Exercises for the development of positive thinking. Positive way of thinking. Active listening method

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! Positive thinking is a way of life when a person feels happy and able to work. He is looking for opportunities, not restrictions, which is why he usually succeeds and realizes his goals. Such people are called lucky ones who were born and were "kissed by fortune." But in fact, each of us is capable of becoming a darling of fate. You just need to change the course of your thoughts a little, and today we will look at what exercises can be used to do this.

What is it and how does it work?

The instincts of self-preservation work in such a way that, having narrowed the consciousness of the individual, they concentrate it on one thing - an attempt to survive. There is a so-called tunnel thinking.

To make it clearer, let me give you an example. Imagine that you have noticed a wild boar in the distance in the forest. What will be the first reaction? Of course, run away if you are not a hunter and this is the first time you have found yourself in such a situation. So, you will run as fast as you can, without especially noticing anything around.

Although, if you think about it, you could climb a tree, call rescuers on a mobile phone, etc., which, in fact, will be more effective. But due to the limited consciousness due to fear, you are not able to look for options.

In the same way, you are unable to look for opportunities when you think only of the negative. The brain simply disconnects from the outside world, turning your attention inward. Now imagine if athletes, for example, boxers, were afraid during the fight and thought that they would definitely lose? Could they assess the situation and think through tactics, focusing on the current situation? I doubt, as well as that they would have been successful in their careers.

Research scientists

Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D. from Stanford, after numerous studies that she conducted over the course of 20 years, came to the conclusion that while a person experiences pleasant emotions, such as joy, tenderness, peace, happiness, etc., he is able to not only notice the mass of opportunities provided, but also develops, acquires skills.

A person, on the contrary, who is pessimistic, is unlikely to try something new, experiment and follow his own interest. And then her life will seem gray, monotonous and boring. And this leads to apathy, depression and various diseases. Such is human psychology, the body reacts sensitively to any experiences, and the excess of any of them can violate its integrity.

So, from retained anger, teeth crumble, and a headache, from understatement - it worries the throat, shoulders - when there is too much responsibility ... You can learn more about pessimists from the article.

It will allow you to concentrate on something pleasant, to feel satisfaction, relaxation, saturation and harmony. With constant practice, health improves, thoughts return to normal if there was chaos before. There is also inspiration to create and change your life for the better.

Yoga, in addition to peace of mind will benefit your figure, strength, flexibility and endurance are unlikely to be superfluous. You can learn the basics thanks to the recommendations indicated in.

2. Limit your TV and news viewing

It seems to sound strange, because a modern person must “keep abreast” and be aware of all the events taking place in the world. But tell me, what will information give you that a maniac was caught in some country or a terrible accident occurred, someone was killed or raped? If these circumstances do not concern you personally, by the nature of your service, for example, then why should you plunge into negativity?

About something that you will definitely need to know, other people will tell you, believe me, the important will not pass by. If you try to stop watching the news for at least a few days, you will notice that there is more and less time to think about how cruel and unfair the world is.

3. Refuse "NOT"

Stop using the “not” part of the conversation and, in general, build sentences using negatively colored words. Remember from the article that thoughts are material? Therefore, what we think and say is attracted. So, instead of the usual “I’m a failure” or “I won’t succeed,” tell yourself that you will definitely cope with the problem, and everything will work out.

4. Environment

Tell me, how to be happy or happy, if there are people around who do not know how to appreciate life, enjoy it and only do what they condemn? We are social beings, and society, no matter how much we want, leaves its mark on the worldview, character and interests of a person.

5. Gratitude works wonders

If you learn to find reasons why you can boldly say thank you, at least to yourself, even to your enemies, then you can say that you have finally gained the ability to think positively. In this life, no one owes us anything, and we need to be able to take care and kindness not for granted, but with gratitude.

For example, a child who was left by his mother after birth grew up feeling hatred towards her for this act, because she deprived him of her love and attention. And he lives, especially not trusting anyone, embittered and thirsting for revenge. And in memory he constantly keeps the image of a terrible mother, who takes away energy.

Tell me, what good does it give him? What helps? If he thought that he was grateful that she gave him life, although she could then just have an abortion, then he would be freed from accumulated feelings, he would become freer and happier. It is difficult, I do not argue, but it is quite possible. Forgiveness and the ability to appreciate even the smallest things make life much easier, filling it with new colors.

6. Book

Louise Hay has written a ton of books that have helped change the lives of millions of people. And today I want to recommend one bestseller "Live positive", it consists not only of theory, but also practical tasks, performing which step by step, you will be able to overcome the barriers that interfere with your happiness.

7. Future orientation

All the events in our lives, pleasant and not very, give us the opportunity to gain experience, which is why it is important not to devalue them, but to take them into account. The problem arises when a person, as it were, gets bogged down in it, brings it into reality, ignoring it. Well, for example, after the betrayal of a loved one, you can decide that all men are unfaithful, not noticing the truly honest and worthy in their environment, believing that they will never find female happiness again.

The essence of this exercise is that you should look for at least a few resources that you have acquired, despite the tragedy of the situation, and let it go, concentrating on how you see your future. Stop giving energy to the past, dream and fantasize as often as possible, enjoy the present and what you are doing.

8. Advantages

This method takes two weeks to complete. You need to keep a small notebook where every day you will write down 10 of your qualities that you like, or at least resourceful and help in some way. At the end of the term, you will have a characteristic in your hands, consisting of 140 points, most of which you will find in yourself during the implementation process.

Because the personality is actually multifaceted, and if you think that you are cowardly, there must have been situations in your history where you showed courage, but for some reason did not appropriate it as a quality.

9. Diary

Start keeping a diary, but it’s worth describing not just your every day, but the cases and situations that made you feel good. The end result will be an autobiographical book that you can re-read in difficult moments, or when you realize that you are already forgetting some stories. And the process itself will quietly turn you into a joyful person.

10. Black and white

Imagine someone who annoys you, causes disgust, anger, hatred, and so on. Represented? And now the most difficult thing - name at least 5 qualities of this vile individual that he possesses, and you like it, or cause respect, recognition.

The essence of this exercise is to show that sometimes we judge one-sidedly, dividing the world into white and black, and such categoricalness can make us unhappy. So you can look at him in a completely different way, and perhaps even begin to cooperate with him.

For example, as a friend, he may not be very good, he gives out secrets and may well betray, but as a specialist in some field he is considered the best. So why focus only on the negative when you can consider resources and build on them?

Attend various trainings. Of course, they have disadvantages - this is a short-term motivation. But there are many more advantages. I attend various trainings every year, both online and offline. Many tools taken from these trainings help in everyday life.

Of course, information can be found for free, but the value is lost and the material is not absorbed as effectively. Another thing is when paid training, and even one that takes you out of your comfort zone, then the information from it is taken to the maximum and consolidated by practice, you can say it is written to the “subcortex”.

For women, I would advise you to look these trainings. In general, there are many of them now, look on the Internet and choose to your taste.


Being happy is a whole art that is not so difficult to master. Let a little humor into your life, and perhaps you will become easier to relate to everything. Start small and gradually grow into an optimistic person. Finally, I want to recommend the article, suddenly it will be useful. Inspiration and joy to you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

Today we will talk about one of the most controversial concepts in the field of personality development. The phrase “positive thinking” is so “hackneyed” that many people have negative associations. But the very ability to think positively is really important.

The Benefits of Positive Thinking

In recent years, there have been many studies that have shown the benefits of positive thinking. For example, a paper published in the Journal of Behavior Research and Therapy and a study from the University of Kentucky speak of the importance of this skill.

First of all, these benefits relate to health:

  • Increased life expectancy
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Low stress
  • Improvement of psychological and
  • Helps to cope with pressure, apathy and other negative conditions

Of course, not all looking positively people are actually such. That is why, by the way, this skill is perceived incorrectly. Say: “I know one such. They took me away with a heart attack yesterday.” When demons roar inside a person, and he himself smiles at everyone he meets, this does not make him an optimist, but rather leads to schizophrenia, as well as somatic diseases.

What to do if it's you? It's a real, not a fake state change. Yes, sometimes you have to pretend, especially if you have to radiate optimism for your team. But if you do not learn to be truly positive, there is a risk of serious health problems. We will talk about how to achieve this later in the article.

Other benefits of positive thinking include:

  • Increasing the likelihood of achieving the goal
  • High level of motivation and willpower
  • Ability to deal with conflict and communicate with people
  • good concentration
  • Self confidence

Renowned motivational speaker Brian Tracy talks about two main benefits of positive thinking:

  1. People with a positive mindset are always thinking about what they want to achieve and keep looking for ways to get it. They clearly understand their goals.
  2. They look for the bright side in any event. When something goes wrong, they say, "Well," and set about solving the problem.


Barbara Fredrickson, a researcher at the University of North Carolina, did a classic experiment with five groups of people. Each group was shown pictures that provoked a different emotional response.

  • The first group saw images that evoked joy.
  • The second group was shown pictures that provoked satisfaction.
  • For the third group, the pictures were neutral.
  • Images for the fourth group were called scare her.
  • Fifth group pictures angry.

Each group was then asked to write down what actions they would take in a situation that created such feelings.

Groups 4 and 5 recorded significantly fewer activities than the others. Groups 1 and 2 recorded more variations and details. In other words, feeling positive emotions helped to see more possibilities and options. Fear and irritability bind a person.

People who think more positively are more likely to do things to bring those thoughts to life. They learn new skills and develop existing ones so they actually have more opportunities in life.

Warning A: Positive thinking is wonderful. But you don't have to think like this every time, especially when there's a tragedy in life. Bad situations happen from time to time and being always positive is counterproductive.

Thinking exercises

It's time for some practical advice. The more often you use them, the faster positive thinking will become your main way of seeing the world.

These exercises will help direct all the negativity in the right direction, so that after some time this flow will turn into positive proactive thinking.

When talking or thinking, try to use at least one strong word.

If you constantly say to yourself: “I can’t”, then sooner or later you will believe it and make it true (Henry Ford confirms). Instead, replace negative words with positive, powerful ones. Examples of such words: fearless, delight, faith, spirit, valor, courage, support, uplift, joy, heart, courage, courage, miracle.

Use words that you associate with success and power.

Fill your thoughts with words that make you feel strong, happy, and in control of your life. Focus on them, not on those that make you feel like a failure.

We note right away that this exercise alone will not be enough. Thinking of yourself as a great person and doing nothing is the first step towards madness and unhappiness.

Direct your thoughts.

Surely you are very tired of obsessive and unpleasant thoughts. But the question is: "Who is forcing you?". Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get rid of this habit, and quite quickly. Desire matters a lot.

If you want, you can control yourself every day, hour or even minute. It is better to choose a weekend for the experiment, because this is an energy-intensive process.

The method is extremely simple:

  1. Select the emotion or state you want to evoke.
  2. Write down ten phrases that are associated with them and read them aloud several times.

Analyze what went wrong.

Thinking positively does not mean denying that there is a problem. Carefully analyze the mistake or failure and try to understand what went wrong, what to do next, and what lessons to learn. Some call it proactive thinking, but it is part of being positive.

Prepare for the worst and always think about what could be worse.

This is one of the principles. The followers of this philosophical movement mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario, so that the psyche would not break at the right moment.

Think of failure as an opportunity.

Another principle of stoicism. Sometimes even seemingly negative things in life present us with opportunities that we can use to our advantage. Perhaps losing a job is just a chance to start a business.

There are three ways to fail:

  1. negative: I'm a loser.
  2. Neutral: Is it possible to correct the situation?
  3. Ideal: How can I use this to my advantage?

Successful people choose a neutral attitude to the problem, great people choose an ideal one.

Sit up straight.

Are you experiencing negative emotions, depressed, upset? Then your body begins to obey emotions: you become slow, and your back takes on the shape of a question mark.

We have said many times: you can change your condition with the help of physical movements. Sit up straight if you are at home. Raise your head confidently when walking down the street. Dance if others don't take you for an idiot.

Relax and let life just happen.

One of the central principles of Buddhism and many other Eastern teachings. Behold. Even the biggest problems can disappear if you look at reality objectively. People lose money, conflict, argue - this is absolutely normal.

Do good to others.

Before moving on to the next tip, think about it: there is something in this recommendation that religious figures, philosophers, writers and just good people have been talking about for thousands of years. Kindness ennobles the soul, pacifies the ego, makes you happy.

There is one plausible opinion: you cannot become happy without caring for others.

The news is so attractive that it causes only negative emotions. Seven days without this poison will be enough to get a taste of real, not distorted life. Observe what is happening, be curious.

Stop complaining and expressing dissatisfaction.

Constantly complaining to yourself and others about a difficult fate is the best way to become a pessimist and turn people away from you.

The most negative thing about a complaint is that you offer no solution. Even if all the lamentations were true, it doesn't matter. And here's what it has:

  • Mentally pull yourself out of a negative situation.
  • Change your point of view on the problem.
  • Suggest a solution.
  • If you can't do anything, decide that complaining is a very bad habit. Just accept the situation.

Go in for sports.

As you know, “when we feel bad, we don’t go for a run.” Sport is the best way to put your body and mind in order, because in it every minute is an achievement.

We swam a hundred meters - offset. We lifted a 30 kg barbell - excellent. All this is noted in the head as a positive achievement. Plus, during exercise, the body produces chemicals that reduce stress and uplift mood.

Watch your stream of consciousness.

When you just sit and think, what thoughts run through your mind? What emotions and what states do they evoke? Observe them - this will teach you to redirect them in a more positive direction.

In general, it is the work on thoughts that will help instill positive thinking (there is a correct answer in the concept itself). You can control them and you will succeed. But to increase the chances of success, we give other tips, workarounds, which in general will give a great result.

Write down 100 things you enjoy doing.

This exercise itself can direct your thoughts in a positive direction. But even if not, you will receive a list from which you can squeeze the maximum of happiness and joy. Even small things will do: taking a hot breath or walking in fresh snow.

Create something.

For many people, the act of creation is the best way to feel great. Negative thinking itself paralyzes our desire to do anything creative. But if you overcome this rejection and create something, you can change your state.

Write a gratitude list.

Gratitude generates positive emotions and raises morale, because you have something to build on. After all, you already have something, and you can get more.

Remind yourself of what you already have and don't berate what you don't have yet.

How to develop and reinforce positive thinking

The following tricks are stronger than the previous ones. However, in combination, they give a very strong effect, so combine them.

Create the right morning routine

It is extremely difficult to fix something if the morning did not work out. So develop. It can include a healthy and nutritious breakfast and many methods, some of which we will talk about later.


When things don't go the way you'd like, you want to find some way that won't take too much time and that will bring maximum benefit. Visualization is exactly what you need.

This is too big a topic, so it will not be possible to highlight all the points. But here are the basic rules:

  • Engage all senses.
  • Imagine your desired future in every possible detail.
  • Believe in it with all your heart and linger in this state.


Meditation will not solve all the problems of your life (although it may seem so from the number of articles about it), but it will be useful. Its value lies in learning to stop the flow of thoughts and remain in a calm state. Once you learn how to do this, the skill of positive thinking will come by itself.

So why not just meditate? Because good results will come at best in a few months, and patience is not always enough for this.

Develop a personal mantra

This is a task that can take several days, so please be patient. What is a mantra in our understanding? These are the words that you want to say to yourself every day, and which will penetrate into the unconscious or will loom at the level of consciousness.

In this mantra, all the most important thoughts in which you believe should be formulated in a concise form. Of course, it is desirable that they be positive, inspiring and motivating.

Take full responsibility

You will not think positively if you constantly smile and use strong words. It is important to start respecting yourself and being proud of yourself.

To do this, you need to get out of the state of the victim and become the author of life. And the first step is responsibility. In everything and always you should remember three important points:

  • I am the author of my life.
  • I am responsible for myself.
  • I and only I am responsible for my fate.


There are a huge number of books in the world that are filled with optimism, hope and faith in the future. Among them are many works of classics of Russian literature. But speaking of self-help books, here they are:

  • "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Normal Vincent Peel
  • Path to Prosperity by Martin Seligman
  • In Search of Happiness by Martin Seligman
  • "Man's Search for Meaning" Viktor Frankl
  • "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill
  • How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
  • "Be Happier" Tal Ben-Shahar
  • The psychology of happiness. New Approach" Sonya Lubomirsky

Happiness, positive thinking and peace require a lot of work on yourself. It is not something that appears on its own. It is necessary to work on these skills, fill bumps and work further.

Positive thinking consists of several components (thoughts, actions, beliefs, values), many of which we touched on in one way or another today. If you practice methodically, you can radically change both the direction of your thoughts and your own life.

We wish you good luck!

Positive thinking is the road to freedom, to a new standard of living, to success and personal growth. Each person can become a successful creator of his future. After all, our future is only a mental image, an idea that does not yet have a realization and form in the material world. Each person initially has everything necessary to be happy, loved and successful. Our future is the result of our thinking today. Therefore, the practice of positive thinking is the very tool for shaping reality that can change our lives for the better.

Why is a positive attitude to life so important?

  • positive thinking causes positive feelings and emotions: happiness, joy, self-satisfaction, peace, while negative thinking causes mainly negative emotions: fear, anger, jealousy, disappointment, despondency;
  • positive emotions affect not only psychological health, they strengthen the immune system, increasing resistance to disease; by practicing positive thinking exercises, you can get rid of a number of diseases caused by negative attitudes and experiences;
  • optimism is contagious - you will be able to more easily attract the right and more positive people into your life, which will bring you closer to achieving your goals;
  • a positive attitude increases your energy and brings you closer to the fulfillment of your desires, while negative thinking triggers the opposite processes.

Positive thinking: the most effective exercises.

It is important to understand here that negative thoughts are our choice, our bad habit, which can be replaced with a useful one. Positive thinking exercises work on the same principle as physical exercises. In order to be in good physical shape, regular, preferably daily workouts are important. The same is true of thinking. Positive thinking is the result of daily work on yourself. According to various data, it takes our brain from 21 to 60 days to form a new habit. By practicing positive mindset exercises daily for at least a month, a positive mindset will become a habit.

Get rid of negative words

Monitor your thoughts and statements. If you often repeat out loud or to yourself the phrases: “... I have no doubt”, “... I won’t succeed”, “I’m not lucky” - this is a clear sign of the predominance of negative attitudes. Try to change every negative statement into a positive one. Affirmations are great for this.

Be grateful!

This is perhaps one of the most powerful and effective exercises. Gratitude has tremendous power. Give thanks for absolutely everything that is in your life, even for difficulties and disappointments, because they make you stronger, enrich your life experience. Look at your life in terms of what you already have, not in terms of what is missing. Every day, find and write down 5 positive things in your life that you are grateful for. This simple exercise will teach you to keep your focus on the positive side of things.

Exercise "My Perfect Day"

This technique was proposed by Martin Seligman, an American psychologist, the founder of positive psychology. Most often this technique is used in goal setting. At the same time, it helps to keep the focus on the positive, on what you want, and not on what you don’t want.

Take the time to describe in detail your ideal day. Pay special attention to your personal preferences and life values, determine what is important to you personally, for example:

  • spend time with loved ones;
  • find time for your favorite hobby;
  • relax in nature;
  • work on an interesting project;
  • idle, do nothing, leaf through a magazine;
  • thus, it can be any activity that brings you joy and pleasure.

The next stage is implementation, i.e. you just need to live your “perfect day” and note for yourself what worked and what didn’t. What emotions did you experience? Joy, satisfaction, peace...? If something doesn’t work out, you just need to write a new “perfect day” and live it again in real life. The exercise is performed until you feel satisfied with the changes taking place in your life.

Exercise "+5"

The essence of this exercise is very simple: you need to make an audit of all the negative events that occupy your mind. For each negative event, you need to find 5 benefits, 5 positive aspects of a particular problem, for example, you were fired from your job (pah-pah). Benefits of the current situation:

  • there was a great opportunity to relax a little;
  • work still did not bring satisfaction, so it became possible to find something more interesting;
  • you can sleep off;
  • a great chance to get a higher paying position and;
  • the absence of a salary is a great reason to learn how to manage a personal budget more rationally.

Exercise "Peace treaty with the past"

Have you ever noticed how much time you spend reliving negative past events, constantly replaying them in your head. This is just a huge absorber of vital energy and precious time. Instead of creating your future, your energy is spent on experiencing the past, which no longer exists. Negative images of the past cause negative emotions in the present, and those, in turn, cause new unpleasant memories. Remember that emotions are always generated by thoughts and only you can change your thought patterns. For this you need:

  • forgive your offenders, both in the past and in the present;
  • focus on the current moment, find joy in what you are doing now at this moment in time;


Despite the fact that a lot has already been written about visualization, this does not reduce its effectiveness in the slightest. It is no secret that our mind works and thinks through images. Images affect everything that surrounds us: what we feel, what we do, how we achieve our goals, how we build relationships with people around us.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” Einstein said. The more positive pictures you paint in your mind, the more good things will appear in your life. First the idea, then the execution. The secret of visualization is simple - by creating positive images of our life and ourselves in our mind, we influence our consciousness.

There is one more condition - only regular, daily visualization classes give a tangible effect, help you tune in to positive thinking in the future and forever. The truth is that visualization does not work only for those who do it on a case-by-case basis and expect instant results: meditate today, become a millionaire tomorrow.


The meditation technique is an excellent tool for concentration and calming the mind. Regular meditation practice promotes spiritual and physical health, teaches mental self-control. The benefits of meditation are many, and one of them is the development of a positive attitude. In a meditative state, it is easier to get rid of a large amount of negativity that bothers you. Meditation can be combined with visualization and affirmations - so the effect is even stronger. It will help to change the negative attitude towards money.

So, as soon as you become the master of your consciousness, and can turn every event of life into a positive, inspiring experience, you will forever get rid of worries, doubts, disappointments. You will no longer be a hostage to your past - you will become the creator of your beautiful future.

Positive thinking development training

“Joy and happiness are like a seed thrown into the ground. It is necessary to water it abundantly before the sprout sprouts, and work tirelessly so that this sprout does not wither, but grows and bears fruit.

The tasks of this training can be used as a whole block or included in the crisis prevention training for adolescents as a fragment.

Purpose of the training- open, put into action, automate positively colored reactions to various, including stressful situations in the life of adolescents.

Training objective- to teach adolescents to independently find and use reserves of positive emotions, positive verbal and effective forms of communication in difficult moments of life; teach some methods of self-regulation of emotional states.

Stage 1 - acquaintance. For targeted positive training, it is proposed to come up with a training name for yourself that contains some positive characteristic, for example, “Merry” or “Entertainer”. Further, during the entire training, address each other in this way.

Stage 2 - exercises.

"Dictionary of Good Qualities". In a circle, recall and name all the synonyms and shades of the qualities “good” and “beautiful” (or “joyful”). To what life phenomena are these qualities applicable? Try to find as many objects as possible to use these synonyms. Reflection: what feelings, associations, memories arise when pronouncing the words “magnificent”, “charming”, “charming”, etc. How does this dictionary affect the mood and state of mind?

Movement exercises. You can use any outdoor game, such as "Engine", "Confusion" or the like.

Rationale. One of the most effective ways of self-defense is to “eliminate” stress through the muscle channels. At a minimum, during a period of neuropsychological overstrain, it is necessary to look for various reasons to increase physical activity: running, sports, refusal of transport, various games. In addition, the therapeutic effect of games, for example, is increased by the presence in them of a communicative component that trains interaction skills.

"Unfinished Proposals".

The first step: we start one or two sentences in a circle, and they are overgrown with a snowball of proposals. Second step: several sentences (4-5) on leaflets are distributed to the participants of the training for completion in writing. Then the facilitator collects options for unfinished sentences (positive induction):

I came up with a great idea...

What I like about myself is that I...

I want to bring joy...

Any weather is grace, even today on the street ...

I get the most pleasure from…

My heart warms when I think about...

Helps me a lot in life...

When I'm in trouble, I console myself with the thought of...

To please my parents, I could...

"Calm down Birbal." An Indian legend tells of Birbal, a negligent adviser to King Akbar, who once was late for the king by as much as 3 hours - overslept. To justify himself before the king, Birbal said that he could not calm the child in any way. Akbar did not believe that the child could not be calmed faster. Then Birbal invited the king to act as a comforter, and he "cried", depicting inconsolable grief. After an hour of fruitless attempts, Akbar gave in and forgave his adviser.

The participants of the training choose "Birbal", whom they try to calm down in turn, using various methods of comfort: a word, a touch, any stimuli. Birbal then chooses whose consolation was the most convincing and effective.

"Portrait in Pink". It is proposed to remember the person to whom you experience hostility. You need to try to write his verbal portrait using only positive vocabulary, that is, leaving negative qualities “in mind”, write only about those that can be assessed as positive. You can slightly change the task by offering to write a portrait of an unpleasant person from the position of those who love him.

For younger teenagers, it is proposed to choose a movie hero or a literary character as an object, and also write his “portrait”. Discuss whether the attitude towards a person changes after such an essay.

"Chain". An exercise aimed at training the non-verbal transmission of emotionally positive information. Everyone is built in a column, at the back of each other's head. The host shows the latter an affectionate word (“bunny”) written on a piece of paper, or a phrase (“I like you”). He turns to himself standing in front of him and gestures and facial expressions trying to convey the meaning of what was written. The chain of non-verbal information is transmitted to the end. The last one in the column must say what the previous players conveyed to him.

"We'll get through this inconvenience...". Some unpleasant situation is selected, which happens, as a rule, suddenly. For example, a vase broke, the keys disappeared, you stumbled. Usually in such a situation, we unconsciously use not quite normative statements, at best we curse. In the presence of strangers, these words of ours can really let us down. Therefore, it is necessary to practice responding to sudden troubles in a different way, using positive verbal formulas. For example: "Great, let's see what we can do ...", or "Just think, what is the importance of ...", or "That's the trick ...". Participants themselves come up with options for reactions. Of course, these formulations sound with an intonation of annoyance, ironically, even annoyed, but here a chain of dependence is activated: a word - an action - a state that reconfigures from an experience to a search for a way out.

"Mirror". The same chain of dependence is activated when we consciously give our face one expression or another. Rehearse a relaxed smile in front of the mirror, establish yourself in it, get used to it. Imagine you are posing for a magazine cover photo. Then, while controlling your smile, remember some unpleasant situation that happened to you. "Keep a smile." Drop the memory, switch to something good. Reflection: is it difficult to control facial expressions if they contradict your thoughts; Did external goodness affect the perception and evaluation of past trouble?

"Desert Island". You are on a deserted island. Who will be most looking forward to your return home? Who will you worry about the most? What is the job that no one else can complete except for you? Imagine that you have trained carrier pigeons at your disposal. To which of the training participants would you write a letter asking for help? Why?

The final stage is dedicated to discussing your impressions of the training. The exercise "Compliments" completes communication. Ask if their training name affected the well-being of the guys.

Very often, what happens during a consultation with a psychologist, a person can do on his own: master positive thinking, visualization, active listening really and according to the advice from the book. Another thing is to introduce useful psychological exercises into a habit. Here, the psychologist most often acts only as a stimulus - like a gym for those who “do not reach fitness” at home.

Psychological exercises for every day

No wonder mathematics is among the entrance exams for the Faculty of Psychology. Our sciences have a lot in common! In psychology, including family psychology, there are many different exercises. I suggest you take a look at some of them. Everyone can use them in their family.

  1. My favorite method, which I put in first place, is "That's lovely!". It consists in the fact that your every reaction to an unexpected event (bad or good) begins with the phrase "How great!". And it doesn’t matter that things are “not a fountain” and those around you will not understand you at first. Such a reaction of the environment will even play into your hands - the brain in a panic will begin to come up with why it's great. You can further enhance the effect of the method - immediately say: “It's so great, because ...” And then your brain will save you!
  2. We introduce a mandatory procedure "5 joys of the day". You participate in it, your partner, children, parents - anyone, anyone. In the evening, you tell each other five pleasant events of the day. Their significance is not important, it is important that they bring you joy. This will teach you to notice good events and not focus on bad ones, as well as share good news with loved ones first of all.
  3. Enter rewards for yourself. At least once a month give yourself a nice little thing or a meaningful gift. It is important to promise it to yourself in advance and wait for its acquisition.
  4. Another exercise - visualization board. It is a poster or stand on which images of what a person wants to get from life are placed. She is a powerful weapon in the fight for a dream. The main principle of its action is the correct formation of images of one's own dreams and visualization of what is desired.

In the center of the board, place your photo in which you are sincerely happy, experiencing joy. And then start posting pictures or drawings around you of what you want out of life or what you want to achieve in it. To create a visualization board, choose life-affirming, beautiful, bright and expressive pictures depicting what you want.

For each sector, select separate photos: for the marriage sector - a picture depicting a happy family; for the career sector - the image of a successful businessman; for the sector of material prosperity - a car, a house, a summer house; for the sector of spiritual life - photos, for example, of countries where I would like to visit ...

On the visualization board, you need to place images that reflect the final result of your efforts, dreams that have already come true, realized opportunities. If desired, images can be accompanied by brief comments (written in present tense).

  1. With all our desire think positively we ourselves subconsciously block the achievement of the goal! It’s like we’re saying “I’m healthy and happy”, and at the same time the thought “well, how can I be healthy when there is an epidemic around” runs through. Or "where to come from fortunately with the euro exchange rate.

Let me tell you about one wonderful exercise. Wake up in the morning and say to yourself mentally, but better out loud: “It's great that this day has come. I allow (allow, command - you can choose any word that you like) myself to live this day the way I want! I will achieve all my goals." And if that very negative thought arises in your head, you say: “But I forbid such thoughts and all obstacles to be in this day!”. Then count out loud “one, two, three” and clap your hands! This exercise is great to do with kids too! It is worth starting the day with it, and ending with “five joys”.

It is important to have a plan for the day, and it is better to take it the day before. But do not set yourself limits and boundaries! Indeed, often something does not add up precisely because we ourselves are afraid, slow down, do not realize our capabilities. Try to do this exercise for at least 21 days, but rather make it a habit.

  1. Being engaged in visualizations, activating the power of thought, dreaming, people often turn this activity into obsession. They think they spin in their heads. If we imagine at this moment the brain as a separate being, then it sits and thinks: “Sentry! How much can you think about it? It hasn’t happened yet, and there are already so many problems!” And he does everything to prevent this obsessive "nuisance" from happening. With good intentions, of course.

I offer you the following fighting method. Open your notes on your phone and select a date exactly one year from now. Write there all your dreams come true. And close, with a reminder that will work in a year. Everything! Forget it, don't log in. It works - rate the result. You will surely be surprised!

Today there is a lot of debate about whether it is good to live in a positive world, or, more precisely, to try to artificially create it for yourself. I am sure that the efforts spent on ensuring that there is peace, tranquility and a positive attitude in the family will return to you as a boomerang, manifested in your children. They will grow up in a friendly environment and become self-confident people. And it's very cool!

Active listening method

This method sounds like this - sit down and talk. What for? I hear this question often. This is how a person is arranged, that it is difficult for us to live without feedback from others. If a woman stands all day at the stove, she expects a kind word about herself, an assessment of her work. When a spouse goes to work, spending all day there, he also expects feedback - in the form of wages.

A positive, engaging book about pregnancy? Recently I was foolish to look for an exciting, positive, some kind of psychological or Psychological help to myself: 6 exercises and active listening. Instead of consulting a psychologist - positive thinking.


This thinking has long been state. From the first three months, everyone knows and monitors such apartments: the police, housing and communal services, the municipality, the polyclinic, the council ... They unanimously help each other arrange these apartments for those who need it.
Our third term, as the main municipal deputy, occupies just such an apartment. [link-1] .
Only those on the waiting list of the district do not know about it.