Development of the crumbs by months. Child development by months. Development of emotional-expressive reactions

During the first year of his life, a child learns everything: to sit, stand, smile, follow... Every parent rejoices at every success of their baby! There is a certain calendar of child development, according to which you can more easily navigate in his new achievements .. But keep in mind that this is all relative, each child is individual, development according to the calendar plus / minus a month is considered the norm.

During the first year of life, a child makes an indescribably great leap in development: from a completely helpless creature, a newborn, he turns into a person who can walk, eat, and talk on his own. Let's watch together these amazing changes that happen every day in the life of a child up to a year old.

Child development by months

Child development by months

Development of a child up to a year by months - First month

  • Fixes the gaze on the face of an adult and bright objects;
  • The first smile in response to an adult's conversation;
  • Tries to raise and hold his head while lying on his stomach.

In the first month of life, the child goes through a period of adaptation

In the first month of life, a child is called a newborn. This period is not easy for the baby, because he adapts to the world around him and his body works with great stress.

Sleeping and growing

In fact, 70% of the time of the first month of his life, the baby sleeps, being in a continuous half-asleep state, on the border of sleep and wakefulness, while feeling what is happening around. Getting used to a new environment In a calm state, the arms and legs of the baby are bent at the joints and pressed to the body, and in the moments of wakefulness they move randomly. At this time, the child does not focus his eyes well, but he hears well and shudders and blinks at a sharp sound. Gradually, vision is getting better, and by the third week the baby can already hold his gaze on a fixed object. Muscles are also strengthened, and by the end of the first month of life, the baby can already raise his head in a position on his stomach, hold it for several seconds and even turn to the sides.

Congenital reflexes of the newborn

By the time of birth, a newborn baby has innate reflexes that help him adapt to a new environment. Many of them disappear during the first months of life (search, sucking, grasping, swimming, walking reflex and others), but some, such as the sneeze reflex, startle, blinking, yawning, knee reflexes and some others, persist for life. The reflex activity of the baby allows doctors and child psychologists to determine the state of development of the child and his nervous system.

Needs mother's warmth and care

Many researchers say that during this period of life, a basic trust in the world is laid, and it is built on the primary emotional and psychological connection with the mother. Everything that a newborn needs - food, warmth and safety - the baby receives from his mother. He feeds on her milk, hears her voice, the beating of her heart, feels his native smell. Thanks to mother's closeness and support, the baby learns to adapt to the outside world.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Second month

  • He is calmly awake, looking at the toys hanging above him (above the chest at a distance of about 50-70 cm);
  • Follows with his eyes a toy moving in front of his eyes;
  • Listens to the voice or sound of an object - movements are inhibited;
  • Quickly responds with a smile to a conversation with him.

A child in the second month learns to live by rhythms

The baby develops a daily rhythm of life: sleep - mainly at night, wakefulness - during the day. The child already recognizes his mother's touches, voice, emotionally reacts to the "conversation" with him. And the mother has learned to understand her baby: why does he cry, what does he want to say with a squeak ...

The child in the second month is trying to control his own body

In the second month of life, the child, if not sleeping, swings its arms and legs almost all the time, not yet able to control them. But, if you lay him on his side, he will be able to roll over on his back. In the third month, the baby already holds his head well, lying on his stomach and leaning on his forearms.

Gradually, the child learns to control his hands: by the end of the second month, he begins to bring them closer to his mouth, suck his finger, and by three months, examine his fingers, rub his eyes, etc. In the third month of life, this skill improves: the baby is already able to hold objects in his hands and manipulate them. Seeing a bright toy, he reaches for it and tries to grab it. He feels objects with his hands, persistently pulls them into his mouth.

At this age, the child already manages to focus on the subject, considering it. He watches the adult moving away from the crib and meets him.

The child in the second month rejoices at his mother and smiles

In the first month of life, the baby was dissatisfied all the time, cried, smiled rarely and only in a dream. From the second month he has a positive emotional reaction to his mother, the first manifestation of the need for communication, the so-called revitalization complex. Looking at his mother's face bent over him, the child calms down, peers attentively, opening his eyes wide, and then, screaming with joy, waves his arms and legs and ... smiles. A radiant, completely conscious smile appears from one and a half to two months. This means that the child finally adapted and began to enjoy life. Smile back at the little one!

Development of a child up to a year by months - Third month

  • Focuses his gaze on the face of the adult talking to him, listens to the voice, being in an upright position in his arms;
  • In response to an adult's conversation with him, he shows joy: with a smile, animated movements of the arms and legs, sounds (revitalization complex);
  • Accidentally bumps his hands on a toy hanging low over his chest;
  • Lies on his stomach for several minutes, leaning on his forearms, holds his head well;
  • Supported under the armpits, firmly rests the legs, bent at the hip joint, on a hard surface;
  • In an upright position in the hands of an adult, it holds its head well.

Complex of revitalization of the child in the third month

In the third month, the revitalization complex occurs not only at the sight of a loved one, but also at the sounds of his voice, at moments of comfort and pleasure - at the sight of mother's breast or a bottle of milk, after eating, bathing, showing a bright toy, singing or playing music.

In response to a speech addressed to him or being in a good mood, the baby “gurgles” - makes quiet short vowel sounds (“e-a-o”, “a-o-u”).

Development of a child up to a year by months - Fourth month

  • Looks for an invisible object by sound - turns his head to the source of the sound (to the voice of an adult or a sounding toy);
  • During wakefulness often smiles, makes loud noises, moves a lot (revitalization complex);
  • Laughs loudly when flirted with;
  • Examines, feels and captures toys hanging above the chest;
  • Holds bottle or mother's breast while feeding.

At the fourth month, the child explores the world around him.

This period of time is bright and emotional. By the end of the 4th month, you will hear your baby laugh. The kid stays in a good mood for a long time, for a long time, melodiously and rather loudly hums.

4 month old baby wants to sit

The baby is tired of lying down, he becomes interested in the "vertical" world. At 4 months, he makes the first attempts to sit down (straining the press, stretches forward, asks for the arms), at the end of the fifth month he already sits with the support of one hand. With the support of the handles or under the mouse "stands", stepping over with its legs. Lying on his stomach - rises, leaning on straightened arms. Be careful! At the fifth month, the baby begins to roll over from his back to his stomach. Don't leave him alone.

The child at the fourth month hears and sees everything

In the fourth month of life, the child's vision gradually approaches the vision of an adult, and the baby acquires the ability to view objects at close range, begins to distinguish primary colors and shapes. Carefully follows objects that are important to him (toys, parents), stationary and moving. Quickly and unmistakably turns to the source of the sound, listens. Distinguishes the voices of loved ones. From the fifth month, the baby already recognizes his mother at a distance of 2-3 meters.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Fifth month

  • Distinguishes relatives from strangers (reacts differently);
  • Distinguishes the tone with which he is addressed;
  • During wakefulness for a long time melodiously "hums";
  • Clearly takes the rattle that is held over his chest;
  • Holds a rattle in his hand;
  • For a long time lies on his stomach, raising the body and leaning on the palms of straightened arms;
  • Turns from back to stomach
  • Stands upright with support under the armpits.

At the fifth month, the child learns the first syllables

At about 5 months, the child begins to pronounce the first syllables with the labial consonants "m", "b", "p". True, when you first hear the long-awaited "mama" from the lips of a five-month-old baby, then most likely he will pronounce it unconsciously. Anyway, continue the dialogue with the child, using words with labial consonants: mom, dad, woman.

5 month old baby exercising fingers

The first grasping movements of the hand are formed, by the fifth month the baby can already intercept the toy from the hand of an adult. Grasping, attracting and repelling rattles, the child learns to determine the color, shape, weight, sound properties of objects.

At the fifth month of life, the child moves to an upright position

This age can be considered transitional: the child's body adapts to a new vertical position for him. Novelty attracts the child, as a result, the ability to navigate in the surrounding space develops. He discovers new objects and learns to handle them. All sense organs are included in the "research" work: sight, smell and taste.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Sixth month

  • Begins to pronounce individual syllables;
  • Freely takes a rattle from different positions, works with it for a long time;
  • Rolls over from stomach to back
  • Moves around the arena, rearranging his hands or crawling a little;
  • He eats well from a spoon, removing food with his lips.

At the sixth month of life, the child sits and stands

At the sixth month, the baby can already sit in pillows, without falling to one side, at the seventh - he sits on his own, for quite a long time, while maintaining balance, and tries to sit down on his own from a supine position. At the eighth month, the baby masters this skill.

By the end of the eighth month of life, he is already standing at the support, rising from his knees, holding onto the bars of the crib or playpen. Having mastered this skill, still with the help of a support, the child will try to take the first independent steps.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Seventh month

  • He babbles for a long time - repeats the same syllables;
  • To the question "Where?" (clock, light, etc.) seeks and finds with a glance an object that is repeatedly called, constantly located in a certain place;
  • Playing with a rattle, knocking, waving it;
  • Good and crawling a lot.

At the seventh month of life, the child crawls

From the sixth month, the child makes the first attempts to crawl, moving on all fours with support on the palm of his hand. At the seventh month, he is already masterfully crawling - quickly and in all directions. Little curiosity knows no bounds! So take care of its safety in advance. It must be said that not all children master the skill of crawling. Some of them skip this step and start walking right away.

At the seventh month, the baby is spinning

On the 6th month of life, the child has mastered the turns from the stomach to the back, and now he can completely independently turn over in all directions, almost 360 °. Therefore, the baby should not be left unattended at a height, in a space not limited by the sides.

7th month old baby picks up toys

Another achievement of the child is the amazing ability to independently take toys from any position. He can perform this action while lying on his stomach, on his side, or on his back. At the same time, the hand begins to perform sliding, circling movements in order to reach and grab the object. In the seventh month, the baby's hands become more and more skillful, he learns to shift from hand to hand, tapping, throwing, attracting.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Eighth month

  • Pronounces various syllables loudly and repeatedly;
  • At the request of an adult, he performs the movements learned with him (“palmies”, “goodbye”, “give me your hands”, etc.);
  • During wakefulness, he is engaged with toys for a long time: he examines, taps with a toy on a toy, etc.;
  • He sits down and lies down (from a sitting position);
  • Holding onto the barrier with his hands, he gets up, stands and falls;
  • Steps over, holding on to the barrier;
  • He eats a crust of bread, which he himself holds in his hand;
  • Drinks from a cup held by an adult.

Eight month old baby playing with a pyramid

At the eighth month of life, the baby can already perform "direct" and "reverse" actions with objects. For example, put the balls in a bowl and scatter them; remove and put rings on the pyramid, put the cubes in a “heap” and scatter them, etc.

At the eighth month of life, the child babbles in syllables

Another great achievement of the child by the end of the sixth month of life is the mastery of syllabic speech (babbling). If by the end of the fifth month the baby was babbling, delighting you with rolls of vowel sounds like “aua”, “wow”, “ay”, “ioa”, now you clearly hear: “wow-wow-wow” or “boo-ah-ah ", "boo-boo-b", "wa-va-va", "m-m-ma". The kid babbles for a long time and with passion, repeating the same syllables in babbling.

The child at the eighth month recognizes objects

The kid can already recognize his toys from different distances and from different angles of view, focusing on their external features: size, shape, color, position in space. At the seventh month of life, to the question “Where?” the child easily found the object named by the adult with his eyes. An eight-month-old baby will be able to point to the object with his finger for the same question.

8 month old baby playing with mom

By the end of the eighth month of life, the child develops a strong emotional attachment to the mother. The kid is ready to spend every second of his life with her, trying to imitate simple actions - playing patty, goodbye, hide and seek, peek-a-boo, etc. Such actions can be called not only a game, but also communication, even business cooperation, in which both partners take an equal part.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Ninth month

  • Imitates an adult - repeats after him the syllables that were in his babbling;
  • To the question "Where?" looks for several familiar objects, regardless of their location;
  • Knows his name - turns around at the call;
  • He treats objects differently, depending on their properties: he rolls a ball, takes one object out of another, compresses and unclenches a rubber toy;
  • Moves from one object to another, lightly holding on to them with his hands;
  • He drinks well from a cup held by an adult, lightly holding it with his hands.

At the ninth month, the baby becomes stronger

The child's body as a whole is already prepared for movement “on foot”. His musculoskeletal skeleton has become stronger, the cardiovascular and digestive systems have also adapted to the force of gravity acting along the axis of the body.

At the ninth month, the child makes the first attempts to walk

At the ninth month (for some children this stage may happen a little later), the child begins to intensively master walking. His walking movements are still uncertain, he often falls, but continues his attempts again and again. During the movement, the baby clings to the support (wall, side of the arena, furniture), and if there is no support, it crawls.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Tenth month

  • Imitates an adult - repeats after him a variety of sounds and syllables;
  • At the request of an adult, finds and gives a familiar toy;
  • Responds to the flirting “catch-catch”, the word “cuckoo” pulls matter over his face, “magpie-crow” substitutes his palm, etc .;
  • Playing on his own, he performs learned actions with objects, prompted by their properties, for example, takes out and puts in, opens and closes;
  • He enters the hill 3-4 steps, holding on to the railing.

A child at ten months learns to play and imitate

The child is ready to communicate, observe an adult, imitate his actions. He is interested in how adults use the surrounding objects and what feelings they experience at the same time. The baby begins to almost mirror adults and reflect everyday situations and actions. The child's imitative ability helps him learn how to use a spoon, drink from a cup, put his head on a pillow, etc. If the child has older brothers or sisters, he reaches out to them, demonstrating his love and desire to communicate.

At the tenth month, the child develops fine motor skills

The child can pick up objects with two fingers, pick up scattered toys, take toys out of the box. Disconnects and connects separate parts of an object, collecting pyramids, cubes, rings into something whole, or, conversely, scatters them.

At the tenth month, the child understands the speech addressed to him

He speaks separate words: “dad”, “mother”, “uncle” and others. Fulfills simple requests from adults, understands prohibition words well, knows the names of many objects, body parts, fulfills simple requests. His active vocabulary increases significantly. they imitate fluent speech with pleasure and for a long time, uttering meaningless syllables, intoned in an "adult" manner.

Development of a child up to a year by months - Eleventh month

  • Uses the first words of designation (av-av, kitty-kitty, give);
  • Some words in an adult’s speech begin to acquire a generalized character (to the question “Where is the kitty?” He brings and gives different ones - ivy, fur, rubber;
  • At the suggestion of an adult, performs learned actions with plot toys (shake Lyalya, show kitty eyes);
  • He masters new actions with objects, stacks one cube on another, disassembles and assembles the pyramid.

At the eleventh month of life, the child is a researcher

He strives for independence. Significantly increases the independence of the child. The peanut helps with dressing, walks, eats on its own. The time of wakefulness of the baby increases from 2 hours (as it was in the period from 6 to 9 months) to 2.5-5 hours. You will feel that the child has a need to be more and more active.

At the eleventh month, the child improves walking skills

By 11 months, the child begins to walk independently, although he still often falls. From the first steps to confident walking usually takes a month or two. If necessary, the baby crouches to pick up a fallen toy, and then gets up.

At the 12th month, he will already walk more confidently, only slightly holding on to the support, and then without it at all, completely independently.

The child at the eleventh month begins to play with a doll

At this age, the child learns to play with a figurative toy (doll, dog, bear, etc.). A doll for a baby is his second self. Game scenes convey not only the actions of the child (talking, eating, drinking, sleeping), but also reflect his emotional world (crying, laughing, rejoicing, angry, afraid, having fun, sad). At the 11th month of life, the role of the picture in the development of the baby also changes. Now, in the planar book image, the child recognizes familiar toys: a dog ("bow-wow"), a doll ("lyalya"), a duck ("ha-ha").

Development of a child up to a year by months - Twelfth month

  • Easily imitates new syllables;
  • Uses about 10 words;
  • Increases the stock of understood words, understands by word (without gesture) the names of several objects, learned actions and knows the names of several adults and children (where is mom? where is Masha? how does Lyalya dance? feed the kitty, etc.);
  • Walks independently (gets up, walks, sits down - all independently and not from object to object);
  • He drinks from a cup, he holds it himself.

At the twelfth month of life, the child speaks the first words

The most important line of development of the child during this period is speech. You will notice that the baby began to publish such voice roulades that he had not been able to do before. The child seems to be experimenting, training articulation, clearly enjoying these repetitions. The ability to speech imitation appears.

Now the child, following the adult, immediately repeats the lightest babbling designation words (for example, “av-av” - a dog, “ha-ha” - a duck, “kis-kis” - a cat, etc.). note that the baby is ready to memorize the name of each subject he is interested in. Quite consciously, he says the first words, sometimes repeats simple phrases like "Baba, go."

An almost one-year-old child understands speech addressed to him and recognizes objects

The number of understood words is 5-6 times more than a child can use in active speech. The child responds to the request of an adult, understands the requests addressed to him: find, bring, give, put in place, etc. Knows the word “no”. Remembering the names of objects, the baby learns to generalize objects, finding them among a familiar set (dolls, balls, cars, etc.), recognizes familiar toys in the picture.

A one-year-old baby navigates among objects, highlighting some of them by shape. For example, finds balls and distinguishes them from cubes or selects rings from a pile of bricks, etc. Now, if the baby wants his mother to give him a toy, he points with his hand to the desired object (previously, the baby just burst into tears, because the mother could not always understand what exactly the child needed). The peanut remembers the names of loved ones, knows the names of animals living nearby (for example, Murka the cat or Alma the dog).

Development of a child up to a year by months in pictures

Development of a child up to a year by months in tables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
38. Instead of crying, points to the desired object OK OK
37. Consciously uses the words "mom" and "dad" OK OK OK
36. Goes alone OK OK
35.Comes with support OK OK OK OK OK
34. Starts to crawl OK OK OK OK OK
33. Takes an object with thumb and forefinger OK OK OK OK OK
32. Puts the cube in the box OK OK OK OK OK OK
31.Knocks one text-align: justify; subject about another OK OK OK OK OK OK
30. Looking for a hidden toy OK OK OK OK OK OK
29. Self-sits OK OK OK OK OK
28. Plays hide and seek OK OK OK OK
27. Distinguish between strangers and loved ones OK OK OK OK
26. Tries to copy the speech of adults OK OK OK OK OK OK
25. Tries to stand up OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
24. Pronounces separate syllables (ba-ba, ha-ha) OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
23. Picks up a tiny object (e.g. breadcrumbs) OK OK OK OK OK
22. Steadily sits (when planted) OK OK OK OK
21. Tries to reach a distant object OK OK OK OK
20. Resists when a toy is taken away OK OK OK OK OK OK
19. He eats cookies himself OK OK OK
18. Can hold 2 dice out of 3 OK OK OK OK OK OK
17. Looking for an object that has fallen out of the hands OK OK OK OK
16. Transfers an object from hand to hand OK OK OK OK
15. Grabs and holds a cube in his hand OK OK OK OK
14. Tastes toys OK OK OK OK
13. Pulls the handle to the rattle OK OK OK OK
12. Turns his head to the sound OK OK OK OK
11. Turns his head following the movement of the subject OK OK OK OK
10. Moves his gaze from one object to another OK OK OK OK
9. Swinging on his hands, lying on his stomach OK OK OK OK
8. Raises head while lying on stomach OK OK OK
7. Responds with a smile to the appeal to him OK OK OK
6.Gulit OK OK
5.Follows a vertically moving object OK OK
4.Waving arms and legs at the same time OK OK
3. Reflexively grabs the ring OK OK OK
2.Responds to ringing
1.Looks after
horizontally moving object

Development of a child up to a year by months - Monthly increase in height and weight

Age Average increase in height Average weight gain
1 month 3 - 3.5 cm. 750
2 months 3 - 3.5 cm. 750
3 months 3 - 3.5 cm. 750
4 months 2.5 cm. 700
5 months 2.5 cm. 700
6 months 2.5 cm 700
7 months 1.5 - 2 cm. 550
8 months 1.5 - 2 cm. 550
9 months 1.5 - 2 cm. 550
10 months 1 cm 350 g.
11 months 1 cm 350 g.
12 months 1 cm 350 g.

Nine endless months have flown by. Behind expectations and anxiety, morning toxicosis and daytime sleepiness, recommendations for pregnancy by doctors and advice from friends, the first jolts of a small life inside mom and prenatal contractions. Everything that happens in the life of every woman before the start of a real miracle - the birth of a new person.

Monthly baby development calendar

The little man is born absolutely helpless. He has the simplest reflexes: sucking, swallowing, grasping and others. And only careful care and constant care of the people around him will help him grow and learn many necessary things. For 365 days, from a small baby, he turns into a mobile inquisitive little man.

Each baby is unique and no two are alike. But there are general patterns and stages that children necessarily go through in their development. And mothers can be advised to rely on them. But you don’t need to carefully calibrate every step for months, you should focus specifically on your beloved child.

Baby in the first month of life

One of the important aspects of the development of the baby is attachment to the mother's breast a few hours after birth. Even in the maternity hospital, according to children's doctors, an "inextricable emotional contact" is formed between the mother and the baby. It manifests itself in the understanding of his condition and needs, even at a distance.

The baby was brought home, and a difficult period of adaptation and addiction begins. A newborn sleeps almost around the clock, up to 20 hours. During sleep, development and growth of up to 2-3 cm per month occurs, and the body adapts to new conditions. Those few moments when the baby is not sleeping, he is actively waving his legs and arms.

During the month, the main activities are eating and sleeping. Another 600-700 grams is added to the initial weight at birth. It is very important literally from these days to form a baby's diet. Experts advise 6-7 feedings per day after 3-3.5 hours, at night it is desirable to increase the time between meals up to 5-6 hours. Some mothers take a different view and put the baby to the breast at the first sign of anxiety. It turns out up to 12 feedings per day, the number of which decreases with the growth of the child.

Frequent companions of babies in the first month of life are colic and bloating. So the newborn organism adapts to new nutritional conditions. Massage of the tummy or taking a certain amount of dill broth will help get rid of them.

Having been born, the baby already has some reflexes that help in adapting to new conditions. For example: sucking, grasping, swimming and others. Children's doctors closely monitor the presence of those that give impetus to the development of the nervous system. Some of the reflexes disappear as the child grows up.

What can a child at the end of the first month:

  • fix a short look at objects;
  • lying on his stomach, make attempts to raise his head;
  • listen to loud sounds, startle;
  • recognize the mother's voice, her touch, and respond in response;
  • try to communicate with mom with the first sounds.

For the first month, the baby communicates with the world through crying. This is his reaction to what he does not like or does not like: he is hungry, his diaper is wet, something is bothering him. The people around the baby need to pay a lot of attention to him, be patient and caring.

Baby in the second month of life

In the second month, the active physical and psychological development of the baby begins. His reactions become more meaningful, attention to the world around him begins to form. In response to communication, he waves his arms and legs more actively, tries to make the first sounds. Vision becomes more focused. Toys can be hung above the crib, which will help the child look from one object to another. For a month, the baby gains an average of 800 grams and grows by 3-4 cm.

Now, after feeding, the baby may not sleep for up to an hour and a half. This time you can communicate with him, sing songs, gurgle. Daytime sleep consists of several periods: two long (one to three hours) and three short (up to 30 minutes). For some, a night's sleep can last until the morning, they wake up only for feeding.

What can a child at the end of the second month:

  • lying on your stomach, raise and hold your head for a few seconds;
  • follow objects with your eyes, turn your head to the sound;
  • try to hold the toy in the fist for a few seconds;
  • look at your hands, suck your fingers;
  • make sounds in response to communication;
  • lying on your side, turn over on your back;
  • actively respond to the appearance of the mother.

Babies of the second month begin to enjoy bathing and cry when their parents try to take them out of the bath.

Child in the third month of life

This month is characterized by the fact that the baby is getting better control of his body. He improves coordination of movements, and he can move his arms or legs separately, turn his whole body in the direction of interest. Opens the fist and tries to hold the toy. Unconsciously, he takes the pacifier out of his mouth and puts it back in. The sucking reflex gets a new development, everything is dragged into the mouth: fingers, toys, diapers.

Weight gain during this period is 800 grams, and the body increases in height by another 3 cm. Vision and hearing continue to improve, the child is able to follow a bright object for a long time and recognize his parents by voice. Quiet and calm melodies soothe, distract his attention. Speech begins to form, so you need to communicate with the baby as much as possible, sing songs, turn on audio fairy tales.

Sleep time decreases and the “day-night” mode begins to form. Now more often there are nights when the mother does not have to get up to the crying baby. To strengthen the muscles of the back and neck during the day, you should turn it over on the tummy.

What can a child at the end of the third month:

  • hold the head in a vertical position, turning it to the sides;
  • smile when recognizing loved ones;
  • manage with your own hands;
  • roll over on its side, lying on its back;
  • lying on your stomach, rise on your elbows and hold your head for a long time.

Child in the fourth month of life

The child changes not only psychologically, but also externally. Many begin to notice the reasonable look of the baby during this period. Weight will be added to a lesser extent compared to previous months, and the increase in height by 2-3 cm will remain until the end of the year. During the day he can sleep four times, and the night sleep is eleven hours.

Already with pleasure lies on his tummy, considering his surroundings. May give preference to individual toys, grab them with both hands, knock, throw.

A feature of the development of the baby during this period is the desire to communicate with others, and simple syllables appear in speech. Consciousness begins to develop, and simple needs for food and sleep become clearly not enough. The baby can cry to show that he does not want to be left alone while awake and requires a “companion”.

What can a child at the end of the fourth month:

  • independently roll over on his stomach, lying on his back;
  • try to lift the top of the body;
  • look at your reflection in the mirror;
  • respond to the pronunciation of their name;
  • crawl a little on your stomach;
  • smile, laugh, squeal, distinguish native people.

Child in the fifth month of life

At the end of this period, the baby weighs almost twice as much as at birth. Height increases by 2-3 cm, weight - by 700 gr. This is the time when some babies start teething.

The mode of wakefulness and sleep changes. Now during the day he is put to sleep 2-3 times, and at night he sleeps without waking up to 10 hours. A five-month-old baby is ready to switch to five meals a day at intervals of 4 hours. In addition, at the end of the month, mothers begin to introduce the first complementary foods.

Now the baby becomes extremely mobile, which requires mandatory attention for him, instantly turns over, pulls the objects he likes into his mouth, and can even suck his toes. He tries to crawl on his stomach and makes the first attempts to sit up on his own.

The child can distinguish between his own and others. He reacts violently to the appearance of relatives in the zone of attention and incredulously calms down at the sight of strangers. Can hear changes in intonation and respond by crying to serious or rough notes in the voice.

What can a child at the end of the fifth month:

  • lying on the back, roll over on the stomach and back;
  • hold the head with confidence and turn it around;
  • sit for a short time, leaning back;
  • choose your favorite toy;
  • “talk” to oneself for a long time, listening to one’s own sounds.

Baby in the sixth month of life

This is the period when the baby is teething. Discomfort from swollen gums and possible fever lead to irritability and frequent crying.

The child begins to shift the rattles from one hand to the other, often deliberately throwing them down in order to see them fall. Makes timid attempts to get on all fours. If you put your favorite toy in the distance, you can quickly roll over on your stomach and make every effort to get to it.

He continues to master speech, and the simplest syllables may appear in his babbling: ma-ma, pa-pa. And in the intonation, notes imitating parents clearly slip through. At the same time, the baby can be included in simple finger games.

The sucking reflex weakens somewhat, it is worth starting to teach the baby to eat from a spoon, adding complementary foods from one-component vegetable puree. Only you need to enter it carefully, because the child's gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully developed. At this time, you need to gradually teach to drink from a mug. Weight gain - 600 gr, height - 2-3 cm.

What can a child at the end of the sixth month:

  • sit down on your own;
  • to crawl in the “plastunsky” way;
  • try to get on all fours;
  • take toys with both hands at once, throw them;
  • play simple games, clap your hands;
  • find with your eyes a large object that your mother calls.

Baby in the seventh month of life

The time of active exploration of the world by a small fidget begins. Some babies are already crawling, stubbornly trying to get to things of interest. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the room in which the world is known, to remove dangerous objects as far as possible.

A second complementary food is introduced - fruit puree. Later, milk porridge (buckwheat, rice) is also added, to which the yolk is added after a few weeks. By the end of the month, it can add up to 600 grams in weight, and up to 2 cm in height.

The baby begins to recognize the surrounding objects and can show them. It crawls on its own, makes the first attempts to stand on its feet. The number of spoken sounds increases. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the baby, read books to him, telling in simple words about the world around him. He likes to play simple games during which fine motor skills of hands are developed.

What can a child at the end of the seventh month:

  • sit confidently with a straight back without support;
  • kneel, rise to your feet, holding on to the sides of the crib;
  • crawl confidently, and some get only backward movement;
  • point to objects, memorize their names;
  • repeat some actions of adults;
  • looking at pictures in books, turning pages.

Child in the eighth month of life

At this age, the baby sits independently without assistance. Can hold toys in both hands at once. The development of the skill of crawling continues.

Most children have up to six teeth at this time, they learn to chew food. To do this, thicker cereals are boiled, and stewed vegetables are wrinkled, and not rubbed to a liquid state. Children's experts recommend teaching chewing as early as possible in order to prepare the body's transition to "adult" nutrition. The child can drink from a special drinker or from a mug.

The baby eats every 4 hours, and sleep lasts up to 15 hours a day. Weight is added by about 600 grams, and height - by 1.5-2 cm.

With pleasure he communicates with relatives, may try to manipulate them, requiring constant presence. Recognizes mom and dad in photos. He talks a lot and willingly, changing the volume of his voice, learns to whisper after adults.

What can a child at the end of the eighth month:

  • independently sit, stand up and step over at the support;
  • navigate in familiar surroundings;
  • express different emotions: delight, surprise, discontent;
  • speak consciously simple words;
  • perform simple actions at the request: show, bring, etc.

Child in the ninth month of life

This is the period when the baby, having learned to crawl quickly, begins to scrupulously master the world around him. His curiosity is so great that it is worth thinking about security, blocking access to cabinets and shelves. He can stand up on his own, holding on to a support, moves around the house with pleasure, holding the hands of adults. Makes timid attempts to walk independently.

Every day brings new syllables and sounds. He likes to copy adults, but not thoughtlessly, but understanding the meaning of the words spoken and pronouncing the combinations he hears. At this stage, it is important to communicate a lot with the baby, the formation of speech and the volume of vocabulary will depend on this. Improves fine motor skills of the fingers, can explore small objects, wave the index finger.

This month, the weight increases by another 500 grams, and growth rates - by 1.5-2 cm. The child's diet continues to expand. If meat has not yet been introduced into complementary foods, then it's time to do it. The daily routine includes two naps, but some children prefer to sleep three times.

What can a child at the end of the ninth month:

  • emotionally relate to parents;
  • try to eat on your own with a spoon;
  • turn back when crawling;
  • crying and screaming to manipulate relatives;
  • drink from a mug, holding it yourself.

A child in the tenth month of life

A month is characterized by the fact that the child gains less weight - up to 350 grams, growth increases by only 1 cm. But he is getting better at controlling his body, while quickly mastering new skills and improving old ones. He sits and stands up well without outside help, but still holding on to a support.

Sleep patterns are also changing. For many children, one rest is enough. But then it is worth putting to bed early in the evening. The baby's diet continues to increase, cottage cheese and kefir are added (you can give up to 100 grams per day). Do not force feed, this can form a negative attitude towards certain foods.

At the tenth month, the child more and more confidently controls his movements, performs many small actions with his fingers: crumples plasticine, tears paper, sorts out small toys. The better the development of fine motor skills, the faster the intellect develops. You can pay attention to which hand the child uses more, left or right, it depends on whether he will be left-handed or right-handed.

The first social skills begin to develop, parents help the baby to play in the company of children. He claps his hands with pleasure, stomps and dances when music appears.

What can a child at the end of the tenth month:

  • from a standing position to sit down independently;
  • try to name the surrounding objects;
  • perform more complex actions: opens - closes, takes - puts;
  • consciously play with toys: rolls a car, builds a tower;
  • repeat after adults gestures and facial expressions.

Child in the eleventh month of life

The energy of the baby is overflowing, he uses every opportunity to get to know the world around him. Therefore, he tries to climb onto chairs and a sofa, he is interested in the contents of cabinets and bedside tables. She takes her first steps on her own and happily walks hand in hand with her mother. Can be engaged in a toy or an object they like for a long time.

The baby already has several teeth, so the daily menu necessarily includes meat and once a week low-fat varieties of fish. You can give small pieces of boiled potatoes and carrots. And special children's cookies and yoghurts. For a month, the increase in growth is only 1 cm, the weight increases by 350 grams.

During this period, the baby understands the word "no", understands his mother's reaction, realizes how he acted - good or bad. Some name objects from the environment.

What can a child at the end of the eleventh month:

  • walk a few steps without support;
  • try to be independent, he puts on socks, eats with a spoon;
  • nod in affirmation, shake head in denial;
  • take small things with two fingers - forefinger and thumb;
  • play story games with parents;
  • "read", leafing through the book.

Child in the twelfth month of life

Action becomes the main component of a one-year-old child. Walking by the hand or on his own, taking an active part in the processes of feeding and dressing, playing alone or with peers, exploring everything that catches his eye - all this the baby can do all day with great desire.

This is a time of active development of the baby, when he begins to feel like a person, strives to do a lot on his own (I myself!), Is capricious in case of refusals and prohibitions. Psychologists talk about the crisis of the first year, but it may not affect every baby.

Many mothers transfer the baby to a common table, but this does not mean that you can feed him along with adults. The children's menu remains, oatmeal and semolina porridge, butter are added.

What can a child at the end of the twelfth month:

  • squat, get up from this position;
  • use a mug and a spoon, chew food;
  • show addictions in food, refuse to eat what you don’t like;
  • understand what is said to him;
  • know how to use household items: telephone, comb, broom;
  • disassemble and assemble toys consisting of several parts;
  • search for the desired item.

Everything said is rather arbitrary. A child goes through many stages in his development. But if one kid actively tries to run a year, then the other one still makes timid attempts to walk. Someone is happy to communicate with all people, and someone begins to cry loudly when he sees a stranger. It depends on the environment in which the child grows up, on living conditions, on the temperament and character of the baby. An important role is played by heredity.

But don't compare it to others. The time will come, and the baby will learn everything. One year is a huge stage in the life of a child from infancy to an independent person who speaks, walks, plays, laughs, understands others, becomes a real person with his own tastes and preferences. And the main thing for loving parents is to surround him with love and care, help and support, teach and educate.

The development of the baby is under the vigilant control of physicians, especially the first year after birth. Mom should visit the district pediatrician every month to check the height, weight, chest circumference and head of the baby. All these activities are carried out in order to timely identify possible deviations in its development.

Doctors in pediatric practice are guided by a table of child development up to 1 year by month. The neurologist has his own, which allows you to monitor the mental development of the baby. Of course, we all understand that there can be no clear age norms - all children grow according to an individual schedule, but it’s still worth listening to the average indicators of a table of child development parameters up to a year old.

Child development table up to a year (height and weight)

Some babies are born real heroes - more than 4 kg and with a large height of 58 cm, while others have a slender build, and therefore may not gain the prescribed kilograms and centimeters.

All these parameters in the table vary from minimum to maximum, but deviations from the norm are already causing some concern for physicians. In the first months of life, children gain up to one kilogram, but subsequently lower this bar and no longer grow so intensively, adding only about 300-600 grams per month.

Pediatricians pay less attention to growth, since it does not reflect whether the baby is eating properly, but only indicates its genetic component. But height, together with weight, is used in the formula for calculating the minimum and maximum body mass index, which means that it must still be measured. The parameter is calculated using the following formula:

BMI = weight / height of the child squared.

The same information content as weight with height, have indicators of the volume of the chest and head. Too actively growing head may indicate hydrocephalus or rickets. The table of physical development of children up to a year can be found directly at the pediatrician's appointment.

Table of neuropsychic development of children up to a year

At one month, at three, at six months and at one year old, the pediatrician sends the baby to an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. The doctor must make sure that the psychomotor development of the baby corresponds to the norm, which is indicated in a specially designed table. At a certain time, the child should begin to react to others, walk, roll over from his back to his stomach and back, crawl, sit, walk.

If for some reason the baby lags behind his peers in development, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination and treatment, which includes both medication and physiotherapy.

When they talk about the physical development of a child, they mean a set of certain indicators. These are height, weight, chest and head circumference. All these indicators are evaluated every month at a pediatrician's appointment. It is important for the doctor to track their growth dynamics. Based on the sex of your baby and all four indicators, a conclusion is made about the physical health of the child. Thus, the specialist can tell the level of physical development of your child and, if necessary, give recommendations.

It is believed that the height of the child corresponds to his age, and in about a year, children grow by 25 cm.

The weight of the baby should correspond to his height. By the end of the first year of life, babies weigh about 10 kg. At the same time, body weight is considered the most unstable indicator. It depends on the condition of the baby (illness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, discomfort)

Up to 4 months, the circumference of the head should be a couple of centimeters larger than the circumference of the chest. By 4 months, these figures are equated. After four - the circumference of the chest becomes larger than the circumference of the head.

All children are different and the level of physical development even at birth is different. Someone is born small and long, actively suckles at the breast and lies quietly in the crib, while someone has a large birth weight, muscle tone is too high, and the baby shudders at the slightest sound. Therefore, the starting point of physical development in all babies is individual. Parents should be vigilant and if something causes concern or excitement, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine and calculate the physical development of the child.

In the first year of life, skin sensitivity is well developed in children, and for better physical development, it is necessary to constantly touch, touch, make light massage movements for your baby.

Physical development of children under 1 year old by months

Newborn has innate unconditioned reflexes: food (sucking movements), indicative (head turns to various stimuli), defensive (shouting at irritating factors). The movements of the arms, legs, eyes are spontaneous, disordered and uncoordinated. The newborn moves with the whole body.

By the end first month life, movements become more coordinated, the baby tries to raise his head in a position lying on his stomach. He reacts to a loud sound by spreading the handles to the side, and then presses them to the body and compresses his fists.

On the 2 months of life eye movements become coordinated, the head turns in the direction of the sound, the baby tries to grab and touch objects of interest to him, he can hold his head for 1-1.5 minutes in a pose lying on his stomach. Some babies at this age respond with a smile for a smile.

During 3 months of life the child in a pose on the stomach rests on the forearms and elbows. Rolls over from back to side, turns his head, keeping it in a vertical position. Tightens his body when picked up. When an adult addresses him, a “complex of revival” appears - he smiles, can laugh, coo and answer.

IN 4 months the baby can recognize faces and simple objects, rolls over from back to stomach. In the supine position, he can raise his head. He grabs and holds small objects in his hands, pulls them into his mouth, favorite and disliked toys appear, prefers his mother to other adults.

Fifth month- tries to sit up, but cannot hold his back without support, recognizes familiar voices, with armpit support, he stands upright, imitates sounds.

sixth month- sits down on his own, tries to crawl on all fours, learns to pronounce elementary syllables, the pronunciation of which is similar to the sucking movements of the lips and mouth: ma-ma, etc. The baby sleeps less, physical activity increases, the hands are drawn to the mother, the toys are firmly grasped with both hands. There is a rapid development of fine motor skills, throwing toys on the floor and watching what happens to them. The first teeth erupt, first 2 lower middle incisors appear.

During seventh month of life crawls freely, in a sitting position can straighten and tilt the body forward, tries to perceive, understand and memorize words. Gets frustrated when he loses sight of a toy and looks for it. Able to move food from the front of the mouth to the back and, as a result, swallows better.

At the end of the article, we have prepared a convenient table of the physical development of the child. Download it to be sure that the baby develops according to the norms!

Eight months- he gets up, having support. With support, he tries to walk, performs various manipulations with toys (drops, rolls, throws, etc.), confidently sits on his own. 2 upper middle incisors appear.

IN nine month walks holding onto a support, knows his name, can fulfill simple requests. Holds objects with thumb and forefinger.

ten months- can rise and stand without the help of outsiders, begins to pronounce simple words, does not give away the toy he likes, at the request of an adult, he looks for a familiar object. 2 upper lateral incisors appear.

IN eleven months knows the name of many objects and parts of his body, fine motor skills are well developed, freely orientated in space, continues to try to take independent steps.

TO one year walks independently, can bend over on his own. He understands everything that is said and what he is asked to do. Pronounces the first meaningful words. 2 lateral lower incisors appear.

By the end of 1 year of life, the baby should have 8 teeth, 4 of them on top and 4 on the bottom.

Physical development is influenced not only by genetic factors, but also by environmental factors (upbringing, nutrition, social conditions). If you want your child to develop all physical indicators in a timely manner, you need to deal with him daily, feed him properly and give your love in unlimited quantities, which your baby needs so much.

Breast swimming from birth. . Read our next article.

Print and hang on the wall! Physical development of children under 1 year old in the table.

Do you know how a baby should develop up to a year? Download a convenient table of the physical development of the child to be sure that the baby is developing according to the norms!​

All moms are watching how a child develops by months from birth to a year , passing through the stages of physical and mental development, but remember that the development of a child up to a year is individual. There is no need to adjust the baby to the development plate, a discrepancy per month is quite acceptable.

Natalia Chalaya - the author's table of the development of a child under 1 year old by months

In the table, I will tell you in as much detail as possible, based on the accepted standards and my experience, how the child develops by months. I will break the tablet into 4 blocks, 3 months per block.

Photo of a child at 1 month

Child development from birth to 3 months

Baby development at 1 month

  • He will spend most of the first month in a dream, somewhere around 70% adapting to life outside his mother's tummy and gaining mass.
  • Weight gain will be 700 grams - 1 kg, but these are average figures. I saw children who gained 300-500 grams each. It depends on the weight with which your treasure was born. The lower the weight, the usually more its set, and vice versa - large babies gain less.
  • In the first month of life, the baby will stretch by 2-4 cm. A funny story happened regarding the growth of my Anechka in the maternity hospital. She was measured and 56 cm was written on the tag. At the first measurement in a month, it turned out that her height was 46 cm. Has she decreased by 10 cm, or is this how our doctors measure?
  • Since there is still no coordination of movements, and the nervous system is being intensively formed, in a dream your happiness either sleeps calmly, or randomly waves its arms and legs. Do not think that this is some kind of fear, or excessive nervousness. I advise you to swaddle the baby for the first month, so he will sleep much calmer.
  • From sharp sounds, he blinks and shudders with his whole body, which means that hearing is developed. It is more terrible when, on the contrary, there is no reaction to the sounds.
  • 3 weeks after birth, you can check the fixation of the gaze. Bring a bright blue, red rattle to the face of the little one and wait until it attracts his attention, and then slowly take it aside. For a couple of seconds, the baby can already fix his attention on something interesting: a toy, mom's face
  • Closer to 4 weeks, you can notice that the baby laid out on the tummy is trying to raise and even hold the head for a couple of seconds. Pay attention to whether your child turns his head all the time to one side, this may be a sign of torticollis, which can be corrected with massage.
  • Palms clenched into a fist in a dream can be a sign of increased tone, but not by themselves, but in combination with other factors.

Development in 2 months

photo of baby at 2 months
  • There are less and less chaotic movements in a dream, sleepy palms gradually straighten from clenched into a fist.
  • Most of the time, the baby is still sleeping and eating. Breastfeeding takes a lot of strength from mom, and in order to quickly restore them
  • Firmly grabs everything that accidentally falls into the field of view: mother's hair, chains, earrings. Personally, the princess grabbed my earring so much that she tore my earlobe to the blood, of course, I instantly took off all the earrings and chains.
  • Hearing your voice, looks for the source of the sound.
  • He can see already at a distance of 40-50 cm, but so far he sees everything in black and white.
  • At 6-7 weeks, he consciously smiles when you pick him up, responds to the speech addressed to him with the first attempts to coo. You may be able to distinguish sounds such as: a, o, u, uh.
  • Your smile is answered with a smile and a burst of laughter. This happened to my daughter only at 3 months, so I repeat, all this is conditional. All 2 months she just slept and ate.
  • If he slept in a room with closed curtains, having received a portion of bright light, lying in the arena, he tries to turn his head away. Having lifted it from a lying position on the stomach, it is able to hold it for about 10 seconds. The same situation with holding the head in the position of the baby "column". However, do not rush things artificially, just remember that more frequent laying out on the stomach helps to strengthen the muscles of the cervical region as soon as possible.
  • By the end of the second month, especially developed babies can roll over onto their back from a lying position on their side.
  • Almost forgot. It is impossible to assess exactly how a child develops over the months without tracking changes in weight and height. Weight gain is usually 800 grams, but can reach up to 2 kg.
  • Height will increase by 3 cm.

Development in 3 months

photo of baby at 3 months
  • Weight gain ranges from 700g-1 kg, height changes by 2.5 cm.
  • The baby already needs the first toys - soft fabric cubes to grab and throw them. Can play with one toy for about 3 minutes. In your presence, a small tumbler will fit for games. It will cause delight and laughter at the sight of how the toy returns to its original position.
  • Binocular vision appears - the ability to perceive the object of attention simultaneously with two eyes at once.
  • The next stage in the development of a baby at 3 months is the development of convergence - the ability to fix both eyes on one toy.
  • The stage of looking at your hands begins.
  • The kid notices if you remove the toy - he looks for it with his eyes.
  • Different reactions to different music. Rhythmic music causes revival, and the classics listen.
  • Smiles become meaningful, the intonation of laughter changes.
  • He recognizes the faces of relatives, expresses emotions of joy at their sight.
  • An important stage in the development of the child by months is that he begins to distinguish colors. Some experts argue that at the initial stage it is only red, and after it other colors. Recent studies refute this, arguing that the child sees not only all colors, but even their shades.

Further, our plate development of the child by months up to 1 year goes to the stage of 4-6 months

This period of child development by months will allow you to track the skills that the baby acquires, from attempts at coups to the appearance of the first babble and teeth.

photo of baby at 4 months

Development at 4 months

  • It grows by 2.5 cm, and gains about 750 grams in weight.
  • A 4-month-old child clearly distinguishes between “us” and “strangers”. Preferring mom. Can cry. If mom disappears from view.
  • Lying on their back, most babies are already rolling over on their stomach. My princess lifted her legs up and rolled like a bun, using her legs as an additional center of gravity.
  • Taking the child in your arms, you will notice that he not only confidently holds his head, but also turns it in different directions, accurately identifying the source of light and sound.
  • You can track the appearance of the first emotions: fear (fading followed by crying), delight, curiosity, anger. Builds eyes and wrinkles forehead.
    He listens if music is playing, recorded on a voice recorder with his mother's voice of a fairy tale.
  • The grasp reflex is reduced, but still quite strong.
  • Between periods of sleep, he not only looks at his hands, but also tries to coordinate them.
  • Grabbing the toy, he pulls it into his mouth. So he does with everything he can reach, exploring the new by smell and taste.
  • Increased salivation before eruption of the first teeth.
  • Finally, the period of "gaziki" and colic is over. To avoid depletion of the body (especially in winter), mom needs to introduce new healthy foods into her diet. (to increase hemoglobin), rich in trace elements.
  • Lying on his back, straining his neck, briefly raises his head. Some babies even lift their upper back off the bed for a couple of seconds as they make their first attempts to sit up.
  • A "favorite" toy appears.
  • Delight expresses very emotionally, literally with the whole body.
  • If a child of 4 months is brought to the mirror, he will begin to flirt with his reflection.
  • At this stage in the development of the child by months, it is important that by the end of 4 months the little one will delight you with the first meaningful sounds that he designates you: ma (mother), ba (grandmother), pa (dad).

Development at 5 months

photo of baby at 5 months
  • There are periods of long wakefulness, when the baby, entertaining himself by “talking”, saying: “Ba-ba-ba” or other sounds.
  • In weight, it gains an average of 700 grams, and grows by 2 cm.
  • Plays hide-and-seek with loved ones.
  • It can suck fingers not only on the hands, but also on the legs.
  • Specifically throws a toy, waiting. When they pick it up to throw it again.
  • Hearing becomes very sharp, and even your tiptoeing he is able to hear.
  • He distinguishes the intonations of his mother's voice and even sometimes recognizes his own name.
  • A milk bottle can be held with two handles.
  • Acquires the skill of transferring an object from one hand to another.
  • If at 4 months everything first went into the mouth, and then it was examined, then at the 5th month of the baby's development, the opposite is true.
  • Increasingly, he makes attempts to sit up, stretching his neck and arms forward.
  • The baby at 5 months begins to stand on his feet with support.
  • I saw children who are already crawling at 5 months.

Development at 6 months

photo of 6 month old baby
  • Weight gain is 650 gr., 2 cm in height.
  • The periods of wakefulness increase.
  • At 6 months old, the baby is trying with might and main to sit, having freely mastered the flips from the back to the stomach, to the side and back.
  • Able to shift small toys from one container to another.
  • It is at 6 months that most babies make their first attempts to crawl. Leaning on the outstretched arms, the legs begin to sway.
  • Responds to his name and responds to it.
  • A 6-month-old child accompanies his games with continuous babbling.
  • Masters imitation skills (especially those that delight adults).
  • It can be observed that, having reached for one toy, the little one shifts it to the other hand and reaches for a new one.
  • The babble has intonations.
  • The kid is aware of his influence on his parents, he likes to be in the spotlight.
  • With constant games, his reaction can be ahead of the event itself. Example: “As soon as you bring your hand to him and say:“ A horned goat is coming, ”he starts laughing in advance.
  • If you rock a child in your arms, then taking the usual position, he will begin to sing to himself: “Aaaa.”
  • Most have 2 lower incisors.

My author's plate about the development of a child by months up to 1 year goes to the stage of 7-9 months

Development at 7 months

photo of baby at 7 months
  • It can already sit for a long time, and crawling skills will improve.
  • Weight gain is 600 gr., and growth increases by 2-3 cm.
  • Some children, holding on to the playpen, begin to get up, but they themselves still do not know how to sit back down.
  • I saw babies who even at 7 months old took their first steps.
  • He plays with toys, studying them: he shakes them, knocks them on the arena, tries to measure the sizes.
  • Gets angry when something doesn't work.
  • If a 7-month-old baby is offered 2 toys at the same time, it is clear that he is already learning to make a choice.
  • Describing how a 7-month-old baby develops, it is worth noting that he is more interested in round objects, the baby is trying to find where their “corners” are. Realizes that there are toys that are disassembled according to the principle of nesting dolls.
  • The facial expressions and gestures of the child become expressive.
  • Can show mom, dad, cat, dog, TV with a finger.
  • He himself can press the buttons of musical toys to listen to the melody.
  • He loves his reflection, strokes it.
  • He understands not only the intonations of adult family members, but also the word “no”.
  • The words appear in the speech: "Give-give" accompanied by a gesture of squeezing the palm.

Development at 8 months

photo of baby at 8 months
  • The peanut is recovering by 500-550 gr., It grows by another 2 cm.
  • Actively crawls, exploring everything and everywhere.
  • Learn to open box lids. He loves to take everything in and out. He likes games that involve putting objects, for example, different balls into different buckets.
  • He knows simple games: “Okay, over bumps, horned goat, hide and seek.
  • An 8-month-old baby is able to fulfill a simple request from his mother: "Give me a hand, give my mother a bear."
  • Waving bye bye, blowing kisses.
  • Can watch other children for a long time, everything that moves.
  • Confidently and for a long time stands at the arena, even holding on with one hand.
  • He likes to have his "adult" toys, and enjoys playing with toy mobile phones.
  • I want to note that the developmental skills of each 8 month old baby are very different. Some kids are already running with might and main, and some of their more well-fed and overfed peers have only mastered the confident sitting without pillows. Believe me, if the baby does not lag behind emotionally and intellectually, then sooner or later 100% will start walking.

Development at 9 months

photo of baby 9 months
  • A 9-month-old baby will gain about 500 grams in weight, and growth will increase by 1.5 cm.
  • Able not only to simultaneously lift 2 objects with his hands, but also to play with them at the same time.
  • Your 9-month-old baby is, first of all, a pioneer: he knocks on pots, extracting new sounds, with a bottle against the walls of the arena. Standing at the arena, dancing to rhythmic music. Anything that makes sounds attracts his attention.
  • Fine motor skills are well developed, this is tracked in the fact that he captures large objects with his palm, and small fingers. At this age, he will like what you have done
  • He claps his hands, turns the pages of the book.
  • I learned to stand at the support not only to stand, but also to squat, jump.
  • A 9-month-old baby already makes a lot of sounds that parents are able to understand along with bright facial expressions. The first communication, when the little one holds out an empty bottle with the words: "Give-give."
  • Memory develops rapidly. He already knows exactly the purpose of some items, and this is a big leap in how your baby develops over the months. Having got a cup in his hands, he does not examine it, as before, but immediately brings it to his mouth. If he did not have a memory, each time he would study objects again and again.
  • If the mother hides something under the covers in his presence, she is able to find what is hidden.
  • Creeps fast. My eldest son did not crawl in the usual way, he rather moved to the 5th point, helping himself to push off with one foot, and then immediately went.
  • Shows eyes, mouth, ears.

The final stage of the development of the child in the table by months up to 1 year (10-12 months)

Development at 10 months

photo of baby at 10 months
  • A baby at 10 months feels like an "adult", and will be happy to help his mother.
  • Creeps fast.
  • He walks in walkers, and some children already without them.
  • Independence is manifested in the desire to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup.
  • Knows the names of his toys, can bring them on request.
  • A 10-month-old baby understands the purpose of many items: a TV remote control, a telephone.
  • 450 gr. is added in weight, only 1.5 cm in height.
  • There is a fear of unfamiliar people and places.
  • Curious, capable of opening cabinet doors and throwing them all out.
  • Likes toys that can be invested.

Development at 11 months

photo of baby at 11 months
  • An 11-month-old baby takes the first clumsy steps, constantly balancing, legs apart and raising his arms.
  • An 11-month-old baby knows the word “no” perfectly, but sometimes he consciously ignores it, trying to take the position of the center of the universe in the family.
  • Able to pick up very small objects with 2 fingers.
  • Makes persistent attempts not only to walk independently, but also to do many other things.
  • If he holds the hands of adults, or furniture, then he moves quickly and confidently.
  • Can hang about 1 minute on the rings.
  • Able to independently climb 2-3 steps of the Swedish ladder.
  • Shaking his head in approval or denial.
  • Switching to a one-time nap.
  • Weight gain is only 400 grams, height is one and a half cm.

Development at 12 months

photo of a 12 month old baby
  • A one-year-old baby walks confidently, sits down, gets up (but there are perfectly healthy babies who begin to walk confidently closer to 18 months).
  • He is able to assemble a simple pyramid himself, and literally by the age of 2 he will already assemble it, naming the colors and the size of the details.
  • The range of games is increasing, this is already rolling cars, putting dolls to bed and rolling carriages.
  • They try to help around the house: make the bed, fold toys
  • Some perseverance and concentration appear (they love to be read to)
  • He clearly pronounces the words: "Mom, dad, woman, grandfather, give me bye."
  • He tries to command, showing with his finger the object that he wants to receive, and when he wants to walk, he is able to bring his walking shoes and clothes to his mother.
  • Refuses to eat what you don't like, to wear something.
  • Reacts very negatively to mother's absence
  • He likes solid food in the form of cookies, bread.

So our table of child development for months up to 1 year has ended. After reading the entire table about the development of the baby by months from birth to a year, you realize how everything happens very quickly. This is only comparable to the fact that a paralyzed adult with a fairly low intelligence in just a year of his life will not only begin to fully move, but will also become a Nobel laureate in nuclear physics.