Fish that bite legs. Pedicure fish - the Ministry of Health of Thailand warns. Preparation for pedicure fish on the full program

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All about body peeling fish Garra Rufa

Piling fish Garra Rufa is one of the most fashionable cosmetics provided by beauty salons in Russia and other countries. They produce therapeutic effects due to the following features:

  • The skin of the fish highlights the mucus into the water in which they float. This mucus has a healing effect on the skin.
  • In the saliva fish there is an enzyme diethanol that helps the healing of microtrams of the skin;
  • Fish can remove dead epithelium cells without its mechanical damage. They have no solid teeth, so they can turn out only the skin-ready.

To prepare for Fish-peeling session, no serious preparation is needed. The only requirement is not to use cosmetics for two days before carrying out the procedure. The session is as follows:

  • the skin is washed with soap and disinfect;
  • part of the body subjected to the procedure are immersed in a container with fish;
  • when conducting Fish-peeling of the whole body, baths or pools are used, where the fish are pre-triggered.

The duration of the procedure is from ten to thirty minutes. For hand processing, it takes from one hundred and fifty to two hundred individuals, for the execution of a pedicure - about three hundred individuals. In some salons, before starting the procedure, the skin is sprinkled in warm water. As a result, the effect of it becomes more pronounced due to the fact that the fish are much easier to unzipped the swollen and softened epithelium. During the session, the client is tested, from time to time - light plug. In general, the feelings are pleased.

Efficiency and Fish-Pilling Result

Usually one session of peeling fish to obtain a noticeable result is not enough, especially if there is corn or natopes on the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to pass eight or ten procedures lasting fifteen minutes. After that, you can forget for a long time about the corns, cracking heels and painful thickens on the pillows of the fingers. Since the skin in men is gross than in women, the duration of sessions for them should be more (up to thirty five minutes).

Peeling fish: benefit

All species of peeling improve the condition of the skin and produce a rejuvenating effect on the body. Epithelium needs constant upgrade. Due to the regular removal of its upper layer, the following effects are achieved:

  • the metabolism in the body is accelerated;
  • cell breathing improves;
  • the process of regeneration of skin tissues is optimized;
  • skin is saturated with oxygen.

Peeling fish is one of the most soft methods to eliminate dead skin cells. There are the following types of "cleaning" performed by Garra Rufa:

  • Fish-peeling legs is the most popular service provided by salons that specialize in providing such services. It slightly reduces natopysh and corn, and with lesions, the fungus leads to minor improvements.
  • Body peeling fish produces a double effect: therapeutic (in the presence of such diseases as depriving, dermatitis, psoriasis) and cosmetic (the condition of the skin cover is improved). Get rid of excess weight with this procedure will not work.
  • Peeling facefish is the least popular procedure. It helps to get rid of freckles, acne rashes, traces from acne, gives skin velvety and softness, smoothes small wrinkles, produces a rejuvenating effect.

In addition to the cosmetic and dermatological effect, "ichthyotherapy" removes the tension, makes it possible to relax. It has similarities with relaxation session and improves the state of the psyche during stress, nervous disorders.

Peeling fish: harm

Before exposing itself to the Fish-peeling procedure, it is necessary to consult with specialists regarding the possibility of its use, taking into account the existing contraindications. "Ichthyotherapy" cannot be carried out if available:

  • open wounds;
  • infectious diseases of the epithelium;
  • red lupus;
  • psoriatic neurodermia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cancer tumor.

Before starting a session, you should make a thorough inspection of a body part that will be subject to this procedure. If there are even low-challenging damage on the epithelium, it is necessary to refuse from Fish peeling. If there are spots or plaques on the skin, which speak of the presence of a dermatological disease, should be pre-consulted with a physician. Fish-peeling is capable of harming and in the absence of the above diseases. The complexity is that it is impossible to achieve complete hygienicness of the procedure. Even if disinfection of the skin of each client and water in the reservoir is performed, it is impossible to do the same with the fish themselves. Therefore, Fish-peeling is unsafe even for healthy people. So to expose yourself to this exotic procedure or not, everyone decides itself at their own risk.

What is Garra Rufa Fish

Used for "ichthyotherapy" Fish Garra Rufa belong to the family of carp. The duration of their lives is approximately ten years. In nature, they reach the length of twelve centimeters, in captivity usually grow up to five to eight centimeters. These fish have the following features:

  • In the saliva Garra Rufa, enzymes producing rejuvenating and disinfecting effects on the skin. One of them - dontranol - is included in the preparations for the treatment of psoriasis.
  • Capable to live in water heated to forty degrees Celsius, but better feel at the temperature of water from thirty to thirty two degrees Celsius. In other words, they can safely exist at water temperature, which is comfortable for a person.
  • Due to the absence of teeth, they cannot harm the skin of a person, cause painful sensations from him.

Content and feeding Garra Rufa Fish

Fish Garra Rufi dwell in all layers of water. For high-quality aeration of water requires a strong current in the aquariums for this, overclocking pumps and compressors are used. In natural conditions, these fish are powered mainly by plankton. In captivity they are almost omnivores.

  • feeding twice a day;
  • water temperature from twenty-eight to thirty eight degrees Celsius;
  • weekly substitution of the tenth of water in the aquarium;
  • water quality control.

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Peeling feet Fish Garra Rufa is a new procedure for us. But in the east, such a "pedicure" method at the peak of popularity. And despite all the warnings of doctors, many SP-procedure fans, coming to Thailand, go to the "Recovery" in the aquariums populated with small gray fish. We will deal with MedaboutMe specialists, which contraindications have a procedure and what precautions should be followed by salon customers.

This is now Fish-peeling is mostly a cosmetic procedure. But for 5 centuries, in the eastern countries, Garra Rufa fish are actively used in alternative medicine for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. According to supporters of non-traditional treatments, repetition of procedures for half a year - guarantees a persistent remission of the disease.

Many of Turkey's spa, Egypt, Thailand offer tourists such "exotic". Moreover, the aquariums from Garra Rufa private servants are installed even on the beaches - you can observe the whole stream of those who want to "clean" their feet and even the whole body. And can it be stopped by travelers precaution? No, their goal is to bring maximum impressions from vacation. About contraindications to the procedure and observance of sanitary standards in establishments, many are not even thinking.

And now the salons, where the customers are offered by the Fish-peeling service, open worldwide. The procedure finds more and more fans - the very idea of \u200b\u200bpedicure fish intrigues and fascinates.

Who are Garra Rufa?

Garra Rufa - small, unspoken sulfur fish. In a natural medium, they live in the waters of the Middle East. Food plankton and residues of organic substances covering whale skin. And when contacting the skin of man, Garra Rufa "works" by the same principle - eat pollution from the cover.

Translated from the Turkish language Garra Rufa means "Fish Doctor". And this is quite justified - in the saliva of these fish there is a special component that helps healing microran on the skin. And the mucus, which stands out from the body of fish, also has a beneficial effect on cover.

No, fish will not bite your fingers, if you lower your feet into the aquarium - they have no teeth to inflict injury. Their mouth cavity is like sandpaper removes with the cover of oroging cells.

Fish-peeling, regardless of which salon you signed up for the procedure, passes one "scenario":

  • A couple of days before the session, it is not recommended to handle legs with creams. This may make it difficult for fish "work" on skin cleansing.
  • The specialist (ideally - a dermatologist) should examine the foot of the client for the presence of open wounds. If any, the session will have to postpone.
  • A good effect gives preliminary breaking of the legs - Garra Rufa will be easier to "bite" precisely softened skin. Legs before the procedure need to be washed with soap. In some salons, a disinfectant is additionally applied to the cover.
  • The legs on the ankle fall into the aquarium populated by fish - the process begins.

Judging by the reviews of those who already "experienced" the procedure, the feeling of peeling pleasant and relaxing - no pain.

Gentle and velvety leather stop after peeling fish Garra Rufa, wound healing, lack of risks - it's all ideally! This technique provides disadvantages:

  • The risk of getting acquainted with "evil" fish

On Fish Garra Rufa is now huge demand. In addition, exporting them from Turkey is prohibited. And the Russian market is often supplied by "fake" living creatures - Chin-Chin fish. The name is very conditional - none of the domestic aquarists exactly and does not know what kind of appearance. Externally, Garra Rufa is similar to Garra Rufa, that's just they have teeth. The leg does not break off, but with a large share of probability will leave injuries on cover, which significantly increases the risks of infection. We are sure that you need such deep peeling?

  • Risk to infected

After holding a cosmetic pedicure, all tools are carefully disinfected. But it is impossible to disinfect fish! It turns out that they first "filed" the legs of the previous client and immediately started to your footsteps - if there are deep cracks and wounds on the cover of deep cracks and RAS, risk risk to catch an infection that remained in the oral cavity of the fish.

The risk of infection is not minimized even if the water in the aquarium changes every day - dozens of couples of other people can be visited for one shift in the tank. Closer to the end of the day an aquarium is full of harmful microorganisms, because Garra Rufa has no stomach - "eaten" slices are immediately in water.

  • No control

There are no clearly established norms and official requirements for working with the Garra Rufa themselves and with equipment for their content. Because of the novelty on the Russian market, there is no control over the procedures from the SES! All responsibility lies only on the salon. We are confident that in a particular institution carefully monitors the content of "workers"?

Despite all the warnings of the doctors, customers of beauty salons and tourists on vacation abroad, confined to the name "Fish-peeling", sometimes forget about all precautionary measures. Decided to "clean" legs with the help of Garra Rufa? Pay attention to the following points:

  • Watch fish in the eyes

Garra Rufa is easy to distinguish from "fakes"! Be sure to inspect the fish before giving your feet to the "eating" fish. Garra Rufa Roth is located just below the eye - and it is not sharp as in Chin-Chin, but rounded.

  • The procedure must be "disposable"

Ideally, you must lower the feet into aquarium with "new" fish! That is, after each client, the aquarium must "update" - clean water, other fish. To minimize the risks of infection, ask a specialist to do this with you - a respectful place will not refuse such a "whim".

  • Preview

If your foot faces have not examined before the procedure for the presence of wounds and skin damage, you rather run away! It means that other clients did not pass "inspection" - the risk of infection increases.

No "dangers" are not frightened, and you already signed up in a beauty salon on Fish-peeling? Experts should necessarily voicate contraindications to the procedure - oncological skin diseases, thrombophlebitis, red lupus, psoriatic neurodermia, opening of wounds and glands on cover. If all the rules for conducting a session are met, risks are minimized. Do Fish-peeling only in the tested in the cabin! But from the beauty sessions, which are often offered right on the resort beaches, it is worth refusing - the sanitary standards here are definitely not met.

Peeling fish is one of the most fashionable cosmetic procedures that offer customers prestigious beauty salons, domestic and foreign. Especially often go through the course "ichthyotherapy" is offered in Turkish resorts. Is it worth agreeing with these procedures, are they dangerous for health? Let's try to figure out.

What are the found fish that make peeling?

Fish, which make peeling, are called Garra Rufa. They live in the tiger pool and Euphrates. These fish were described back in 1843, and in Turkey for about two centuries are used to treat a number of skin diseases. In America and Europe, Fish Peeling became popular only ten years ago.

Garra RUFA belongs to the carp family, but at the same time they have a number of unique features.

  1. Garra Rufa Fish is very small: in natural conditions they can reach 12-15 centimeters, but rarely grown in artificial water bodies, the aquariums rarely grow to 10 centimeters (more often reach length from 5 to 8 centimeters).
  2. Can live in warm water, the temperature of which reaches 40 degrees, although much better feel at 30-32 degrees. In other words, the temperature is comfortable for them comfortable and for humans.
  3. Non-addicts for food: in nature, it is powered by plankton, but in the absence of it can "squeeze the hunger" by dead particles of human skin.
  4. Do not have teeth, so they cannot damage the skin of a person, hurt him.
  5. In the saliva Garra RUFA contains enzymes that have a bactericidal and rejuvenating effect on the epidermis, one of them - dontranol - is included in the treatment of psoriasis.

All these properties make it possible to peeling fish, which takes absolutely painlessly and even causes pleasant sensations, if only an enterprising owner of the salon did not get a "fake" - cheap toothfish, which called "Chin-Chin". Externally, they are similar to fish-doctors, but in fact bite skin cells, which is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. With the appearance during the procedure of painful sensations, urgently remove the part of the body from the aquarium, which the fish "essay" is not Garra Rufa, but their biting twins.

Before lowering the legs into the pool with fish, watch them: Real Garra Rufa has a scarlet tail fin, are, while the pool is empty, at its very day.

Peeling fish: benefit

The skin needs to be updated. Regular removal of epithelium organic cells improves cellular breathing, oxygen saturation, stimulates metabolic processes, regeneration. Any type of peeling contributes to the improvement of the condition of the coating tissues, has a rejuvenating effect. Peeling fish is one of the most soft ways to remove dead cells of the epithelium.

With the help of Garra Rufa, they carry out various types of "cleaning".

  1. Fish-peeling person - the least common procedure. It has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes small wrinkles, makes skin gentle, velvety, helps to eliminate freckles, traces from acne, acne.
  2. Fish-peeling of the body has a double effect: cosmetic, improving skin condition, and therapeutic (in the presence of diseases such as psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, deprive). Sleepy this procedure will not add.
  3. Peeling feet fish - The most demanded service in salons specializing in SPA procedures using Garra Rufa. The "ichthyotherapy" session will make heels smoothly, but the real pedicure will not be able to replace even the course of 5-7 procedures. Fish-peeling of the feet only slightly reduce corn and natopstysh, slightly improve the condition during fungal diseases.

The benefits of peeling fish lies not only in the field of cosmetology and dermatology - the procedure allows you to relax, remove the tension. It resembles a relaxation session. "Ichthyotherapy" improves the condition of a person with nervous disorders, stress.

Peeling fish: harm

You will be happy to tell you in any salon about the benefits of Fish-Pilling, but it is necessary to keep in mind that the procedure has contraindications that bona fide cosmetologists are obliged to warn.

In particular, peeling fish is contraindicated in the presence of the following states:

  • red lupus;
  • malignant tumor;
  • open wounds;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Some of the listed dermatological diseases may externally resemble others, for the treatment of which fisc-peeling is used.

If you decide on the "ichthyotherapy" session, carefully inspect the legs or other part of the body, which will be subjected to peeling. If there are even minor damages, refuse the procedure. If there are plaques on the skin, stains indicating the presence of a dermatological disease, consult a pre-physician to eliminate the presence of contraindications.

Peeling fish can harm and in the absence of diseases listed above. The problem lies in the inability to ensure the absolute hygiene of the procedure. Even if disinfecting the pool (or aquarium), water, the skin of each client, to disinfect the fish themselves is not possible. It is for this reason that FISH-peeling is prohibited in 14 states of America. It is also worth keeping in mind that it is possible to infection through the fish by the client of himself, because of which the existing disease will not pass, but, on the contrary, will increase and spread throughout the body.

Fish peeling is a fashionable procedure that has many advantages. It allows you to gently "polish" the skin, improve the regeneration of coating fabrics, has a rejuvenating effect. Helps facilitate a number of dermatological diseases. The procedure is pleasant, resembles a relaxation session. However, Fish-peeling has contraindications, unsafe even for healthy people. Potential harm can be reduced to no all the advantages of "ichthyotherapy". Try or not there is an exotic procedure for yourself - the personal matter of everyone, but to consult before that with a physician does not hurt.

To voluntarily go to the feed fish? Why not, if we are talking about relaxes in SPA. However, is it so good this new-fashioned peeling fish Garra Rufa?

10 years ago in Russia and European countries, no one knew how they are called the fish that make. And those who have never rested on the coast of Turkey or Syria, did not even suspect the existence of the exotic Pedicure of Garra Rufa.

In the Middle East, the procedure appeared another 5 centuries ago. It was then that local Lekari found: if you substitute with these Soviet maritime residents, the cooler skin of the feet for six months, you can get rid of the many dermatological problems.

Fish-peeling is experiencing a splash of popularity in the CIS countries: Funny the procedure is suitable for adults, kids and pensioners, in love and Single. The fish do not need a vacation and employment on the TC RF, but at the same time they are ready to work on you 24/7.

However, as in any enterprise, the details play a decisive role in the success of Fis-Spa Business.In order for the case to develop, the fish were healthy, and the premises recovered, it makes sense from the first days to contact the experts. They will learn care for sea workers, advise at legal points, will prompted proven solutions from the height of their experience.

Introduces a fashionable novelty in cosmetology salons with the mind: a business plan can be downloaded for free on the site. There you can also get advice on any other issues about the exotic SPA. Well, how to avoid problems when visiting the cabin, we will be taught further.

What is Fish Peeling

Such a method of cleansing and rehabilitation of the Turks was seen in nature: in vivo, these unusual fish feed on organic residues from the skin of the couch.

The name "Garra Rufa" is translated from Turkish as "Fish-Doctor"After all, in saliva and mucus of these representatives of the Karpov family contain special healing enzymes.

Today, Fish Spa salons can be found in all corners of the world. Specially popular fish for peeling uses tourists.

In pursuit of impressions and heated all-inclusive alcohol, vacationers do not even think about the antisanitaries of coastal SPA-institutions, and in vain. Next, we will tell why.

Pros and Cons Fish SPA Procedures

Of course, humanity has not yet invented ideal in all respects. So fish that make peelings are useful in something, and in something harmful if you neglect hygiene.

Justice for the sake of first pros:

  1. The painlessness of the Fish pedicure or manicure. The temperature in the Garra RUFA aquarium is maintained at 32 ° C. In such conditions, human skin sofas easily and quickly, which allows you to eliminate dead fabric without any discomfort. There are no teeth from fish: only soft jaws and ticking mustache.
  2. Simultaneous micro-massage Enhances metabolic processes, improves cellular breathing and blood circulation.
  3. Relaxing effect Allows you to get rid of the fuss and get rid of nervous somatic tension.
  4. The composition of the saliva of these 8-centimeter "cosmetologists" has a mitigating and antiseptic effect (for example, ditransol. Used in the treatment of psoriasis).
  5. Point exposure Live cells of the epidermis, unlike the chemical analogues of the procedure, retains the flabbing fabrics.
  6. The skin becomes tender, And, although the cosmetic effect from the usual pedicure is 6 times higher, a man for example on Fish peeling to lure is much easier than in the beauty salon: even the brutal biker for the joke will allow the "blowing legs" fish.

Alas, marine healers are not comprehensive, and cons Fish SPA also have:

  1. Even the course of 5-7 sessions will not replace the classic pedicure: Only a bit will decrease by the natoptyshes, corns and mycoses, if any.
  2. Fish pass "Medical Inspection" only when "admission to work": In the future, none daily, nor after customers, no one for viruses and bacteria checks. But every Garra Ruf can be up to 12 "patients" a day! Think: even shoes in stores without ancestors are not allowed to try ...
  3. SanEpidemstation does not control such institutions: In the young market there are no standards for disinfection of equipment or checking customers for the absence of open wound.
  4. Living Fish Garra Rufa can not be sterilized Neither thermal means, nor chemicals: it was this that was the reason for the service of the service in 14 America. Even if the aquarium is handled after each guest, small workers will still be determined by pieces of human skin directly into the total capacity with water, the spreading infection.
  5. The foci of some localized dermatological diseases can be distributed by contacting the skin with the chair All over the body of the client (according to the principle of self-infractions). Therefore, even if each client brings a certificate of health status, it is better to ask and inspect the skin, just in case. The water aquarium is sacrifted after each client, but the chair is not. Therefore, Ideally wipe it with a cloth with "Miramistin".
  6. There is a Chinese fake under Garra Rufu: Externally, they are very similar, with the only difference that the Chin-Chin fish is biting pieces of living skin, and this, as you understand, sanitation and comfort does not add.

Stanislav Zharikov

Application area

Fish peeling includes not only a manicure and pedicure: can be processed hands, legs, back, shoulders, buttocks and even zone neckline and face. Simply put, a person can fully immerse himself into the swimming pool with Garra Rufa and enjoy the process (unless, of course he is not a timid).


Face peeling fish is the rare procedure with the effect of light lifting. With long-term courses, not only horny cells, but also freckles with a pedestal is removed.

Who is suitable, and who does not

A list of side effects from pedicure fish Garra Rufa echoes testimony for the procedure. Therefore, it is very important to take into account in What cases are prescribed by ichthyotherapy:

  • Skin fungi;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Eczema;
  • Hyperkeratosis (thickening of the horn layer of cells);
  • Ichthyosis (gene mutation with education on the skin of "fish scales");
  • Deprive and disruption of pigmentation (vitiligo);
  • Trophic lesions of the epidermis (for example, breakdown).

The list of contraindications is:

  • Malignant tumors;
  • Lupus;
  • Neurodermatitis (allergic inflammation);
  • Infectious diseases of the skin;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Acne;
  • Open wounds.

If there is such a kind of disease, the entrance to the Fish salon must be ordered.

What does Fish-Pilling Procedure look like

Peeling Garra Fish is usually held in such a sequence:

  • Preparation for session. For 2 days it is worth abandoning the treatment of creams in the zone of the alleged exfoliation: it may make it difficult for maritime residents.
  • Visit to the salon. A specially trained specialist (better a dermatologist) is obliged to inspect the client for the existence of an open wound and, if you detect them to prohibit the procedure before full healing.
  • Sparbing bath (10 minutes). This is an optional stage, but it can facilitate and speed up the removal of the horn layer of the epidermis.
  • Washing with soap The required skin area. Sometimes an antiseptic is also applied.
  • Directly peeling With immersion in the aquarium of the desired part of the body for 10-30 minutes.


It will take 300 fish for the feet peeling, for "manicure" - 150-200 pieces.

Socolate sessions (how often to carry out)

From cosmetology considerations:

  • Women - 8-10 sessions for 15 minutes.
  • Men - 8-10 35 minutes sessions.

For medicinal purposes:

  • 20 minutes for 1-6 months.

The optimal interval between procedures - 7 days.

How to protect yourself

There are several ways Reduce risks from holding peeling Garra's fish:

  1. Careful outlook. Do not be lazy to conduct a revision of the skin in the processing place: is there any case on the legs of the wound, suspicious plaques or stains. If alarm is detected, it is better to first consult with a dermatologist.
  2. Check the responsibility of the staff of the institution. If you do not investigate you in the cabin before a session on an open wound and skin infections, it is better to abandon processing: it means that here is the usual thing - to look through the fingers to comply with the requirements of hygiene.
  3. Insist on a pause after another customer in 5-7 minutes, So that water passes through the filtration and sterilization system: it will destroy all fungi and infusories. In the budget cosmetics, perhaps this requirement will seem inappropriate: Well, the better. Salon, rewarding with his reputation, will definitely go to concessions, and the other you do not need.
  4. To distinguish Garra Ruf from fakes, there is a proven method. Ensure that the mouth of the fish is below the eye level and has a rounded (and not sharp, like a chin-chin) form. In addition, you should not feel any pain during pedicure. Among others, the real Garra Rufa will be called the steel color of the Taurus, the scarlet fin and the desire to be in an empty pool closer to the bottom.

If you have made it possible in the authenticity of your "master of exfoliation" and accepted all precautions, the only advice: during the procedure, try not to make sharp movements in order not to scare fish.

Peeling feet fish It is carried out in special salons, as well as in hot countries on vacation, for example, in Thailand. The main goal of peeling is to clean the damage to the stop, improve the microcirculation, rejuvenate and foot.

The procedure is carried out by special small fish Garra Rufa family of carp. Fish, the size of about 3 cm surround the leg, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet and begin to bite their little jaws without teeth. Usually for Fish-peeling use up to 300 fish filling skin cells. According to experts, the fish allocate special enzymes that are able to save a person from skin diseases.

Garra Rufa fish smoothes the skin well, they find damaged areas of the skin and treat them. Their "biter" is almost painless, but you can feel easy discomfort. I would compare it with a "microtect" massage, or when the leg is searched, it is strongly colitis, and then it is gradually restored. Here is a feeling of restoration than something like Fish-peeling.

The first time is always very scary to immerse the feet to the fish, especially when they attacked the whole packs and fill it. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes, but you need to get used to about 3 minutes, then not scary.

Cleaning the skin of fish is not sufficiently popular in Russia, but in European countries, the United States is a fairly popular service. In Thailand, China Garra Rufa is especially popular and benefit people have been more than a dozen years.

Fish live in the northern part of the Middle East (Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan) in reservoirs. Adults for 4 years reach a length of about 6 cm. For the procedure, adults are used about 3 cm in length, otherwise there will be no effect.

After peeling feet, the fish appears a feeling of lightness in the legs, the mood improves, the feeling of fatigue disappears. Special smoothness of the skin is not observed, but the procedure strongly affects blood circulation in the legs. The blood circulation is improved, the receptors and points located on the legs are activated. Fish-peeling is an excellent foot massage for extremals.

The treatment is carried out in the following order: the legs are pre-treated with a disinfectant solution, then immersed in a special reservoir with fish for 10 minutes. Some scientists came to the conclusion that the fish can be dangerous, since they cleave pieces of skin, both from sick and from healthy feet. It was also noted that people, patients with diabetes and