Down syndrome activity with a child. Together with you. Individual-correctional lesson with a child with Down syndrome

Children with Down syndrome need constant communication with adults and peers. Well, if such communication takes place in a playful way. You can start playing with your mother, a teacher, in general with an adult who will teach the right movements, teach you how to build a logical thought, and develop the skills to follow instructions. But socialization is very important for development - soon it will be better to work in a group, and not only with children with a similar illness, but also with completely healthy children. Learning through imitation of other children, increasing efforts with the help of an element of competition, creativity in all forms - such activities will give a quick and lasting effect, if, of course, you practice regularly.

In order for classes to be not only fun, but also effective, you should follow the rules:

  • The child should sit opposite so that he can repeat the movements, see and hear the words of the leader (mother or teacher) well, and also so that he can be controlled and corrected. A trusting relationship must be established with the child so that he can focus on the game, and not on studying the character and appearance of an adult.
  • The instructions should be extremely simple - short, tasks should be clearly set, exercises should be done step by step. Show as much as possible, but there should also be verbal interaction, and it can become more complicated from lesson to lesson, since the child’s speech and thinking must also develop.
  • If a child does not answer a question, this does not mean at all that he does not know. You just need to pause a little so that the child can collect his thoughts.
  • You need to study in a complex - a child can perceive information more slowly by ear, but visual perception, a sense of touch helps in learning. Therefore, you need to use a picture, toys, household items. A variety of techniques for conducting a lesson, but at the same time the methodology should be as simple as possible, will help you learn faster. For example, it is not necessary to have a complex discussion, it is enough to build a dialogue based on questions and answers.
  • Games should be logically structured, with a clear start and end. If you need a big load, it should be given not by complicating the game, but by changing simple games that can go one after another or increasing the dynamics of one game if it is quite long. In the game process there should be mobility, elements of humor, in a cheerful environment the child not only feels better, he can make more efforts without getting tired.
  • The frequency and regularity of classes is important. Help with advice or practical help in setting hands, the correct direction of movements is welcome. The task should have a logical end, even if outside help is required - this is how children learn to finish what they started.
  • If the child does not cope with the game, there is no need to be zealous, you need to offer something simpler or more interesting, and complex game tasks can be offered again when the baby acquires the necessary skills and knowledge. The child must enjoy the game, otherwise it will not be a game, but a routine.
  • For successful participation in the game process, for a specifically completed task, you need to praise. Errors should be pointed out, but in forms that will not encourage uncertainty. You need to say “you can definitely do it,” even if you can’t do something. A person will follow this principle in adulthood, remembering that the efforts made will never be in vain.
  • Try to perceive the refusal of a certain activity as a desire to do something else. But you need to work, it is desirable to make rest simply by changing the type of activity - from mental to switching to physical and vice versa. Children with Down Syndrome have to do much more than normal children to reach the same level of development, such a feature of education.
  • If children themselves are not very active in playing (which may be the case with Down syndrome), adults need to take the initiative in their own hands. They need to be shown toys, explained what to do with them, taught role-playing games (driver, doctor, cook, depending on the type of game). Such games for children become part of the educational program. Children will be able to play independently until the age of eight, until this time you need to become their best friend and play with them.

    The game for children with Down syndrome forms coherent speech, develops imagination, teaches to recognize objects by touch. Children take the object in the bag and name what it is. It is better to start with flat figures, then you can add voluminous toys. In a group, you can hold a competition, who will name the most figures correctly in a certain number of attempts.

    A breeze blows in the face (we wave our palms in the face)

    The tree sways (arms sway above the head)

    The breeze subsides (squat, dropping hands to the floor)

    The tree grows (rises and stretches up).

    We make a tower of cubes. You can compete to see who has the highest tower. Or you can play a game - each child puts a cube on which cube the tower will fall. The cubes for the game need large ones to make the tower taller.

    Game with fingers "Day - night"

    The game consists in squeezing and unclenching the fists. To the words “Fingers sleep at night, they snore in the house” - we squeeze our fingers into a strong fist. To the words “Fingers woke up during the day, straightened up, stretched” - the fists open and the fingers straighten as much as possible.

    Games are also activities of different kinds. Children with Down Syndrome can:

  • Modeling from clay, plasticine, dough.
  • Simple constructors in which parts are put on grooves. You can make different shapes from the constructor.
  • Painting.
  • Singing.
  • Outdoor games with a ball.
  • Fun relays.
  • To develop memory first by images - first by household items, and then - by countries of the world, even by capitals. Some children have a good memory, and it can be developed.
  • Board games for two. Of course, monopoly will be too complicated, but dice chips will do just fine. It is better to play with two dice, so you can learn how to add numbers from one to six.
  • On the basis of each lesson, you can make a small competition, competitions with prizes. Prizes can be the simplest (you can give one candy each), but games need to be designed so that different children can win in different competitions, because some of them draw better, others sing better, others are physically stronger. Thus, a successful series of competitions will not leave anyone without gifts.

    But in individual lessons, it is advisable to limit yourself to verbal encouragement, for correctly done tasks, do not stimulate the child financially, since psychological dependence may appear - the child may want a gift from each of his actions, in the absence of which the desire to work disappears. And this is a departure from real life, you need to remember that games for children with Down syndrome (and for healthy children) are primarily a preparation for growing up, regardless of the age of the child.

    Remember, the human body is built in such a way that if difficulties arise in something, they can be eliminated by training. If seemingly insurmountable difficulties arise, then they are actually overcome by the development of other qualities, which can not only develop, but also develop into a unique talent that can become the basis of a future profession, independence, and hence the opportunity to fully enjoy life.

    20 educational games and exercises for children with Down syndrome

    These games and activities for children with Down Syndrome help develop thinking, cognitive and educational skills.

    Children usually experience significant delay and difficulty in learning to speak, although they understand much more than they can express. If you are raising a child with Down Syndrome, encourage his developmental and communication skills. Choose games, activities that best suit the age and developmental level, do not forget to reward his efforts with praise and hugs.

    Educational games corresponding to the development by months

    Teach your baby to recognize speech sounds early in life by playing. Hold him in front of you, supporting his head, and slowly create sounds like "a-ah", "o-oh", "p-pa", "m-ma". Make exaggerated lip movements. You will be delighted with his copying efforts. There are sound cards with letters that can be used from 9 months old to teach him to listen, distinguish words, copy lip movements.

    Visual learning is leading for people with Down syndrome. Memorizing verbal information is more difficult. Help him recognize the names of familiar objects by using simple gestures along with words, says Buckley, co-author of the book " Speech and Language Development for Children with Down Syndrome (0-5 years old). For example, put your hand to your ear when the phone rings and say "phone" or pretend to drink from a bottle or cup while saying "drink".

    Draw attention to an object: a rattle, a favorite toy, a picture, and ask them to look at it. Gradually increase the time, his attention, when you talk about the subject. Activities that encourage joint attention, where the child and caregiver watch and listen together, help children learn the language faster, improve attention.

    In his book " Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome" Libby Cumin says that all communication depends on the listener and the speaker. Rolling the ball back and forth is an easy way to practice this skill. When you roll the ball, say "turn mothers", when pushing him back, say his name (" turn Jack"). As soon as he says the name, ask him to point to himself and say "I" or his own name.

    Learning the meaning of signs and symbols helps to communicate before the development of language skills. In its practical guide, This Sign Means Ice Cream, the Early Literacy Center recommends showing your toddler a real object or activity, along with an appropriate image. Take pictures of objects or activities your child likes, he can "ask" what he wants by pointing or handing you a picture. Always encourage him to say this word.

    Play this fun color learning game: Gather a lot of the same color items from around the house - a red shirt, a blanket, a cup - and place them in a red bag or laundry basket. “Visual activity based on real world objects makes it easier to understand the overall concept,” says Dr. Cumin. If the child is at word level, name the color as you pull out the object. When he learns to process a two-word phrase, color and object name.

    Children with Down syndrome take longer to form verbose phrases. Research shows that they usually have a vocabulary of 100 words before they start adding them up. Move from a single word to a two-word stage using the expansion mimic technique. First repeat the spoken word, then complete it with another. For example, if you say "boat" while playing, say "Boat, it's sailing." If he says "dog", you can say: "Dog. Black Dog". Repetition is important, says Dr. Cumin, so don't be discouraged if you have to do it often.

    Use items to trigger two-word phrases. At its simplest, the tool is a rectangular piece of laminated cardboard with two colored dots spaced a few centimeters apart. “The board serves as a visual reminder to bring two words together,” says Dr. Kumin. For example, when modeling the phrase "A car is driving," point to the first dot when you say "car" and then point to the second dot when you say "driving." Use your hands to show movement, this will serve as tactile support. As the child progresses, draw more dots to give clues as the phrases increase in length.

    AGE 3 - 5 years old, vocabulary expansion, sounds

    Tea time is learning time

    When the language you use is related to everyday activities, it makes learning functional and more motivating. Add everyday words to the dictionary, such as sit, drink, there is, wash. Drink tea, take a bath with dolls, describe what you are doing. Then follow the child - serve food, wash, dress the dolls, offer to talk about what you are doing using two or three word phrases (“Dolly is drinking tea” or “Mom is washing the doll”).

    Strengthen your child's visual memory strengths by using praise to boost self-esteem and expressive language. Joe and Susan Kotlinsky, parents of a daughter with Down Syndrome, created a special system for teaching reading. They suggest sticking an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper in a prominent location. Every time the child says a new word or a word you haven't heard, stop doing what you're doing and say, "Oh, that's a new word!" and write it down on a piece of paper. Print the word in lower case on a 5" x 7" card. Then show the card and say the word at the same time. Later, show the card again and repeat the word. Over time, the child will try to add new words to the list.

    Write the letters on the back of the colored circles. Have the child turn over each circle and make a sound. Prompt by making the right sound, reduce the prompts over time. Start with a few circles and sounds the child is already making and slowly add more. “Most children with Down syndrome will start learning sounds between 3 and 5 years old,” says Buckley.

    Educational activities for babies with Down syndrome

    There are many educational activities to help get kids with Down syndrome involved. These special children will benefit from the daily practice of helping adults. Regardless of a child's special ability, there are exercises to suit their needs in order to reach their individual potential.

    “Because of their good visual memory, children with Down syndrome can be taught to read early, when there is an understanding of 50 to 100 words, they can match and select photographs,” says Buckley. Make a game with words that are easy to answer, like last names or products.

    Type two adjacent words like Mother and dad, in large print on a piece of white paper, laminate it (use cardboard backing if you like). Type the word again, separately, on small cards. Place the large card, face up, in front of the child, holding the hand with the small card that matches the words on the large card, one at a time. Increase the words that appear on large cards to three or four.

    The game of matching words and images makes the task of mastering reading skills less frustrating. To prepare the game, choose a book or story with simple words that the child is already familiar with. Before you read the story to your child, highlight the words in it. Gather the pictures that represent each highlighted word and lay them out on the table.

    Read the story, allowing him to view the page while reading. When you get to the highlighted word, stop and let your child choose an image that represents the corresponding word. Praise him for his success.

    There are no studies on how chess affects children with trisomy 21, but you can try to include the game in the development program. Chess is a complex intellectual game that requires planning, well-developed thinking and memory. The weakness of these functions makes the game of chess inaccessible for children with Down syndrome.

    Physical Development Activities

    People with trisomy 21 have more flexible muscles. This prevents them from learning physical skills as easily as other children. For the same reason, some children tend to move less. Physical exercise during the day helps to develop muscle tone, physical skills. Crawling, standing and walking exercises are recommended.

    Balance and coordination of movements

    Children with Down syndrome often have difficulty with balance, the vestibular system. That is why they are often afraid of swings. Developing balance will help reduce these concerns. Use a hammock as it will hold the child completely and also allows you to move back and forth, side to side. All these actions will help develop the vestibular system, a sense of balance.

    Working with hand functions

    With Down syndrome, the arrangement of the bones of the hands is slightly different. This is one of the reasons it's hard to find great coordination exercises. Activities that improve eye-hand coordination will help you learn these skills more easily. For this purpose, use various arts and crafts. For example, dough crafts, lacing, collecting small items.

    Tactile activity

    Sunny children often develop hypersensitivity. They do not like to touch any objects or walk on some surfaces. To reduce this, wipe the soles of your feet and the palms of their hands with a cloth of various textures.

    Start with comfortable and tolerable sensations, slowly introduce others that the child may not like. Some of the things that Downies don't like to touch are glue, jelly, sand, dirt. Often they do not like to walk on grass, cold, uneven surfaces such as pebbles, wet sand. Activities such as playing with dough, drawing with fingers, help reduce hypersensitivity.

    While ordinary children learn about the world around them with relative ease, people with Down syndrome often struggle to develop an understanding of the world in which they live. Help the person build their basic skills by creating face puzzles. To create them, select images of faces from magazines or faces of family members. Cut each image into 3 strips, separating the parts of the face (eyes, nose, mouth). Place the cropped faces in envelopes or pouches. Let's put them together by practicing his understanding of facial structure.

    For babies with Down syndrome, activities that help them become more aware of their body, how it moves, will be useful for developing thinking. Parents can manipulate the child's arms and legs up and down, left and right. As they grow, children can do it themselves. This may be a mirror activity; the adult touches his head, then the baby touches the adult's head. The adult claps his hands, the child copies. By helping to copy movements, you are helping to learn how to do it yourself.

    Daily fine motor skills, strengthen the muscles of the fingers and hands. Use clay or plasticine to create different objects. Another way to develop fine motor skills is to practice cutting different types of paper. Use safety scissors.

    Basic motor skills

    Place five or six hoops on the ground. The child aims and throws small bean bags into the middle of the hoop. Or create a bowling game. This can be done using empty plastic bottles. The child uses balls of different sizes to knock them down.

    Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that typically results in slower learning, impulsive behavior, and short attention spans. Musical activities are beneficial for people with Down Syndrome because these students learn better with lessons that are repetitive and engaging. The rhythms and repetition of music help to remember something easier than simple speech. Music for children with Down Syndrome stimulates the whole brain and is a great learning tool.

    Children with Down syndrome often stick out their tongue when speaking due to lack of muscle control. Sit with your baby in front of a mirror and put on a fun song he loves. Sing along with him and look in the mirror. He will see his own language and try to copy your way of using your tongue when you sing.

    The first thing they learn in school is the alphabet, counting, their address and phone number. One of the easiest ways for children with Down Syndrome of all ages to remember this information is with a song. You can use ready-made alphabet songs or scores, or come up with your own simple, catchy melody. This method is suitable for any information that needs to be remembered. An added bonus is that most children with Down syndrome love music, so they pay more attention, repeat songs, and therefore remember faster.

    musical movement

    Use motion music to stimulate motor, eye coordination and cognitive skills. Children with Down syndrome are at high risk of obesity and are much more interested in music than movement. Simple activities include dancing to a song or music. Cognitive skills are trained by throwing a ball to music. Every time the music stops, practice the current skill. For example, if you are working on a rhyme, every time the music stops, say the word that rhymes.

    Activities associated with rhythm and movement stimulate the development of speech, help to cope with difficulties. When the music is playing, children can clap or beat the drum to increase the rhythm. They can also show their dance moves or follow the directions in the song to learn different moves.

    Children with Down syndrome are deficient in some areas of development. However, by providing the right environment and the right games and activities early in life, we can help develop and acquire skills that are lacking in a natural and enjoyable way.

    Summary of the lesson "Geometric shapes" for a child with Down syndrome

    Nomination: educational activities for children with down syndrome.

    Purpose of the lesson– creation of conditions for the formation of skills to identify objects by shape, as well as the ability to correlate objects by shape, through the formation of ideas about geometric shapes.

    Conduct form: individual.

    Lesson duration: 30-40 minutes.

    Methods and techniques: observation, conversation, hand massage techniques for the development of fine motor skills, the author's game "Animals Rescue".

    Necessary equipment and organization of space: workplace for classes: office (ventilated in advance), good lighting, work desk / desk / coffee table, two chairs if necessary (for a psychologist and a child). Massage ball with spring. A4 white cardboard or A4 paper sheet. A cut-out set of geometric shapes from colored cardboard: a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a rhombus (3 pieces for each figure). Animal figures (in our classes we had small plastic toys, and Kinder toys) and a “villain” figure. Images of 2 emotional states (happy and sad), glue.

    Stage 1. Greeting, establishing contact, building trust.

    Game "Catch the ball!"

    Stage 2. Hand massage with a massage ball, then with a spring. This exercise has two goals, where the main goal is to establish contact with a psychologist. At the beginning of the lesson, as a rule, the child has no motivation to work, attention is dispersed and the child is distracted by any trifle, entering into an object game with any thing (role-playing a role-playing game for a child with Down syndrome at primary school age is not available). Therefore, the psychologist needs to fix the child's attention on himself, using physical contact, verbally and emotionally reinforcing communication with the child. During the task, the child is asked various questions: “what is the weather like outside?”, “what is the mood”, leading the child to the goal of the lesson, the beginning of the instruction for the lesson (“And today the animals from the zoo came to visit us!”).

    Stage 3. On the topic of the lesson "Geometric shapes" with the introduction of the author's game "Saving the animals", the child is offered a background.

    “Funny animals were coming to visit us today, they really wanted to meet with you and play together. Do you want to play with them? (we receive feedback from the child) But here's the attack! There's been trouble! Along the way, they met a layer of villain-robber! (We show the child the figure of the “villain”) He caught all the little animals and imprisoned them in an iron cage! (We also show the child animal toys that we put in a box / mesh container / basket in advance) They are so sad and bad there now! Let's save them! (After we waited for the positive answer of the child, we continue) this villain-robber turned out to be a big cunning one! He doesn't want to let the animals out just like that! And don't outwit Him! He came up with a task for you, if you complete the task, he will let the animals go! So, are you ready to complete the tasks of the villain-robber? (we are also waiting for feedback from the child).

    Stage 4. Work on the topic. The formation of skills to correlate geometric shapes with the standard, as well as the introduction of the concepts of the size of objects (large-small) and the concepts of comparative size (more-less).

    The child is offered an A4 sheet (the principle of the image of a “game-card” in the photo in the application), where the contours of geometric shapes are drawn in advance, and images of animals are drawn (those animals whose toys you have and prepared in advance for the lesson).

    The following is a new instruction: “Here, the villain gave us a map, let's go through the paths, find all these figures and save our animals! Let's? (We get feedback) The villain-robber mixed up all the figures (we show the child the cut out geometric shapes), and we will now unravel them in order, in turn, stick them on our map and save each animal! Look, who's pictured here? That's right, Mishka! And what are the figures next to him? These are our circles! (we say the word “Circle” with the child) Let's find the circles and stick them in the right places! (child finds, sticks) Hooray, you found and glued all the circles! What a great guy you are! Now our Bear is saved!”(The villain-robber releases the Bear from the cage and we present the opportunity for the child to see and touch the toy, but at the same time reminding the child that there are still animals that are waiting for his help).

    We continue the instructions in the same sequence, "saving" each animal.

    The child, as a rule, successfully copes with the search for geometric shapes, correlating them with the standard, but finds it difficult to work consistently, therefore, here we show guiding and teaching assistance, orienting the work in sequence, while drawing the child's attention to the fact that there are large figures, and there are small ones. there is more and there is less.

    As soon as all the animals are rescued, we give the child the opportunity to play with toys, initiating a role-playing game, if possible, devoting 5-10 minutes to this from the lesson. Further, the child must be carefully brought to the end of the game and the lesson as a whole: "And now, let's help our animals go back home, because they missed their moms and dads, we need to safely escort them so that the evil robber does not catch them again."

    Stage 5 Completion of the lesson. Demonstration of images of human mood. Playing the mood in front of the mirror. Reflection: How are you feeling? Show on the picture! Did you enjoy the activity? Show me in the picture! You can also use the non-verbal game “Give a gift / Imaginary gift” at the completion stage, while not requiring the child to come up with a gift himself, but ask him to repeat after himself.

    Nomination: correctional and developmental program for children with down syndrome.

    Educational activities for children at home

    I continue the theme of social networks. In the last article, I wrote about a social studies textbook for grade 8, authored by the Nikitins, today I want to write an article for all parents raising children with down syndrome. Going into one of the solar groups in classmates, I came across comments and an appeal from parents raising sunny children to a woman

    Moms. Please tell me, when my daughter and grandmother were treated in the Crimea, there was a woman with a sunny child from Yekaterinburg, her child did not speak, they went to church and after that the child began to speak. And the church, in my opinion, is located in Volgograd and in the Volgograd region. Tell me, maybe someone knows where that church is or maybe this mom will respond. Thank you.

    1. Mine will be 6 years old, speaks only 8-10 words
    2. I join. we also. 5.5 years old..does not speak
    3. We have the same problem glad to keep in touch very interesting.
    4. Lord, help all these children! My granddaughter is 6 years old, he also only has a few words.
    5. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. God hears anywhere, you just need to ask in faith. Our Bathsheba! 3 years says everything, but not clearly. Need to fix it.
    6. I also decided to write my comment and bring people down to earth a little by writing the following!

    7. Dear mothers! It is very difficult to teach our children to speak, do not look for a magic pill, it is not there.

    In order for the child to start speaking, regular sessions with a speech therapist are necessary at least 2 times a week. And from you a lot of effort and patience during homework. It is necessary to listen and follow all the recommendations of a speech therapist. Only joint work brings a positive and good result.

    My son is 7 years old, we are going to go to school next year, and his vocabulary is only 280-300 words and does not pronounce clearly. Teachers say that a student with our diagnosis should have a vocabulary of at least 500 words.

    I do not want to say that our faith in the Almighty is just empty words, of course not. But in our case, do not stay idle in the hope of a miracle! The most important thing is you start, and with God's help you will succeed.

    Our child is already seven years old and next year we are going to school. Well, as you know now children need to be prepared for school. Those whose children go to school already know that it is not easy to prepare a child for school at home, and it is more difficult to prepare a child with Down syndrome than usual. As it turned out, for ordinary children in many development centers there are preparatory (of course paid) courses. And for our solar no.

    I often hear that in order for a child with Down syndrome to be accepted into school, parents are willing to shell out decent money. And here a big mistake is made, paying for the lesson, this is not a guarantee that the child will definitely go to school. No matter how much money you pay, success is not guaranteed. How your child learns the educational material depends on the teacher, and here not all teachers can work with a child with our diagnosis. Many specialists, having raised the price, start classes, a month of regular weekly classes passes, and the child does not learn, and does not acquire anything new. How to be?

    We've been through this! We had regular classes in kindergarten for the last 3 years, which did not bring the desired result. Then the speech therapist and I did nothing for 2 months. We studied for a fee and I watched the classes and made my conclusion. That my child does not make contact with this teacher, but the teacher stood her ground claiming that she would find an approach to the child. He is not going to admit his failure ... only he knows he didn’t complete the task, which means he needs to be punished so that next time he would think before refusing to do something. And we, in turn, must pay for her arrival, and the fact that she does not have a relationship with the child is not her fault at all.

    Two weeks of training have passed, then another month, and there is no result. I began to select another teacher, because Slavka didn’t want to work with her at all. Why waste precious time and nerves of the child. After suffering for 2 months, we still refused to study with this speech therapist and began to go to a free center for social assistance to the population.

    If it is difficult to find an approach to our child, and experienced specialists cannot do this. I, like any other teacher, over the years of raising my child, already know how to approach him, how best to interest him, where to start, so that he would eventually get involved in the educational process. Of course, it is not worth canceling classes completely. Let's say we changed tactics and began to go to the social center, to classes with a speech therapist and psychologist, and to exercise therapy. Nobody canceled social adaptation, and communication with other children is simply necessary. In addition to classes with teachers, regular classes at home in writing, mathematics, the world around us, logical problems, etc. Now we have only two classes a week, one with a speech therapist, one with a psychologist, and of course, daily, independent, homework. On Wednesdays, another exercise therapy session. The child does not have a violation of the musculoskeletal system, but we simply walk so that he learns to listen to the teacher and complete all the necessary tasks. After all, no one will cancel physical education at school, even if corrective.

    Educational activities for children At home, of course, the developmental material itself is required, and I began to select it. Now there are a lot of stores with educational toys for every taste, the most important thing you need is to decide what materials you need for your educational activities for children.

    The pictures show a small part of what we are doing.

    Raising children with Down syndrome.

    Raising children with Down syndrome.

    Raising children with Down syndrome presents certain challenges for parents.

    These children are very trusting, friendly, affectionate, distinguished by reliability, readiness to do what is required, capable of doing feasible work for a long time.

    The most characteristic symptom of Down's disease is developmental delay and associated learning difficulties.

    The mental development of the child is stimulated to a certain extent by timely treatment. But if the healing process is not accompanied by proper education, the medicines will not bring the desired effect.

    As you know, in such children, emotions, unlike intellect, are more developed. However, often the emotional reactions of children with Down syndrome do not have depth and are superficial. Therefore, such kids easily “switch” from one activity to another.

    The priority task of parents should be the maximum adaptability of the child to life.

    Most children with Down's disease are easy to raise. It is advisable to start classes with them from 4-5 years old, and if possible, even earlier.

    A baby suffering from Down's disease needs to be taught self-care skills so that he does not grow up completely helpless. It would be advisable to arm yourself with patience and begin training, using the tendency to imitate characteristic of this ailment.

    When teaching, it is necessary not only to explain, but also to show.

    For example, first you need to show how to wash yourself, rub your palm against your palm, put them in a handful. Then you should bring the child to the tap with water, take his hands in yours and do these actions.

    The child may be afraid of water. This is eliminated by the game - bathing the doll in a basin, launching boats, etc.

    At first, you should help the child with dressing.

    An important methodological rule is the condition to do everything in the right order. This contributes to the gradual development of automatism in the child.

    It is necessary to teach how to unfasten and fasten buttons, and for this you can sew something similar to a vest with loops and buttons of different sizes and shapes. First, the child should practice buttoning and unbuttoning the buttons on the vest, and then on his jacket.

    It is advisable to encourage a child suffering from Down syndrome with any, even the most insignificant manifestation of independence, to praise in order to stimulate his activity.

    It is also necessary to watch how he takes off and puts on clothes, whether he is able to fold them, whether he puts them in the right place. It teaches you to be careful.

    For the development of the speech of a child with Down's disease, it is always useful, regardless of the topic of the lesson, to talk with him, not to ignore his attempts to talk with adults, to teach him to build simple sentences, to name and distinguish between surrounding objects.

    It is necessary to help expand the range of his impressions, introduce children to games, adults' activities, talk about natural phenomena in an accessible form. During the conversation, he is taught to answer the questions: “What is this?”, “Who is this?”, “What is he doing?”.

    Very helpful with pictures.

    For example, if the picture shows a spoon and the child named it, you should invite him to look at the table and look for a spoon on it.

    You can do it differently: first name and show the child an object from the environment, and then ask him to find it in the picture. This will allow even a child who does not speak at all to understand someone else's speech, which is also very significant.

    A child who has mastered speech should select pictures with a plot that is somewhat more complicated, for example, “The girl is sitting at the table”, “The boy is watching TV” and asked to tell what is drawn on them. At the same time, it is appropriate to help with leading questions.

    At the next stage of speech development, it is important to introduce classes with a series of pictures that are united by a simple plot. The child should be given 4-5 pictures, asked to arrange them in accordance with the development of the plot, and then compose a story.

    Such an activity is considered difficult. Of particular difficulty is the ability to tell. Usually, the child's story only lists the names of actions or objects, without any connection between them. However, if you show sufficient restraint and perseverance, with each subsequent lesson, speech will become more developed.

    Children suffering from Down's disease speak little even when they have the right phrase or word. This is due to a reduced interest in others, a weak motivation for statements.

    To increase the activity of the child's speech, it is necessary to create a situation where he can ask or ask about something. For example, you can hide a toy from him so that he asks about it, while explaining himself not with gestures, but with words.

    Among the characteristic features of children suffering from Down's disease is the inability to play.

    Usually their pastime consists in aimless and senseless rearrangement of toys from place to place. They have no real interest in anything. They can't come up with simple game situations.

    A child should be taught to play not only for the sake of spending free time. Games stimulate the development of thinking, memory, attention, contribute to the improvement of the emotional-volitional sphere.

    It is also welcome to arrange a children's room with a play corner, placing toy animals, dishes, furniture, etc. in it.

    In games, it is appropriate to create situations that can evoke emotional reactions in a child. For example, a gosling wants to drink - you need to give him water; the hare ran and fell - you need to caress him, take pity on him.

    Useful daily exercise outdoor games. They greatly improve the coordination of movements.

    It will be useful for the baby to run, climb, walk. It is advisable to walk along different lines laid out of ropes on the floor, a circle, a square.

    It is advisable to teach a child to throw a ball, carry objects from one place to another, get things that are in a hard to reach place, for example, stand on a chair and get the ball from the shelf.

    Education of labor skills

    For a child with Down syndrome, it is important to acquire labor skills. To begin with, it should be taught to perform elementary housework. If this is not done, the child in the future will largely depend on others.

    According to the observations of practitioners working with children with Down syndrome, such kids are capable of a wide variety of work.

    Even very young children can wash dishes, clean tables, dust, sweep the floor. The older ones are good at sewing on buttons, washing and ironing small linen, and mopping the floor.

    A child with Down syndrome must be able to carry out any assignments, have certain responsibilities. They can be watering flowers, getting newspapers from the mailbox. At the same time, it is desirable to periodically diversify duties in order to stimulate the development of various skills and maintain interest in them.

    When teaching, it is appropriate to use the tendency of such children to imitate. The child, after repeating any actions after an adult, will be able to perform them independently, but still cannot do without control.

    Introduction to reading and counting

    Many of the children are able to master the counting, writing and reading, but often such knowledge is due to the mechanical nature.

    For example, they can master the ordinal count, perform arithmetic operations using visual aids - circles, sticks, but, as a rule, an abstract account is not available to them.

    If you managed to teach to write and read, you need to take care of the possibility of using the knowledge gained by the child in practice. It is advisable to teach him to write his address, last name, first name, read signs on the streets, various information, safety signs.

    It is useful to complete a task related to the counting of household items, for example, arrange cups on the table in an amount corresponding to the number of diners.

    Speech therapists for children with Down Syndrome

    Preschool children (including those with missing speech), schoolchildren and adults. Effective help for children and adults. Any speech disorders, including: stuttering, dyslalia, dysarthria, ONR, FFN, alalia, rhinolalia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, mental retardation, Down syndrome and disease, aphasia (recovery of speech after strokes and TBI).

    Internship at the Centers for Speech Pathology (Germany, England). Certificate of training in the PORTAGE program. For a long time she was the chairman of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. Author of programs, guidelines, articles for speech therapists, educators, teachers.

  • Lesson cost: Price for 60 min. lessons 2000 rub.
  • Items: Speech therapy, Elementary school
  • Town: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Filevsky Park
  • Education: Ural State Pedagogical University, specialty - speech therapy and oligophrenopedagogy, graduated in 1980. The highest qualification category.
  • I deal with children and adults with such speech therapy conclusions as phonetic underdevelopment of speech, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, general underdevelopment of speech, dysgraphia (writing disorder). I conduct classes in a playful, exciting way for children.

  • Lesson cost: 1500 r.
  • Nearest metro station: Perovo
  • Education: TSPI, Faculty of Defectology, graduation year - 1992.
  • Children of preschool and school age, parents.

    Defectologist - speech therapist - psychologist in a correctional preschool institution. Providing consultative, diagnostic and corrective support to children of preschool and school age who have difficulties in learning and development, with mental retardation; lag in intellectual development; down syndrome; in violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, autism; in violation of speech; vision.

    Corrective classes are held in the form of a game. The reasons causing difficulties in the development of the child are established.

    For each child,

  • Lesson cost: 2000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, Primary school, Preparation for school, Psychology
  • Cities: Moscow, Zelenograd
  • Nearest metro stations: Pyatnitskoe highway, Arbatskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Education: Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. Getsen, specialty - speech therapy; typhlopedagogy. Slavic Pedagogical Institute. specialty - preschool psychology.
  • Children from 4 years old, teenagers, adults. Correction of problems of diction, as well as general speech development (ZRR, ONR). Problems of reading and writing in elementary school (dyslexia and dysgraphia), "inattention". Aphasia.

    I have experience working with adults for whom Russian is not their native language (correction of grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary enrichment).

    I conduct remote classes only with adults and teenagers, because Classes via Skype require organization from the student.

    • Items: Speech therapy, Russian language, Preparation for school, Elementary school
    • Nearest metro stations: Yasenevo, Novoyasenevskaya
    • Status: school teacher
    • Education: IPP, specialty "speech therapy". Qualification "teacher - speech therapist".
    • Speech therapy classes with children from 2.5 years old, speech evoking, correction of speech disorders, the formation of coherent speech. Development of memory, attention, logical and cognitive abilities.

      Preparation for school: I work with children from 4 years old. Teaching reading, writing, hand placement, the formation of mathematical skills.

      Participant of the master class "Correction and diagnosis of speech disorders", correctional center "Rostok".

    • Lesson cost: 1200 rub. / 60 min
    • Items: Speech therapy, Preparation for school
    • Cities: Moscow, Klimovsk, Podolsk
    • Nearest metro stations: Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, Tsaritsyno
    • Home visit: South. see map
    • Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Childhood, Master's program, Speech therapy support for persons with disabilities, 2017 Moscow State University of Technology, Institute of Social Engineering, social anthropology, 2014
    • Correction of sound pronunciation, elimination of stuttering and stammering, rhinolalia, alalia, rhinophony. Children from 3 years old. For younger students, classes on the prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia. For children suffering from dysarthria, speech therapy massage, a set of breathing exercises, sound production. Children with ONR, ZRR, ZPRR, RDA are accepted.

    • Lesson cost: 1500 rub. / 60 min
    • Items: Speech therapy, Psychology, Elementary school, Preparation for school
    • Nearest metro stations: Glider, Volokolamskaya
    • Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Defectology, speech therapist - defectologist.
    • Speech therapist - defectologist, psychologist. Speech development from an early age. Correction of writing (dysgraphia), reading (dyslexia), ONR, ZRR, CHR, UO, ZPR, dysarthria, dyslalia, FFN, autism, hyperactivity, Down syndrome.

      Psychological and pedagogical preparation for school and kindergarten.

      Primary school: classes for students in grades 1-4, help in all subjects, help with homework. Russian language, Russian language for foreigners. The development of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perception, etc.)

      Certified for the first qualification category. I constantly improve my skills, I have a stove.

    • Lesson cost: Speech therapy - 1200 rubles / 45 minutes, 1500 rubles / 60 minutes;

    Defectology - 1200 rubles / 45 minutes, 1500 rubles / 60 minutes;

    Psychology — 1200 rubles/45 min. — 1500 rubles/60 minutes;

    Preparing for school - 1200 rubles / 45 min. - 1500 rubles / 60 min.

  • Items: Speech therapy, Psychology, Preparation for school, Elementary school
  • Nearest metro stations: Tsaritsyno, Prague
  • Home visit: No
  • Education: Moscow City Pedagogical University, Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology (distinction); MSPC, Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology.
  • I work with children as young as 2 years old. I work with ZRR, FFN, alalia, dysarthria, ADHD, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, UO.

    I conduct probe speech therapy massage. Restoration of speech after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, neuroinfection, brain tumors: aphasia, dysarthria (massage, articulatory gymnast, breathing exercises, speech material, etc.).

    Preparation for school for children 4 - 6 years old, learning to count, write, read.

    Primary school for students in grades 1-4. Correction of dysgraphia, dyslexia.

    For more than 20 years she has been an employee of the Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation.

  • Lesson cost: from 2000 rubles/45 min.;
  • 2500 rubles/60 minutes..

  • Items: Speech therapy, Preparation for school, Elementary school
  • Nearest metro stations: Krylatskoe, Strogino
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: MGGU im. Sholokhova, Faculty of Defectology, 1990 Certificates of professional retraining in the specialty "Neurodefectology".
  • Classes for children from 3 years old. Calling up speech, staging sounds, developing coherent speech, increasing the volume of vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech, forming sound perception, teaching reading and writing, correcting reading and writing disorders, etc.

    3 years experience as a speech pathologist. She also worked with students of primary and secondary schools as a Russian language tutor (4 years).

  • Lesson cost: 1000 rubles/60 min.;
  • 800 rub./45 min.

  • Items: speech therapy
  • Nearest metro stations: Water Stadium, Yugo-Zapadnaya
  • Education: Higher (bachelor's degree): Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Defectology, Speech Therapy.
  • Children from 2 years old. ONR, FFNR, FNR; dyslalia, dysarthria, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism.

    I do speech therapy. Speech disorders: dysarthria, dyslexia.

    Comprehensive preparation of children for school for children 4-6 years old.

    Primary school for students in grades 1-4. Correction of sound pronunciation, articulatory gymnastics, development of fine and general motor skills, dysgraphia (writing disorder), dyslexia (reading disorder), logic, psychologist.

    Work experience 22 years, including abroad. Responsible, punctual. Individual approach to each child.

    "Sunshine Children"

    with Down syndrome.

    « The main thing is to believe in the child and accept

    him the way he is.

    Well, help him with all your might.

    develop. "(Larisa Zimina.)

    “Know how to love someone else’s child. Never do something to someone else

    what you would not like to be done to yours. ”(Janusz Korczak)

    All over the world, people with Down syndrome are called "sunny" - they are so kind, friendly, open and defenseless. They are simply not capable of offending anyone, because they are completely devoid of aggression. They do not know how to be offended and angry. And, like all children, they love to play, dance, read, play pranks, learn something new.

    But children with Down syndrome can live, develop, learn and show their talents only in an atmosphere of love. They need a little more help, attention and understanding, both from the family and from the whole society.

    The purpose of correctional work with children with Down syndrome is their social adaptation, adaptation to life and possible integration into society. It is necessary, using all the cognitive abilities of children, and taking into account the specifics of the development of mental processes, to develop their vital skills so that, as adults, they can independently serve themselves, perform simple work in everyday life, improve the quality of their lives and the lives of their parents.

    Mobile and psychological games, relay race games, have a positive effect on the physical and mental state of children with Down syndrome.

    Recorded changes in the mental state of children:

    Improvement of concentration of attention;

    Reduction of anxiety in communication;

    increase in activity;

    · improvement of social orientation.

    Look, for example, at this photo - what flexibility, what emotions! It is immediately clear that children have amazing athletic abilities.

    Timely and adequate use of group games and exercises as a method of recreation, adaptation and correction of emotional disorders in children with Down syndrome prevents the neurotic development of their personality and is an effective means of social adaptation.

    Children with Down's disease have access to some basic manual activities. They retained the perception of spatial relationships and color discrimination. Many of them correlate objects in shape and size. All this can serve as a basis for teaching children with Down syndrome the simplest types of play and learning activities. .

    Down children have not only weaknesses, but also strengths, and, accordingly, they need not so much a simplified as an individual training program. Children with Down syndrome have a harder time generalizing, proving, reasoning, learning new skills, and concentrating, but they tend to have good visual learning abilities (for example, they can easily learn and use written text).

    Class hour "Where do vitamins live?"

    Conducted by a teacher of the 5th grade: Buzyleva E.V.

    When educating and raising a child with Down syndrome, teachers and parents need to rely on his stronger abilities, which will make it possible to overcome his weaker qualities.Being among their peers with similar problems, children stop feeling inferiority, they are more willing to communicate. Depriving parents of hyper-custody, children learn to be independent, take responsibility for solving feasible problems.

    Club hour "Defenders of the Fatherland"

    Conducted by the teacher of the 5th grade Ostroukh N.L.

    The effectiveness of pedagogical technology aimed at socio-psychological adaptation and the formation of social and everyday skills in children with Down syndrome will be significantly higher if it includes the process of implementing individual programs using a methodology aimed at developing and correcting cognitive and emotional deficiencies in pupils .

    Despite the genetic condition of the disease and the lack of effective treatment for children with Down syndrome, there is the possibility of their social adaptation.

    Most experts are convinced that downy can be taught almost everything, the main thing is to deal with them, believe in them, sincerely rejoice at their success. The main rule for the rehabilitation of children with Down syndrome is not only treatment or correction in special institutions, but involvement in "ordinary" life - communication with relatives and peers, study and classes in circles and sections.

    Deprived of health and some abilities, a child with Down syndrome received a very valuable gift from nature - wonderful spiritual qualities. Children - Downs are very affectionate, kind and gentle. They subtly feel someone else's pain and suffering, they do not know how to lie and be hypocritical, to put on a mask of indifference. They have a huge number of friends and real friends who will never betray. Downyats, as an indicator, unmistakably determine the essence of a person, tearing off a false mask from him.

    Holiday "Golden Autumn".

    Working with such bright children, how can you not change yourself, become kinder, stronger, wiser???

    Downyats teach people to love each other as we are, without any embellishment or tricks. They teach us to appreciate every day, to rejoice in even the smallest victories, to love life in all its diversity, to love our neighbor and just love!

    Let us, dear colleagues, learn to love our neighbor and just be PEOPLE!

    Abstract of the developmental lesson

    on individual correctional work

    with kidsVIIIkind

    Abstract of the developmental lesson.


    1) to form and develop voluntary attention, visual-figurative thinking; 2) develop the properties of attention: volume, stability, concentration, switching; 3) to form and develop mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison; 4) enrich visual images and ideas; 5) to form the ability to highlight the main features of the subject.

    Equipment: illustrations for assignments, a medal.

    Lesson progress:

    Andrey, hello! Look out the window. What season is it now?

    Today we will play a game: "watch the spring"

    Blooming in spring…….

    Right. Now we need to collect a picture so that the flowers have time to bloom.

    gra: "Pick up the right parts instead of the missing ones"

    Look at the top question mark. Pick a piece that should fit here. Check. Put it in the right place. Fits? (if not, looks for another piece). The same with another question mark.

    And in the spring a lot ... ..


    Game "Little bug"

    "Now we will play such a game. You see, in front of you is a field drawn into cells. A beetle is crawling on this field. The beetle moves on command. It can move down, up, right, left. I will dictate moves to you, and you will move the beetle in the right direction across the field.Do it mentally.You cannot draw or move your finger across the field!

    One cell up, one cell to the left. One cell down. One cell to the left. One cell down. Show me where the beetle stopped." Etc.

    And in the spring it shines very brightly ... ..

    The game: "Draw the missing drawing"

    See what's missing in the picture? If you find it difficult to answer: look at the first house that you see on it, near it.

    (window, door, sun)

    What is on the second house and near it?

    (window, door, sun)

    And near the third?

    (window, door, roof)

    What is missing around him?

    Draw it.

    Also in the spring on the street you can see a lot of ……

    The game: "Find the number "one"

    Help the dog find all the numbers one. If you see the number one, cross it out.

    Game: "Who hid behind the bush?"

    Consider carefully all the animals. Name what everyone has. (what ears, paws, nose, eyes, etc.) Now determine who hid behind the bush?

    What about behind the fence?

    What type of transport is hidden behind the fence? What is the difference? What does the stroller have? At the scooter? At the bike?

    Cut pictures.

    I brought you a picture, on it is a type of transport. But she broke. Help me restore it.

    Did you get a picture? What is shown on it? If you have difficulty: take one part. What's this? Do you think this part is at the bottom or at the top of the vehicle? And this part? What's this? Where is she? See if you can connect these two parts? Take another. What's on it? Where do we attach it? What is missing? Substitute. What kind of picture is it?

    Well done! For today's work, I want to give you a medal! On it is written: "Well done!" Thanks for the help!

    Stages of the lesson, the purpose of the stage

    Task for children

    Teacher activity

    Children activities


    Welcome stage:

    Establish a positive relationship

    "Circle" is a traditional greeting; (sitting on carpet)

    “I’m going, I’m going and I’ll find a friend for myself”

    "Who's come?"

    "What do we do?"

    He pronounces the words of greeting: “We will stand side by side in a circle. Hello, hello dear friend. Let's smile and say to everyone: "Hello!"

    “I’m going, I’m going and I’ll find a friend for myself. Zoya, will you play with me? etc.

    Posts photos and names of children and offers to find your own

    Pastes the "schedule" of the lesson on the board

    The children nod their heads, smile and make the “hello” gesture.

    Vocalization, pronunciation by children of babbling words;

    They find their photo, name and stick it on the board

    Concentration of attention; establishing interpersonal communication between adults and children

    Articulatory-motor minute:

    Development of articulatory and fine motor skills

    Phonetic rhythm: pronunciation of vowels and consonants with hand movements (with functional load)

    (sounds: A, O, U, I, P, T)

    Finger gymnastics (at the table) on rugs with elements of Su Jok - therapy "Apple with a fist"

    Shows the children the movements characteristic of each sound and pronounces the sounds: O - raise your arms through the sides up and connect above your head. A - hands in front of the chest. When making a sound, spread them wide apart. PA - lower your hands sharply with clenched fists down. Etc.

    Showing movements and pronunciation of words

    Children, standing in a circle, repeat sounds, syllables and movements after the teacher

    Sitting at the table, repeat the movements of the hands.

    Hand movements help to maintain the desired articulation, help children remember letters for global reading.

    kinesthetic stimulation

    Formative stage:Introduce children to fruits, subject pictures, pictograms, non-verbal means of communication

    Consideration of natural fruits (apple, banana), correlation with a subject picture, with a pictogram, with a gesture (Makaton system)

    Game "Wonderful bag"

    Words and gestures: apple, banana, juice, hard, round, big, give, on

    The teacher describes each fruit: “This is an apple (gesture). It is round (gesture). Sweet apple (gesture), hard (gesture). They make juice out of it (gesture). Offers to find a subject picture, a pictogram. The teacher invites the child to feel the object in the bag and show it in the picture. After that, subject pictures are replaced by pictograms.

    Children repeat gestures, vocalize, babble. Find subject pictures, pictograms according to the instructions. Match the fruit with the picture and the pictogram.

    The development of conceptual speech, the implementation of verbal instructions, gestures,

    The development of stereognosis

    Stage "We communicate":

    Formation of the ability to express one's desires with the help of gestures, subject pictures, simple and leped words

    Using gestures, pictures, pictograms, children ask for this or that fruit from the teacher

    The teacher invites the children to "buy" fruits by asking them. Gives a sample phrase - tell: "Gimme a banana", "Give me two apples", etc.

    They babble and show a gesture:

    "Da ba" ("Give me a banana");

    "Na, aba" ("Na, apple")

    Cognitive activity, pronunciation of words, vocalization

    Imitation stage:The ability to perform actions to imitate the actions of an adult

    Exercise from a series of physical exercises

    The teacher offers to play:

    “My grandmother has an orchard in the village. There are pears and apples on the trees. I can collect them directly from the tree. How good it is for me to relax in the summer with my grandmother ”

    Perform actions to imitate the actions of an adult

    Relieve stress, emotional and physical relaxation

    Stage "Reading and writing":To form the ability to understand what an adult said with the help of objects, pictures, pictograms

    Each child is given a set of symbols and subject pictures, with the help of which the children make up a sentence.

    The teacher slowly pronounces the words of the sentence:

    "I wash my apple"

    "I love banana"

    "Mom eats an apple and a banana"

    Children lay out sentences with the help of symbols (for each word - a symbol)

    Forming inner speech

    Farewell stage:

    Draws attention to the “schedule” of the lesson: what did we do today?

    "Circle" - the traditional end of the lesson

    Pronounces the name of the fruit, repeats gestures, asks questions about the structure of the lesson, requiring children to vocalize,

    He pronounces the words of farewell: “We will stand side by side in a circle, goodbye, dear friend. We'll hug a little, say to everyone: "Bye, bye!"

    They pronounce babble words - the names of fruits;

    "yes - no" (gestures and vocalizations)

    Perform movements for an adult, gestures, pronounce syllables: “ka” (“bye”)

    Emotional attitude to the studied

    A clear indication of the end of the lesson



    Teacher - defectologist Khlopushina S.V.

    Topic: "FRUITS"

    Educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development"


    Educational:To promote the ability of children to correlate an object with a picture and a symbol; mastering new

    Non-verbal means of communication (gesture: Makaton system, symbol).

    Corrective: Contribute to the formation of conceptual speech; ability to follow verbal instructions.

    Educational:Create conditions for mastering the means of communication (helping each other); for development

    Emotional sphere (success situation).

    Prerequisites for UUD:

    Communicative:the formation of the ability to listen and pronounce babble words.

    Regulatory: the formation of the ability to perform actions by imitation.

    Cognitive:formation of cognitive actions; primary ideas about the properties of objects.

    Personal: formation of cognitive and social motivation.

    Equipment: "Magic chest", typesetting, fruits (apple and banana), object pictures depicting fruits, pictograms, a set of symbols, photographs of children and cards with their names,

    Form of organization: subgroup

    Nomination: educational activities for children with down syndrome.

    Position: educational psychologist

    Purpose of the lesson– creation of conditions for the formation of skills to identify objects by shape, as well as the ability to correlate objects by shape, through the formation of ideas about geometric shapes.

    Age- 7-8 years.

    Conduct form: individual.

    Lesson duration: 30-40 minutes.

    Methods and techniques: observation, conversation, hand massage techniques for the development of fine motor skills, the author's game "Animals Rescue".

    Necessary equipment and organization of space: workplace for classes: office (ventilated in advance), good lighting, work desk / desk / coffee table, two chairs if necessary (for a psychologist and a child). Massage ball with spring. A4 white cardboard or A4 paper sheet. A cut-out set of geometric shapes from colored cardboard: a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a rhombus (3 pieces for each figure). Animal figures (in our classes we had small plastic toys, and Kinder toys) and a “villain” figure. Images of 2 emotional states (happy and sad), glue.


    Stage 1. Greeting, establishing contact, building trust.

    Game "Catch the ball!"

    Stage 2. Hand massage with a massage ball, then with a spring. This exercise has two goals, where the main goal is to establish contact with a psychologist. At the beginning of the lesson, as a rule, the child has no motivation to work, attention is dispersed and the child is distracted by any trifle, entering into an object game with any thing (role-playing a role-playing game for a child with Down syndrome at primary school age is not available). Therefore, the psychologist needs to fix the child's attention on himself, using physical contact, verbally and emotionally reinforcing communication with the child. During the task, the child is asked various questions: “what is the weather like outside?”, “what is the mood”, leading the child to the goal of the lesson, the beginning of the instruction for the lesson (“And today the animals from the zoo came to visit us!”).

    Stage 3. On the topic of the lesson "Geometric shapes" with the introduction of the author's game "Saving the animals", the child is offered a background.

    “Funny animals were coming to visit us today, they really wanted to meet with you and play together. Do you want to play with them? (we receive feedback from the child) But here's the attack! There's been trouble! Along the way, they met a layer of villain-robber! (We show the child the figure of the “villain”) He caught all the little animals and imprisoned them in an iron cage! (We also show the child animal toys that we put in a box / mesh container / basket in advance) They are so sad and bad there now! Let's save them! (After we waited for the positive answer of the child, we continue) this villain-robber turned out to be a big cunning one! He doesn't want to let the animals out just like that! And don't outwit Him! He came up with a task for you, if you complete the task, he will let the animals go! So, are you ready to complete the tasks of the villain-robber? (we are also waiting for feedback from the child).

    Stage 4. Work on the topic. The formation of skills to correlate geometric shapes with the standard, as well as the introduction of the concepts of the size of objects (large-small) and the concepts of comparative size (more-less).

    The child is offered an A4 sheet (the principle of the image of a “game-card” in the photo in the application), where the contours of geometric shapes are drawn in advance, and images of animals are drawn (those animals whose toys you have and prepared in advance for the lesson).

    The following is a new instruction: “Here, the villain gave us a map, let's go through the paths, find all these figures and save our animals! Let's? (We get feedback) The villain-robber mixed up all the figures (we show the child the cut out geometric shapes), and we will now unravel them in order, in turn, stick them on our map and save each animal! Look, who's pictured here? That's right, Mishka! And what are the figures next to him? These are our circles! (we say the word “Circle” with the child) Let's find the circles and stick them in the right places! (child finds, sticks) Hooray, you found and glued all the circles! What a great guy you are! Now our Bear is saved!”(The villain-robber releases the Bear from the cage and we present the opportunity for the child to see and touch the toy, but at the same time reminding the child that there are still animals that are waiting for his help).

    We continue the instructions in the same sequence, "saving" each animal.

    The child, as a rule, successfully copes with the search for geometric shapes, correlating them with the standard, but finds it difficult to work consistently, therefore, here we show guiding and teaching assistance, orienting the work in sequence, while drawing the child's attention to the fact that there are large figures, and there are small ones. there is more and there is less.

    As soon as all the animals are rescued, we give the child the opportunity to play with toys, initiating a role-playing game, if possible, devoting 5-10 minutes to this from the lesson. Further, the child must be carefully brought to the end of the game and the lesson as a whole: "And now, let's help our animals go back home, because they missed their moms and dads, we need to safely escort them so that the evil robber does not catch them again."

    Stage 5 Completion of the lesson. Demonstration of images of human mood. Playing the mood in front of the mirror. Reflection: How are you feeling? Show on the picture! Did you enjoy the activity? Show me in the picture! You can also use the non-verbal game “Give a gift / Imaginary gift” at the completion stage, while not requiring the child to come up with a gift himself, but ask him to repeat after himself.

    Application "Game-card"

    Nomination: correctional and developmental program for children with down syndrome.

    Position: educational psychologist
    Place of work: MBOU OSHI No. 1
    Location: Penza