The nastiest things girls do. The nastiest things girls do: sexist stereotypes. Experiencing groundless demonic jealousy

Every person, regardless of gender and age, does things that are not desirable for others to expose. The list of shameful, inappropriate things girls have is much longer than the rest. They can occur at home, with a friend, in a cafe, in a nightclub. It is useless to deny what is written, it is much more interesting to read and see a reflection of yourself in what you read.

The list of embarrassing things a girl does is endless. It is worth highlighting the 19 most important actions that the fair sex carefully hides:

Surveillance of the former

Constant study of the social life of the former is a sacred duty of the female representatives. Particular attention is paid to the likes and comments left (if their author matches her current partner, this can provoke a serious scandal).

Gym visit

Take a million photos in the hall and stretch them out on Instagram with the caption: Good morning! I'm already in the room! is a common practice of simulating a visit. The process of uploading such a photo usually takes place under the covers in bed.

"I'm on a diet!"

Such words, as a rule, are said by a girl surrounded by her friends who ordered pizza. Principle and a healthy image is represented by a salad of greens and a glass of water. At home, at night, this is quickly forgotten with the help of a sweet biscuit eaten in private.

High culture films

Talking about movie premieres after reading 2 minutes of trailers is a bogus lie, girls watch plain and stupid TV sitcoms but won't admit it.

In the cafe

How to brighten up the waiting time for an order in a restaurant? Eavesdropping on a conversation at a nearby table or beautiful waiters who can be undressed with a glance will be a great way out of the situation. The mission was a success if it wasn't noticed.


To convince a friend in the fitting room how she fits a bag-shaped dress from the collection before last. Lies for good. Shameful, but advantageous in a nightclub.


Simulating the joy of being given a stupid and useless gift. At that moment, the owner of the “miracle surprise” had already come up with a plan to give it away or sell it on the Internet.


Young ladies know that the most pleasant comments are left under a photo on a social network if you sign it: It's time to lose weight! In fact, the photo was taken from the most favorable angle of a slender figure, and the author knows this.


Who wondered why women like to take group photos on their phone and not on another? The secret lies in the fact that they become the owners of the only evidence called "before processing in Photoshop", after obtaining the desired result, the evidence is deleted.


A true woman knows that you can fix the absence of a boyfriend with a simple call to the nearest flower shop. A photo posted on the Internet will immediately let everyone know that you are not alone and there is someone to take care of.

Without a mask

The day when you do not need to leave the house, even for the most caring and tidy girl, turns into a day of unmade bed, unbrushed teeth, dirty hair and unwashed face. Dishes on this day "almost never" the girls do not wash.


Gossip is the basis of telephone conversations and meetings in cafes with friends. The discussion is about those who are hated and those who are loved. Girls love to discuss men and their body parts.

adult cinema

Women don't like to admit they know Sasha Grey, but they know her.


If a woman is undressing in front of you, where the top of her underwear matches the bottom, then it was not you who decided that today is sex, but she. On other days, that “hot thing in red” walks around in a cotton bra and mismatched underpants. It's a big woman's secret.

Orgasm simulation

The bed for a woman is the scene of an actress. Screams, groans, a languid voice help to get used to the role of getting an orgasm, which is often not there.

shaving legs

Winter plus the absence of a boyfriend equals the abolition of shaving the legs, until the appearance of spring or a young man. Otherwise, why shave your legs?


Acetone doesn't work on old nail polish the way teeth do. Others can say that the varnish was removed in a nail salon.


"I'm not jealous, messages and call log in your phone are not interested." Each girl considers herself the one and only, and will not show the young man the possibility of the appearance of competitors. This does not mean that she does not look at the man's phone.

The disgusting things every girl has done

One of the disgusting things that a girl did was to imagine life with a boyfriend or a man without having a mother-in-law. Thoughts about what could have happened to her and how happily they lived together without her advice, visited a woman at least once. An imaginary consoling result is always pleasing, but the reality is to say otherwise.

This feeling must be stopped and not looked for justifications for such thoughts. In this case, you need to think about your attitude towards people in general and try to correct it for a more positive one. The husband's parents will always be a part of the life of the young, they need to be loved and respected, because thanks to them a lover was born.

Drunk things every girl has done at least once

The most common drunken act is drinking too much to the point where waking up in the morning makes it hard to remember what happened yesterday.

As a rule, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, ladies call their exes or have philosophical conversations with bartenders and acquaintances who remained at the party. They can climb a table or a bar with the feeling of a dance floor star, the dance can turn into a striptease. Of course, there are cases when the evening ends with a trip home to the first person you meet, this is rather an exception and does not apply to every girl.

Other shameful things for every girl

Other embarrassing things include:

  • nose picking, especially in a hidden form in a public place;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene during PMS;
  • squeezing acne;
  • use of expired cosmetics and dirty makeup brushes;
  • tearing off dry calluses;
  • provoking scandals out of boredom;
  • testing (without permission) cosmetics in the bathroom while visiting.

The number of shameful things far exceeds what is written, each woman has her own unique continuation of this list.

What to do to smooth out the shame in the eyes of others?

If you want to smooth out the shame in the eyes of others, just acknowledge the reality. The more a person looks for justifications for actions, the more he feels guilty and, accordingly, in front of others.

To minimize the reaction of others to your words, deeds, actions, you do not need to loudly answer their questions and phrases addressed to you or react clearly. The calmer the reaction, the faster the incident will be forgotten.

It is enough just to apologize and try to return the situation to the previous atmosphere of the dialogue or the events of the evening. That is, to bring the incident to naught.

Even the most ideal-looking girl, alone with herself, does things that are not customary to talk about out loud. These things are quite natural, but most of us will find them simply disgusting. If you do them, it's best not to admit it to anyone. Also Read: 20 Dirty Secrets Women Keep From Men So, what are these things that are probably familiar to every woman, and which she hides so carefully?

The disgusting things everyone did

1. Wears the same bra at least a week.

2. Wears the same bra about once every six weeks, because he is the only one that matches a certain blouse and never wash it.

3. Wears an old bra that no longer matches the size of the chest, but it is very difficult to part with this thing.

4. Puts a dirty bra in the laundry basket, and then takes it out again after realizing that the others are less comfortable.

The disgusting things every girl has done

5. Examines used hygiene items on critical days.

6. Wears on "these" days, in addition to a tampon for safety net, also a sanitary pad.

7. Picks out ingrown hairs with a fingernail after depilation.

8. Or, with tweezers, he plucks the hairs that have grown on the body one by one.

9. While showering on the walls creates whole works of art from the hair that has fallen from the head.

The disgusting things that all girls do

10. Pulls out long hair, stuck in the most unexpected parts of the body, including rather intimate ones.

11. Use special scissors for cutting pubic hair.

12. Or he uses old scissors for this purpose, hoping no one finds out about it.

13. Accidentally hooking the skin, get a wound on it and are angry with themselves for such an oversight.

The most disgusting things

14. Wears panties with holes in the most piquant place only because there is no time to sew it up, and it’s a pity to throw the thing away.

15. Eats pieces of food, dropped into the décolleté.

16. Uses his bra as a pocket, because everyone knows, pockets on trousers or jeans are pretty useless for a girl.

Terrible things

17. Stores something in a bra, then forgets about it. And he remembers only when he takes off his bra for the night, and this something falls out of him.

18. Masterfully removes the bra, without involving, at the same time, the upper body.

19. And does it almost every time when he gets home from work.

20. Shaves legs only if he knows that they will be in sight.

The most terrible things

21. Shaves only that part of the leg, which will not be covered by clothing.

22. Shaves his toes.

23. But it also happens that forgets to shave his toes.

24. Secretly rejoices that at the epilation of the legs, the master, without asking, also removes the hair from the toes.

Terrible things every girl has done

25. Looking at yourself in the mirror, squeezes his chest with his hands.

26. Compresses his chest with his hands, secretly imagining a bra as perfect as your own hands.

Things that can't be told

27. Compresses and pushes the chest to the chin, to see how she would look in a corset.

28. Flattens the chest and pushes it down, to imagine how she will look in old age.

29. Plucks the hairs growing around the nipple, as well as in the navel and below.

30. Squeezes acne, even if they are not yet ripe.

A huge number of requirements are presented to women, and sometimes they are mutually exclusive. Try to be both a careerist and a good mother, attractive to men and at the same time modest, independent - but attentive to the opinions of relatives!

In fairness, we note that a lot is also required of men - to hide feelings, to be strong, to "get a mammoth" and, in general, to conquer the world in every possible way. But today we want to talk about women - or rather, about the stereotypes that are created around the image of the ideal girl.

Girls don't clean up their hair.

Light surfaces in the bathroom are a great reason to collect "compromising evidence" in the form of fallen hair. How did it happen that men are more often bald, and only women notice hair that has fallen out? Particularly unpleasant lumps of dark hair look in the drain of the bathroom, and how plumbers “love” them is beyond words!

Why do girls pretend to be happy?

Only one thing justifies the girls: they do it not for themselves, but for the sake of their partner. They just don’t want to hurt male pride at the most crucial moment. The opinions of men on this issue differ: some ignore such "creativity", while the latter perceive it as a dishonest game.

However, the problem is more serious than it looks at first glance: in a truly trusting relationship, neither a woman nor a man (and sometimes this happens) would never think of pretending to experience pleasure. For an attentive partner, this kind of deception should be a serious reason to take a closer look at the relationship.

Read the partner's correspondence

Even the most “non-jealous” girls secretly stare at the screens of smartphones belonging to guys and husbands. Suddenly there will be a notification about a new message in a social network or messenger? It is not easy to guess the content of the message from the first lines, but why then are women given fantasy? In fairness, the editorial board of find out.rf wants to note that such behavior is not alien to men.

despise other women

Surprisingly, in the age of feminism, some girls continue to claim that women are worse than men - at least, dumber. Many frankly make fun of their girlfriends, bosses or neighbors, exposing them in an unsightly light in front of others. Naturally, they consider themselves to be one level higher. There is a name for this phenomenon: internal misogyny.

This is when a woman supports the stereotypes about “all women are bitches” and “blonde to the marrow of the bones”, as if moving away from her gender. So she wants to curry favor with the male community and prove that she is not like that. But in practice, women should look around and see how many wonderful potential allies are around.

Constantly posting selfies on social media

How else to convey unearthly beauty? Especially when there are a lot of reasons: for the hundredth time I went to a cafe, visited the gym, it snowed, the leaves turned yellow, the cat lay down nicely on my chest. Naturally, all this deserves the attention of others who are already aware of the change of seasons, have heard about the cat and see the face of the heroine more than once a day.

Every minute check the likes under the photo

Of course, not only women sin with this, but they did not escape this bad habit. It is important that beauty is not only seen, but also appreciated. Fortunately, the creators of social networks have provided for everything: each like is one approving gesture, a kind of virtual message with the meaning “hey, you are beautiful!”. And it’s very good that so far no one has dared to add “dislikes”: dependence on someone else’s opinion, even in social networks, is becoming rampant.

Read "vanilla" women's novels

If earlier they were printed in pocket-sized books with nasty pink-and-blue covers, today they have been replaced by 50 Shades of Gray and similar creations. And even though the girl is a hundred times a snob and a book lover, and part-time master of philology, she is almost certainly secretly excited by the phrases “he entered her like a knife through butter” or “her flower blossomed and craved fire.”

Men also have their own guilty pleasures (literally - “shameful pleasures”), for example - a primitive combat fantasy, where ordinary system administrators chained in space armor show miracles of dexterity and strength.

Imagine being pregnant in front of a mirror

And it doesn’t matter if the girl is going to become a mother in the near future or just saw the prince of her dreams on the bus, she definitely does it in front of the mirror. To achieve the desired effect, you need a little: drink a couple of liters of water in one sitting or put a pillow under your clothes. It turns out realistic and the stomach looks either for a few weeks, or for 7-8 months of pregnancy.

Secretly eat junk food

And at the same time they talk right and left about proper and healthy nutrition, admire the taste of asparagus, broccoli and pure water. And when no one sees, the soul demands a holiday, and your favorite chocolate ice cream stands alone in the freezer, why not deviate from the rules? And then, of course, with a straight face, continue to talk about what, to whom and how often you need to eat.

Stop shaving in the absence of a man

Legs, armpits and intimate parts of the body are shamelessly overgrown with hairs when the prospect of at least a romantic date does not loom ahead. Only a trip to the sea or a visit to the doctor will force you to break the vicious circle. And you can walk in jeans during the day, and in the evening in cozy pajamas, and with rough vegetation anywhere.

In society, this is considered a terrible horror, but it is worth considering: why? Having hair on your body is completely normal. Until the mid-60s, the world did not even think about shaving off hair, until the Gilette company figured out how to expand the market. It was then that women were told that it was indecent to have hair somewhere other than the head (the site has a lot of material about famous brands that were seen in unethical and scandalous acts).

Leave the dishes in the sink until the morning

In advanced cases - until the evening of the next day. Usually, a reinforced concrete argument is put forward: dishes soaked in water are better washed. As a result, ordinary laziness is presented as a manifestation of thriftiness and rationality. The main thing is not to overdo it with the soaking time - bacteria actively multiply in the remnants of food, which, at the first opportunity, will migrate to the kitchen sponge, and then to the rest of the dishes. People sometimes cry to get what they want.

And do not say that only children do this - it also happens to women over 40. Men really cry less often than women - they have different manipulation techniques. Most often, these are threats, pressure and excessive perseverance after the hundredth “no”.

And the girls also give away bad presents, eat goodies with their fingers from a jar, pick their nose with relish, “try on” the names of new guys, collect their breasts in front of the mirror to visually enlarge them and do many other things that do not fit with their carefully polished images (imposed the beauty industry and patriarchal stereotypes, the editorial board of find out.rf notes).

We have no doubt that you recognized yourself in one of these stories. But it is also important to remember that all this is normal. It is normal to even experience heartache and have phobias - for example, foreign stars openly talk about their fears.
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19 shameful things that every girl does.

There are certain things in the lives of women and men that remain a mystery to the opposite sex, shrouded in darkness.

For example, a man will never understand what is going on in the head of a woman with PMS or a pregnant woman: her mood can change a million times a day. And I'm not exaggerating...

We publish 19 shameful things that every second girl does, but for some reason is embarrassed to admit it. By the way, there is nothing shameful in these matters, but for some reason it is not customary to talk about them openly.

These shameful things are done by 99% of girls!

Well, admit it, was it?

1. They do depilation of the whole body ...

2. Makeup brushes are almost never washed.

3. Sing in the shower. As a result, the shower is occupied for two hours.

4. Squeeze pimples in public places (do it in secret).

5. They disdain to sit on the toilet even at their boyfriend's house.

6. Do dirty deeds in public, assuming that no one sees it (pick their nose, but, by the way, men do this too).

7. Taking food crumbs out of a bra (which teenagers do).

8. Constantly remove the crust from the lips.

9. If they run out of pads and tampons, they quickly find an alternative (by making something similar to a toilet paper tampon).

10. Sniff clothes to determine if they can still be worn.

11. They wear the same bra, although their dresser is bursting with a huge amount of underwear.

12. In a public toilet, put a handbag on the floor.

13. Trying to make your eyelashes even longer, you end up with no lashes at all.

14. They hide money in the most secluded places (for example, in a bra).

15. Tweeze eyebrows to draw them later. Where is the logic at all?

16. On the sly take all sorts of stupid selfies.

17. Women are still detectives and rogues! Do not miss the opportunity to spy on someone.

18. They eat tons of sweets a day.

19. Insidious thong fail at the most inopportune moment. If you are a girl, I think you understand everything yourself ...

30 shameful things.

Having sex on the first date

And by the way, this is not a very excellent symbol. Most likely, she realized that you won’t be able to have a serious relationship, but, as they say, even a tuft of wool from a luxurious sheep. Yes, we have reworked the proverb a little so as not to offend anyone.


Checking the news on his boyfriend's phone

Even the most truthful woman breaks down sooner or later. Perhaps the hormones are to blame, which whisper in her ear with unpleasant thin voices: “Come on, look what he keeps in his own magic talking box!” (Obviously, hormones are not very versed in technology, they don’t know the word “phone”)


Posts on Instagram about going to the gym/running a marathon/swimming the Suez Canal and doesn't do it later

And what's the point of doing something now, if the missing 237 likes for happiness are already received in advance? It's better to lie on the couch. And let Suez wait!


Pissing in the shower

Thought you were the only resourceful one?


Sits aimlessly on Facebook for hours

Studying the chronicle and examining the photo of the older sister of the 2nd wife of the former boyfriend, or other inhabitants of our planet, to whom he has a very indirect relationship.


Watching porn

It is with you that she only pretends that “double penetration” is a nightmare, what is it and stop talking about this abomination. In fact, girls can find the porn section they are interested in with the same speed with which you made the bed in the army.


Crying in the car listening to sad music

And it's great if at that moment it's raining outside the window. And drops climb on the glass, and James Blunt screams angrily from somewhere in the trunk ... How sad life is ... Stop honking, I see that it's green! Now let's go!


Taking a selfie

Because only a selfie can convey all her unearthly beauty at once - with bulging lips, a sloping forehead and fluffy hair around the edges.


Imagines how a pregnant woman will look, sticking out her stomach

The effect of pregnancy is simply achieved after overeating prunes or by putting foreign objects under the jacket, such as a pillow or a cat passing by. Why? Because it looks immediately exciting and surprising - completely a reason for itself.


Putting off shaving his legs for as long as possible

And what? You are on a business trip, everything is the same for a cat. Plus, there's something immoral and appealing about feeling like Chewbacca before reverting back to your usual glamorous-bald state.


Planning an imaginary wedding

"So. We will put Aunt Sonya away from the string quartet, she is allergic to violin dust. And Aunt Sarah won't live, poor thing. It is necessary to order at least three baskets of petals ... ”- a woman thinks approximately like this, returning from her first date. If, finally, you liked her.


Fake orgasm

And later convinces that she never has to pretend with you. I'm sorry.


Writes his first name next to your last name

You never know how life will turn out and it’s better to check whether the name Angela will adorn the name Demidova-Rappoport.


provokes a scandal

For example, in a store. Because in the morning she felt that the whole world was against her. And now, when she found that the daikon in the grocery department was stale, her guess was confirmed. Call the manager!


eats pizza

Whole. One. Then, under the cover of darkness, he takes out a great square cardboard evidence with dried crusts helplessly flopping inside.

There are certain things in the lives of women and men that remain a mystery to the opposite sex, shrouded in darkness. For example, a man will never understand what is going on in the head of a woman with PMS or a pregnant woman: her mood can change a million times a day. And I'm not exaggerating now ... We publish 19 shameful things that every second girl does, but for some reason is embarrassed to admit it. By the way, there is nothing shameful in these matters, but for some reason it is not customary to talk about them openly.

1. They do depilation of the whole body ...

2. Makeup brushes are almost never washed.

3. Sing in the shower. As a result, the shower is occupied for 2 hours.

4. Squeeze acne in public places.

5. They disdain to sit on the toilet even at their boyfriend's house.

6. Do dirty deeds in public, assuming that no one sees it.

7. Taking food crumbs out of a bra.

8. Constantly remove the crust from the lips.

9. If pads and tampons are over, they quickly find an alternative.

10. They sniff clothes to see if they can still be worn.

11. Wear the same bra, although their chest of drawers is bursting with a huge amount of underwear.

12. In a public toilet, put a handbag on the floor.

13. Trying to make your eyelashes even longer, you end up with no lashes at all.

14 They hide money in the most secluded places.

15. Tweeze eyebrows to draw them later. Where is the logic at all?

16. On the sly take all sorts of stupid selfies.

17. Women are still detectives and rogues! Do not miss the opportunity to spy on someone.

18. They eat tons of sweets a day.

19. Insidious thong fail at the most inopportune moment. If you are a girl, I think you understand everything yourself ...

Well? Did you match? And how many percent are you a girl? In fact, this entire list should not be taken too seriously. We tried to generalize, but every lady is unique.