The child is 3 months old to play. How to develop a child's visual perception. Development of the sensory sphere

Educational games for a child 2–3 months old. Exercise with toys

Games with a baby at 2 months

The baby is almost 2 months old! Watching your child, you see that he is still very small, but he has already learned a lot. You may think that time passes slowly, but for a baby it is not. After all, every day he learns something new.

Age-appropriate games help you develop your baby harmoniously. Play with your baby at about the same time every day without being distracted by other activities. Put on comfortable clothes, remove the decorations. And let the child be naked so that clothes and even a diaper do not hinder movement. This will make it more convenient for him to play. In addition, it is also a hardening element. And, of course, both of you should be in a good mood. Observe the child and his reactions, take your time and calmly articulate your actions.

2-3 months. Educational games

The baby is receptive to mastering the world already in the first month after birth. Therefore for little child simple calm games are very important, appropriate to his mood and age.

Game 1. Development of tactile sensations

Pat your child's fist. The kid will straighten his fingers. Then he can squeeze them again. This massage stimulates the muscles of the entire arm. Stroke both of the baby's palms to develop the left and right halves of the body in a balanced way. Constantly offer your baby games with different materials: soft and hard, cold and warm.

By the end of 2 months, babies try to touch objects with both hands. Offer your child sling beads with large balls, a piece of cloth, a light rattle - let him feel them. These simple toys best for developing baby's tactile sensations.

Game 2. Toys for a baby in 2 months

Games in "tracking" help to develop the baby from the first month of life. Move 20-25 cm closer to the baby's face. When he "catches" you with his gaze, slowly move to the left, then to the right. By the end of the first month, the baby will have learned to turn his head. When the baby has mastered this game, you can offer him a small colored toy.

Often mothers notice that the baby is looking past the toy or is fixed only on the face. Our faces are endowed with facial expressions. It is she who attracts the baby. That is why children love to look at adults for a long time when they say something. The daily development of a child through play is very important. Smile, be surprised, show your child that you are also very involved in his game. Talk to your child and tell him about everything you do.

Games with a baby at 3 months.How else can you play toys with your child?

Move the toy up and down so that the child learns to raise and lower his head. You can then rotate the toy over your baby's head slowly in a circle. By the end of 3 months, he will be twisting his head, watching the toy. He will also pull the handles forward, trying to touch her. This exercise develops coordination. When the baby is able to hold the hands in front of his face, he will look at them for a long time, surprised. He will be even more surprised when he realizes that it is he who makes them move. Gradually, the baby will learn to coordinate the movements of the hands and eyes.

Game 4. Hanging toys on a string

Take the string, pull it at a height of 10-15 cm from the baby's chest in a crib or stroller. Hang large plastic beads, multi-colored pieces of different fabrics, a light bell, something rustling on a string. At first, the baby will accidentally touch objects and enjoy their sounds. Gradually, he will realize that toys make a sound when he touches them. By the end of 3 months, the baby will be consciously trying to catch toys.

Game 5. Little soccer player

Information for dads! With a baby 3 months old, you can already play ball! Place the child in front of you. Take off your socks. Tie a string around the valve on the inflatable ball. Grasp the rope with one hand. With the other, lift the baby under the butt so that his feet do not touch the diaper. Bring the ball to the feet. The crumb will push the ball away when it touches it.

Don't miss the new an article about baby's sleep

At 3 months of life, the reflex of newborns to push everything that the legs touch, fades away. Now the child will specifically knock on the ball.

Stimulate the baby to fix his gaze on moving and stationary objects, encourage longer concentration on the subject. Take in hand bright ball; when the child catches his eye, start moving the ball from left to right, up and down. At the same time, say: “Where is the ball? Look, there he is! "

Use toys that make different sounds actively. Draw the baby's attention by moving the sounding toys. Jingle the toy from the left, right, top and bottom. Ask: “Where is the ringing? Ding Ding! Where now?"

Allow the baby to make as many groping movements as possible with his hands. At the same time, the child must see the object he is feeling. To do this, put an object in the hand of the crumbs and draw his attention to this object. The shape, size, texture of such items should be varied, but easy to grasp. Pronounce the sounds that you heard from the baby: "abu", "agu", "boo-boo", "ah-ah", "oh-oh", "ha-ha", etc.


Throw a scarf over your head, ask: “Where is mom? Where did mom hide? Find Mom! " Help the kid, if he doesn’t succeed, open up yourself and be sure to praise. Now throw a handkerchief over the child, as if he hid himself. “Where is my Svyatoslav? There is no Svyatoslav. Where did he run away? " Take off your handkerchief: "Ah-ah, that's where my Svyatoslav is!" Continue to play with the baby while he is interested, coming up with different options of this game.

Developmentmovements baby

At this age, the child's movements are still imperfect: the muscles are just being freed from hypertonicity. And so the baby timidly and awkwardly begins to move the arms. Take advantage of this when practicing with him.

Encourage any child's desire to move. Place a bright toy on the side of the baby so that it attracts his attention, and help the baby reaching out to her to gently roll over from his back to his stomach.

Game "Funny hoops"

Hoop the bells or bells to the hoop. Hang them on a ribbon above the crib. Swing the hoop so that your child can hear the bell ringing and notice the fun hanging. Talk to your baby, stroke his hands and direct them towards the toy. Gradually, the baby will learn how to grab the bells and ring. Grip training will help you cope with hypertonicity and open your palm, because it is also a massage.

To make the palm open faster, it is necessary to knead and massage the baby's fingers more often. This is best done in game form... In addition to the movement of the hands, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of locomotor (joint movements of the whole body).

On 3 month the infant learns to raise his head high by lying on his stomach and resting on his forearms. This skill can be trained by raising and lowering the attractive toy high in front of the baby's face.

When the baby is awake in the prone position, show him something very interesting, for example, a tumbler: the attention of the baby will attract bright color, nice sound. And most importantly, her smiling face. Do not forget that cervical muscles the child is still weak, and he cannot hold his head for a long time, therefore the duration of the training should not exceed 1-1.5 minutes. Also, make sure that the baby is symmetrically resting on both elbows.

TO 3 month the infant, if held under the armpits, rests firmly with his feet against hard surface... We offer you a game that combines support workout and sole massage.

The exercise " Big feet walked along the road "

You will need: tumbler, baby cream, rug with a rough surface. Pat your baby's legs, including the feet. Apply cream to the cover of the changing table and pour in some water. Take the baby under the arms and rest your feet on the table. Reading the child of a rhyme, perform sliding movements on a smooth surface.

  • Big feet
  • Walking along the road:
  • Top-top-top,
  • Top-top-top.
  • Little feet
  • We ran along the path:
  • Top-top-top,
  • Top-top-top.

Now lay a rug with a rough surface and, as you read the rhyme, follow the sliding steps. Observe your child's behavior carefully, make sure that he is not in pain, and he gladly accepts your actions. At the end of the game, rub the tumbler with the baby's legs.

For crawling training, place the toy at a distance from your child so that he cannot grab it. Help your baby get closer to her by placing your palm to the soles of your feet so that he can rest and push off.


Aged from two to three months old in a baby there are groping movements. From this moment on, the centers of the tactile analyzer of the cerebral hemispheres are switched on. Finger movements have special meaning as they have a huge impact on the development of higher nervous activity.

Play with the baby as follows: a ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm is inserted into an open infant palm, achieving a reflex grasping. Balls are selected, different in weight, material (plastic, wooden, etc.), homemade cloth, from a smooth or terry cloth, hard and soft.

The balls, tied on a ribbon, go down into the baby's palm from above. This exercise gives the child relative independence by practicing grasping. Sipping the ball by the ribbon, while not removing it from the palm of the crumbs, the adult stimulates a stronger grasping.

A similar exercise can be performed with sticks (section diameter 1-1.5 cm, length 25 cm). Chopsticks are round, smooth, ribbed. An adult places a stick in one or both of the child's handles. Holding the stick in the middle, pulls it towards you, stimulating a stronger grip.

It is good to give inserts in the form of small rollers of oilcloth, terry, chintz fabric. They stimulate hand movements (grasping, squeezing), develop tactile sensitivity of the palm.

Sometimes parents get too carried away with newfangled methods of development, and completely forget about the huge legacy that our ancestors left us. Why invent a bicycle? If it has already been created.

Look what I see

Toddlers love to look at new faces, toys, objects, etc. We need to take some bright toys. Move them from side to side, attracting the baby's attention. In addition, kids at this age love to look at their hands, discover for themselves that they can control them. Help the kid. Take the baby's hands in yours and pat them in front of his face. We sing the saying:

Okay, okay,

We clap our hands.

Mommy ... (say your name) pat on the cheek.

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap

Try this patting game with your toddler. Use your index and middle fingers to gently pat the child on different parts of the body, naming each part each time. Sing the saying:

Clap, clap, clap

On the baby's cheek.

Clap, clap, clap

On the baby's cheek (Take his pen and touch it to his cheek.)

Repeat this little poem while touching different parts baby's body. You can touch your face with a child's pen, naming what to touch. Tactile sensations allow children to become familiar with the world around them.

Let's watch

Children are insanely happy if moving objects fall into their field of vision. Kids watch the drum spinning as if spellbound washing machine... You can go outside, sit on a bench and watch everything that happens around. The child will love this activity. He will enthusiastically and joyfully watch birds, dogs, cats, cars, passers-by, etc. Tell your baby the names of the things he is looking at. You can put the crib near the window so that the baby can see birds, trees, etc. The kid, sitting in your arms and watching the world around, gets positive emotions. So he feels confident, calm, safe.

Snub nose

Take the child in your arms and say: "Nose, nose, snub nose." On the word "snub-nosed", rub your nose against the baby's nose. Continue this game, and each time you say "snub-noses", rub your noses. Such gentle touches will make the baby feel safe, and this develops self-confidence.

Where is my baby?

This game will strengthen the baby's back and neck. Lie on your back, place the baby on your stomach. Grasping the baby firmly under the armpits, lift him gently up so that your face is in front of his. Say a saying:

Where is my baby?

That's where he is. (Lift it up).

That's where he is (Lift him up again)

Where is my baby? (Put the baby down on your belly)

High, high, high. (Hold up high baby)

This is how strength, a sense of balance develops.

High, high up

In the game, you can strengthen the muscles of the child, develop coordination of movements. Place the child on their back. Raise one leg while repeating, “High, high, high up. One, two down. " Lower the leg. Repeat the exercise with the second leg. No need to force the child to make movements if he does not want to!

Exercises for legs

It is necessary to put the baby on his back on a hard surface. Holding his ankles, bend and straighten your legs, singing a song:

One two Three,

Bend your knees.

One two Three,

Bend your knees.

This exercise will strengthen the muscles and prepare the child to walk. Do not force the child to exercise if he resists.

Up the escalator

Grasp the baby's fingers and gently lift the baby's arms up, saying:

An escalator is taking us up,

Up, up, up.

An escalator is taking us down.

Down, down, down.

Then raise your legs while singing a rhyme. Raise the legs, arms of the child, singing a song. Try to finish the exercise by lifting the baby up and then down. Make sure to hug and kiss your child.

Let's talk together

At this age, children babble. Simulate baby sounds. Make sentences from your baby's babbling words. If you pay attention to certain sounds of the child, such as "ma-ma" or "pa-pa", the baby will begin to pronounce them more often. Repetition of the baby's babbling is encouraging speech activity.

Audio recordings

Record your baby's babbling on tape. Start playback and observe its reaction. Does the baby care about these sounds? Does he start answering the tape recorder? If your child enjoys recordings like this, try playing different sounds. For example, the sounds of nature. This will provide great language features in the future.

Communication through conversation

Talk to your baby, starting with short sentences like "What a wonderful day today." When the baby reacts with some babbling, stop talking and look into his eyes, answer him with a smile and nod. The kid will understand so that they understand him, listen. Talk further and pause. This will help the child know that it's his turn to babble and you like it. Thus, the child's speech develops.

Read lips

At three months old, the child utters a huge number of sounds. By responding to his babbling, you encourage him to make new sounds. Repeating after him what he says, put his finger to your lips. Let him feel their movement and the air coming out of his mouth as he speaks. Place your fingers on his lips and encourage him to make more sounds.


Sing any song, replacing all words with one syllable. For these purposes, choose the syllable that your child uses most often. For example, "ma" or "ba". Sing songs using only these syllables, sometimes inserting a few words. You can sing any songs that you like in this way. The more you repeat the sounds your baby makes, the more new sounds he will make.

Let's kick

Kids love to kick. In addition, this activity promotes the development of motor skills. You can tie colored ribbons to your baby's ankles to keep your baby interesting. You can buy special children's shoes with colorful toys and rattles.

Olympic coup

Games that allow babies to roll from belly to back promote development chest and arm muscles. Therefore, the child should be encouraged to roll over. Place your baby on a soft rug on her stomach. Bring a favorite toy, such as a teddy bear, to his face. Draw the child's attention to the toy with a rhyme or song. When you get the baby's attention, move the toy aside so that the baby follows it with his eyes and turns his whole body towards it. Do this several times so that the baby turns to follow the toy. Constant exercise of the muscles in the back and abdomen strengthens them and makes them elastic.

Let's dance

Hold the baby firmly with your mice and do a few dance moves. Try dancing to your favorite song or rhyme.

Two merry geese lived with granny

Children love music and rhythm. While in the womb, the baby feels the heartbeat and the movement of blood through the body. Take two wooden spoons and, tapping them against each other, hum a song about two geese. Tap the spoons gently, turning up the volume when you say the word "two." Soon the child will be waiting for this loud word. Help your baby to hold the spoons. Sing the same song while holding the spoons.

We lived with a grandmother

Two happy geese,

One is gray, the other is white

Two happy geese.

Music and singing helps to connect neural connections in the brain.

There is a horned goat

There are a huge number of educational games (they used to be called nursery rhymes) that have passed the test of time, and not tens, but hundreds of years. One of these games is the Horned Goat game. It was played by our grandparents, our mothers and fathers, our children, our grandchildren will play it. It is suitable for babies from four to five months of age. This game has a beneficial effect on the development of speech; works out new movements and improves the existing ones; trains dexterity, the ability to control their movements, patience; develops cognitive ability(attention, memory, creative thinking), reaction of anticipation, fantasy; lays the foundations creative personality; contributes to the development of abilities for spontaneous expression of emotions, relaxation of tension, feeling of oneself as a person; and besides that, it perfectly entertains and cheers up the baby.

1. Place the baby on the back of the crib or sit on your lap.

2. Fold the fingers on your hand in the form of "horns" (pinky and index finger straighten, bend the ring and middle, holding them with your thumb).

3. Start driving near the baby with your hand - "horns", slowly saying

"There is a horned goat,

Gore, gore !!! ( last words speak quickly, "butting" in the baby's tummy) "

"There is a horned goat,

For the little guys (girls).

Who sucks a nipple

He doesn't drink milk,

That I am on the horns,

I'll put you on the horns! "

One, two - one, two

Hold the child tightly to you and move with him around the room, humming your favorite songs and poems. The child will feel your joy and good mood, and he himself will be pleased. Try to go to the military step. Walking around the room, counting "one, two - one, two." You can swing, turn in a circle, tiptoe, or take wide, sweeping strides.

Let's swing

Swaying on your knees is a lot of fun for children. In addition, this is how babies learn to maintain balance. You can rock your baby while sitting or lying on your lap on your stomach or back. Always hold the baby firmly !!! You can hum this rhyme:

We went to the market

We bought a couple of pigs

Boots, dresses, fur coats -

That's all for shopping.

Tu - tuu!

While pronouncing the proposed rhyme, move your fingers first up the children's pen, and then down:

The train is going - chug-chuh-chug,

Wheels knocking.

There is a train - tu-tuuu,

Now back.

Repeat with the second handle too. Pronounce "chukh-chukh" and "tu-tuuu" expressively. Expressive speech helps children react emotionally. This activates the brain and promotes memory development.

Bending and twisting

In their crib, little children are constantly tossing and turning and wriggling. These movements prepare them for crawling. Place your baby on the floor with his belly and watch him. Place a favorite toy in front of your child so that he cannot reach it. Roll the toy back and forth. The kid will try to reach the toy and move. Give him a chance to reach for the toy and compliment him. This exercise builds self-confidence in the child.

Nudge the kid

Place the baby on your stomach. Stand behind him and place your palms on his feet. Feeling your hands, he will try to move forward, pushing off from your palms. This is a preparatory exercise before crawling. You can gently nudge the baby.

Change hands

During this period, the child begins to shift objects from one hand to another. You can help strengthen the neural connections by helping your toddler move objects. This game develops simple motor skills and movement coordination. Place a rattle in your child's hand. Shake the handle with the attached toy. Show him how to move the item to the other handle. To do this, put free handle on the rattle, and the child will automatically grab onto it. Unclench the fingers of the other hand and kiss it.

Where did the toy go

Hold your favorite toy in front of your child's eyes. Then hide it. Encourage your toddler to search by asking questions like "is she upstairs?" Look up. "Is she downstairs?" - look down. Then ask: “can I have it in my hands? Indeed, in the hands! " As soon as your baby grows up, he will begin to look for a toy that has disappeared from his field of vision. When he begins to pay attention to where you hid the toy, he will follow your movements when you withdraw your hand.


A child from three months, begins to feel more confident, has better control of his body (holds his head), so they study even more the world... But what they see lying in a crib or a stroller no longer suits them. It is from this age that they love to "move" into the arms of mom or dad (after all, from here it is best and most visible). It's time to start playing the educational game "Elevator" with your baby.

This game develops the senses; promotes cognitive development (memory, attention, creative thinking, expression); works out new movements and improves the existing ones; teaches the child to be aware of the position of his body in space; stimulates the sensory apparatus; develops the ability to assess distance and position in space, as well as among people and objects around.

1. Hold your baby firmly but gently under the armpits.

2. Raise him so that his eyes are at the same level as yours. Tell us what you will play with him now.

3. Slowly lift the child up, saying:

“Let's go, let's go up!

4. Also slowly lower down to the floor:

"Let's go, let's go down!"

5. Go up and down the "lift" several times.

6. You can stop so that the child's eyes can see yours, and say "Stand in the middle!"

7. As soon as the child gets tired, stop playing. Tell:

"Stop, we have arrived!"

Playing with a mirror

Children of any age are interested in looking in the mirror. For them, this is probably the most mysterious object in which, if you approach it, a person like him appears. Why not turn this activity into an interesting educational game "My Light, Mirror".

This game is suitable for children from three months to six months (although this game can also be used with older children, if they find it interesting, and they will be interested in it for a long time, believe me!).

This game helps toddler to get to know his body; works out new movements and improves the existing ones; develops movement control skills different parts body; learns to recognize his own reflection; teaches to define the left and right side; develops cognitive abilities.

1. Take the child in your arms and go to the mirror.

2. Draw the baby's attention to the reflection in the mirror.

3. When the child notices his reflection, take the child's pen and wave a greeting. Say: "Look, the kid greets us!"

4. Perform various movements in front of the mirror (wave your arms, nod your head, grimace, show different faces, grimace), take different poses (turn sideways, stand straight, hold the child on one hand, then on the other).

5. As soon as you notice signs of your toddler's tiredness, stop playing.


One of the most useful educational games for the first three months of life is the game "Bicycle". It helps the baby to learn to feel his body, strengthens the legs, develops motor skills, a sense of rhythm, cognitive abilities (attention, memory, expression, creative thinking), teaches synchronization of movements, helps to practice new movements and improves existing motor skills.

This game is best played after changing the diaper.

1. Place the baby on the back. Gently grab your heels and take turns gently bending and unbending your legs, simulating the movement of a bicycle. Try to keep your movements rhythmic.

2. To add variety: change the speed of the "ride", alternating a fast pace with a slow one; fold and straighten both legs together; sing, tell nursery rhymes.

3. The game must be finished at the request of the kid. At the end of the game, kiss him. Caress.


A suitable game for children from three to six months is the Rocking game.

She not only develops the child, but also calms and relaxes, prepares him for sleep. During this game, the baby learns to take and hold a pose; strengthens the vestibular apparatus; develops the senses, as well as a sense of balance; acquires motor skills, improves existing motor skills, and also feels a sense of confidence in performing various movements.

1. Sit on the floor. Extend your legs and bring them together, slightly bending them at the knees.

2. Place the baby back on your feet, so that the baby's feet rest against you. lower part belly, and your head was in your lap.

3. Take the child by the arms. Lie slowly on your back, without straightening your legs, so that the baby is in a standing position.

4. Sit down slowly.

5. Repeat the "swinging" motion several times, saying:

"Kach-kach, Kach-kach,

Hush little, Don't cry.

Kach-kach, Kach-kach, Let's buy Emmie


When the baby is three months old, he will already be able to hold his head well. It's time to start new educational games, although old ones that the kid likes are not worth throwing away. One of the most suitable games for children from three months to six is ​​the game "Airplane".

It is best to play it when the baby sleeps well and is in a good mood. This game will even better acquaint him with the world around him (after all, you can see everything better from a height), and will also strengthen the sense of balance and the vestibular apparatus; improve eyesight; help you feel your body better; will contribute to the development of the ability to find and recognize objects from the child's environment, the development of the sense organs, psychomotor development and cognitive development (memory, attention, creative thinking).

1. Pick up your baby. Gently take the baby by the sides under the arms facing you;

2. Count to three and slowly lift up to outstretched arms;

3. And start slowly turning around your own axis, then walk around the room with him. Have the child look around.

4. During the game, make sounds similar to the roar of an airplane, name the objects that the baby is looking at, say hello to everyone who comes your way.

5. Immediately "go to boarding" as soon as you see that the child has started to get tired

Bell ding ding ding

You will need a bell or bells on a clothespin. As soon as the baby learns to direct his hand to his other hand or foot and grab them, complicate game task,

To do this, use a bell or bells attached to a clothespin. Attach a tinkling clothespin to the sleeve of the baby's blouse, tinkle, attracting his attention, teach the baby to direct his hand to the bell.

Game "Who calls the baby?"

Play this game as a threesome. Put your baby on a sofa or on a large bed, and lie down next to you, but so that he does not see you.

First, let the mother call the baby by name, tenderly and affectionately, chanting his name. When the baby turns his head, say: "Here is mommy."

Give your child the opportunity to rejoice and once again hear how you call him affectionately and tenderly.

Then let the dad call the child, and when the kid turns his head towards him, he will say: "Here is daddy." And again he will call the baby. Play this game over and over and your little one will start to distinguish you by voice.

Rattle game

Prepare rattles for play with various handles: in the form of a ring, handle, loop or dumbbell. Offer the baby the rattle by holding it over the baby's hand (alternately right and left).

If he does not try to grab it, lightly touch the back of the child's handle with a toy, and when the baby's fingers open, touch them with the tip of the rattle - the child will definitely try to take it.

Grasp the fist of the baby with the toy with your palm, help him feel the handle of the rattle. With each lesson, raise the toy higher and higher above your hand and help the baby less and less.

Get up, baby, one more time!

The kid is on the floor.

Check first whether this space is safe enough for the baby, whether there are hard and sharp corners, foreign objects.

Put the baby on his legs, bend over to him, pulling both arms forward, call him to you: "Come to me, come, top-top!" It is advisable that there is a sofa or headboard next to it, which can become a support for the child.

Beck the kid to you, saying:

Stand up baby one more time

Take a small step.

Top top! Our boy walks with difficulty,

Walking around the house for the first time, Top-top.

Show your baby how to, by holding on to the sofa, the headboard, and then the chair, to move from object to object. Mark with joyful emotional exclamations the baby's successes, any active actions, support and help him learn to move around the room among objects.

Car game

Put the baby on his tummy so that your leg sometimes serves him for the chest, and if your mann knows how to sit on his own, lay him facing you.

You will need a small plastic typewriter. Push the car towards the baby, then away from him.

Push the smear here and there, saying:

The car runs down the street, puffs, hurries, buzzes through the horn. BBC, beware, beware, BBB, be-re-gis, step aside!

Take the car in your hands, spin its wheels, saying: "This is a BBC machine." Help your baby learn to push the toy, first with you, then imitating you.

Where are we ...?

When the child is 5-6 months old, you can start with him in another developmental game "Where do we have ...?" This game is designed for parent-child interaction. She introduces own body, with their names; develops the sensory apparatus, sense organs, cognitive abilities (memory, creative thinking, attention); works out basic motor skills; introduces social norms and teaches you to communicate with other people; promotes the development of the ability to spontaneously express emotions, release tension, feel like a person; sets emotional contact and mutual understanding between the child and the parents.

1. Ask the question, where is this or that part of the body: "Where is Emilia's nose?"

2. Touch the part of the body where in this case nose, and joyfully say: "Here he is!"

3. Then ask: “Where is my mother’s (father’s, grandmother’s, grandfather’s) nose?

4. Take the baby's pen and touch it to your nose. And again joyfully: "And here he is!"

5. Continue the game, naming different parts of the body (mouth, eyes, ears, cheeks, forehead, neck, arms, legs, etc.).


In order not to waste time for the development of your baby, you can turn bathing into a fun, educational game. The Bul-Bull game works out new movements; improves motor skills; develops memory, attention, creative thinking; introduces you to causal relationships (if you hit the water, splashes will appear); instills love for water treatments; gives an outlet for the child's energy; develops the ability to spontaneously express emotions, release tension, feel like a person.

1. Fill the tub with water. Gently, but firmly, take the baby and put him in the bath.

2. Take his handles and show how you can splash in the water. The kid will really like these actions, and he will gladly start slapping his hands in the water.

3. During these actions, you can sentence:



The ships are sailing.


From afar,

They float from afar.


On the shore

They are waiting on the shore!

4. Exclaim cheerfully as you play. Laugh, then the child will laugh and rejoice together. Of course, a puddle of water will form around the bathtub, and you will get really wet, but the joy and pleasure of your baby is worth such small "troubles".


The educational game "Juggler" is perfect for children from five months of age. This game develops motor skills (works out new movements and improves existing motor skills), exercises the legs; develops cognitive abilities and hand-eye coordination and general mobility; teaches you how to handle hard and dense objects; introduces spatial relationships (close - far).

This game requires a small plastic ball.

1. Place your baby on the back of the crib.

2. Show him the ball. Give him a good look at it.

3. Lift the baby's legs up and place the ball on his feet.

4. Try to make sure that the ball does not fall, although the baby will push it by moving its legs.

5. If the ball falls. Please happily inform him about it. And again, continue the game.

6. You can place the ball not far from the child's legs - he will be very happy to tap the ball with his legs.

7. Try to teach your toddler how to toss the ball and even twist it with his legs.

Over bumps, over bumps

Once your little one learns to sit, you can play with him. outdoor game"Over the bumps, over the bumps." This game, always accompanied by loud laughter, is not only fun, but also a workout that teaches the child to hold a pose; strengthens the vestibular apparatus and motor control; develops a sense of rhythm and motor skills and improves those already existing; develops the senses, attention, creative thinking, memory, and musical ability, but also contributes to the development of the anticipation reaction.

1. Sit your baby on your lap, facing you, so that his legs hang over different sides your feet.

2. Firmly but gently grasp the child's arms or armpits.

3. Begin to make up and down movements with your feet, pushing off the floor with your heels, so that the child bounces, as if he is riding a horse. Movements should be rhythmic. During the game, comment on your movements - tell rhymes. There are several options for them. Choose the one that you like best, or, for a change, use different ones in turn.

"Pan - rides, (slow, neat jumps)

Pan - rides, (slow, neat jumps)

Men, men! " (sharper, faster bounces)

"Let's go, let's go

On a horse

Ride-ride quietly, smoothly (slow, neat jumps)

On a flat path, (slow, neat bounces)

Pebbles, (sharper, faster bounces)

Over bumps, (sharper, faster jumps)

Over the bumps! " (sharper, faster bounces)

"Over the bumps,

Over the bumps

By little flowers

Straight into the hole -

WHOOK! (spread your legs and the baby, as it were, falls into the “hole.” Naturally, you hold him and do not let him fall. the coveted "BUG!" will wait with laughter).

Nimble pens

If your baby is sitting well, then you can already play the game "Dexterous Hands" with him before feeding. This game trains the child's ability to hold in hands well various subjects; teaches to manipulate various objects; develops coordination of movements; establishes emotional contact and mutual understanding between the child and the parents; introduces him to social norms and teaches him to communicate with other people; gives the child the opportunity to feel like a person.

1. Place the baby in the highchair.

2. Show him the spoon with which you will feed him. He will immediately grab her with his little hands.

3. Show how you will feed him. Let him repeat after you. If he doesn't succeed, gently help him.

4. When the baby has enough play, start feeding. Do not stop him from trying to eat himself. At this age, of course, he will not feed himself yet, he will scatter more food on the chair, the floor, but the experience gained and the consciousness of what he "himself" ate will be important for him.

5. Give the baby a spoon in one hand, then in the other. Teach your child to take and give. Give various objects in his hands, and then ask him to give this object back to you. Gradually, teach your child to arrange objects in certain places or get them from somewhere.

Colored lights

If your baby is five months old or more, then you can play with him the educational game "Multi-colored lights". This game develops the senses, cognitive abilities (attention, memory, creative thinking); works out new movements and improves existing motor skills; develops the ability to follow the gaze of moving subjects; exercises the muscles of the neck; teaches you not to be afraid of an unusual situation; introduces and trains to distinguish and recognize different colors; promotes the development of abilities for spontaneous expression of emotions, relaxation of tension, feeling of oneself as a person.

To play you need a flashlight, cellophane different colors(disposable bags), small cardboard figures (square, triangle, ring, circle, flower, star and others), elastic band.

1. Put a bag on the lantern and secure it with an elastic band.

2. Leave low light in the nursery and sit next to the child.

3. Turn on the flashlight and point to the light spots that appear on the ceiling.

4. Move the flashlight so that the child can see how these spots move.

5. Tell me what color the light is. Name the items that the flashlight illuminated.

6. Let the child take a flashlight and let the light "bunnies" in.

7. Next time take a bag of a different color.

8. And later play with the figures. Place the figurine on the glass of the flashlight, wrap it in cellophane and secure with an elastic band. And see what kind of light spot you get this time.

30 07.2016

Hello dear readers! We figured out how it happens. If you haven't read this information yet, be sure to check out the previous article. Well, today let's discuss games with a 3 month old baby.

It is easy to develop a child who wants to develop. And in order for the baby to have such a desire, parents need to approach the issue of the game responsibly and conduct exercises and classes with the baby regularly and in a variety of ways.

A crumb will not even notice that he is being taught something if the game is built correctly and fun. Vivid emotions accompanying the game will help to capture the right moments development in memory. Let's go directly to the games.

Finger games still take the main place in your schedule, there are not many of them. In addition, stimulation of the brain centers is necessary for comprehensive development baby. And they, in turn, will push to acquire new skills through the motor and speech parts of the brain.

Physical activity has essential to expand knowledge about the world around them, therefore gymnastics and massage are of paramount importance for the child.

Let's push back. Place the baby on his tummy and place your palms under his feet. The child reflexively rests on them and makes an attempt to push off and straighten his knees. it useful exercise develops the muscles of the legs and back, and also contributes to the development of a sense of oneself in space.

We walk together. Turn the baby to face you, take him under the armpits and place him vertically, slightly tilting the body forward. The child's reflex walking mechanism will work, he will be able to take several steps on a hard surface. But you should not get carried away with this game, it is too early for the baby to give such a load on the spine. You can do this exercise every couple of days. Soon this reflex will fade away, and the child will learn new movements.

Here are the ships sailing. It is helpful to keep your baby in a prone position more often, not only on the changing table or in the crib. You can put the baby on your lap and make "swimming" movements back and forth. Or depict a boat in suspension, forcing the child's body to float in the space of the room. The game is useful for all muscle groups and helps to see the world from a completely different perspective.

Games for the development of thinking and speech they form the child's ideas about the properties of objects, help in establishing connections between images and actions, and enrich a passive vocabulary.

Catch-up. Use objects from your environment to play. For example, a clear plastic bottle is a great solution. Pour cereal into it, which will publish loud noise when moving the bottle. Place your baby on the floor on his tummy with a bottle in front of him. Rock it so the baby can hear the sound.

Pay attention to the fact that the bottle can speak loudly. Roll the bottle away from the child and help him catch up with her by placing your palms under his feet. The kid will learn to compare the result of his labors: he reached out - pushed - made a sound.

Who is calling? Bell games have always been interesting for children. But the bell is also a good educational toy. It can be attached to the cuffs and worn on the baby's wrist. By showing your child several times that the bell is ringing when the toddler moves the handle, we will not only generate interest in the toy, but also help develop hand coordination and thinking.

Or, in front of the child's eyes, first ring, and then hide the bell and ring again. The child will look for where the ringing is coming from. The exercise stimulates the development of hearing well and forms the idea that objects can disappear and appear, but the sound remains.

Thinking and speech are inextricably linked, it is impossible to develop thinking, setting aside the formation of speech skills.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I'll tell you. To help your baby learn to pronounce more sounds, practice with him songs with repeating sounds or syllables. For example, this one.

I'll tell you quietly

Like a bee sings zhu-zhu.

And then I'll show you

I will fly and hum.

You can come up with similar repeat songs yourself. The child will have a lot of fun listening to them from you, and soon he will learn to pronounce familiar syllables himself.

Heart-to-heart conversations. Toddlers love to be talked to. And if the conversation is also interesting, then it is doubly pleasant. Children often enjoy whispering. He calms them down and shows that there is another type of conversation - quiet. You can sing a familiar song to your baby in a whisper. He will surely like it new variant sounding.

All games for children of the first year of life are aimed at developing sensory functions, which include perception, sensation, feeling. Games in front of the mirror have a positive effect on the psyche and mood of the baby. You can begin to acquaint your child with reflection as early as the age of 3 months.

Who is this? Walk up to the mirror with your baby and show him different moods and emotions on your face. Let the baby just watch your reflections with him. When he realizes that you and him are in the mirror, games with reflection will become his favorite.

Of course, the selection of games does not end there, you probably use these and many other games to develop your crumbs at home. The main thing is not to overdo it with frequency. The kid gets tired quickly and sometimes favourite hobby- lie alone with your palms and rattles.

And of course the video

During the period of 3 months, when you talk to your baby, he not only hums in response, but also smiles at you, constantly waving his arms and legs in order to attract even more attention to himself. This phenomenon is called the revitalization complex. It is the most important stage in the development of a child. Thus, the baby communicates that he is pleased or satisfied with communication with him and expects the caress or play that he needs.

The child is improving in the art of toothless smiles and begins to try them already on all adults in sight. The child attracts the attention of adults with the help of lively and sincere laughter.

The child is awake for about 4-5 hours a day, now he can fix objects with his gaze for several minutes, he raises not only his head, but also his shoulders and lies, leaning on his forearms. The child will try with all his might to roll over onto his stomach, and sometimes he manages to make a half-turn - that is, turn from back to side. The kid tries to roll from one end of the crib to the other, fingering with arms and legs at the same time, using all parts of the body. And this is, although the simplest, but the skills of movement!

When you take the baby under the armpits, he already rests on his legs, bending them into hip joints springing them. And although he still cannot resist, he rests on and strengthens his legs. And this is important for his development, as he will soon begin to crawl.

Even if the baby lies on its back, it will not remain idle. He begins to rhythmically swing his arms and legs, as the child trains before the upcoming hikes and races. The child's hands are still living their own lives, he has already begun to pay attention to them. However, learning how to manage them is not so easy. The kid is already trying not only to reach out with the handle to the hanging rattle, but to touch it so that it makes a sound. However, now, before grabbing the object, the child looks at it for a long time, as if weighing whether the object is worth his efforts.

The kid continues to walk enthusiastically, mastering new sounds, for example "ay", "hey". Tell your child a few affectionate words, wait for his smile and shut up when the child “buzzes” (you have to be patient, it usually takes a few minutes for the child to “think about what he heard”), say something else and again wait patiently for an answer. Gradually, the child will learn to "maintain a conversation" - and the bond between you will become even stronger. Most likely, several days will pass, and during the next conversation you will hear funny laugh your child.

Games and toys for a 3 month old baby

The crumb needs the attention of parents and loved ones. He likes it when mom and dad take him in their arms, talk and communicate with him, talk about what is happening around him, read books.

Now, while awake, the kid not only contemplates, but explores the world around him, using his increased capabilities, which he is ready to happily realize in the game.

It is hardly possible now to say for sure which of the games develops exactly the vision, which hearing, etc. Games for children of this age are games for the complex development of a baby. And the more you play with it, the more varied your games are, the better your baby will develop.

Continue with the crumb and add new ones to them.

  1. Conventional air balloons contribute to the development of vision and coordination of movements. Tie the ball to the baby's hand so that, by moving the hand, the child watches his movement and, over time, can establish a relationship between the movement of the hand and the ball.
  2. Secure the mobile at a distance of 15–20 cm from the child's eyes. Do not hang a lot of toys on your mobile - 2-3 is enough. And do not forget to change toys after 4–5 days, because the baby needs new "objects" of research.
  3. Hang a rattle over the crib (preferably at a distance of about 45 cm from the eyes), which the child can move with his hand, trying to grab, accidentally touch. It is very important for a baby to understand that when he hits the rattle, he moves it, and this becomes the cause of the noise.
  4. The bells are hung from a mobile phone or over a baby's bed so that he can reach them with his hands. By the end of the 3rd month of life, the baby will understand that by touching the toy, he makes it sound.
  5. Put a bright rag bracelet with a bell, fastened with Velcro on your child's wrist. This toy promotes the development of hand coordination and the development of hearing. Wear the bracelet alternately on your right or left hand.
  6. Take the baby in your arms, let him touch the whirligig. Then unwind it and, after it starts humming, say: "Listen to how the whirligig is singing!"
  7. While playing with the tumbler, show your baby how it sways. Hearing a melodic ringing, smile and say: “Did you hear?”, Over time the baby will be able to play on his own.

Activities with a child of 3 months

1. Affectionate touch

Your baby will love it if you run a feather or a piece of soft cloth over his tummy or back. Blow lightly on his face, tummy. Show your child multi-colored handkerchiefs - bright colours will instantly grab your baby's attention.

2. "Oh, what's ringing?"

Hang a bell on the baby's hand and teach him to deliberately ring them. Thanks to this game, the child gets to know his body and trains his hearing.

3. Hide and seek

Stand so that the baby does not see you, and call him by name. The child will look for you. Have the baby find you and then hide again. But now do not just call him, but sing songs or read children's poems.

4. Puppet theater

At this age, you can already put finger puppets and animals on the baby's fingers, arranging various "performances" with him, explaining that this is a kitty that "says" "meow, meow", and this is a dog, "speaking" - "woof, Woof woof".

5. "Come on, take it away!"

Hang your child's favorite toy on a string and bring it up to him so that he can grab it. As soon as the baby reaches for the toy, move it away from him. And so several times, until you give him the opportunity to grab this toy on his own. He must be given this opportunity to the baby before he shows signs of fatigue.

6. "Let's go for a ride on the ball ?!"

The kid will certainly be happy to "ride" on a large inflatable ball. Put the baby on his tummy, and then roll the ball with him: left and right, back and forth. Support the child, as to maintain his balance, the infant has to put in a lot of effort and he simply cannot cope with it alone.

7. Observation point

When a child is asleep, he does not need outsiders, but when he is awake, he needs company. If you are dining at the table with the whole family, place your child on the couch so that he can see you (only farther from the edge). If you're cooking, roll your stroller. If there are no drafts on the floor, then you can lay the child on the floor, on a hard surface he will learn to roll over faster than on a soft bed.

8. Raise your head and look at the toy

Necessary: bright, sounding rattle, bell, drum, etc.

You put the child on his stomach at a distance of 30-40 cm from the toy. Shaking the toy and making a sound, encourage the child to listen, raise his head, and look towards the sounding object. After the child raises his head 1-2 times, examining the sounding toy, it is necessary to turn him over on his back, give the opportunity to examine the sounding object. Then the game can be repeated. During subsequent activities, toys should be changed.

9. First travels

Necessary: groovy musical toy(a dancing bear, a bunny, a beating drum, etc.) or just a sounding toy (a bright yellow "quacking" duck, a ringing tumbler matryoshka).

You take the child in your arms vertically (but do not sit him down), letting him lean on your shoulder, with the other hand support him behind his back (option: press the baby's back tightly against your stomach and hold him under your knees). Bring your baby to the shelf located at eye level, where there is 1 bright toy(matryoshka tumbler, or bright yellow duck, or some kind of clockwork toy) medium size (20-20 cm). Turn to the shelf so that the child can see the toy well, and give him the opportunity to find it with his eyes on his own. Then you arrange the child in comfortable posture(for example, on the couch) and actively show him the toy, shaking it, turn it on (if it is groovy), address the child with the words: “Look!”, “Listen!”, name the toy, highlighting the name with your voice, slightly slowing down your speech. Then, if the baby is not tired, you can repeat all the actions, removing and bringing the toy closer to him.

10. Squeeze and touch

Necessary: hard, soft, bouncy balls and rollers, sheathed or wrapped different fabric(balls 2.5 cm in diameter - you can use ping-pong balls; rollers 7-8 cm long, 1.5 cm thick; thick pencils, felt-tip pens, pens).

You put the ball in the middle of the palm, first with the right, then with the left hand of the child. The rollers are inserted across the palm so that they can be wrapped with four folded fingers ( thumb withdrawn). At the first moment, you hold the object in the child's palm, prompting for a stronger reflex grasping and holding with your hands (at 2 months - 2-3 seconds, at 3 months - up to 10 seconds). In one lesson, you can put 3-5 objects in turn in each hand so that the child can feel their properties (smoothness, roughness, hardness, softness, lightness, heaviness, etc.)

11. Hit what there is strength

Necessary: rattle, soft toy or cardboard face, elastic band, woolen thread.

You pull a rubber band across the crib and hang from it with a woolen thread. soft toy or a rattle so that the child can reach it outstretched hand... Show your child, who is lying on their back, how to hit the toy with a fist several times, and let him exercise. If movement or sound scares the child, remove the toy. Try again after a few seconds.

Literature: 1. Elena Pervushina. Desk book young mother. Happy baby: from birth to 2 years. 2. Valeria Fadeeva. Handbook of the Russian mother.