Fat cat. Fat cats from the internet. Himmy the cat

How often does a fat cat seem funny to us, and his sluggishness and clumsy movements cause a smile! And we sometimes do not see anything wrong if our pet is slightly well-fed, and even if not slightly. Because he is so cute! He just loves to eat. And it's hard to resist pampering him delicious food!

Alas, excessive appetite and excess weight are not signs of health at all. Rather, on the contrary. Therefore, you should not be touched by the fullness of your four-legged pet.

Why is obesity dangerous?

Obesity- the disease itself, besides, it is a serious prerequisite for the development of many diseases. Being overweight contributes to diabetes, urolithiasis provokes inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), various diseases endocrine system, liver, heart, as well as diseases of the joints and skin problems. The animal often becomes inactive, gets tired quickly, and shortness of breath appears during games or active movements. Agree, this is no longer amusing!

What is obesity?

Obesity (lat. adipositas - obesity and lat. obesitas - fullness, obesity, fattening) - fat deposition, weight gain due to adipose tissue. An animal is considered complete when its weight is 15% higher than normal. The norm for each cat is individual, depending on the breed, sex, size and other factors. The weight of champion cats from the Guinness Book of Records is 20-23 kg (look).

In cats, unlike humans, the skin is attached more loosely and is therefore very mobile. In connection with this, full cats there are no thick folds, and excess fat usually forms on the ribs and under the belly.

If fullness during the growth period of a cat is associated with an increase in the number of fat cells, then for a later period of life it is characteristic an increase in their size.

Causes of overweight in cats and cats:

How to determine how much the weight of a pet differs from the ideal? You can calculate the desired weight according to the table below.

Who is guilty?

A cat living in nature is not obese. At home, this disease is very common - overweight have about 40% of cats and cats. main reason obesity in cats is wrong image life. And this is usually the fault of their owners!

The most common mistake cat owners make is both improper feeding and overfeeding their pets. Cats can't eat most of what we eat: fried, salted, pickled, sweet, baked, seasoned with spices. At home, it is difficult to prepare food that would satisfy all the needs of the body of cats and would contain all the necessary nutrients, trace elements, minerals and vitamins in the right quantities and in the right ratios.

It is much wiser to use good commercial cat food, specially formulated for their needs and characteristics, and give them according to the indicated daily allowance.

Another drawback of the owners is the lack of physical activity of pets. From a sedentary lifestyle, they become overweight.

So, we figured out the question of who is to blame, now consider the question

What to do?

Fortunately, obesity in cats is easier to treat than in humans. How? The recipe is simple - it is to reduce the calorie content of food and increase physical activity.

To keep your cat healthy, you need to follow proper diet, use balanced food and monitor its volume. Simply put, feed your cat right! - about it

Manufacturers of ready-made feeds produce special diets for sterilized cats and cats, as well as for overweight animals. These foods are reduced in fat, which reduces their calorie content, and the fiber used in them prolongs the state of satiety.

All that is required to prevent fullness is not to go along with the begging animals for food, but to feed them strictly in the amount required for normal physical form!

And to maintain a pet in this normal form, you should give him at least 15-20 minutes a day, forcing him to actively move with the help of his favorite toy or providing him with special sports complexes- about it

Physical exercise burn calories, develop muscles, improve the functioning of the respiratory and digestive organs, strengthen the heart muscle and lead to a reduction in the amount of food consumed.

(!) In addition, constant joint games strengthen and emotional connection between man and animal. Be friends with your pet!

With significant obesity, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the cause of its appearance, give recommendations for treatment and draw up an optimal diet for a four-legged patient. Sparing your pet from excess weight you will save his health.

We are used to cats. They catch mice, purr softly on their knees, and play recklessly with children. Small and large, tame and independent - each of these fluffy pets is unique in its own way. Today we will talk about the very best, about cats and cats that are not like others.

How cats became pets

This event dates back to the era of the pharaohs (about 6000 years ago). Exactly at ancient egypt cats were revered as divine creatures. But recent excavations have revealed the remains of a kitten in a much older burial site in Cyprus. It turns out that people lived in the world with a person already 9.5 thousand years ago. Today, the life expectancy of pets is about 15 years, but there are also true centenarians. So, in the UK, a cat named Puss lived for 36 years, which is sometimes an average even for a person.

Disease of the 21st century - obesity in cats

These animals are very fond of spinning around the table, begging for delicious pieces. In addition, unlike honest and decent dogs, cats are thievish and will certainly take the opportunity (in obedience to the instinct of a predator) to pick up with a clawed paw what lies on the table. Therefore, the fattest cats in the world are usually not representatives of any particular breed: it is the owners who turn their pet into a walking ottoman.

By weight fluffy beauties and beauties are influenced by lifestyle. According to statistics, cats living in villages or in the private sector do not suffer from extra pounds. Their life is more harmonious: in the evening they go hunting, as laid down by nature, and when they come home and eat milk, they go to bed for the whole day. The fattest cats in the world live in apartments where physical activity limited, and all the hunting is to go to the kitchen.

Often causes trouble for owners marriage period when a cat begins to show anxiety, meow loudly and often, calling for a male. Today, there are many drugs that are designed to extinguish sexual activity pet, but, unfortunately, they are all hormonal. So, the fattest cat in the world, named Katie (living in Russia), began to rapidly gain weight precisely after taking such funds. Her weight is 23 kg, body length is 69 cm, and waist width is 70 cm. A kind of walking cube. By the way, even if there is a cat in the house, the poor fellow no longer attempts to start a relationship with him.

Heavyweight record holders

Of course, not all animals that stand out for their mass fall into the Guinness Book of Records. Today in the nomination "The fattest cats in the world" the pet named Himmy (girl) is in the lead. She lived in Australia and died in 1986 at the age of 10. Her weight was 21.3 kg.

The six-year-old cat Tulle lives in Denmark, he weighs 19.2 kg. In New York, a red-haired handsome man named SpongeBob got into the nursery, his weight is off scale and is 17 kg. At the same time, the fattest cats in the world are absolutely healthy, and they gained so much extra weight thanks to their own laziness. Both are undergoing treatment and put on a diet, as their body weight is at a critical point. The owners of Tulle say that their pet only loved to sleep. All the guests mistook the motionless ball for a fluffy footstool. He even learned to roll from place to place to once again do not get up.

You can't get away from nature

You can feed absolutely any animal. So, the fattest cat in the world, living in Kyiv, weighs 20 kg and does not belong to any breed. In general, the British and persian cats. Imposing and calm, they are able to lie on the couch for hours and at the same time have a good appetite. Castrated pets also fall into the risk group: after the operation, they begin to quickly gain weight. Oh, and it’s curious to flip through the collection “The Fattest Cats in the World” on the net ... A photo of lazy fluffies sometimes causes emotion, but behind this serious threat animal life and health.

The largest representatives of this family are leading in weight. These are Maine Coon (from 10 to 15 kg) or Ashera (about 14 kg). But for their body, such indicators are quite proportional and normal.

Babies of the cat world

The smallest cat can be considered a Singapore cat. These crumbs weigh from 1.5 to 2.7 kg. Graceful beauties, they are rarely found on the Russian market. Another miniature breed is the concod: weight about 2 kg, body length about 55 cm. They live mainly in Chile and Argentina.

We have few nurseries that breed these breeds, so it is almost impossible to find a representative for sale at a low price. A pair imported from abroad with good documents can bring in a good income. There are times when a purebred cat grows record small. So, a Himalayan-Persian cat living in the USA reaches only 7 cm at the withers, and its body length does not exceed 19 cm.

The world of cats is incredibly diverse, there are the thinnest and longest representatives. Often these two qualities are combined by the same breed. Bright representative Savannah cat. Graceful creatures reach 45 centimeters in length. But, again, thoroughbred handsome men are bypassed by their fellow mestizos. In 1997, a cat named Snoby was entered in the Guinness Book of Records in Scotland (103 cm in length and 33 in height).

IQ of furry pets

Objectively measuring human intelligence is quite difficult, with cats it is even more difficult. Of course, for every owner, his pet is the best. To identify cats, they conduct various experiments, for example, show the animal its favorite toy, and then hide it behind a screen. If the pet guesses to proceed there, its intelligence is equated to the level of development of a one and a half year old child. If he continues to look at the owner or meow, demanding the return of the toy, then mental abilities are somewhat lower, or stubbornness is higher than normal.

After conducting a series of experiments, the breeders made the following conclusions:

1. Sphinx, or naked cat, takes first place in mental ability, despite the fact that these are the most funny cats in the world. The pet delivers a minimum of trouble in everyday life, does not shed, does not cause allergies and has no natural smell. Kittens get used to the toilet as quickly as possible. They will never scratch or bite. They learn amazingly quickly, learn commands easily and can perform in the circus. You can play hide and seek with them, so your child will be busy for a long time. Nothing threatens him (of course, if he does not offend the animal), because these are also the kindest cats.

2. The Balinese cat shared the first place with sphinxes. It originates from the Siamese breed, but the selection rewarded her with luxurious wool. Easily master numerous tricks, do not require special care while being sociable and curious.

3. The Bengal cat is another amazing breed. A bred hybrid of domestic and magnificent leopard, kind and sympathetic.

4. The third place was given to breeds: Russian Blue, Siberian, and many others.

As you can see, in the list of leaders there are cats that are distinguished by natural activity and curiosity. Calm and phlegmatic Persians, Himalayan cats and exotic shorthairs were at the very bottom of the rating.

Delicate, purring creatures. How to choose just such a cat

In fact, the secret is simple: the most affectionate cats are only with loving owners. If you give the animal your tenderness and care day after day, then it will answer you the same. Cats are quite vindictive, once very offended, she will look at you for a long time before she believes again. Do you want the most gentle and kind creature in the world? Take the cat from the street. Betrayed, she will forever remain grateful for salvation.

If you choose a purebred pet, then the most affectionate cats are the Russian Blue, Sphynx, Burmese, Cornish Rex. Gotta make allowances for what each breed has individual personalities, with its own character. Love your pet for who he is.

Often, the opposite question arises, so to speak: "And which cats are the most aggressive and evil?" Indeed, there is something to think about. Just imagine: a proud posture, a mysterious look, demonstrative independence, and if something goes wrong, then fangs and claws are used! And if at home Small child, the question is very acute. These breeds include the magnificent Siamese. Amazing coloring and wonderful blue eyes are often decisive when choosing a kitten. But these “princes” and “princesses” are very freedom-loving, they will come into their arms only when they themselves want to, and they will never allow themselves to be dragged by the tail!

Maine Coons and Brits can be classified as moderately aggressive. It is quite possible to agree with them, if not too familiar.

The choice of the year, or Which breed is in the greatest demand?

According to statistics, this is a Siberian Russian cat. This is a large, strong animal that can endure severe frosts without harm to health and has excellent health. During breeding, the coat changed from smooth to fluffy and received big variety colors.

Representatives of this breed grow completely late, only by 5 years. An adult weighs 10-15 kg. These are the most popular cats throughout Russia, both purebred and half-breeds. Rich coat requires care, combing at least once a week. In the spring and summer, the cat can be trimmed. These noble beauties are distinguished by a good disposition and tender attitude to the owner. The child can safely play with a fluffy pet. But beware of undeservedly offending a cat - it is no less vindictive than a representative of the Siamese breed.

Siberian cats enjoy bathing, so get special cosmetics and invite your child to spend an unforgettable time in the bath with his pet.

The strongest representatives of the cat family

Savannah (ashera) - it is rarely seen in the city - a very rare cat. This is a real domestic leopard! The animal is similar to him both in color and size. In order not to be unfounded: about 70 centimeters at the withers, 15 kg in weight. This is a strong, muscular predator, but at the same time affectionate and obedient. Your child will be delighted with joint games: the thrown ball will return back with lightning speed, because the savannah is also the fastest cat. Appearance it is very impressive: the size of average dog, retaining all the dexterity and grace of a wild predator, she purrs, stretched out on your bed, or jumps, playing out, on cabinets and tables. This charming animal got its second name in honor of the pagan goddess Ashera.

The second strongman can be called Maine Coon. Buying such a giant is much easier, they are not exotic. The size is slightly inferior to the previous representative, and they weigh 12-14 kg. A beautiful large animal, with a hard gaze and tassels on the ears like a lynx. These are the largest domestic cats in the world among common breeds.

The most beautiful breeds

Of course, charm is a subjective parameter, everyone chooses something more dear to their hearts. But the rating, nevertheless, exists. According to numerous surveys, a list of the most preferred and beautiful breeds cats:

  • The Turkish Angora is a snow-white, long-haired beauty. Often there are "harlequins", one eye of which is blue and the other is green.
  • - semi-longhair cat, soft to the touch, like cashmere. Usually white with red stripes.
  • The Norwegian Forest Cat is an animal of large build, on high massive paws. It resembles a lynx, with thick, long and dense fur. However, very calm and peaceful.
  • American Maine Coon and Savannah. Very large cats with excellent exterior data.
  • Chausie, or Nile cat. It is a relative of the marsh lynx. Unique iridescent color bright appearance, an independent look, and at the same time the animal is very devoted to its owners.
  • The Somali breed is quite rare. Thick and dense fur forms a "collar" on the neck and "panties" on the paws. In addition, the fur has another feature: each hair is colored in several tones.
  • Ragdoll - bred in California, reminiscent of the Persians, but the fur is softer, like that of rabbits. This is one of the most patient breeds in the world.
  • Munchkins - amazing creatures, whose paws are three times shorter than those of all other cats. Very peaceful and affectionate.
  • Toyger - outwardly very reminiscent of tigers, the color is the same, but at the same time they are amazingly loving.
  • Egyptian Mau - very elegant creation! On the forehead - a drawing in the shape of the letter "M", and near the ears - in the form of a "W". The eyes must emphasize two lines, reminiscent of the makeup of the Egyptian queen.

Of course, these are far from all breeds, especially since there are simply no ugly representatives of these wonderful animals.

The most expensive cat breeds

If you are breeding and keep a private nursery, then it is enough important issue is the purchase of breeding individuals, the offspring of which will bring a good profit. We present a list of the most expensive cats for today.

  1. The Devon Rex is a very interesting feline, a bit like the Sphynx. Small animals with short, soft hair that resembles velour, and large ears. Very smart, easy to train to the tray. In addition, their wool does not cause allergies. Cost - from 400 dollars.
  2. The Himalayan cat is a beautiful, long-haired animal. They cost from $500.
  3. Scottish fold - they are distinguished from other breeds by the structure of the ears: they are bent forward and down. In addition, these pets do not purr, but creak. And one more feature: they like to sit in an atypical position with a straight back and outstretched paws. The price ranges from $200 to $1500.
  4. The Canadian Sphynx is a hairless cat, very graceful and agile. Owners are often surprised by the ability of their pet to freeze for a long time in the most bizarre position, as if deep in thought. The cost is from $400 to 1500.
  5. Maine Coon is one of the most big cats on the ground. The body length reaches 1.2 meters, and the weight is more than 15 kg. Color with black stripes (not always, but quite often) and huge, fluffy tail make them look like raccoons. From $600.
  6. The Elf is a newly bred breed, completely hairless cats with wrinkled skin and large ears that are bent back. From 2000 dollars.
  7. The American Curl is a long-haired breed, distinguished by its ears, which are curled up like horns. From $1000.
  8. Bengal cat. Luxurious wool leopard color - the main advantage of the breed. From $1000 to 4000.
  9. Khao mani, an ancient Thai breed. From 7000 dollars.
  10. Chausie - the result of crossing domestic cat and marsh lynx. Very rare animals that amaze with their grace and sociability. From $8000.
  11. Savannah is the most expensive pussycat in the world, the result of crossbreeding and a domestic cat. An elegant, large animal, a real domestic leopard. The cost depends on the class of the kitten and varies from $4,000 to $22,000.

These are far from all the very best cats that live next to us. Surely each of you can supplement the list by including your pet in it. Big or small, fluffy or smooth-haired, they are waiting for us from work and purring happily, basking on their knees. Perhaps the only distinguishing feature that needs correction is the weight of your pet. And don't let the title "the fattest cat" touch you. The photo, of course, may represent a funny animal with a blissful muzzle, spreading over the sofa, but in reality, excess weight often leads to the early death of a pet.

Feeding pets is pure pleasure. Buying expensive food and various delicacies, the owners seek to express their love and care for cats and cats. Animals, in turn, gratefully eat everything that they are provided, and this inevitably affects their weight.

Animals that resemble a swollen ball in shape do not always remain dexterous and flexible, but their clumsiness looks very funny and amusing. This makes people Once again look at photos and videos of such cats, which makes such pictures one of the most popular.

There are many fat cats in the world, but not all of them were able to win titles and titles. The owners of some made sure that their pets became famous all over the world due to their excellent appetite and excess weight.

australian fat man

The largest officially recorded weight of a cat was recorded in Australia. The owner of a record 21.3 kg was a well-fed cat named Snowball, more like a huge white snowdrift. The fat animal, despite being overweight, showed miracles of longevity for such parameters: Snowball lived for 10 years, after which he died due to respiratory arrest, which is not surprising. If an adult had the same degree of obesity, his weight would exceed 270 kg.


In second place is a cat living in America. The owner delivered his fat pet Otto to veterinary clinic in order to put the animal to sleep, since the cat became so fat that he could hardly move around the house and could not go to the toilet on the tray, since his butt no longer fit there. Veterinarians persuaded the man not to euthanize the pet, but to try to gradually limit his food intake to stabilize body weight. After six months of compliance special diet the fat man was able to lose weight significantly, which made his life much easier, but forced him out of the rating.

Record holder Meow

Third place in the Guinness Book of Records was taken by a cat with funny name Meow that was the size of a dog medium size. He was only one and a half years old when the former owner, who lives in Santa Fe, turned to a cat shelter to transfer a problem animal to specialists for permanent residence.

The fat pet reached a weight of 18 kg, which made it difficult to care for him, especially considering the respectable age of the woman (at that time she was 87 years old). Specialists began to adjust his diet and tried to return the animal normal performance. Meow has become the star of several shows and television programs dedicated to the rules of nutrition for pets. A rigid diet helped him get rid of several kilograms and soon there were those who wanted to take the popular cat home, but the consequences of obesity made themselves felt: Meow died in a shelter at the age of two due to pulmonary insufficiency.

Spongebob square .... belly

The fourth position belongs to another resident of America - a fat red cat named SpongeBob. The mass of this nine-year-old pet is 15.5 kg. Unlike previous heavyweights, medical checkup showed that all indicators of his health are in perfect condition. But in order to avoid possible problems in the future, experts recommended adjusting the diet and putting the fat cat on a diet, since overweight can cause pathologies of joints, muscles, etc.


Cat Elvis, who, alas, is not included in the Guinness Book of Records, since this category was banned in 2015 due to the risk to the lives of pets whose owners deliberately feed their animals. This fat man is German and lives in Germany. On this moment Elvis reached a weight of 17.5 kg, which exceeds all allowable standards. Because of the extra pounds, he has a whole bunch of diseases - from diabetes to muscle atrophy. He moves from with great difficulty, has problems with breathing and heart, so the owners intend to take seriously his nutrition and gradually achieve weight loss, which will prolong the years of Elvis's life. A special advisory group of four veterinarians has been set up to monitor his health and weight loss.

Despite the fact that fat cats and cats look very funny and make us feel touched, many animal rights organizations warn that the task caring owner- keep your weight under control pet, because obesity can lead to many diseases and, as a result, to early death.

fat cats from the internet

The appearance of fluffy fat people on the Internet never goes unnoticed. People are ready to look at them every day, so their photos and videos are always in the top. Some gain thousands and sometimes millions of views in a matter of days and become real celebrities. Often, when looking at such photos, I urgently want to go on a diet myself. Sometimes fat cats try to get lost among the interior or merge with the environment.

On the Internet, you can find photos where fat belly get stuck in different holes - that's where it's time to think about an urgent diet!

But still, most of them, at any weight, feel like the most beautiful and graceful creatures that have entered our lives, so that we constantly admire them, regardless of whether they are fat or not.

In addition to photos, fat cat owners are constantly looking to capture their pets on video, so we can enjoy watching fluffy fat cats having fun, asking for food in a funny way or indulging like little children.

Many people like fat cats - they are so lazy that they cannot climb on their own on the sofa. A fat cat seems to thank the owner for the care with her weight, but, unfortunately, such a cat is unhappy.

Its weight is considered normal if no bones are visible, but you can feel the ribs, in turn, in cats with overweight the ribs are not palpable.

Risk factors:

  • Foods rich in starch and carbohydrates are very beneficial for the animal. Living in nature, they eat only caught prey, and cat food contains a lot of protein and little starch. Therefore, the cat's body turns the lack of starch in food into body fat.
  • European cats are more prone to obesity than other purebreds.
  • The risk of obesity appears in cats over the age of 5 years, as the activity of the animal decreases.
  • Obesity is more common in cats than in cats.
  • Neutering and castration in animals increases appetite and reduces the need for energy. After sterilization in the body hormonal changes contributes to the formation of adipose tissue.
  • living in wild nature cats eat 10 times a day, so domestic cats need to eat small portions of food often to be healthy.
  • Nervous and depressed cats eat more to get a sense of satisfaction.
  • Loneliness and absence physical activity can also lead to obesity.

Excess weight impairs the life of a cat and causes many diseases, such as:

  • Inflammation of the joints, as they are subjected to more stress. With a decrease in the mobility of the animal, arthritis continues to progress.
  • Diabetes, which often torments overweight cats. However, diabetes can be prevented by reducing the cat's body weight.
  • Inflammation urinary tract because the cat moves less. Some cats even find it difficult to climb into a sand box.
  • Skin diseases because cats wash less - overweight torso does not allow them to turn normally.
  • Liver disease. If a fat cat stops eating for some reason, it can eventually lead to serious liver failure.
  • Disease of cardio-vascular system as well as respiratory disease.
Being overweight can lead to constant stress the cat, because she will feel the danger, but will not be able to hide quickly. Thus, excess weight shortens the life of the animal. the best way weight loss is diet food. However, cats do not tolerate hunger - therefore, it is recommended that an obese animal be given food that will help get rid of excess weight and provide nutrients.

Since a cat is a small animal, weight loss is difficult to notice. The ideal achievement optimal weight can be achieved in 6-12 months. The transition to a new food should be gradual. When an animal needs to diet, make sure that the cat does not eat its own food at one time. daily allowance. Most the best option For daily ration- Divide food into 3-4 portions. Food can be hidden so that the cat has to look for it.

Food labeled "Easy" is not suitable for weight loss because it can cause starvation and insufficient supply of the body with essential nutrients. Light food is suitable for animals that have already reached ideal weight but which have a predisposition to obesity.

If the cat has already reached its normal weight you have to make her move. Movement keeps the cat in normal weight body, keeps muscles in good shape and supports the work of the heart. Playing with the owner helps to strengthen the relationship between the animal and the person. Toys encourage the cat to develop a hunting instinct, and they should be similar to the prey, that is, they should be moved unpredictably, they should make sounds and should be small. At the end of the game, the cat must be given the opportunity to grab the “victim” in order to avoid feelings of disappointment.

Active games cats with the owner will bring a lot of joy and help create close connection together. The cat will keep for a long time good health and will live longer if you play with it more often.