energy and optimism, respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and loved ones! I wish you good health, joy, good luck and success in all your endeavors!

E. Devozskaya

I.I. Gilmutdinov, State Duma Deputy

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your birthday! Let every new day bears new successes and achievements! I wish you many interesting, delicious and kind events, support for reliable and loyal friends, the comfort of home the hearth and love of your loved ones, optimism, good health, peace, well-being and great human happiness!

Sincerely, deputy of the State Duma I.I. Gilmutdinov

N.S. Maksimova, Deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, optimism, new ideas, creative and professional success. Let faith, hope, love never leave you and will be a faithful compass in solving and implementing tasks facing you. Happiness, joy, excellent spring mood, peace, heat, well-being and wealth!

Deputy State Duma N.S. Maksimova

E.A. Fedorov, State Duma Deputy

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On the day of your birth, take my most sincere congratulations and wishes of kind health and happiness! I wish your life to be saturated with joyful events, her new pages were filled with bright meetings, pleasant troubles and fruitful affairs! From the bottom of my heart I wish success in your endeavors, hardness in performing the intended goals, support and understanding from the close.

Deputy E.A. Fedorov

A. Semennikov, deputy of the Moscow City Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I sincerely sincerely and cordially congratulate you on your birthday! You make decisions on which fate of millions of people depend on the whole country! Your labor, knowledge, experience and energy continues and develop the best traditions of Russian parliamentarism, high ministry to their people and the state! I wish you new successes and achievements on your life path, long-year fruitful work for the benefit of our Fatherland. Health, happiness, love relatives and loved ones!

Sincerely, deputy of the Moscow City Duma Alexander Tsemennikov

I. Makushev, Commander of the Troops 1 Command of the Air Force and Air Defense, Major General

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Military Council of 1 of the Red Banner Leningrad Command of the Air Force and Air Defense, and on Himself is personally hot and cordially congratulate you on the 48th anniversary of your birth!
In your face we see a man of a state scale, unique performance, an experienced leader who makes a lot for military-patriotic education of citizens, social support and assistance to veterans of war and military service, reviving the prestige of the armed forces, the development of the cultural and historical appearance of the city of Voronezh.
With all his employment, being in a high state post, you constantly find the time to delve into the problematic issues of residents of the city. In responsible work, you help authority and competence, deep knowledge of local and regional pro-workers, responsiveness and desire to help people.
Your life path is the path of a solid, volitional, courageous man, a talented leader who has a big sense of responsibility.
In my birthday I wish you, dear Sergei Viktorovich, success in serving for the benefit of the Motherland, good health and longevity, good luck in all matters and endeavors, peace and clean sky above your head!

Sincerely, commander of troops 1 Command of the Air Force and air defense Major General I. Makushev

K. Botashev, Commander 7000 Guards Aviation Base General Major

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Command and Personal Composition of the 7000 Guards Aviation Base Hotly and Cardually congratulates you on your birthday!
We know and appreciate you, as a professional professional, reliable comrade, a man of a big responsive soul.
You have always distinguished hard work and decency, high professionalism, principle and activity in solving problems of any complexity. Your attention and help people are always an example for many.
We bring to you the words of gratitude for your effective assistance provided by the servicemen of the aviation base in solving many social issues.
We wish you good health from the bottom of my heart. Personal happiness, family well-being, kindness and care of loved ones, devotion and loyalty of friends.
Let you always accompany the luck and faith in your own strength!

Sincerely, Commander 7000 Guards Aviation Base General Major K. Bothev

A.M. Malt, chief federal inspector in the Voronezh region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! Our state has always been kept on the special category of people for whom the ministry of Fatherland was a personal honor. You tied our fate with a noble and difficult mission - to serve the state, work for the benefit of his people. Your everyday work, devotion of debt and vocation, professionalism and beautiful human qualities are worthy of the highest recognition, thanks and respect. I wish you from the heart, Sergey Viktorovich, and your loved ones good health, happiness, success, well-being and new victories!

Sincerely, the chief federal inspector in the Voronezh region A.M. Malt

A.N. Sysoev, Head of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh Region, Lieutenant-General Police

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
From the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh region and on itself I personally congratulate you on your birthday!
Your professional operation requires high responsibility, great dedication, principle, and the ability to effectively solve problems in difficult socio-economic conditions.
A competent approach to business, high authority and foresightfulness allow you to make decisions and successfully implement large-scale projects aimed at improving the welfare of residents of the city of Voronezh and the Voronezh region.
With special appreciation, I would like to note that you pay for business cooperation and intertwining with the internal affairs bodies.
I wish you, Sergey Viktorovich, so that every new day brought only good luck, charged with energy and positive mood. Let you surround the devotees and comrades, ready to support the word and work, warms the family hearth, filled with warmth, comfort and mutual understanding. Good health, happiness, peace, good.

Head of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh region Lieutenant-General A.N. Sysoev

I.A. Vorontsov, Commander Omon State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh Region Police Colonel

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
The command and the personnel of the Mobile special detachment of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh region cordially congratulates you on your birthday. We express our sincere thanks for the help, disinterestedly rendered to ensure the normal life of the squad, performing combat missions in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. Your active participation in solving our problems is a direct continuation of the best traditions of charity. We are sincerely grateful to you for noble activity aimed at maintaining the combat readiness of our division. We express confidence that in the future your inexhaustible energy, enthusiasm will be aimed at achieving success in the name of the prosperity of Russia. We wish you health, family well-being, success in all endeavors, optimism and long-life life!

With respect, commander OMON GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh region Colonel police A.I. Vorontsov

Teams of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Voronezh Region and the Voronezh Institute of GPS of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Voronezh Region.

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Every year is significant for any person with bright events, most of whom are the result of the labor of many years of life. Let the day of your birth, unresolved problems will go to the background, and only the words of congratulations and sincere wishes will take their place! The source of your energy does not run out, your optimism will multiply your ability to see the prospects in front and find their strength to achieve them.
We wish you: cheerfulness, strength, hopes, health, patience, dreams and her performance, love, warmth, good luck, joy, wealth, energy, light, inspiration, smiles, success, kindness, loyalty!

Sincerely, the teams of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Voronezh Region and the Voronezh Institute of the GPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Voronezh region.

V.A. Astankov, Head of the Regional Public Reception Chairman of the Party "United Russia"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Public Reception Chairman of the Party, accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
As a state-scale man who has managerial experience, you raise great respect for citizens. Your impeccable service of the interests of the inhabitants of the city and the Voronezh region, high moral principles, purposefulness and tremendous performance deeper deeper recognition.
I wish you good health, well-being, constant good luck in all your endeavors, happiness and joy, love loved ones.

Sincerely respect, head of the regional public reception chairman of the United Russia party V.A. Astanov

O.V. Sokolova, Head of the Department of Interaction with Media and Administrative Work

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish good health, happiness and well-being, as well as success in the tense deputy work aimed at the benefits of the inhabitants of the Voronezh region.

Sincerely, the head of the Department of Interaction with Media and Administrative Work O.V. Sokolova.

Yu.A. Unitmiel, director of UFPS Voronezh region - branch of FSUE "Post of Russia"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
Your activities in the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on budget and taxes, your professionalism and the ability to work with the full return of forstream make a significant contribution to the development and improvement of Russian legislation.
On the day of your birth, I sincerely wish you happiness, well-being and joy, inexhaustible energy to overcome all difficulties and, of course, success in your professional activity.

Director of the UFPS Voronezh region - branch of FSUE "Post of Russia" Yu.A. Beschmelnia

T.V. Golovacheva, Head of the Health Department of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take my birthday greetings! The experience of interaction made it possible to learn you as a competent policy, an effective leader, high responsibility, rare dedication, whose professional competence allows you to adequately represent the interests of the region at the federal level. Your inquiry and desire to change the world for the better became serious factors of the change, which we observe the health sector of the region. The quality and availability of medical care are growing. Primary medical and sanitary assistance develops, Feldsher-obstetric items, offices of general practitioners, central district hospitals are strengthened. An important direction of our work was the development of perinatal domestic medicine, and a serious victory in this regard is the opening of the regional perinatal center. Many regional health problems are solved systemically and quickly. This allowed the modernization program in a timely and efficiently in 2011. Let your healthy ambitions continue - the sign of a strong leader - contribute to the dynamic development of regional health care! And let the decent results for labor become gratitude to Voronezh residents and sincere, unconditional, restless folk confidence!

Sincerely, Head of the Department of Health of the Voronezh region T.V.Golovacheva

MA Severgin, Head of the Office of the Civil Procedure of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Congratulations on your birthday!
And in this spring and sunny day, accept the wishes of good health, real human happiness, sincere equilibrium, well-being and good luck in all your endeavors. Let the world always reign in your family.
Let me alter with congratulations to express to you and words of gratitude for responsiveness and attention aimed in support of the family institution, the revival of family traditions, for the benefit of our countrymen.
I have no doubt that your dedication, hard work and uncommonness will help you to achieve many professional victories and accomplishments.

Head of the Office of the registry office of the Voronezh region M.A. Severgin.

ON THE. Tybichva, Head of Voronezhstat

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the collective of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service in the Voronezh region and personally, I personally congratulate you on your birthday!
From the whole mind, take the most sincere wishes of bright professional success, new victories and achievements, so that every day the future opened new perspectives, and there were always good friends and reliable partners nearby. Good health, happiness and good luck in all your endeavors!

Sincerely, on behalf of colleagues, the head of Voronezhstat N.A. Tybial

V.E. Selinin, Chairman of the election commission of the Voronezh region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Election Commission of the Voronezh region and personally, I congratulate you on your birthday!
Huge performance and dedication, responsibility, principled, hardness of nature and reasonable compromise helped you achieve outstanding success. You have gained deep respect for people around you, have won public recognition and high authority. All the vertices taken are invaluable many years of experience, wisdom, professionalism.
I sincerely wish you good health, well-being, long happy years of life, new business and life prospects.
Let in any situation always have a way out, and compromises give the soul to peace and peace!
Large vital energy for the incarnation of everything conceived!

Chairman of the election commission of the Voronezh region V.E. SELANIN

S.N. Popov, Head of State Regulation of the Tariffs of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere birthday greetings! I wish you good health, success in work, inexhaustible vital optimism, personal happiness and well-being. Peace and good to you and your loved ones!

Head of Department S.N. Popov

A.V. Trubniks, head of the department of roads and road activities of the Voronezh region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Voronezh roads, I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health for many years, great personal happiness, well-being, success in legislative activities.

Head of the Office of roads and road activities of the Voronezh region A.V. Trubniks

V.M. Tarasenko, Head of the Department for the Development of Municipal Education of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
I sincerely wish you happiness, good health, well-being, stability, inexhaustible energy, the performance of all the most cherished!
Let luck and success in all!

With respect, V.M. Tarasenko

S.G. Kalinichenko, Head of State Technical Supervision of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept the most sincere and cardiac congratulations on the occasion of your birthday and my good wishes.
From all the souls I wish you good health, happiness, well-being, durability and patience, inexhaustible energy, festive mood, optimism, good luck, exercise hopes and cherished desires.
Be happy, loved by relatives and close people. Let your home reign mutual understanding, happiness, good relationship, love and respect!

Sincerely, the head of the State Technical Supervision Department of the Voronezh Region S.G. Kalinichenko

N.V. Storozhenko, Head of Ecology and Environmental Management

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the most sincere birthday greetings! Today you work in the responsible state post. Your professionalism and human qualities allow you to successfully solve the most difficult tasks. Let the case you give your energy and strength brings positive results. Life experience and wisdom will help in achieving new heights, and your life will always remain filled with understanding and support of like-minded people, love relatives and loved ones.

Head of Department N.V. Storozhenko

V.N. Smolyanov, Head of the Print Affairs and QMS of the Voronezh region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! Let your life be filled with joy and spiritual warmth, fate - generous on the brightest and kind events, and support for loved ones, relatives, friends and colleagues will give strength to implement the most courageous projects. I sincerely wish you good health and well-being, family prosperity and professional success!

Sincerely, Head of the Print Affairs and QMS Voronezh Region V.N. Smolyan

IN AND. Stupin, Head of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take cardiac birthday greetings! I sincerely wish you good health and support from your loved ones and friends. Successes to you in work, implementing all the best, good mood, cheerfulness of the Spirit, well-being, happiness and love!

Head of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor in the Voronezh region V.I. Stupin

A.B. Andreev, President of the Union of Employers "Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh Region"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take my birthday greetings! I sincerely wish you good health, optimism, the implementation of creative ideas, happiness and well-being to you and your loved ones! Let all your deeds accompany the luck and success!

Sincerely, the President of the Union of Employers "Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh Region" A.B. Andreev

IN AND. Astanan, deputy. Head of the Department of Architecture and Construction Policy

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Sincere and cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, well-being, cheerfulness of spirit and confidence in tomorrow! Let your ideas be brave and promising, ideas - creative, solutions - weighted and effective and let the reward for your efforts will be victory and success!

With respect, deputy. Head of the Department of Architecture and Construction Policy V.I. Astanan

EAT. Caraseva, Leadership Consultant and Social Development Department of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! Considering that over the years you are a public person, a person who performs a huge amount of work and a circle of responsibilities, sincerely wish you and your loved ones, well-being and as much as possible to be able to give each other the most important thing - the possibility of communication. Thanks for your talent of the organizer, the ability to give joy and be near the days of the celebrations and significant dates in the face of the "Gallery Chizhov" staff, take sincere gratitude for competence and attitude towards the people of Kosyreva I.V., Dmitrieva Tatiana and many many others who are They are your faithful assistants and associates. Wish you all the best! Be happy!

leading Consultant Department of Labor and Social Development of the Voronezh Region E.M. Caraseyev

L.V.Nikhatchenko, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Public Associations with the Regional Office of the United Russia party, Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region, Chairman of the WGO LLC "Confederation of Business Women's Business Women"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the most sincere birthday greetings! It was completed a relatively small life path, but how many concrete cases are implemented in the name of the Fatherland, their small homeland, countrymen -Voronezh residents! The experience gained by you, amazing performance and dynamics, civil position and human reliability cause huge respect and a sense of appreciation. I really want to wish you and your wonderful family so that every next day in your life brought a lot of happiness, good, joy, health and spring, light mood! Good luck always, everywhere, in everything!

With deep respect, Chairman of the Advisory Council of Public Associations with the Regional Office of the United Russia party, Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region, Chairman of the WRU Confederation of Business Women, Honored Worker of the Culture of Russia L.V. Nikatchenko

S.A. Khodakovsky, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Council of War and Labor Veterans

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Voronezh Regional Council of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Births, sincerely congratulates you on your birthday!
In our city, your name is very well known and pronounced with great respect, because your long-term work as a deputy of the State Duma brings tangible results in the development of the country and modern society, the expansion of democracy, strengthen the economic potential of our region.
We express you special appreciation for charitable activities, material assistance and moral support for older people and disabled people, for the coordinated work of the "Gallery Chizhov" team, spent by you.
We hope for our further mutual cooperation for the benefit of veterans of the war and the labor of our region.
We wish you dear Sergey Viktorovich, further success in your responsible state activity, good health, long-life life, family happiness and well-being!

Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans of War and Labor S.A. Khodakovsky

S.I. Chaplinsky, General Director of the Association "Zadendrans"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the All-Russian sectoral association of employers of railway transport and from themselves personally cordially congratulate you on your birthday! In this festive day, I wish you good health for you, success in your responsible work, personal happiness and well-being to you and your loved ones. I am convinced that your deep knowledge, high professionalism and competence will allow you to work fruitfully for the benefit of Russia. Let always with you be sincere and comprehensive support for colleagues and friends.

Sincerely, General Director S.I. Chaplinsky

A.V. Simonenko, Head of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Major General Police

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
Your professionalism, high moral qualities, self-dedication, discouraged you deserved respect. Thanks to your ability to think to perspective, perseverance, the ability to rally like-minded people to solve the most difficult tasks you successfully defend the interests of Voronezh residents at the legislative level, which clearly indicates your sincere care about countrymen. Your work to support the elderly, socially not protected categories of citizens, the patriotic education of young people deserves deep appreciation.
I express my sincere thanks for constant attention, help and support that you provide the institute.
I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, well-being and further success in serving Fatherland!

With appreciation, the head of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Major Major Police A.V. Simonenko

A.A. Lord, commander of the military unit 3734 centuries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Command and the entire personnel of the aviation squadron of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia hotly and cordially congratulates you on the day of birth!
You grew up in the aviator family. According to the example of his father - Defender of the Fatherland - you are selflessly serve for the benefit of our Motherland. Professionalism, huge performance, responsiveness and desire to help people have discarded you deserved authority and respect.
We express my appreciation and gratitude for your life position and cooperation in solving many important issues. We hope that our business and friendly relationships will develop and fix.
We wish you, dear Sergei Viktorovich, kind health and longevity, great personal happiness and well-being, peace and pure sky above your head!

Sincerely, commander of the military unit 3734 centuries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation A.A. Lord

V.A. Suslovets, commander of the military unit 7437

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Success is not immediately the fate of promit.
And among the tears and wounds and all sorts of trouble
Sometimes it is not visible how far is burning
Fire all our future victories.
Who is the spirit of weak, calls to heaven,
His dust and honor leaving for later
And who strongly achieves himself
It's origin, then and the mind.
But you are from those who are harder than granite,
Who did not frighten the striking.
And on the birthday of the birth wish
Health, happiness and luck.

Commander of the military unit 7437 Colonel V.A. Suslovets.

L.V. Nekrasov, Head of the Southeast Lou Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport, Police Colonel

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On the day of your birth, take from the leadership and personnel of the Southeast Lou Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport the warst and heartfelt congratulations!
Today, your address will sound a lot of good words from colleagues and friends.
For your successes there is a daily painstaking work, principle and hard work, the ability to find an approach to each employee, help find a right decision, to support fishing and affair in a difficult situation, it has always been and remains the most solid foundation for your authority.
You skillfully send the work of the team entrusted to you, showing the organizational abilities, professionalism and talent of the head.
We sincerely wish you, Sergey Viktorovich, good health, longevity, inexhaustible energy, success in all endeavors! Happiness to you and your loved ones! Let luck and success will continue to accompany you, and next to you will always be reliable, faithful friends and employees!

Head of the Southeast Lou Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport Police Colonel L.V. Nekrasov

S. Potapov, Head of the 4 Regional Center for Material and Technical Support of the Federal School of Russia

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the leadership and employees, 4 Regional Center for Material and Technical Support of the Federal Security Service of Russia Cordually congratulate you on your birthday!
Your high professionalism and outstanding organizational abilities, perseverance and dedication, character hardness and the nobility of actions are given to the noble cause - the ministry of the Motherland.
I sincerely wish you good health, happiness in personal life, family well-being, as well as excerpts, optimism, inexhaustible energy and success in your important and meaningful activities for our society.
I express deep appreciation for the help of you in the case of patriotic education of young people and social support for servicemen, as well as confidence that our cooperation will develop further.

Sincerely, head 4 RCMTO FSB of Russia S. Potapov

S.Belteoh, Commander Shelf, Police Colonel

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Command and Personal Composition of the Police Police Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Voronezh cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
In this solemn day, I want to wish good health, great personal happiness and well-being. Let close people with understanding treat our hard, but very necessary and noble work.
Highly to you professional achievements and success in all endeavors.
Together with the words of congratulations, accept sincere thanks for the assistance and support of your employees of the internal affairs bodies.
Thank you for not going to disregard the needs and needs of people and always take an active part in the solemn and significant events from our division.

On the instructions of the team commander regiment Colonel Police S. Bestohah

A.S. Potapov, Rector of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University, V.V. Podcolzin, Rector adviser

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
We cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
We are proud that for many years the team of our University constantly feels your attention, help and support. We are impressed by your deep understanding of the importance of pedagogical education, the role of the teacher in the upbringing and training of the younger generation - the future of our country.
Dear Sergey Viktorovich, we wish you, a well-known public, statesman, good health, happiness, well-being in the family, even greater success in your multifaceted activities for the benefit of the Voronezh region, our Great Russia.

Sincerely, Rector of Voronezh State Pedagogical University A.S. Potapov, Advisor Rector V.V. Podkolzin

V.Petrenko, Rector of the Voronezh State Technical University

Dear Sergei Viktorovich! The team of employees and students of the Voronezh State Technical University congratulates you on your birthday! Tied your destiny with public and political activities, you have dedicated yourself to creating, solving the urgent problems of the Russian people. We sincerely wish you health, inexhaustible energy, cheerfulness and optimism, so necessary in your complex multifaceted work.

Rector V. R. Petrenko

IN AND. Avdeev, head of the administration of the Anninsky municipal district

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take my birthday greetings!
In your face as the head of the district I found a reliable associate and a like-minded person, ready to always assist and support in our endeavors. Your serious work in the State Duma, an effective presentation of regional interests at the federal level made it possible to solve the most actual problems of our area: to increase the production of industrial products, ensure the stable operation of agricultural enterprises. High rates are gasification, the investment attractiveness and income of the population is growing, a small business and social infrastructure is developing - a clinic has been commissioned, new medical ambulatory ambulatory in villages, a new school in Anne, is being built. I am sure to continue your initiative, activity, not indifference and active participation in the life of the regions of the region will also dynamically develop the region and all of Russia!
Good health, family well-being, peace and understanding, reliable friends and faithful like-minded people! Happy Birthday!

Sincerely, head of the administration of the Anninsky municipal district V.I.Avdeev

V.V. Pokusayev, head of the administration of the Kantemirovsky municipal district

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Administration of the Cantemirovsky Municipal District on all soul congratulates you on your birthday!
We sincerely wish you good health, well-being, strength and energy to continue the cases started and achieving the goals!
And let the life and inexhaustory source of this energy remain smiles and the joy of relatives and loved ones!
And your indispensable satellites will be good, good health, reliable and loyal friends, well-being and success in all matters and endeavors for many years!

Sincerely, head of the administration of the Cantemirovsky municipal district V.V. Pokusayev

S.I. Goroschilov, head of the administration of the Ostrogogsky municipal district

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
Let this day be the birthday of new ideas, dreams and hopes!
I wish you that the warmth of relatives and loved ones, supporting friends and colleagues gave you strength and energy to implement all your ideas and undertakings.
Good health, long-acting life, excellent mood and happiness!

Head of the administration of the Ostrogogsky municipal district S.I. Khoroshilov

Yu.I. Matuzov, Head of the Administration of the Bourning Municipal District

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On the occasion of your birthday, accept the most sincere congratulations and wishes of success in difficult and responsible work, good luck in the implementation of everything about the prospect! I am convinced that your professionalism, a great personal potential, purposefulness, the ability to find constructive ways to solve the most serious tasks will always be a reliable reference in a dynamically changing life. I wish you good health, optimism and well-being!

Head of the Administration of the Bourning Municipal District of Yu.I. Matuzov

S.I. Bychutkin, head of the administration of the Ertilian municipal district

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! Let your life be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and loved ones. Let the creative energy, optimism, and life and the ability to implement the conceived will help solve the most difficult tasks. I wish you health, family Lada and inexhaustible reserve of spiritual and physical forces.

Sincerely, the head of the administration of the Ertilian municipal district S.I. Bychutkin

I.P. Chukhnov, Head of Culture Department of the city of Voronezh

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the day of birth!
Over the years of our collaboration, a lot of useful and promising projects aimed at the revival and preservation of the cultural heritage of our people were implemented. It talks about you as an highly moral person, as a person who is not indifferent to the future of our city.
I wish you and in the future it is not to go from this good path, in everywhere contributing to the accumulation of cultural potential and enlightening the young generation of Voronezh residents!
I wish you success, happiness, well-being!

Head of Culture Department of the city Voronezh Ivan Petrovich Chukhnov

A.I.tsovenikov, Chairman of the Election Commission of the City District of Voronezh

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Election Commission of the City District, the city of Voronezh and from myself I personally congratulate you on your birthday! Over the years, Voronezh has expressed you their trust and delegated you as their representative first to the city Duma and the regional parliament, and after and to the State Duma. And your consistent and productive work you always justify their expectations. On this day, let you, Sergey Viktorovich, with all my heart wish health, success in work, family happiness, well-being! Let your knowledge, experience and purposefulness become a solid basis for new achievements!

chairman of the Election Commission of the City District of Voronezh A.I. Kolesnikov

S.N. Lukin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Domostroitelny Plant", Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma and A.N. Trubetskoy, General Director of OJSC "Domostroitelnaya Combine", Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take the most sincere birthday greetings!
Voronezh people know you not only as a talented leader, a successful policy, but also as a person, sincerely seeking to make our city and the region better. Over the years of work in the State Duma, you have deserved respect, trust and appreciation of the inhabitants of the region.
With your immediate participation, many important and progressive bills aimed at improving the economic and political situation in the Voronezh region were adopted.
We sincerely wish you further success in your noble work for the benefit of our area, support like-minded people and friends. Health, happiness and well-being!

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "House-Building Combine", Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma S.N. Lukin

leader: general director of OJSC "Domostroitelnaya Combine", Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma A.N. Trubetskoy

A.P. Schmygal, Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Let every new day brings joy, keeps well-being and gives love!
Health, good luck, happiness to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma A.P. Schmygal

A. Fans, Deputy Regional Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you happiness, firmly health, well-being, great success in all directions of your activity!

Sincerely, deputy of the regional Duma A. Fans

S.P. Patimanov, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! Please accept the most sincere wishes of good health, energy, success in professional and deputy activities, the implementation of planned plans, support for colleagues and friends.

Sincerely, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma S.P. Patimanov

A. A. Provotorov, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Chairman of the Standing Commission on Budget, Economics, Planning, Tax Policy and Investments

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! It was on this day that fate thank you so much for the possibility of communicating with you, interesting, talented, outstanding person and wish you the realization of everything conceived, further professional growth, good health, family happiness and well-being!

General Director of VKOMZ OJSC, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Vice-President of the Regional Public Fund for the Support of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia" Alexander Provotorov

A.B. Dubovskaya, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Budget, Economics, Planning, Tax Policy and Investments

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take sincere congratulations on your birthday! I sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, cheerfulness of the Spirit! Let all your plans come into practice, let them be successful solutions and bright victories! I wish you always surround and supported loving native people, faithful friends, reliable colleagues! Health, happiness, success!

Sincerely, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma Andrei Dubovskaya

N.I. Novokshenova, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Commission for Education, Culture and Social Support

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Your active civic position, professionalism and purposefulness cause respect for residents of the city, colleagues, heads of all levels of executive and legislative power. I sincerely wish that the accumulated life experience, the support of relatives and loved ones helped you achieve new career heights, embody the planned plans! Health, joy, love and peace of mind you and your loved ones!

Best wishes, N.I. Novochenova

A.V. Chernov, deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Health

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! At this momentous day, accept my heart wishes: let all your hopes and aspirations fulfill, everyone is good that you have already been achieved, the most cherished dreams and desires will be fulfilled. I wish you to always accompany luck and success to surround reliable friends and like-minded people. Let you protect and warms the heat of the hearts of your relatives and loved ones! Good health, inexhaustible energy, happiness and well-being.

Sincerely, deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Health Commission A.V. Chernov

A.A. Zhukov, Deputy of the City Duma

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish
so close to Darili
Warm smiles,
Love and kindness.
Perfect moments
life was
As if roses
In the sunny garden!
Let there be a lot
On this day
Smiles and memories
And he will face warm
From good words
And wishes!

Deputy, Representative of the City Duma in the authorities of the Russian Federation A.A. Zhukov

IN AND. Smychnikova, Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Urban District of Voronezh "Centralized Library System"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
From the whole soul personally and on behalf of the municipal budgetary institution of culture of the urban district of Voronezh "Centralized Library System" Congratulations on your birthday and I wish you further success in your archival and time-considerable business at one of the most important posts in the country of the State Duma State Duma.
The past years convincingly showed that you are a person of words and things that your words will never disagree with specific cases carried out in the interests of Voronezh residents. To a large extent, thanks to your initiative and business, a competent approach, efforts to attract young people in public life, Voronezh becomes a modern attractive city.
A visible reflection of your success in the development of Voronezh was the strengthening of the cultural sphere. Thanks to your participation, modernly equipped library premises each day open their doors for Voronezh residents and guests of the city. Hundreds of Voronezh residents annually become participants in contests and shares that are organized by city libraries with your support.
I sincerely congratulate you, dear Sergei Viktorovich, happy birthday and wish you good health, success in political activities for the benefit of Voronezh and Voronezh residents!

With deep respect, director of the municipal budgetary institution of culture of the urban district of Voronezh "Centralized Library System" V.I.Smychnikova

S.G. Kazrtsheva, Head of the Left Bank district of the urban district City Voronezh

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On your birthday, accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations!
Let this holiday for a long time will remember with warm meetings with friends, colleagues and serve as a pulse for fruitful work on a professional field.
I wish you good health, well-being, good and success in implementing planned plans!

Head of the Left Bank district of the urban district City Voronezh S. G. Kazardsva

V.D. Artemov, Head of the Office of the Leninsky District of the Urban District of Voronezh

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Governance of the Leninsky District and on itself, I personally congratulate you on your birthday!
I sincerely wish you health, inexhaustible energy and accomplishment of all intended plans.
Let the work brings only positive emotions! Let the purposefulness, perseverance and good luck accompany you, and there will always always be faithful friends and reliable like-minded people!
Take the warmest wishes of family well-being, personal happiness! Peace and good to you and your loved ones!

Head of the Government of the Leninsky district of the city district Voronezh V.D. Artemov

L.A. Kirpicheva, Director of the BU Voronezh Region "Railway Kzison" Nadezhda "

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
We know you as a person who devoted to their work. You are a real professional who is well-deserved, experienced and initiative policies. But the most important thing is the open and sincere person, with whom it is pleasant not only to work, but also to communicate. What are the numerous people who come to the city public reception for your advice and support. I am sure that any problem with which visitors of our center turn to you will find their decision. You are still waiting for many large-scale cases to improve the social situation of our citizens with whom you will great. I sincerely wish you success, supporting relatives, loved ones and friends, the realization of new ideas and plans, good health, happiness and fulfillment of desires!

Sincerely, director of BU Voronezh region "Railway Kzson" Nadezhda "love Anatolyevna Kirpicheva

A.A. Golovin, General Director "AIF-Chernozemier"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You were born in a wonderful time - early in the spring, when the Earth is fulfilled by life juices, and everything around the awakening of the forces of nature, updates and prosperity! We wish you the same ingredible power in accomplishments, prosperity in all matters, huge happiness, good health and sunny spring mood!
Let all your plans come true, all the dreams come true, will be successful any business and endeavors. Let your close you only please you, and the number of your friends is constantly growing.

With great respect and the most kind of wishes, the General Director of AIF-Chernozemie A.I. Golovin

V.V. Dobrovolskaya, Chairman of the WOO SPV

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Congratulations on the name of the members of the Voronezh regional public organization of the families of military personnel who died in the Republic of Afghanistan, the North Caucasus and other local conflicts and from me personally happy birthday! Not one year we cooperate with you, and therefore we appreciate not only for high organizedness, sense of responsibility, the ability to work with the maximum efficiency, but also for a weighted, calm style of work that allows you to solve the most difficult questions. Your responsiveness, friendly and attentive attitude towards people worthy of respect. I wish in any situations to go only forward and always feel at the height. Let the inner fire ignites the torch of lifebye and optimism, and your professionalism gives self-confidence! Let your active life position, inexhaustible energy, knowledge and life experience contribute to the further prosperity of our beloved Voronezh Territory for the benefit of its inhabitants. Good health, well-being, good luck, success in your responsible work and simply human happiness to you and your loved ones!

With respect and love, Chairman of the WGO SPV Dobrovolskaya Victoria Viktorovna

L.D. Scheverova, Chairman of the Women's Council, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Congratulations on your birthday! On this beautiful spring day you send you the warmest, good and sincere wishes of happiness in family life, happiness in children, confidence in the future, good health, well-being and joy! I wish you love loved ones and recognition others! And let all the good wishes of today be sure to come true!

Chairman of the Women's Council, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region LD. Chevlyakova

MA Predko, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Office of the Russian Public Charitable Foundation of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor and Armed Forces

Congratulations on the birthday of Chizhova Sergey Viktorovich!
Dear Sergei Viktorovich, we thank you for your attention and care for the people of the older generation. For many, your name is synonymous with hope and help. From many veterans, disabled and retirees, take the wishes of good health, happiness, good and big victories ahead.

Sincerely, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Office of the Fund MA Prey

G.S. Reznichenko, Chairman of the Voronezh City Council of Veterans

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Voronezh City Council of Education Veterans is hot and cordially congratulates you on your birthday!
For many years and strength, you give work in the State Duma, dealing with the distribution of budget funds, control their costs, and make sure that all the decisions taken by the Duma in strictly intended deadlines are embodied in practice.
Leading a great job in the Duma, you also pay due attention to Voronezhs, react to appeals, requests and complaints of your voters.
Teachers, pedagogical labor veterans express you deep gratitude for your attention and care that you show to them.
Happiness to you, well-being and such health so that it is enough to implement all your ideas and plans.

Sincerely, Chairman of the Voronezh City Council of Veterans of Education Galina Stepanovna Reznichenko.

THEM. Uncompressive, Director of the Voronezh State Opera and Ballet Theater

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Your successful activity in the State Duma is a convincing manifestation of your professional, business and organizational abilities. Having supported our region in social and economic issues, you pay special attention to the field of culture, because each person must have full access to art. Thanks to your support, young people have the opportunity to reveal their talent, participate in various creative contests. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and I wish never to lose heart, go to the end and be happy! Good luck, health and well-being of your family!

Director of the Voronezh State Opera and Ballet Theater I.M. Uncompressive

I. Verbitsky, Conductor of the Voronezh Academic Symphony Orchestra

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I personally and the whole team of the Voronezh academic symphony orchestra with all my heart congratulations on your birthday! Surprisingly combination in one person such a wide participation in the life of our wonderful city, which almost every Voroneger knows and feels on itself, the author of numerous social projects. The appearance of the city is due to your efforts day by day changes for the better.
We are grateful to you for the response and invaluable assistance in the realization of the largest history of the Voronezh Orchestra in the tour of Europe. And the city's inhabitants in each issue of the newspaper you found could rejoice and be proud of our success, read admiring reviews of the audience and see the halls in which we performed. Our joint project of publicly available concerts in the center of the Chizhov Gallery was not remarkable - it was gratifying to observe how many concerts grew the number of listeners, as people looked back to the hall to be able to get in touch with beautiful! It was also very nice to perform in a cozy and friendly atmosphere. Now, when the press and television to the offensive little pay attention to the propaganda of the classic heritage, this series of concerts has become possible for many possible by the first appeal to the treasures of world musical culture.
We wish you good health, success and endless energy in all your multifaceted activities!

Igor Verbitsky, conductor of the Voronezh Academic Symphony Orchestra

Voronezh Russian People's Choir named after K.I. Masalitinova

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take our sincere birthday greetings
From Voronezh Chora
From native fields, steppes
We send a deputy
Congratulations to friends!

Never so not be sad
Life be fun.
And to meet and celebrate
You have a centenary anniversary!

Give you a god of health, strength,
World, creative victories!
Satisfied our native Voronezh
And live a hundred years.

Sincerely, on behalf of the team of the State Academic Voronezh Russian People's Choir named after K.I. Masalitina Artistic director V.N. Oil director N.V. Popov

A.V. Schukin, Chief Physician Buz in "Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
From the whole soul, take the most sincere congratulations on your birthday! In this significant day, let me express the words of gratitude to you: Having dedicated your life to serving the native land, you make a significant contribution to the development of all areas of the life of Voronezh residents - socio-political, socio-economic and spiritual. You have achieved serious success in the revival of the moral foundations and strengthening stability in your native land, with your support expand and stronger the good-neighborly connections of our region with other regions - all your activity is focused on the benefit of the inhabitants of the Voronezh region, providing decent, prosperous life and prosperity of the region. Let all your undertakes and aspirations get further development! Let the luck accompany new things! At the day of your birth, accept the most good wishes of good health, happiness, family well-being, inexhaustible energy and optimism, wisdom and patience, the right decisions and promising projects for the benefit of the Voronezh region and all Russia!

Chief Physician Buz in the "Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1" A.V. Schukin

S.Ya. Shcherbakov, Chief Physician Buz in the Fox

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, cheerfulness of the spirit and inexhaustible energy! Let us always accompany you luck, good mood and confidence in the future, and love and well-being in your house always reign!

Chief Doctor Buz in the Fox S.Ya. Shcherbakov

T.V. Zhdanova, head physician GUZ VOSK № 2

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! I sincerely wish you happiness, good health, well-being, stability, inexhaustible energy. Let luck and success in all!

chief Physician VOBO number 2 T.V. Zhdanov

V.T. Polyadin, MBUZ head physician, Voronezh "City Polyclinic №10"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take my birthday greetings!
We are with you and with the whole team of "City Polyclinic No. 10" there is no longer cooperation. Since the time of work in the regional Duma, you have active support to our institution. Together we developed a plan for the construction of a new modern clinic in the Leninsky district, the project of which is already undergoing state expertise.
Today, already as a deputy of the State Duma, you continue the active work aimed at the development of the Voronezh Territory. Thanks to federal support, we managed to achieve significant success in the development of the medical industry, and the federal financing of health upgrades opens up new perspectives before Voronezh, contributing to improving the quality of the service of the population.
Take the wishes of personal and family well-being, and most importantly - health! Let them continue to be accompanied by success in all endeavors, and free time is enough for rest in a circle of the most relatives and loved ones!

MBUZ head physician GOVOREZH "City Polyclinic №10" Polyadina Valentina Tikhonovna

LB Dmitrenko, Chief Doctor of MBUZ G. Voronezh "City Polyclinic №8"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take my birthday greetings!
Voronezh region, in your face, found an energetic and active policy worthy of the region in the State Duma. In addition, you find time for active work and at the regional level, paying great attention to the development of our region. Today, Voronezh health care has reached a new stage of development: the material and technical base of the LPU is replenished, and there are overhaul of the institutions, modern profile centers are opened, such as perinatal and cardiac surgery. All these transformations have become possible due to the active federal support of the authorities and your personal participation and care of the life of the region.
In honor of the birthday, take the words of gratitude and congratulations on the whole team of MBUZ G. Voronezh "City Polyclinic No. 8". Let your activity, purposefulness and continue contribute to the prosperity of our edge!

MBUZ head physician of Voronezh "City Polyclinic №8" Dmitrenko Lyudmila Borisovna

A.Yu.Guzharov, head physician MBUZ "Semiluk CRH. A.V. Goncharov "

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Medical workers MBUZ "Semiluk CRH. A.V. Goncharova "From the heart of congratulations on your birthday! Let this your beautiful day give a vigor, inspiration! Good luck, happiness, terrestrial goods, strong health, lucky! Successful to you and brilliant undertakings, new achievements for you!

Sincerely, chief doctor A.Yu. Goncharov

L.I. Aniseva, director GOBU SPO in Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College "

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
The team of the Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College with a special feeling congratulates you on your birthday! In recent years, innovative processes occur in Russian society, as a result of which education as one of the important areas of life rises to another, higher level. Your active work for the benefit of the native region made the Voronezh region a member of numerous comprehensive project modernization projects. I am convinced, your knowledge and experience will continue to contribute to the solution of the most important state problems at all levels of government. I want to wish from the bottom of my heart, so that only smart and good people meet on your life path, ready to be close to the right minute!

Director GOBU SPO Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College Aniseva Lyudmila Ivanovna

Collective GOBU SPO in "Voronezh Mechanical Technical Academy"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Collective GOBU SPO in the "Voronezh Mechanical Technical Academy" cordially congratulates you on your birthday.
Health, good luck, well-being!
So important in the situation of any
Confident in the victory stay
So as not to happen - to be yourself,
And, even if it is difficult, - do not give up!
And let the support of loved ones and friends
Will help in each of your business
Let the desire for soon come true
Let them become achievable all goals!

I.A. Didenko, Director GOBU NGO in PU №12 of Voronezh, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
I am glad to congratulate you on behalf of the whole team of professional school number 12 happy birthday!
Let the good smiles and heart congratulations accompany you on this day, all life will be filled with love, warmth and care of expensive people. The boundaries of professional achievements are expanding, opening the horizons for new achievements.
You are systematically working to ensure that students and teachers in the Voronezh region have the opportunity to work and receive education in due. We are proud to have strong support at the federal and regional levels in your face. Successes to you, health, happiness and love.

Sincerely, director GOBU NGO in PU №12 of Voronezh, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Didenko I.A.

S.N. Tatsenko, director of MBOU "School №34"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take my birthday greetings!
To whom, as not to you, a highly educated person, it is known that knowledge is the basis of personal growth. This basis, on which the future successes of each person depends, is laid at school.
Today, special attention is paid to the support of the formation of our region, special attention is paid to the state: specialized national projects are being implemented, institutions are modernized, the salary of teachers is increased. Thanks to your personal participation, the material and technical base of our school is replenished, for which I would like to tell you the individual words of gratitude from the face of the whole team.
On your birthday from me personally, from all teachers MBOU "School №34", students and parents, take the sincere wishes of professional and personal success, good luck in all your endeavors, peace and well-being of your family!

Director of MBOU "School №34" Tatsenko Sergey Nikolaevich

ON THE. Zibrova, head of MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten №73"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Take sincere congratulations on your birthday on the face of the whole team of the "Child Development Center - kindergarten №73"!
Your face combines energetic, purposeful politician, an active public figure and a loving father! To whom, like you, it is known that care for children is the concern for the future of the country as a whole, so the support of the presence of Voronezh preschool institutions is important and important.
We sincerely thank you for your attention that you pay our kindergarten, and we wish you family warmth and comfort. Let the high mission be the father of two children brings you true joy!

Head of MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten №73" Zibrova Nadezhda Alekseevna

E.A. Surkov, head of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outlooking Type No. 38"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Your birthday fell on the first spring days when all nature comes to life from sleep. At this time, I want to wish you joyful meetings only with the most faithful and grateful people!
Attention that you provide preschool institutions of the city and the region, it is difficult to overestimate - the level of salaries of teachers increases, the existing kindergartens are open and repaired, and those who have once been used not for their intended purpose are returned to children, modern educational materials needed technical equipment. and scientific and methodical base. In addition, the schools begin to work the kindergarten groups for the younger schoolchildren. Under a sensible supervision of professional employees, children grow and develop, and their parents are always calm.
Take the warmest congratulations, let all your scheduled plans turn into life!

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outdoor Type No. 38" Surkov Elena Alexandrovna

SOUTH. Markelov, director of desh number 13

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
DSHI administration number 13 heartily congratulates you on your birthday! Sincerely wishes good health, family well-being, success in the economic and political life of the country. Expresses you deep gratitude for the annual support, the provision of financial assistance in the development of the material and creative base of the school.

Defense Director No. 13 Yu.G. Markelov

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Let good luck give more often
All plans and desires will be fulfilled
Confidence and Will help help
Success to complete all the undertakings!

Let the prospects for the prospects are wide,
Waiting for new victories, achievements
And to the right dream the way will be easy!
Good luck, flourishing! Happy Birthday!

Family department of women and children in the Leninsky district

V.F. Ukhin, Chairman of the Leninsky District Office of the Company of Disabled

Sergey Viktorovich Chizhov - an amazing person!
For his life, he achieved a lot: today he is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and he has been elected for the third time, the founder of the largest company of our city - the Association "Chizhov Gallery", the author of the unique project "Center of the Chizhov Gallery". And the most important thing is that all these vertices Sergey Chizhov reached himself: an ordinary boy who grew up in good Soviet times, he himself struck the way to life. As they say, he did himself! And what is especially commendable - taking high posts, Sergey Chizhov did not forget his small homeland, did not break away from the roots, and everything he does, he does for the land of Voronezh, and for the inhabitants of our region. The life energy of Sergei Viktorovich can be envied, and therefore there is no doubt that it will not stop at what has been achieved, and will continue his creative activity.
Excellent health, life longevity and big personal happiness!

Sincerely, Leninsky District Office of the Company of Disabled, Chairman Vladimir Fedorovich Ukin

A.G. Maltseva, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Pedagogical Labor of the Central District

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
The Council of Veterans of the Pedagogical Labor of the Central District of Voronezh congratulates you on your birthday!
Your wonderful qualities of the head, fruitful activity as a deputy of the State Duma, loyalty to civil debt, high demanding to themselves and the surrounding, constant care for the improvement of native Voronezh and to maintain a worthy standard of living of people of the older generation gained you deserved respect for Voronezh. You care a lot about the elderly, which is very pleased with us. We are veterans teachers proud of you. You are a worthy pupil of our time!
In the day of your birth, I sincerely wish you good health, well-being, a lot of strength to work for the benefit of our homeland, and let creative and business successes accompany you in everything!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Pedagogical Labor of the Central District of Alexander Grigorievna Maltsev.

G.I. Peshtitsyn, Veterans of the Pedagogical Labor of the Kominternovsky District, Chairman of the District Council of Education Veterans

Without a teacher, there is not a single profession. We are pedagogical workers, from the first days of our work activity in the circle of people: colleagues, children - our students, their parents. We need them - and in this we find the satisfaction of our work activity, we feel that we need people.
And years fly. And now the moment comes when, due to a number of reasons, we go to a well-deserved rest. And here, many of us experience great stress - health, financial situation, loneliness ...
And how are we welcome our veterans to any attention to them, like a nice older person on your birthday, in a professional or calendar holiday to get congratulations on those who once worked, and even more so from the deputy of the State Duma Sergey Chizhova. A telephone congratulation or telegram from his behalf is always a sense of gratitude for not forgotten. Most of the jubilees of the pensioners' teachers of our district were the participants of the festive events organized with the support of Sergey Chizhov, were marked with letters of graceful letters from his behalf.
For this, attention, for responsiveness and warmth and tell you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, on your birthday a huge human thank you! Happiness to you, health, well-being, the fulfillment of everything conceived and long years of fruitful work for the benefit of our people!

Sincerely, veterans of pedagogical labor of the Kominternovsky District, Chairman of the district council of Veterans of the formation of Galina Ivanovna Pshenitsyn.

S.V. Parshin, Director BU in Levoberezhny Kzson "Pearl"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On this day, we sincerely take congratulations on your birthday and wishes of health, cheerfulness, family heat and comfort, active fruitful work, new creative ideas, wide opportunities and promising projects. Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help achieve new heights, your innermost desires and aspirations will come true, everything is good, which is in your life and there are moments of joy, love and optimism. Your business and organizational abilities have made it possible to achieve success in the realization of various tasks, let the case you give mental strength, experience and knowledge, brings the joy and desire for new professional achievements. Your successful work and ability to support partnerships is a confirmation of the truth that the success is the privilege of professionals! From myself Personally and on behalf of the team, take sincere wishes of success and prosperity so that you never have impassable obstacles on your life path, so that you always have luck and luminous over your head. New good deeds and achievements, the incarnation of all the ideas in the difficult work on the revival of strong and prosperous Russia!

Sincerely, director BU in Left Bank Kzson "Pearl" S.V. Parshin

THEM. Carpun, chairman of the left-bank district organization of veterans and pensioners

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
From the face of all veterans of the left-bank district, take sincere congratulations on your birthday. In many ways, thanks to you, many shares and projects, the initiator of which you are speaking, in Voronezh - the city of military glory, honor and remember the front-line workers, the workers of the rear, the prisoners and widows of the dead soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. We say Thank you for not forgetting the participants of those great battles, work for the benefit that they have not only material, but also moral support. Your personal qualities are not inferior by professional - you are always attentive and responsive, deeply feel any problem of people of the older generation. Thank you, let them accompany you only luck, happiness and well-being!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Left-Bank District Organization of Veterans and Pensioners Igor Mitrofanovich Karpun.

V.E. Piharev, artistic director of the artistic brigade

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Front Artistic Brigade "Soldiers of Victory" congratulates you on your birthday!
You are always full of strength and energy to carry out targets. Thanks to high professionalism and many years of labor experience, you are able to quickly solve even the most difficult tasks. In the responsible work as a deputy of the State Duma, authority and competence, deep knowledge on local and regional problems, responsiveness and desire to help people help you.
You personify the generation of modern leaders who know how to work competently in a market economy, are constantly in the whirlpool of events and bring new, fresh ideas.
We, your associates and assistants in military-patriotic work with veterans and young people, with confidence we can say that you can always count on our most hot support in the implementation of social projects and shares, which you are the initiator.
We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, as well as new achievements for the benefit of our homeland!
Good, love, prosperity and peace to you, your family and loved ones!

Sincerely, artistic director of the artistic brigade Vyacheslav Evgenievich Pigarev.

Z. TERSKY, Member of the Union of Writers "Military Commonwealth"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich, happy birthday to you!

Don't leave you
Nice achievements!
And unexpectedly always
Comes birthday.

You are surprised ... "Caught
Another year did the year? "
- "Yes Yes. It was really rushed.
The people congratulate you again.

Important paper - aside
And let the phone brings
For you and fun and ringing
Words of love from all sides!

Spring wind Treplet flags,
The church chime sounds ...
Spring goes, full courage,
Looks like you bearing a bow!

And I wish you health
Merry mood ...
With warm heart
And with love
Take congratulations! Zinaida Teresky.

N.P. Tarasenko, artistic director and balletmaster of the exemplary choreographic ensemble "Rosinka"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Thanks to your leadership qualities, you successfully present the interests of the Voronezh region in the State Duma, contributing to the development of the region in the economic and social directions. As the initiator of many creative projects of the city, I express your gratitude to you, as they allow youth to reveal their creative potential and determine the choice of further professional path. Stay always the same progressively thinking politician, energetic and harmonious personality and responsible citizen of our homeland! I wish you and your family health, longevity and well-being!

Sincerely, artistic director and balletmaster of the exemplary choreographic ensemble "Rosinka", Honored Worker of the Russian Federation, Tarasenko Nina Pavlovna

Board VOO "FEDERATION Boxing Region"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
The federation of Boxing of the Voronezh region congratulates you on your birthday! Let you even alash, and thickened wrinkles in the century, age is, to her God, formality. Be young soul, happiness to you, health, success and well-being! Thank you for your contribution to the development of boxing for the benefit of the prosperity of the city of Voronezh.

Regards, Board of Woo "Federation of Boxing Region"

I.I. Pereslavseva, Director of the State Institution of the Vornzheskaya Region "Regional Center for Social Assistance Family and Children" Burevestnik "

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
On behalf of the collective of the regional social assistance center, the family and children "Burevestnik" congratulate you on your birthday. I am very much grateful for the assistance rendered, so necessary for the rehabilitation of children who found themselves in a difficult life situation. Your timely help gives children the opportunity to realize their value and significance for the people around them.
I wish further success in the work, interesting fruitful ideas and opportunities for their incarnation, thoughtful solutions and the implementation of all projects, long happy years of life surrounded by people who love you.

Director of the State Institution of the Vornzhskaya Region "Regional Center for Social Assistance Family and Children" Burevestnik "Pereslavseva Irina Ivanovna

The collective of the branch of the Leninsky district "Uszn"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
The branch of the state institution of the Voronezh region "Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Voronezh Region" Leninsky District of Voronezh congratulates you on your birthday! For many years, we have known you as a responsive, not indifferent person. You are equally prepared for solving the problems of socially unprotected categories of citizens and to provide real help to those who need it at the moment. We sincerely wish you success in work, reliable comrades, faithful friends, the right decisions, good health and great personal happiness!

The collective of the branch of the Leninsky district of the Leninsky district of the Branch of Martynova N.V.

Semiluksky District Palace of Children's Creativity

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Teachers, Parents and Pupils of the Semiluksky District Palace of Children's Creativity congratulate you on your birthday!
We sincerely wish you peace, good and happiness. We are grateful to you for helping our institution in organizing an educational process.
Let luck accompany you in deputy activities.

Residents of the Kominternovsky District

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
We cordially congratulate you on your birthday! From the Tribunes of the State Duma, for many years we have successfully defended the interests of the Voronezh region. And in the achievements of Voronezh during this period there is your significant contribution. Thank you so much for organizing the work of public receptions that provide highly qualified advisory assistance and real psychological support of citizens. We sincerely wish that the next year for you was associated with the new features and the implementation of the most bold plans. We wish you move forward and only forward. And, of course, strong health, happiness and well-being, professional achievements, peace and family harmony!

Team of Furniture Salon "Union"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
The team of the furniture salon "Union" congratulates you on your birthday! Wishes you health, well-being, comfort in the house and happiness in the family!

Financial Service Association "Gallery Chizhova"

Sergey Viktorovich!
Although we do not sow and do not pass,
Other we have the front of work
Under the guidance of wise
We are correct moving forward.

We go expensive free,
What is generally no wonder:
With such a star travel
As you, do not move sin.

With soulful zren and excitement
Let's literally pray for you
And because your birthday,
Your holiday is the best day for us.

Best Wishes, Financial Services Association "Gallery Chizhova"

You today happy birthday
Wants the whole electorate
Congratulations and admiring
Express you, deputy!

You cope with work,
We do not deceive
Surrounded us care
Love people, country!

You health, longevity
We wish simply
To be with a century
Congratulations on the post!
Congratulate deputy
birthday, Congratulations, Deputy, Country

Dear our deputy,
Each voter is Rad
You congratulate you on the birthday,
Well, and I am not excluding

From the heart I congratulate you,
And I wish the best:
Bear yourself for us
So that everyone lived - super class!

You take care of people
You are very loved for it!
Be happy always
Let the dream come true!
Congratulate deputy
deputy, congratulate, birthday

Our favorite deputy!
You are the hope of everyone!
And, of course, everyone is happy
To have success

And in the country, and in the house each. -
Believe that it will be so!
And believe it once
In you and in happiness people!

"Happy Birthday!" - All of you
Speak now!
And knock on us more often
Our deputy, on the door!

To know about the life of those
Who believes holy in you!
Instead of tears so that laughing
People once!
Congratulate deputy
Happy Birthday to you!

Expensive deputy
You congratulate you today
Happy Birthday Your! We need
Recreation wish without edge!

Relax and relax,
Forget about work,
We wish in life joy,
Feeling always care

From relatives, loved ones, close
You people are first
We wish happiness in life
And friends open, faithful!
Congratulate deputy
deputy, birthday, congratulate

You were chosen by a deputy
And all people - in chocolate,
You take care of how necessary
About your electorate!

Man you are noble
Wise, honest, good-natured,
Congratulations to you today
Happy Birthday, as needed!

Long fiery wish
In the post and in your life,
Let the worship come true,
Let the house be a complete bowl!
Congratulate deputy
deputy, electorate, birthday, congratulate

Deputy, deputy,
Take care of your mandate,
Your work is good
You are not without a penny.

Give you to you jam,
And then you probably are tired,
There is sushi and then gastal.
Congratulate deputies
Happy Birthday, Deputy

Happy Birthday! Path deputy
Everything can be selected, not in vain.
You decided - it will be so and sometime
In our Duma chose you

So live and work worthy
Be satisfied today,
Stay all the time calm,
So that your care is nipple!

You take the laws
This deputy
About problems all you know -
Told the electorate,
And today happy birthday
Congratulations we are
Stay the most honest
And do not live for yourself!

Happy Birthday, Deputy!
Let the success of the starfall
It will be in life rapidly
Much happiness will bring.

Fruitful days
And calm only nights.
The most devoted family
So that decorated all the days!

You have found people
For great work.
In a birthday I wish
Confirm the calculations.

Let always have enough strength
Honesty, Zador.
Loyal to be finished
Avoid discord.

All the people are unanimously
Reported that everyone agrees
To deputies to choose
To make questions to make.

You trust justified,
All laws took.
Allow it now
Knock on the door quietly.

We want to congratulate you together,
Wish everything you need -
Happiness in the house let go -
Miracle in life let him happen.

I wish to celebrate hot
I wish to celebrate Brightly,
For the neighbors, let them be warful -
Today I walked a deputy!

Forget business and papers,
Let boo glasses and cups
Let the "birthday" so will be cool
So that even in the government ash!

Servant people - you are great and important,
And in anger you are just a terrible,
But on the birthday of cheerful, humorous,
People need you exactly like that!

Curly congratulations on the birthday of birth
We wish wisdom, good luck and patience,
In the elections of always winning,
Got yourself to give yourself to the people!

So that in your personal life everything was in order,
And in the morning - jogging and charging,
And fitness, and swimming pool, and volleyball,
So that you scored the main goal in life!

You entrusted the post
Help is waiting for the electorate,
And I'm happy birthday
Congratulations, deputy.

I wish to solve
For the people accepted
So that everything was proud of
Who voted for you.

Let you have health enough
Start by force of the future.
To selected by the people
You are for the next time.

Happy birthday, deputy!
You wish not to lose
Deputy your mandate
Walk in life beyond step
Successful to be always in everything,
If that, always we are near
We will help, rescue, save!

You are striving to solve everything,
The city of Namig is put into order.
A deputy be quite difficult
WHO liability you need to carry.

And so on your birthday
I wish you only kindness,
So that success accompanied everywhere,
So that you are always healthy you.

And I wish Untimy
And support all your relatives
So that any of your early
It was only for cases of good.

You health, longevity
We wish simply
To be with a century
Congratulations on the post!

And on your birthday, congratulations,
You deputy our dear,
Wins, good luck just wish
All for you we are our native.

You take care of people
You are very loved for it!
Be happy always
Let the dream come true!

Happy Birthday Congratulations,
The deputy is our dear!
We do not need, say straight,
Besides you, the people's deputy!

Voters loved ones
Dare you always
Goods to you all necessary
Let the trouble goes away!

You are in big health be
All your long, classified age,
About Molve Bad Forget,
You are a great man!

To know about the life of those
Who believes holy in you!
Instead of tears so that laughing
People once!

You are fair and reliable,
You will help people you always
Our deputy and our pride,
Let us congratulate you.

And on my birthday, say quietly,
How we all proud of you,
And wish only health
Oh deputy our dear.

Deputy, you happy birthday
Congratulations from the soul!
We wish with pleasure
At the post of business!

Rejoice in your work,
Also Life Life!
Be always in honors,
And not forever you fuck!

From relatives, loved ones, close
You people are first
We wish happiness in life
And friends open, faithful!

We know that you are fair
You will always find a solution,
Do not quit your people on death,
You will help old people, yes, yes.

Our deputy, on your birthday,
Let me congratulate you
And wish, only happiness,
Your friends we are forever.

We congratulate on the birthday of the birthday,
Give you to you jam,
And then you probably are tired,
There is sushi and then gastal.

Long fiery wish
In the post and in your life,
Let the worship come true,
Let the house be a complete bowl!

Deputy beloved ours
Happy Birthday Congratulations!
No epippet here
Do not arrange, assure!

We wish you now
We love us with care gentle,
You know, every time you
Support you in the election!

Birthday Chumova
And the gift of the clockwork
So that he started the key
And the foot on the gas was given.
In general, life on wheels,
Without traffic cops questions
So that neither rod, nor nail!
Happy Birthday Friends.

I want to congratulate everyone at once
So as not to wait for the birthdays:
Deputy - to be elected
Pilots - beautiful takelets!
All warriors - so that by ran
Old devans - for a man
All sirots - Mother and Father,
Me is a bottle with cucumber!

From the Soul - Success on Birthday!
Optimism, joy, heat,
More interesting hobbies
And luck in all matters!
So that there was a road in a smooth life
And there was always a hard step on the way!
It is much waiting for good luck, the discoveries of new
And the achievements of good ahead!

Congratulations - Be sure!
I wish - thoroughly!
Live easily, and not fuss!
And our friendship friendship!
You are beautiful - no dispute!
Watch - And do not fall in love!
Let there be a lot that wear -
And before whom to expose!

Behind this holiday table
Drink your health together!
All together wish we want
So that I love, tireless;
Direct roads - without traffic jams and traffic police,
In pocket - dollars, and rubles,
So that everything is OK in life,
And so as not to forget friends!

Girl (name), beautiful lady!
I wish you health, success, love
You shine brighter any tungsten,
Captive man moving eyebrows.
On the beaches of Bahamas, savoring tequila,
In Paris, Venice il Urumchi -
Let the years multiply your abrasions
And the inner voice will not silent!

Happy birthday, my girlfriend,
Let luck be with you
Beautiful home, and personal servants,
And the yacht is also not weak.
In the center of a gorgeous apartment,
Tastefully dress in boutiques,
With money be transzhira,
Live, as in blue dreams.

Let the wine be pouring through the edge,
From the treats breaking tables,
Your birthday is cool noted,
Like real balls.
Let them fly to you always
On the light of reliable friends,
We wish you happiness and good,
And in the health to live for years to one hundred.

Happy Birthday, Andrei!
Guests assembled - fun.
You are handsome, smart and staitan
And in communion is pleasant.

Be healthy and not sad
What would not meet on the way.
And let fly years -
Let's say together: not trouble!

Happy Birthday, dear friend!
The world in the soul - and the world around.
Happiness, joy, lucky!
Love big and respectfulness!

Live let you not sadly,
Crunches in the cabbage wallet,
From wheelbarrow the key lies in his pocket,
TV remote control awaits on the sofa

Let the full bowl be a house,
And whatever you want to put
Tirelessness in everything
Health, happiness and good luck!

Correctly use the mattress.
Money - under, women - on!

So that you live beautifully
I wish a lot of beer
In circles, in banks and bottles,
Beer box in the freezer,
And so you coped with him,
We are already running to you!

Let you always have cash
To which you spend them - the case is personal
Can buy a house, car, cottage,
And after you treat friends to surrender!

Let them not be afraid of you next year.
Let your customer be better
And the sadness will leave once and forever.

All good let him remember,
And conceived - turn.
Let your happiness shine,
And good people will meet.

Let your life in labor last
Let the courage of the Spirit will continue
Let the side be held,
Let them not knock on your doors
Disease and old age never.

I wish you health, heat and good,
So that the failures retreated time
To live, do not rush to a hundred years old,
Let all that have not come true!

Wave of love, good, heat and light,
Power source in a difficult day and hour,
All - the joy of life we \u200b\u200btake away from you
And say: "Thank you for it! "

We wish to love
Believe in miracle,
Friends gain friends
Interestingly and happily live,
Smile and more often dream!

Still do not rush.

Be diligent daughters
More often please mother.
Well, in short!
In general, do not be sore!

I gone to the will of all the Malya
I wanted a little bit to get
So as not to live there on free
But Kent decided to forget me!

When leaned back, then immediately,
Magnul twice in the toilet,
Under the shone I drove goat!

Tragic women slowly smoke
And languidly swallowed wine from the glade.
But you say: "Cigarettes will destinate",
A cup of tea pouring to me.

Tragic women - in black stockings,
Lingerie on them is a burning red flame.
But you dress to me socks:
"It is tragic so buried, native."

Looking for official and original congratulations to a happy birthday deputy? Our site contains the best congratulations on such a case. Choose your favorite congratulations to the deputy in verses or prose and send to SMS or congratulate personally. Greet your friends, colleagues and closely more often beautiful congratulations!


You are striving to solve everything,
City instantly put in order.
A deputy is quite difficult,
WHO liability you need to carry.

And so on your birthday
I wish you only good,
That success accompanied everywhere
To always healthy were you.

And I still wish an understanding
And support all your relatives
To anyone your undertaking
It was only for cases of good.


Happy birthday, deputy!
We wish you not to lose
Deputy your mandate
Walk in life beyond step
Successful to be always in everything,
If that, always we are near
We will help, rescue, save!


Dear deputy, fair and honest person, congratulations on your birthday. Let your activity always be aimed at the benefit of society, let it give great opportunities for solving any life, let the ray of happiness and hopes always shine in their personal life, let them support comrades and relatives at the right moment.


Servant people - you are big and important
And in anger you are just scary,
But on the birthday of cheerful, humorous,
People need you exactly like that!

Curiously congratulations on your birthday,
We wish wisdom, good luck and patience,
In the elections to constantly defeat
Got yourself to give yourself to the people!

In order for in his personal life everything was in order,
And in the morning - jogging and charging,
And fitness, and swimming pool, and volleyball,
So that you score the main goal in life!


You entrusted the post
Help is waiting for the electorate,
And I'm happy birthday
Congratulations, deputy.

I wish the decision
For the people accepted
So that everything was proud of
Who voted for you.

Let you have health enough
Stand up with force about the reserve.
To have chosen by the people
You are for the next time.

Poems happy birthday to the deputy


I wish to celebrate hot
I wish to celebrate Brightly,
For the neighbors, let them be warful -
Today I walked a deputy!

Forget business and papers,
Let boo glasses and cups
Let & Laquo; Dnie & Raquo; Such will be cool
To even in the government!


All the people are unanimously
Reported that everyone agrees
To deputies to choose
To make a question.

You justified trust,
All laws took.
Let me now
Knock on the door quietly.

We want to congratulate you together,
Wish everything you need -
Happiness to the house let go -
Miracle in life let him happen.


Happy Birthday,
Dear our deputy,
Let them turn into a moment
All you will be happy.

There will be everything - love and friendship,
And wealth full house
To be on the joy of service,
Waiting for success in labor to anyone!


You are masters wide representative!
You are a deputy! You are an embodiment
Folk hopes, ideas.
To make us all more fun.
You - be confident, bolder!
See a lot of perspectives
And bright initiatives.
Happy birthday congratulates you
All friendly joint team!


A strange boy is growing up
Nine years old today
Happy birthday congratulations
Let it be wonderful.

Be healthy and cheerful
Cheerful and strong,
And home bear from school
Only the best marks!

Cool congratulations happy birthday deputy


I wish in my birthday
To have forces and excitement,
To defend interests
All those who gave you a bright start.

Carry your position with honor,
Let in all of you lucky
And your work is bright inevitable
People will lead to good luck.


Happy Birthday to You,
Deputy I congratulate
And confidence of the people
I wish you justify.

I wish you to go
Interests defended
To nobody regretted
That he gave his voice.

I wish you honest,
Loyal was the servant of the people
Elected a deputy
To be so for you year after year.


Let all you conceived, will embody,
After all, you know how to achieve goals!
I wish you just to strive for the better
And the debt is always honestly fulfilled!

Health, strength, success and luck
I wish you always been rich!
Will you have any doubt
In the fact that you are a great deputy!


Deputy Dear, Happy Birthday!
Let the mood be good
We are glasses we will only raise for you,
Please give all of us to successes.

Wish you want happiness and good luck,
To solve your important tasks,
Happy birthday to you,
Happiness, joy, health you want!


You are a solid person, a state official, a deputy,
And congratulate you on your birthday today everyone happy!
You congratulate you from the soul, and we want to wish you,
A deputy to be excellent, promises to perform
So that the people were pleased, always voted for you,
To be healthy, never hurt!

Congratulations to the happy birthday deputy


You have found people
For great work.
In a birthday I wish
Confirm the calculations.

Let always have enough strength
Honesty, Zador.
Loyal to be finished
Avoid discord.


Happy birthday deputy -
Very important person
You are worthy to be an example,
Clearly you know everything.

After all, we trust you,
State and treasury
And politics trust
And people of other fate.


We get up once or twice or three,
With joy today we
Happy birthday - speak
All the servant is folk!

Very much valid
Our deputy.
We wish you long live,
Do not lose the mandate

And smaller to sad
Although your way and difficult
And in the tops do not forget
On common people.


Legally elected the country
Now you create laws.
No bolt power, you are steel,
I am sure and unshakable.

You congratulate you on this day
And happiness wishing, of course,
We wish to understand people
And they come with them heartily.

Here, the main thing is not to retreat
You have chosen once.
May people be able to trust
Your problems deputy.


You are a deputy and in this your power,
You have been used to serve the people for a long time,
Even though life was winding and wore,
But your appearance is just chic!

You congratulate you happy birthday,
In such a good, joyful day,
And I wish you happiness from the soul
Calling to you good luck to the threshold!

May your days last for a very long time,
And friendship, and love with you live,
And you work like a small bee,
And glory, and honor to you will come!

Congratulations to the happy birthday deputy in verse


You serve honestly for the people
You at any time of the year!
Happy Birthday, Deputy,
Happiness whole starfall

I wish you from the heart
Your sharp mind respect
And really praise
For responsiveness yours!


Happy birthday, deputy!
Let the success of the starfall
It will be in life rapidly
Much happiness will bring.

Fruitful days to you
And calm only nights.
The most devoted family
To decorated all the days!


You take the laws
This deputy
About problems all you know -
Told the electorate,
And today happy birthday
Congratulations we are
Stay the most honest
And do not live for yourself!


Dear our deputy,
I congratulate you sincerely happy.
Despite the big mandate
So that there was no interference in life.

Birthday to celebrate skillfully
Very fun, bright and boldly.
To remember forever,
Even if years are held.


Happy Birthday! Path deputy
Everything can be selected, not in vain.
You decided - it will be so, and when
In our Duma chose you

So live and work worthy
Be satisfied today,
Stay all the time calm,
To care for you in vain!

Five years ago, the inhabitants of the Kstovsky district chose a deputy of the legislation. And here is the term of his authority expired, in September the elections are waiting for us.

According to their results, a new person will represent the interests of the inhabitants of the Kstivsky district at the regional level. What functions will fall on the shoulders of this person and what is the essence of his work? We talked about this with the Minister of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Roman Lyubarsky.

- Tell the residents of the Kstovo district, what do the deputy do after its election?

The forms of the deputy are determined by law. It is part in the meetings of the OGSC, in the work of committees and temporary commissions, as well as in the work of other legislative assembly bodies. For more information, the deputy can send a request to the appropriate authority or structure. But, after all, work with voters remain the most important direction, including reporting and meetings, the reception of citizens. After all, it is through people, residents of the district formed an understanding of the circle of problems that must be solved. In general, the work of the deputy of any level is quite complex. The deputy must have knowledge of jurisprudence, economics, management. He must understand the education, health care, social protection of the population, to be able to work with the budget, to understand what finance is and how to effectively distribute them to priorities. Must possess strong personal qualities, but the very important one should be ready to take responsibility to people whom he represents in the regional parliament.

It is believed that the main function of the deputy is participation in the legislative process. But at the same time, the deputy, being a representative and expressive of voter interests, should constantly listen to them and support with them. The deputy holds meetings with voters, considers their appeals, summarizes and analyzes the information obtained and its proposals contribute to the relevant state authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region, local governments, public associations and organizations. For the population, the deputy is, first of all, the "trusting mediator" between the population and the authorities capable of conveying to the power of the voter problem and suggest ways to solve them. I believe that the deputy plays an important role in considering and making the main document of the region - budget. After all, it is the budget that is the document that affects us and on the quality of our life. It takes into account the salaries of doctors, teachers, construction of sports and cultural objects, etc.

- And with what problems, maybe a regular person can come to the elected deputy of the OGSC?

Many questions, for the decision of which people turn to deputies of the Legislative Assembly, directly relate to the competence of self-government bodies at the place of residence of the applicants. However, people, not knowing this, unfortunately, appeal to the regional authorities. And since the only way to solve the applicants' problems is the appeal to the bodies of the municipal authority, the deputies should be in constant contact with the municipalities. Considering that each deputy of the screaming accounts for several tens of thousands of voters, it is clear that the work of the people's chosen one is difficult everyday work. The deputy does not have the opportunity to personally solve the personal problems of each of them: one to help get an apartment, another - to solve the issue with the recalculation of the pension and so on. But the deputies using their status and appeal to the authorities, including deputy requests, are able to really help people. However, it should be understood that the main goal of the work of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region is to improve the quality of life of the population as a whole. First of all, it may be issues of improving the legislative framework and the implementation of social projects, such as the construction of social and infrastructure facilities, a program of assistance to socially unprotected categories of citizens and much more.

Wishes to candidates are definitely to stay closer to people and in their work as much as possible to follow their interests. Wishes to voters - to choose exactly those candidates to whom they trust, those who, in their opinion, will not so much to say beautiful words, how much to solve real problems every day.