Morning exercises - rules for performing, a set of exercises and their effectiveness. The expert told how the elderly should do exercises correctly If you do exercises in the morning, there will be a result

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


There are many ways by which you can raise the tone and improve physical fitness. One of them is morning exercises, which will help keep you energized throughout the day and relieve fatigue - the key to success is a short run and a few exercises. A lot of time, like in sports, it will not take you to complete them. Being in a good mood, you will be able to complete your tasks on time. You need to do exercises and a short run before breakfast.

The benefits of morning exercise

A simple exercise in the morning, including light jogging, improves blood circulation. Thanks to this, the tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen and nutrients, which has a positive effect on health. All this leads to improved memory, increased concentration and acceleration of thought processes. The benefits of morning training for men and women are revealed on the condition that the entire complex is performed regularly.

Getting used to doing exercises in the morning, you will not only become more active, but also stop feeling drowsy and excessive fatigue. Charging improves mood. It will help you wake up and increase the amount of oxygen entering the various muscle groups. At the same time, sputum that accumulates during sleep will be removed from the bronchi and lungs, but the exercise must be done correctly. Physical education will help improve overall muscle tone, increase strength.

How to properly recharge

Morning exercises are a set of relatively simple exercises that help stimulate blood flow, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and respiratory organs. Make it a useful habit - overcome laziness. Be sure to do a light warm-up before each session. In addition, adhere to the following rules during morning exercises:

  • You should not pull heavy barbells, dumbbells in the morning or jog for several kilometers, because. Charging should be fun. Take up easy running.
  • Do not start charging immediately after waking up the body, wait 10-15 minutes for it to completely withdraw from sleep.
  • The program should include 5-10 physical exercises, each of which will need to be performed an average of 10 times.
  • Practice at a relaxed pace.
  • Daily exercise is important.
  • Follow proper breathing.
  • Choose clothes that are comfortable and do not restrict movement.
  • Charging is best done in a ventilated room or outdoors.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Exercise in the morning will bring a lot of benefits if you choose the right set of exercises. It is important to stretch the muscles, warm up the joints, so as not to get injured. Try to pick up simple exercises (as in the photo below). The duration of the morning warm-up is on average 4-5 minutes - it consists of smooth turns and tilts of the torso, head, rotational movements of the arms, walking on toes, etc. The main complex of physical training includes squats, all kinds of rotations, swings and strength exercises in the form of push-ups.

Warm up

Starting exercises for charging in the morning, do not forget about the warm-up to warm up the muscles and prepare them for the main program. You can start the warm-up with the usual sipping in bed. Choose the right music and do 10 head rotations in each direction, circular movements of the shoulders 4 times forward and backward, rotation of the hands 10 times in and out. After a warm-up, perform toilet procedures. If you do not have personal preferences, then pay attention to such a warm-up complex (all exercises are performed 8-10 times):

  1. Tilt your head alternately to the sides, perform turns of the torso.
  2. Clasp your hands in a “lock”, turn your hands away from you and towards you.
  3. Bending your elbows, touch your fingers to your shoulders and slowly rotate your arms.
  4. Bend forward, trying to reach the floor with your fingers.
  5. Raise your left hand up, and put your right hand on your waist, then lean to the right. Change position after a couple of tilts.
  6. Hands on the waist, begin to rotate the hips alternately to the left, to the right.
  7. Make swings with your legs, after which, lunges forward - squat as deep as possible.

head tilts

To raise the overall tone, improve performance with the help of charging, take each exercise seriously. Make about 10 head turns to the left and right, after which - tilts forward and backward. Then do slow circular rotations. If there are problems with the vestibular apparatus, then to prevent deterioration of health, do not close your eyes. Neck exercises will hardly take you more than 2-3 minutes.

Shoulder rotation

To improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the body with the help of morning physical activity, pay due attention to the rotation of the shoulders. Improper execution of these movements can easily lead to injury to the shoulder joint. Shoulder rotation do this:

  1. Stand up straight with your arms down at your sides from your body.
  2. Raise both shoulders up at the same time.
  3. Guide them in a strong circular motion back.
  4. Do about 5 rotations in each direction.

Mahi hands

One of the most effective exercises for morning warm-up is arm swings. They will contribute to a surge of energy and a quick departure from sleep, the main thing is regularity. You will not need any heavy exercises to increase physical activity:

  1. Move your arms up and down. After that, lower your left hand down, and raise your right hand up and vice versa.
  2. Swing your arms in front of your chest - left and right.
  3. You can do 8-16 swings with your arms forward and backward in an inclined position, while not straining your neck and shoulders.

Brush rotations

For a full morning workout, you need to knead and brush. To do this, you will need to interlace your fingers in your palms, and then perform rotations in both directions. The duration of the exercise should be about a minute. Perform all movements smoothly, without jerking, because a sharp transition to physical activity is fraught with stress for the body.

Side bends of the body

To bring the body into good physical shape and improve health, do inclinations. To do this, take a starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart. To burn fat in the abdomen, do the exercise in 3-4 sets, at least 20 repetitions on each side - approaches should be alternated to the right and left. Another great exercise is torso down. Do it as correctly as possible, especially if you plan to proceed with power loads next:

  1. Bend over for a count of one to the left leg, two to the right.
  2. On the third count, straighten your body.
  3. Next, put your feet together and try to touch your knees with your forehead, if the stretch allows. As soon as this succeeds, try to linger in this position for a few seconds. Do 40 repetitions.

Pelvic rotation

An excellent exercise for the body are circular movements of the pelvis. To perform it, put your hands on your belt and start spinning. Movement should not pinch the muscles and cause pain. Do 10 circular rotations to the right and left. Such a morning workout contributes to the comprehensive development of the spine, improving its blood supply and toning previously unused muscle groups. This reduces pain in the muscles of the back.

Mahi legs

Performing leg swings will help make them mobile and strong, getting rid of excess body fat, which will positively affect overall health. In addition, leg swings help restore the normal functioning of the leg muscles and blood circulation in them. Order of execution:

  1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your chest, lowering your elbows.
  2. Make a swing with a straight right leg, and as high as possible, and return to the starting position. While lifting the leg, it is necessary to hold your breath or exhale.
  3. Do 5-15 swings with each leg.
  4. Perform a swing with a straight leg back - keep the foot with the heel up. Do 5-15 reps with each leg.


To make your body pumped up, as in the pictures in the gym, is possible only with the help of hard training. Joining the exercises in the morning, do not forget to supplement your complex with squats. With their help, you can develop the belt of the lower extremities. First, try to sit down 10 times. At the same time, bend your knees to the angle that your muscles and joints are capable of. If the next day there are no muscle pains, then increase the series of squats to 2-3 sets, bringing the total number of repetitions to 20-30.

Exercises for the abs

Raising the torso from a prone position is one of the most effective exercises designed to train the abdominal muscles. With it, you can work out the entire complex of abdominal muscles, but the middle and upper sections of the rectus muscle will receive the greatest load. It is best to do body lifts at the end of the morning session. When starting the exercise, prepare a fitness mat and choose a draft-free room:

  1. Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, put your hands on your chest or fasten behind your head.
  2. Start bending the torso from the head, trying to reach the chin to the chest. You can stretch further - while the back will come off the floor.
  3. Having reached the maximum possible point, return to the starting position. Do 10-15 reps depending on your fitness level.

Push ups

Morning jogging and exercising is a great way to improve your fitness or maintain the results you already have. You should not make a full-fledged workout out of charging, i.e. do not perform any heavy physical exercises after waking up and lightly warming up. Such a sharp switch from one mode to another can adversely affect the heart. Push-ups for charging in the morning will do just fine, the main thing is not to overwork. The order of actions from the basic scheme:

  1. Take an emphasis lying down, place your hands shoulder-width apart, pointing your palms up. Place your feet hip-width apart. Place your fingers on the floor.
  2. While inhaling, bend your elbows, simultaneously directing the body down.
  3. The hull should form a straight line, which should not break anywhere - deflections are considered violations.
  4. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do 3 sets with 2/3 reps of what you can.

Efficiency of morning exercise

Regular morning exercises can improve the general condition of the body and help it switch to work mode as quickly as possible. Performing a set of exercises in the morning helps to activate the visual, auditory, vestibular apparatus, as well as mobilize the central nervous system for the upcoming work activity. Regular morning exercises will lead to beneficial physical changes, such as the proper functioning of the heart muscle.

When using gymnastic items, for example, light dumbbells, the number of repetitions is reduced by about 25-30%. A well-chosen training program will cheer you up and provide an excellent opportunity to feel the joy of leading an active lifestyle. After morning exercises, you can take a 5-7-minute contrast shower. You need to start it with warm water, and end with cold. So the body will be prepared for the emotional, physical, mental stress of the working day.


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There are many reviews about the sensational and famous plank exercise. There are those who support it with their hands and feet, but there are also those who believe that it is ineffective and does not help to achieve the desired result. In fact, if you perform the exercise correctly, the effect will be sure. The lack of effect may be the result of not the best physical preparation of a person. If you spend only one or two minutes a day on the bar, then you still don’t need to wait for a quick and good result. Therefore, when performing the bar, remember that the duration of this exercise and the number of approaches should be sufficient.

It is impossible to say with certainty and accuracy how many times should i do plank for weight loss per day, because it all depends only on what physical form a person is in. But even if you can hold the bar for a sufficient number of minutes, you should not stop there, but systematically increase the number of approaches per day. So, for starters, it’s better to stop at 3-4 times a day, and then increase the number of approaches. It is noteworthy that thanks to the exercise, you can achieve a beautiful press, both in women and in men.

If after the exercise you feel discomfort or pain in some part of the body (and most often pain occurs in the back), then it is best not to continue to perform these exercises, but to consult a doctor for advice.

There are a number of diseases in which the plank exercise is contraindicated. These include:

  • intervertebral hernia
  • spinal injury,
  • injuries in the arms or elbows.

In this case, the plank exercise can only aggravate the situation with diseases.

Determine the number of approaches

Before you determine how many approaches you need to do per day of plank exercises, you need to decide for yourself: what goal do you want to achieve. It is important to determine how often to do the plank in order to have an effect. So, if you need to lose some weight and tighten your muscles, give your body a fit and relief, then a couple of minutes a day, two approaches will be enough.

But if the bar is the main tool in the fight against excess weight, then it is best to double the number of approaches, and if possible, stand in the bar for 3-4 minutes in the exercise. Of course, it will be difficult for an unprepared person to do this right away, which is why you need to gradually increase the load, but at the same time not spare yourself.

Important! The plank is a static exercise, so you should not expect a huge amount of calories burned from it.

The plank exercise helps a little differently. The muscles of the whole body become elastic, the body becomes flexible. And all this is necessary in order for the body to lose weight. Of course, people are primarily interested in how long you need to stand in the bar. Usually the average person who does sports only when it takes about a minute. But some are able to stand immediately for two minutes, others give up after 20 seconds. In a word, it all depends on the body and its readiness.

If you get a little time to stand, then increase the number of approaches. If you get only 10-20 seconds, then do not take long breaks between sets. After 20 seconds, repeat the exercise again.

Note! Just a couple of days of proper plank exercise will be enough for the body to begin to change, be sure you will notice how your body strengthens and begins to change before your eyes.

In other words, everyone should listen to their body and control for themselves how many approaches to do and how long to stand on the bar. The main thing is not to spare yourself and stand to the end, because the more you put in the effort, the more beautiful the body awaits you ahead.


Anfisa, 21 years old: I do the bar 3 times a day for 3 minutes, but I started doing it already, like half a year ago, now I want to stand for 4 minutes already, the body, muscles are already used to it, so I think you can already increase the time. It was very difficult at first to stand even for a minute, my abs and legs hurt terribly, but it just meant that I was on the right track, and I don’t regret that I started to stand in the plank, perfectly strengthens my muscles and models the figure.

Zlata, 28 years old: After giving birth, I had no time to play sports especially, but I started to do at least the bar. I didn’t want to gain much weight during feeding, so I tried with all my might to keep myself in shape, and the plank helped me a lot with this. But I can’t stand for more than 3 minutes, and only 2 times a day, I want to do it more often, I’ll try to find the strength in myself for this.

Hope, 30 years old: I plank 4 times a day, maybe it’s not enough, but I stand for 4-5 minutes, in the morning I stand calmly for 5 minutes, and by the evening I just don’t have enough strength and it turns out, I stand no more than 4 minutes. I can’t say that I have lost a lot of weight over these 4 months, but the improvements in the figure are visible, the legs have become pumped up, and the press has become visible, and this is the result!

The most important purpose of physical exercises is to bring joy to a person and be a source of good mood. In no case should this type of activity turn into a burdensome duty. If you perform the exercises with enthusiasm, then the benefits from them will be much greater, respectively, and the positive effect will increase. That is why the right time to charge is so important. And this time should completely coincide with your biorhythms.

So when is the best time to exercise, morning or evening?

According to proven scientific data, morning exercises burn excess calories more effectively, therefore, you can get rid of excess weight much more effectively by doing exercises in the morning. If you did 20 minutes of exercise in the morning, it will be equivalent to 40 minutes of the same exercises, but done in the afternoon.

The explanation for this phenomenon is elementary. The fact is that the human body consumes energy more intensively until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but after this time it goes into energy saving mode.

Morning exercises for the whole day will relieve you of the feeling of hunger, because during its implementation the hormone responsible for appetite is inhibited. Morning workouts promote faster recovery of the body and reduce the likelihood of injury.

However, morning classes have their pitfalls. You have to get up much earlier. In addition, charging will be effective only after breakfast, and most ordinary people tend to refuse the first meal. Unfortunately, exercising on an empty stomach is not beneficial. In addition, in the morning, human blood has a thicker consistency than in the evening, respectively, physical activity increases the load on the heart and blood vessels. To avoid these risks, eat a light breakfast and drink a few glasses of water before your workout. They will help make the blood a little thinner. Morning exercises begin with light exercises, which gradually become more difficult.

So, as if by chance, we answered your question about when is it better to do exercises before meals or after?

But morning is not the only time of day that is suitable for exercise. Evening workouts also speed up the metabolism, which slows down after 5 p.m. Thanks to the evening load, the body will continue to burn calories even during sleep, since the muscles recover after physical training in about 12 hours.

The only disadvantage of evening exercises is that it is not always easy to set yourself up for an additional load at the end of the day. The body is already tired enough during the working day, and with sleep, the field of evening training may have certain difficulties. Therefore, it is better to train 3 hours before bedtime.

Do you do morning exercises? No? In vain! Morning exercise is not only a quick and easy way to cheer up, but also a great opportunity to keep fit without additional special training. Charging does not require exotic exercises. Quite enough ordinary and long familiar.

The main thing is to do these simple exercises correctly, at the right time and in the right amount.

Moreover, charging can be a complete system for training the body and your general physical culture, if you take it seriously (I’ll talk about this approach a little later).

In this post, I will share with you five useful exercises for morning exercises and explain how and in what volume to perform them, so that you get a decent and really healthy exercise.

Morning exercises, a set of exercises

First, take a few deep breaths in and out so that exercise does not cause an acute oxygen deficiency in the body, which will lead to too strong a heartbeat (see).

1. Squats: 20-30 times.

2. Push-ups from the floor: 10-15 times. (If regular push-ups are difficult for you, push-ups from your knees, as described below).

3. Lying twists: 15-20 times.

4. Forward bends: 15-20 times.

5. Tilts to the sides 3-5 times in each direction with a delay of 2-3 seconds.

Below I will explain how to do each of these exercises and show them in a video. But first, I will explain the rules for doing morning exercises, which I myself have been using for many years.

How to do morning exercises?

In the morning we woke up 10 minutes earlier to leave ourselves time to exercise. Went to the toilet and washed. We drank half a glass of pure water. After a couple of minutes, you can start charging. During this time, you can ventilate the room and get dressed for class. Shorts (or home trousers) and a T-shirt will do just fine. You can do it barefoot.

Charging always begins and ends with a breathing exercise. Take 3-5 calm but deep breaths in and out.

Perform each strength exercise 10-20 times, depending on your physical fitness. Do one set of each exercise, then rest a bit and move on to the next exercise.

It is important that breathing becomes noticeably quicker, but not too frequent. For morning exercises, a moderate, without busting, load is quite enough.

Morning work-out. A set of exercises.


Very useful for the legs, buttocks, back. Legs 40-50 cm wide. Performed vigorously, but without “flopping” down. Gently sat down, vigorously stood up. When bending the legs - take a deep breath, when unbending - exhale. When bending the legs, the arms are extended forward.

The option with arms raised up very effectively strengthens the back, improves posture, and helps fight back pain.

Push ups

Develop arms, abs, shoulder girdle, strengthen legs. Hands at a width of 80 cm or more. The body and legs are on the same line. When bending the arms - inhale, when unbending - exhale.

For a change, I demonstrate a complicated version of push-ups with alternate leg raises. This is a very powerful development tool.

If regular push-ups are difficult for you, we do push-ups from our knees. The rules of execution and breathing are the same.


This is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. Perfectly tightens the stomach and leads to the appearance of "cubes". Performed lying down on a mat. Looking up at the ceiling. We do not pull the head with our hands. We twist the body to change the distance between the lower ribs and the pubic bone.

When twisting (lifting the body), we exhale, when moving back - inhale.

forward bends

This is a great flexibility exercise. Legs 10-15 cm wide. The loin is bent and fixed. When tilted forward, it should remain in this fixed position. Never round up!

The legs are slightly bent at the knees and fixed. When tilting, we inhale, while unbending - exhale. Avoid too much pain in the back of the thighs and under the knees. They should be moderate and pleasant. Don't force the exercise. Be careful. Excessive effort can lead to knee and lower back problems.

Tilts to the side

Exercise to improve flexibility. Perfectly strengthens the back.

Feet 10-15 cm wide or slightly wider. Raise one arm up and, continuing the movement, reach for it with your whole body, tilting to the side. Stay on the slope. Then slowly return to a standing position and tilt to the other side.

Breathe in while bending over. When returning to a standing position, exhale.

What kind of exercise do you do?

However, when choosing exercises, we must remember that charging is not an ordinary workout.

Morning exercises are a warm-up before a working day. It helps the circulatory system tune in to daily activity and improves the supply of oxygen to the muscles, brain, internal organs and tissues. After sleep, the circulation of blood throughout the body is reduced, the lungs are constricted, the nervous system is inhibited. It is impossible to give yourself a serious load such as running or strength exercises immediately after waking up - the body cannot cope with it, there is a high risk of injury or even upset the balance of various systems. But after morning exercises, you can even go to the gym, even to work.

Thus, the purpose of the morning exercise is to gradually improve blood circulation throughout the body. This will speed up the metabolism. And even if you sit in the office all day after charging, anyway, at least in the first half of the day, your body will not accumulate calories, but burn them. What is required for weight loss!

When and how?

It is best, of course, to do exercises every day. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough, but if desired, you can increase the duration to half an hour. If it doesn’t work out every day, do it as often as you can, it will still be more useful than doing nothing at all.

It is necessary to do exercises BEFORE breakfast. But you must drink water before exercise, at least a glass. After all, you did not drink at least 8 hours of sleep, some amount of water was excreted in urine and sweat. Once the liquid is gone, it means that the blood has become thicker and to increase its circulation in such an “undiluted” form is to overload the heart. So, you need water, and if you are hungry - juice. Those who cannot live without coffee or tea can also drink these drinks. But a standard cup of coffee (50 ml) will not dilute the blood, so supplement it with another liquid.

Now let's deal with the intensity of movements. Remember a simple rule: the colder the weather, the less active you should start. That is, if in the summer you can do exercises with a heart rate of 90-100 beats per minute, and by the end of the workout raise your heart rate to 110, then in winter start with 85-90.

Subtleties of choice

It is necessary to start with low-intensity exercises, gradually increasing the load. The difference from a full-fledged workout is that after charging, in no case should you feel tired. If this happens, then shorten the morning workout or make it slower. At the same time, morning exercises are not relaxation and stretching. During the lesson, you should feel that the heart began to beat faster, breathing quickened. After morning exercises, a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness should definitely appear. If, after charging, you are going to go to the gym or, for example, ride a bike, the charge should be longer and end at a higher heart rate than usual.

Another important point is breathing. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, not only with a full chest, but also with your stomach. This will straighten the lungs that have been packed overnight and increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood. In turn, increasing the amount of oxygen and improving blood circulation will speed up the metabolism and increase the amount of fat burned during movement.


Now let's see what exercises are useful to include in morning exercises and how to perform them correctly.

It is best to start with stretching your arms up, turning your head, twisting your arms to work your joints. When you reach up and twist your head, in no case do not throw it back (do not lower the back of your head to your back). It is better to first bend your arms and legs slightly at the joints, without tension, and then start turning them at a moderate pace.

Use complex exercises, that is, those that include all the muscles in your body. For example, walking in place or around the yard. Do not forget to move your arms during it and do not slouch.

Excellent exercises for charging - squats and lunges. It is necessary not to go too low, so that the angle in the knee joint is straight or obtuse. In no case do not bring your knees on squats.

Another complex exercise is push-ups. Push-ups from the floor on toes are given to few people, as they require decent physical fitness. Feel free to simplify this exercise. The easiest option is to do push-ups with your hands on the wall. The further away from the wall the legs are moved, the more difficult it is. A slightly higher load - knees on the floor, hands on a chair or sofa. Even harder - feet (socks, not knees) on the floor, hands on the couch. Finally, the "feminine" version - knees and hands on the floor. When you manage to do 20 push-ups like this, lean on your hands and socks.

Charging can be done with dumbbells, and with other weights. In this case, choose exercises that again involve a maximum of muscles. That is, do not just bend and unbend your arms, but do tilts in different directions with weights, squats, lift dumbbells from the floor, etc. But exercises for the press (twisting, leg raises) are not suitable for morning exercises - they involve too few muscles, they do not increase oxygen supply and blood circulation. It is better to leave them in the evening.

Finally, another option is charging with a device that, willy-nilly, involves the entire body. For example, a short bike ride, rotating a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop), stretching an expander, and so on.

In general, as you can see, morning exercises are very simple and at the same time very effective!