Ways of peeling newborns. How to drain with your head. How to swaddle a child - step-by-step photos with explanations. Video: How to swaddle baby in the heat and other ways of swarenia

Almost every newly made mother, especially if the firstborn was born, wondered - how to fad a newborn baby. This uncomfortable case must teach a nurse in the maternity hospital. But if this did not happen, or the knowledge was a bit taken for free, then this article is for you. (At the end of the article Selection of video instructions)

Before proceeding with swaddling ( ), You must make sure that you use clean, wicked and ironed diapers. Some unscrupulous mothers continue to use a diaper after the baby pissed himself. Do not do this! Such an irresponsible attitude towards the child threatens the appearance of dermatitis and, which caused the baby suffering and considerable discomfort.

It is necessary to iron a diaper on both sides. Well, if you have a saparler - you will save time, and the diaper will be soft, pleasant to the child. If there is no excipar, then when ironing the usual iron, splash the diaper with water so that it does not become rigid and tough.

Child swaded can be where you are comfortable - on the changing table, on the sofa, beds.

Remember - in no case leave the child on the changing table of one, even for a minute - he can turn, fall from the height and damage himself something. Be carefull. If you need to urgently move away to another room, do not be lazy to put the baby in the crib.

So, how to swaddle a newborn baby.


First of all, make sure that the child is clean, if necessary, fit the baby and put the pure diaper on it. If you do not use disposable diapers, you can make diapers from gauze, and put them under the ass of the child. In this case, the diapers will be more often polluted, so you will purchase them in advance in an amount of at least 20 pieces.

If the cold season and indoors are cool - prepare two diapers for swaddling.

Mama on a notic!

Girls hello! Today I will tell you how I managed to come into shape, lose weight by 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of complete people. I hope the information will be useful for you!

We begin the swelping itself. Distil the diaper on the surface of the changing table or bed. Child neatly put in the center of the diaper, the head of the baby should be above the edge of the diaper. Press the right handle of the baby to the calf, tighten the right corner of the diaper. The edge of the diaper should go beyond the baby's back. Then we press the left handle, similarly wrap the left edge of the diaper. We left at the bottom of the "tail." The edges are also in turn converted to the baby and fix in the resulting side pocket. Everything!

If it is cold, then the baby wrapped in one diaper, by the above-described principle, wrap in the second diaper, the difference will only be that the pen's handles are already hidden and they should not be pressed.

In the hot season, the child can be swatheled with open handles, the way of free swaddling. In this case, the pen's handles must be above the edge of the diaper, and the wrapping of the edges occurs in the same principle as simple swaddling.

The baby wrapped in a diaper should feel comfortable. If he is clearly dissatisfied, and even when wearing in his arms, you can't calm it, check if the folds on the diaper do not interfere, do not be too closely you were separated.

You can adapt to the breaker of the child in a couple of times workouts, then the process will get on you on the "automatic". The main thing, be confident in your abilities, and success will not make himself wait!

We also read:

By the way, for moms (and dadders), which do not know how to swaddle there are special envelopes for the Summer Infant Swaddleme swaddling, here we wrote a small overview of envelopes

well, watch a video clip What kind of envelopes are:

Video instructions - Learn to swaded correctly

A little humor - Batman's sword 🙂

Some three decades ago, the question of the feasibility of the peeling of a newborn before young parents did not even stand.

There was simply no other alternative. In the dowry, the kid was acquired by a set of a pellery and a blanket, and diapers were made from gauze or from the old sheet.

A modern look at the need for a baby's swelping radically changed. Newborn climb into elegant suites already when discharge from the hospital.

Are modern parents right? Do you need to swaddle kids? Let's deal with.

Primary requirements

Proper baby's swaddling has a number of positive moments.:

  1. It facilitates the adaptation of the baby to new living conditions outside the mother's womb, in which he was warm and cozy. Pelleka, tightly embracing the body of the newborn, as if returns it to the constrained conditions of the maternal womb. That is why the baby woven in her calm down and falls asleep faster.
  2. Preheating soft pellery, replacing the heat of the mother's body, helps the body of the baby to adapt to new temperature conditions.
  3. Appearing on the light, the little man is experiencing severe stress. He often shudders in a dream, pulls his handles and, touched upon his face, wakes up. This is how it happens with newborn, whose handles and legs remained at freedom. If the crumb to plunge, this does not happen and his sleep will be calmer.

Full swearing

Pediatricians are leaning towards the fact that swaddling is beneficial for newborns throughout the first four weeks of their lives. Using the pellery, adaptation to the "new" world for kids will be more harmonious and gentle.

I'm somewhat accustomed to the environment, the baby will lose the habit of reflexing the limbs, and their movements will acquire greater smoothness and coordination. There is no particular need for the peadian one and a half-month child. It makes sense in night swearing only those kids who continue to throw out the handles during sleep.

Read also about the size of clothes for newborns by months.

Some categorical recommendations can not be given here. In each case, it all depends on the behavior of the kid himself. If it is difficult for him to fall asleep without swaddling or his sleep is interrupted by frequent wakes - it means that the time for refusal from the pellery has not yet come.

The dandy kid feels protected (photo)

  • The kneading kids follows only for sleep time. In the time of wakefulness, it is better to leave them in clothes that do not make movements. The best option will be the sliders and sputum.
  • Baby parents should initially abandon too tight way, since in addition to the difficulty of breathing, it can contribute to the dislocation of the thigh.
  • Diaper should be immaculately clean and stagnant. Using an iron with a steamer or spraying the surface of the Peelinka with water in the process of its ironing provides a special softness of the tissue and comfort for the baby. If the baby was pulled onto the pellets, dry it on the battery is categorically impossible - it is fraught with the development of thenels and irritation of tender child skin, right up to the development of dermatitis. This rule must always be used with everything.
  • It should be wrapped in only the picked child.
  • If the temperature in the children's room is not higher than twenty degrees, the optimal option is the kid's sweetening in two pelleins: the stente and flannel. In the too hot room for the peeling of the newborn, the marlevis will come up. Such a fabric will create optimal conditions for the moisture exchange of children's skin.
  • You can swaddle a newborn on any horizontal surface, but it is most convenient to do this on a changing table: this will prevent unwanted load on the lower back during the care of the kid. It will also be convenient for the procedure directly in the crib if it provides the ability to install on the second (higher) level.
  • Before turning on the crumb, pampers or diaper are worn. When using a diaper, you must ensure that it contributes to the breeding of the legs. If the diaper is made of fine gauze, there is a small pellery with a rectangle between the legs of the child.
  • In addition to the diaper on the baby put on a fresh thin sputum, stabbing on the back and warm, stabbing on the chest. The room should be warm and deprived of drafts.

Under no circumstances should you leave the kid on the changing table without supervision. Leaving the room even for a few minutes, you should shift it into a crib.

Baby need to learn how to control handles and legs

Warding using diaper and / or blankets

Warding babies is tight and free. For many centuries, it was believed that tight swabs of newborns forms their correct posture and guarantees straight legs in the future.

In Russia for tight swab babies, a swivel was used - a special strip of dense domain matter (no less than twenty centimeters width). The baby wrapped in the pelleon with his legs to the head was wrapped in this ribbon over the pellery. As a result of such a waving, the baby, deprived of the opportunity to move the limbs, lay in the crib like the soldier in the rack "Smirno". For permanent monitoring of the baby you can install.

Nowadays, too tight swaddling is recognized as not only inexpedient, but also a harmful procedure that restrain the natural physical development of the child and can cause serious injury.

The tradition of wrapping children in diaper leads its beginning from ancient Russia

How to choose a baby carriage for a newborn will tell me.

What is the harm of traditional tight swarenia:

  • The baby whose limbs were forcibly straightened and fixed in such a position, forced to be in a completely unnatural pose for hours (with normal position, diluted legs should have maximum freedom of movement).
  • The motion of the baby, accustomed to the tight swellane, remain unconescribed for a long time. It is significantly lagging behind in physical development from those his peers who had the opportunity to move freely by the limbs.
  • Artificial limitation of mobility leads to the fact that the semi-annual and even eight-month-old infants practically do not know how to turn over or normally crawl.
  • Tightly, the pelleins violate normal blood circulation in all parts of a small body. From this, lightly suffer from this, since the sampled chest prevents full respiratory breath.
  • Violation of normal blood circulation has no less depreciation and for the formation of the immune system. Tightly swearing kids subsequently sick much more often than their peers are not limited in the movements.
  • Tight waving straightened legs often leads to dysplasia (congenital sublux or dislocation) of the hip joint.

There are officially confirmed evidence that after the National Project, Japan's young mothers were abandoned by the traditional tight peeling legs of their children, the number of cases of hip joints decreased from 3 to 0.3%.

All information about the music mobile in the crib for newborns will find.


Tight swaddling is sometimes called full, because with it, the baby wrap up in a pelleon from her shoulders to the feet. This method is relevant for children from the moment of birth to two or three months. There are two main types of it.

Classic option:

  1. On the table spread, carefully smoothing, two pelleons at once (the flannel should be at the bottom).
  2. Putting the baby on the pelleon, put on him a diaper.
  3. At the time of the sware of the handle of the child, stretched along the body, hold one hand.
  4. The right edge of the Pelinka, skipping the baby over the left shoulder, is tested under his back.
  5. Similarly, turn the right-hand of the child.
  6. Since the kid's handles, pulled by cloth, lose the ability to actively move, at that moment the hand of a person performing swaddling is released. Further manipulations are performed by both hands.
  7. The lower edge (tail) of the pellery is put on the chest of the baby and, wrapped it with its body, refuel into the resulting tissue fold.

Classic Method of Tight Ward

Swaddling "With Kosynka":

At the same time, the Baby Head receives additional protection in the form of an improvised brazer.

  1. On the changing table, the thin pellery is spread so that it is slightly above the flannel (with this version, the insulated pellink is stacked on top of fine).
  2. The newborn is put on the table so as to wrap its head with the top edge of the fine pellery.
  3. The right edge of the Pelainka wrapping the body torso and put it under the back.
  4. The same makes the left edge of the Pelainka.
  5. The fixation of the "tail" is carried out in the above described version.

Welding stages using brazers


This method of swaddling, not the baby's movements, is more gentle, since the posture with crossed handles and tested with the legs as close as possible to its intrauterine position in the maternal womb.

A free way gives the baby the opportunity to move freely with legs, suck the cam or finger, touch his palms to her face.

There are two options for free swaddling of newborns.: At the first embodiment, only crumb knobs are on freedom. With the second embodiment, neither knobs or legs are limited in movements. The use of an envelope for newborn, non-making movements of a child, in this sense can be considered a good alternative to traditional swaddling.

The first option is performed as follows:

  • Disseminated on top of the warm sintsevoy, put the baby on them, already closed in two dispensers and diaper.
  • The upper part of the peeling should be located at the level of infant armpits.
  • Having turned the side edges under the back of the baby, the lower part of the peelinka lift and fill.
  • As a result, it should be like a bag of a bag, inside which the baby can freely chat with legs.
  • Warm pelleton is folded in the same way.

Stages of free swaddling (photo)


This type of peeling is used for kids with deviations in the development of the hip joint, the musculoskeletal system and with suspicion of the dysplasia. The essence of this method is reduced to the fact that the legs of the newborn are widely divorced and fixed in this position.

To fix the lower extremities, use the twin or (in special cases) a fancy pillow. In some sources, it is referred to as "peril", bus or bandage. Thanks to this method, the baby's legs take the natural state for them: semi-bent, with breeding by sixty degrees.

To help modern moms, special panties and covers equipped with velcro shoulders are available for wide sware of babies. In the absence of these devices, you can use the traditional method of swelping using three pellery.

Cuting one of them with a triangle, placed on her baby. The other, fresh several times, is put between the legs of the child. The side edges of the first Pelainka wrap around children's hips, fixing the improvised gasket. The lower edge of the triangle, skipping the baby between the legs, is fixed by the same sidewalls.

What is the pillow for feeding a breast child will learn.

The top corners of the third pelleberie turn around the baby's tummy. The lower "" tail "wrap up and refuel under the improvised pins. If the swaddling is performed correctly, the legs of the crumbs should be slightly fixed and pull up.

Wide swaddling can be partial - to the chest level and complete - to the level of chin.

Wide fashion

Warding with head (corner)

This way of wondering the baby's baby is called "envelope". Peleins in this case are laid out in the form of a rhombus, and the baby is placed on top of them so that its head is at the bottom of the top corner.

The side edges of the pellery wrap in the same way as in all the above methods. The lower edge either stacked the baby on the chest and fixed in the traditional way, either wrapped behind the back and, encouraging the baby's body from the sides, refills in the resulting fold of the front.

About how to choose a baby cot for a newborn read.

The corner closing the baby's face allows you to protect it from the ingress of bright sunlight or from the exposure of the cold during street walks.

In the warm time of the year, the newborn head should protect a light cap, in winter - a warmed cap.

During walks on a hot day, it is advisable to limit ourselves to only one pellery (if the heat is exhausted, the pelleka must be marlevic). With the onset of cold weather over the pellery of the baby wrapped with a warm blanket.

Bought with the head of the baby do not need a cape

Good alternative to swelling - acquisition


In this video, you will be shown a step-by-step instruction of the peeling of the newborn.

Do not give up the pellery of a newborn baby in the first weeks of his life. Providing comfort and sense of safety, it facilitates the adaptation of the baby to the harsh living conditions outside the mother's tummy. Proper swaddling should be gentle and providing a crumb of free movement.

Many mothers do not know how to swaded a newborn baby. Following step-by-step instructions, you can easily master this skill.

More and less parents today uses swaddling, preferring to him modern children's little things. And it's not even that young milfs against the pellery. Many of them simply do not know how to swaded the child, assuming that it is difficult and inconvenient.

In fact, changing, as well as other childcare procedures, learn very simple. And, if you did not receive this skill on the courses for pregnant women or in the maternity hospital, you can always get acquainted with the techniques of the pellery independently, and grandma will be happy as an instructor.

Like kids shy

Improving and supplemented, methods of peeling newborns were transmitted from generation to generation. And today allocate only a few basic types of peeling.


This, the most conservative, the method was particularly popular in Soviet times. The kids firmly wrapped in a pelleon, forcibly straightening the handles and legs so that the babies could not even move.

The tight fit of the fabric allowed the crumb to feel in the same, "native", cramped, that was in her mother's belly. However, excessive transmission of a tiny shoulder can have very serious consequences (violation of blood flow, hip joint dysplasia, etc.), so today this method is infrequently applied.

"Changing" soldier "(tight), do not forget to regularly turn the baby, changing the bar on which he lies."


The word "free" already says that the baby is not so fixed by the pelleny, as in the previous method. Dumpless handles and legs can move, which allows the crumb to turn into a convenient pose of the embryo. This method is absolutely safe for children, and therefore today is considered the most optimal.

Wide peeling newborns

This type of sweltering is usually assigned to an orthopist if various disorders of the bone muscular system are observed. The baby needs to be selected so that his legs are divorced and bent a little. For this, special panties are used or folded pellery.

What kind of ways described above is better to swaded and how to do it right?

Learning to swaded with different techniques

The first months of Pellink completely replaces the baby's clothes. Depending on whether the crumb is going to sleep, walk or awake, and the ways of swaddling will be different. Step-by-step instructions on how to properly swing a newborn baby.

Tight Warding

Most of the negative consequences associated with the use of diapers (see Article "), belongs to this method. However, only tight swaddling allows you to firmly and quickly sleep with the restless kids. Scheme of swelling "Soldier".

  • Ellipped the pellery in the form of a rhombic, the top edge bend. We put the baby so that the upper border of the angle passed under his neck.
  • The left edge of the fabric is wrapped under the opposite barrel of the baby, fixing the pellery under the back.
  • The right corner is also marshy, we turn down the back.
  • The remaining "tail" rises to the neck or the shoulder of the baby, depending on the size of the tissue. Now wrapping the "tail" around the baby and fix the free edge.

Looking like appliances and swaddling with head, or "envelly". It is more often used for walks when the crumb is wrapped in a blanket. As in the instructions described above, the child is laid on the diagonal. The corner does not convert, but is left free so that you can cover the child's head.

After the first handle hides, the lower angle is seduced. The remaining edge of the blanket or pelleb is covered on top. Cart "Complete" can be fixed using a tape.

In minutes of wakefulness or at night (if the child does not wake up from shuddering the handles) you can use free shoe. The algorithm of actions at this method is the same as when tight peeling. Only now the handles and legs are not fixed tightly pellets, but remain in the natural position. There should be enough space between the cloth and the baby's tent, so that the legs and handles remain moving.

The main feature of this method is that a folded cloth is paved between the legs of the baby. It is necessary that the legs remain in a slightly deployed semi-bent position, which is useful with a congenital dislocation of the thigh. How to do it?

To help young parents:

Fold the cloth diagonally and spread the angle down. Lift the lower edge to the belly of the baby, selling it between the legs. The remaining corners take turns to fix behind the back.

Now take the second pellery. She is steed with a rectangle. By placing the kid in the center so that its upper edge takes place under the lower back, wrap the sides loosely. The remaining "tail" lift up and also lock behind your back.

5 principles of healthy sweltering

To swaddling, as well as other procedures associated with the care of the baby, must be taken seriously. The slightest violation of hygienic standards and non-compliance with the rules can lead to irreparable consequences for mental and physical health of crumbs.

Right surface

Of course, swaded can be anywhere. But it is better if it is a flat rigid surface - a table or "pellenitor". It is covered with a glued tide and a warm cloth.

You can also purchase a special chest of drawers with a retractable worktop, intended for a child. It is more convenient on it than on the bed, to make manipulations with a baby, because Mom does not strain the back.

Often with it in the configuration and the mattress is sold. It should be waterproof and soft enough.


Clothes and personal hygiene objects should be at hand, but to be located at a safe distance. On many "pegging", for example, there are special niches on the side.

Preparation of clothes and pellery

Before changing the fabric of a newborn, it is erased, dried and smoothed on both sides with an iron. To mitigate and disinfect the pellery, use the steamer or just sprinkle them with water.

Never wrap a child in used pelleons! Dirty, wet or overwhelmed, hard fabric instantly provokes the appearance of diameters and peeling dermatitis, which is unpleasant and even dangerous for newborns.

The same applies to linen. Under the pellets, there are dispensers with the smell on the back or abdomen. All native clothes for newborns wear seams out.

Skin care

Before blocking a newborn, it must be sealed with warm water and handle the skin with a supper or cream. Then the pure gauze or disposable diaper is put on. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, do not forget to adjust the edge edge so that it remains open.

Air baths

Do not leave the child with a rolled round clock. Try before the swearing to leave it for a while without clothes.

The newborn is weakly working thermoregulation, so follow the temperature in the room - avoid drafts, warm up, if necessary, air.

Wrap the baby at the first bathing with a stem diaper, and then it will feel much calmer!

Piece in the summer

Often moms are interested in how to swaded a newborn in the heat so that it does not overheat. At home it is better to leave a baby naked, and you can "dress up" into the cotton pelleon. Swimming the baby in this case is better in a free way. More for summer heat is suitable natural T-shirt and swabing only legs.

Winter winter

A newborn baby is very easy to "stand up", so in cold weather, children are swearing together with their heads. How?

Take a big pellery and we convert a little the top edge. We apply it to the head of the baby and put into the golk on one side. The resulting angle is refilled under the back. Also we do with the second edge, turn the angle around the child. Further we fold the "tail" with the usual way.

If there are no large fabric, you can use two pellets. Then one will go to "Kosynka", and the second turn the caller.

Speeding technique without pens and legs

Depending on the situation, only legs are sometimes swearing or, on the contrary, only the handles.

In the first case, the baby is put on the fabric so that its upper edge reached the armpits. The side sides are wrapped under the back, and the bottom rises and refills up so that it turned out the "bag".

Swaddling without pens is practiced from about 4 weeks. It is done at the beginning during the wakefulness so that the infants get used to their hands, and then during sleep.

If the baby wakes up himself with his hands, but I don't really want to die with Krochi, you need to think about how to swaded only the handles. Detailed hand writing is described in our photo instructions.

First method

Second way

If now the correct swaddling seems too difficult to you, you can purchase special "cocoons" or pellery for newborns, which allows even inexperienced dads without difficulty wrap the baby.

1. What is important to know parents

Recently, many young parents refuse to swaddle barefooted little child . How justified such a decision and is it necessary to the newborn baby swaddling in the first month of life?

You will find the answers to these questions in this article, and also learn how to properly swaddle a newborn baby and what kind of swaddling methods will not harm the physical development of crumbs.

According to the results of numerous studies, the baby in the first week of life feels permanent discomfort, adapting to new surrounding conditions after a comfortable stay in the maternal womb.

It has been proven that the baby that appeared on the light feels cozy and more protected if it is properly shy. After the procedure, the kid takes the usual intrauterine position, due to which he sleeps hard and less often capricious.

In addition, the crocha will be better protected from reflex highlighting the handles and legs. Own sharp gestures scare kid and can interrupt sleep.