Development of intellectual abilities. How to improve concentration in more mature age? Development of intelligence and thinking in a child: exercises, games

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We love to care for themselves and our body. Every day we please it with various tastes, rest, taking a soul and bath, creams and others. We wish you look good and visiting the gyms, sit down on a diet, girls, and already men, use cosmetics to adjust their appearance. Only often, unfortunately, it is found in a bright beautiful wrapper the lack of intelligence and mind. But our mind is also needed training, classes so that it can fully function.

People live with the conviction that intellectual abilities are given to a person from birth, and the independent efforts of special development will not achieve. All this is not true. Scientists have repeatedly denied. Yes, the main potential of mental abilities is laid genetically, but only from you and your desire depends on how much you will develop it and use. Everyone probably knows the example of Einstein, who as a child was considered a mentally backstand child. So you just need to not be lazy and engage in the development of intelligence.

Play chess, checkers, poker

There are many games, engaged in which you will not only entitle time, but will benefit your intelligence. These are such games that require payments, planning, forecasting, logical conclusions, retention in the memory of the game itself. With their help, you will use the various properties of your mind. Some of the most useful intellectual games are chess, checkers, poker, domino. We recommend starting with Domino. With the listed games, the simplest. Fasciner and poker, but more efficient.

Play Computer Games and Tetris

No matter how strange it sounds, but computer games are and useful. In any game, even if she at first glance is meaningless, take part in various mental processes playing in her person. This is visual contact, and tactile, and the concentration of attention, and the main prognostic and logical component.

It is important not to overdo and not to turn computer games into the goal of your life.

Decide puzzles

If the game is in chess, you can only engage in sitting at home on a sofa, then you can solve puzzles in public transport. It can be like logical riddles and spatial puzzles, rubble cube and others.

That's what you really break your head, and then get a lot of pleasure and self-satisfaction when the task is solved.

Bare down crosswords

Another method that can be engaged in anywhere, is a crossword. With it, the knowledge that lie in the depths are activated. You remember those facts and events that seem to have not known.

This is a good workout for memory. If you will solve crosswords, you will start to pay attention to various details with time, facts that will allow you to become more erudite.

Every day recognize the new word

One more step towards the development of intelligence and erudition is acquaintance with new terms. It does not matter whether it will be English, Spanish or your native language, the main thing is that the study of the new allows you to activate the neurons and the gray substance in the brain.

Consider in the mard

Exact sciences, especially mathematics, help structure, organize your thoughts. Considering the score in the mind and mathematical tasks, all the properties of intelligence are activated, the speed of mental processes is developing.

This is a universal method, which will improve your IQ level, and even save time and money, because in the store no seller will not be able to deceive you with the surrender or something to calculate you several times.


Reading will expand your horizons, will help learn a lot of interesting things from different cultures, will allow you to more understand the people, their psychology, habits and causes of behavior, will form a good taste and teach the etiquette rules.

Start something to study

Training not only gives us the opportunity to operate with some knowledge that we can not know whether we will use, but even strain our mind and memory. It would be very good if the humanities had begun to study accurate sciences, and vice versa. This will contribute to the formation of plasticity of mental processes.

Change habits

To stir your brain, destroy patterned behavior.

Surely, you make every day all the same, do it not consciously, on the machine. Try to change something, let the brain load so that it will work for working on creating new neural connections and produced new habits. Learn to do something blindfolded, go every time another expensive to work, change the sequence of your actions. Ambidekstria formation is very good (equivalent possession of both hands). Try our usual doing an unusual hand.

Suit of sports and dancing

Sports all over the head. If you feel physically healthy and vigorous, there will be a good blood circulation, there will not be clamps in the spine and in its cervical department, then the mental processes will take place with a better speed and with a bang.

And what do you like dancing, you ask? While dancing, all muscles are given in motion, the blood circulation is naturally improved. Plus, at the time of dancing, thinking is actively working. You think about how to get into the rhythm, what the next movement should be done, what to say a partner and how to keep posture. Of course, modern club dancing here will not help, do either sports or oriental, but best, ballroom dancing.

Be observant

Learn to observe and concentrate on the observation facility.

To do this, choose yourself some kind of item and look for it, concentrating on it, all day, for example, it can be a sparrow. Walk and watch the sparrows, look for them among all birds, etc.

This does not mean that you need to walk near the cabinet and think about how to move it back to see what's back there. And then they advise, look from all sides ...
Learn to refute your judgments, consider them both from our point of view, and with the one that is the opposite. Thus, you can find an alternative solution to any problem, you will not dwell on something one. Go beyond the first response, which pops up in the head. Always ask yourself: "And what will happen if ...".

Intellect, memory and attention is the qualities that are necessary for human throughout life. Without the development of mental gradually begin to degrade, because it is very important to train the brain from the small years. It is at a young age that we can absorb the greatest amount of information, we are stimulated by the development of memory and intelligence, and therefore we are improving rapidly than in adulthood.

What is the intelligence?

This is rather a general concept than concrete. Intellect is a global cognitive system that includes all the ways to know the surrounding world. But this is only part of its definition. Mental activity can be interpreted as well as ability to adequate behavior. Moreover, the training of intelligence is the ability to receive and use knowledge, analyze and try to comprehend both abstract and specific categories.

It is thanks to mental activity, a person is able to:

  • analyze the information obtained, compare it, compare and allocate from it the logical and semantic part;
  • critically evaluate the data obtained and thus find where a lie, and where the truth;
  • think and arguing, based on the laws of logic, and make the appropriate conclusions;
  • use deduction - to generalize, find regularities and seek the desired thought from the general picture;
  • figurative perception - minimize in one category of completely different, at first glance, things;
  • abstract to think - create and memorize complex ideas and systems;
  • concentrate in a particular case;
  • predicting the possible course of events and decide how to deal with potential problems.

That is, as we see, intelligence is that we usually improve, starting from birth.

How to train the mental abilities of a child?

Development of intelligence and memory for anyone. The following is listed as a set of rules, observing which, you can quickly achieve the goal.

  1. For the beneficial work of the brain, oxygen needs, because the child must be in the fresh air.
  2. At the earlier age, children will know the world through toys. They wonder what will happen if you bother, throw or hit a ball or a rattle. Therefore, it is not necessary to interfere with the baby to conduct research - better help. Instead of ready-made toys, buy designers with large details. And for children over 3 years old, who are no longer trying to try every new item tooth, you can buy "Lego", puzzles and puzzles for the development of intelligence and memory.
  3. Read with the child, so it will develop, except for intelligence, also imagination.
  4. With children who will soon go to school, you can begin to teach children's poars and discuss who he wants to become when he grows. By the way, memorizing poetic works helps to develop intellect and in an adult.
  5. Teach the child to read quickly and capture at the same time most of the information.
  6. Decide mathematical tasks, gradually increasing the level of complexity.
  7. Do not prohibit playing computer games. Now many of them are created to train intelligence and logic. If you are worried about health, simply develop a day routine for a child with a specially dedicated time to a computer.

What is the memory?

Memory is an indispensable ability for normal life. Without her, we would not be able to not only call our name, but also to talk or think. In fact, memory is part of the intelligence that saves and reproduces information. Over the years, more and more data accumulates. Consists of memory of the following parts:

  • Recording memories. This allows us to get information about new subjects encountered on the life path systematize it and save. And although the memorization is the main function of memory, it is far from the only one.
  • Storage - our consciousness automatically archives the information received in its "library". If the data was not saved in the head, it would be impossible to develop intelligence.
  • Playing information - when the brain recognizes and finds the right memory in its library. It can be both arbitrary, on its own request and involuntary. For example, when some external factor reminds us of an event in the past.
  • Forgetting information is also an integral memory process. The thing is that the more we learn, the more "books" appears in our library, and, of course, it becomes more difficult to find the right one.

Methods for training memory in children

There are quite a lot of types of similar activities, but they are all characterized by the development of the brain as a whole. That is why the main methods aimed at the development of intelligence and memory will be listed:

  1. Best of all, any of us absorbs what we are interested. But what to do with the rest of the information? Enough to allow the child to pronounce it out loud. Then the information will be recorded in the subconscious on several levels.
  2. Creating associations. Such perception helps both children and adults. True, thanks to the developed work of imagination at a small age, only the Association itself is easier. But there is a way out. You only need to pronounce a few times as the very concept and association with him.
  3. Games or training cartoons that are built at remembrance can help develop this ability from a child and do not let him get bored.
  4. Grouping - that is, the separation of information into groups. Even an adult can be difficult to remember everything in one stream, because it is very important to share information into individual sections. You can even combine this method with associative.

The concept and purpose of attention

The easiest way to describe the essence of attention as the ability of consciousness to choose a certain object and concentrate on it. It stimulates the development of memory and intelligence in children. That is, the brain focuses on something defined and neglects everyone else. This is the process associated with the activities of consciousness, and with the interests and nature of the individual.

In children, attention is scattered very quickly, because it is based on passion, and as soon as the interest disappears, concentration disappears. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach a child to keep attention to perform specific tasks.

How to teach a child to focus?

First of all, you need to fully specify the routine of the day. Thus, you can trace the child to pay a specific amount of time. At the same time, you must not forget to alternate the activities so that the baby does not become too boring. And do not forget to bring things to the end, because only then the discipline will be produced from your child.

You can still use gestures and words that will return the attention of the child to you and the subject studied. For example, "Listen", "see", "pay attention" and so on.

And most importantly: consider in learning it is important to use both the first and second.

How to improve concentration in more mature age?

There are quite a few exercises that stimulate the development of intelligence and memory (and attention) in adults. It is difficult for you to concentrate on something long enough and it interferes? So use the methods proposed below.

  1. "Second arrow against the film." Find and enable a very interesting film for yourself, it can be both new and just your favorite. After that, put the clocks in front of you in which there is a second arrow, and follow it for 2 minutes. Your task is not to break away from it for the film throughout this time.
  2. "Countdown". When you go down the street or travel in public transport and look out the window, select a certain non-circular number for yourself, for example, 143, and consider to 0. Over time, you can complicate the task, increasing the number, and also take out 1, and 2 or 3.
  3. "The book is the best friend." Take some book and open it on any page. Choose a paragraph for yourself and count the words in it, while do not use your fingers nor undergraduate means, but only through your eyes.

How to become more decisive?

Many people are difficult to make decisions quickly, we often overcome doubts. But it is corrected. You need only practice. It is in reflection, weighing all "for" and "against". That is, this ability and development of intelligence and memory are directly related to each other. Do you want your child too to make decisions quickly? First you need to choose the sphere in which you or your son or daughter will quickly act, and after starting to train with logical tasks. Only then the development of memory, intelligence, attention will be effective.

Developing some one ability, we usually train intelligence in general, but we need to not forget that the child needs to be improved by diverse. It is not necessary to force it only to read, solve mathematical tasks or playing the piano. Give the child the freedom to choose your favorite activity. Even a simple drawing, thanks to the development of imagination, it is capable of improving him and creative skills, and mental abilities. In addition, it is important that the baby is interested in, therefore, performing any exercises for the development of memory and intelligence, follow the reaction of the child and look for ways to intrigue.

Everything is quite possible, it is worth only to want!

The level of intellectual development, or IQ, is characterized by brain indicators. In order to calculate the value, you need to go through a scientific test. It can be found in the Internet space or in the relevant sections of books to increase intelligence. IQ includes memory, logical thinking, perception (visual, auditory, olfactory) and so on. The modern world imposes its mark on society. More and more people wish to raise the coefficient, despite possible difficulties. Consider effective ways in order.

Method number 1. Expand the horizons

  1. It is known that sitting work affects the negative way on the activities of the internal organs and the spine. So finding the brain at the same level affects intellectual development.
  2. In no case do not allow stagnation, strive to develop in every way. Posted by the goal that lies in a constant striving for more. Long dreamed of a new car? Well, make a plan and proceed to the realization of the intended.
  3. Learn new information every day, attend literary and art exhibitions, museums, theaters. Start learning history or painting, become a specialist in one of the areas.
  4. Sign up for the drawing section or to music school, lighten cutting courses and sewing. Fashionmen will suit the hairdressing art, extension of nails or eyelashes. Men can focus on car topics or electronics.
  5. The more knowledge you get, the higher the IQ is raised. An excellent version of self-development is a foreign language. New letters and sounds are quickly deposited in the brain, sending pulses to a quick perception. As a result, logical thinking increases, the memory and perception of reality improves.

Method number 2. Watch

  1. A clever person differs not only by understanding what is happening, but also to watch the ability. As a result of such manipulations, logic is developing. You find a connection between random objects and draw conclusions on the seen seen. Observation allows you to fold together or, on the contrary, to place random and deliberate events on the sides.
  2. We give a simple example: Stepping on the sidewalk, you noticed how the car left the oncoming lane, as a result of which the collision "forehead in the forehead" occurred. A typical person will pass by by writing off the agreed on the coincidence. Smart will do otherwise.
  3. If you are standing aside and watch, you can identify factors provoked by an accident. Perhaps on the road there is an open hatch or one of the drivers fell asleep behind the wheel.
  4. Such aspects help solve complex tasks that may appear in the future. Developing attentiveness, you increase the level of intelligence. It is worth focusing on art, music, astronomy, architecture, business, right, history and other "smart" sciences.

Method number 3. Strive to greater

  1. Always strive to become better than yesterday. The recommendation applies not only to the spiritual and material sphere. People who wish to get rich are constantly in search of additional earnings.
  2. If you study at the institute or work on a low-pay position, change what is happening. Believe me, go through the advanced training courses, take the prestigious post. In the case of students, in addition to the institute scholarship, start working as a waiter or seller.
  3. It is important to use yourself in different spheres. If you are working on schedule 2 * 2, about 15 days off per month. For an average person, this is quite a lot, consider vacancies part-time. At the same time, it is important that two posts be opposite by the nature of the activity.
  4. It is known that mental work is stronger than physical. If you spend 5 days a week in the office, take to attend the habit of visiting the gym after the service. Such a move will allow the brain to work 25% more efficiently, as a result of which important moments will emerge in your memory, whether it is a read book or tenderloin from scientific literature.
  5. Put big goals, it is easier to get into them. Many believe that dreamers cannot achieve heights in a career or personal life. However, the situation is different. The dreamer does not put a framework, always striving for more. Therefore, he regularly risks, after which the fruit of his own success is reaping.

Method number 4. Change the view of the usual things

  1. In the human brain, images and habits are firmly rooted, as a result of which new stakes are perceived "skeptical". Simply put, if you are used to cleaning potatoes in a certain way, it makes no sense to reincarnate, but in vain.
  2. New is well forgotten old. Instead of riding a job / study on a familiar road, cut the route twice or minus the cork to another way. As a result of such manipulations, the brain will begin to think in the literal sense by building logical conclusions.
  3. If you go to the usual route, you do not pay attention to all potholes. The brain will not work because the actions are performed on the subconscious level. Such manipulations are significantly cut into intelligence (IQ).
  4. If you make notes in notepad, transfer everything to the electronic media. From now on, create entries in a text editor or application "Notepad". It would seem like simple things, but such effective. In addition to increasing IQ, manipulation helps to get rid of the routine.

Method number 5. Sports

  1. Scientists have repeatedly proved the relationship between active exercise and mental activity. Sport enhances blood flow, as a result of which exchange processes are significantly accelerated.
  2. If you perform simple exercises every day, after the month, memory and perception will improve, the logical thinking and IQ level will increase.
  3. It is not necessary to attend a gym and work with the "hardware", for these purposes, aerobic loads are better. Perform daily twenty-minute jogging on the park or work on the track (about 40 minutes), jump on the rope, swing the press, squat, draw attacks, twist the hoop.
  4. Look at the popular destinations such as Yoga (even tantra), swimming, pilates (gymnastics by breathing exercises), stretching (stretching of all muscle groups), water aerobics. Play with children in basketball or football, ride skiing / skating.

Method number 6. Read

  1. Perhaps reading is the most common way to increase the level of intellectual development. However, it is important to understand that only the "right" books are considered effective.
  2. Optimal option Scientific literature is considered. If you are not experiencing thrust to such works, give preference to artistic books. Online you can download any product absolutely free on your tablet or smartphone.
  3. Thus, you improve not only IQ, but also visual memory. Also reading helps to increase the vocabulary, increases literacy, logic develops. If possible, read the books of all genres to become a versatile person.
  4. Before choosing a literature, it is important to make sure that a specific book corresponds to your level of intelligence. Too light works will act a destructive way. You must draw information from each page read.

Method number 7. Learn the art of self-expression

  1. Multifaceted personalities have a large level of intellectual development, rather than those who spend on the sofa all day. If you consider yourself to last type, it's time to correct the situation.
  2. Self-free in any convenient way. Sign up for cash skills or learn to play piano. Speaker in the public, say toasts with each convenient case, become a soul of the company. Interact with a large number of people, it is not necessary to call all friends.
  3. The human brain draws information not only with electronic media, books or reference books. In the process of communication, you take the opponent's particle to yourself, starting to express or think as an interlocutor.
  4. If you correctly pick up the audience (environment), you can achieve heights, which is called, through other people's thoughts, views, ideas. In this way, the horizontal is expanding much faster, you mentally grow and increase the IQ coefficient.

Method number 8. Control the Intellect Indicator

  1. To understand whether you are moving in the right direction, you need to pass the IQ test with frequent frequency. The optimal option is considered to carry out the manipulation of 1 time in 7-10 days, can be more often.
  2. At the same time, you need to record the indicators in the notebook, then analyze the results. Weekly changes in 5-10 points are considered normal. Well, if you succeed to achieve a greater effect.
  3. When choosing a test, pay attention to whether the site has a license. Pirate versions request confirmation by e-mail, it is incorrect. Beware of scammers, they offer to make a fee in exchange for results.

It is difficult to increase the level of intellectual development, but the procedure cannot be called impossible. Expand the horizons, every day recognize something new. Always strive for more, do not stand in place. Learn to express yourself, engage in sports, regularly check the IQ indicator.

Video: How to boost IQ baby

To understand how to increase the level of intelligence (IQ) of an adult and a teenager, I will initially understand what it is. Everyone I heard about IQ and knows that the intelligence coefficient of human intelligence is hidden, with which education or literacy is associated.

The term came from England and implies the work of thought, the abilities of the mind, intellectual art. Developed tests to determine the IQ of a person. The age and gender is taken into account. Intelligent abilities test does not show. Test task - determining the ability to solve problems related to a number of areas. If the judge passes the test in the legal sphere, the indicators are impressive.

If you delve into the process of researching the issue, since the 30s of the last century, scientists have tried to find regularities in the development of mental abilities, correlating weight and volume of the brain. We studied the reaction associated with nerve processes, the level of intelligence was determined, communicating with the level of social position, age or floor. Today, scientists found out that heredity is influenced by the level of IQ and it is to be increased by exercise and tests. The level of intelligence does not affect the ability, but perseverance, patience, perseverance and motivation. These qualities are needed by doctors, archaeologists, DJs.

It has been proven that in critical and complex life situations, a person with high IQ is easier to cope with difficulties, but individual qualities remain decisive:

  1. ambition;
  2. determination;
  3. temperament.

Gradually, the tests became more complicated. If they initially consisted of lexical exercises, today there are tests for solving logical problems using geometric shapes, memorizing exercises or manipulation by letters in the proposed words.

What is IQ?

IQ is determined and quantitatively expressed using tests, this is an indicator of human abilities to think.

Half of people shows an average of 90 to 110, the fourth part is over 110, and the indicator below 70 points indicates mental retardation.

Video reportage how to become smarter

For the successful passage of tests at home, psychological features are needed:

  1. ability to focus on;
  2. allocate the main thing and cut the secondary;
  3. good memory;
  4. rich vocabulary;
  5. imagination;
  6. the ability to mentally conduct manipulations in space with the proposed objects;
  7. ownership of operations with numbers;
  8. streetness.

It was the opinion that IQ from early childhood remains unchanged. Recent studies have shown that the brain is neuroplastic and creates neurons even in old age, only workout is necessary. Training the brain is easy. A 30-minute walk in the fresh air 5 times a week stimulates the production of protein, which contributes to the formation of neurons during training.

The movable and elastic brain remembers and assimilates more information. Japanese scientists claim: the more to give the brain to rest, including a strong and healthy dream, the faster the person gives innovative ideas.

Anatoly Wasserman talks about the development of intelligence

Exercises for the brain to increase IQ

For training it is better to use:

  • study of foreign languages;
  • drawing up words;
  • physical exercise;
  • the acquisition of knowledge;
  • computer games.

Step-by-step exercises

  1. A proven strategy and difficult task is to learn a foreign language. Holding two languages \u200b\u200bencourages the prefrontal bark of the brain to work more active, improves the memory and ability to solve problems, pulls the manifestation of senile dementia by 5.
  2. The next working exercise for the brain is to compile words. In Soviet times, the game "Erudite" was popular. There is a modern interpretation of the game, called "Scrabl". The game will be for those who want to raise IQ, the best friend. The preparation of words from a limited number of letters contributes to the development of competent speech, the expansion of the vocabulary stock. Also recommended to solve crosswords, the effect is similar.
  3. Moderate physical exertion will help increase the level of intelligence by 50%. If she was lazy and don't want to do anything, it is worth taking yourself in hand and go on a running track or walk along the street quickly step. Cardio-training is positively affected by cognitive abilities and help relieve weight.
  4. Getting knowledge - brain training, like muscles. Instead of watching TV with endless serials and negative information, include a cognitive film about the underwater world or transfer from the "obvious incredible cycle." If you go on the road, read not anecdotes, but science fiction. Do not dwell on something one, the information should flow diverse. Scientists argue than the emotional perception of information, the better the long-term memory is developing.
  5. Play video games. I foresee numerous objections. Video games contribute to the development of intelligence. The easiest example is military shooters. They improve the coordination of movements, increase the perception of visual signals. Games - source of information material on a specific topic.

To effectively increase IQ, learn how to focus on multiple sources that carry information: Listen to the radio and read the book. This skill will not come immediately, even possible headaches from strong overvoltage and fatigue. Over time, you will without any problems learn to make several cases at the same time.

Decide logical tasks and tests, crosswords and sudoku. They will contribute to the brain training. If there are difficulties in solving a crossword or other logical task, see the answer, remember it, draw conclusions and next time it is easy to solve this task.

Expand the horizons, read books, logs, look and listen to cognitive programs and news. Learn to analyze situations, represent possible and impossible solutions. So you can develop a figurative and teach the brain to analytical thinking.

Doctors recommend correctly eating. Nutritionists advise food in small portions, 4 - 5 times a day. So the constant inflow of blood to the brain will continue. If the nutrition of 2 meals a day and food is absorbed by large portions, the energy obtained is spent on digestion, and there will remain a little to power the brain.

Refuse bad habits. If you plan to boost IQ, think about how to quit smoking if the problem exists. Tobacco smoke prevents the flow of oxygen into the brain and worsens his work. It is not easy to refuse smoking, a huge power of will will be required, but the result will exceed expectations and you will come to a healthy lifestyle.

From the history of study of intelligence

In 1816, Bessel stated that it was possible to measure the level of intelligence in the reaction to the flash of light. Only in 1884 a series of tests for visitors to the London Exhibition appeared. Tests developed a scientist from England Galston. He assured that representatives of some families are biologically and intellectually higher than others, and women, in terms of intelligence, are inferior to men.

What was the surprise when it turned out that the great science figures did not differ from ordinary people, and women gave results higher than men. A year later, Kattel has developed psychological tests that were called "mental", where the speed of reflex, the time of perception of irritants, pain threshold was taken into account.

These studies made it possible to develop tests, where the effectiveness was the time that spent the test for solving problems. The faster the subject coped with the task, the more glasses or points he gained. Scientists came to the conclusion that a person with a high intelligence is inherent in:

  • common sense;
  • reflection;
  • initiative;
  • the ability to adapt to certain life circumstances.

This point of view was expressed in 1939 with a Waxler, which developed an intelligence scale for adults. Today, psychologists share the same point of view of an individual's ability to adapt and adapt to the surrounding world.

Smart people have always been highly appreciated by society. Having knowledge in different areas of life automatically gives a person an advantage and power. However, you should not confuse the readiness and level of intelligence. You can know many interesting facts, but at the same time not to have a good speed of thinking and a high warehouse of the mind. Fortunately, this drawback is amenable to adjustment, and master the techniques for the development of intelligence are even children.

How to develop a child's intelligence?

Many parents are often wondering how to develop a child's intelligence? The answer is obvious - to develop the level of IQ from early childhood. The mental development coefficient is manifested in the ability of a child to think. And before starting to develop thinking skills, it costs to remember that the intellectual activity of children is inextricably linked with their physical activity. Many parents make a fatal mistake, limiting the space where the baby is allowed to move freely. Many of the actions of children annoy parents. For example, rarely when children are allowed to pour around the sand, stupid on puddles, etc. However, it is in this way that the child knows the world around the world, and any restriction can slow the brain activity. From the biennium, it is necessary to introduce logical games, light mathematical tasks and work exercises with words. The sooner you start reading with the child, the better it will develop his thinking and vocabulary. For elementary school children as a way of development of intelligence, desktop and computer logic games are well suited. Any mastering knowledge needs to be turned into a game, then the development of the level IQ will be held in a relaxed atmosphere, which contributes to a better increase in the level of thinking.

For many parents, the question is much more relevant how to develop intelligence in adolescents. After all, the time for the adults is characterized not only by physical and mental changes. Numerous exams can be a real test for teenagers who have intellectual difficulties. Youth age is characterized by the lack of interest in cognitive activity. Solve this frequent for many parents and adolescents the problem can not only forcing the child more read more.

Exercises for the development of intellect

There are interesting and fascinating psychological games that contribute to the development of the IQ level of a teenager, not forcing him to fall asleep over the textbooks. Let us give an example of a pair of exercises that are suitable not only to teenagers, but also adult people:

  1. Exercise "similarity and distinction".Pretty simple exercise, but its effectiveness is indisputable. It is aimed at developing the ability of thinking to compare different objects, since the comparison operation is one of the main intellectual abilities of the person. Exercise participants are offered for comparison two subjects or concepts. For example: photo and painting, stubbornness and perseverance. When analyzing answers, it is important to note the number of errors in the thinking of participants, the ratio of signs of similarities and differences. The winner is the one who called the sign of one of the items last and no one else voiced the new answer.
  2. The method of focal objects. It is to combine incompatible objects and objects in which creative thinking and the level of intelligence develops. The two columns are written objects and adjective designating properties. For instance:

The first word of the first column must be connected with each word of the second. The original phrases of the type of fragrant bus or liquid wheel are obtained. Thus, connecting words can be developed a lot of interesting ideas for implementation.

Games and books, educational intelligence

Among the ways it is interesting to spend your leisure and become smarter in the first place there are developing intelligence games. No need to invent anything supernatural to enhance your level of thinking. You can even sit on your TV. To do this, it is enough to watch a television game on the similarity "Who wants to become a millionaire" or "My own game". Analogs of these shows are in the computer version. For those who do not like to be opened near the screens and monitors, crosswords and sudoku are quite suitable, which also have a positive effect on the brain.

As for books, this way to develop his thinking has already become classic. True there is a small reservation - it is not necessary to read everything in a row, but the literature that will contribute to the growth of intellect. Such publications include: scientific literature (not necessarily with incomprehensible terms), philosophy, serious fiction, history, poetry. You need to read books not for a tick, but for the sake of self-improvement. Make an effort and start reading the useful literature to become wiser and gain peace of mind. Very soon not only you, but the surrounding will notice what beautiful intellectual you have become.