Homer tattoo in an intimate place. Men's intimate tattoos. Why is it needed

The patterns applied in the pubic area have undergone changes. Previously, flowers prevailed, but now such patterns are very diverse. More often, such tattoos do not carry an erotic context at all. For many, the ornament displays a hidden meaning. Girls emphasize their sexuality with a picture, choosing floral patterns.

Tattoo and Zodiac

There is some relationship between different colors for different signs of the zodiac. For Pisces, primrose is suitable, for Aquarius, snowdrops are chosen, for Leo and Capricorn it is better to apply holly. Chrysanthemum is suitable for Sagittarius, and it is better for Scorpio to choose hops. For Libra, bindweed looks harmonious, and for Virgins it is better to apply hazel. And finally, it is better for Cancers to apply an oak leaf as a tattoo, hawthorn - to Gemini. Taurus chooses daisies, and Aries chooses violets.

Intimate drawings applied to the pubis are more likely to have an erotic meaning. Here, flowers, inscriptions, images of insects and animals, portraits and cartoon characters are chosen as a drawing. Among the most popular and at the same time very explicit tattoos, you can list the following drawings:

Butterflies usually symbolize some kind of rebirth, real beauty and sensual tenderness, and in ancient times they denoted purity against the background of immortality. Images can give girls courage and a certain determination. By drawing flowers to the sign, you can get a symbol of loyalty.

Cat tattoos represent sexuality and charm. If the cat is wild, it means love for freedom, inner strength. When a portrait of a man is depicted on the pubis, it embodies a strong love for him. Such erotic tattoos are often presented by girls as a gift to their beloved.

Male opinion

At the same time, men remain adherents of a stable opinion - the body of their girls is not a place for intimate tattoos. Many representatives of the male community, such tattoos suggest depravity. At the same time, men explain their rejection by the fact that years later, after giving birth and gaining excess weight, such a tattoo will become completely impartial.

However, there are men who enjoy looking at the sexual ornaments of a very frank tattoo applied to the pubis. Girls, before deciding to apply an intimate tattoo, should remember that the selection of an image is a rather important moment in the procedure, since individual drawings are perceived as symbols for very easily accessible women!

Few people today can be surprised by a tattoo applied to the body. The place and size chosen for it may turn out to be much more unusual. If small drawings on the arms, back, ankles are treated more or less with restraint, then large color drawings (and even affecting intimate areas) can even shock.

The history of the tattoo

Since ancient times, people have applied drawings, patterns and texts to their bodies. They were given special importance (up to the hierarchical division in society). Different nationalities brought a certain meaning to the tattooing process. For some, it was a way of self-expression, for others it was a talisman, tattoos on intimate places could only be tattooed on certain occasions, for example, by geisha or inhabitants of tropical islands.

It is noteworthy that the term "intimate" meant not only the genital area, but all closed parts of the body: chest, buttocks, thighs, sacrum. To get an idea of ​​what it looked like: small scars were applied to the body and dyes were added there. This method was considered one of the primitive tattoo techniques.

In Orthodoxy and Islam, it was considered a sin to write letters and cuts on the body. Most likely, this is why in modern Russian society, tattooing is treated with caution and hostility.

The meaning and size of an intimate tattoo

Most of those who put a pattern or text on their body use it for the purpose of self-expression. What are the images of animals, birds of prey used for? In this case, special importance is attached to the semantic load of the drawing, it is believed that by this the owner of the tattoo is trying to convey to those around him information about his fortitude, endurance, grace and even courage.

Recently, intimate tattoos have been used for role-playing erotic games. The place of application usually becomes: the inner surface of the thighs, the lower abdomen, the region of the sacrum, buttocks. Most often, small drawings are applied. Since the area of ​​application belongs to the zone of high sensitivity, small tattoos are perceived less painfully. It is believed that if a person shows a tattoo in the intimate area, then this is a special sign of disposition and favor for a partner.

Fashion models often use body painting. They are so they want to stand out in the photo. Intimate tattoos in this case also serve as special marks that indicate that they belong to this particular person. The size and location of the tattoo can be different, the images can occupy a significant area of ​​the body, move from the back to the stomach or from the lower back to the buttocks. At the same time, special attention is paid to the drawing, which is drawn individually. Often this is a whole series of drawings, lines, patterns, inscriptions in the Latin alphabet. Insect tattoos such as butterflies are common.

Belly tattoos

Most often, this area is chosen to hide physical disabilities and scars. If we talk about women's tattoos in intimate places, then the reason for applying may be a trace from a cesarean section, stretch marks, a scar from a cut out appendicitis. In this case, the woman tries to hide the defect and at the same time stop being ashamed of her body. Despite the pain and a high degree of sensitivity, the result is justified. Naturally, if we are talking about a master who knows his job.

Most often, patterns, ornaments, flowers, sakura branches are used. Depending on the complexity of the execution and the customer's requirements, the master can apply a 3D drawing or a pattern with a shadow. However, it should be borne in mind that the more complex the sketch, the longer it takes to fill it, the more time you have to spend in the salon.

The process of stuffing a tattoo

The procedure for applying a pattern to leather is similar to working with a sewing machine. With the help of one or more needles, ink drops are injected under the skin. As a rule, they do without anesthesia and anesthesia. If the drawing is large, then the process of applying an intimate tattoo can take several hours.

If a person does not tolerate the sight of blood, then it is not recommended to follow the progress of the master's work. Since the paint is injected into the deep layers of the skin (dermis), the release of blood drops is inevitable. A professional handyman always uses disinfectants, and all work takes place with gloves.

Preliminarily (before starting the procedure) it is necessary to clarify the information on the composition of the ink. Particular attention should be paid to red paint, which they like to use when applying women's intimate tattoos, since the coloring pigments that make up the composition can cause an allergic reaction.

Temporary tatoos

For those who are just coming to terms with the idea of ​​the need to apply a permanent tattoo on their body, a temporary one can serve as a good alternative. Its main difference is the composition of the paint and the process itself. One of the most popular in recent years is mehendi, or henna tattoo. You can buy it at the store, and apply with a regular brush or squeeze through the bag in which it is sold.

It is noteworthy that this method is great for intimate tattooing, since no unpleasant pain symptoms will arise in such a delicate area. The tattoo lasts for about a month.

Another way is airbrushing. More professional technique requiring special equipment (airbrush) and water-based paints. Lasts a little over a week.

Tattoo care in the delicate area

Due to the fact that the skin in this area is especially sensitive and thin, it is important to properly care for the tattoo after it has been applied. It should be cared for immediately after application. As soon as the master has finished the work, he applies a sterile bandage that will prevent infection from entering the wound. It will need to be changed in 20 hours. Moisturizers or antibiotic ointments are used to relieve the itching that occurs when the wound begins to heal.

After taking a bath, do not immediately wipe the tattoo area. It is necessary to allow the skin to breathe and then, with blotting movements, gently wipe the skin with a napkin or waffle towel.

Avoid sun exposure for a long time for the first 1-2 months. If the need arises, then the tattoo should be covered or a cream with a high degree of protection should be applied. The first month is not recommended to visit the solarium.

Why is this needed?

According to some reports, a huge number of the fair sex, from youngsters to those praised by Balzac, would not mind making a small tattoo, if not on the genitals, then at least on the buttocks, chest, pubis or tailbone. Such localization of tattoo art can still surprise and attract a future or present sexual partner and at the same time not be considered a lady of easy virtue. Tattoos on intimate places of women give them a special charm, as if refined spices and spices were added to a lean dish. This is probably why the most frequent theme of the "female" tattoo style is a variety of flora, floral patterns, ornaments and signatures that emphasize the tart-sweet "taste".

On the other hand, followers of Jeanne d'Arc, who are closer to jeans and T-shirts, often prefer the "masculine" style. It is characterized by openness, aggressiveness, demonstration of strength or faith, semantic rather than artistic character of the drawing. The most popular "masculine" tattoos are predatory animals open to observation on large muscles: wolves, lions, scorpions and similar fauna, or illustrations to Holy Scripture. In addition to the shoulders, neck, back or chest, small areas such as the hands and fingers are used for symbols, words or numbers.

In other words, before going to the tattoo artist, it would be nice to finally decide on who you really are. If a fragile little woman, and not a bitchy Amazon, then mixing the two polar gender tattoo styles is unacceptable. Cases are described when beauties who made a tattoo on a "male" theme, for example, demonic, or in "male" places instead of a love spell received a full lapel from former fans. And I would not look in your place for a mystical background. Obviously, everything is much simpler - natural men do not want to sleep with someone who resembles at least something of themselves, and women avoid imaginary "lesbians" with orchids on their shoulders. But about the cons later ...

Another reason that makes ladies make tattoos of interesting localization is the "masking" of existing shortcomings (postpartum stretch marks, disfiguring postoperative scars, etc.). But, you must admit that the concealment of deformities only changes the balance towards perfection and therefore, again, is aimed at attracting a sexual partner.

As an exotic thing, I cannot but mention those “strange” women for whom the process is important not so much the result. For some sensual natures, only drawing a picture causes sexual arousal, and the procedure itself - multiple orgasms until complete prostration. There are those for whom pain is a natural doping, allowing them to endure the dullness and routine of everyday life.

However, such cases, due to their obvious deviation from the norm, are more the exception than the rule. Therefore, without further ado, let's dwell on the fact that the bulk of the beautiful women cover themselves with tattoos in intimate places precisely in order to focus on themselves the attention of a loved one.

Why is it not needed?

You can often hear that the drawings on the skin changed someone's karma or gave a feeling of inner rebirth, helped to preserve the family or prolonged youth, etc., etc. There is some truth in this - intimate tattoos can really make life difficult for their wearers. ...

  1. Some people who are used to looking for hidden meaning in everything, as a rule, misinterpret even the most harmless intimate tattoos. For example, there is an opinion that a spider and a web are the "signs" of a drug addict, and roses and butterflies are prostitutes. Therefore, before making a surprise for a loved one, it would be nice to find out what he thinks about this and how he relates to tattoos on intimate places of women.
  2. If you are not a follower of the philosophy of sadomasochism, and in order to feel alive you do not need to experience pain, the very procedure of applying an intimate tattoo may seem unnecessarily unpleasant. In addition, at least two weeks after the manipulation, even with a favorable "postoperative" period, signs of inflammation persist: soreness, redness, swelling and ... no privacy. Is it worth it to torture yourself for the sake of future dubious benefits?
  3. One should not, of course, forget that a tattoo is done for life and this is perhaps the biggest drawback! Years go by ... Now the chest is high and the butt is elastic, but what will happen then? Therefore, if I were you, I would refrain from perpetuating a cute image and its personal data in an intimate place, otherwise time can distort not only the form, but also the content of such a message to itself.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that in addition to "eternal" tattoos, there are also temporary ones. And, as S. Dovlatov correctly noted, there is nothing more permanent than temporary, so experiment with what can be changed at any moment. Don't make irrevocable decisions. Always leave yourself a chance to come back! But… about this, perhaps next time.

Candid, uncensored female intimate tattoos can significantly affect your personal life, both for the better and for the worse. We have prepared more than 100 uncensored photos of tattoos on intimate places and wrote their meaning depending on the location and type of tattoo. Read the article to the end and make sure that revealing intimate tattoos only decorate your body and make you a little happier and add a little sparkle to your sex life.

Uncensored women's intimate tattoos: male and female look

By the way, male and female visions of intimate tattoos are different, and opinions on their account differ. The stronger sex would prefer not to see a tattoo on his beloved at all, that is, men, if possible and having a strong influence on their soul mate, would be prohibited from getting a tattoo in intimate places. Why? The most common answer that unites opponents of such tattoos: after childbirth, the image will change shape and look deplorable.

Best places for an intimate tattoo:

  • breast
  • pubis
  • hips
  • buttocks
  • coccyx
  • nipples

And over time, cellulite acquired with age will also contribute to changing the appearance of the tattoo. As a compromise, you can swear to a loved one that you will play sports even at 70 years old. A tattoo on the tailbone is unlikely to undergo the "torture" of pregnancy.

Beautiful ladies love to apply the image on the lower back, tailbone, buttocks or in the navel area. Why do girls go for intimate tattoos? It's more painful than anywhere else on the body. There are at least three reasons why such images are applied:

  • women love to decorate their bodies;
  • intimate tattoos create the image of a mysterious, sexy and passionate lady;
  • a tattoo can hide stretch marks and scars after surgery.

Tattoos on intimate places without censorship: how to choose a drawing?

The choice of a tattoo on intimate places, style and shape is a girl's private affair. Still, it is recommended that you talk to an artist who will help you to deeper reveal the meaning of the selected drawing. The option with the name of a spouse or lover is not the most successful, because life loves to present surprises and not always pleasant ones - this includes parting with loved ones. Favorite spiders and cobwebs also look, alas, not aesthetically pleasing and, in the opinion of men, reduce libido. And the spider itself is a symbol of drug addicts.

Candid tattoos on intimate places: 58 photos of intimate tattoos

The meaning of intimate tattoos for women:

  • cat - shows the playfulness of the female nature
  • dragon - a symbol of unlimited power
  • rose flower - passion, love, bright emotions
  • dolphin - fertility, health, dedication to a partner
  • lizard - a manifestation of femininity and flexibility
  • butterfly - chastity and harmony (and not as it is generally believed initially)
  • sweets and berries - the ability to get pleasure and enjoyment

It should be borne in mind that such cute creatures as butterflies, as well as some musical instruments and roses are a sign that their mistress prefers to be with women in bed.

Rules for choosing a salon for applying an intimate tattoo

The choice of a salon and an artist should be taken very seriously, check their reputation, look through the portfolio, collect reviews and find out about their qualifications. A good master will definitely familiarize you with the meaning of the selected image and tell you about the proper care of the tattoo.

Remember that getting an intimate tattoo is painful. You should not be offered anesthesia, as it contracts the muscles and drawing, after the restoration of muscle tone, deforms.

Candid intimate tattoos uncensored: 5 beautiful photos

Intimate tattoos of girls: history of origin

Perhaps this will sound sensational to you, but frank intimate tattoos without censorship are not a trend of the new century and not a product of the sexual revolution. They have a much deeper history. They appeared many centuries ago and in their "antiquity" can compete even with the usual, customary chaste tattoos.

As historians who understand this issue have been able to establish, intimate tattoos first appeared several centuries before our era. Girls and women from Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt glowed on their breasts and lower abdomen:

  • flowers;
  • the moon;
  • Sun;
  • and other pictures.

There is even an opinion that such "tattoos" played the role of a kind of amulets, allowing them to maintain marital fidelity, ensure ease of childbirth and healthy offspring. Although, of course, no one will be able to tell exactly what intimate tattoos were a few centuries ago - perhaps they were just a decoration of the body.

How should tattoos be located on intimate places

Women's tattoos in intimate places are located on the body, depending on the features of the pattern.

For example, when it comes to decorating the chest, it is recommended in this case to use:

  • inscriptions;
  • flowers;
  • floral ornaments.

Such drawings will give the girl a special charm, originality and sophistication. Of course, sexuality - but we will not even talk about it again, since it is inextricably linked with such a concept as intimate tattoos of girls.

Note! To decorate the chest with the help of tattoos, you need to approach carefully, selectively. After all, over the years, the breast changes its shape. Its appearance is influenced by changes in weight, lactation and its end, and much more. Therefore, the drawing can change its appearance, so you need to choose the sketch as responsibly as possible.

But in the 90s of the last century, tattoos on the tailbone and on the lower back became popular. Many girls decorated this part of the body with drawings. Absolutely different drawings could be located here:

  • floral ornaments;
  • inscriptions;
  • various patterns;
  • gothic motives;
  • animals, etc.

To make such a tattoo look beautiful and harmonious, it must be stuffed strictly in the center of the lower back. Relatively common are tattoos applied to the belly, its lower part. Such drawings are preferred by athletes or dancers, since such a drawing requires a slender, graceful body. Otherwise, it will look just ridiculous.

Note! Sometimes such tattoos are chosen by those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who have undergone surgery, which is reminiscent of a scar on the abdomen. The tattoo helps to hide it.

But the most revealing intimate tattoo photos of which are presented below - in the bikini area, on the pubis, or even affect the labia. They have a special meaning. Drawings can be absolutely any. For example, among those stand out:

  • flowers;
  • animals;
  • inscriptions, etc.

Some girls even fill the most intimate part of the body with full-fledged pictures. Such intimate tattoo photos of which are presented in our image catalog look especially charming, alluring!

Intimate tattoo photos: 5 popular intimate tattoos

Tattoos on intimate places: what to choose and why

Now let's talk about how to make intimate tattoos for girls. In principle, there are no restrictions. Virtually any pictures can be applied here. The main thing is to clearly understand the border between sexuality or outright vulgarity - the latter will be repulsive. Pay attention to the fact that tattoos on intimate places should not carry a double meaning. This will avoid unpleasant interpretations. For example, indicating that you are a representative of an ancient profession or just a girl of easy virtue.

With the right choice of a drawing - its subject matter, sketch, location - an intimate tattoo will give its owner:

  • romance;
  • flirtatiousness;
  • special femininity.

How the sketch is selected is of great importance. It should not be just a sexual theme - it will give the drawing and image a certain vulgarity. An intimate tattoo is considered as such not because it depicts various intimate processes, but because it is applied in a certain part of the body. If you combine a sexual theme and an intimate zone, everything will be very vulgar, vulgar.

By the way! Considering all of the above, you do not need to prick too revealing tattoos on intimate places - a small flower is enough to make your image sexy!

Some girls, in a fit of tender feelings, pierce outright tattoos on intimate parts of the body, the name of a loved one. Yes, such an impulse is touching, it shows the depth of feelings. However, one must also remember that nothing in this world is eternal. Nobody is safe from breakups, breakups. Imagine how you will feel (and how you will look!) When a new love appears in your life!

Intimate female tattoos: what men think of them

And in conclusion, let's talk in more detail about how a female representative of the strong half of humanity is evaluated in an intimate tattoo. As it was found as a result of an anonymous survey, the overwhelming majority of men do not want to see intimate tattoos on their beloved.

The survey results are hardly surprising. Men have the opinion that tattoos in a woman's intimate places indicate her:

  • availability;
  • depravity.

Some even consider bodies adorned with intimate tattoos as dirty. But this is a separate conversation! In addition, it should be remembered that an intimate female tattoo can lose its original appearance under the influence of factors such as:

  • age;
  • change in the weight and shape of the figure;
  • pregnancy, etc.

As a result, this tattoo already ceases to look really beautiful and can even cause disgust. Considering the above, we add - if you decide to decorate your body with an intimate tattoo, do not surprise your chosen one. First, consult with him, find out if he wants to see wearable drawings on his chosen one, and then just prick them!

Today, tattoos have become much easier to treat - both guys and girls boldly hit various plots on the body. And the older generation already looks more calmly at the painted young people. But there are tattoos that can only be seen in a very intimate setting. Let's figure out why they are beaten and what they can mean.

How intimate tattoos appeared

Tattoos on intimate places appeared as long ago as all other wearable designs. There is information that the women of Ancient Egypt decorated their breasts and lower abdomen with various images. They believed that this could contribute to the husband's fidelity, increase fertility, and generally bring harmony to the house. But perhaps they were doing it just for aesthetic purposes.

Today, tattoos on intimate places are not very popular, but they are still found. First, let's figure out which places are considered intimate. Basically, these are the areas of skin that are usually not exposed: around the nipples, lower abdomen, pubis, buttocks, lower back and genitals.

What they are and why they are made

Intimate tattoos are done by both girls and men. Girls often want to emphasize their femininity with floral patterns, images of butterflies and cats. And sometimes they show their own sexuality by choosing patterns, phrases, roses, weapons - for example, revolvers.

Men, on the other hand, prefer to fill in whole phrases, brutal drawings or naked women. The tattoo artists themselves admit that, since there is some kind of story behind them, often romantic.

The meaning of intimate tattoos

Girls are more inclined to stamp the name of their beloved in an intimate place. They regard it as a gift, a sign of loyalty and endless love. Unfortunately, tattooing in such places is an extremely painful procedure, so the names of former lovers often have to be covered with new drawings.

It happens that intimate tattoos have practically no meaning and differ from ordinary tattoos only in the place of their application. However, when choosing a sketch, it is very important that the tattoo looks as intriguing as possible, but does not go off. Otherwise, your partner may just take you lightly!

In addition, intimate tattoos sometimes hide defects. For example, women often mask in this way scars from cesarean section or breast surgery.

Male gaze

“I have several tattoos, and my girlfriend's too, but I won't allow her to draw in a too intimate place. First, it is dangerous. And secondly, it is not very aesthetically pleasing. "

Andrey, 23 years old

“To be honest, I would not be happy if my girlfriend got a tattoo with my name in an intimate place. This is strange and even somehow unpleasant. In general, I am not against tattoos. "

Anton, 27 years old

“And I like it when girls have tattoos under their breasts or in the lower abdomen. It is intriguing and beckoning. I believe that anyone can dispose of their body as they want. Therefore, intimate tattoos only say that their owner is an extremely decisive and interesting person. "

Daniel, 25 years old

"No, no and NO! There should be no tattoos on the girl's body, and even more so on intimate places. If I saw something like that in my girlfriend, I would have decided that she once led a riotous lifestyle and does not differ in high moral qualities. "