Oily skin care tips. Proper daily care. What is called "problem skin"

Oily facial skin is far from the worst type of all. At proper care for oily problematic skin, regular cleansing and degreasing procedures, the use of suitable cosmetics, this type will not cause problems. In addition, people with oily skin types manage to look younger and fresher for much longer. Proper care for oily skin will avoid many problems: the occurrence of deep comedones, inflammation, acne, greasy shine, signs of aging. A young age requires special care for the skin of the face, when the largest amount of subcutaneous fat is released during the maturation period, often the process of its production normalizes by the age of 30.

Causes of oily skin

To understand what problems you have to solve and choose the right products to care for quickly oily skin, you should understand what is the root cause of these troubles.

First of all, this is a violation of the sebaceous glands of the face, especially in the frontal zone, nasolabial fold, chin, nose - the so-called T-zone. This happens most often during puberty in very young people or already at a more mature age after hormonal changes. During such periods, proper care of oily skin is especially important.

Also, the factors affecting the activation of the production of subcutaneous fat include:

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People under the age of 30 should not worry too much about their health, but after 30, an endocrinologist's consultation will help you understand the cause of problematic facial skin and the choice of products to care for oily skin.

Most often, increased fat content is only an age or individual feature that requires the selection of the right products for oily skin, a little knowledge about caring for it in winter and summer, as well as cleaning skills.

Problems that the owner of oily skin may face:

  • very deep enlarged pores, the blockage of which leads to the accumulation of dust and inflammation of the skin, a change in complexion;
  • glossy shine - provokes the accumulation of dust in the pores;
  • black and white comedones (acne) - a consequence of blockage and insufficient blood circulation;
  • scaly areas of the skin;
  • the impossibility of selecting the ideally suitable decorative cosmetics and matting products.

Determining the type of facial skin at home is quite simple, it is enough to wash your face well, smear it with a regular fat baby cream and leave it like that for a couple of hours. After that, use a napkin to conduct a test: attach a clean, dry napkin to your face, press it a little against the skin, remove it and see if there are any residues of the cream on the paper. If there are greasy spots on the napkin, then the skin is oily.

If it is difficult to determine the type of skin, you can contact a beautician and go through. In addition to the fact that a specialist will determine the type of skin with the help of precise equipment, you will receive professional recommendations for caring for your skin.

How to take care of oily skin at home according to the 20+ program

At the age of 20-30 years, subcutaneous fat is released very actively, so the main methods of facial care are aimed at cleansing and degreasing it. To do this, cleansing procedures are carried out twice a day (in the morning and evening). If the skin is not very oily, then the usual laundry or baby soap, as well as a couple of lotions will be enough.

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If the fat is produced too actively, then you will need products for oily skin based on extracted tea tree, lemon or rose, which have a tightening effect. A light moisturizer or milk with a high content of vitamin E will come in handy.

How to care for oily skin aged 30+

By this age, according to the norm, fat production is reduced by 30%, it becomes not so difficult to take care of oily facial skin at home, but other new difficulties arise:

  • decrease in elasticity;
  • the appearance of mimic or age wrinkles;
  • low cell regeneration;
  • a decrease in blood flow in the vessels, which contributes to the deterioration of complexion;
  • decreased muscle tone.

To avoid such difficulties at such a flourishing age, you should adhere to the following rules for caring for problematic oily skin. In the morning, you should definitely carry out a cleansing procedure using foam that gently cares for the skin of the face and room water. Suitable for washing and herbal decoctions with a calming effect, for example, from mint. And ordinary lemon juice added to the water during washing will help. .png" alt="(!LANG:lemon juice" width="450" height="301" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2018-10-09-18-27-03-450x301..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2018-10-09-18-27-03.png 991w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

To prevent aging, it is recommended to carry out a scrubbing procedure at least once every two weeks and arrange a deep facial peeling monthly. The main care for oily skin after 30 is provided by tonics, selected for the type of skin, or prepared manually based on alcohol, cucumber or citrus juice. Indispensable for the face, home-made masks using lemon juice or eggs.

Care for oily skin after 40

Despite the reduced performance of the sebaceous glands, oily and problematic skin after 40 years still requires special care. After all, the consequences in the form of enlarged pores, where dirt accumulates, and subsequent inflammations remain inevitable. In caring for oily skin after 40 years, it is important:

  • it is good to clean your face before going to bed from matting agents and decorative cosmetics, this will slow down the fading process and give the skin a healthy color;
  • use for toning, for this, pour a sufficiently cooled infusion of mint or calendula into ice molds, and after freezing, apply to the skin of the face;
  • use homemade scrubs with lemon juice or sea salt to tighten enlarged pores;
  • regularly nourish the skin with beneficial substances using masks based on potato starch or honey.

Mandatory home remedies for oily skin

Proper care for oily and includes regular washing and cleansing procedures, the use of peels, scrubs and face masks, dietary adjustments and the use of carefully selected cosmetics.


Washing is an integral part of the care of any type of skin, thanks to which you can get rid of excess fat, shine, tone the skin and get a boost of energy. Oily skin should be washed with cool water using a special foam or soap. Responsible for deep cleansing with soft bristles.

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Cleansing pores and relieving inflammation is a procedure that owners of this type of facial skin often have to deal with. Oily skin is treated with products that are low in alcohol and pH ≈ 4.5, such as mild cleansing foams or soaps. Any agent should have a tightening effect and easily dissolve in water.

Oily skin care products at home based on tea tree extract, lemon or basil oil will help relieve inflammation. .png" alt="(!LANG: cleansing oily skin at home" width="450" height="348" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/img-2017-01-07-00-32-56-450x348..png 674w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

You can remove fat in the T-zone using folk methods - masks, the component composition of which includes sour, kefir, yogurt, sea salt, coffee grounds.


If the question arises, how to properly care for oily skin at home, then peeling is indispensable. Oily skin requires frequent exfoliation, at least once every two weeks, but twice a week is best. Thanks to this procedure, you can forget about dirty skin color, oily sheen, inflammation and dermatological ailments for a long time.

A favorable time of day for peeling is evening, so that the skin can have a good rest at night. At home, you can prepare a mixture based on crushed lemon pulp and olive oil.


Scrubbing is the best way to remove oily sheen and accumulated dirt. Before applying the scrub, you need to remove makeup, if any, steam your face over a water bath or with a towel soaked in a hot decoction of herbs.

Do not apply a scrubbing agent to areas of accumulation of inflamed acne and wounds.

The ideal composition, prepared with your own hands, should include blue, black or green clay, brown or regular sugar. Application is carried out with gentle massage movements.


An excellent care product will be a self-made mask that can not only eliminate shine, but also narrow pores, dry inflamed skin areas and prevent the development of skin diseases. Effective masks include lemon juice and low-fat cream, raspberries and flour, oatmeal and eggs.

From herbal decoction, you can make infusions from one or more components (sage herb, calendula leaves, field St. John's wort, chamomile, mint leaves). To achieve a good effect, it is worth carrying out the procedure for wiping the face with ice every day at the same time. .png" alt="(!LANG:Herbal ice cubes" width="450" height="277" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/img-2018-10-28-12-39-34-450x277..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/img-2018-10-28-12-39-34-1024x631..png 1072w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}


Nutrition control is an important aspect of treating oily skin at home. Fatty, spicy, sour dishes with a high content of spices are a taboo for those who want to forget about greasy skin forever. But sour-milk and vitamin-rich foods, cereal cereals and bran bread are friends of the skin of the face.

Proper cosmetics

And finally, another important rule that cannot be ignored is the right choice of cosmetics, because it is almost impossible to imagine a modern woman without makeup. Good cosmetics for oily skin should contain drying, bactericidal and matte components. should have a matte effect, you should not use products with a creamy consistency to avoid additional clogging of pores and the appearance of oily sheen.

Folk recipes for oily skin care

Based on natural ingredients at home, unique products are created that allow you to get rid of the increased fat content of the skin of the face, which are being improved more and more every year. It can be a cleansing natural scrub or a hot steaming decoction, a nourishing mask, a drying lotion or a medicinal compress, a natural ointment.

Drying lotions - the key to beautiful skin without oily sheen

If the question arises of how to treat oily facial skin, then the first thing every girl will think about is drying agents, such as lotions. Of course, it’s not worth talking about the benefits of natural and home-made lotions, this is quite obvious. What recipes are most often used in traditional medicine to get rid of the fatty problem of the skin of the face:

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Compresses and decoctions - the best way to cleanse the pores

Herbal decoctions will help to steam the skin well and deeply cleanse clogged sebaceous pores. Popular recipes for how to get rid of oily skin on the face and effectively cleanse pores include the following:

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Nourishing oily skin with natural masks

Freshly prepared masks are excellent folk methods in the fight against oily skin. They not only treat problem areas, degrease and nourish the skin of the face, but also have a rejuvenating lifting effect. How to degrease the skin of the face and give it a healthy look with the help of masks? The most popular are masks based on clay and honey:

  • clay mask- here the main ingredient is blue clay, which can be purchased at a beauty store or pharmacy. In the process of preparation, clay, water and badyaga are mixed in proportions of 2: 2: 1. After thorough kneading, the mask is applied to the face and remains intact until completely dry, after which it is carefully removed with a cloth moistened with water.
  • Honey- is used when cleansing oily skin of the face and serves as the basis for many folk recipes. One of them is a mask based on liquid honey (1 teaspoon), lemon ether (just a couple of drops) or tea tree extract in the same amount. After thorough kneading, a liquid honey mask is applied to oily skin for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with room running water. This mask allows you to normalize the natural functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve skin condition.

A large number of effective ways to care for oily skin at home, recipes for masks and scrubs, as well as useful tips, you will find in the video:


Oily facial skin with proper care will not cause any problems. Procedures must be carried out regularly, cosmetics should be selected carefully. In addition, the condition of oily skin is highly dependent on the diet. By giving up harmful foods and enriching the menu with useful ones, you will forget about increased fat content, greasy shine, enlarged pores and various inflammations of the skin of the face.

  • Prevention of excess skin shine in summer
  • Salon procedures

How to tell if you have oily skin

“Oily skin is mostly typical for young people,” says Marina Kamanina, an expert dermatologist at Garnier. - This is due to hormonal changes in the body: a large amount of sex hormones are produced, which stimulate increased production of sebum. In adulthood, oily sheen and acne speak of hormonal disorders and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The easiest way to determine the type of skin is this: put a paper napkin on your forehead. If there is a greasy trace on it, the skin is prone to oiliness.

Increased sebum production and skin dehydration in summer © iStock

You can use another test. To do this, you need to answer a number of questions.

  1. 1

    Does your skin start to glow soon after washing?

  2. 2

    Are there enlarged pores and blackheads on the T-zone of the face?

  3. 3

    Does your skin look rough and tight?

  4. 4

    Is she prone to inflammation?

  5. 5

    Do inflammation appear in the decollete and “triangle” area above the shoulder blades?

  6. 6

    When using matting products, the skin instantly looks smooth and even?

Answering “yes” to most questions suggests that you most likely have oily skin.

Summer care tips for oily skin

“In the summer, sebum production increases. Air-conditioned indoor air and hot outdoor air tend to contain little moisture (40-50% versus 70% which is considered normal). This leads to dehydration of the skin. UV radiation contributes a lot to this. In order to prevent the remaining water from evaporating, the skin increases the secretion of fat, ”says Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy.

Judging by how difficult it is for the skin to live in the summer, care for it at this time should be strengthened. And follow all the steps below.


“There is an opinion that oily skin needs to be cleansed “to a squeak”. This is not so, says Marina Kamanina, expert dermatologist at Garnier. “Due to over-cleansing, oily skin becomes dehydrated.”

The main advice is to treat your skin with care. When cleansing, opt for products with a mild formula and light texture. No creams, creams and milk - oily skin does not tolerate them well.

“Your choice is foam or micellar cleansing gel,” the expert continues. “Do not use soap, due to alkaline components, it degreases the skin and leaches lipids from the deeper layers of the epidermis, breaking the protective barrier of the skin.”

For deeper cleansing, use a scrub 1-3 times a week and cleansing clay masks for oily skin 2-3 times a week.

Oily skin must be carefully protected from ultraviolet radiation © iStock


“The task of tonic lotions for oily skin is to narrow pores and normalize the pH balance,” says Elena Eliseeva. - For this, astringents are added to their composition, such as witch hazel or oak bark extract, matting powder. But it is worth remembering that such products are only suitable for skin that is not prone to acne: intensive rubbing of synthetic matting granules can clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.


“Oily skin needs moisture,” Marina Kamanina is sure. “And your task is to choose a product with a light gel-fluid or gel-cream texture that does not clog pores.”

As part of the products, hyaluronic acid is welcomed as an effective moisturizer. Salicylic and fruit acids gently smooth the skin and remove dead skin cells from the surface.

Don't forget the sun protection factor. Ultraviolet damages the skin and reduces immunity, which is fraught with new inflammatory elements.

Make sure that mineral oil is not included in the ingredient list of cosmetics for oily skin, as it can cause clogged pores.

In the heat, use moisturizing and mattifying products © iStock

Overview of summer care products



Tool name Action Active ingredients
Light moisturizer with a mattifying effect Daily Moisture, SkinCeuticals Light cream for normal to oily skin moisturizes and protects. Suitable for men's skin. burnet root, cinnamon, ginger and brazilian algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, witch hazel extract, allantoin, panthenol, bisabolol

Corrective care against skin imperfections Normaderm 24 h, Vichy

Gives the skin a healthy glow, cleanses and visibly tightens pores. Great as a make-up base. salicylic acid
Cream-gel for normal and combination skin "Moisturizing Expert", L'Oréal Paris

Lightweight texture won't clog pores. The formula, enriched with minerals and vitamins, tones the skin, helps maintain lipid balance.

vitamins E and B5, magnesium, calcium


Tool name Action Active ingredients
Facial mask “Magic clay. Cleansing and matting, L'Oréal Paris The three types of clay included in the composition help to cleanse the skin and narrow the pores, give it a matte finish. clay kaolin, gassul, montmorillonite, eucalyptus extract
Face mask "Clean Skin" steaming, Garnier The formula activates the steaming action upon contact with the skin and frees the pores from impurities and excess fatty secretions. zinc
Purifying Mattifying Mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay The mask absorbs excess sebum, deeply cleanses pores and controls excess sebum. two types of mineral clay, La Roche-Posay thermal water

To help oily skin in the summer - non-traumatic salon treatments © iStock

Salon procedures

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with oily sheen and inflammation on your own, then cosmetology comes to the rescue. The listed salon procedures are among the most popular.

    Chemical peel

    An acid-based solution is applied to cleansed and fat-free skin. As a result, the skin gets rid of dead cells, becomes more even and radiant, pigment spots are corrected. A bonus for oily aging skin is an increase in elasticity and firmness. The course is 3-4 sessions with breaks between them for at least 7-10 days.


    During the procedure, medical and cosmetic solutions are injected under the skin with a thin needle. The most commonly used for this is hyaluronic acid. The course usually ranges from 3 to 7 sessions with breaks per week, depending on the drug.

    Non-traumatic cleaning

    With such cleaning, fruit and other acids are used, which delicately cleanse the pores, improve skin respiration, and normalize local blood circulation. The skin relief is evened out, black spots and inflammation disappear. The course is 5-6 sessions.

Oily facial skin will always stand out for its oily sheen, enlarged pores, acne, comedones and other problems. The reasons can be: incorrect care, poor-quality cosmetics, inactive lifestyle, bad habits, genes, stress, and so on. To avoid such unpleasant moments, regular intensive care is needed.

If you do not take care of oily skin, then the release of sebum (liquid fat) will increase, the shine will become even more noticeable. The pores will begin to become clogged not only with dirt and dust, but also with fat deposits, dead cells. Even more acne, comedones will appear, inflammation and irritation may occur. All this will lead to serious problems and diseases of the skin.

The same effect will be if you choose the wrong care products. At a minimum, they should be just for oily skin. Ideally, you need to choose products that include useful and necessary components. An incorrectly selected remedy will give the opposite result, which will only worsen the condition of the epidermis and add new problems. That is why this article is devoted to choosing the right products for the care of oily skin types.

Common myths about oily skin

Very often, women are faced with generally accepted concepts about this type of skin. Many, unfortunately, are wrong, and mislead the owners of oily epidermis. From this begins the wrong selection of cosmetics, products, care. At best, the effect is not visible at all. At worst - diseases and deterioration of the skin. We need to deal with the most common myths that prevent girls from properly caring for themselves.

Myth #1.

The surface of oily skin is rougher. Most of it is made up of dead cells. To get the cream on the desired layers of the epidermis, the "dead" must be carefully removed.

A fairly common myth, because of which many suffer. In fact, the skin is a living organism that consists of cells. Yes, there are also dead particles, but they are few, as the cells are renewed. The full renewal period is twenty-eight days. There is a layer on the surface of the face that needs to be removed. Yes, after cleansing, the tone evens out, and the skin becomes clearer. But do not do it too rough, especially if the skin is prone to oiliness.

Keratocytes (dead cells) are still part of a living organism. They die on their own and are removed from the surface of the epidermis, thus maintaining the stable operation of all systems. If the expression (death) is carried out too intensively - with the help of daily scrubs and peels, then the opposite effect begins. The skin begins to produce more sebum, which serves as protection and lubrication. Hyperkeratosis begins - when the surface of the epidermis thickens, it becomes much rougher and thicker.

Myth #2.

The scrub must be hard. You need to rub your face "to a squeak."

Due to the fact that oily skin has an increased fat content, many girls believe that it is necessary to use hard and hard components - abrasives for cleaning. Or in stores where they recommend a scrub based on crushed nut shells.

Using such a scrub is dangerous and strictly prohibited. Solid particles remove sebum, but also create micro-scratches that are not visible until a certain time. Due to rough handling, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, and sebum will begin to flow into the wounds. Therefore, there will be inflammation of the wound. In addition, the abrasives themselves are quite small and sharp. They can easily clog into pores, damage them, start an inflammatory process, or even worse, form acne. You can choose a scrub for oily skin at.

Popular options for oily skin are homemade scrubs made from salt, sugar, coffee.

You can use scrubs with hard abrasives once a month. However, you can't rub them. If they have already applied, they did a light, short massage, and that's it. If you urgently need to even out your skin tone, you can do a scrub once a month. But with daily use, you need to use only mild cleansers.

Myth #3.

The skin needs to be dry.

This is one of the most dangerous false statements. Just because skin is covered in liquid fat doesn't mean it has a lot of moisture. Humidity and fat content are two different things. Oily epidermis is constantly looking for a balance between moisture levels and sebum production. If you use drying agents, the effect will not be comforting. Such drugs draw out the remaining moisture from the cells of the epidermis, but do not affect the secretion of sebum.

On the contrary, if there is not enough moisture, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated. They begin to intensively produce sebum, which will replenish the loss of moisture. But this does not help much, and then there is not enough moisture in the cells, and there is even more fat on the face. The skin loses its tone, folds and wrinkles begin to appear, dehydration begins. And here already no matting napkins will help.

Cosmetics for oily skin must necessarily have a soft, light texture, without additional fats.

The first thing to do in this case is to stop drying the skin. Stop using alkaline soaps and alcohol-based lotions. It dries the skin the most and helps produce sebum. For daily washing, it is worth buying a sebum-regulating foam. It does not affect the amount of moisture in the cells, but it calms the sebaceous glands and removes excess shine. After washing, you can use a tonic that will moisturize and soothe the epidermis.

It is necessary to use alcohol-based lotions, but in some cases. To dry a pimple or fight acne, such drugs are applied pointwise to problem areas. Thus, drying of the skin can be prevented. It is strictly forbidden to wipe the whole face with such a tool!

Myth number 4.

With daily drying - the fat will disappear.

It is impossible to get rid of sebum. Scientific studies have not yet been able to confirm the fact about getting rid of sebum forever. The type of epidermis cannot be affected by malnutrition. Those who call this the reason for the abundant release of liquid fat are mistaken.

The type of skin is created by nature, it is genetically incorporated. It is impossible, for example, to change the height or color of the eyes. Also the type of skin.

Using regular drying, you can easily get wrinkled dried oily skin.

Myth number 5.

Moisturizing is not necessary, as liquid fat has a moisturizing effect.

The state of moisture and sebum production are different concepts. Liquid fat is on the surface of the face, and moisture is inside the cells. When exposed to external environmental factors (a sharp change in temperature, cold, heat, strong wind, stress), moisture begins to evaporate. At the same time, the level of fat content on the epidermis remains unchanged. The same thing will happen if you clean your face with daily washing, but do not moisturize with tonic, cream or lotion. The moisture balance in the cells is disturbed.

Experienced dermatologist Joanna Vargas stated that this skin condition can be compared to dried apricots. She says that if you take this dry fruit and pour oil on it, nothing will change. Inside the dried apricots will remain the same dry, but on the surface it will be oily. The same thing happens with oily skin type. Moisture evaporates, the epidermis is dry, and liquid fat does not affect this in any way. If such a condition is allowed, the epidermis will begin to age rapidly, especially after 30 years.

To prevent this situation, you need to use moisturizers. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the age category. In a moisturizer for young skin, hyaluronic acid should be true, for women from 40 years old - jojoba oil, collagen.

The cream should have a light, non-greasy and preferably gel texture. The composition should not contain oils that can clog pores and create foci of inflammation.

home care

An oily type of face requires careful and intensive care. In order to avoid any problems, you need to choose exclusively useful cosmetics that will not harm, but on the contrary, will help to cope with the unpleasant phenomena of this type of epidermis. It is very difficult to find something like this on the shelves of a regular cosmetic store.

It is better to use medical cosmetics or other pharmaceutical preparations. Useful will be those that include the following components.

  1. Vitamin A. It could be retinol. This is an active ingredient that copes well with acne, pimples, acne. A lot of products with retinol are sold in the cosmeceuticals (medical cosmetics) department. It is necessary to use the drug only for a certain period of time. It makes no sense to use it all the time, since the component is addictive.

  1. Alpha hydroxy acids (ANA). These can be fruit acids (mandelic, malic, citric and glycolic, etc.). They are part of creams, masks, scrubs and pharmacy products for the care of oily and problem skin. They clean the pores, remove excess fat, regulate the process of secretion of liquid fat.
  2. Microelements. These are zinc, sulfur, copper, oxides. They do an excellent job with skin rashes, comedones. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Disinfect and normalize the condition of the skin.
  3. Beta hydroxy acids (BHA). These are salicylic and hyaluronic acids. They can often be found in cleansers, tonics, lotions, store-bought masks and creams. Narrows pores, cleanses the face, removes excess sebum, dries out acne.
  1. Essential oils. Natural ingredients that soften and moisturize the epidermis. The effect of eucalyptus and tea tree essential oils has been scientifically proven. They soothe and relieve inflammation.

In addition to these components, it is desirable that the product contains additional ingredients that also help to cope with the troubles associated with oily skin. This is an extract of chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, ginkgo biloba, calendula, nettle and others. They increase the immunity of the skin, nourish it, improve the condition of cells, improve the condition of the surface of the epidermis.


Cleansing is the main step in caring for an oily type of facial surface. There is daily and regular cleansing. The first is washing with warm water with cleansing gels, foams and other things. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening to restore tone and tone, cleanse the remnants of cosmetics and normalize the sebaceous glands.

If you properly moisturize your face every day, oil problems will be less.


The skin needs intense nourishment. In addition to vitamins that enter the body daily, nourishing creams are needed for the epidermis. Masks, lotions. You can buy them or make your own. Main nutritional components: oatmeal, honey, cinnamon, coffee, essential oils and herbal extracts.

Care products

Care products may vary. At the moment, cosmetologists have been able to make separate series of products for dry, problematic, oily, sensitive, normal and combination skin. Therefore, you need to know what care products to choose specifically for the oily type of skin.

For washing - soap, foam, micellar water

Washing is an important part of facial care. Be sure to wash with warm water. If you use hot, an abundant release of sebum will begin. You need to wash your face in the morning and in the evening with cleansing foams and gels.

Active ingredients in cleansers: glycerin, hyaluronic acid (in small doses), thermal water, herbal extracts.

Micellar water should be used before washing to remove makeup, otherwise it will clog pores and acne will begin.

Tonics, lotions

Tonics and lotions are the second degree of facial cleansing. After washing, wipe your face with one of these products and let it soak into the skin. They moisturize and nourish the epidermis well, and also prepare it for the absorption of creams. But you can not use creams. Tonic well removes the remnants of soapy cleansers and tones the condition of the face.

You can buy drugs in the store, or you can do it yourself. If in the store, then the active ingredients are: salicylic acid, thermal water, glycerin, essential oils. Perfect for: apple cider vinegar, cucumber, lemon, grapefruit juice, boric acid, alcohol, vodka, water. Essential oils: tea tree, mint, eucalyptus.

Scrubs, rolling creams, peelings

These funds are related to the regular cleansing of the skin. They can be carried out no more than twice a week, or even less often. They deeply cleanse pores and narrow them, remove excess sebum, dry acne, treat acne, even out tone, moisturize and nourish. The effect on the skin is very strong, so too frequent use will have the opposite effect.

Night and day creams

Creams are another important part of skin care. They moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate, protect, heal, soothe, matte. Active ingredients: glycerin, tea tree extract, lactic acids, alpha hydroxy acids, water, wild rose extract, tea tree oil, jojoba oil.

Day creams have a light, non-greasy texture that absorbs quickly. You can apply x half an hour before going out or before applying makeup. Night, with a denser structure, which are applied an hour before bedtime. They have a slower but effective effect.

professional care

You can not only take care of the skin on your own. If you have the desire and money, you can turn to professionals. Beauty salons offer new technologies and drugs that will help to cope with skin problems. Masters begin their work by preparing certain procedures for treatment. They are based on one of the main problems. The direction of treatment may be based on:

  • equalization of the tone of the epidermis;
  • cell rejuvenation;
  • correction of age-related changes;
  • whitening;
  • cleansing and narrowing of pores;
  • restoration of the skin;
  • vitaminization;
  • removal of inflammatory processes.

You need to entrust this procedure to professionals. They, in turn, must do the following:

  1. Offer several different treatment options to help fix the problem.
  2. Explain how the procedure or drug works. Find out if there are any allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  3. Take into account the individual characteristics of the client.


Cosmetic procedure based on cell rejuvenation. With the help of injections or a special apparatus, a composition of hyaluronic acid and a drug-vitamin complex is injected into the layers of the epidermis. It, in turn, inhibits the aging of cells, promotes the regeneration of the skin, activates an accelerated metabolism.

Mesotherapy (“youth injections”) is used to maintain youthful facial skin.

Professional peeling

Professional peeling is a deep cleansing of the face, which not only narrows pores, but also removes wrinkles, relieves inflammation, and rejuvenates cells. Peelings are carried out in various ways.

  1. Mechanical impact- grinding of the skin with diamond dust and special brushes.
  2. Chemical exposure- the top layer of the skin is washed with acids (lactic, fruit, amino acids).
  3. physical impact- the epidermis is cleaned with ultrasound or laser.

The number of procedures directly depends on the condition of the skin and the desired result.

salon masks

These masks are expensive, but the result is impressive for many. After application, the skin becomes clean, smooth, without acne and excess fat. The composition of such a mask depends on skin types. Find out about masks at home for oily skin by.

For the fatty type, choose a mask based on powders, natural extracts and decoctions of medicinal herbs, flowers.


Massage is a cosmetic procedure that is very useful for any type of skin. Massage fights puffiness, double chin, active sebum secretion, fuzzy facial contours and wrinkles.

A separate massage is used for each area of ​​the face. They are divided into classic, plucked and plastic.


A good cosmetic treatment that acts on pores and profuse sebum secretion by changing the high voltage and frequency of the current. It's a little annoying, but very effective.. Treatment period: 12 procedures. Then they can be repeated after four months.

Darsonvalization is currently used both as a separate procedure and in complex treatment, along with other methods.

Lifting 30+

Over time, a woman has visible wrinkles, and the skin begins to sag. To preserve youth, cosmetologists offer a new technology - lifting. This is skin tightening with different methods. In this case, it is an operation that is performed to tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the face in one way or another.

Lifting happens:

  1. Circular.
  2. Thread.
  3. Endoscopic.
  4. Hardware.
  5. Microcurrent.
  6. Ultrasonic.
  7. Photolifting.
  8. Radio wave.
  9. Plasmolifting.
  10. With the use of hyaluronic acid.

What does daily care include?

Daily care is not very complex actions that will ensure less fat, long youth and a good, healthy appearance of the skin. For the normal condition of the skin, it must be moisturized, nourished, cleansed, toned. And also protect from exposure to sunlight and other external factors. You can learn how to get rid of oily skin at home.


Daily cleansing includes washing twice a day (morning and evening). You need to wash yourself with warm water with milk, foams. You can also use cleansing masks and tonics after washing. This will prevent clogged pores, inflammation and skin irritation.


This is moisturizing and nourishing the skin with the help of tonics. You can make them yourself or buy them in a store. In addition to moisturizing, tonic can also dry out acne, soothe and eliminate foci of inflammation, and mattify. You can use the tonic several times a day, as needed.


Moisturizing for oily skin is no less important than for other types. Liquid fat does not moisturize the cells, but only retains moisture. Therefore, daily moisturizing with tonics, gels, masks, creams and lotions is required. This will increase immunity, even out skin tone, soothe and maintain the state of moisture inside the cells. The skin will be clean, elastic and beautiful. Top 10 best moisturizers for oily skin


Exfoliation - peeling, cleansing the epidermis from the top layer of dead cells. Yes, cells recover in twenty-eight days, but some of them are still "dead". So that they do not clog pores and do not become inflamed, they need to be cleaned periodically.

Exfoliation is the exfoliation of dead skin cells on the face.

For peeling, you need to use only soft components. Abrasives can only be applied once a month.

Deep hydration and cleansing

This procedure is carried out with the help of scrubs, peels, mechanical cleaning, the use of cleansing gels, moisturizing tonics and creams. You can carry out this procedure several times a week so that the skin is clean and smooth, without comedones and acne.

Korean Facial Features

Oily skin care according to the Korean method is quite effective. It consists of the regular use of properly selected cosmetics. If every day, it is desirable to take care of the skin at the same time - it will be clean, smooth and without excess fat.

As for separately cosmetic products, they must perform three main functions:

  1. Regulate and maintain the balance of fat secretions and acids in the cells so that the skin is soft and beautiful.
  2. kill bacteria, disinfect and clean the surface of the epidermis so that the skin "breathes".
  3. Complement the type of skin, taking into account all its features.

Procedures and products that are used for Korean care:

  1. Steam baths. They open pores, nourish and soothe the skin. They are made with different medicinal herbs. A useful procedure, before starting a deep cleansing of the pores.
  2. Purifying masks. Contains extracts of tea tree, eucalyptus and glycerin. They clean the pores and narrow them, remove the keratinized top layer of the skin.
  3. Horse sponge. With it, you can rub the cleansing foam for the face well. The skin is visibly cleansed, the pores become invisible and clean. Comedones and other rashes will disappear or decrease.
  4. Eye cream. For oily skin, this is very important, because usually the eyelids remain dry and unprotected. They are the first to age.


In this video, a dermatocosmetologist talks about caring for an oily face.


  1. If you do not take care of oily skin, there will be bad consequences that will result in skin diseases.
  2. There are many common myths about oily skin that are misleading and prevent girls from taking care of themselves properly.
  3. Home care is a very important and serious matter. The process includes: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, protecting and rejuvenating cells.
  4. It is necessary to carefully select a care product specifically for your skin type.
  5. If there is no desire and time for home care, you can use the services of professionals and do the necessary cosmetic procedures, but you can also arrange for your face at home.
  6. Daily care includes: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, rejuvenation, treatment.
  7. If you take care of oily skin, you can get rid of many unpleasant moments associated with this particular type of epidermis.

What is oily skin care? What are the main steps involved? Is it possible to reduce sebum production and reduce pore size? What products are advised to include in the care program cosmetologists? And what are the features of controlling the state of the epidermis in summer and winter?

Owners of oily skin at a young age believe that they are very unlucky. The face is often shiny, cosmetics roll down in the folds of the eyelids and on the wings of the nose. From time to time, acne, black spots and enlarged pores accompany from youth. These problems can be dealt with if you approach them in a balanced way.

Features of oily skin

Recognizing the epidermis of the fatty type is easy. It is enough to evaluate the face visually. It is characterized by:

  • wide pores, visible externally;
  • dense, even rough surface;
  • oily sheen, provided by increased sebum secretion;
  • the presence of black dots due to clogged pores.

But such features are also inherent in owners of combination skin, which needs slightly different care than oily skin. You can check your type with a simple test.

Fat test

To determine the type of epidermis, wash your face in the morning with the usual means - foam, gel and dry your face. No need to apply moisturizer or makeup. After two hours, apply a paper towel to your face, press firmly. Rate the result.

  • Oiliness in the T-zone. Spots in the area of ​​the chin, the central part of the forehead and nose indicate a combined type of epidermis. In these areas it is oily, but on the cheeks and side of the face it is normal.
  • Oiliness all over the face. It is given out by five greasy spots on a napkin. In this case, the skin is really oily.

Why is it important to separate combination and oily epidermis? The fact is that areas of the normal type do not need to use the means preferred for those where sebum secretion is increased. Using the same products, you can dry out more delicate areas. Therefore, with combination skin, cosmetic preparations of drying, antibacterial action are applied only to the T-zone.

Popular misconceptions

It is believed that the oily type of facial skin is the most problematic, as it requires specific care. But it's not always easy to look attractive. Cosmetologists say that the owners of such an epidermis are lucky, because due to the high density and usually sufficient turgor, it is less prone to the formation of mimic wrinkles. And it ages about ten years later than dry. And with increased sebum secretion, you can cope with proper care.

At the same time, there are common misconceptions about what to do with oily skin at home. Let's dwell on them in detail.

Myth 1. The surface of the epidermis is rougher and consists of a thick layer of dead cells. It is important to remove them regularly and carefully, otherwise the cream simply will not reach the “living” tissues.

The skin is not just a shell, it is a living organism consisting of cells. They are constantly updated. The complete process of renewal of the outer tissues of the epidermis occurs within twenty-eight days. It is really necessary to remove this cover, only because with this approach the face looks more well-groomed, and the skin is even. But it is impossible to be too zealous even with increased sebum secretion.

Dead cells keratocytes are the same cells as the rest in the body. The process of their expression, i.e. dying off and removal in a natural way, maintains the stability of the epidermis. If the expression is more intensive, for example, with the daily use of a scrub, the skin begins to produce more protective cells, trying to "fix" the gaps in its structure. There is a phenomenon of hyperkeratosis, in which its surface thickens and thickens.

Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out the removal of superficial keratocytes (exfoliation) regularly and moderately. With increased sebum secretion of the skin, two to three procedures per week are sufficient.

Myth 2. Be sure to use a scrub and rub your face "to a squeak."

A higher level of skin density leads women to believe that rough abrasives should be used for exfoliation. The simplest option is a scrub, which is prepared at home from salt, sugar, coffee, or industrially, using hard particles as abrasives, for example, crushed nut shells.

It is not only not necessary to use such funds, but also dangerous. Scrubs damage the skin, leaving micro-scratches invisible to the eye. If the intensity of sebum secretion is increased, sebum will flow into microcracks, which as a result provokes foci of inflammatory processes. In addition, the abrasive particles themselves are so small and have such sharp edges that they can get stuck in the pores, starting the inflammatory process and the formation of acne.

You can use the scrub in home care from time to time, no more than once a month. “If you urgently need to even out the skin relief, use a scrub,” comments cosmetologist Olga Fem. - But in the usual care, use milder products.

Today on sale you can find cleansers with polymer granules. They do not scratch the skin and remove keratocytes gently, without damage.

But enzyme peels are more effective and ideal for oily skin. They contain fruit acids, usually bromelain or papain. They break down dead keratocytes and remove them without affecting healthy tissue. Their important advantage is the ability to dissolve sebum in the pores, due to which they narrow and become less noticeable. With regular use 2 times a week, enzyme peels reduce the fat content of the epidermis.

Myth 3. The skin needs to be dried.

The most dangerous delusion. The peculiarity of such an epidermis is that it is always in search of a balance of optimal moisture and its own activity in the production of skin secretions. Drying agents change the picture of what is happening. They draw moisture from the skin, but do not stop the process of sebum secretion.

On the contrary, the more often you use drying agents, the more actively the skin begins to produce its own “lubrication” to reduce moisture loss. This leads to the fact that there is not enough moisture in the surface layer, the skin loses its tone, folds and creases in the form of wrinkles form in it. And the face shines so intensely that you do not have time to wipe it with napkins.

What to do with oily skin in this case? Do not dry! Avoid soaps and alcohol-based lotions. Your cosmetics should have a soft formula. The composition for washing is a sebum-regulating foam that does not disturb the level of moisture, but reduces the production of sebum. Use a toner after cleansing to balance the acidity of the skin's surface and further hydrate it.

You can use alcohol formulations only pointwise, in the presence of rashes. Take the product on a cotton swab and apply it to the inflamed pimple. It is strictly unacceptable to wipe the whole face with such a tool.

Myth 4. If you regularly dry the skin, it will become normal.

The question of how to get rid of oily facial skin has no scientific justification. It is impossible to do this. The type of epidermis does not depend on the menu or on the features of care, therefore it is a mistake to name the use of spicy food among the reasons for increased fat content.

The type of skin is given by nature, it is genetically embedded in us, like eye color or, for example, height. It is impossible to change it to another. But to get dried oily skin with signs of aging is quite real.

Myth 5. Moisturizers are not needed, because the epidermis moisturizes itself.

The level of moisture and greasiness are two different things. Moisture is stored in the structure of the skin, and the sebaceous secret is present on the surface. At elevated air temperatures and its dryness, wind, active exposure to the sun, moisture evaporates. The same thing happens if you wash your face with a cleanser and do not apply a moisturizer. The moisture balance is disturbed.

Dermatologist Joanna Vargas compares dehydrated oily skin to dried apricots. “Imagine that you took such a dried fruit and poured oil on top. Its surface is oily, but inside the amount of moisture does not increase. So is your skin. If you forget to moisturize it, it will begin to age rapidly. This is especially pronounced after 30 years.

Be sure to use a moisturizer to keep your skin balanced. It may contain hyaluronic acid (in cosmetics for young epidermis), collagen (after 40 years), jojoba oil.

It is important that such a cream has a light, non-greasy structure, optimally gel. It should not contain dense oils that clog pores and contribute to the formation of inflammation.

Care rules

To care for oily skin at home, you should use the right cosmetics. It is extremely difficult to find one on the supermarket shelf.

You should look at the pharmacy brands of cosmetic products, which contain the following components.

Alpha hydroxy acids (ANA). Fruit acids (malic, citric, glycolic, almond) and others are part of creams and masks for oily skin care. Dissolve excess sebum in the pores, help to reduce its production.

  • Beta hydroxy acids (BHA). It is used, which is part of the cleansers, tonics. It has a pore-constricting, antibacterial effect, reduces the formation of sebum.
  • Vitamin A. Retinol, an active ingredient that prevents inflammatory processes, the formation of acne, acne. Retinol products are medical cosmetics, it can be used in courses to solve the problem. Its constant use does not make sense, as the skin gets used to it and stops responding correctly.
  • Microelements. Zinc, sulfur, copper. These substances have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the composition of the skin microflora.
  • Essential oils. The effectiveness of tea tree and eucalyptus oils in oily skin care products has been proven. They reduce the severity of inflammation.

It is preferable to be in the composition of plant extracts that solve related skin problems. , chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, nettle and a number of other cultures heal the skin, increase its immunity, improve cell tone, and increase the strength of the cell wall.

Daily technique

Up to twenty-five years, the skin is able to actively recover, so even after a sleepless night in the morning you will look attractive. Just cleanse your face before going to bed and use a moisturizer.

After twenty-five, the aging process starts. It is important to follow the care technique regularly, not forgetting about it on weekends and holidays. The sooner you develop the habit of giving yourself ten minutes in the morning and evening after a shower, the longer your skin will remain youthful, and fat problems will become less of a concern.

  • Cleansing. Wash your face with foam or gel twice a day. In the morning, cleansing removes from the surface of the epidermis the skin secret that has accumulated in the pores at night. In the evening - removes superficial fat and make-up residues not removed by make-up remover.
  • Tonification. It is necessary to normalize the acid-base balance after washing with tap water and for moisturizing. It is carried out twice a day. Preferably, the content in the tonic of medicinal components for your skin type: sebum-regulating, increasing local immunity. An indication of the presence of such components is always present on the bottle. Apply with a cotton pad or spray on face. It does not need to be washed off.
  • Hydration. It is carried out in the morning and in the evening on clean, toned skin. In the morning, use a light moisturizer with SPF-15 UV protection. In the evening - a denser regenerating composition that helps the epidermis recover at night.
  • Exfoliation. It is performed with the help of enzyme peeling (gommage) twice a week. The product is applied to cleansed skin after washing with warm water. Enzyme peels contain enzymes that work more actively in heat, so, according to cosmetologists, it is important to maintain the required temperature. Gently massage your face with fingers dipped in warm water, or apply a warm, damp washcloth. After ten minutes, rinse off, apply a mask or moisturizer. According to cosmetologists, applying a mask after an enzyme peel improves the penetration of its active ingredients into the skin.
  • Deep hydration. Once or twice a week, use a moisturizing mask based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, algae, and other moisturizing ingredients. This mask saturates the epidermis with moisture, prevents aging and reduces the severity of mimic wrinkles.
  • Deep cleansing. Once or twice a week, a clay-based deep cleansing mask is recommended. Such compounds adsorb the skin secret, give the surface a haze, narrow the pores. The addition of essential oils provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

With increased oiliness during the day, wipe your face with special wipes to cleanse the skin.

The nuances of the summer period

It is believed that in summer even the fattest epidermis dries out slightly and causes less problems. In fact, the problem of increased separation of skin secretion can even worsen, which is facilitated by high temperature, overly active sun, and wind. Hyperpigmentation often occurs on the surface of the skin.

To reduce the harmful effects of external factors, care for oily skin in the summer should be adjusted.

  • Additional cleansing. If during the day there is a feeling of oiliness, dirt, you can additionally wash your face with foam or gel. If this is not possible, use wet wipes, tonic or ordinary mineral water.
  • Light moisturizing. Use a sebum-regulating gel or light emulsion instead of a cream. It should contain both moisturizing components, for example, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidant agents - vitamins C, E. They protect the skin from the action of free radicals that cause aging.
  • Minimum makeup. The more layers of cosmetics on your face, the more active the sebaceous glands work. Keep this amount to a minimum. Stop using foundation.
  • Plus one exfoliation per week. If before that you used home peeling once a week, add one more procedure, if two, then apply three times. This will allow you to control the intensity of sebum secretion.
  • Plus one mask per week. Keep moisturizing and cleansing masks in your arsenal. If acne formation is observed, add an anti-inflammatory mask, which should be used as needed for acne flare-ups.

Avoid using retinol products and acid peels during the summer. They increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet radiation.

The nuances of the winter period

In winter, the epidermis is dried by cold wind, frosty air, which has zero moisture content, and dry air in apartments and offices. Therefore, care for oily skin in winter should include additional hydration and protection from external factors.

Moisturizing cream should be used in winter. The opinion that in the pores in the frosty air it turns into ice is nothing more than a myth. Any cosmetic composition contains water, which acquires skin temperature and does not turn into ice. Only apply it should be about an hour before leaving the house.

For winter care, choose thicker creams with high nutritional and protective qualities. They contain vegetable oils, vitamins necessary to prevent dehydration. Compositions with, avocado and tocopherol (vitamin E) are preferred.

Do not buy products based on mineral oils, paraffin and petroleum jelly, which moisturize well only in the short term. With regular use, they break the lipid barrier, and the skin remains dry even when applying a care product.

You may need to change primary and secondary care.

  • Cleansing. If your usual “washer” causes a feeling of tightness on the face, dryness, change it to a more delicate one. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Protective makeup. It must be layered. After cleansing and toning, apply a nourishing cream. Let it soak in and after about forty minutes, apply foundation, powder. So you protect the skin from external factors.
  • Nutrition. It is in winter that it is reasonable to conduct a course of additional skin nutrition with serums. Apply moisturizing masks three times a week.

Often in winter, the epidermis of the oily type acquires signs of a sensitive one. Redness, irritation may disturb. But this does not mean that the skin type has changed. It is important to take into account its current condition and use more gentle means for care.

Considering oily skin a punishment is a big mistake. It really can cause more problems than any other. But with proper care, it becomes attractive, sebum secretion manifests itself to a lesser extent, acne and blackheads occur infrequently. Adjust the care of oily skin depending on the season, use specially selected cosmetics for this. And she will invariably delight you with the absence of wrinkles and freshness.


The skin becomes oily when the sebaceous glands begin to produce excess amounts of sebum. This is a natural process that you cannot stop, but you can take steps to control and care for oily skin. Oily skin can cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble, but with the right daily care and delicate attitude, you can deal with this problem.


Cleansing your face

    Wash your face twice a day. Proper cleaning and daily care are the most important steps to follow when dealing with oily skin. Gently cleanse your face twice a day, morning and evening, using warm water and soap or simply rinsing your skin with water. At first, use a gentle cleanser, as too aggressive products can, on the contrary, increase the amount of sebum produced.

    Use cosmetics that do not contain fat. If you have oily skin, you should choose cosmetics that do not aggravate the situation. Read labels carefully, and always choose "fat-free" or "water-based" products. There are different opinions about the effect of cosmetics on the secretion of skin oils, but heavy makeup can clog pores.

    Use moisturizers. Very often, people with oily skin avoid using moisturizers, believing that their skin does not need additional moisture. Of course, you should avoid oil-based moisturizers that contain ingredients that can clog your skin's pores. Oil-free moisturizers can help rehydrate your skin.

    Don't wash your face too often. If you have oily skin, you may be tempted to wash your face throughout the day to control oil production. Avoid this and try to wash your face only in the morning and evening. Frequent washing can dry out your skin and cause irritation.

    Control everything about your face. Although your skin's oiliness is largely determined by your genes, it's a good idea to control everything that touches your face. Greasy hair, when touching the face, transfers some of the fat to the skin.

    Elimination of excess fat

    1. Try using face masks. Facial masks and clays can be effective in removing excess oil from the skin, but there is also the danger that too much use can lead to dryness and irritation. Be careful when using masks and try to concentrate their application on the most oily areas of the skin. Do not use masks and clays too often. Instead, you should only apply them on the eve of special occasions, such as parties or a big presentation at work.

      • You can purchase masks specifically for oily skin.
      • Be prepared to try several products before you find the right one.
    2. Use absorbent paper. Constant oily skin throughout the day can be very upsetting for you, and washing too often can only make it worse. In this case, you can use ordinary blotting wipes to help remove excess oil from the surface of the skin. It's a great way to apply discreetly and quickly, no matter where you are or what you're doing.

      • There are a number of similar products on the market that you can purchase to remove oil throughout the day.
      • You can also use a piece of tissue or toilet paper.
      • Be careful with your skin and don't rub too hard.
    3. Try using a mild astringent. Astringents are quite often included in skincare routines, but you must use them carefully as they can dry out and irritate the skin. Drying with such means is not a solution to the problem of oily skin and can even aggravate the situation. If you want to use it, make sure you choose a mild, alcohol-free, and fat-free formula.

      Talk to a professional. Visit your doctor or dermatologist if you are following proper daily skin care but the oiliness is not decreasing. The specialist will be able to advise you on the next steps to take and may even prescribe some medications for you.