The safest perm for hair. Harmless hair curling. How to take care of your hair after curling

If you dreamed of beautiful curly curls, then you can use the "chemistry" for the hair. Of course, this procedure has its own nuances, knowing about which, you can make your image the most spectacular, minimally injuring the curls.

Preparing curls

Before doing "chemistry" for hair and curls, you need to prepare them in order to make the harm from this procedure minimal.

  1. It is necessary to objectively assess the condition of the strands or have them diagnosed by specialists. This is done in order to choose the type of perm. For owners thick hair you will need a tool with the strongest fixation, because it is difficult to curl them. But for those who have thin ones, a more gentle product is also suitable. But if you have hair with too low elasticity or they are dry, then they are not recommended to do “chemistry”.
  2. Conduct a skin diagnosis. With the slightest damage to the skin, this procedure cannot be done.
  3. Be sure to test for sensitivity and allergic reaction. If none discomfort there were no manifestations of allergies, you can proceed to the procedure.
  4. Checking curls for a latch. This is necessary in order to choose the right dose and concentration of the drug. It is necessary to separate a small strand, apply the preparation on it and hold for 5 minutes. Next, proceed to check the hair for breakage. If it is strong, then you have chosen the right concentration and dosage. If it breaks easily, you need to make the solution weaker.
  5. Washing your head will allow you to achieve best result.
  6. You can cut your hair before or after curling.

Also, before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all gold jewelry and glasses, as well as to secure skin from exposure to chemicals.

The essence of the procedure

What is "chemistry" for hair? It is based on the destruction of the chemical bonds of keratin with the help of aggressive components, and then the restoration of the structure through the use of a fixative and curlers, which creates a curl.

The exposure of the composition depends on which curling method was chosen. After you have done the procedure, you should not dry your hair with a hairdryer and wash your hair for several days. This will add strength to your curls.

Varieties of curling

The beauty industry is developing and improving, and experts are trying to make all procedures as gentle as possible. Therefore, there are several varieties of "chemistry" for hair:

  • Carving or it is also called a safe perm - it fits best on the hair compared to other types. But only if they had no other "chemistry" for six months.
  • Permanent.
  • Biowave - the master uses a product that does not contain aggressive substances, but components similar to the structure of the hair. As a result of this perm, you will get not only beautiful curls, but also shine.
  • Basal - this is a great opportunity to add volume to the hairstyle. The result can last for several weeks or several months - depending on the fixing agent.

Now this procedure trying to make it as harmless to your hair as possible.

Separation by main components

Also perm varies according to the type of chemical reagents:

  • Amino acid - the solution is made on the basis of amino acids and proteins, which also have a therapeutic effect on the hair. This perm can be attributed to "bio", because it does not spoil the structure of the curls. Curls made in this way look natural, but not too long. Therefore, it is not recommended for owners of too coarse and long hair.
  • Neutral - refers to gentle "chemistry" and is considered universal, because it suits any type of hair. The durability of curls depends on the structure of the curls.
  • Alkaline - is considered the most aggressive perm. But thanks to such a strong solution, the result is stable. As a result, the curls are elastic and look natural.
  • Acid is a gentle perm based on the solution. The solution penetrates the inside of the hair, but does not spoil its structure. Despite the fact that this method is sparing, it does not fit thin and soft hair- the curls will not hold their shape and will stretch at the roots. Also, this perm is not suitable for girls with sensitive skin head and dry hair.
  • "Silk" - the composition of the product includes They not only help to create beautiful curls, but also take care of the hair, having a beneficial effect on their condition. The curl is soft and durable. But the price for "silk" care is appropriate.
  • Japanese - it is made on the basis of the lipid-protein component. Its feature is that it moisturizes and does not injure the hair due to the neutral environment. Thanks to this, you get beautiful curls.

Masters try to make sure that when using the most gentle means, your curls turn out to be resistant and beautiful.

Varieties according to the diameter of the curls

Perm also differs in the type of curlers used:

  • American - very popular due to the fact that you get elastic and large curls. To do this, use large diameter curlers. They hold thanks to sharp teeth and they do not leave creases and curls look natural.
  • African - suitable for owners of thin hair. The curls turn out to be small, so this perm is done on the hair. middle length. But if you are a brave person and you have short hair, then try to make such a perm - the result will be impressive. The disadvantage may be that the hairstyle will not be easy to care for and you cannot do any styling. This effect can be achieved using spiral curlers or papillots.
  • vertical is perfect option for owners of thick and long curls. Bobbins are placed vertically in the direction from the roots to the tips, and the strand is twisted in a spiral. It is best to use bobbins made of plastic or wood in the form of a cone with holes. This shape will allow you to evenly twist the curl.

Thanks to the variety of perm, you can choose the most suitable look based on the condition of the hair. This will allow you to create beautiful curls without damaging your hair.

Contraindications for the procedure

You can not perform a perm:

  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • owners of weak, damaged and dry hair;
  • if there is an allergic reaction;
  • if you did coloring natural dyes(henna or basma);
  • if there is an exacerbation of the disease or you are taking any medications.

So before you run beautiful curls make sure that you can do this procedure.

Features of working with short hair

Most girls with short curls do not decide on this procedure, because due to dry strands, the hairstyle can become like a dandelion. But if you have healthy hair, then curls will look cute and perky.

To make the image spectacular and stylish, it is important to choose the right type of curl. It is better to choose the following "chemistry" options on short hair according to your haircut:

  • if you have a bob or bob hairstyle, then spiral-shaped curls or made only at the tips will suit you;
  • With cascading haircut match well big curls- this will allow you to create a variety of styling.

To make the hairstyle beautiful and spectacular, it is better to do this procedure with a qualified master who can pick you ideal type curl.

"Chemistry" for medium hair

One of the most popular hairstyles for this length is large curls. This is a versatile styling that makes your look more feminine, and large curls are suitable for walking and for solemn events. What is the advantage creating an easy"chemistry" on hair of average length?

  1. Fitting versatility.
  2. Possibility to choose various ways curls.
  3. On hair of this length, curls last longer.
  4. It is possible to adjust the features of your face shape.

Large curls look natural, very feminine and romantic. There are several ways to effectively style curls.

Laying methods

With the help of basal light "chemistry" on medium hair, you can create an image Hollywood beauty. For this perm, you need to use vertical curlers. Also with the help of these curlers you can create corkscrew curls. Only they need to be combed too carefully. You get a very feminine and romantic look.

And if you slightly fluff the curls with your hands and lift them up, you get an excellent careless styling which looks very playful. And zigzag curls look very elegant and elegant. They can be made by curling the strands with an "accordion". This styling will add charm and sophistication to you.

Curl for long hair

Curls at such a length create an image of a real fairy princess. "Chemistry" for long hair is the most resistant compared to others. Because when the roots begin to grow, the hairstyle takes on a completely different look. You can make curls of any diameter.

Curls look spectacular on a haircut "cascade" or "ladder". The hairstyle remains voluminous even if there is high humidity in the air. If you are the owner of thick coarse hair, then in order for the perm to last longer, do the lamination procedure.

Curling technology

The duration of the procedure depends on how much hair you have on your head and how long it is.

  1. The strands are wound onto bobbins of the desired diameter.
  2. Then a perm composition is applied to them and left on the hair for a while.
  3. Then it is washed off without removing the bobbins.
  4. A fixing agent is applied to the strands and also kept.
  5. Then the bobbins are removed.
  6. Next, the master applies a stabilizer in order to stop all chemical processes.

And you are the lucky owner beautiful curls. You can look at the photo of "chemistry" on medium hair (before and after), and you will see that the curls look spectacular.

Care after "chemistry" for curls and hair

In order for your hairstyle to remain beautiful and well-groomed, and the effect turned out to be more persistent, you need to properly care for it. This is especially important when aggressive compounds were used that could damage the hair structure. In order for the result of the curl to last as long as possible, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Do not wash your hair for 3-4 days after the procedure.
  2. Also, do not heat your curls.
  3. Use shampoo for curly hair mild restorative action.
  4. Do it regularly nourishing masks so that the hair appears healthy shine.
  5. Do not comb wet curls.
  6. To style your hair beautifully, use a comb with rare teeth.
  7. When using a hair dryer, do not overdry the curls.

By following these simple rules, you will not only make the result more durable, but also restore your hair so that it pleases you not only with a beautiful, but also with a healthy look.

Almost every woman wants to look beautiful and change something in her appearance. Very often, such changes affect the hair, because by changing the hairstyle, you can completely change the image. One of the options quick change appearance is perm.

What is hair curling and how is it done?

Hair curling is a procedure after which the strands become curly. This effect persists certain time. There are several types of perm, among which the most common are biowave and chemical.

Special chemicals are applied to the hair (which penetrate the hair structure), after which they become curly under the influence of temperature. Perm allows you to achieve a long-term result, but at the same time spoils the structure of the hair. For its implementation, an acid base, alkaline, amino acid, neutral, and also acid in combination with thioglucolic acid can be used. Each of these compounds has a different effect on the hair. Some of them hurt them badly, while others are more benign.

most useful and safe option perm is considered bioperm. When performing the procedure, no chemicals are used, so the curls remain healthy and retain their natural appearance. This method is performed in the same way as the chemical one, but there are some features that we will consider.

What are the ways to perform a perm?

Permanent waving is chemical process, after which straight curls become wavy. This effect is provided by the reaction of keratin and cystine bonds. They make the hair soft, which allows you to give it the desired shape.

Many people think that perm is very bad for hair, but modern facilities allow you to make curls with virtually no harm to the hair.

There are several options for perm, including:

1. Acid. Considered one of the most popular methods, the result lasts about 6 months. However, the action acid agents negatively affects the hair and they become stiffer. It is not advisable to apply this type of procedure to owners of soft and thin hair, since their structure becomes even thinner, brittleness appears.

2. Alkaline. After using alkaline products, the result lasts about 3 months. The method is considered the most gentle. It is not recommended for severe and heavy hair, as they may not wrap very well.

3. Neutral. It provides for the use of alkaline and acid curls in combination, and the addition of allantoin provides a softening effect. Due to the optimal balance of acidity, the method can be used for any type of hair. The curls are very beautiful, the curl lasts a long time.

What are the pros and cons of perm?

Like every procedure, perm has its pros and cons. Before resorting to this method, it is necessary to determine its features. The advantages include:

Thanks to modern means, you can not only wind curls on long time, but also to carry out their painting;

Curls are in fashion at all times, they always look stylish;

Thanks to a perm, you can forget about hair styling and significantly save time on creating hairstyles;

Thin hair becomes more voluminous after the procedure;

Beautiful curls last for several months;

Curls are not afraid of rain and moisture.

Curls after a perm look very fashionable and stylish. This procedure is very beneficial for those who love curls, but are tired of constantly using curling irons and curlers. However, despite a number of advantages, the method also has disadvantages. These include:

Modern products are less aggressive, but the hair still becomes more brittle and dry;

After the procedure, the hair needs special care;

The method should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation and with severe damaged structure hair;

If the hair is straight, when it grows back, it will not look very beautiful;

Dyed and bleached hair may react unpredictably to chemicals during the procedure;

If curly hair tired, they can’t be straightened right away, you have to wait a while;

Curly locks are not for everyone, they can make the appearance less attractive.

If the hair is damaged and lacks moisture, you should not resort to a perm. Before using the procedure, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

What are the pros and cons of biowave?

Unlike chemical processing hair, biowave is considered safer. This method is the best alternative traditional chemical procedures. It is used for almost any hair. The procedure consists of the following steps:

1. First, the hair is wound on curlers, cysteamine hydrochloride is applied to them. This allows you to saturate the curls with protein substances.

2. Then the hair is treated with a different composition, which makes it possible to make the protein that has penetrated the hair structure thicker.

3. On last step, hair is impregnated with substances that allow you to restore the acid-base balance and fix the curls.

This procedure is used more often than perm. She has a number of advantages. The main ones include:

There is no damage to the hair (unlike perm);

After the end of the effect, the curls straighten themselves;

The procedure can be carried out several times in a row;

The result lasts about 6 months;

Due to the absence of hair damage, there is no sharp border with new hair when they grow back;

As a result of protein saturation of the hair structure, their healing occurs;

The procedure can be performed after a perm;

If the curls are tired, they can be straightened with a hair dryer;

After the procedure, the color and structure of the hair does not change.

This method is considered one of the best. Curls made with the help of biowave are more alive and healthy. Despite the many advantages, there are also disadvantages. These include:

The procedure is more complicated than perm;

Curls require special care after biowave;

For several days after the procedure, the curls may smell specific;

Biowave is more expensive than chemical;

Curly hair may not suit the appearance and make it less attractive.

Biowave has more advantages than disadvantages. Before you make curls, you should consult with the master whether they are right for you. It is also necessary to remember that hair after the action of special substances requires special care.

What type of perm is better to choose?

Most hairdressers are inclined to believe that biowave is still better than chemical. These procedures are similar to each other with the result, but their action is completely different. The first of the methods does not affect the hair negative impact. You don't have to worry about your curls becoming dry and brittle.

When performing a perm, ammonia is used, which destroys the structure of the hair, which can make it burnt, dry and unkempt. It will be very difficult to restore such curls. You have to constantly maintain your hair in normal form by using cosmetics for styling, but they will not provide the former beauty and shine.

The procedure is the same and significant difference can not see. They differ only in the substances that are applied to the hair. Now modern means for perm are used, which can reduce them. aggressive impact on hair.

If you still decide to make curls, the best choice will be a biowave. It is necessary to take into account the fact that curly curls may not suit you. Before you decide on the procedure, consult with the master.

How to restore hair after curling?

After a chemical or biowave, special care should be taken for the hair. If chemicals have been applied to the curls, the following recommendations must be followed:

After the procedure, do not wash your hair for several days, do not heat treat;

Use hair masks containing panthenol and keratin. This will nourish the dried hair structure, make the curls soft and healthy;

Comb with a comb with rare teeth so as not to damage or stretch the curls;

Try to provide hair good protection from the sun. It is impossible for the curls to dry out strongly;

Wash your hair better professional shampoos. It is also recommended to use medical preparations to strengthen hair;

After washing your hair, pat the curls with a towel, but do not wring them out. Also don't go to bed with wet head and do not comb the strands that are not yet dry.

Hair care tips are very simple. If you stick to them, curls will last longer and look healthier at the same time. When performing a biowave, the following must be considered:

It is not recommended to wash your hair for three days after the procedure;

Use moisturizing shampoos and revitalizing masks for curly hair types;

Give up massage brushes and replace them with those with fine teeth. Or use a wooden comb;

It is advisable not to dry your hair with a hair dryer or apply delicate mode drying;

Use masks home cooking. They consist of natural ingredients and well nourish hair.

The principle of caring for strands after performing chemical and biowave is almost the same. Although the second method is safer, after it the hair also needs nutrition and hydration.

Curl - very interesting way changes in appearance, but before you decide on it, you should think carefully, because it will be impossible to straighten the curls right away.

Curly hair always looks stylish

Outside the window, spring is in full swing, and soon a hot summer will come at all - the soul requires a holiday, and appearance - changes. And, most often, women begin their experiments with the appearance with their hair. And, the matter is not limited to one, many women go further and straight hair turns into frivolous curls, but thick curls- become straight.

About one of these metamorphoses, about curling hair - we decided to talk with you. And, since our project is called World without Harm, then our theme will be harmless perm. Is there such a thing, what it is, how and where you can make such a harmless hair curl ...

Benefits of curly hair

If you have straight hair and dream of romantic curls, then know that it is not only beautiful, but also ... comfortable. Yes, it's convenient. According to the hairdressers themselves, even the most unsuccessful haircut can be masked with wavy curls. In addition, it is these curls that help hide the fact that your hair is not too thick, and not too well-groomed. Yes, and you don’t need to be especially smart with a hairstyle for curly and wavy hair either - just collect them in a ponytail, or put them in a bun, let out a few strands and stylish romantic hairstyle ready - with this at least to work, ...

It is noteworthy that even such short hair, whose length is not more than 5 centimeters, looks quite stylish when their ends are curled ...

Is curly hair for everyone?

Well, with the fact that curls are practical, comfortable and beautiful - we figured it out, but are such curls for everyone? In order to answer this question, you need to carefully look at your reflection in the mirror, and not only on your face, but also on yourself beloved in full height. Mentally imagine yourself with curls - how do you like your image - whether it looks harmonious. By the way, for clarity, you can use special computer programs on the selection of hairstyles - then there will be no doubt at all about how you look curly.

mischievous small curls will not be combined with a stately figure and big features faces, but soft and large “waves” that fall down are suitable for such women. And here petite women With small features faces can experiment with any size of curls; almost all options are suitable for them.

Having chosen a hairstyle (an option for future curls), make sure that it is in harmony with your image - your clothes and accessories.

Hair Curling Options

Now we will consider the most common hair curling options, and answer questions regarding the "+" and "-" of such options, and also consider the aspect of the stability of such a hair curling effect.

Curling hair with a curling iron

Curls with a curling iron

The easiest and most worthy hair curling option that you can do yourself at home. To do this, you just need to purchase a special curling iron or tongs, and choose nozzles for the size of such curls. Today there are curling irons with ceramic coating(an option that is gentle on your hair), thermostats, nozzles, ionizers. When choosing such a curling iron, consider the type of your hair (there are hairs that simply do not spin, no matter how you twist them) and the result that you would like to get. So for example,

for large curls - you need tongs with a large nozzle diameter. And, in order to make the pattern of curls more clear - you need to take thin strands, and hold less pincers on such thin strands of hair.

How curling irons and tongs affect the condition of the hair

No matter how the manufacturer of such a curling iron or thermal tongs assures you that his device absolutely does not harm the condition of your hair, do not believe him, he lies and hides the whole truth. As a result of prolonged use of such curling irons (you twist your hair every day), your hair becomes brittle and dry, and its ends split..

Therefore, if you choose a curling iron and tongs as a way to curl curls, then, only very rarely, so to speak, on holidays, using not simple means for hair styling, and special - designed for hot styling(they will do their best to protect your hair).

After such a curl with a curling iron, promise your hair that you will definitely arrange a “unloading” day for them from curls and pamper them with a nourishing mask. And most importantly, don't forget to keep your promise.

Curling hair with hair straighteners

There is no typo here, if you did not know, then with the help of a hair straightener (iron) you can not only straighten curls, but also curl them. True, you are unlikely to succeed in creating clear graphic strands, but such a straightener is suitable for voluminous and soft curls. They say that such straighteners are a more gentle option than curling irons, and hair can be curled in them even when they are still wet. Regarding the latter - wet hair, I would not experiment - it is too doubtful and unsafe.

Video on how to twist your hair with a hair straightener:

How does a straightener affect hair?

Since the straightener “works” on the same principle of thermal exposure as the curling iron, it is not suitable for daily hair curling. Yes, in rare cases. Also, you should know that you can only wind on a rectifier clean hair, and you should not twist the same strand twice - you can just burn it. You can’t pull your hair while winding it - you already injure them ...

Curling hair on curlers

Hair curlers

Our grandmothers and mothers know very well about curlers. In addition, this method of curling hair can deservedly be considered the most ancient. Today, curlers differ not only in their shape and size, but also in the material from which they are made. There are also ordinary curlers - in order for you to get curls and curls, you will have to sleep on such curlers all night, and there are also thermal curlers - a fairly effective and quick option for winding hair.

How curlers affect hair

Ordinary curlers injure hair and lead to their brittleness, while thermal curlers - the prefix "thermo" itself already implies a hot effect, like curling irons and irons, dry the hair, make it brittle. Therefore, for everyday use, such thermal curlers are not suitable. But, if you already decide to use them to wind your hair, then you should not place the curlers too close to each other. And, in order to achieve the effect of volume - slightly stretch the strands while winding. Well, for natural curls, and such a romantic mess on the head is recommended to make the parting not even, but zigzag. For large and clear curls - choose large curlers. After the hair is curled, carefully remove the curlers and comb the resulting curls with your hands. Use thermal rollers wet hair or for a long period (overnight) - not worth it. Yes, and ordinary curlers should be kept on the hair for no longer than 2 hours, while for thermal curlers 10 minutes is enough.

Curling your hair for a long time is just what you need to create a beautiful and natural hairstyle. Find out more about it and experience it for yourself!

Types of long-term hair curling

In modern hairdressing you can find a lot different types long perm. Choose your option!


It is considered quite stable - it keeps the result of 3-3.5 months. True, on coarse hair lasts much less. Does not have too much aggressive effect on the structure.

Japanese or lipid-protein

The composition of this perm does not include alkali and acids. It can be carried out on weakened hair. The lipid-protein complex is absolutely safe, but that's not all! It regulates the moisture of the hair and does not change their structure. A neutral ph level allows you to get natural curls - voluminous and elastic. The duration of such a perm is from 2 to 6 months.


It can be used for natural healthy hair. The method is practically harmless, but is available only in the salon. Bobbins are wound onto clean, wet strands, which are connected to a special apparatus (regulates exposure time and temperature). To reduce the aggressiveness of chemical components, the strands are lubricated with special fixatives.

With the help of electrowave, you can get light large curls that create volume.


A perm of this type will last a very long time - at least six months. But this method is suitable only for strong and hard strands. Owners of soft and weakened hair need to look for some other method - acid has a bad effect on the health of the hair and makes it brittle.

Amino acid

This mixture contains proteins and amino acids, thanks to which the curls become soft, natural and tender. And most importantly - after such a procedure, hair restoration occurs very quickly.


Soft sparing option, has a neutral PH. This the way is fine For different types hair. It absolutely does not harm either the skin or the structure of the strands. The result is long lasting and looks very natural.


What it is? One of the ways of curling, which is also considered gentle and safe. The effect lasts for six months. The biowave formula includes a special protein to strengthen the structure. It is he who helps to keep beautiful curl and strengthen your hair.

Biochemical perm is of three main types:

  1. With a moisturizing complex - regulates the moisture of the strands, gives shine and elasticity. Ideal for coarse and long hair.
  2. With bamboo hood. This method is used for damaged and thin strands. The protective bamboo extract restores the structure and makes the hair look perfect.
  3. With silk proteins. Such a biowave is not able to change the characteristics of the hair. At the end of the styling, they will become even softer, stronger and healthier! The only one important nuance- this is the length of the hair (for long strands does not fit). It is impossible not to note the cost of such a perm - higher than the rest.

See more details:


One of the most popular and effective options. Carving differs from the classic waving only by the absence of aggressive components in its composition. The styling time is from 4 to 6 weeks. At the end of this period, the hair returns to its natural texture. Carving is just perfect for short and medium strands, but on long hair it will be short lived.

The last two options are the least traumatic. Due to their composition, they do not spoil the structure, do not destroy the follicle and do not change the color of the hair.

Watch the video, which presents the pros and cons of perming hair and biowave:

Curl shape for curling

When creating a layout important role will win back the length of the hair, the shape of the curls, as well as the method of curling. It can be done using the following tools:

  • Bobbins. For long and medium hair, vertical curls are ideal. With a large length of hair, a curl can be created immediately on two different bobbins. The strand is divided in half - its root zone is twisted into a small bobbin, and the tips into a large one;

  • American perm. It requires special curlers, similar to the shape of a spiral. The ideal length is shoulder or shoulder length. Curls are a little stiff, in the form of spirals;

  • Root perm. It can only be performed on short strands. Gives hair volume, allows you to twist the growing roots;

  • Curling the ends of the hair. Created as if specifically for thin strands of various lengths.

Long-term styling - advantages and disadvantages

Regarding curling, there are many different opinions, because this procedure has both minuses and pluses. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Benefits of styling:

  • long-term effect;
  • Thin hair will become more voluminous;
  • After such a procedure, daily styling will take only a few minutes;
  • The hair will become obedient;
  • Curling can solve the problem of greasy hair, as it dries them out.

Disadvantages of styling:

  • Hair after the procedure needs special care- you will have to use masks and other means more often;
  • If a girl has a desire to change her hairstyle, she will have to wait. Return to natural look takes a long time;
  • It is almost impossible to predict the result and the final effect. The hairstyle may turn out completely different from what you expected.

How to prolong the curl effect?

Tip 1. Do not wash your hair for three days after this procedure. The shampoo will wash off the preparation and return your hair to its original appearance.

Tip 2. Stock up on special mild shampoos.

Tip 3: Don't brush wet curls This helps straighten them out.

Tip 4. Get a comb with sparse teeth - it will not break the shape of your curls.

Tip 5: Don't brush out your curls.

Who should not use long-term perms?

Hair biowave, like any other type, has a number of limitations:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. Chemical components will harm the child;
  • Recent coloring or other procedures;
  • Taking medications containing hormones;
  • Dry and repeatedly dyed hair - the procedure will make them even more brittle;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions- be sure to tell the master about it;
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases.

How to care for hair after curling?

Hair after curling needs proper care. It will keep them healthy and beautiful.

  • Do not get too carried away with a hair dryer - it will harm the hair and only aggravate the effect of the drugs.
  • Regularly perform regenerating and nourishing masks with panthenol and keratin;
  • Do not subject your hair to heat treatment for at least a few days;
  • Protect your hair from heat sun rays, do not let it dry out;
  • In addition to regular shampoo, use medications(after every 3 washes);
  • Wet strands get wet, and do not twist them;
  • Do not sleep with a wet head;
  • Trim the cut ends regularly and apply a special cream to them.

Proper styling of curls

How to style hair after a perm? There are several installation methods for this.

Method 1. Natural styling

The most gentle option, performed by hand in just a few minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo, dry them with a towel and tilt your head down. Starting from the roots, fluff up the curls with your hands. Fix the effect with gel, mousse or spray. Don't brush your strands!

Method 2. Using a diffuser

Dry the washed hair with a diffuser, lifting at the roots. This styling option is ideal for short hair.

Method 3. Using a round brush

This method is suitable for creating styling for evening events. Divide your hair into several thin strands. Roll each of them onto a large hair brush and dry with a warm hair dryer.

Method 4. Using curlers

For romantic styling, you can safely use medium-sized curlers. Wet strands wind and dry either with a hairdryer or naturally. Carefully remove the curlers and separate the curls with your hands, giving the hairstyle the desired shape.

Method 5. Using wax

If your permed hair looks weak and damaged, use styling wax. It will fix the curls and give them a healthy look.

Helped us:

Alexey Shubin
Head of Development Department at RU-BEAUTY, international trainer and member of GCAC.

Ekaterina Shirshova
Stylist the highest category Salon Expat, Laureate All-Russian competition hairdressing art.

Curly girls always whine that they no longer know how to tame their hair, which is a little fluffy and does not allow them to live in peace. And they are generally not understood by the owners of naturally straight hair. The latter (and the designer WH Natalya from among them), on the contrary, for any "kipezh" on the head.

“For as long as I can remember, I always wanted curls. By nature, I have perfectly straight hair, which, moreover, does not lend itself to styling at all (such is their peculiarity). Whatever I tried - curlers, curling irons, irons, brushes, styling products - everything ended the same way. While I wind the strands on one side, on the other they are already straightened. Therefore, thoughts about permanent waving have long settled in my head. It used to be scary - I was afraid to ruin my hair a lot, but now the technology has improved a lot, ”says Natasha. But this, perhaps, we will ask the experts to tell.

What's in the composition?

There are two types of perms.

  • Products based on so-called thioorganic compounds. After them, the curls last 12 months or more.
  • And BIO-permanent preparations with care components (proteins, amino acids) in the formulas. They are considered gentle, but curl strands for only 6 months.

Strictly prohibited

Doing a perm on badly damaged blond hair is easy bleached hair. Their structural protein is already destroyed - any chemical manipulation, believe me, will only make things worse.

What will the master do?

  • Apply a perm chemical to your wrist to see if you have an allergic reaction.
  • If all is well, make a test for the type of hair, their elasticity. And he will select the drug that suits you personally.
  • Then he will wash his hair and wind his hair on curlers (keep in mind that the type of future curl will depend on which one you choose).
  • Apply the chemical composition and leave it on the strands for 25-30 minutes.
  • Time is over? Without unwinding the curlers, the specialist will thoroughly rinse the product warm water(without using shampoo).
  • The strands will get wet and a special perm fixative will be used (you will have to sit on your head with it for 10 minutes).
  • After that, he will begin to carefully unwind the curlers. Once again, the fixative - for 5-10 minutes - and a warm shower.

RESULT: Natural wavy hair, and not the small, well-defined curls that Natalia was afraid to see. And much denser in texture than before.

“The fact is that here we worked with thin hair. And after a test for their elasticity, they chose the softest texturing composition with an off-scale amount of caring components. And it is Wella Extra Conditioning Wave it / Mild - with moisturizing cysteine ​​and nourishing carnitine. According to the same principle, curlers were selected - soft, of medium diameter. A tighter or finer curl would not give a dense beautiful curl (as on heavy thick hair), but a “dandelion” effect, which we definitely don’t need, ”explains Ekaterina Shirshova.

How to care for hair after chemo?

“Look at the products from the moisturizing lines. Look for oils in the compositions: macadamia, olive, argan, grape seeds, melons. Definitely glycerin and betaine. It would be nice if the formulas also included hydrolyzed proteins of plant or animal origin,” advises Alexey Shubin. From now on, give preference to cream texture products (this also applies to styling). Sprays won't help you right now.

Do I need to style my hair after chemo?

Remember, perm is not styling, but only the basis for it. You can enhance the effect yourself with styling products. You'll see, curls will last much longer than before. Too lazy to do something - go with a little wavy hair without styling (and everyone around will think that you have them by nature).

Is perm harmful?

Bad news: according to Alexey Shubin, not only the shape of the hair changes during the curl, but also the normative chemical composition their structures. As a result, the latter is deprived of a number of elements it needs. You will have to pay for the damage by professional means. For example, firming serum and fixative from the Niophlex line. Which work in the cortex (along with the composition for curling). A couple strengthens disulfide bonds and restores damaged protein inside the hair - for which Thanks a lot amino acids and isoflavones in their composition.

What if you don't like the result?