Cool appeal to the girl. What kind words can you say to a girl

How to affectionately call a girl? Many representatives of the stronger sex want to have this information in order to deliver pleasant moments to their loved ones as much as possible during communication. Psychologists have long proven that the sound of one's own name for any person at the subconscious level is the most favorite sound, and girls especially love with their ears, and this is a well-known truth for a long time.

Young people of the opposite sex often call each other not by real names, but by affectionate nicknames. Often people do not think about the sound of these nicknames. There is simply a complete analogy with the name of a person. In affectionate nicknames for girls, the sound "k" (suffix "-ka") is used. The suffix "-ka" from the point of view of the emotional state expresses the idea of ​​lightness, closeness, simplicity.

In affectionate nicknames, the sound “l” is also very popular, giving an emotional coloring to the name. Often a person, using certain nicknames, does not think about the emotional coloring of the sounds included in this word, and everything happens unconsciously. Words are chosen by a man subconsciously, reflecting deep experiences and feelings.

Psychologists recommend that those wishing to win a woman's favor address the fair sex by name as often as possible. But guys often have a question: how to affectionately call a girl so as not to offend her and it looked beautiful? Often, funny nicknames that men like can seriously “hurt” femin. The most important thing is not to shine with your wit in choosing an original nickname, but to come up with something gentle and affectionate to express your feelings.

Affectionate nicknames are often used by guys to achieve their goals when they need to ask the ladies for something or apologize. But not all men indulge their girls with pleasant words. Perhaps they do not underestimate the importance of affectionate names for the fair sex.

To determine how to affectionately call a girl, you need to make a little effort. You should think about what the girl does, what features she has. If she has red hair, you can call her a fox, if she sings wonderfully, then the word “bird” or “nightingale” will do, if her beloved is fast and hardworking, then you can call her “squirrel”. In this way, one can emphasize her dignity and demonstrate personal admiration for her beauty and abilities.

And yet, many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in how to affectionately call their beloved girl, so as not to offend her. Of course, there are times when the fair sex is offended by the gentle words of men. For example, if a girl is overweight, then you don’t need to call her a “cow” or “mumps”, because, in addition to everything else, complexes may also begin to develop in her.

Love is a serious thing, so the approach to an affectionate name must also be serious. Guys, under the influence of a feeling of love, try to name their chosen one with some unusual word, which, in their opinion, will be a kind of expression of love. But often they do not know which one would be more appropriate to choose. The most standard words are "fish", "bunny", "beloved" and so on.

These nicknames have become so familiar that they quickly get bored. And you have to come up with something new. Psychologists in this case are advised to improvise. For example, we take any animal and affectionately call it our girlfriend. Tell your loved one gently "You are my mouse." She will surely like it. But at the same time, one must be very careful in choosing the word and observe the reaction of the girl.

How to affectionately call a girl - list

How to find out what your loved one really thinks, calling this or that nickname? Below is a list of the most common affectionate nicknames, as well as the meaning of the feelings of men that these nicknames use when communicating. This interpretation will help to understand the true feelings of a beloved man in relation to a girl.

Baby - the chosen one often uses this nickname, pursuing sexual intentions.

Baby - a guy, calling a girl that way, is not inclined to complicate anything in a relationship.

Hippo - the partner's feelings are absorbed by the femin, he is attentive, but not averse to playing.

Dear - a partner appreciates certainty and confidence in a relationship. Feelings for him at this moment in second place.

Durynda - a man is ready to forgive any mistake and take control of the situation.

Hedgehog - a partner attaches special importance to relationships, deep down he is afraid of losing a girl and is often unrestrained.

Bunny, bunny, bunny - the guy is prone to excitement and is not averse to playing.

Gold, gold, gold - the partner emphasizes the importance of relationships, while his mind prevails over feelings.

Goat, goat - the representative of the stronger sex feels complete closeness with the feminine and is not averse to teasing.

Pussy - relationships are aimed exclusively at a pleasant pastime and inspire open eroticism.

Kitten - a man feels an inextricable connection and closeness with a girl. He wants to be believed, and he tries to convince of his loyalty.

Krokozyabra - the guy is ready to forgive the girl for any mistake, often his behavior is unrestrained, picky, but insults quickly pass.

Lapusik, lapulya - the partner is very active, ready to live and work for the sake of the girl.

Chanterelle, fox cub - all the attention of the partner is absorbed by the femin and he expects the same from her.

Lyalya - the guy is not able to restrain his feelings.

Baby, baby - the feelings that a girl evokes in a partner are immeasurable. She absorbs all his attention, he expects the same from the girl.

Sweetheart - the guy promises a strong relationship.

Mouse, mouse - the guy's feelings go beyond, he is very attached to the girl, although sometimes he is not restrained.

Donut - the partner wants to attract attention.

Pusechka, pusya - the guy is looking for full contact.

Mumps - the guy energetically calls for contact.

Baby elephant - a partner attaches great importance to relationships and expects complete reciprocity.

Tiger cub - the guy respects the complete independence of the girl, is not averse to making fun of her, but in fact he is for an equal union.

Chicken - the guy offers an active rapprochement, but deep down he is afraid of something.

How to call a girl affectionately and originally

The romantic mood in a couple depends on the two participants, but the male initiative occupies a leading position. Since a girl is a gentle, mysterious and charming creature, the right approach to her is the key to a strong relationship, because everything starts with courtship.

So, how can you affectionately call a girl? Below is a list of common affectionate nicknames.

Angel, barberry, squirrel, brilliant, bead, bead, bell, yummy, vanilla, witch, dove, galchenok, dobroulechka, baby, hedgehog, the only one, zhivchik, buzzing, hare, lighter, gold, baby, capriculka, goat, caramel, kisulechka, kitty, pussy, bell, baby doll, murochka, lapulechka, swallow, cutie, baby, carrot, murmusechka, goosebump, little mouse, sissy, cloud, charming, fluffy, pandochka, baby doll, rodnula, rosette, chamomile, little fish, sweet, sun, heartbreaker, sweetie, shy, scrambler, slender, chocolate, berry and so on.

Girls are like keyholes, everyone is completely different, and each needs its own key. If the original affectionate name invented by the guy, inserted in the conversation, makes the chosen one smile, then you can use it in communication, but if the girl pouts her lips funny, then you should no longer pronounce such an affectionate nickname.





Does your beloved girl blow her lips offendedly when you affectionately call her a kitten or a bunny? It's time to figure out whether it is worth using universal cute appeals in communication.

Why do we need kind words

We list the main arguments in favor of affectionate words:

  1. communication in your couple takes on warmth, intimacy, especially if these appeals are unique for the two of you;
  2. you can use gentle words to sign them in emails, SMS and postcards meant for each other;
  3. using words that are pleasant for the girl at home instead of her name can be useful to switch from the “work” mode, especially if at work your girl has to communicate with other people often (for example, the work of a secretary, assistant, manager, etc.);
  4. addressing her with affectionate words, you demonstrate to her that she is special for you (remember: no “zai” and “baby”. Turn on fantasy).

Gentle words instead of names may not always be appropriate:

  1. do not use a funny appeal to your beloved if you are not alone: ​​why do you need the excessive attention of others;
  2. the address you have chosen should be liked, first of all, by the girl herself (for example, you should not stubbornly call a girl “baby” who, even if younger than you, wants to be equal with you);
  3. if choosing affectionate treatment in your couple, you and the girl showed originality, then do not address her like that when visiting your parents, so as not to make you blush and cause embarrassment (remember point number 1).

Gentle appeals

Choosing what words you can refer to your beloved, you need to be careful and tactful.

It is important to pay attention to two points: firstly, did she like it at all that you addressed her not by name, and, secondly, how she reacted to the words you chose.

If the answer to two questions is yes, then you can continue to call it that. If she is internally tensed or even upset, it is worth finding out: what happened wrong? You can directly ask: “I hastened to call you<как ты ее назвал>? If she answers “yes”, it means that it is too early for you to move on to using affectionate words instead of a name, and she wants you to take a closer look at her and see what she is.

Knowing well your beloved, her habits, tastes, preferences and hobbies, favorite books, funny episodes from childhood, you will definitely come up with such an appeal that will make your relationship special, fill them with trust and comfort.

Just take your time, come responsibly to the choice of affectionate treatment for your beloved. Your rash choice may offend the girl, but this is not at all the result that you need.

We call without a threat to your relationship

Before you finally come up with cute words to communicate with your one and only, let's talk briefly about what they definitely should not be associated with, so as not to harm your relationship.

Firstly, you should not associate an appeal to a girl with beauty, appearance, figure. In everyone's life, there can be moments when she does not look her best: illness, depression, emergency at work. For example, even if you are sure that having recovered after the birth of a child, she will remain “beauty” for you, in her opinion, everything will not be so rosy and such treatment will only add fuel to the fire of her self-doubt.

Secondly, when choosing a gentle treatment, try not to focus on the fact that your girlfriend is small, fragile, weak and needs your protection and support. The fact is that, for example, a confident careerist girl who is trying to achieve success through the ranks and be on a par with you in everything, such words may not be pleasant.

However, if your beloved sees herself as the keeper of the hearth, and is ready to leave career battles in the office on occasion, then perhaps these gentle words emphasizing her role in your life will please her. In any case, it is important that the affectionate treatment is pleasant and reflects her nature.

Decide whether you love and respect each other? Then in no case, even as a joke, do not use slang words and curses against her. Now it seems to you a harmless joke, and later, at the time of a relationship crisis, it can become a decisive argument not in your favor. Do not look at the examples of friends whose girls condescendingly endure such words addressed to them: in such relationships, the crisis has come a long time ago.

Tender words for your beloved

The language of communication in a couple is rich in a variety of compliments and phrases that are so significant for both of you, with which you can “turn mountains” that stand in your way to mutual happiness:

  1. restore your partner's self-confidence;
  2. demonstrate delight, admiration for your partner;
  3. emphasize the importance of your partner, his contribution to your relationship;
  4. to thank for the help, support;
  5. praise your partner's efforts, even if they are not successful, and thereby cheer him up.

It has long been a myth that only women love with their ears. Men also love to receive pleasant and gentle words addressed to them..

However, pleasant phrases acquire weight and significance in specific situations. Tender words spoken out of place, at best, will cause bewilderment in a man.

When is it important for men to hear a kind word

Most men are proud and very vulnerable, so it is important for them to hear words of support and praise. They want to be appreciated and proud of their success. Therefore, affectionate and pleasant words are appropriate in any situation in which a man has shown himself.

This includes not only the conquest of Everest and the salvation of mankind from the epidemic. A simple everyday situation is enough to make a man feel loved.

For example, a man organized a romantic dinner, arranged a trip to a concert or a museum, helped with shopping or cleaning. All these household "exploits" deserve an affectionate and kind word. A man will understand that he did not try in vain, and he managed to please his beloved woman.

In no case should you turn affectionate words into a tool of manipulation and speak them at the “right” moment!

If you call a man affectionately only in case of a request, he will no longer perceive pleasant words in their true sense and will associate them only with the next task.

To charge your man with positive thoughts for the whole day, do not be shy to say gentle words to him in the morning before work.

This is especially important if a man is experiencing some professional or life difficulties: tenderness in words will support him, he will know that everything he does has meaning and importance.

Also it is important to speak affectionate words in an intimate and home environment, on vacation and in bed. These are the most convenient places for verbal expression of your feelings: you can feel free to say the most sincere and tender words and be sure that a man will hear and appreciate what was said.

Pleasant words are always appropriate, in any situation when you want to express your true feelings and tell your partner about them. Words of love and tenderness do not need special dates. and "opportune" moments. The important thing is to remember to talk about your feelings out loud.

What affectionate words do men love

Men, just like women, want respect and understanding.. Therefore, a rare man will refuse a compliment addressed to him or become irritated by words of support.

Men want to hear how wonderful and beautiful they are for their woman, how smart and elegant they are. A man needs confidence that a woman appreciates him and will not leave him. preferring an opponent.

What do men want to hear from a woman?

Words of support

Not everyone goes smoothly in life. Workload, quarrels with friends and colleagues, problems with parents, finances or housing. Stress, irritability, overwork - all this greatly affects physical and mental health.

That is why, no matter how hard it is for a man at the moment, so that he is not disturbed and interested, he wants to know that his wife or girlfriend will always be there and always support not to happen. Don't forget about it.

Words of gratitude

Sincere gratitude, at times, affects more than words of love. You can be grateful not only for the performance of a particular deed or for a perfect act.

Gratitude can be expressed to your man in general: because he is there, because he is reliable and caring, because he carefully listens and supports.

words of praise

A man is waiting for praise for his actions, it is important for him to know that he was ultimately right and did everything right. Do not praise a man for every minor action with an ironic overtone(“Well done, honey, you took out the trash!”).

Most of the time it's inappropriate and sounds derisive. Oh, what can offend a partner.

However, if a man showed his abilities, quickly navigated the situation or achieved some success (finished the project ahead of schedule, received a promotion, got the last tickets to the theater for the premiere), then it is necessary to praise him. Let him know that he is appreciated.

Words of love

Of course, everyone wants to know for sure that they are loved. It is enough to tell a person about it or remind him that he is loved just like that, and not for some feats and abilities. It is worth reminding a man more often that he is loved and significant.

Choose carefully lacquer words for men. You can make your own list, or you can learn something for yourself from the article. All your will and imagination.


Oddly enough, but Men love compliments just like women do. A man likes compliments that emphasize not only his mental abilities and successes, but also his appearance.

If a man, going on a date, tried to look “pure”, then you should tell him that he looks beautiful and elegant. Then the man will understand that his efforts were not in vain.

Important to remember! Pleasant and affectionate words, phrases of gratitude and admiration help to improve the mood of the addressee. Gentle words inspire, inspire confidence and give energy.

Do not skimp on pleasant compliments and tenderness towards your partner. Even if a man has already heard many times that he is smart and handsome, it will not be superfluous to remind him of this again.

Affectionate words for a beloved man, boyfriend (list)

What affectionate words can you say to your boyfriend or man:

  • cute;
  • Darling;
  • gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • sweet;
  • the only one;
  • best;
  • wonderful;
  • crazy;
  • strong;
  • real;
  • beautiful;
  • fairy;
  • beloved;
  • unique;
  • bold;
  • soft;
  • shining;
  • delicious;
  • fluffy;
  • hot;
  • temperamental;
  • attentive;
  • unusual;
  • magic;
  • clear;
  • caring;
  • desired;
  • sincere;
  • long-awaited;
  • unforgettable;
  • sexual;
  • talented;
  • omnipotent;
  • hot;
  • erotic.

Finding the right epithet is easy. The main thing is to listen to your loving heart.

list of tender words

Gentle words can brighten up and soften any phrase. If the partners are arguing about something, but at the same time they call each other affectionately and by name, they let each other know that they do not want a scandal and a quarrel, but they just want to clarify the situation and find the truth. This is important to remember when communicating with a partner.

Remember that affectionate words for a man, the list of such is endless. You can always add to the list more and more new words that please your loved one. It is enough just to show imagination, to emphasize the best qualities of your strong half.

How tenderly can you turn to your man:

Affectionate words in your own words (I miss you, I'm waiting)

Don't be afraid to express your feelings in simple terms. It is not necessary to have a gift for poetry or writing in order to beautifully and tenderly express your feelings with the help of words, both verbally and on paper.

Sometimes a simple note with the words “I love you and look forward to going home!” is enough. to express your feelings. The main thing is the presentation and the embedded meaning.

Here are some examples of how you can simply and sincerely show feelings of love and affection for a partner:

Unusual affectionate words for a man

The fantasy of a woman in love can be limitless. It is worth trying it in inventing unusual, original and non-banal words for your beloved man.

The list of affectionate words for men is a personal, individual part of each girl. The choice is hers, depending on her preferences.

Here is an inspiring list of creative endearments:

Funny affectionate nicknames for men

Nicknames usually hint at a closer connection than just acquaintance and friendship., since nicknames can reflect the character traits, habits and views on the world of a partner.

That's why nicknames should be chosen suitable for a particular man. Only then will he truly appreciate his “second” name, invented by his girlfriend.

It's important to know! Not all men like nicknames. A man can be quite pleased if the woman he loves calls him simply "cute" or "beloved." Therefore, before coming up with a nickname for the chosen one, it is worth discussing with him how he relates to affectionate appeals.

What funny tender names-nicknames to choose for your man:

  • Fluffy;
  • Kitten;
  • Lion cub;
  • Murzik;
  • Oduvan;
  • Bagel;
  • Squirrel;
  • Nibbler;
  • Donut;
  • Fyr-fyr;
  • Mouse;
  • Bald;
  • Sugar;
  • Tigrik;
  • Barsik;
  • Buska;
  • There-there;
  • Zaikin;
  • Mumrik;
  • Sweet;
  • Umka;
  • Foot;
  • Wolf;
  • Eyeball;
  • Lapkin;
  • Cupcake;
  • Somik.

Affectionate words for a loved one (friend)

A male friend can also be treated gently and express your respect and admiration with the help of affectionate words, especially if the relationship promises to develop into something more than just friendship.

However, it should be borne in mind that the personal distance between friends is still much greater than between couples in love and spouses. When choosing an appeal, you should adhere to tact and clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted. so as not to go to familiarity.

For example, for a beloved friend, you can use the following neutral appeals:

  • expensive;
  • cute;
  • imposing;
  • cute;
  • understanding;
  • courageous;
  • required;
  • native;
  • unusual;
  • interesting;
  • sincere;
  • extraordinary;
  • friendly;
  • musical;
  • communicative;
  • attractive;
  • nice;
  • mysterious;
  • fabulous;
  • smiling;
  • unexpectedly pleasant;
  • joy;
  • sun;
  • charm;
  • bunny;

Affectionate words in English for a man

There are gentle and affectionate words in any language of the world. If a woman speaks a foreign language well, she can express her feelings in a foreign form, even if the partner does not understand.

Tenderness in a foreign language will give a woman more charm and replenish her vocabulary of affectionate words. If a girl does not speak a foreign language, she can still learn a few foreign words and phrases that express feelings.

For example, some affectionate words in English:

  • Honey - dear, sweet;
  • Sunshine - the sun;
  • Pumpkin - pumpkin;
  • Muffin - cupcake, pie;
  • Shorty - baby
  • Wifey - honey;
  • Babycakes - baby;
  • Sweetie pie - sweet pie;
  • Sweetheart - sweet, beloved (literally "sweet heart");
  • Bubble - a bubble;
  • My love - my love;
  • My precious - my charm;
  • Sugar plum - sugar plum;
  • Bunny - bunny;
  • My hero - my hero;
  • Sugar lips - sugar sponges;
  • Sweet cheeks - sweet cheeks.

Affectionate words to beloved husband

Of course, husband is the best man ever otherwise the woman would not have married him. However, it will not be superfluous to remind him of this from time to time. At the same time, you need to understand that the relationship between the spouses is close and trusting.

Most likely, they know very well the worldview, habits, gestures of each other. That's why the slightest manifestation of falsehood, ridicule or indifference will be immediately noticed.

What kind and tender words can a spouse say to her husband:

Gentle words of gratitude for a man

Gratitude can be expressed in different ways. And Sometimes, instead of words, a strong hug or kiss is enough so that a person understands the full power of gratitude, and sometimes a simple “thank you”, uttered with feeling and sincerity.

Sincere gratitude, expressed from the bottom of the heart, is much more appreciated than polite words on duty.

A man behind formulaic phrases can hear indifference, which will leave in him a not very pleasant impression of a woman.

How can you tenderly express your gratitude?

Affectionate compliments to a beloved man

Compliments are needed in order to emphasize the dignity of a person. and express their admiration (regardless of gender). That is why "duty" compliments are rarely truly heard.

Do not give compliments inappropriately, simply because the rules of decency require it. For example, a person feels unwell, slept little and does not look very fresh, and the compliment “you look good” or “you are so beautiful today” will sound like a mockery.

It is more appropriate in this example to ask about the state of health rather than highlight what is not there.

What compliments should be given to a man so that he feels the sincere admiration of a woman and feels confident?

Here are some examples:

Sweet words that rhyme with the name

Not all names rhyme. At the same time, it can be difficult to find an affectionate rhyme even for sonorous names. However, when addressing your partner playfully, you can use suitable rhymes for the name.

Some examples of rhymes for names:

Poems for a beloved man with affectionate words

It will not be difficult for a girl who knows how to write poetry to compose at least a quatrain. For those who are not “you” with poetry, poems by classic poets will help- Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Akhmadullina, Bergholz, Gippius. You can also compose simple couplets expressing tender feelings.

Some examples of simple quatrains:

Expressing your feelings is great! It is important for a loved one to hear sincere words of love and devotion every day. You should not be afraid to express your feelings - your loved one will definitely remain grateful.

In this video, you will learn how you can use affectionate words for men. list of these words.

This video will advise you an example of affectionate words for your man.

The article contains lists of words that you can affectionately call a girl, a wife.

You want to treat your loved one gently and affectionately, thereby emphasizing your attitude towards him. This is especially true for girls and women, and to be honest, the beautiful half loves tender words and nicknames very much, especially those pronounced appropriately and in an appropriate tone.

How girls and women like to be affectionately called: the best affectionate nicknames for beloved women and girls: a list

Girls and women are very sensitive to affectionate treatment, so we are learning how to tenderly and affectionately name our soul mate, especially since such a tradition of coming up with different cute nicknames for a loved one has long been living in our people. In addition, it should be said that the great and mighty Russian language, with its richest vocabulary, can provide several options for gentle and affectionate nicknames.

It is especially important for a woman to know that she is loved. You should always tell her.

Many have probably heard and know such nicknames for their beloved girls and women, such as (by the way, some of them can be given to the representatives of the stronger sex):

  • bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, even a bunny
  • kitty, kisunya, kisulya, kitten, kitty, pussycat
  • gold, golden, golden, golden
  • sun, sunshine

IMPORTANT: It happens that, using the possibilities of the Russian language, from such words as, for example, “small, pretty, sweet”, they also think up such words as “masenkaya, masya, masik, masyanya, masyunya, masek, masyapusya, masyapusechka, mask, manyusya, manyunya.

Also popular among couples are such affectionate nicknames:

  • pawpaw, pawpaw, pawpaw
  • dear, dear
  • my love
  • my life
  • my happiness
  • My joy
  • my light
  • dove, dove
  • baby, baby, baby, baby
  • baby, baby
  • chrysalis
  • small fish
  • bird, chick
  • martin
  • mouse, mouse
  • rosette
  • flower
  • bell
  • bead
  • dandelion
  • treasure

Sometimes a little crazy appeals are used:

  • krakozyabrik
  • hrundelek
  • zhmenka
  • asshole
  • busya-musya

VIDEO: What do men affectionately call their women?

How to affectionately call a girl, a woman who really likes: a list of adjective words

How can you call your girlfriend, a woman affectionately and coolly, funny, but so that she does not take offense: a list of words

Surely you have already noticed some features of your beloved girl or woman, or just an affectionate nickname turned out to be relevant at some point. So, for example, a tanned girl or chocolate lover can be called:

  • chocolate bar
  • sweetie
  • mulatto
  • raisin
  • caramel
  • sweetie, sweetie

For example, you ate a hearty meal, or a girl cooked a delicious dinner. Why not call her affectionately:

  • glutton, glutton
  • belly
  • pot-bellied
  • hippo
  • hamster

If tension in a relationship is suddenly brewing, a girl, a woman, is clearly preoccupied or dissatisfied with something, why not bring the brewing conflict “to nothing” in order to maintain peace and tranquility and defuse the situation. Use affectionate words suitable for this moment:

  • tiger cub
  • little witch
  • scratch
  • bite
  • imp
  • hedgehog
  • thorn

The girl works hard, she is tired, call her:

  • my bee
  • my worker

Which of the girls or women can resist the simple and affectionate:

  • my beauty
  • my princess
  • my queen
  • my angel
  • my heart
  • my everything
  • my Goddess

But it could happen that the girl misunderstood something or did not know something of what the man knows. Then it is appropriate to call it, for example:

  • my silly
  • goosey
  • my stupidity

How can you call your girlfriend, woman affectionately and originally: a list of words

How to spell your girlfriend, woman on the phone affectionately: a list of words

If a girl or a woman is recorded on a man’s phone not just with a name or status name, for example, “Lena” or “wife”, but with the help of an affectionate nickname, this indicates the importance and seriousness of the relationship, the man’s affection, that the girl or woman he really cares.

On the phone you can find such entries with the affectionate names of girls or dear women:

  • Darling
  • darling
  • little wife
  • wife
  • small

Appeal to a girl, a woman affectionately

Not all girls like to "lisp" to be called anything other than their first name. In this case, the most correct solution when addressing would be to use the diminutive form of that very name. For example:

  • Alinka - Alya - Alinushka
  • Ksenia - Ksyusha - Ksyushenka
  • Tatiana - Tanechka - Tanya

How to gently wake a girl, a woman in the morning

Of course, we will now talk about the same affectionate words and phrases that a man can accompany a gentle stroke or whisper in the morning.
So, for example, you can say:

  • wake up my sunshine
  • wake up sweetie
  • it's time to get up my love
  • it's morning, my happiness
  • and who is sleeping so long and sweetly, wake up, darling, it's time
  • it's already morning, and let my sun wake up
  • and who am I going to wake up with a kiss, etc.

VIDEO: What does it mean when a guy affectionately calls you?

Affectionate and tender words show warmth, sensuality, love, convey confidence, inspire and cheer up. Different categories of diminutives will help you be unique, unite you with your loved one even more.

In verse

Compliments, pleasant words and phrases delight girls. No wonder this is one of the old proven methods to win a girl's heart. The more love in a relationship, the more valuable small signs of attention to each other are perceived.

Don't know how to affectionately call a girl to win her favor? Then beautiful compliments to a girl in verse will undoubtedly arouse your interest.

You are beautiful, like a flowering garden,
In moments of bright spring,
And your voice, singing in a stream,
Filled with wondrous beauty.

You are beautiful in face and article,
Features rich in tenderness
And unspeakable grace
You fill this world.

Gentle as butterflies, aspiration
Get to the calling flower
You inspire admiration
And multiply the beauty.

You are the ideal of a love night
Your smile has no equal
You inspire these lines
Love bringing a gentle light into them.

You are the poet's inspiration
Your beauty is filled with light,
The universe is warmed by you
There are no people like you in nature.

You are brighter than the sky
And more romantic than the moon
You are the original nature
You are the splendor of spring.

You are full of magic
Gentle Goddess
In you woke up and is silent,
The prayer seems to be doing.

And become your languid posture,
like he wants to tell me
That you are an angel and perfection
Bringing love and bliss.

For the night

Falling asleep, gently whisper affectionate words to your beloved girl. You'll see, she immediately breaks into a smile, and in the morning she wakes up in a good mood from the words:

  • captivating;
  • inspirational;
  • witchcraft;
  • affectionate;
  • miraculous;
  • star is clear.

Warm words at night will not take a lot of energy, will not spoil the mood. Repeat them often to your loved ones. The main thing is to be sincere.

Before going to bed, in addition to wishing good night, the girl can be called:

In the morning

Do not forget to whisper in the ear of your beloved “good morning”, and at the same time say beautiful words to her:

  • captivating amazon;
  • angelically beautiful;
  • appetizing-tasty;
  • seductively loving;
  • deafening;
  • fiery;
  • intoxicating;
  • worthy of all gifts;
  • inspiring;
  • bewitchingly charming;
  • fragrant.

After such unusual and beautiful words, the girl will melt, charge you with positive, and you will feel how your fantasies come true. A friendly smile and gentle words in the morning will give both of you pleasure.

in sms

It doesn’t matter how long your sympathy for each other lasts: there were several dates or a couple of decades of married life. Girls are always pleased to hear and read beautiful words and compliments.

And let them be a little stupid or naive, but always from the bottom of their hearts. A pleasant SMS will always intrigue, give a positive mood and a desire to meet as soon as possible. Feel free to text a lot of tenderness to your girlfriend.

beautiful compliments

It is better to say compliments to a girl when she is not in a hurry, does not crave loneliness. Be truthful and don't make fun of romantic feelings. This can hurt your girlfriend very deeply.

It is better to say affectionate words to your beloved girl looking into her eyes, hugging her.
Complements in prose can sound much nicer than in poetry, if they are said spontaneously, sincerely.

You can praise absolutely everything that you like in a girl:

  • … (girl's name), you have such cool, curly hair! They shine on you, shimmer in the sun, like gold! I want to touch them ... Can I?
  • It’s interesting with you: you are a great conversationalist, and you know how to listen. Few can boast of such a gift.

A red-haired girl can be called the sun, the fiery maiden, the priestess of fire, the brainchild of the sun, etc.

When she is sick

When a girl is sick or just not feeling well, you should cheer her up, take care of her. Gentle and caring words will definitely help you recover, feel most loved, needed.

  • Beloved, when I'm around, I constantly want to give you tea with jam so that you recover as soon as possible. After all, when you are sick, it’s bad for me.
  • Honey, get well soon, it's not easy for me without you.
  • I love you very much, I think it will help you get better ....

In addition to beautiful words, you can bring flowers, cook something delicious, offer your shoulder.

For a birthday

Happy birthday to a girl is a special event. Beautiful words are very significant on this day. They should be touching, cordial, sincere.

Be cheerful, gentle, clear,
Carefree and beautiful
So that you laugh carelessly
For happiness to last forever

For all dreams to come true
And wishes came true
So that you are like spring
Full of youthful beauty.

Let everything be as you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Your reality will become!

I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Smile to illuminate friends and loved ones,
Know how to give and receive love
And ignite from the slightest spark.

Sweet, kind, gentle, glorious!
How old is not the main thing.
I want to be the happiest in my life
Everyone's favorite, funny, beautiful.


Girls like it when guys call them not like everyone else, but in a special way, even if it sounds funny.

You can call a girl affectionately by the name of almost any animal:

  • kitty;
  • crocodile;
  • tiger cub;
  • hippo;
  • mouse;
  • rabbit;
  • fish.

With the names of animals you need to be very careful, use them in a diminutive form. The funniest and coolest names like pokemon, teletubby, dinosaur can offend a girl if she completes because of excess weight or something else.

Also, manipulations with the names of loved ones are often carried out: Alenulka, Oksandrik, Oksik, Irishulik, Olyunchik, etc.


Listen to your heart, it will tell you what to say and when. If a girl likes you, then even an inept word spoken by you will sound romantic to her.

Affectionate phrases and tender words play the role of a pass to your girlfriend's heart. But at the same time, fantasy must be shown in moderation, without abusing it, so that the words that come from the depths of the soul are not taken for granted.

A young man should feel when his love messages or words for his beloved are appropriate. And then the girl will read SMS with trepidation or listen to it.

A man does not need to be a poet to express his feelings for his beloved in beautiful words. It is enough to talk about your feelings looking into her eyes. Fake compliments are not successful, it’s better to remain silent, because a sensitive girl will understand everything without words.

Feel free to tell your girlfriend kind words, compliments. There are a lot of options for all sorts of tenderness, it remains only to use them to the maximum.

Video: Compliments