Secrets of clean, healthy skin. Clean and healthy skin. How to achieve the ideal? A Few Tips

It's hard to say what comes first for women - a slim figure or clean and healthy skin. Rather, they split the first place between two. But, it is quite obvious that just good health takes only the second position.

This is a very big mistake and an unforgivable mistake. Because the condition of the skin is the first indicator of health. And we continue to wander the world of advertisements and experiment with different serums, creams and lotions in an attempt to get clean and healthy skin.

We jump from one product to another with a sincere belief that this particular miracle drug is what we need. However, often, instead of clean and healthy skin, we have empty pockets and even worse skin.

And the truth is in the middle. Clean and healthy skin is the result of excellent internal health and proper external skin care.

Determine your skin type.

Only use beauty products that suit your skin type.

Do not try to pop pimples yourself if you do not know how to do it correctly.

Be sure to remove all makeup before going to bed.

Wash your face daily with cleansed, softened, warm water. Washing with water gives the face a fresh look. And this is more natural than washing your face with lotions and creams.

Use makeup only when you really need it. Attempts to hide imperfections and make the complexion even and perfect with the help of cosmetics are just a temporary solution. Using decorative cosmetics for this purpose only pollutes the skin and prevents it from breathing.

Drink plenty of water. Approximately 2-3 liters per day.

Exercise as much as possible. At least 30 minutes a day. You can choose any type of physical activity that is preferable for you: walking, running, aerobics, strength training, cycling, swimming, yoga, dancing, etc.

Avoid unhealthy foods. Especially highly processed, fried and fatty. Instead, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids, especially fresh juices.

Try to structure your life in such a way that there is as little room for anxiety, tension, stress and depression as possible. Do breathing exercises and try meditation practice.

Quit all bad habits - especially smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Develop hygiene habits. For example, always wash your hands after using your computer. Keep yourself clean.

Visit a dermatologist, and after a beautician if you have a serious problem with your facial skin.

Use natural and natural products for external facial skin care. Here are some home remedies to help keep your skin clean and healthy.

Mix 1 tbsp. lime juice, 1 tbsp. cucumber juice, 1 tbsp. tomato juice and 1 tbsp. honey. Apply this mask to your face for about 20 minutes. Then rinse off with cold water. With regular use of the mask for two weeks, the skin will be cleansed and look healthy.

Mix 2 tsp. flour, ½ tsp. turmeric with clean water to a creamy mass. Apply the mask to your face and neck. Leave it on for about 20 minutes. Rinse off gently with warm water. This mask not only cleanses the skin and makes it healthy, with regular use, it completely destroys facial hair.

Mix 1 tbsp. ground oatmeal, 1 tbsp. fatty kefir, 1 tsp. turmeric and 2 tsp. tomato juice. Apply the mask to your face for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The mask perfectly cleanses the skin, shrinks pores and reduces the amount of facial hair.

A great way to cleanse your face is with a fresh aloe vera juice mask. Do this mask regularly for a month.

Mix 2 tsp. sandalwood powder, 1 tablespoon almond oil and 1 tsp. milk. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Mix 1 tsp. milk powder, ½ tsp. hydrogen peroxide, 2 capsules of vitamin E, ¼ tsp castor oil, ¼ egg white and 5 drops of glycerin. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

Mix in a small amount of papaya pulp, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. milk and ½ tsp. basil leaf powder. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The mask cleanses the skin, evens out the complexion and makes the skin smooth.

Mix ½ tsp. cocoa powder, 3 tsp. papaya pulp, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. ground oatmeal, 2 tsp. cucumber juice and 1 tsp. milk. Apply the mask to your face and neck. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and oatmeal.

Include natural and healthy foods in your daily diet

Try to consume at least a few foods from the following list every day: oranges, apples, apricots, papayas, pears, peaches, dried fruits, almonds, walnuts, carrots, cucumbers, beets, etc. They are rich in vitamins C, E, calcium and iron, the amount of which in the body greatly affects the condition of the skin.

Try to drink more often fresh juices from carrots, oranges, cucumbers, tomatoes and apples. This will not only leave your skin clear, it will significantly improve your overall well-being.

To improve metabolism, spoil yourself sometimes with a cocktail (mix the products in a blender), from the following products in equal proportions: apples, kiwi, papaya, pineapple and milk.

For years, scientists have told us that chocolate and fatty foods do not cause inflammation on the face and, in general, have no effect on the cleanliness of the skin. Research proves otherwise. “The expression: 'You are what you eat' is true. Clean skin is constantly regenerated with the help of substances that form the basis of our diet, ”says renowned American nutritionist Cynthia Saas. If hormones are not the cause of skin problems, she said, the results of the diet will be visible in as little as six weeks.

Secrets of clear skin: 4 rules for every day

The simple carbohydrates found in white bread, pasta, biscuits and candy are the enemies of clear skin. Studies have shown that switching to whole grains can help get rid of acne. Within ten weeks the number of blackheads and whiteheads is reduced by 28%, and acne by 71%.

  1. Eat less carbs


In the composition of various sweets, which should also be excluded, there are also many simple carbohydrates. You also need to give up alcohol and caffeine.

Better to switch to brown rice, quinoa, and whole grains. In just two to three weeks, you will be happy to notice how the complexion will change, the skin will become clean, fresh and rested.

Not only your hormones are to blame for skin problems, but also ... cow hormones.

Milk contains many hormones that not only help calves grow, but also contribute to the growth of acne on the face. Milk lovers are 44% more likely to have acne than non-milk drinkers.

Try to eliminate dairy products as much as possible from your diet for a month, and you will see how quickly skin rashes will decrease. By the way, it may be not only hormones, but also lactose intolerance. To find out, take the analysis.

A trip to the grocery section of a supermarket can be more rewarding than a visit to a beauty salon. A study by the American Institute of Dietetics found that people who eat six servings of fresh vegetables and fruits every day for six months look more attractive than those who eat fewer of these foods.

So how many vegetables and fruits should you eat per day? The recommendation is: at least five. The stars include in their diet greens and cabbage - these foods are rich in vitamins and help to maintain shape and protect the skin.

Don't forget about vitamin C: add cherries, paprika and kiwi to your diet. Eat vegetables raw whenever possible. 5 breakfasts for clear skin.

Meat contains omega-6 fatty acids that cause inflammation on the face. To reduce breakouts, replace meat with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They plump skin cells and give it a healthy glow. They can be found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, markel, herring, and sardines.

The anti-inflammatories found in vegetable oils are also vital for the purity and health of the skin. So stock up on avocados, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds and you'll soon be boasting a perfectly even skin tone.

  1. Don't drink milk
  2. Choose vegetables and fruits
  3. Give up meat

Three products for clear skin every day

It contains many antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the skin, help to cleanse and moisturize it.

Ideal for a light snack. They contain vitamin E, which protects and nourishes the skin. Eat a handful a day.

Try adding them to your diet from time to time - they are very high in vitamin C. All this will help to make the skin healthy.

  1. Green tea
  2. Sunflower seeds
  3. Sauerkraut or kimchi

Simple ways to provide comprehensive skin care.

The face and the condition of his skin are your “calling card” and an indicator of how you feel about yourself. This is the only part of the body that you cannot hide (unless, of course, you are not a fan of walking the streets in ski goggles or a mask left over from the last Halloween). Fortunately, keeping your skin clean and healthy is a feasible task.

Facial skin is a reflection of the health of your body

Facial skin is an indicator of the state of your body, the work of the digestive, excretory, and nervous systems. Therefore, for the skin to be healthy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. will become the guarantor of normalization of metabolism in the skin and relieve it of excess oiliness. And from time to time, fasting days and diets (for example, a fruit diet) will give the face a healthy color.

In addition to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, it is imperative to take care of your skin.

Different skin types require different care

First of all, it is important to determine whether your skin is normal, oily or dry. However, the skin of most of us cannot be accurately and unequivocally attributed to one category or another, it is a combination of different types. Your skin type can change due to many factors: weather, sports and even stress. How to define it?

Here's the easiest way: before cleaning, blot the most oily area of ​​your face with a piece of clean white cloth, and then study the "print". If the print is a pronounced oily mark, then you have oily skin. If there is a faint greasy print on the fabric, it is normal skin type. If the print is indistinguishable, you have dry skin. Many adolescents have combination skin, where the skin around the forehead and nose (called the T-zone) is oily and the skin on the cheeks is normal or dry. Knowing your skin type is very important in order to choose the right recipes and products for your skin care.

Basic rules for skin care

The main thing is to keep it clean, to maintain a moisture balance and to protect it from intense exposure to sunlight (especially important for the face). Each woman makes the choice of care products in accordance with her individual requirements. At a minimum, your "kit" should be: a good cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. You can use a mild scrub and mask on a weekly basis if desired. Use a toner or pore-shrinking agent daily to keep your skin fresh throughout the day and get extra cleansing.

Clear skin

In general, it is very important to keep the skin clean - this allows it to effectively perform its functions and maintain an excellent appearance. What exactly to use to cleanse the skin of the face is an individual choice. Someone just prefers soap and water, someone uses alternative means (up to the most unusual, such as oatmeal or yogurt).

Be sure to cleanse your skin before bed! You must remove all the dirt that has settled on your skin during the day - let it breathe and rest with you at night.

An important rule: no matter what decorative cosmetics you put on during the day, the skin under makeup should always be clean. Pay attention to the quality of the creams you use. They should be lightweight, absorb well and not clog pores. As a rule, foundation is often taken as the basis of makeup.

Toners and pores

Toners and pore-tightening products are an excellent addition to a complex of facial skin care products. They help to deeply cleanse the skin and remove all traces of other products. They also help restore natural pH balance essential for fighting bacteria on the surface of the skin and keeping your face fresh.

Astringent means are generally alcohol-based, making them more suitable for oily skin than other types of skin.

Water based toners and fresheners more suitable for normal to dry skin types. They can be used throughout the day to "stimulate" the skin's processes and cleanse it.

Weekly exfoliation (exfoliation)

Peeling- something without which skin care will be incomplete. Many do not perform this procedure or do it irregularly. Exfoliation includes gentle cleansing of the skin and removal of old, dead skin cells. A weekly exfoliating treatment will help unclog pores and keep your skin truly clean.

There are several recipes for simple natural scrubs that will work for all skin types. These are fine granulated sugar, corn flour, ground sprouted wheat.

If you have oily or normal skin, it is recommended to use the scrubs on a weekly basis. And if you have dry or sensitive skin, exfoliate once every two weeks.

Face masks - fun and effective

Face masks- an effective remedy for cleansing and improving the condition of the skin. According to the frequency of use, there are those that can be applied at least every day (for example, natural evening masks), and those that are used no more than once a week.

There are many different formulations of masks. You will need to choose the right one for different situations (here you just have to try, try and try) in order to satisfy the needs of your skin.

If you are stressed (and it can easily affect your skin), prepare yourself a soothing or purifying mask (for example, using fresh strawberries). If your skin is very dry or red from the sun, try masks with soothing and moisturizing ingredients such as aloe or avocado.

Sun protection

The need to protect your skin from the sun should not be underestimated. Especially in recent years, when cases of skin cancer have become increasingly common among young women. If you use the right precautions, you can provide quite good and reliable protection.

Use a good sunscreen for your face every day, even during winter and cloudy days when the sun is out of sight. You need to buy a good sunscreen, as it is very difficult to make it yourself. Look for products that block both long wavelength ultraviolet rays (UVA) and medium range (UVB). And see that these components are included in the composition: titanium dioxide (titanium dioxide), zinc oxide (zinc oxide) and / or avobenzone (avobenzene). Only these ingredients can provide your skin with comprehensive sun protection.

What is SPF?
SPF (abbreviated English "Sun protection factor") is a number indicating the degree of protection from exposure to sunlight. For example, if your skin usually turns red after 10 minutes in the sun, then SPF 8 will increase your protection by 8 times and you can safely be in the sun for 80 minutes (SPF 15 - 150 minutes, etc.). Remember that the sun can be the most dangerous enemy for your skin!

Diet for the skin of the face helps to get rid of blackheads and acne, regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The diet includes foods that have a positive effect on the skin, restoring its firmness, elasticity and natural radiance. It is not only the owners of problem skin that should adhere to proper nutrition. A diet is necessary for everyone, without exception, because without it, even the most modern cosmetic procedures will not bring the expected effect.

Top 5 healthiest foods for clear skin

A clear-skin diet should definitely include foods that prevent acne and pimples from occurring. Making it a rule to use them daily, women in 2-3 weeks will be able to significantly reduce the number of breakouts and improve the complexion... What to include in your diet?

  1. Olive oil... It contains a large amount of tocopherol (vitamin E), which smoothes fine wrinkles and prolongs the youthfulness of the skin. In addition to it, vitamin A is present in olive oil. It moisturizes the skin from the inside and helps maintain its elasticity. Olive oil should be consumed daily in small portions, using as a dressing for ready-made meals.
  2. Seafood and fatty fish(tuna, salmon, salmon). They are a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the development of inflammatory processes on the skin, save it from flaking, dryness and premature aging. They also contain zinc - a mineral that stimulates metabolic processes in the epidermis and fights acne. To cleanse the face of blackheads and give it a radiant look, beauticians recommend eating fish and seafood 2 times a week.
  3. Nuts... Being a generous source of vitamins and minerals, they help the skin to retain the necessary moisture, prevent their flaking and the development of inflammatory processes on their surface. Almonds are especially useful for the epidermis. It is enough to eat 4-5 nuts daily to be convinced of its magical properties by personal experience.
  4. Green tea... When composing a diet for a beautiful face skin, you must always remember about this drink, because it is a valuable source of catechins - substances that relieve the dermis from rashes and have an antioxidant effect on it. To get a noticeable cosmetic effect, you need to drink 2-3 cups of green tea every day. Those who do not like the taste of this drink can freeze it and wipe the resulting face. This procedure perfectly tones the skin and reduces irritation on it.
  5. Water... It promotes the renewal of cells in the dermis, fills it with moisture and is an indispensable weapon in the fight against acne. When the body is dehydrated, the skin loses its tone, becomes dry, and inflammatory processes often develop on their surface. To maintain the natural beauty and health of the skin of the face, nutritionists recommend that women drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water every day.

Top 5 products to get rid of wrinkles

According to dermatologist and cosmetologist Joshua Zeichner, your daily menu determines how healthy, beautiful and youthful you look. What affects the appearance? The correct ratio of nutrients, the presence of minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants. To prolong the youthfulness of the skin, it is enough to adjust your diet and follow a simple diet, be sure to add products to the menu with all the substances necessary for fading skin.

Healthy strawberries: a source of collagen

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published research showing that vitamin C reduces wrinkle formation and prevents age-related dryness. To improve your appearance, consume strawberries rich in this substance, so you accelerate collagen synthesis, and you can forget about it. Such a diet is not only healthy, but also delicious.

Strawberries in the anti-wrinkle diet

Scarlet tomatoes: protection from the external environment

The carotenoid pigment lycopene gives tomatoes their appetizing color, but their role doesn't end there. It increases protection against ultraviolet radiation, which is confirmed by studies: volunteers, while on vacation, took 2.5 tsp daily. tomato paste and drank 2 cups of carrot juice. As a result, the number of complaints about was 2 times less than in a group spending the same amount of time on the beach, but without amendments to the menu. By protecting yourself from harmful rays, you will prolong your youth!

Please note that synthetic imitations do not cope with the task, so rely on naturalness. If you don't like tomatoes, include watermelon in your diet, which also contains lycopene, which is good for the skin.

Exotic pomegranate: tone and health

Pomegranate seeds are rich in antioxidants, so once they are included in the diet, small wrinkles can be forgotten. They will give ellagic acid, which reduces inflammation caused by aggressive environmental influences. The fruit also contains anthocyanins - these pigments, once in the body, stimulate the production of collagen. Thinking about how to prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the face, you can feast on grains or use them for scrubs, because the result will be great.

Appetizing salmon: a remedy for acne and skin cancer

A delicious treat like salmon will provide you with fatty acids that strengthen your cell membranes. Omega-3s finally proved their effectiveness back in 2009, when Australian doctors studied the dietary habits of 1,100 people. They noticed that those who ate fish 3 times a week had a younger appearance. At the same time, salmon lovers managed to reduce the risk of skin cancer by 30% and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The dish also contains zinc, which affects the rate of cell renewal. Even if you are not thinking about aging yet, the mineral will help solve your acne problem.

True, this type of fish is not affordable for everyone. If you can't indulge in salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel or flounder can help you. They also contain fatty acids and selenium, the latter neutralizing free radicals. Although these species are inferior to salmon, you will notice their effectiveness when taken systematically.

Delicious blueberries: the glow of youth

Those looking for products for youthful skin should pay attention to the berry, which satisfies the need for vitamins E and C. Together, they will give a healthy glow, even tone and neutralize the effects of free radicals. Arbutin will be added to the active substances, which will bring gentle whitening.

Blueberries in a diet for a youthful face

By placing a bet on these components in your diet, you will be relieved of the need to buy cosmetics from the anti-aging lines, because there will be no complaints about the appearance.

Anti aging skin products

A balanced diet can slow down the natural aging process. This means that problems such as creases, folds, premature wrinkles will not upset a woman ahead of time. But if there are already such defects on the face, do not rush to remove them with the help of plastic surgery or. It is quite possible that a well-formulated diet will be enough.

Porridge, vegetables and fruits for skin beauty

Any cereals are very useful, but buckwheat and oatmeal will become a source of youth for the skin.

V buckwheat contains a large amount of routine. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, including on the face. And iron, which this cereal is also rich in, will provide an excellent complexion.

No less useful and oatmeal Is just a gift from nature. Any wrinkles from regular use will be smoothed out.

The most valuable vegetables for the skin are carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, bell peppers, beets... They are very rich in vitamin A. It is this vitamin that prevents the appearance of wrinkles, cracked lips, dry skin, promotes collagen production, thereby rejuvenating the skin.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which binds free radicals, which are the culprits of aging in the body.

The same effect is possessed by honey and green tea Are powerful natural antioxidants.

Rich in vitamin C parsley, dill, basil... It is equally important to include in the diet and garlic which contains selenium, which is necessary for any beauty.

Very helpful citrus, berries, fruits especially grapefruit and lemon, as they are rich in vitamin C. And apples are a great source of iron.

Legumes, nuts and oils

Pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, Brazilian and walnuts contain antioxidants. They saturate the body with selenium and other trace elements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E.

Legumes rich in proteins, and in fact they are the building blocks of skin, hair, nails. For the female body as a whole, and not just for skin rejuvenation, lentils are incredibly useful. Legumes are a great alternative to meat and fish.

Vegetable oils are essential for better absorption of vitamins from vegetables and herbs. Therefore, in raw form, any vegetables should be eaten with butter. The most valuable are linseed, olive, sesame, mustard, hemp oils.

Fermented milk products, meat and fish for the skin

Yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese- These fermented milk products are very useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But it depends on his condition how a woman looks. Any malfunctions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract lead to an unhealthy complexion, oily sheen, and acne. But pasteurized dairy products will not help here - only "live" ones are needed.

Sea fish and meat also need to be included in your diet. Fatty sea fish rich in vitamins B, A, E, fluorine and phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc. All these vitamins and trace elements are responsible not only for excellent health and well-being, but also for the beauty and youth of a woman. If it is better to eat fatty fish, then meat, on the contrary, it is better to choose low-fat varieties - chicken, rabbit, beef, game.

Diet for 7 days for facial rejuvenation

For the purpose of rejuvenation, you can adhere to the following dietary diet for a week:

  1. On the first day for breakfast, you can pour oatmeal with kefir, add any berries, honey, nuts. Drink 1 tbsp. juice or green tea (this is a great antioxidant). For lunch, eat chicken breast (boiled or grilled), a couple of bell peppers and celery stalks. Vegetables can be selected to taste. Don't forget to sprinkle them with vegetable oil. You can have a snack with prunes, nuts or a grain loaf with unleavened cheese. The second snack option is to eat a baked apple with honey and 1 glass of milk. Dinner with cauliflower baked with cheese. For dessert, eat a raw apple, drink green tea.
  2. The second food option looks a little different. For breakfast, you can have toast with butter (whole grain bread), boiled egg, green tea. For lunch, stew beef tenderloin, prepare a salad of fresh cabbage, herbs and vegetable oil. Vegetarians can substitute any legume dish for meat. You can have a snack with nuts, cottage cheese with herbs, bread. For dinner, prepare a salad of croutons, cheese, herbs and boiled chicken breast. Supplement all this with boiled egg.
  3. The third day we have breakfast with oatmeal boiled in milk. Add nuts, dried apricots or berries to the porridge. We wash it down with green tea with lemon or milk. For lunch, you can bake salmon, prepare a salad of fresh spinach, peppers and tomatoes, pouring it all with vegetable oil. You can have a snack with boiled mussels and bell peppers and a slice of grain bread. The vegetarian option should include the legume platter and vegetable salad. For dinner, you can stew cod with vegetables. It is also possible to make a salad of tomatoes, herbs and vegetable oil, and also eat a slice of grain bread and an apple.
  4. On the fourth day, have breakfast with a beauty salad. To do this, in the evening you need to steam the oatmeal in boiling water, and in the morning add there a fresh apple, nuts, raisins and pour it all over with lemon juice. Wash it down with green tea. For lunch, bake fatty fish, sprinkle with lemon juice. Boil brown rice, add pepper to the finished dish. It is allowed to have a snack with grain bread and 1 glass of kefir or other fermented milk product. For dinner, boil rice, pour over soy sauce. Prepare a cucumber and tuna salad. Vegetarians can substitute vegetables or canned beans for fish and add vegetable oil.
  5. On the fifth day, you can eat porridge for breakfast. For example, millet. Grate carrots into it and season with vegetable oil. Drink green tea. For lunch, prepare a stew of oyster mushrooms, champignons or other mushrooms. Add onions, carrots, bell peppers to the mushrooms. Put out everything. Boil durum wheat pasta. Add herbs and grapefruit. Have a snack with nuts, banana and a cup of tea. For dinner, boil shrimp and brown rice, stew broccoli, add fresh yellow pepper and an apple.
  6. On the sixth day, it is allowed to have breakfast with cereal bread sandwiches (to make toast from it) and avocado. Top with a couple of pineapple slices and ginger tea. For lunch, boil buckwheat in milk. Top with a couple of grain bread slices, dried apricots and prunes. It is recommended to have a snack with carrot and sour cream salad. To do this, grate 2 carrots, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. any grated nuts. Supplement with a bunch of grapes. Dine with stewed liver, boiled potatoes and beetroot salad.
  7. On the seventh day for breakfast, mix low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tsp. honey and berries. Drink green tea, eat an apple. For lunch, prepare a vegetable salad (take any green vegetables), add pumpkin seeds to it and season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Women who eat meat can add boiled beef to such a salad. It is allowed to supplement the dish with several slices of unleavened cheese and grapes. Snack on grapefruit, yogurt and 1 tbsp. l. raw seeds. Boil chicken and broccoli for dinner. Season the cabbage with vegetable oil and garlic. Bake 1 potato. Eat an orange for dessert.

This diet is great for rejuvenating the body. Since it is nutritious and rich in essential vitamins and minerals, you can eat like that all the time. But remember that the volume of the main course should not exceed 150-200 g.

Diet for 28 days to get rid of wrinkles

American nutritionist Karen Fisher has developed an alternative to plastic surgery - you only need a month to get rid of age-related changes. The technique is based on research by dermatologists who have identified a number of harmful molecules called AGEs. What foods contain them? The list will not be too long:

Karen Fisher argues that the best weapon against wrinkles is the right approach to menu design. She suggests starting with a 3-day detox, which will make it easier for you to get used to foods that are good for your skin. Gradually cut back on caffeine and meat by cutting out milk, alcohol and sugar altogether.

When you start the main stage of your diet, eat your usual treats for breakfast, and fill ½ a plate with vegetables for lunch and dinner. Another ¼ will have to be on protein food, devoid of AGE molecules:

Don't forget about carbohydrates, so you can use the rest of the free space on your plate for baked potatoes, basmati rice or quinoa. As a dessert, eat not sweets, but bananas, papaya or berries, because such a diet will provide antioxidants, selenium and fatty acids. By adhering to these dietary guidelines for 28 days, you will get rid of existing wrinkles and prevent new ones from appearing.

Diet correction according to skin type

A diet for healthy skin cannot be the same for everyone. When compiling it, experts advise taking into account the individual characteristics of your dermis.

In addition to the products listed above, owners oily skin It is good to regularly consume homemade chicken, soy, pumpkin, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, avocados, apricots and grapefruits. Their inclusion in the diet can reduce the production of sebum and prevent the appearance of rashes on the face.

Women with dry and normal skin you should indulge yourself as often as possible with oatmeal, milk and dairy products, white cabbage, bell peppers, spinach, melons and strawberries. Also, it will not be superfluous to eat 1-2 tbsp daily. l. sprouted wheat. These products support the natural moisture balance of the epidermis and prevent premature aging.

At problem skin persons are recommended to eat chicken eggs, kefir, garlic, onions, lettuce, white cabbage. They normalize metabolism, so they must be included in the diet. They will also help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, which are the main cause of acne.

All women, regardless of skin type, are advised to eat a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Protein is a building material for the cells of the dermis; if it is lacking, the process of their renewal is disrupted.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet

A diet for a beautiful facial skin must include at least 75 g squirrel per day. To prevent its deficiency, a woman needs to consume dairy products, lean red meat, chicken, turkey, and fish every day. Sources of vegetable protein include nuts, sprouted grains, and soybeans.

Carbohydrates not only fill the body with energy, but also make the skin more resilient in the fight against adverse factors. Together with food, the female body must receive at least 90 g of these substances every day. The most useful for the dermis are carbohydrates found in buckwheat, oatmeal, rice (especially brown and basmati), wholemeal flour, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

Proper nutrition for beautiful skin is unthinkable without fat... Women who watch their figure often limit their use, which endangers their youth and beauty. Fats make the skin elastic, so you cannot completely exclude them from the diet. Their optimal amount in the daily diet of an adult woman should be 40-45 g. Fats found in sea fish, olives, avocados, vegetable oils have a beneficial effect on the condition of the face, be sure to include them in the diet.

Diet restrictions - prohibited foods

A skin cleansing diet is not only about eating healthy foods, but also avoiding unhealthy foods. To forget about acne and other unpleasant problems with the dermis of the face, you need refrain from the use:

If it is problematic to completely exclude prohibited foods from the daily menu, you should try to use them as little as possible. You should also refuse. Under the influence of tobacco smoke, the dermis becomes irritated, thin and dry, and acquires a yellow tint.

External skin cleansing - care basics

Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the face must be carried out not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Natural masks made with olive oil, crushed oatmeal, fresh fruits, vegetables and other beauty-friendly products, will strengthen the effect of the diet, restore elasticity to the dermis and relieve it of acne and acne.

Women should carry out cosmetic procedures regularly, choosing masks only for their skin type.

Additional measures for facial skin health

Doris Day, professor of dermatology at New York University, says wilting occurs as a result of a combination of factors. According to her, genetic predisposition is responsible for only 20-30% of changes, and the rest of the processes can be slowed down. While you won't be able to beat time completely, the following steps are worth considering for beautiful skin.

1. Reduce your intake of sweets

If sweets and pastries become part of the daily menu, the result will not only be a sagging waistline. When sugar enters the bloodstream, it binds to protein molecules, including those containing collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, and the appearance of wrinkles is not long in coming.

What should I do? Avoid the simple carbohydrates found in soda, sweets, honey, and white bread. When you want to indulge in a treat, grab a wedge of antioxidant-rich dark chocolate. Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C are good treats to boost collagen production. Feast on papaya, strawberries, oranges and kiwi for quick results.

2. Drink liquid

Adequate water intake prolongs the youthfulness of the whole body, so drink 2 liters daily. This rule is especially important for avid travelers: using the services of airlines, you notice how dry your face is on the plane. Due to the lack of moisture in the air, you should use sprays on your face and drink more liquid. During the flight, you must give up alcohol and salty foods, because they will cause dehydration.

3. Keep track of your portion sizes

After constant overeating, do you gain pounds and some of the wrinkles disappear? But being overweight leads to increased insulin and cortisol, which affects collagen production. If, in addition, you periodically go on a diet, then drops of more than 5 kg in the long term accelerate aging. Even the most useful techniques will be powerless when the covers are constantly stretched!

4. Get some rest

Mary Lupo, professor of dermatology at Tulane University, emphasizes that cell regeneration occurs faster during deep sleep. In addition, lack of rest causes stress, which increases the release of cortisol, and you can forget about preserving youth.

5. Don't be discouraged

Constant depression affects the youthfulness of the skin, causing deep wrinkles to form. It is accompanied by the production of hormones that weaken the production of collagen. To overcome depression, you need to eat right, ensure yourself the proper level of physical activity and, if necessary, consult a specialist.

Diet food for perfect skin: video


A diet can noticeably improve the appearance of facial skin only if it is adhered to for a long time, without allowing yourself any gastronomic indulgences. The first results after its start can be expected in 2-3 weeks. Correction of the diet will lead to a decrease in the number of rashes on the face, smooth out fine wrinkles and restore elasticity to the skin.

“We are what we eat,” say cosmetologists and nutritionists from different countries. Indeed, in order to maintain youth and beauty, you need to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins. Trace elements can nourish the body through the skin, but still most of them enter the body through food. And then, involuntarily, you wonder what you need to eat and in what quantities, what you should pay attention to when drawing up your menu. Today we will tell you about the most useful "anti-aging" products for ours.

Fruits and vegetables

Nutrition is the main thing that women should pay attention to, who want to see their face young and healthy. However, do not forget about the rest. Adequate sleep is a must for maintaining youth.

When it comes to fruits, special attention should be paid to citrus fruits. , which is part of the fruit, is a powerful antioxidant agent. It actively participates in the formation of collagen and protein, slows down their destruction, thereby preventing sagging of the skin, improving its turgor and inhibiting the appearance of wrinkles. In addition to the listed positive qualities, the microelement quite successfully removes free radicals from the body, thereby slowing down the aging process.

This vitamin can be safely called the vitamin of youth. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in oranges, grapefruits, currants, cranberries. Moreover, in frozen berries, the amount of vitamin increases several times than in fresh ones. But it is not recommended to subject them to thermal heat treatment, since in this case the vitamin is destroyed.

Among vegetables, give particular preference to orange, green and red varieties. This color of the fruit indicates a high concentration of beta-carotene. For example, red peppers, carrots, spinach. Entering the body under the influence of certain processes, it is converted into vitamin A, which is also a group of antioxidants. Therefore, its main positive quality is slowing down the aging process. However, with a lack of this trace element, a person develops acne, for the treatment of which, medications containing this vitamin are prescribed. By eating these ingredients, you will rid your old cells and give her a second youth.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are the main constituent of seafood, are very useful for humans. Moreover, the more fatty varieties of fish bring even greater benefits to the body. Certain types of fish, oysters and other inhabitants of the deep sea can work miracles with the skin. Dryness, peeling, inflammation go away, wrinkles are smoothed out. With a lack of omega-3 in the menu, there is not only the risk of premature aging, but also the manifestation of such serious skin diseases as psoriasis or eczema. Polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly improve blood circulation and minimize the risk of vascular occlusion. And high-quality blood circulation, as you know, is very important for the health of the skin, since it is the blood that carries all the nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.

When treating acne, you can achieve a lasting positive result in a fairly short time... After all, the cause of the disease is a lack of zinc in the body, and its considerable amount is present in fish. With regular use of seafood, the skin acquires a healthy, even tint, becomes smooth, silky and velvety.

Dairy products

It is impossible to have beautiful skin if you give up fermented milk products. The probiotics in the product restore intestinal function and cleanse it. But only having a healthy gastrointestinal tract can we talk about healthy skin. Otherwise, various rashes on the skin can ruin the appearance of any person. About two hundred grams per day of kefir, fermented baked milk or other fermented milk product is enough to achieve this goal. Varenets, yogurt or any other similar product can be chosen as a snack. Sugar-free, they quickly satisfy hunger and saturate your body with beneficial microflora. In addition, the protein contained in drinks actively fights wrinkles and repairs damaged cells. There are many known diets aimed at improving the skin. Most of them are really balanced as much as possible and help to rejuvenate the skin and body as a whole.

Green tea

I would like to tell a lot about this drink. After all, many trace elements that make up its composition help to keep the skin young for many years. acts as an antioxidant. It removes free radicals from the body, improves skin firmness and elasticity, improves color and heals it. Tea contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, iron, zinc, iodine. The main thing is to choose a really high-quality product, only in this case it can guarantee all the useful properties of this drink. And you can apply it not only inside, but also do it.

Home lifting using tea leaves allows you to effectively fight wrinkles. And rubbing an ice cube on a frozen drink will save you excess fat.

Green tea accelerates cell regeneration, i.e. the dead die off faster, and new ones are formed in their place.

The benefits of meat

To date, the benefits of protein for youthful skin have been proven. After all, a person is almost entirely composed of proteins, which also maintain skin tone. It is proteins that are directly involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and turgor of the skin. And the iron contained in the product gives the skin a healthy and beautiful complexion. You need to eat at least 150 g of meat per day. Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that animal protein is necessary for a person for normal life, but it is not worth eating a lot either, since it is meat that can become a source of high cholesterol levels in the blood, and this is already dangerous to health.

But many women, for some reason, do not like this product too much. Then it can be replaced with eggs and dairy products, which also contain a lot of animal protein.

Eating protein products of animal origin, will make the skin even more elastic, elastic, healthy, without unnecessary peeling.

The benefits of nuts

It is also called a vitamin for women. Its strong antioxidant properties help to remove free radicals from the body, protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and other negative effects of nature, and also retain moisture in it. All these qualities help to keep the skin more youthful. The maximum amount of this trace element is found in nuts.

You can enhance the antioxidant properties of nuts if desired. To do this, eat them with cottage cheese. Selenium found in fermented milk product stimulates the positive effect of vitamin E.

In addition, the benefits of nuts are also due to the fact that they contain a large amount of Omega-3, about the benefits of which we have already written.

The benefits of cereals

Whole grains are also beneficial for keeping skin looking youthful. Contained in them and rutin, help to quickly eliminate inflammation and other damage to the skin. For example, buckwheat contains a lot of rutin, which heals the skin, and wheat germ contains a lot of vitamin B7, which eliminates excessive dryness and flaking. Therefore, when considering your menu, give preference to whole grains. Porridge in the morning will not only provide your body with useful microelements, but will also give your body good spirits for the whole day.

Don't worry about your figure. If you eat porridge for breakfast, you will not do any harm to it. After all, the carbohydrates in the crepe are classified as a complex category that only benefits the body. But it is better to exclude sugar, salt and flour products from the diet altogether, in addition to extra pounds, they can cause a lot of trouble to the skin in the form of various rashes, excessive fat content, acne formation, etc.