Comic medical examination for February 23 scenario. Carries over the world like a shrine. During the war crisis

First of all, lovely ladies need to create an appropriate environment. May this day remind men of their army years. At the entrance to the office, you can hang a sign "Voenkomat". And inside the office, deploy a real field training ground. Place a sign "Headquarters" on the director's office, the basement will become a "bomb shelter" for that day, the accounting department will become a "women's battalion", and the reception will become a "checkpoint". Decorate the rooms with balloons and posters.

An interesting idea is to arrange a comic medical examination. For this, the female part of the team can purchase medical gowns. During a medical examination, you can come up with comic measurements of parameters, for example, weight or height, but use not centimeters, but such titles as “real colonel”, “handsome”, “ideal man”, etc.

After the medical examination is passed, each man receives a postcard with a congratulation and a comic inscription "ready to serve in the company."

At the end of the working day, it is necessary to call all the men to the "field gathering" and set the festive table. During the feast, you can prepare comic contests.

February 23 at work: recipes

It's time to think about the festive table for February 23 at work, the recipes for which should be original and at the same time simple.

Salad with ham, mushrooms and tomatoes

Required Ingredients:

  • ham - 200 g
  • fresh champignons - 300 g
  • onion - 1 head
  • tomatoes - 300 g
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • greenery
  • mayonnaise
  • spices to taste

This delicious and beautiful salad is quite easy to prepare, men will appreciate its taste.

Cooking method:

  1. fry onion in vegetable oil until transparent;
  2. add chopped mushrooms to the onion. Fry, add spices;
  3. boil eggs and grate them on a fine grater;
  4. cut the ham into small cubes or bars;
  5. cut tomatoes into cubes.

Put the salad on a dish in layers, lubricating each of them with mayonnaise. Decorate the top of the salad with herbs!

Delicious "Citrus"

Treat your colleagues with delicious "Citrus". But remember that you need to start cooking it 3-4 days before the holiday.

Required Ingredients:

  • vodka - 2 l
  • lemons - 4 pcs
  • sugar - 3 cups
  • water - 1 l

Cooking method:

  1. cut the zest from a lemon and insist it on vodka;
  2. make syrup from water and sugar;
  3. after a day, add syrup to vodka;
  4. insist the resulting drink for another 2 days.

After the citrus is infused, bottle it and treat men to it on their day!

Have a nice holiday!

Scenario February 23 at work

(The program involves sexy nurses who conduct a medical and technical examination of the male team)

The event is held in the form of a solemn meeting, which is held by women, while maintaining a very serious look. The announcement of the invitation warns of the meeting:

“Our dear, beloved Men! February 23 at 12:00 noon in ... a solemn meeting dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day will be held. All the men of our ... turnout is strictly required!

There is music in the hall. Men take their places, women sit at a table covered with a tablecloth. On it is a decanter of water and a sign with the inscription "Festive Presidium".

presenter(preferably a woman from the team): On the agenda:
Debate on the report

Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen! At the very beginning of the report, I want to remind everyone present that today we have gathered for a reason, but on the occasion of a national holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! And, therefore, let me congratulate everyone on this wonderful event. Hurrah, comrades!

Over the past period, a lot of fruitful work has been done to strengthen the defense capability of our team and prevent peace throughout the world. I would like to note with pleasure that not a single armed conflict occurred in the team during the whole year. Minor separatist attacks by individual elements were immediately suppressed by an affectionate word, a benevolent facial expression and an expressive configuration of fingers.

The moral and political level of the team was also not left without attention. The situation outside the collective is gradually normalizing and does not provide more food for the development of terrorist threats and attacks from superior neighbors and competitors.

Against the backdrop of all the achievements and victories, one should not forget that technological progress does not stand still. Therefore, it is time to seriously think about re-equipping our armed forces. We need new simulators, new software that will allow our defenders to improve further.

In conclusion, I want to wish all members of our team to continue to make every effort to strengthen the defense, and then, VICTORY WILL BE FOR US!!!

(stormy prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation)

HOST: I propose not to enter into a debate and move on to the third question.

(comic medals prepared for awarding)

1. For the affirmation of the life principle “You drive more quietly - you will continue!” the modest guy medal is awarded to ...

2. For courage in combining business with pleasure and confirming the saying "Our urchin has ripened everywhere" with a medal of the first degree "business - time, fun - two!" is awarded...

3. For courage in the struggle for a bachelor lifestyle, the Order of the "Heartbreaker" of the first degree is awarded ...

4. The first green medal is awarded to the youngest member of our team…
5. For courage in maintaining mystery, the medal "Mr. X" is awarded to ...
6. For courage in the struggle to comply with the principle “There are no ugly women”, the Order of “Ladies' Man” is awarded to ...

7. And other nominations, for example: (rich Pinocchio, walking joke, Mr. reckless driver, cool driver)


(joking congratulations to the men in the team)

Nurses act as doctors (1. "Chief doctor", 2. "Speech therapist", 3. "Therapist", 4. "Psychiatrist", "Oculist") men as patients.

Head physician: A holiday has come today - the Day of the Defenders of the Country……………..
Speech therapist: Quickly, clearly, without hesitation, repeat three times to me:
“There is no cooler than me in the world, because I am always on a horse!”
(men repeat the phrase three times)……………………………………………..

Head physician: Go see a therapist!
Therapist: Squeeze your hands into fists, raise, lower……………………………..
Psychiatrist: In the age of progress, technology, depression will destroy many………………..
Optometrist: A clear look and a sharp eye, this is said about you…………………………….

Head physician: In life, I'll tell you honestly, there should be no place for laziness!
If laziness has overcome you, then fight it boldly.
Coffee, tea, you get it in special dishes, pour it!

(women from the team give mugs to men)

Musical pause.
Conducting blitz contests.

congratulate colleagues on February 23, a sketch for a corporate party on February 23

maybe you will be interested:

(The program involves sexy nurses who conduct a medical and technical examination of the male team)

The event is held in the form of a solemn meeting, which is held by women, while maintaining a very serious look. The announcement of the invitation warns of the meeting:

“Our dear, beloved Men! February 23 at 12:00 noon in ... a solemn meeting dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day will be held. All the men of our ... turnout is strictly required!

There is music in the hall. Men take their places, women sit at a table covered with a tablecloth. On it is a decanter of water and a sign with the inscription "Festive Presidium".

Host (preferably a woman from the team): On the agenda:
Debate on the report

Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen! At the very beginning of the report, I want to remind everyone present that today we have gathered for a reason, but on the occasion of the national holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! And, therefore, let me congratulate everyone on this wonderful event. Hurrah, comrades!

Over the past period, a lot of fruitful work has been done to strengthen the defense capability of our team and prevent peace throughout the world. I would like to note with pleasure that not a single armed conflict occurred in the team during the whole year. Minor separatist attacks by individual elements were immediately suppressed by an affectionate word, a benevolent facial expression and an expressive configuration of fingers.

The moral and political level of the team was also not left without attention. The situation outside the collective is gradually normalizing and does not provide more food for the development of terrorist threats and attacks from superior neighbors and competitors.

Against the backdrop of all the achievements and victories, one should not forget that technological progress does not stand still. Therefore, it is time to seriously think about re-equipping our armed forces. We need new simulators, new software that will allow our defenders to improve further.

In conclusion, I want to wish all members of our team to continue to make every effort to strengthen the defense, and then, VICTORY WILL BE FOR US!!!

(stormy prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation)

HOST: I propose not to enter into debate and move on to the third question.

(comic medals prepared for awarding)

1. For the affirmation of the life principle “You drive more quietly - you will continue!” the modest guy medal is awarded to ...

2. For courage in combining business with pleasure and confirming the saying “Our urchin has ripened everywhere” with a medal of the first degree “business - time, fun - two!” is awarded...

3. For courage in the struggle for a bachelor lifestyle, the Order of the "Heartbreaker" of the first degree is awarded ...

4. The first green medal is awarded to the youngest member of our team…
5. For courage in maintaining mystery, the medal "Mr. X" is awarded to ...
6. For courage in the struggle to comply with the principle “There are no ugly women”, the Order of “Ladies' Man” is awarded to ...

7. And other nominations, for example: (rich Pinocchio, walking joke, Mr. reckless driver, cool driver)


(joking congratulations to the men in the team)

Nurses act as doctors (1. "Chief doctor", 2. "Speech therapist", 3. "Therapist", 4. "Psychiatrist", "Oculist") men as patients.

Chief Physician: A holiday has come today - the Day of the Defenders of the Country……………..
Speech therapist: Quickly, clearly, without hesitation, repeat three times to me:
“There is no cooler than me in the world, because I am always on a horse!”
(men repeat the phrase three times)……………………………………………..

Head physician: Go to the therapist!
Therapist: Squeeze your hands into fists, raise, lower……………………………..
Psychiatrist: In the age of progress, technology, depression will destroy many………………..
Ophthalmologist: A clear look and a sharp eye, this is said about you…………………………….

Chief Physician: In life, I'll tell you honestly, there should be no place for laziness!
If laziness has overcome you, then fight it boldly.
Coffee, tea, you get it in special dishes, pour it!

(women from the team give mugs to men)

Musical pause.
Conducting blitz contests.

Leading: Dear guests! Today you are all about a big pull, you will undergo a medical examination completely free of charge. You will be checked by the most highly qualified doctor, for which you need to make an appointment several months in advance.
The doctor enters in a dressing gown and cap.

Doctor: Hello guests! Please prepare your hearts for the medical examination.
(Approaches everyone, listening to the heart with a phonendoscope) He speaks:
1. Absolutely healthy.
2. Let me hear what is in your heart?

Diagnosis - easy love!
3. And what is your heart singing about, can I listen?
So, the diagnosis is clear - it means 100 grams of vodka every half an hour for today's evening. By the end of the anniversary, the wound will heal itself.
4. Young man, say A-A-A.
Enough. We write: confuses day with night. It's okay, half of our population lives quietly with such a diagnosis.
5. But, and you dear, what will please us?

All clear. She is sleeping!
6. And you, father, why are you so sad?
Write. Depression.
8 And who are you, can I listen?

Heightened self-esteem. Nothing can be done about it.
9. Well, your heart will definitely introduce you to us, who are you, what is your last name?

Persecution mania...
10. You sigh throughout the physical. Have you eaten anything today, how do you generally eat?
11. Here is your heart, it seems now it will jump out from an overabundance of feelings. Do you really want to say something?

Well done.
12 Your heart, it seems to me, is worried about the gifts that you gave to the hero of the day today?

Better listen to the heart, it will tell the truth.

(suitable for the hero of the day)
Tell me, the anniversary is over, everyone will go home and you will be alone in the evening, what words will you say to your wife that are in your heart.

Can we listen too?

So, I checked all the guests, the diagnosis is clear for everyone:
1 Chronic jubilism.
2 Butylism
3 Dancelite
4 Overeating
5 Retostite
6 Acute drunkenness
7 Hangover syndrome
8 Acute drink failure

I urgently prescribe a potion for everyone: White, Red, Dry!
Also passed a medical examination and our dear hero of the day!
Our council of relatives and friends who came to the anniversary.
Having examined the hero of the day: ear, throat, nose, liver, heart, kidney, spleen.
Taking the gyrus depth and intestine length,
The conclusion was made like this - our hero of the day is young.
The cardiogram says, the heart beats without flaw.
According to a blood test, he is fit for fiery love.
And like a glass of urine, it does not hit the head
Yes, and in the lower floor, when viewed from below,
Everything is in openwork, everything is in order, only corns are on the heel,
Well, yes, it doesn’t matter, he always runs a lot.

There are no superfluous wrinkles on the face, a sharp look and excellent hearing
Normally, the brain, digestion, only the channel of childbirth is blocked,

This is also not a problem, he always wants sex.
And physically can work up to a sweat.
We make a conclusion - does not need treatment.
Is it just to relax and with the guests a little bit,
For a healthy person, take 100, 125 grams!

Our dear hero of the day, we present to you medal" In a healthy body healthy mind "

We give you honor and glory,
May life warm you with kindness
After all, you are the rightful owner
Rewards high such!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DEAR ____________________!

admission committee(Polyclinic. There are several recruits on the stage in shorts and T-shirts. Inductee No. 1 is frail, small, pimply. Inductee No. 2 is cute, athletic. Inductee No. 3 is bespectacled, a nerd. Inductee No. ambulatory card in hands Doctor #1 in a bathrobe Doctor #2 runs in) D2: This is not a clinic, but some kind of madhouse. What did you call? What kind of urgency is this? D1: Yes, actually Monday, 9 am, you still have to go to work. D2: Fu, you, because of this or what? D1: No, we received a call from Moscow, now we will deal with the spring conscription. D2: Oh, finally, I will do repairs in the kitchen(surprised, doctor #1 ) Cho, did I say it out loud?(to conscripts) Well, are you afraid of me? Panties.(scaring like a ghost) Good, good, good... Okay, don't worry, the most healthy will go to the army.(walking along the line) You see, Shoigu enticed what responsibility he placed on him, not today, tomorrow he will be the Minister of Health, then the Minister of Economy, then Education. This is what happens, now I have to quarrel with the whole government because of you? Well, let's get started. Can any of you volunteer to be healthy? Inductee 1: Me! D2: No! There are no such troops. Let's go home.(pointing to conscript #2) So, you, come here!(pr. No. 2 comes out) Psychological test.(doc. shows photo) What do you see in this picture? Inductee 2:(joyfully) Loving couple. D1: Exactly. Inductee 2:(guilty) Me and your daughter. D 2:(angrily) Did I warn you, did I warn you? Now do not be offended, you will serve on a submarine. Get in line. Inductee 2: Maybe in a…submarine? D2: Everyone will be in the submarine, and you will be in the submarine.(recruitee number 2 goes to the end of the line) So, what do you have?(turning to conscript No. 3. takes a picture of a fluorography from him, examines it in the light) (removes the picture, and there was a thousand rubles behind the picture (it was not visible to the viewer at the beginning) he examines it) Well done! D1: Did you, Artem Aleksandrovich, watch “Live Healthy” yesterday with Elena Malysheva? D2: Well, it’s not interesting, fir-trees! What are you looking at? Last time I watched, she came in a stomach suit, purred, purred the whole program, garbage. I switched it.(to recruit #4) What do you have there?(takes outpatient card from him, reads) So, Heh! (to doctor number 1) Look how beautifully he rendered everything.(to conscripts) He hiccups.(zero reactions) Well, it sucks.(everyone laughs, draftee No. 4 grabs a card from the crying dock and runs to the end of the line) D1: It's all bullshit! He mows it down! D2: Nonsense is not nonsense, Danil Alexandrovich, but in our infectious diseases department one malingerer died. D1: What are you? D2: Yes, they didn’t believe for 4 days. Tickled, tickled, useless! You know how I guessed? I look at an orange, no one eats.(laugh) (dreamily) (to everyone) (to recruits, fun) You guys are all good! Inductee #2: Why is that? D2: Why, why. Because for ordinary Pokrovsky boys, army is the only chance in life to vilify at least something from Yudashkin!

D 2: This is not a clinic, but some kind of madhouse. What did you call? What kind of urgency is this? D2: Fu, you, because of this or what? D2: Oh, finally, I will do repairs in the kitchen. Whoa, did I say that out loud? Well, are you afraid of me? Panties. Good, good, good... Okay, don't worry, the most healthy will go to the army. You see, Shoigu has placed such responsibility on beckoning, he will not be today, tomorrow he will be the Minister of Health, then the Minister of Economy, then Education. This is how it turns out, now I have to quarrel with the whole government because of you? Well, let's get started. Can any of you volunteer to be healthy? D2: No! There are no such troops. Let's go home. So, you, come here! Psychological test.( What do you see in this picture? D2: Exactly. D2: Did I warn you, did I warn you? Now do not be offended, you will serve on a submarine. Get in line. D2: Everyone willinsubmarine, and youon thesubmarine. So, what do you have?( Well done! Now it's good! Well done! D2: Well, it’s not interesting, fir-trees! What are you looking at? Last time I watched, she came in a stomach suit, purred, purred the whole program, garbage. I switched it. What do you have there?So,dysfunction of the secretion of the biological gene of substances as a result of a violation of the vegetative genesis. Heh! Look how beautifully he veiled everything. He hiccups. D2: Nonsense is not nonsense, Danil Alexandrovich, but in our infectious diseases department one malingerer died. D2: Yes, they didn’t believe for 4 days. Tickled, tickled, useless! You know how I guessed? I look at an orange, no one eats. D2: Girls, skirts. Did you find Rastorguev's notebook or something?( The army is a purely masculine affair, understand? So the medical board is all formalities.( You guys are all good! D2: Why, why. Because for ordinary Pokrovsky boys, army is the only chance in life to vilify at least something from Yudashkin!

D1: Yes, actually Monday, 9 am, you still have to go to work. D1: No, we received a call from Moscow, now we will deal with the spring conscription. D1: Did you, Artem Aleksandrovich, watch “Live Healthy” yesterday with Elena Malysheva? D1: It's all bullshit! He mows it down! D1: What are you? D1: Artem Aleksandrovich, it’s a pity that we don’t have a women’s army, like in Israel. Otherwise, right now, there would be so many girls in skirts standing here.