Lips dry out. Lips dry: main reasons and best recipes. Diseases causing burning lips

A very large number of nerve receptors are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and mouth. The lips are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and the discomfort in them is noticed immediately.

Photo 1: Burning lips and dryness occur for various reasons, associated with both external and internal factors. Source: flickr (Viduranga Samaraweera).

Burning lips. The reasons

Of the external factors influencing the burning of the lips, we can note chapping, which often leads to licking the lips in the cold or in the wind, while the burning sensation is accompanied by a feeling of heat: the lips seem to be burning.

In the hot season, dry lips arise from the influence of hot weather conditions and lack of moisture, while lips can get burned by prolonged sun exposure.

Symptom can serve a harbinger of a rash of herpes infection.

In the same way, the onset of colds can manifest.

Burning lips and dryness often result from an allergic reaction... For example, if you are allergic to lipstick, lip gloss, balms, toothpastes. Allergic reactions that appear on the lips also occur due to intolerance to certain food components, medicines, certain odors and even stressful situations.

Lack of vitamins in the body, in particular, B vitamins, lack of iron in the blood affects the condition of the lips and the appearance of heat and burning.

Long-term use of medications, antibiotics can cause dry mouth and lips.

Burning lips are accompanied by dryness in cases of inflammation or swelling of the salivary glands.

Diseases causing burning lips

Disturbances in the work of the digestive tract organs lead to burning of the lips and tongue... This often happens with heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, after taking spicy, salty, sour, fatty foods in a person suffering from such diseases. Dryness, burning lips, or burning lips cause:

  1. Infectious lesions of the oral cavity. It can be inflammation of the gums or teeth, mucosal lesions, accompanied by ulcers.
  2. Intestinal dysbiosis.
  3. Psychoemotional overexcitation (stress, anxiety, irritation).
  4. Hormonal changes in the body (during pregnancy, adolescence).
  5. Hormonal failure when the thyroid gland is disrupted.
  6. Exfoliative cheilitis. This condition, in which the border of the lips is affected, occurs mainly in women. It is accompanied by dry lips, burning and flaking. Heilit is often associated with disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere.
  7. Allergic form of cheilitis. It occurs when the border of the lips comes into contact with an irritant. It is manifested by itching, burning lips, redness of the border of the lips.

Steps to take when a symptom occurs

An examination is required.

If you suspect an allergy, contact an allergist.

If such a condition is associated with stress, then the help of a neuropathologist, psychologist is needed.

If the reason is related to external factors, then it is necessary to use natural and harmless balms, lip oils, protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Photo 2: In any case, you need to increase immunity, then the body will not allow the appearance of many diseases or cope with many diseases on its own. Source: flickr (Le Foox).

Homeopathic treatment

Lips burn and this is accompanied by dryness.
Cracks appear in the corners of the lips, the lips dry, plaque may form on the tongue
The lips are swollen and this is accompanied by pain.
Dry, flaky lips.
Burning of the lips and corners of the mouth.

From time immemorial, female lips have inspired poets and artists. Plump and thin, childishly juicy and strictly compressed, they drive men crazy and without words make them obey the desires of their owners. But sometimes failures happen, and these delicate petals begin to fade and even crack. In such cases, you need to immediately save their condition. But first you have to understand why lips dry and what can heal them.

According to statistics, lips are the first thing that most men pay attention to when meeting a woman.

Dry lips cause a lot of trouble - they peel, crack, hurt. Lipstick does not fit well on dry lips

Why lips dry

Such a serious problem must be approached wisely. But before deciding what to do, you need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. After all, drying lips are only a symptom, and the root of the problem may lie in the medical field.


The most common cause of dry lips is vitamin deficiency. Often, the body does not receive vitamins A and E useful for the skin, as well as vitamin C, which is equally important for the whole body. At the same time, dryness is observed on the skin of the whole body. If you go to a doctor, they will prescribe a suitable vitamin complex that will help the body recover.

Vitamins are the key not only to healthy skin, but also to a healthy body as a whole

Remember that any vitamins should be taken as directed by your doctor

Heat and cold

Also, many women complain of dry lips during the hot months. In this case, most likely, the skin cracks from lack of moisture. Therefore, the best remedy is drinking plenty of fluids. No less than the heat, the cold dries the skin, therefore, when you stay in the cold for a long time, you need to use a protective lipstick or just oil: vegetable or butter.


The next reason is not very typical for women, but still: lips dry and crack in smokers. Even a cigarette just applied to the mouth can already cause irritation, and inhalation of tobacco smoke worsens the condition of the skin of the lips.

Tobacco smoke damages not only the lips, but also the entire skin of the face


A less harmful but no less painful habit for the lips is licking. It can provoke the destruction of the epidermis, and to avoid it, you just need to control your own habits. Including - the use of salty and spicy foods, which can no less detrimental to a woman's appearance.


Dry lips can be caused by common irritation caused by certain spices. Moreover, allergies manifest themselves in the same way, for example, to new cosmetics, toothpaste or lipstick.

Sugar scrub very well removes peeling from lips. Just mix sugar with any butter

After the scrub, do not forget to lubricate your lips with a nourishing cream or balm


Lips can often dry out if a person is in a state of mental confusion, anxiety. So the problems of children in school or kindergarten lead to the fact that they begin to periodically bite their lips and cheeks, injuring the skin and causing it to irritate. Of course, problems can be avoided in this case if the cause of the anxiety is eliminated and the child's mental balance is promoted. The same applies to women: if the soul is calm, then the health of the whole organism will be normal.

There are many reasons for this problem. But if the lips are very dry, a woman simply has no right to ignore this symptom and must properly confront it. The easiest way to overcome dry, delicate lips is to do a daily massage. You can simply tap the surfaces of your lips with your fingertips, being careful not to stretch the skin. Sea buckthorn oil helps a lot.

Many women also like almond oil, grape seed oil, or wheat germ oil. You can add a little vitamins A and E to the oil. Dermatologists recommend simply applying a thick layer of baby cream to the lips. After a quarter of an hour, you need to blot your lips with a napkin to remove the remaining cream.

We must also remember to thoroughly cleanse the face and lips from the remnants of makeup every evening before going to bed. And the main thing is to take care of the thin skin of the lips every day, as a result of which the skin will quickly transform. When you cannot cope with the problem on your own in a few days, you will have to consult a doctor. After all, dry skin can be caused by a serious disease, for example, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus or one of the fungal infections. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests, find out the cause of the drying lips and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Remember to use lip balms daily. Choose natural-based balms

How to deal with dryness

Women are often lost without knowing. After all, not only do they spoil the appearance of women, but they also bring a lot of inconvenience. How can a girl feel comfortable with painful chapped lips? But coping with this problem is not so easy, therefore, it is necessary to begin to deal with it at the very initial stages and do it constantly.

This problem is faced not only by women, but also by men, as well as children, but in any case, the cause that causes this trouble is first eliminated. Leading dermatologists among the main causes of dry lips distinguish too contrasting temperature changes, increased thinness and sensitivity of the skin in this area, which is explained by the absence of sebaceous glands on the lips, the occurrence of allergic reactions, the aggressive composition of decorative cosmetics, including lipstick and sunscreens.

Drink more water and you will forget about dry lips and skin of the face and body

Add lemon to the water - it's even healthier

And if the lips dry out for these or other reasons, then the woman's body simply signals too much moisture loss. And if she was able to recognize the signals of the body in time, then she can quickly recover from this problem. Even before the appearance of dryness on the lips, reddened corners of the lips, difficulty in swallowing, and the appearance of white saliva are observed. Although outwardly the skin has not changed, you should not delay with actions: when lips dry and flake, this is the final stage of the destruction of the epidermis.

So, first, the cause of dry lips is eliminated: aggressive lipsticks and balms are canceled, toothpaste is changed, lip skin moisturizers are used on a natural basis, including with cocoa butter, petroleum jelly, honey. The habit of licking one's lips, eating irrationally, eating unhealthy foods is eradicated, because good nutrition should consist of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Proper nutrition and regular care will make your lips look beautiful and healthy.

Mask for dry lips with sour cream and honey

Special healing masks can restore softness to the lips. The best ingredients in lip masks are honey and sour cream, which together can quickly relieve the acute symptoms of dry skin. For the mask, take sour cream (one teaspoon), lemon juice (one teaspoon) and vegetable oil (half a teaspoon). The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the mask is applied to the lips and around them, and after half an hour it is washed off with water at room temperature. This mask is useful for regular preventive use for those who constantly have dry lips.

Sour cream perfectly nourishes the lips. Better to take homemade sour cream bought in the market

To perform a honey mask, you need to apply a little honey on the skin of the lips and rub it in with light massage movements. This mask can be applied as often as a woman needs. It is especially indicated in cases where the skin dries in the corners of the lips.

Honey massage will return silkiness to lips

Candied honey can be used as a scrub

Dry lip massage

In general, massage is very useful for the lips. If the skin on them constantly dries, then this procedure can be performed even daily: the fingertips tap on the surface of the skin without stretching it. As mentioned earlier, vegetable oils work well on the skin of the lips. Sea buckthorn, wheat, grape seeds and almonds can be used as raw materials. It is very useful to lubricate the lips with a thick ball of baby cream, which will be removed after 15-20 minutes. It is important before all these procedures, as well as just before going to bed, to remove the remnants of makeup from the face, including the lips. And with careful care, not only lips will bloom, but the whole appearance of a woman!

Lip massage


Beautiful, luscious lips are a very important element in a woman's appearance. If they are not in order, then no cosmetic means can hide this. The most common cause of a woman's mouth that looks unhealthy is dryness. As a result, cracks, bleeding.

Why do lips crack? The reason is their dryness. What is the reason for dryness? It is necessary to find out.

A person's lips are without exaggeration one of his most sensitive places. Violation of the structure of their epithelium may indicate inadequate care or even internal problems of the body as a whole. Dry lips - a sign of what? How serious is it? In this article, we will try to understand the main reasons for the appearance of the effect of solving the problem and methods for maintaining their normal state.

Causes of dry lips. Decision, leaving

Dry lips - a sign of what? The problem of dry skin of the lips and its flaking can be either congenital - genetic, or acquired due to a number of environmental factors, and most often such as:

  • Frequent temperature changes with a rather high amplitude, which is typical for arid southern regions, when it is extremely hot during the day and the temperature drops dramatically at night.
  • Prolonged exposure to the open sun, as a result - sunburn.
  • All kinds of dust.
  • Allergies to cosmetics, medications, as well as too frequent washing of the face and water procedures.
  • Prolonged stay without water, as a result, severe dehydration.
  • The presence of bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking.
  • Stressful situations.
  • The ingestion of any poison or toxin in the body, in other words - intoxication.

Diseases as a cause of dry lips

Dry lips - a sign of what? Unfortunately, this can be a beacon of a serious dysfunction of the body. The causes of dry lip epithelium can be a whole set of diseases, the main list of which is given below:

  • Seborrhea is a violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands, which is accompanied by dry skin.
  • Ichthyosis is a hereditary disease, which is expressed in dysfunctions of the skin and its improper keratinization.
  • Renal failure
  • Eczema.
  • Diabetes.
  • Psoriasis, or scaly lichen, is a chronic disease characterized by the presence of papules - red spots that rise above the surface of the skin.

Should I sound the alarm and contact a specialist?

Dry lips - a sign of what? Should I immediately run to the hospital for the help of specialists? In the vast majority of cases, lips cannot be a cause for alarm and a mandatory visit to a dermatologist. But nevertheless, there are a number of signs, in the presence of which it should be done immediately:

  • With general dryness of the lips, pronounced redness appears.
  • Severe itching and sleep disturbance in connection with it.
  • The appearance of wounds, ulcers and accompanying minor bleeding.
  • Abundant peeling with a prolonged period of dry skin of the lips.

Measures to combat dry lip skin

Dry lips - what to do? What measures to take? You need to understand that the lips do not become dry in a few hours, this process is long and takes more than one day. It all starts with the fact that the body loses moisture and the alert process starts. lips - one of the ways to demonstrate the emerging need. It is important not to miss the moment and pay close attention to this issue, then it will be possible to timely understand the current situation and take appropriate measures to eliminate the problem.

First aid for a problem

Why - we figured it out. Let's figure out how to deal with this.

First of all, you should exclude all unnecessary and establish the cause of dry lips. In the next 48 hours, you can not use any type and type of lipstick, and we also get rid of toothpaste containing fluoride for three or four days.

And finally, the most difficult psychological stage of dealing with dry lips is to try not to lick them. Although this is difficult, you need to realize that otherwise this action will only aggravate their condition.

Lip skin care

If you have dry lips, the reasons can vary. But there should always be one care for them. If you nevertheless firmly decided that lip health is a goal that must be achieved by all means, then it is not at all necessary to immediately run to a specialist or fork out for terribly expensive beauty salons. Vigilant care is the key to success in this difficult work.

Dry lips - what to do? does not require much time at all, the system and regularity of the procedures are important here, which will take two or three minutes a day.

  • Massage. As it was said - systematically, every day, carry out massage procedures using, for example, a terry towel. Upon completion of all manipulations, apply a nourishing, regenerating cream or use any type of vegetable oil.
  • Lipstick, no doubt, beautifies a woman, however, it is necessary to remove her traces not just anyhow, but wisely, without unnecessary physical effects on the sensitive skin of the lips. To remove lipstick, try using a hygienic cotton pad after soaking it in a special product. Remove makeup gently without any extra effort. It is strictly forbidden to use water with soap, this method of cleaning will only cause keratinization of the skin of the lips, up to cracks.
  • Honey, as stated earlier, is a great natural moisturizer. It can help solve the problem of chapped lips. Apply it on lips for 5-7 minutes.
  • If it is not in your rules to use lipstick (even hygienic), get a cream with UV protection, it will protect your lips from aggressive environmental factors.

Lip masks at home

Constantly dry lips is very unpleasant, but you have to fight it. Here you can recall the means to which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers resorted. After all, there were not always expensive balms and creams and the like. Lip masks can be made at home without extra financial costs, and the effect will remain the same.

  • Turning to honey again. Apply it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
  • The most ordinary kefir. Apply in several layers, keep it on for just a couple of minutes.
  • Natural masks made from fruits, vegetables or fresh berries will perfectly refresh the skin of the lips and restore its elasticity. We rub the specified food products on a fine grater, add quite a bit of butter, apply the mask for half an hour. An important addition - only freshly prepared mixture can be used. It is enough to resort to the help of such a mask only once a week, after finishing the procedure, lubricate your lips with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly.

Lip moisturizing and proper diet as the main component of their health

Lip moisturizing is essential. If you have red, dry lips, start using natural moisturizers. In extreme cases, natural-based moisturizers will do. Natural honey, and the well-known petroleum jelly, can be classified as natural.

Nutrition deserves special attention, which should be correct, without junk food, and most importantly, have a clear systematization in the form of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, you need to add more greens and fruits to your diet. Such nutrition, according to dermatologists, leads to the normalization of body functions, and therefore the skin of the lips.

Women's lips can dry out for a variety of reasons, even from cold weather. It is necessary to determine why this is happening and what needs to be done. When such a problem persists, it can signal the presence of diseases in the body.

Lips dry out for several reasons:

Lips dry after 40, 50 years - reasons

After overcoming the 40-year milestone in women, hormonal changes begin in the body, which is why their lips begin to dry. What to do must be decided, taking into account not only age, but also possible concomitant reasons.

If there is a deficiency of vitamins and other beneficial nutrients, the lips begin to crack and flake off. This is due to the fact that blood stagnates in the lips and metabolism is disturbed.

Spend a few minutes a day on your lips and they will be perfect

People in their 40s and older need to constantly moisturize their skin and periodically take vitamin complexes. It is also important to drink 2 liters of plain water daily. After 50 years in women, menopause occurs, which is accompanied by a change in the level of hormones. When the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases, dryness and burning appear in the mouth, and the same is felt on the lips.

What diseases can cause dryness

The causes of drying lips in women are not always external factors; quite often the reasons are pathological. To find out why this is happening and what to do, you need to diagnose.

Dry lips can occur due to a number of diseases:

  • chronic ichthyosisinherited. With this ailment, the functioning of the integument of the skin is disrupted, which is expressed in peeling of the lips;
  • seborrhea - failure of the sebaceous glands. The skin dries not only on the lips, but also on the head;
  • renal failure... Because of her, lips dry and crack;
  • diabetes. The skin begins to peel off the lips;
  • psoriasis... Due to this disease, a dry crust forms on the lips.

When to see a doctor

You need to go to the doctor when:

  • the appearance of purulent crusts on the lips;
  • the occurrence of ulcers and plaque on the mucous membranes, painful sensations;
  • limited salivation, difficulty swallowing saliva;
  • malaise, rapid onset of fatigue;
  • jumps in body temperature, its rise or fall relative to the norm;
  • constant need for fluid intake, frequent desire to go to the toilet;
  • swelling of the tongue, lips, or throat;
  • vomiting or diarrhea.

First of all, you need to visit a therapist. Based on the symptoms, he will refer you to an appropriate doctor. Dermatologists, infectious disease specialists, allergists, endocrinologists and dentists are involved in the treatment of lip problems.

What measures to take

To prevent your lips from drying out, you can take vitamins of groups A, E and B necessary for the human body, which are available on sale today in any pharmacy, or you can provide an abundance of vitamins through the use of foods rich in them.

Foods are sources of the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A - egg yolk, carrots, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, as well as bell peppers and liver;
  • Vitamin E - soy, almonds, eggs and peas.

It is important to drink 2 liters of water daily. If your lips are already chapped, you should temporarily stop eating citrus products and foods with a lot of spices and salt. Such food will irritate the skin, from which it will take a very long time to heal.

In no case should you lick and bite your lips. Saliva is capable of digesting food, so if it gets on the skin, it will have a negative result. It is also not recommended to tear off or bite off dried skin, since its recovery will take a long time and painful, there is a possibility of infection in the wound.


A small massage can be done to improve blood circulation. To do this, apply petroleum jelly to the toothbrush and treat the skin of the lips with it. Movement can be in different directions: circular and back and forth. Vaseline that has not been absorbed must be removed with a dry napkin.

As a result of the massage, the lips will redden a little, dry skin will peel off. This procedure must be done once, if necessary, you can repeat it in a week.


A variety of products are used to moisturize the lips, ranging from cosmetic balms to those prepared independently at home from natural products.

Lip masks - recipes

When lips dry, women have the question of what to do with it and why such a problem arose. Most of them prefer to deal with such a nuisance at home.

For this, masks are used:

Peeling for lips

First, you need to clean the surface of the lips from cosmetics, and then wipe the skin with a towel to make it dry. The pre-prepared mixture is applied to the lips with your fingers, while doing a small massage for 4-5 minutes. The composition that has not been absorbed should be washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, lips are smeared with cream.

  • Recipe number 1. 1/3 tbsp sugar, 1/3 tbsp. olive oils are mixed in one container and applied to the skin of the lips with massaging movements. Wash off the residues with water.
  • Recipe number 2. 1 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp. cane sugar is mixed, applied to the lips. After half an hour, wash off the remnants with water or a napkin.
  • Recipe number 3. 0.5 tsp ground coffee, 1/3 tbsp. olive oils are stirred until smooth and applied to the skin with massaging movements. Wash off the residues after 4 minutes.
  • Recipe number 4. 1/3 tbsp honey, 1/3 tbsp. soda, 0.5 tsp. olive oils are mixed and applied for 1/3 hour. Wash off the residues with water.

What medications to use

Homeopathic remedies for dry lips


What not to do

Why the lips of women dry, what can not be done, how not to harm and painlessly cure this problem, scientists and doctors, thanks to numerous studies, have found out.

The main prohibitions include:

  1. First of all, you cannot let the process go by itself and ignore the problem, because dry lips can signal disease.
  2. Do not remove dried skin from the lips, as the wounds will heal for a long time, and you can accidentally infect them.
  3. Chapped lips should not be scrubbed as this will make the situation worse. It is best to understand the cause of the disease and start treatment.
  4. Do not lick your lips, as saliva can dry out the dermis. Moreover, this should not be done in the cold.
  5. Moisturizers should not be neglected during the cold season. Thanks to them, the lips will be protected from moisture loss.

Everyone's lips can dry out, including women. Why this happens and what to do when an illness occurs, we managed to figure it out. The disease gives uncomfortable sensations, but there are many possibilities for its treatment, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the cause.

Video about why women have dry lips, what to do and how to treat

The main causes of dry lips and remedies:

Products that can help prevent dry lips and cracking:

Dry lips cause many inconveniences: we do not get pleasure from eating, it hurts us to smile and kiss. This problem can occur at any time of the year, it appears in men, women and children. Why does the skin on the lips dry, crack and peel, what measures to take to eliminate this unpleasant symptom, how to avoid its appearance?

Why lips dry

Overdried lip skin is the body's reaction to external influences or a symptom of some kind of ailment in our body. The lack of moisture entering the body, first of all, manifests itself on the lips.

Photo 1: The lips are the first to react to changes in the external environment, this is due to the absence of sebaceous glands in them, which would regulate the condition of the thin skin on the lips. Source: flickr (Vashukov Oleg).

Cheilitis - inflammation of the stratum corneum and border of the lips, manifests itself as a separate disease, but it can also occur as a symptom of another ailment.

And if it is possible to eliminate provoking factors and get rid of the problem in the first case, then in order to eliminate it, in the second case, you must first of all deal with the reasons that caused it.

External reasons:

  • meteorological reaction to cold, wind;
  • actinic reaction to ultraviolet light, manifests itself more often in spring-summer;
  • poor oral hygiene, touching lips with dirty hands, using unclean towels;
  • insufficient amount of moisture.

Internal reasons:

  • hypovitaminosis, in which there is not enough vitamin B in the body (in particular B2, B6);
  • fungal infection caused by poor oral hygiene.
  • allergies caused by food, cosmetics, toothpaste, dentures
  • depression, vegetative neurosis, accompanied by biting, licking lips;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • fungal diseases.

Attention! Dehydration is also a common cause of flaky lips. Correct drinking regime will help restore water balance and avoid many other problems and diseases.

Lips dry and flaky

The delicate skin on the lips, reacting to external or internal problems, if not taken in time, begins to peel off. This is a common occurrence when she is excessively dehydrated.

Lacking moisture, thin skin begins to flake off, forming small scales. This causes discomfort and can lead to even more unpleasant consequences. Usually, in order to eliminate flaking, it is worth changing the diet, getting rid of bad habits, changing the influence of weather conditions, taking measures to protect the delicate skin of the lips with cosmetics.

Peeling can be avoided if it is caused by external factors. It is more difficult if it is a symptom of another disease. Then it's not enough just to buy chapstick, drink more water, and eat vitamin-rich foods. It is required to consult a doctor who, after diagnosis, will prescribe treatment.

Lips dry and chapped

When peeling and dry lips lead to cracks, the problem is only aggravated: the lips begin to ache, an infection can get into the cracks, which may provoke other diseases.

Very often, such cracks appear in the corners of the lips. They are called seizures. It is believed that the main sign of the occurrence of seizures is a weakened immune system.

Seizures are formed both with a fungal infection, and as a result of past diseases, which weaken the body's defenses. In addition, the cause of seizures can be:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reaction.

Why do women have flaky lips?

Who is more prone to dry lips: men and women? It is hardly possible to answer this question unambiguously. With the similarity of the reaction of the body of women and men, the causes of dryness in representatives of different sexes may differ:

  • The most common cause of dry lips in women is improperly selected cosmetics: gloss, lipstick, balms. Low-quality products provoke flaking and cracking.
  • Hormonal disruptions in the body cause a weakening of the immune system, and this is one of the main causes of dry lips in women.

Why lips dry in men

In men suffering from meteosensitivity, as well as working in the air, peeling of the lips is noted even more often than in women.

This, moreover, is aggravated by the fact that men still use lip cosmetics less than women.

Left without protection, under the influence of wind, rain and snow, the lips of men often become dry.

Photo 2: Bad habits - alcohol and smoking, very often provoke dehydration, which is manifested by excessive dryness of the lips. Source: flickr (Dave the bass).

What measures need to be taken

Cheilitis treatment directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. When chapped lips are the result of a reaction to the weather, food, or improperly selected cosmetics, the root cause must be addressed.

Moisturizers and masks, the use of foods rich in vitamins A, E, C help to make lips soft.

If peeling is a symptom of a disease, only a doctor can prescribe a treatment correctly.

Homeopathic treatment

Reduced immunity will help restore homeopathy. Taking homeopathic remedies is possible. Because homeopathy affects the entire body, adjusting its work and the interaction of all its systems.

Homeopathic remedies for dry lips:

  • (Aconitum) - prescribed for dehydration and dry skin, including on the lips.