Theatrical and play activities based on the fairy tale "goat-dereza". Extracurricular activities. Acquaintance with the fairy tale "Goat-Dereza" (1st grade) Heroes of the fairy tale goat Dereza

Marina Sushkova
"Acting and retelling the fairy tale" Koza-Derez "with the help of" substitutes "

« Acting and retelling a fairy tale« Goat - Dereza»

from help« deputies»


1. Development of the ability to select « deputy» on a given basis (size and color of geometric shapes);

2. Building a motor model along the way;

3. Consolidation of the content of individual episodes fairy tales with« deputies» ;

4. To develop thinking, creative imagination, coherent speech of children. Expand words knowledge;

5. Moral tasks: the ability to listen to the teacher and the advice of comrades, not interrupt, answer with a full answer, sit at tables correctly, be able to

evaluate fabulous deeds of heroes.

Material: Text fairy tales« Goat - Dereza» ... Each child has a different size mug and flowers: white, gray, brown, red, black, stripes: green, blue, triangle - green, square - blue.

Course of the lesson:

The emotional attitude of children to the lesson.

Music sounds

Educator. - Guys, look at each other, smile at each other.

Now smile at me, and I at you.

What's your mood?

(Good, kind, smiling, cheerful cheerful.)

It is with this good mood that we will begin our lesson.

Today we will talk about fairy tales.

I know you love them very much.

Tell us why you love Russian folk fairy tales?

(IN animals live in fairy taleswho know how to talk, miracles and magic happen in them, in fairy tales always good triumphs over evil, they teach us to be kind)

What do you think will happen if they disappear fairy tales?

(We will be bored and not interested without fairy tales, good, miracles and magic will disappear)

That's right, together with fairy tales kindness, miracles and magic will disappear from our lives. To prevent this from happening, and fairy tales always stayed with us, you just need to love and be able to be interesting tell them.

I confess, children, I love too fairy tales.

Today we will visit our old friend Koza-Dereza.

She is the main character, what fairy tales?

(Russian folk fairy tales« Goat - Dereza» )

But in this fairy tale there are other characters, name them?

(Grandfather, grandmother, bunny, bear, cockerel)

Well done! Correctly named.

Heroes fairy tales They couldn't come themselves, but they sent their own « deputies» .

Each character has « deputy» in the form of a geometric figure.

Your task is to pick up « alternates» to our heroes.

I give you hint: in animal heroes « alternates» - circles, grandfather and woman have rectangular stripes, a bush has a triangle, a house has a square.

Let's remember what was in character Goat - Dereza in a fairy tale?

(Sly, evil, deceiver)

Describe the goat's appearance.

(Goat big, her coat is white, her eyes are black, horns are sharp, her leg is crooked)

Which circle looks like a goat?


What color did you take the circle? Who does it mean?

What did goat with hare?

(I drove the bunny out of the hut)

Bunny in the hut, what?

(Gray, fluffy, with long ears, he is also weak, but good)

What circle is like it?


What beasts helped drive the goat out of the bunny hut?

(To the hare assisted by bear and cock)

Which circle looks like a bear?


Why brown?

(The bear is large, clubfoot, and its fur is brown)

And what kind of cockerel fairy tale?

(He has a red comb on his head, spurs on his legs, a sharp braid on his shoulder)

What circle is like a cockerel?


Why exactly the red circle?

Now let's talk about grandfather and grandmother. What a grandfather in fairy tale? What strip is like

And the grandmother? Which strip looks like it?

What will the green triangle mean in fairy tale?


And the blue square?

(Zaykin's hut)

Guys, I suggest you say magic the words: "Cribly-crabs-bombs!" and turn geometric shapes into heroes fairy tales, (children say magic words to the music)

So all the heroes of our fairy tales on your plates.

I hear their conversations, but I don't understand all the words.

The goat to grandfather says: ". and how she ran through the rowing boat, swallowed a drop of water "... What is a paddle row? (narrow board).

And also what does it mean "Beat" (beat).

Please explain to me that the goat from the hut screamed: "As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets" (In all directions).

How to understand "Slammed" (fell).

Now I know you can understand what they are talking about fairy tale characters.

I hear that they offer us to play.

But before & nbsp; with this, let's remember finger gymnastics "Little House Teremok".

There is a house in the forest - a teremok, (fingers spread apart)

There's a lock on the door (fingers intertwined in the castle)

The wolf opens it:

left, right)

Derg is derg, derg is derg. (movements with closed hands)

Petya the cockerel came (fingers raised up,

depicting a scallop)

And he opened the lock with a key (fingers open and

connect, depicting a roof)

Now listen to the rules games: I i'm telling you a story, and you follow

me play out the plot of a fairy tale with« deputies» heroes fairy tales.

“Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had goat

(Playing on the content fairy tales with« deputies» )

I liked the way you played a fairy tale.

Now let's rest and play with our Goat - Dereza.

Physical education « Goat - Dereza» .

I Goat - Dereza

Goat - black eyes

Sharp horns

Crooked leg.

Eyes - clap-clap,

Legs - top-top.

Gore, gore, gore!

You played so well fairy talethat I also wanted to play it with using these figures... I will choose the episodes that I liked the most in fairy taleand you to me help... I will play and you tell content.

Be careful!

(I play and children tell the content)

Well done, you made me happy! You are good retold episodes of the tale... Therefore, I invite you to a forest clearing.

There are 4 houses in the meadow. Animals from ours live in them fairy tales.

Who lives in the white house? (Goats)

Who is in gray? (Bunnies)

Who is in brown? (The Bears)

Who is in red? (Cockerels)

I have mugs on the tray, they mean those animals that live in these houses.

Before choosing a circle, think about which fairy the hero you liked the most, and see where his house is.

Take your pick. What color do you have? Who is it?

Now you have turned into goats, bunnies, bears and cockerels.

And we will play with you. (Children find houses to the music fairytale heroes) .

Well done! None of the animals were wrong.

Please note that in every house we have several bunnies, goats, bears and cockerels. We are all not only neighbors, but also good, kind friends.

So our lesson has come to an end.

Well done, you did a good job, you managed to find for each hero tales of his« deputy» , and with help« deputies» convey the content of the tale, relationship fairytale heroes... You did a good job with the task, it pleases me, and I think you will cope with the new task: how to write a fairy tale without words? (It can be written « deputies» ).

Then I propose to arrange evening gatherings, at which with help try your records tell your family's favorite fairy tale.

Hope your mom and dad will help you.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The article is related to the section: Working with preschoolers

A game and a fairy tale are an integral part of a child's life.

Fairy tales are more than just a genre of oral folk art. Fairy tales enter the life of children from the moment they are born and accompany them throughout childhood. It is the acquaintance with the fairy tale that helps the child to comprehend the world around them.

And a game for a child is not just fun, it is a type of activity in the process of which his personality is built. When children play a game, the life around them is reflected in it. Thus, play develops the child's creative attitude to life, gives him new knowledge and experience. In the game, the child learns the world, gives vent to his emotions and energy, discovers something new for himself, learns to communicate with other people. And any fairy tale is a story about the relationship of people, animals, the language of which is understandable to the baby.

And if the game and the fairy tale are mixed, then playing the fairy tale the child blurs the boundaries between fantasy and reality. In such a magical world of the game, you can easily turn into fearless favorite heroes, or suddenly turn out to be, for example, a goat or a wolf. It is even more interesting to test yourself as a mother or father, grandmother or grandfather. The game allows the child to understand himself better, as it breaks conventions and allows him to test himself in different roles - “strong-weak”, “handsome-ugly”, “brave-cowardly”.

The game stimulates imagination and creativity, improves movement

In other words, play for toddlers is a very valuable job, rewarding and energizing.

So let them play a fairy tale.

I would like to bring to your attention one game from the cycle “Moving-cognitive games based on the plots of old fairy tales” for children of middle and senior preschool age.


Purpose: to teach to convey the emotional and physical state of game images; enrich children's play experience; contribute to the emancipation of fantasy.

Improve the ability to expressively convey game images, imitate characteristic movements;

  • Strengthen the ability to reproduce previously received information from memory;
  • Develop speech, attention, thinking, memory.
  • To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and towards each other.
  • To foster love for Russian folk tales.

Preliminary work: reading the Russian folk tale “Goat - Dereza”; conversations about the forest and its inhabitants.

Game props:

  1. Illustrations by the number of heroes of the fairy tale - 8 pcs.
  2. Skirts, scarves, blouses, aprons - 4 pcs.
  3. Trash baskets - 5 pcs.
  4. Bench
  5. Cubes, a bag of sweets, scarves - 5 pcs.

- The doors open - the fairy tale begins. A fairy tale again invites us today. And it is called "Koza-Dereza". How many of you remember what heroes are in this tale? (children's answers). I am very glad that you remembered all the heroes. I think that we will not have any difficulties, because you will help me as always. The fact is that all the illustrations of the heroes of the fairy tale turned out to be cut, it is necessary to collect them. And our smallest participants will be the first to help me. We'll find out who exactly.

You need continue a sentence from a fairy tale... Prepared ...

- Once upon a time ... (grandfather and woman)
The very first was ... well done!

Guys, what character's illustration will he collect? Well, of course Grandpa.

Come to the table and get to work, if you want, you can take yourself an assistant.

Well, now we need to determine who will collect the picture of Granny. This competition is for girls only. And the boys will act as judges and choose the best Granny.

Girls need to be divided into four groups of three. Each trio will choose who they will dress up. (Things are laid out on the chairs - skirts, aprons, scarves ...) You have one minute to dress your Grandmother.

Competition "Whose Grandmother is More Beautiful?"

With the help of the boys, the results are summed up. The winner adds her picture.

Do you remember that in the fairy tale Grandfather had a daughter and Baba had a daughter? But we have not only girls, but also boys, so there will be daughters and sons. And what did the daughters do in the fairy tale? ... Of course, they helped. So you and I need to choose the best assistants. Distribute in pairs - a boy with a girl. Each couple will take a basket and stand where they like best. Now I will scatter all the garbage from your baskets, and after the signal you must quickly and cleanly collect everything. Whose pair turns out to be the fastest, that will get to collect the next picture.

Game task "Helpers"

We have collected pictures with people. It's time to take on the animals. And who will we have first? Whom did the Goat hurt the most? ... Well, of course Bunny. And what does Bunny do best? … (Jumping) I know you all jump great. But we will invite younger children to this competition, and the older ones - judges.

“Hares” listen to the task while the music is playing - you jump, and as soon as it stops talking - you have to climb onto the bench and freeze, turn into a “column”. The judges choose the two best Hares, who will collect the picture.

Game exercise "Freeze"

The next hero of the fairy tale hid in a riddle, guess.

Grayish, toothy,
Prowls across the field
Looking for calves, lambs.

Well done! Of course it's a wolf. And where does the wolf live? .. (In the forest.) Since the wolf lives in the forest, he knows everything about the forest, and you? We will check now. Whoever gives the most correct answers will collect the picture with the Wolf.

Contest of riddles

1. Spring green
It gets cold in summer
Nourishes in autumn
Warms in winter

2. Spring bloom
I bear fruit in the summer
I don’t fade in autumn
I don't die in winter.

3. The pillars are white
Their caps are green.

4. No one scares,
And everything is trembling.

5. The dress is lost
The buttons remained.

The next hero of our tale is also a forest dweller - a bear. What do you know about bears? .. What do bears like to eat? .. Yes, bears are very big sweet tooths. But it will be difficult for our Bears to find sweets.

Look at our "clearing" there are "hemp". We will blindfold the participants in the game, and I will put a bag of sweets on one of the stumps. It is necessary, moving on all fours, to examine the "hemp" with your hands. Whoever finds the bag must shout - “found”. The winner will post a picture with a bear.

Blind bears game

The biggest hero in the tale was a bear, and who remembers the smallest and bravest one? .. That's right, a bee. It will crawl through any crack and will not be afraid of anyone. What do you know about bees? Whoever tells us the most will put together a picture with a bee.


So, a picture with which hero is left for us to collect? Of course, a picture of a goat. And to determine who will collect it, we will all play a game together. And the bee will determine the winner. After all, she was the most daring in the tale. The winner is the one who manages to dodge the "sting" of the bee.

Game "Be nimble"

That's all the pictures with the heroes are collected. And our game has come to an end. But ahead of us are new fairy tales and their heroes. Every fairy tale comes to an end, and who participated in it - well done!

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Basic goals:

  1. Disclosure of the child's creative individuality, plastic expressiveness.
  2. Development of observation.
  3. Develop creative imagination and imagination.
  4. Attention and emotional memory.
  5. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of children.
  6. To form the ability to convey basic emotions by facial expressions, posture, gesture, movement.


1) With the help of game models, constant on small forms of children's folklore, to introduce children to the colorful and poetic world of their native language, and at the same time to give a lesson in moral education in a soft and unobtrusive form.

2) To develop artistic and creative abilities in children in speech, motor activity.

3) Lead children to collective creativity. Develop artistic skills and practical skills in the field of theatrical arts.

Plan of theatrical play activities based on the Russian folk tale "Koza-Dereza"

Children, do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers)

Today we will meet with you a fairy tale! It is not difficult, and not easy, but what you need to do is to throw this cube so that some number appears. And the throw will be the one who comes out on the countdown. Sasha will count you, and who knows the rhyme, help me.

"A swan flew across the blue sky, broke a wing, made a number!"

To you, Vanya, throw the cube! What number was dropped? This means that besides himself, Vanya can invite other children with him (the children call them) and go into a Russian fairy tale.

(The children chosen by Vanya enter the house, the teacher's roll call begins with the children who entered and those in the house).

Educator and children: Knock-Knock! Who lives in the house?

Children in the house: Not animals live here, but funny guys!

Again the first ones: Let us live with you!

second:Don't you eat much?


second: Don't you snore at night?

first: Not!

second: If so, then come in!

Educator:You guys, look around, what you want, share!

Children: Oh! What a lovely home! Here we will live gloriously!

The teacher pronounces the same phrase with different intonation: with surprise, with delight, in an indifferent voice.

Children guess with what intonation the phrase was said.

Educator:And next to the house, what a beautiful meadow! How many beautiful flowers ...

(Children call flowers: daisies, cornflowers, bells, sit on the attributes of flowers (flat) laid out on the carpet).


A fairy tale, a fairy tale is a miracle! We will play miracles
We will play together, manage miracles!

We will play a fairy tale, but which one will have to guess! To begin with, I’ll ask you guys, I’m animal riddles!

Little, White, circled the whole pole,
Jump-jump along the path! On a snowball pumpkin! (Hare)

The master walks around the yard, finds fault with everything,
Double beard, side cap! (Cock)

With a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull,
Milking, not a cow, bast fights, but does not weave bast shoes! (Goat)

What do you think, in what fairy tale do these heroes live? (Children's answers) Well done, guys, you guessed right! In the fairy tale - "Koza-Dereza!"

And who is the main character of this fairy tale? (Answers of children) Look at each other, who is more suitable for this role? (Choosing a Goat)

What kind of goat will you be? (Child's answer)

Then the goat will choose the grandfather, grandfather, grandmother, etc.

That's all the heroes of the tale have gathered! Will you guys take me with you? What role will you offer me? (Storytellers)

(Music plays, children put on costumes.)

Storyteller:Everything can happen in a fairy tale, our fairy tale is ahead! ...

Storyteller: Pigeon children, and I don't know how fairy tales begin, can you tell me?

Children: "Once upon a time" ... "Once upon a time" ... "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...", "Is it close, far away ..."

Storyteller: "A fairy tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, it does not interrupt in the middle" ... "A fairy tale knocks at our door, let's say a fairy tale come in!" ...

"Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and a granddaughter Masha." Grandfather went to the bazaar (children stand in two rows for the Russian folk game "Shadow-shadow-sweat").

Shadow-shadow-sweat, braid the wattle,
Then the shadow reweaves.

(Children rebuild into wattle fence)

Russian folk game "Grandfather went to the bazaar" (game model by S. Chernoskutov).

My grandfather went to the market, grandfather bought a braid.
- What do you need a scythe for?
- Mow the grass ant!
- What to mow the grass for?
- To feed a good horse!
- Why should I feed the horse?
- To carry the oak forest!
- What to transport the oak forest to?
- Bridge bridges!
- What bridges to bridge?
- To visit the little goat!

Seller:Who is the goat? Selling a goat! ... I will give it inexpensively! ...

Grandfather: How much, hostess, are you selling a goat?

Seller: I'll give it up for three pennies!

Grandfather:Is the goat good?

Seller: Oh, good! Yes, how good!

Grandfather:Well, take three pennies, let's goat! (leads the goat)

Seller: Thank you God! Sold the goat!

Grandfather: I bought a granddaughter a goat! Go graze her!

Granddaughter:I'm going now! (chases the goat with a twig)

Granddaughter: Goat-goat, look how bright the sun is! Admires us!

Finger game "Sun" (game model by E. I. Safarov)

(accompanied by a metallophone game): conducted with the entire group of children.

All children:

Sunshine, sunshine, take a walk by the river!
Sunshine, sunshine, throw out the rings!
We will collect the rings, we will take the gilded ones,
Let's ride, play and get you back again!

Storyteller: The granddaughter grazed the goat until the evening, she grazed well! And in the evening she drove her home.


Goat (sings):

Grandfather: Poor, my goat!

Wait a minute, you scoundrel! I will punish you! Go away!

(The granddaughter leaves crying)

Storyteller: The next day...

Grandfather: Today, baba, go graze the goat!

Grandma:Now, I'm coming! (chases the goat with a twig)

Russian folk game "Baba walked"

All children:

Baba walked, walked, walked, found a pie!
She sat down, ate, and went again!

The woman stood on her toe, and then on the heel,
She began to dance Russian, and then squat down!

Storyteller:The grandmother sent the goat well and drove her home in the evening.

Grandfather: Goat, my goat, black eyes! What did you drink, what did you eat?

Goat (sings):

Grandpa didn't drink, I didn't eat! I didn't drink, I didn't eat!
And how I ran across the bridge, grabbed a maple leaf,
And how she ran through the rowing boat, grabbed a drop of water!
I drank so much and ate so much! I drank so much and ate so much!

Grandfather:Poor, my goat! They starved you to death! And you lazy go away!

Storyteller: The next day...

Grandfather: Well, today I'll graze myself, let's go goat!

Goat:A goat is walking through the forest …………….

Children lead a round dance (kissing game) "How a goat drove a goat."

The goat drove the goat, drove the young sulfur,
Go home, goat, go gray home!
You have seven children, the eighth goat,
And the ninth herself, kiss me once!

Storyteller:Grandfather herded the goat well, and in the evening he drove her home, and he quickly ran ahead, and asked ...

Grandfather: Goat, my goat, black eyes! What did you eat, what did you drink?

Goat: I didn’t drink, my grandfather didn’t eat, but as I ran across the bridge, I grabbed a maple leaf, and as I ran over the paddle, I grabbed a drop of water.

Grandfather:I'll show you a maple leaf and a drop of water! You will know how to tell a lie! I'm going to sharpen the knife!

Storyteller:The goat got scared and ran away!

Grandfather shouts: Keep the goat! Catch! ...

(Children form a round dance around the goat)

Teaser game "Go-go, goat!" (game model by S. Chernoskutov)

Go-go, goat, go-go, gray, go-go, white!
Where are you, little goat, where have you gone? Where have you wandered?

A goat walked through dark forests, over steep mountains,
Go-go, goat, go-go, gray, go-go, white!
How did the wolves not eat the goat, the archers did not kill you?


I'm not afraid of wolves, not archers,
And I'm afraid of my old grandfather, his grandfather has a gray beard,
He whips me, a goat, through a towel,
Into a zealous heart! Oh!

The goat falls. Background music sounds.

Know the goat disappeared, fell to the ground!
Don't be angry, you! Bow down!
And the very master and hostess!
And to their children and neighbors!

Goat:Me! I will not bow!

Storyteller:A goat is running, he sees a hare hut is standing, a goat ran into the hut, but the hare is not at home. The goat locked the door and hid on the stove. A little later the bunny galloped home, grabbing with its paw, and the door was locked! Someone hears tossing and turning on the stove!

Bunny: Who is in my hut?

Goat:(song of the Goat)

I am a goat dereza, bought for three pennies,
Both sides are peeled!
Top-top-top-top, feet, I'll stab you with horns!
I’ll note with my tail, here is death for you!

Bunny: What kind of beast is so unseen?

(Bunny cries, walks, sits on a tree stump, a rooster meets him)

Cock: Ku-ka-re-ku! What are the bunny crying about?

Bunny:How can I not cry! How not to be sad! I had a warm hut, but some terrible animal settled there! Horned, bearded, but he won't let me, the owner, even on the threshold!

Cock:Don't cry bunny! I will expel this beast!

Bunny:Where can you get a cock! Drive out such an unheard-of beast!

Cock:No, I’ll kick it out! (cock song)

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I'm walking on my feet in red boots!
I'm carrying a scythe, I'll take off your head!
Up to the shoulders! Get off the stove!

Storyteller: The goat got scared, jumped off the stove and ran into the forest! And the bunny with the rooster settled in the hut, and they began to live together.

Guys, what do you think happened to the goat next?

(Statements, assumptions of children, children compose and tell their continuation of the fairy tale)

Storyteller:Any fairy tale as a crown always ends with an end. According to the fabulous custom, we can end the tale with what words?

(Children's answers)

- "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!
I was there, honey, drinking beer, flowing down my mustache, but I didn't get into my mouth!
So much for a fairy tale, and I have a bunch of bagels!
Here and the fairy tale is over, but who listened to the fellow!
Once upon a time there was a king-oats, he took away all the fairy tales!
And they began to live well and make good! "

So we said goodbye to the fabulous!

Little readers will certainly like the tale of Koza-Derez. In addition, her lessons will be useful for the formation of values \u200b\u200bin the kids. We recommend a fairy tale for reading online with children.

The tale of Koza-Derez read

My grandfather had a favorite goat, nicknamed Dereza. Only Koza-Dereza turned out to be a mischievous deceiver, complaining to her grandfather that her granddaughter and woman were not herding properly. The grandfather drove the woman and her granddaughter out of the house. When the old man himself went to graze the goat, she still said that she did not eat or drink anything. The grandfather got angry and decided to slaughter the ungrateful animal. Goat-Dereza barely escaped. She found herself in the forest, drove the Bunny out of his hut, began to live in it. The Rooster with a frightening scythe came to the aid of the Bunny. He entered the hut, shouted - the Goat was frightened, fell from the stove and was killed. Bunny and Cockerel live now happily in a bunny hut.
You can read the tale online on our website.

Analysis of the Koza-Derez fairy tale

An instructive tale with a dynamic plot and rhymed characters' lines makes it attractive to young children. The characters are also familiar to kids from other fairy tales. The bunny in children causes compassion, the Rooster - admiration, the ungrateful and arrogant Goat - condemnation. What does the Koza-Dereza fairy tale teach? The tale teaches that justice always triumphs, and good triumphs over evil.