Make light chemicals without harm to the hair. Is there a harmless perm? Who should not do "chemo"

In order to look beautiful, original and spectacular, perm was invented in the last century. Thanks to beautiful large or small curls, it was possible to do without styling. Therefore, many of the fair sex with great pleasure chose a similar hairstyle. Owners of straight hair often dream of having long and large curls. However, most often straight hair is sparse and thin. Therefore, during the procedure, both for long and for short curls have to face certain difficulties.

Perm strands is an opportunity to facilitate daily styling. To make a hairstyle with curls for a long period of time, you need to carefully read the article, where all the details will be considered. Back in 1908, German hairdresser Ludwig Nesser first demonstrated the perm technique. After that, all experts applied this technique and to this day create large and luxurious curls for both long and short hair.

However, many girls and women often wonder how long curls can last. It is worth noting that how long the perm lasts depends directly on the use of hair cosmetics, as well as on the selection of all necessary accessories. For example, many specialists still use curlers in order not to damage the structure of the hair. As practice shows, large strands for long and short hair can last from several weeks to six months.

What are the types of perms?

Today, in many beauty salons, experienced hairdressers offer various services. It's no secret that carrying out a whole range of complex procedures will really cost a lot. Therefore, not all ladies can afford to go to best salon beauty. But if you still decide on a perm, then you need to deal with the main types of this hairstyle.

So, based on chemical reagents, a perm for long and short hair can be:

  • acid (mostly short-lived, done only for a few weeks),
  • alkaline (such a perm is considered resistant, however, it damages the structure of the hair),
  • neutral (considered more stable than, for example, acid),
  • amino acid, or otherwise called “bio-curling” (amino acids are present in the solution, they, in turn, restore damaged hair roots and ends)

If you use curlers, then they are:

  • bobbins,
  • papillots,
  • wellaformers,
  • spiral bobbins,
  • large.

Bobbins, in turn, by location are: horizontal, vertical, circular and with double winding. If you do highlighting, coloring or using another coloring technique, you can choose hundreds of types of perms that you will most like.

Safe perm

Carving is considered the safest perm for long or even short curls. This method is best used if the curls are not dyed a different color or straightened with an iron or other hot device. In this way, damage to the hair structure can be avoided. Many professional hairdressers unanimously claim that biowave is not at all harmful to hair. However, some believe that modern perm is also safe. But this belief is wrong, since the structure of the hair is really damaged after the procedure.

According to hairdressers, after a gentle perm is done, the strands should not be straightened, as you can get burned or other injuries. Therefore, before deciding on a perm, you need to think about everything well. Better to consult with professional hairdresser, which will carefully explain all the details.

With a light biochemical perm, if the curls are too dry and brittle, they become porous, hard and lifeless. After combing, the strands are fluffy. However, the owners greasy strands can normalize sebaceous glands. Before agreeing to a perm, first you need to take into account the shape of the face, the color type, as well as your style, since even a gentle perm is not suitable for all the fair sex.

Light waves of curls look great in Everyday life, so on solemn events. Many Hollywood stars often go out into society with curly large curls that complement the image as a whole. It should be noted that the hair middle length, curly strands look very feminine, gentle and elegant.

Curling at home

Of course, in order to determine whether a perm suits your hair type, you need to conduct some experimentation. First of all, you need to take a chilled boiled water, cut off the strand and place in a glass. If the strand rises up, this means that the hair is too damaged, and it is better to abandon the chemical procedure.

But if the hair is in the middle of the glass, then you can freely get down to business. In this case, the hair is considered moderately weak. But if the strand is at the bottom of the glass, then this means that your hair is absolutely healthy and you can do any kind of perm without fear of serious consequences.

What tips to consider during the procedure

  1. If the curls are thicker, then, accordingly, large strands will last for a long time. Before deciding on the procedure, it is advisable to moisturize the hair various masks. Also suitable for hair home lamination. If long or short curls are too thin, then the perm will last no longer than three months.
  2. In order not to cause intense loss of strands, it is advisable to use professional cosmetics for hair with a predominance of natural extracts.
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not recommended to do a perm.

If you are not confident in your abilities and do not know where to start, then it is better to trust experienced professionals. They will select all the necessary masks and preparations so as not to spoil the structure of the hair as much as possible.

The main technology for curling curls in a hairdresser

To date, many beauty salons carry out perms. Depending on the selected composition and preparations, the master will set a certain price and at the same time advise the client in what form to appear for the procedure. In some cases, you will have to wash your hair, while in others you will have to come with a dirty head.

First of all, you will have to decide on the length of the strands, since during the procedure the length of the hair can decrease from two to six centimeters. The larger the curls, the more the length of the hair will decrease. Therefore, you need to take into account the length of the curls and, of course, the shape of the face. This season, it is important to make large curls for long and short hair. This is a real salvation for the fair sex with thin strands.

Who is a perm suitable for?

The technique of the procedure is determined individually based on the shape of the face, style and character. For example, the owners of the oval facial fit vertical waving. But the horizontal one is suitable for chubby beauties. Before proceeding with the creation of a new hairstyle, the hairdresser will ask you to remove all accessories. First of all, the stylist must apply the first layer of chemistry. It is worth noting that the products that are used for curling have an unpleasant specific odor. The perm process lasts from forty minutes to an hour and a half - depending on the complexity of the work.

After the perm is done, you need to sit in the hairdresser's for at least forty minutes. In this case, special curlers will be fixed on the hair. Then the hairdresser must unwind with curlers short or long curls and fix the hairstyle with a fixative or special composition. As a result, the strands will have to be wound again. Then you need to wait another two hours for the process to complete. After removing the curlers, the hairstyle needs to be straightened with your hands and shaped.

Perm hair (large curls) is done in different ways, depending on the wishes of the client and, accordingly, the structure of the hair. Therefore, each process is carried out with the utmost care. In fact, an individual composition and preparation are selected for curly strands. Some women prefer to do the procedure at home. But if you do not have certain skills, then it is better to abandon the procedure so as not to damage the structure of the hair.

It is important to take into account that when gentle care hair can become soft, light and silky. After the perm is done, you should choose a special shampoo and conditioner that will moisturize the roots and ends of the hair. Thus, the hair can be protected from negative impact chemicals and at the same time from the environment.

What is biowave? EXPERT speaks

Many women spend a lot of time taking care of their hair every day. At the same time, part of the effort goes to creating the desired curls. Someone uses classic curlers, someone uses modern curling irons. However, there are those who really value their time, and in order not to worry about creating curls every day, they do a perm every few months. At the same time, such a hairstyle will not only significantly reduce the time for morning preparations, but will also radically change appearance its owner.

Perm is harmful to hair health: myth or reality?

Surely many of us have often heard negative feedback about this procedure. Many women are completely afraid to do such experiments with their hair. So is it true that perms cause permanent damage to hair?

In fact this is not true. Perhaps the emergence of such questions originated at the dawn of the appearance of the wave.

Perm was invented by Karl Nessler in 1906, it was then that he did his first experience, and on no one else, but on his own wife. Of course, after such a procedure, the woman's hair lost its former beauty and vitality, but playful curls aroused great interest among the rest of the ladies. Since then, the perm has become very popular.

However, it should be noted that the creation modern waving is not happening in the way that first happened more than a hundred years ago, and not even in the way that our mothers and grandmothers did. Hairdressers have taken a huge step forward, leaving only the former name and principle of operation.

Today, good beauty salons use the latest cosmetics, excluding the slightest risk of damage to the natural structure of the hair. The only task of fashionistas of the 21st century is to choose the right nice salon where you can entrust your hair to create a perm. One of such places, for example, in St. Petersburg, is the Apriori beauty studio.

Varieties of perm

There are four main types of perms based on the compositions used in their preparation:




Amino acid.

The first two types are the very methods that were used former years and really hurt the hair. Wherein acid and alkaline curls are still quite popular, as they allow you to save desired result within half a year.

Has no detrimental effects neutral perm. It is great for all hair types, and the result will last from three to six months.

The last variety amino acid perm, not only does not harm the hair, but completely saturates them with useful proteins and amino acids. The only disadvantage of such a perm is its fragility.


Perhaps this is one of better ways creation wavy hair. The solution used for biowave does not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and thioglycolic acid. As a result, the resulting waves not only have a healthy natural shine but also have good durability.

Thus, modern fashionistas can enjoy flawless curls and at the same time not worry about lost health and vitality your hair.


What is it and how do they do it?

Perm became known to the world at the beginning of the 20th century, when the hairdresser Karl Nessler invented a composition that allowed curls to keep their shape for a long time. True, this tool was not safe and greatly spoiled the health of the hair. For a long time perm was considered a procedure that, although it makes hair curly, but not in the best way affects their condition. Now the situation has changed radically.

First of all, perming hair is a task for professionals. In no case should you make such experiments at home, it is better to go to the salon. First, the master must assess the condition of your hair, since brittle and weakened hair should not be subjected to additional stress. If the hair is in a satisfactory condition, then the master will select one or another type of perm, because there are many ways to curl hair, but there is no universal one.
In addition, it is important to conduct a test for the sensitivity of the scalp to the preparations that will be used for waving. The master will make a test on a small area of ​​​​skin and a small yarn of hair. If the reaction is normal, then the procedure can be continued.
It is worth knowing that a perm is not possible if you have used henna or recently bleached your hair. Do not perm if you have just dyed your hair with any dye, as under the influence of reagents, the hair can change color.

If your plans include both a perm and a haircut, then you first need to do a perm and only then shape your hair. The time it takes for the appearance of persistent curls depends on many factors - both on the drugs that are used, and on the type of hair, and on the temperature in the room. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a cup of hot tea before the procedure. Sometimes, to consolidate the effect, the hair is heated with a special unit. At the end of the curl, the hair should be elastic and slightly damp. If the curls are wet and will not keep their shape, then the curling failed, if the curls are dry, then the drug was overexposed and the hair was burned. After curling, it is necessary to use balms and masks that restore the hair structure. After such exposure, intensive protection and nutrition will provide them with a beautiful appearance.

What perm to choose?

Since there are several types of perm now, you need to choose the right one carefully.
For example, acid perm is considered the most resistant. She is able to curl even the most naughty straight hair. At the same time, it is also considered one of the most dangerous for hair. For thin and dry hair, such a perm is contraindicated.
An acid perm can be done with thioglycolic acid. This perm lasts only a month or two, after which the hair loses volume and curls elasticity. But it spares the hair, which means it is less harmful.

Alkaline perm hair lasts from a month to three. If you want to achieve naturalness, then this is the best choice, since it is this method of curling that makes curls look like natural ones. True, on heavy coarse hair such a perm will not hold at all.

Neutral perm is very popular now. Preparations that help fix curls moisturize and strengthen hair, so it is practically harmless.

Amino acid perm hair contains proteins that additionally nourish the hair. On thin fluffy hair it will look natural. There are also curls with silk proteins, bio-curls, a perm with a lipid-protein complex. They do not last six months, but to a large extent protect and strengthen the hair, so the curls do not suffer from aggressive components. chemical composition.

The shape of the curls may be different. Curls can be small, medium or large. It depends on the properties of the hair, the shape of the face and taste preferences. Therefore, you can not only choose how to curl your hair, but also what curls will be.

To keep the perm longer, do not wash your hair for three days after her. Need to enjoy special shampoos and balms that are recommended for use after perming hair. In addition, you will need a round soft hair brush, styling products that add shine to curls.

Chemical perm is good decision for the summer, as you do not have to spend a lot of time styling, and you will look like you just left the salon. By choosing the curling method that suits you, you can be irresistible all year round.

Can a perm be completely safe?
This is enough complex issue to which it is not easy to give a definite answer. On the one hand, today's technology has really advanced very far. In beauty salons today they offer a lot of ways to curl your hair without much harm to your hair.

However, do not forget that perm (even if it is done in a gentle way) is somehow associated with exposure to all kinds of chemicals. Therefore, this is unlikely the procedure will pass completely without a trace. Negative Consequences to a greater or lesser extent, but will be present. True, their effect can be minimized by competent and regular care after the procedure.

Photos before and after

Types of long-term styling

In modern beauty salons you can spend different procedures that allow you to curl your hair without much harm to your hair. Here are some examples of such long-term styling:


This procedure was developed by German specialists and is also called long-term styling in another way. Considered one of the most safe species salon curl. Carving allows you to give hair desired shape and volume. For example, with this procedure, you can slightly curl the ends of the hair inward, as owners of a bob haircut often do.

In addition, it is also possible to slightly "lift" your hair at the roots, giving it extra volume. And carving allows you to create a slight effect of waves and careless curls. However, remember that they will be extremely natural and natural. If your goal is bouncy curls, carving won't help you.

REFERENCE! The durability of the result during carving will not be very long - the effect will last from one to two months.

What is hair carving and how is it done?


The technology for such styling is similar to traditional chemistry: the hair is treated with a special compound and wound on curlers or bobbins. The main difference between biochemistry lies in the products used in this procedure. Unlike the classic perm, with this type of styling, more modern and safe means containing in its composition not only chemical components, but also natural protein. That is why biochemistry is considered a gentle type of long-term styling.

In addition, many products for biochemistry not only do not harm, but also treat hair: saturate it with proteins and give it a radiant look. In addition, it has a number of other advantages. After a biowave, for example, you can straighten your hair with an iron, and after washing your hair, you can restore the effect of curls again.

It is allowed to use such long-term styling even on damaged, weakened, dry, dyed and discolored strands. And its result will last from two to three months to six months (depending on the length and structure of the strands). Moreover, the difference between growing roots and curled curls will be almost imperceptible.

What is biowave?

Amino acid perm

As its name implies, when carrying out such styling, products containing valuable amino acids are used. Therefore, such a perm will be not only harmless, but even beneficial for the hair.

Amino acids nourish hair
and allow you to create a natural curl. Therefore, there are no contraindications to such a perm - it can be done even at very damaged hair. You can repeat it quite often. The effect of the procedure lasts up to two months. True, it will be noticeable only on sufficiently thin and short hair(as in the case of carving).

Japanese perm

Another actual way salon styling, which appeared not so long ago, but has already proven itself well. The peculiarity of this procedure lies in the special composition used in the laying process. As the manufacturers promise, these products contain useful lipid complexes and special protective components. As a result of this perm, you will get beautiful large curls or small curls, neat and uniform along the entire length.

To date Japanese perm is considered one of the most delicate and harmless. Therefore, the cost of this procedure will be the highest (in relation to biochemistry, carving and other chemical methods). True, the result of Japanese styling will be longer - it can last up to five months.

All these types of long-term styling can be done in modern beauty salons. How to choose the right one for you suitable look perms, read below.

Japanese perm:

What to choose?

To choose the type of styling that suits you, you should first of all consider the condition of your hair, as well as the goal you want to achieve. If you're looking for just a subtle wave effect or extra volume, carving is definitely the way to go. This relatively safe procedure in your case will achieve perfect result. Especially good carving is suitable for owners of light, thin and sparse hair.

ATTENTION! If your hair is very long, as well as thick and heavy, carving on your hair may simply not work. If you absolutely need tight elastic curls, light carving will not be enough. It will be necessary to carry out a Japanese perm or biochemistry.

If you do not know which of these types of curls to prefer, consult with an experienced craftsman. A competent professional will help you choose the right procedure, taking into account the condition and structure of your hair.

A gentle perm may well be a reality,
if you choose a proven salon and trust experienced specialist. However, do not forget that even gentle types of styling still affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, after carrying out such a procedure, do not forget to provide your hair with decent and competent care.

Which of us, looking at the luxurious curls of the stars, did not want to have the same ones? But very often after going to the hairdresser we get not soft, flowing waves, but a scary permanent and dry, burnt hair. What is the most harmless perm of hair, but not according to the marketing promises of this or that salon, but according to the opinion of professional masters of stylists.

Natural soft waves - the trend of the season

Comparative properties of perms of the latest generation

In the photo - carving for different lengths

All compositions of a normal permanent as active active ingredient contain acid or alkali in various proportions, the percentage of the active substance is determined depending on the structure:

  1. Acid permanent- hair after a perm becomes brittle and dull, their structure is damaged. This is despite the fact that the acid does not violate the protective structure of the scales, but transforms the inner layer, making it flexible. The curl is firm, at the roots the curls are deadly extended. One plus - cool curls last six months or more.

Fundamentally. With thin and soft hair, such a permanent is categorically not recommended.

  1. Alkaline permanent- based on a change in the protective coating of the hair, the composition opens the scales and allows you to form a persistent curl. This perm lasts from one and a half to 3 months. Not suitable for thick, languid strands - the curl lasts only three weeks.

Possible options for curls

  1. Neutral- A combination of acidic and alkaline. Suitable for all types of curls, but the annotation advises you to definitely conduct a test, because almost everything depends on the personal characteristics of the strands.
  2. Amino acidthe new kind permanent, based on the action of natural amino acids with the addition of proteins. The effect of perm on the hair structure is small, because the compositions corresponding to organic substances are used. human body. Unfortunately, such a permanent does not last long, a maximum of three weeks and requires very careful care. The curl straightens instantly under the influence of many reasons.

Lightweight chemistry for short strands and curls of medium length

Advice. One of the best in this series is the Silk Wave option, which is perfect for medium-length strands and small hair.

  1. "Biowave"latest development in the field of cosmetology. The principle of action is the stretching of connections between cells and the formation of new ones. The active substance is cysteamine hydrochloride. This is a protein synthesized from the wool of animals (sheep), which gently changes and restores the structure of the hair, makes it large and does not cause any harm to the skin.

Fundamentally. Hair diagnostics before perm, which many salons offer, will help you find the best way composition, suitable specifically for your type of curls.

Choosing the best composition for a permanent - rating

Deliberate slight negligence

Gentle perm hair - everything depends on the choice of the composition of the reagents and the skill of the stylist. Let's try to compare the most popular perm products that the masters advise. We also learn the worldview of users, according to reviews for 2015.

Brand Composition and advantages Shortcomings Reviews
  1. CURL IT - actively expressed curls. Line "Mild" for painted and sensitive hair. Lasts up to 12 weeks.
  2. WAVE IT - EXTRA-CONDITIONING KIT - not counting peroxide, the equilibrium composition of oils and caring serums;
  3. Signature - for sensitive skin and weakened curls;
  4. Perform Carnitin - durability (six months) and a cool curl. Equilibrium vitamin-mineral complex.
  5. Headlines - soft wave and beautiful volume. Perfect for weak and thin strands. It does not last long - a month and a half.
The composition of hydrogen peroxide is from 6 to 11 percent, depending on the strip. Do not use on bleached curls or on highlights that lighten more than 30 percent of all hair. Used protection Flexi-Protect based on cationic polymers. Affordable cost with good quality. Grade 4.
BIO Estel NIAGARA - does not contain ammonia. Neutral alkaline composition. Cysteamine is used as the main substance, which is part of natural hair person.

Maximum care and minimum damage to the outer and inner structure. Represented by 4 complexes for various types hair.

Wavex - the composition includes natural biopolymers, a complex of oils and vitamins. The composition is alkaline.

It is fundamentally correct to choose the composition, therefore, in advance, you need to do an analysis of the type of curls.

Depending on the structure of the hair, it lasts from one and a half months to 3.

Rating 5 in all ratings.

You can completely make chemistry with your own hands, knowing the structure of your own curls.

Londawave Beautiful styling for volume root zone, completely harmless, durability - up to 2 months with proper care. In principle, ordinary chemistry, but with a complex of components that prevent the loss of water. Many reviews about burned strands. Masters do not like to work with this composition, they are very aggressive. Rating - 3.
Angel's curl An innovation for frizzy curls and high lightening hair that needs to be treated. Base - natural protein (amino acids and a good recovery complex) It is positioned as healing, but this is not entirely true. It’s just that the composition injures the structure a little, stretching the strands and gently forming a smooth wave. Actually not seen allergic reactions. Perfect for thin and warped strands. Hair restoration after a perm is not required, because the curls smoothly return to their original state after three months.
Goldwell Japanese permanent The composition is developed on the basis of natural proteins and a lipid complex that allows you to gently change the shape of curls without causing harm. This is the most gentle chemical perm that restores the hair structure. If the master is an amateur, then just burn the strands. Be sure to find out reviews about the work of the stylist. Highest price, soft waves, great styling. There are burnt hair and a lot. Rating 4 minus.
ISO Neotexture Straightening and texturing - ISO Texture, semi-permanent waving - ISO Nexture; care and styling products (all types of hair) - ISO Presciriptive. Not cheap, but very good. Beware of fakes the best means made in Japan, not USA (Zotos). The master must certainly have a training certificate to work with this professional line. Great, but not cheap.
MOSSA by Green Light A beautiful combination of caring and acting composition. Soft, persistent wave, impeccable basal volume. Lasts six months. It is necessary to finish the introduction of shampoo containing silicone at least a month. Two days after you can not wet and style with a hairdryer. The reviews are excellent, but only with the use of care products from the same manufacturer (shampoo, balm and mask plus rinse). Grade 5.

Advice. Is perm bad for hair?
If the master is a specialist and the composition of the reagent is chosen correctly, then no.
With any impact, the structure of the hair changes, the main thing is to choose the composition of the active substances in accordance with the personal characteristics of the hair.

Persistent lush curls - proper hair care is important

The safest option for any type of strand

Assessing the pros and cons of a perm, many say that it is very harmful to the hair, it becomes brittle, dull and dead. These people simply didn’t get lucky with the master, or they wanted to save money by choosing a cheap acid version of the permanent.

In order for the hairstyle to amuse with pomp and playful wave, you need faithful care for hair after chemo.

In the standard, the stylist advises cosmetics for everyday care, but you can simply follow a few basic rules:

  • one hundred percent exclude the introduction of shampoo and rinsing with silicone, because it smoothes the scales, destroying the curl;
  • comparative analysis of perm hair various lengths indicates that for sluggish weakened strands you need to choose acid compounds. For smooth, thick and straight - light alkaline, for thin and rarest - strong fixation of a mixed acid-base composition. Bio perm keeps perfectly on curls of any type, but requires careful daily care using special cosmetic formulations;

Perm abilities

Fundamentally. The sulfides included in the "bio" formula do not irritate the scalp, therefore they are recommended for sensitive skin prone to allergies and inflammation.

  • you need to comb the curls only with the rarest comb, abandoning the brush and brushing.

Advice. A professional stylist should certainly tell you about everyday care, because its features depend on the composition of the permanent used.


Curl options

A permanent will never go out of fashion, just like feminine and elastic curls. The video presented in this article will talk about the latest innovations in the field of perm technology. In conclusion, perm hair should not be afraid to spoil them, it is important only to find a professional master and monitor the quality of the reagents used. We will be happy to answer questions about the article in the comments.