Miranda Kerr style. Miranda Kerr makeup, evening and day options

The name of the popular top model, one of Miranda Kerr, is known to all fans of high-quality women's clothing. In the catalog photos, the girl looks stunning. She has beautiful features faces, long shiny hair, excellent figure. But we are all aware of how much you can change your appearance using special graphic editors to process photographs. Is Miranda Kerr so good without makeup and styling in Everyday life? Is there a girl with an ordinary appearance and problem skin hiding behind a thick layer of makeup?

Beauty secrets

You will be surprised, but photos of Miranda Kerr without makeup clearly indicate that a girl can afford not to use makeup at all! famous model does not try to hide from the paparazzi if there is no make-up on her face. Miranda Kerr, not made up, is happy to show her amazing smile to the lens. Her Blue eyes And long eyelashes do not need correction with the help of cosmetics, and the skin is full of health and elasticity. This is not surprising, because the girl only recently celebrated thirtieth anniversary. Miranda Kerr's beauty secrets are simple. To maintain a figure perfect condition she visits the gym daily, and takes care of her skin with the help of high-quality cosmetics. At the first opportunity to get rid of makeup, she uses it. The girl, like all representatives of her profession, eats correctly, because the face and figure are the “tool” of the models. Also, Miranda happy mom. She has a little son, whose birth did not affect Miranda's appearance. Demanded model, happy mother secured and very attractive girl Miranda is a role model for many.

Miranda Kerr is an Australian supermodel and Victoria's Secret Angel who knows how to look perfect in the eyes of men. Her makeup is devoid of extravagance: neatly lined eyes, velvety matte skin And scarlet lips as a sexy accent of the image. The beauty assures: the implementation of such a make-up will not take more than a quarter of an hour.

Beauty technique Miranda Kerr - for sophisticated ladies

Perfect skin tone is the key perfect makeup. As preparatory phase moisten the skin with a tonic cream, apply corrector pointwise on problem areas and the area under the eyes. Spread a light primer over the face - it will even out the relief and provide an even coverage of the foundation. Then apply foundation or fluid, carefully blending the product. Choose products with airy textures containing light-reflecting particles - they will skillfully illuminate the skin, adding to its freshness. Seal with powder veil or setting spray.

The secret of satin skin is a shimmer in foundation

Miranda uses a black liner to draw small arrows and line the lower eyelid. If you want to make your makeup look even more delicate, opt for dark gray, brown or blueberry shades. Lightly blend the edges of the arrows and add definition to the eyes with creamy golden beige shadows. Place highlights with highlighter under the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye.

Discreet smokey - for a classic make-up

To give lips a seductive volume, use a creamy lipstick in a rich scarlet shade. Outline with a nude pencil, fill it in with pigment, blot lips with a mattifying tissue, apply another layer and add glossy shine tint or gloss.

Scarlet lips: spectacular and stylish

1. Hair
To nourish the hair model like many Hollywood stars, uses the popular Coconut oil. To achieve radiance and shine of curls, it is necessary to heat 2-4 tablespoons of oil and apply it evenly along the entire length of the hair, rubbing in a circular motion.

Miranda Kerr also uses coconut oil in a different way, drinking two scoops a day and dressing her salads with it.

2. Skin
With the help of rosehip oil, the model improves complexion and softens the skin, and this is not surprising: the plant contains antioxidants and has smoothing properties. She said in an interview: “I apply the oil at night, and when I wake up, the skin looks fresh and radiant.”
The tool can be bought at any pharmacy, but the Australian model uses the oil of its Kora Organics brand, which is extracted in Chile from the seeds of a rose bush. Healing agent Miranda also adds to the cream and uses to remove eye makeup.
The model exfoliates dead cells not with special scrubs, but with the most ordinary brush-washcloth with natural bristles - so the skin experiences the least stress.

3. Eyes
In an interview, Miranda Kerr surprised fans by saying that she uses an ordinary transparent lip balm as a lifting eyelid.
She also shared the secret of eyelash curling: after applying a layer of mascara, the model presses the eyelashes with the convex side of a tablespoon and twists them.

4. Body
Miranda Kerr is an adept at yoga and Pilates. The model has repeatedly admitted that she loves sweets very much and cannot deny herself this pleasure. She believes that proper fitness training will help any girl to keep fit.
“I am very careful about my health. And it seems to me that if you are generally healthy, then there is no reason to limit yourself in any kind of food. Moreover, sometimes you can afford to overeat! True, each of us should know what training will help her get rid of the typed excess weight. I myself love yoga and do Pilates. These workouts are not only effective, I feel good after them! "- said the model.
In 2012, she was chosen as the representative of the Earth Hour campaign: in Sydney, the model held a free one-hour yoga master class for 300 participants of the event.

5. Nutrition
Everyone is used to seeing Miranda Kerr as a model, but few people know that until the age of 13, the girl dreamed of becoming a nutritionist. So she knows a lot about proper nutrition and can perfectly keep himself in shape without the help of specialists.
As a diet, she uses the principle of nutrition 80/20: 80% of her diet consists of healthy and healthy food, and 20% is freedom of choice. If you eat right three times a day, then three times a week you can eat whatever you want.
From a healthy diet, Miranda Kerr prefers an avocado omelet for breakfast and vegetable or fruit salads without salt and spices during the day. As a snack, the model always chooses almonds, which are rich in fiber, vitamin E, magnesium and riboflavin. And for dessert, the mother of three-year-old Flynn leaves bittersweet chocolate.

The current Victoria's Secret angel with dimples on her cheeks hasn't known for a long time where she could hide from the paparazzi. For several years, the impudent literally spend the night under her house to snap their shots, and a couple of hours later, notes with the tag "Miranda Kerr style" scatter on fashion websites.

Forbes magazine recently ranked Kerr as the seventh richest supermodel. And in 2014, Miranda Kerr's fashion presence promises to become even more democratic and global: it is Miranda who will replace Kate Moss in Mango brand advertising campaigns. And, therefore, it is with her direct participation that we will meet the spring of 2014. It's time to consider own style Miranda Kerr take a closer look.

Miranda Kerr style and diet

Support great shape Miranda is helped by an alkaline diet. In addition to the model, actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Kirtsen Dunst tried it on themselves. Nutritionists who proposed this way of eating proved that in the body of a resident of a metropolis, the Ph level is steadily decreasing. And the level of acidity, on the contrary, is constantly growing. Oxidative processes lead to premature aging. Therefore, it is important not only to avoid stress and overload, but also to eat the so-called alkaline foods that can increase Ph.

Miranda Kerr street style

Miranda Kerr's style is, first of all, the aesthetics of expensive lingerie, because it was the career of the "angel" that brought the model world fame. And even her evening dresses often look like beautiful peignoirs.

But outside the catwalk, Miranda shows a balanced and reserved manner of dressing, choosing clothes that are rather classic in cut and silhouette.

Street style Miranda Kerr has her constant "options", like, for example, skinny jeans or characteristic shape points.

great place in the wardrobe of the model are printed trousers. Such products with the image of flowers or geometric or animalistic ornaments in 2012 became a real must-have. Causing often associations with pajama pants, they inevitably amuse others, but few people go. For these trousers you need high growth, long legs and thinness - that is, everything that nature endowed Miranda with in abundance.

Good taste helps Miranda to make interesting and "correct" fashionable ensembles in which bright trousers are combined with neutral tops and calm shoes, and the color and shape of the bag do not contradict, but support the overall idea.

Miranda also dresses her son Flynn in colored jeans and cheerful sweaters. The press even joked that Miranda was raising a hipster out of Flynn. Well, or hippies.

Miranda Kerr Style: Accessories

Miranda is convinced of the importance of accessories. Roomy bags famous brands diversify the style of Miranda Kerr and bring the necessary zest to its simplicity.

Miranda's style often pairs things casually with wide-brimmed hats.

Miranda Kerr hairstyle

Miranda Kerr's hairstyle is extremely monotonous: loose, slightly curled curls or collected hair. She almost never does complex styling.

And the model does not experiment much with hair color, choosing exactly what is most suitable for her natural data: dark blond hair with highlighted strands or ombre effect. Miranda's hairstyle has become a role model on numerous occasions due to the fact that her hair looks healthy and radiant.

Perhaps only once Miranda Kerr's hairstyle and her hair color underwent a radical transformation. For filming in Italian Vogue (as you know, there is little in fashion world maybe more prestigious shooting in the "fashion bible") Kerr became a blonde. Most likely, a wig was used, and natural hairstyle Miranda Kerr was unharmed.

And Miranda Kerr's favorite hairstyle is the good old ponytail. He is generally very favored by models who are tired of many hours of styling.

Miranda Kerr makeup

Miranda Kerr's optimal make-up is natural and unobtrusive, without a definite emphasis on lips or eyes. Even in evening outings Miranda Kerr's makeup does not suffer from excessive drama.

Due to natural features high cheekbones and her own natural blush) Miranda Kerr's makeup could do without blush. But sometimes, on the contrary, make-up artists try to specifically emphasize these features with blush.

Models attribute love to some pets cosmetic procedures: so Miranda thinks the best remedy to maintain skin elasticity expensive creams, and wild Chilean rosehip oil and even knows how to curl eyelashes with a teaspoon. And indeed, without curled and painted eyelashes, Miranda Kerr's makeup looks unfinished. However, an even Australian tan is perhaps the most best makeup Miranda Kerr, gifted to her by nature.

Miranda Kerr's makeup always looks natural and only emphasizes natural beauty the cutest Victoria's Secret Angel. The tone of the girl’s face is always impeccable, and for eye makeup she uses calm shades of shadows that emphasize the blue color of the iris, and even red lipstick, which often appears on the beauty’s lips, does not make her look defiant. Miranda, topping the rankings of the most sought-after models in the world, is the object of close attention fashion critics, and her style and make-up are studied and copied by fashionistas all over the world. By the way, makeup in the style of Miranda Kerr is easy to repeat on your own and we will tell you how to do it.

Features makeup Miranda Kerr

Being married to Orlando Bloom, Miranda Kerr often shone on the red carpet in exquisite evening dresses with impeccable makeup. Created professional makeup artists For advertising companies and the podium, the images of the beauty are always different, but common features are still traceable:

  • Miranda's face is always flawless and well-sculpted: the girl always has beautifully defined cheekbones, and a healthy blush plays on the apples of her cheeks.
  • The eyes of the model are almost always surrounded by a light veil of shadows and a lush curl of eyelashes. Looking at her photo, you will not see Miranda with an aggressive smoky eye in black and gray or with thick arrows. The girl has small eyes and makeup artists do not use techniques that can emphasize this.
  • The model's eyebrows always look natural: to emphasize their shape, a girl just needs to comb them and lightly tint them with shadows.
  • But in lip makeup, the model loves experiments. She does not prefer any one shade, but uses various colors lipsticks and glosses from pale pink to burgundy. The girl is not categorical about the texture of lipsticks either - she boldly uses matte lipsticks, but more often makes her lips even more appetizing with the help of glossy and mother-of-pearl coatings.

Miranda Kerr everyday makeup

Miranda Kerr recently visited Russia and managed to visit Ivan Urgant, taking part in the filming of the Evening Urgant program. In a style characteristic of Ivan, he invited the girl to participate in an experiment called: “You make up, make up me, Miranda”, acting as a model for Miranda personally. For the 2 minutes allotted by the conditions of the experiment, the girl performed makeup on Ivan's face, with which Urgant could win the competition for the most beautiful TV presenters.

The participation of the girl in the TV show was not without questions about her everyday makeup. Miranda herself said that: “Becoming a mother, I began to paint very little. All I do is put on lip balm and moisturize my face.” And indeed, in Lately Miranda Kerr without makeup began to appear more often than with him.

Doing Miranda Kerr's Makeup

If you want to try on the image of a famous supermodel, we will show you how to make makeup in the style of Miranda Kerr. The two most memorable images of beauty and step by step instructions you will find their performances below.

Miranda Kerr day makeup

To repeat the make-up in the style of Miranda May Kerr, appropriate for everyday wear, you need a minimum cosmetics: tonal light cream textures, mattifying powder, eye shadow in 3 colors: chocolate, taupe and champagne, black mascara, and peach pink lip gloss. Bronzer and highlighter, which make the face of a beauty more prominent in everyday makeup, can be replaced with blush, as they can turn a make-up into an evening one.

Step-by-step instructions for execution day makeup supermodels are as follows:

  1. Miranda pays facial skin care Special attention. Before applying the tone, thoroughly cleanse and moisturize the skin with cream.
  2. After that, apply foundation. If your skin is healthy and has no imperfections, it is not necessary to cover the entire face with cream, a local coverage will be enough: a little tone on the nose and under the eyes. The main thing is to carefully distribute the product, for this use synthetic brush or sponge.
  3. To make up look perfect, apply mattifying powder to the T-zone.
  4. With a wide fluffy brush, apply peach blush along the cheekbones, rising to the temples. If you decide to use a highlighter and bronzer, apply the first tool to the center of the chin, bridge of the nose and above upper lip, and darken the temples and cheekbones with a bronzer.
  5. Let's move on to the eyes: the eyebrows need to be slightly tinted with shadows, then take chocolate shadows and apply them on 2/3 upper eyelid, inner corners emphasize the eye with champagne-colored shadows, and add gray-brown shadows to the crease. Line the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the middle with chocolate shadows, and from the inner one with champagne. We paint over the upper and lower cilia with black mascara, which gives volume.
  6. We cover the lips with a peach-pink gloss without a shimmer. You can use a pencil to match and bring the contour of the lips.

We repeat the evening makeup of Miranda Kerr

"Chip" evening make-up apa in the style of Miranda May Kerr - red matte lipstick. remember, that matte textures make lips visually thinner, so if your lips are naturally thin, replace matte lipstick to pearlescent. Makeup from this will not become less spectacular, but it will successfully emphasize your beauty. To repeat the image of the model, you will need: a base for makeup, foundation, transparent powder, gentle blush peach shade, highlighter, powder with reflective particles, two-tone shadows: sand and brown, black liner and mascara, red matte lipstick.

The step-by-step scheme for creating evening makeup looks like this:

  1. Apply primer to your face. The base will do evening make-up resistant, and all subsequent layers of cosmetics will fall perfectly.
  2. Then use the sponge to cover your face evenly. foundation. If there are flaws on the skin, camouflage them with a corrector.
  3. Translucent powder perfectly mattifies the skin, preventing the appearance of oily sheen, and at the same time does not overload the face with color. Apply transparent powder wide brush.
  4. With shimmering powder, give the face the right glow: apply it on the area under the eyes, on the forehead at the temples and chin.
  5. We apply blush on the cheekbones.
  6. Let's move on to the eyes. Miranda's eye makeup is very concise: we apply light shadows on the inner, and dark ones on outer corner and well distribute them at the junction of colors. We draw a thin arrow, lifting the tail up, and tint the cilia with mascara.
  7. We cover the lips with lipstick of a scarlet shade.
  8. Place highlights with a highlighter: a little of the product on the skin above the upper lip and under the eyebrow.

Miranda Kerr evening makeup is ready! You should definitely try on such an image, especially red lipstick this year is especially relevant.

Video: Copy the image of Miranda Kerr