We celebrate the new year with a child. New Year with a child: holiday options for different ages New Year with a child 5 years old

You can protect yourself from all these troubles by contacting a travel agency. But it should be remembered that only you yourself will be able to organize yourself a comfortable stay that meets all your requirements and wishes.

New Year holidays in Russia

You can have fun with the long-awaited vacation without leaving the country. This kind of vacation has certain advantages:

  • Small travel time;
  • Lack of acclimatization;
  • There is no language barrier;
  • Availability.

Sochi (Krasnaya Polyana)

Outdoor enthusiasts can head to Sochi, ski down the slopes and enjoy the festive atmosphere. Many people speak positively about the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort in Sochi. It includes 4 complexes.

But if parents or children are unsure about skiing, or are afraid of getting injured, then it is better to find something safer.

Veliky Ustyug

Here children will be able to fully experience the magic:

  1. Visit the residence of Father Frost.
  2. Enjoy a sleigh ride or snowmobile ride down the hill.
  3. Ride horses, ponies.
  4. Enjoy delicious pancakes with natural honey.
  5. Plunge into a fairy tale and spend time in the company of your favorite characters.
  6. Make a New Year's souvenir with your own hands at one of the master classes.

While the kids will enjoy the rest and fun, the parents will not be bored either. They can:

  1. Visit the bathhouse or sauna.
  2. Play billiards, bowling.
  3. Try yourself as a hunter or fisherman.


Children from birth to middle school age will find it interesting in Karelia. In this wonderful place, the local Santa Claus reigns, who is friends with trolls and the Snow Maiden.

In addition to fairy-tale characters, children and their parents will be able to enjoy the sights that this place is famous for:

  1. Museum, where a huge number of New Year's toys are collected (located in Olonets).
  2. Kivach waterfall, which is the second largest in Europe.
  3. Dog kennel where you can ride a dog sled.
  4. Lake Onega.
  5. You can also visit the local cathedral or park.

Celebrating New Year abroad

If parents are planning to celebrate the New Year with their children outside the country, then they should pay attention to the most popular resorts. The whole family will have a lot of fun visiting them.


Finland - well, where is it without it. After all, kids have heard that it is here that Santa Claus lives, and they dream to visit there. So why not fulfill their dream, if the financial situation allows it.

Going to Finland, you will get a lot of positive emotions.

Here you can:

  1. Get to know Santa Claus personally, see how he lives and what he does.
  2. Ride a snowmobile, snowmobiles.
  3. Experience all the delights of winter fishing.
  4. Enjoy the beauty of the Northern Lights.
  5. Go downhill on skis.
  6. Ride on a sleigh pulled by reindeer or dogs.


For those who want to escape from winter to summer, a trip to Bali is suitable. Here, instead of snow, warm sand, instead of -30 degrees +30, and instead of fir trees, palm trees. This vacation will be remembered by the child for a long time, because he will be able to enjoy:

  1. Swimming and sunbathing.
  2. Fun activities.
  3. Trips and excursions.
  4. Acquaintance with previously unknown species of fish, birds and animals.
  5. Master classes. Every child can discover stone carving, ivory carving, wood carving, cooking and much more.

A trip to Bali will not be cheap for parents. The main part of the money will have to be paid for the flight. As for entertainment, here they are for every taste and budget.

New Year with a child in European countries

  1. Czech Republic, Prague) - the number of tourists on the eve of New Year's holidays here is increasing every year. During the New Year holidays, Prague is simply magical. There is something to do for both adults and children. On the streets you will meet the characters of fairy tales beloved by children, you get the feeling that you are in a magical, cozy and sparkling town with different lights. Children and adults alike will be delighted with the beauty and charm of the city at this time.
  2. Hungary (Budapest) - a great opportunity to get acquainted with the Hungarian Santa Claus, visit the zoo, water park, railway and other interesting places. In Budapest, the child will be interested, he will be impressed for a long time.
  3. Austria Vienna) - adults and children on New Year's Eve will be able to enjoy a fascinating performance, and even become a part of it, visit an entertainment center, a children's theater, the residence of the emperors of Austria and many other interesting places.
  4. Italy - this country is famous for its holidays, or rather their scale. On a festive night, you can see gorgeous fireworks, an amazing show that lasts all night long. In the morning you can visit the amusement park, zoo and many other fascinating places.
  5. France - a great opportunity to remember childhood with your child and visit Disneyland, see a 24-meter Christmas tree, Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters.

Having learned about the cities of Russia and European countries where you can spend New Year's holidays with your child, you will certainly make the right choice. And remember, no matter where you will be on this magical night, it is important that at that moment there is a good mood and relatives are close. After all, as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it.

New Year is a family holiday, covered with a fairy tale halo and filled with the expectation of a miracle. As adults, we have slowly lost this feeling of something very light and beautiful, accessible only to children. Now it is our turn to give our children a fairy tale and magic, and perhaps become children ourselves, at least for a short time.

Of course, it is not worth involving a very small child in the New Year's celebration - a noisy company, violation of the daily routine and new incomprehensible symbols of the holiday can scare the baby.

A one-year-old child can already be given a gift, talk about the holiday, but you definitely should not be involved in the celebration. But for a child from 2-3 years old, it is already quite possible to arrange a real meeting of the New Year.

Preparation for the holiday

For every child, the New Year consists of different little things - it starts with garlands in shop windows, with the smell of pine needles, sweets, snowflakes on glass, with decorating a Christmas tree and mother's smile.

It is the expectation of a miracle that must be presented to the child, first of all. A few days before the holiday, you can watch a New Year's fairy tale together, read a book, tell your child about the magical ice land from which Santa Claus will come. Imagine together and compose your own story - how a kind old man prepares gifts, collects them all in a big bag and embarks on a long journey to please the children.

Write a letter to Santa Claus with your child - so you will not only involve him in the holiday preparations, but also find out what the baby wants. By the way, this is also a good way to dissuade a child if the gift is too expensive, or if the parents are not ready to have a pet.

Get ready for the holiday together. This is a great reason to teach your kid how to cut snowflakes, glue garlands from rings, and make cards for relatives. Try to get the whole family together and decorate the nursery, dress up the forest beauty, prepare pleasant surprises for your family.

On a walk, you can dress up a Christmas tree or just a tree in the yard, decorate a playground. Other children are likely to join this venture.

The most stressful day for housewives on New Year's Eve can also be fun with your child. Ask him to help prepare a treat for guests, decorate them.

An excellent option for joint preparation for a holiday in the kitchen can be baking. Prepare shortbread or ordinary yeast dough, show your baby how to curl it, sculpt, make circles, rings and figures using molds.

A jar of jam, some nuts and raisins, and the child will be completely carried away by this process, and how much such exercises will be useful for the development of fine motor skills and imagination is not necessary to say. You can even ask to make a personal treat for each guest. There will be no limit to the child's pride when his works are on the festive table.

Prepare in advance for the New Years celebration. In order for the holiday to pass with the greatest benefit and safety for the baby, some rules should be followed.

Getting ready to celebrate the New Year with a child

It is better if a kid under 5-6 years old celebrates the New Year at home, in a familiar environment, and you yourself can take care of the celebration. If you need to take a child to visit, make sure that it will not be a very large and noisy company, and there will be other children at the party. Also prepare several assignments for children and adults.

If you are celebrating New Year at home, remember:

  • Food from the common table is not always good for toddlers. Therefore, it is worth considering a children's table in advance. This can be food familiar to the baby, decorated in the New Year's theme.
  • If you plan to invite other children, you should prepare sleeping places for them in advance. It is very likely that the kids will get tired during the holiday and want to sleep, especially if their parents want to wait for the chimes to strike.
  • It is also worth remembering that a long animation program can be exhausting for the kids. In addition, a young viewer may be intimidated by a new character showing excessive attention to him. It is quite enough for a child of two years to spend five minutes in the company of Santa Claus and receive a gift. But for children over four, you can already arrange an entertainment program with fairy-tale characters for 30-40 minutes.
  • It is very important that the baby not only communicates with peers during the holiday, but is also involved in the general fun. Therefore, think over the contests in advance so that adults can take part in them on an equal basis with children.
  • Excessive noise can make the child tired. Plan your program so that any entertainment takes about 20 minutes, then a break for 20-30 minutes. So children can eat, play quietly, drink juice, and their parents can communicate.
  • It is very good if children have their own playroom, in which they can relax from the company of adults.

While the child is very small, you can arrange a festive tea party and invite Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden long before 12 o'clock. This will allow the children to go to bed at their usual time or a little later. For the holiday to have a logical conclusion, you can show the children a recording of the chimes or celebrate the New Year in a different time zone.

Older children may well celebrate the holiday together with adults, because one of the attractive features of the New Year is the ability not to go to bed on time. It is only desirable that the child sleeps during the day and does not get tired.

Child safety during the holiday

So that a fun holiday does not turn into a nuisance, think about the safety of children in advance.

  • If the children are still young, it is better to install an artificial Christmas tree. Check the needles in advance - they should not prick too much. Fix the green beauty not only on a tripod, but also with an additional mount to the ceiling or wall.
  • It is advisable not to use glass or other breakable Christmas tree decorations. Nowadays, there are enough plastic Christmas tree toys that are much more difficult to break and cut.
  • You should also not use glassware for the children's table.
  • If the child is small, it is better to give up the Christmas tree garland - you just can not keep track of when the child pulls the cord, and they break off quite easily. It is better if the baby can still harm himself, decorate a wall or window with bright bulbs out of the child's reach.
  • Keep track of the amount of candy and citrus you eat. It will be rather unpleasant to start the new year with allergies.
  • Sparklers, firecrackers and of course fireworks should be used by children only under adult supervision.

New Year's Eve

Create a festive atmosphere for children. In addition to garlands, various projectors can be used for this, reflecting elements, ornaments that you made together.

Confetti rain, which is easy to arrange by filling ordinary balloons with sparkles and colored paper circles, will give children unforgettable moments. The balls can be hung on strings under the ceiling and burst cheerfully during the holiday.

You can hang candy and cookies on the tree, or make a garland out of them. A sweet treat and a lot of fruit - this is what the guys will appreciate. Cookies with wishes, short rhymes, riddles can become a tasty and fun delicacy for both children and adults.

It will be good if you periodically include children's songs during the holiday. Such musical accompaniment will be very useful for competitions. Just do not force children to constantly listen to loud music, this can lead to overexcitation of the nervous system.

Be sure to give your child the opportunity to present gifts prepared for guests. But the kid is not obliged to entertain those who come. If he doesn't want to read a poem or sing a song, leave this idea. The main thing is that the children are comfortable at the holiday.

You can spend the old year waving at him out the window, and going out into the street to launch fireworks, especially if you accompany the walk with a game of snowballs and roller coasters.

A cheaper option for colorful wires of the old year could be the launch of Chinese lanterns. It is also a great opportunity to make a wish for the next year.

Morning gifts

The magic of the new year is noticeable as never before, if the next morning on January 1, the baby finds what he wished under the tree. The effect of receiving the mystery can be enhanced by writing a response letter from Santa Claus to the child and spreading out, in addition to the main gift, many small ones - these can be key chains, magnets, sweets, puzzles.

You can ask relatives and friends who came the day before to bring a small souvenir, for example, a calendar with a bright picture, this will not only improve the mood of the baby, but can also initiate a new children's collection.

It is ideal to collect several small boxes and arrange them in different places under the tree, or even hang on it.

You can arrange an interesting game "What Santa Claus forgot" and find his traces - for example, a hat or a decorative mitten with sweets.

Decorate gifts brightly and colorfully - in colored paper, rustling multicolored convolutions, bags with embroidery. The child will like to unfold and even tear the beautiful packaging in order to quickly look inside.

Do not forget that Santa Claus brought the main gift to the baby, so it's good if he receives some kind of present from his parents as well.

Of course, the New Year together with children imposes certain restrictions on parents. But this is a great opportunity to return to childhood for a while and give yourself and your child magic.

The New Year tree is the main attribute of the upcoming holiday. Kids love to carefully examine it: what toys are hanging on it, what lights are lit. But all this can be considered not only. It is worth playing with Christmas decorations, and at the same time learning a lot of new things. Celebrating the New Year with children can be turned into a real developmental activity.

2-3 years. With little children, the games at the Christmas tree are very simple. You can find all the toys on the tree and name them: a ball, a cone, an icicle, a flashlight, an asterisk ... And then ask the kid to show where the ball is and where the cone is. Name the color of the toys: "This ball is red, and that one is blue." With older children, understand the concepts of "the same" and "different". Together with your baby, find all the same toys that hang on the Christmas tree. Then ask your baby, for example, the following questions: “The star and the snowflake are the same toys or are they different? Are these two balls the same? Find on the tree exactly the same ball as this one. " If you teach a kid to count, count certain toys together: “How many yellow balls do we have? One two Three. Look: Santa Claus is alone on the tree, and there are many bunnies. Let's still find a toy that is alone. And now those who are many ... "

4-5 years old. Christmas tree games can be invented to train your memory. Invite the baby to look carefully at one of the branches, and then let him turn away and remember what toys were hanging there and what color they were. Then remove one of the toys. Will the baby be able to remember what is missing?

What about spatial orientation that you can practice while playing around the tree? Does the kid already understand what is "high" and what is "low"? You can explain to him like this: “Come on, touch this lump with your pen. Got it out? The bump hangs low. Now get that star over there. Didn't get it? This is because it hangs high ... What other toys are high? " And how to understand who is short and who is tall? Very simple:

The tree fluffed up the branches,

And sweets are hanging on them.

Our Volodya is very short,

He couldn't get the toffee.

But Sveta's tall dad

I took sweets for him from the tree.

(Yu. Kasparova)

So it turns out that the baby is short, and mom and dad are tall.

Poems about winter, New Year's riddles and finger games for children 2-5 years old

The tree is dressed up, you can sit down nearby and, admiring it, play a little.

2-3 years. In order for the baby's speech to develop better, often offer him all kinds of finger games. And since it's winter outside our window, then we will select finger games in accordance with the season:

One, two, three, four, five,

(We bend our fingers one by one.)

We came to the yard for a walk.

(We "march" with our fingers on the table.)

They sculpted the Snow Baba,

(We simulate the modeling of lumps.)

The birds were fed with crumbs,

(We "crush" the bread with our fingers.)

Then we rode down the hill,

(We slide the index finger of the right hand over the palm of the left hand.)

And they were lying in the snow.

(We put our palms on the table with one side or the other.)

Everyone came home in the snow

(We shake off our palms.)

We ate the soup and went to bed.

(We make movements with an imaginary spoon, then put our hands under the cheek.)

(N. Nishcheva)

Word games will also help the development of the baby's speech. For example, invite your child to remember and name all the words that are associated with winter and New Year's holidays: Christmas tree, Santa Claus, snowball, lights, icicle ... To make it more interesting, name the words in turn. It’s even more fun to throw the ball to each other and say the words.

4-5 years old.Do not forget to learn a couple of New Year's poems with your baby. After all, Santa Claus on the New Year tree may ask him to tell something. But it's not only that. Memorizing poems is a great training for children's memory. While the child is young, choose short verses with clear rhymes.

Who's come?

What did you bring?

We know:

Santa Claus,

Gray-haired grandfather,

With beard,

He is our dear guest.

He will light a Christmas tree for us,

He will sing songs with us.

(E. Blaginina)

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

I lit the lights on it.

And needles shine on it,

And there is snow on the branches!

(V. Petrova)

Invite your kid to guess the holiday rhyme riddles. And let them have clues that just ask for the tongue.

It's snowing in the yard

Holiday is coming soon ... (New Year)

To us on New Year's Eve

Someone from the forest will come.

All fluffy, in needles,

And they call that guest ... (Christmas tree)

Winter experiments with soap bubbles for children

Even before the New Year, you need to find time for walks. Let's surprise the kid with magic soap bubbles during one of them. They will turn into balls of ice right before his eyes! And in order for the miracle to happen, we will take a bottle of soap bubbles for a walk and try to blow them out in the cold. What will we get? Depending on the air temperature, the bubbles will behave differently. So, in a slight frost (down to –7 ° С), it will not work just like that to freeze the bubbles. They cool too slowly and burst before they freeze.

But let the kid try to blow the bubble right into the snow. What will happen to him? The bubble will freeze and turn into an ice ball with patterns, like on a frosty window. You can freeze the ball in another way. Let the baby blow out a soap bubble, and you throw a snowflake on top of him. The snowflake will slide to the bottom of the bubble, and in this place it will begin to crystallize and soon the whole will freeze. But in a frost of -10 ° C and below, the bubbles will freeze even without our help. Try it, you and your baby will love it! Happy and Happy New Year to all your family!

Reincarnating as some magical character is a great idea for a holiday! If the child is very shy, modest, then with the help of a carnival costume, you can help him become more courageous. The costume of a beautiful princess, a fearless knight instill confidence in the child. Other children pay attention to him, adults admire him, parents are proud. Mischievous people can be invited to play funny characters, like Shrek or Baba Yaga, and even negative characters. Such children play well and enjoy their play.

Show some imagination and make a costume from the available items. Let your little one help you decorate your outfit with tinsel, beads, paper-cut paraphernalia, while you complement the costume with a mask and a matching headdress.

A real miracle happened in your life - a baby was born? This is incredible happiness. Or maybe the baby is already 3 years old, and there was an opportunity to sleep at night and enjoy the baby's first achievements? After all, it is so exciting to look at ridiculous drawings and help a child to learn about the world.

Are you already 5 or 7 years old? And again the next year has passed unnoticed? New Year is knocking on the window. How to celebrate it so that both parents have fun and the kid will remember the holiday. Here are some interesting ideas for you, with a small child.

For loving and successful parents, small and big secrets of the original New Year's holiday with children of different ages from newborns to 6 years old will come in handy.

Features of meeting the New Year with children

You are madly in love with your little miracle, which has become the center of the Universe, around which all events, emotions, and all life revolve.

But with the New Year holidays approaching, melancholy, a feeling of deprivation appears in the soul. After all, the best friend was going to spend a vacation at a ski resort.

And the wife's friend gathers a huge company to organize a noisy gangster-style party on New Year's Eve. And a carnival show will take place in the neighboring square. And such entertainment is not available to you.

Is the holiday hopelessly ruined? And will you have to give up interesting options for celebrating the New Year?

Not. You just don't know yet where to celebrate the New Year with small children and how cool it is to organize an unforgettable holiday.

But before you start sketching the script and choosing options where you can celebrate the New Year with a child, get acquainted with the peculiarities of children's holidays, especially on New Year's Eve. First of all, find out the prohibitions related to the safety and health of the baby, which cannot be ignored in any way.

Immediately abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bparties in a noisy company with loud music.

A large crowd of people, loud sounds will inevitably have a negative impact on the mental state of the child. And the sharp sounds of exploding firecrackers, fireworks can even scare.

Never leave your baby unattended, even when he is sleeping, especially in unfamiliar places. Do not trust your little one with unfamiliar and unreliable people.

Think carefully about how to dress up your child for the New Year. A snowflake or musketeer costume is great. But if he embarrasses the child, crushes, causes discomfort or moral rejection, the holiday will be ruined.

If you plan to spend part of the holiday with your child on the street, consider clothing options in which the baby can be changed, both for a walk and after it.

Your Snow Maiden in a light suit will look great at the holiday and in the photo, but she will not delight at all when she goes to bed with a high temperature the next day after the holiday.

An important point in the preparation of the holiday is food. Even if you do not prepare a separate children's table, provide dishes that will meet the requirements for baby food.

The same applies to the nutrition of nursing mothers. Do not forget that salty, fried, spicy dishes and alcohol with mayonnaise are contraindicated for you.

Any holiday is a momentary pleasure. And troubles, illnesses, frustrations, provoked by a careless attitude to safety, will remain for a long time. Therefore, do not ignore simple rules that will help you avoid problems.

Where to celebrate the New Year with newborn children?

Definitely, when the child is not yet 6 months old, he absolutely does not care how the holiday goes.

Whether the parents will have fun at night or go to bed without waiting for the chimes to strike is absolutely not interesting to the tiny lump. For him, the most important thing now is sleep and feeding.

Therefore, in many ways, how to spend the New Year with newborn children depends on the wishes of the mother.

After all, she will have not only to have fun, but to devote time to the child in order to feed, rock. If mom is ready for such a test, feels the strength to arrange a holiday, feel free to choose not too eventful celebration options.

If you have to do it through force, it is better to refuse the party. Remember, irritation, fatigue will inevitably affect both mood and lactation. And a "fun night" is guaranteed for you.

As for the celebration with children from 6 months to a year old, here you can already consider interesting options.

The kid will certainly be interested in a multi-colored, flashing Christmas tree. Therefore, it is important to think about how to safely install and decorate the New Year's beauty.

The child will be happy to touch toys and prickly needles if brought to the tree. It will not be superfluous to dance with your baby to cheerful music.

And be sure to do a photo shoot. It is necessary to capture the first New Year in the life of the crumbs.

By the way, you can spend a family holiday not at midnight, but by adjusting to the child's regime. If you are planning a night program, let the helpers take care of the preparations. There were none? Get by with the minimum program. A quiet light family dinner in beautiful dresses and suits, candles, flashing garlands and a lot of photos.

For those who are ready to organize a holiday for themselves, we offer several non-trivial ideas on how and where to celebrate the New Year with children under one year old.

Early New Year's Eve Dinner

Whatever it was, but a newborn child makes certain adjustments in the relationship of young parents. There is absolutely no time and energy left for romantic moments. And the New Year is a great opportunity to devote time to each other and arrange a romantic dinner.

Ask a family member, friend, or parent to be with the child. No, not on New Year's Eve, but in the evening or even during the day. Go to a restaurant or cafe yourself. Feel the holiday atmosphere and stay together. Find an institution that offers evening or daytime programs rather than nightly.

The festive New Year's atmosphere will give strength and charge to a married couple. Even 2 - 3 hours spent together will be unforgettable and inspiring.

It is here that you can congratulate each other on the holiday, present prepared gifts.

No one to leave the baby with? Dont be upset. Find a restaurant that is not very crowded and noisy, where you can take a small child with you. Even a couple of hours during lunchtime is enough to enjoy the unusual family New Year.

Walk in the afternoon

Who said that it is necessary to celebrate the New Year at night. There are no less interesting options where to spend the New Year with children under 1 in the afternoon.

Head to a nearby park and have a small outdoor picnic. Hot mulled wine for dad, herbal tea in a thermos and light fruit tartlets for mom are a great menu for such a holiday.

Visit your parents, close friends, congratulate them on the holiday.

You should not stay for a long time and distract your relatives from preparing for the night party. It will be enough to give gifts, say words of congratulations.

Sit in a small, cozy coffee shop. Hot chocolate and holiday pastries will cheer you up.

Everyone will like a walk on a holiday. Mom and Dad will be able to enjoy communication with each other while the baby sleeps sweetly in the fresh air.

You might even be able to ride the slides and play snowballs. Do not forget to take family photos among the furry snow-covered Christmas trees.

Home bachelorette party

Take a night out with your best friends. How, many young mothers will ask. Easy. Invite them to a pajama party. Let the festive night pass in a quiet, pleasant atmosphere.

You can be reminded or have a fortune-telling evening. This mystical night will be full of emotions and impressions.

No need to waste time preparing a lush feast. Ask your guests to take them with them. You can simply order sushi or pizza, or take advantage of the gala dinner delivery service.

Don't pick up special ones.

The bachelorette party will turn out to be especially cozy if the girlfriends agree to spend it in their pajamas.

But a logical question arises, where did dad go. After all, not only single mothers will like the option of holding a bachelorette party for the New Year. And the presence of a husband at such a party would be simply inappropriate. Girlfriends will have complexes, and the hostess of the house will not be able to talk about "forbidden" topics.

Therefore, you will have to decide in advance the issue with your beloved man. Perhaps he will like the idea too. And the husband will want to spend a festive night with his parents or also have a get-together with his friends.

Keep in mind that this type of celebration provides for complete trust between the spouses, so that afterwards there are no ambiguous questions.

Where can you celebrate the New Year with children from 1 to 3 years old?

Children from one to three years old require special attention, especially during the preparation and holding of the holiday.

Their curiosity and irrepressible energy are simply amazing. But at the same time, they still cannot evaluate their actions and distinguish what is safe from what is harmful.

Therefore, when attracting your baby to decorate the Christmas tree and at home, make sure that the toys are not breakable.

Take care that there is no access for the baby and to the place where the garlands and illumination are connected. There is no need to refuse the child's participation in the preparation for the holiday. This is a great opportunity to spend time with benefit. You can tell your child about the shape, color of objects. And serving toys is so exciting.

A child at this age will already be able to feel the mood of adults and even evaluate his costume. See how your son or daughter happily posing in front of the camera or looking at their reflection in the mirror.

But children 2 years old cannot yet grasp the connection between the holiday and gifts. This does not mean that you do not need to give them New Year's gifts. Let the child rejoice at the new toy, and the understanding of the significance of the holiday will come later.

The task of the parents is to begin to acquaint the kid with family traditions, which include the New Year.

Give up the idea of \u200b\u200binviting Santa Claus to visit or dressing up your dad as a fabulous grandfather. At this age, a child can easily be frightened by a stranger who appears in the house.

Moreover, this fear can remain for many years. It is better to start your acquaintance with Santa Claus and Snegurochka in public places, at a matinee.

Children from 1 to 3 are happy to take part in age-appropriate holiday programs. Therefore, you can safely select options for where to celebrate the New Year with children. Keep in mind that long trips will be tiresome - it is better not to consider the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing abroad, to the sea, to another city.

Family holiday

Arrange a holiday “only for your own people”. Gather brothers, sisters, and parents in your home. Or go to visit someone from your relatives, where only the closest ones will gather. Let the child feel the warm atmosphere of home comfort. Here mom can take a break from the daily hassle, change the environment. And the baby will be given special attention.

Among the grandmothers, aunts, grandfathers, there are many who want to entertain the child, and, if necessary, feed, put him to bed. The kid will instinctively feel that he has become the center of attention, and will be happy to make contact.

Do not resist such leisure, do not be afraid that relatives with their outdated views will spoil the baby or bring down the regime.

Everyone will get pleasure from such a holiday. Warm atmosphere, favorite dishes on the table, intimate conversations and cool family contests.

By the way, you can take over the preparation.

Home New Year with a small child - "paradise in a hut"

Have not decided where to celebrate the New Year with children? Have a home party. But let it be permeated with a childish mood, so that it would be interesting not only for parents, but also for the baby.

We build a real hut in the form of a tent right in the house made of bedspreads so that the whole family can freely fit in it. We throw pillows in it and have a real picnic.

You can watch home videos or interesting children's films about the New Year. Complete the evening with viewing photo albums. After all, it is so interesting to tell the kid about your life and look at wedding photos, pictures of the child. Agree, such a holiday will be interesting for the baby, and for the parents, the rest will be unusual and new.

Would you like to set a more festive table? Make cheese fondue, bake delicious. Replace champagne with freshly squeezed juice. And, of course, tangerines, nuts and sweets.

Hide gifts under the tree and at the appointed hour dive under the New Year's fluffy beauty with your child. It's so fun to find and unroll the numerous boxes. Play with your child with new toys right away.

Party with children

Usually, the circle of acquaintances of a young mother includes the same happy parents. Moreover, the age of the babies is approximately the same.

It's okay that your children are only 1 - 3 years old. This is not a reason to refuse an interesting holiday. Invite all your friends to your home with your children. It is better to arrange such a joint party in the afternoon or not too late in the evening, when the children are cheerful.

Mommies will be able to relax a little, distract themselves from constant control. Believe me, children will be happy to play and communicate.

Set up a separate table for the little thugs. Use colorful disposable tableware and decorations made of tinsel and paper. It is better to treat children to regular dishes, for example, mashed potatoes, steamed chicken cutlets and vegetable salad or pasta with sauce. The main thing is to give the treats an unusual look, it's fun to decorate them. Don't focus on sweets.

Remember, not only candy, but even a large amount of citrus or exotic fruits can cause childhood diathesis.

But do not turn the original holiday into banal gatherings. Be sure to prepare an interesting scenario. Focus on children's games and joint competitions. Why not have a race on all fours or eat porridge for a while.

The result of the holiday can be a competition for the fastest falling asleep. And while the tired kids are sleeping, mothers will be able to talk from the heart.

How to celebrate the New Year with children from 4 to 6 years old?

Age from 4 to 6 years old is the age of "why". The child is interested in everything that surrounds him and what is happening around him. Why is the tree green and the snow white? Where does Santa Claus and Snegurochka live? Any event attracts the baby's attention and evokes a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions.

Therefore, do not deprive yourself or your child of the pleasure of joint preparation of the holiday. You can not only dress up a Christmas tree together, but also make snowflakes that are so interesting to stick on the windows, or cut garlands to hang around the house.

Help your kid draw cards or make appliques to congratulate grandmother, grandfather, dad, mom. You can start making various crafts for the New Year, which will become both a good decoration for a Christmas tree or table, and a gift for your family.

Children at this age are already familiar with Santa Claus, they know that this wizard grants wishes, gives gifts. Tell your daughter or son how to write a letter to Santa Claus. Of course, not everyone can write yet, but every kid can draw a magic letter.

You can safely invite Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to the house, dress up in the costumes of fairy-tale heroes yourself.

The child will be happy to brag about his successes, tell rhymes, sing songs.

You can select places where to celebrate the New Year with children inexpensively outside the home. Children 4 - 6 years old easily tolerate short journeys. Therefore, a family's departure to a camp site, out of town, for festive events in the city is quite appropriate.

New Year with children in the country

The best place to spend the New Year with children inexpensively is a country cottage. It can be either your own country house or rented housing. A suburban camp site is also suitable. Holidays with the whole family are a great way to spend an interesting time. A change of scenery, solitude away from the bustle of the city, games in the fresh air - all these are components of a good cozy holiday.

You can decorate a Christmas tree right on the street, have a picnic in the frosty air, launch fireworks, go sledding, play snowballs, make a snowman. The child will enjoy taking part in the winter fun. And even at night he will be able to have fun with his parents.

Just do not forget that in this case, a long nap is required.

If you are not afraid to break the regime, it is better to put the child to bed on December 31 in the afternoon 2 - 3 hours later than usual. It will be nice to take a little walk before going to bed. A well-slept child will not be capricious on New Year's Eve and will have fun with all the heart.

The next day can be devoted to walking in the woods, sledding, skiing. And be sure to arrange a photo session in the winter forest. Such a New Year with a child will be remembered for a long time.

Celebration in a restaurant, near the city tree

Do not be afraid to visit crowded places with your child 4-6 years old. Beautiful restaurants are waiting for you, where you can relax with children for the New Year. Family and children's programs have been prepared here.

Believe me, not all establishments focus exclusively on noisy banquets or youth parties. There are specialized cafes where families with children are waiting for the holidays. There are conditions and rooms where the baby can be changed, reassured if necessary.

You and your child will love the work of the animators, the carefully designed children's menu.

Believe me, it won't be boring. In addition, at such events you can meet interesting people, make new friends, acquaintances.

And after a festive dinner, you can go to the main Christmas tree of the city. Let there be a large crowd of people here. Don't worry about the baby. The child will like colorful fireworks and endless round dances. Such a holiday will become an unforgettable page in the family chronicle.

Party with friends

If you used to deny yourself the pleasure of spending a festive night with friends and chose quieter options for how to celebrate the New Year with children, now you can safely organize a friendly party.

Your friends, who also recently became parents, are probably also racking their brains about where to spend the New Year. Take the organization of a fun holiday into your own hands. Feel free to invite close friends with your children to visit for the whole night. Become not only an initiator, but also a screenwriter. Believe me, you will save a few more couples from a boring New Year, who will be grateful to you for the idea.

We'll have to work out all the details, and, perhaps, even attract invitees to help.

You can set the table by splitting or distributing the preparation, as well as among all members of the company. Themselves, take care of the preparation of the children's table. Here you will have to carefully work out the menu, taking into account not only the tastes and preferences of children, but also the characteristics of individual nutrition, the presence of possible contraindications. Therefore, you will have to agree on the children's menu with all mothers.

So that children can take a direct part in the New Year's celebration and raise their glasses to the chimes, prepare delicious milkshakes. Consider an alternative option in the form of freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes.

You should not treat kids to children's champagne, which is prepared according to the principle of sweet, not entirely healthy drinks, highly saturated with carbon dioxide.

Create an entertainment program with games and contests. Provide a place where the children can play peacefully. Prepare for this not only rugs, tables, but also cubes, a constructor, coloring books, pencils, board games. While the little ones are passionate about games, parents will have time to socialize and have fun.

Tell your friends to bring the kids' clothes to change. It is not worth watching all night so that the kid does not stain the beautiful outfit or the rented suit. It can be safely removed immediately after the New Year's solemn meeting and photo session.

You will need pajamas, possibly sleeping bags. The organizers of the holiday need to think over and prepare rooms in advance where tired children can be put to bed.

Alternatively, you can invite animators to the holiday who will entertain the children for several hours. Or call a nanny, hire a professional tutor in the agency who will look after the children while the parents are resting.

But this option requires additional costs and is not suitable for those who are looking for ideas on how to celebrate the New Year with children on a budget. Although, these costs can be shared among all parents.

There are many great ideas where to celebrate the New Year with young children. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, experiment and choose options that are safe for the baby. And the holiday will surely become the most unforgettable and funniest one.

Video: beautiful New Year greetings for children

Happy New Year to the kids. For the little ones, our congratulations in the video:

On the eve of the New Year, when everyone is actively buying gifts and Christmas tree decorations, making up a festive menu and planning entertainment events ten days in advance, families with a baby are at a loss: they also want joy and a holiday, but unfortunately, there is no opportunity to celebrate on a grand scale. So is a happy and memorable New Year with a small child really a myth? In fact, everything is not so sad!

Firstly, this is a great opportunity to feel real closeness with the most dear people, to feel their love, warmth and care. Secondly, the need to adhere to the usual daily routine and moderation in libations will help maintain excellent health and vigor throughout the holidays.

And thirdly, New Year's Eve for the kid is a time of fairy tales and magic, and to give the child a real miracle, looking at the delight his eyes light up with - incomparable happiness. Yes, this New Year will be slightly different from the previous ones - but undoubtedly for the better.

Holiday with baby

Happy parents, whose addition to the family happened in the fall or December, have no time to think about large-scale entertainment, and there is no need: the fragile immunity of the crumbs excludes any visits and visits, caring for the baby takes up all their free time, and there is no desire to celebrate , no strength. Well, it's time to make this evening an unforgettable experience for your family.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that making New Year's Eve a holiday of the belly is not at all necessary. If there is not enough inspiration for culinary feats, you do not need to force yourself, especially since three of us (four, five or more - depending on the number of children) celebrating the New Year does not dispose to gluttony. A couple of easy-to-prepare and tasty dishes can be easily built, and high-quality semi-finished products are not in short supply today. But creating a festive atmosphere will have to work. Is the Christmas tree obligatory? Of course! Beautiful table setting and candles? Necessarily! Stunning (or at least irresistible) outfit, hair and makeup? Undoubtedly!

The secret is that if the baby lives according to the regimen, there is no point in breaking it: when the baby snores sweetly in the crib at 9-10 pm, it's time for two. A light pleasant conversation over a glass of champagne, an exchange of gifts and declarations of love, gratitude to each other for a small quietly sleeping miracle - such an evening will be remembered more than once, despite the absence of fireworks and extreme sports.

If the New Year with an infant can be spent very decorously, then with a grown toddler older than six months this number will not work: not a single trifle escapes his close attention, especially if he already knows how to crawl. In this case, the holiday promises to be more emotional, and in order for these emotions to be exclusively positive, it is important to take into account the following nuances.

  1. It is better to put off a gorgeous, luxuriously decorated Christmas tree from floor to ceiling for a couple of years: the baby, of course, will admire this fabulous sight - and then he will take all measures to bring the tree to a horizontal position. Natural research interest in this case can threaten with dangerous consequences, so it is better to limit yourself to a small elegant Christmas tree, placing it at a height inaccessible to the crumbs.
  2. Even if decorating the whole house with tinsel and "rain" is a long-term family tradition, this year it is better not to follow it: children under 12-15 months old learn the world exclusively through their mouths, and it is not easy to keep track of the nimble little one. The consequences of eating tinsel can be the most deplorable, so it doesn't hurt to play it safe.
  3. The first year of life is not yet the time for carnival costumes. Even if the baby looks charming in him, most likely he will experience discomfort: as a rule, such suits are too warm, and the hats tend to slip. If you do not want to spoil the mood of the baby and those around you, it is better to postpone the fabulous outfits.
  4. Children are very susceptible, and the child will surely be excited by everything that happens: a mother fussing in the kitchen, iridescent lights on the Christmas tree, music constantly playing on TV can lead him to a state of heightened excitability. So that the baby does not experience problems with sleep and well-being, it is very important not to go astray , therefore, timely walks, feedings and the usual lullaby before bed are required.

And most importantly, if guests are still planned, it is necessary to watch closely so that the child does not suffer from an excess of communication: all attempts to stir up the baby and transfer him from hand to hand should be abruptly stopped. Even if the baby is at first kindly disposed, the excess of impressions can overwork him so much that he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

From 1 year to 3 years

Early childhood is a wonderful time for babies. Every day promises new discoveries and wonderful surprises. In addition, the child's ability to communicate develops by leaps and bounds, so they are able to understand many things. Obviously, a holiday with a little explorer just beginning to comprehend the world is very different from the New Year with a newborn. The parent is faced with an important task - to introduce the baby to wonderful traditions.

Many parents ask themselves the question: does it make sense to prepare a carnival costume for a child? Should Santa Claus and Snegurochka be invited? Is it possible for a kid to stay at the table a little longer or to go out with the adults to put out fireworks? The only thing that will help you find the answer to this question is taking care of the condition of the baby.

Early childhood - up to three years old - is notable for the fact that each month in the development of a baby is of great importance, and there is a huge difference between a one-year-old and a three-year-old child. And planning the celebration of the New Year should be based on the age of the beloved child.

Festive evening with a child who turned a year and a half , should not be too different from ordinary days: compliance with the regime and a calm atmosphere are all he needs now. Decorating a Christmas tree and giving gifts, of course, will delight him, but he is not yet able to understand the meaning of New Year's rituals, and therefore interest in events will be instantly lost.

Child aged two to three years - a much more conscientious person with a certain area of \u200b\u200binterest and his own views on life. Many boys and girls at this age go to kindergarten, and their socialization process goes even faster. This is the time when the New Year begins to have a special meaning for the baby.

The first thing that the little one will surely like is the joint decoration of the Christmas tree. By the age of three, the child is already able to understand that it is impossible to pull, drop and touch, so the installation of a lush evergreen beauty is quite possible. If at first the baby is usually fascinatedly watching the swaying of shiny tinsel and the mysterious flickering of toys, then they are already trying their best to help. In no case should you interfere with the child: it is better to come up with a funny story for each Christmas tree decoration, thanks to which the baby will treat them more carefully.

Another important point is reading New Year's poems and fairy tales. This will not only greatly expand the baby's horizons, but also improve his memory: at this age, children are already able to learn a short poem and learn small New Year's songs. For such fascinating creative pursuits, a festive mood will arise by itself.

As for the New Year's costumes, this should be left to the baby. In kindergartens, as a rule, they do not insist on the indispensable presence of carnival clothes, and in many preschool institutions they try not to hold matinees for children under 4 years old. But the outfit for the New Year's Eve is the business of the mother and the child. If your son really wants to turn into a fairy teddy bear, and your daughter - into a magic princess, do not mind. This New Year will be remembered by the kid for a long time, and funny photos will remain forever.

It is also important to consider that at an early age, children can react extremely painfully to strangers, unusual people. Therefore, you should still refrain from visiting Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (or dressing in them): the child's reaction in this case may be unpredictable. With communication with fairy-tale characters, you should wait until 4-5 years. As for gifts (and children have already known what they are from about two years old), it is best if they appear under the tree by themselves: this way the feeling of magic will only intensify. By the way, it is desirable for the baby to find his gifts not for the coming sleep, but at 5-6 o'clock. In this case, he will have time to rejoice at them and it will be easier to put him to sleep.

The regime at this age is still very important, but if the child is too excited, the daily routine can be slightly adjusted on New Year's Day: when the kid asks to play more or expresses a desire to wait for the festive fireworks, do not contradict him. Many children, as a rule, fall asleep before they have even sat up to 11 o'clock - this is enough to feel the New Year's atmosphere and begin to gradually realize all the charm of this holiday.

On a visit with a child

Particularly active and sociable parents often cannot fully come to terms with a closed lifestyle. It is these energetic mothers and fathers who believe that the New Year with a baby 1–3 years old can be seen at a party. In fact, why not? However, you should be especially conscious here: in order for the festive visit to go smoothly, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Sitting as a one-year-old child at a party before the chiming clock will not work: tense due to unfamiliar surroundings and lost from the daily rhythm, the baby will surely react with whims and crying. You should go home as soon as your child shows signs of fatigue.
  2. If you plan to spend the night at a party, special attention should be paid to the baby's collection: at least three changeable sets of clothes, a warm blouse and a favorite toy will make the child feel more comfortable and calm. If necessary, it is recommended to take with you everything that you may need in the slightest degree: bottles, wet wipes and other familiar things.
  3. You should also take care of the baby's nutrition: he is still too small for unfamiliar food. Therefore, you need to take his favorite dishes with you, and before going out, you should properly feed.
  4. It is desirable that the guests were children of about the same age as the child: in this case, it will be easier for him to get used to the new environment, and the parents may feel more free.
  5. Drinking alcohol in the company is strongly discouraged for both parents! When all the adults around are having fun and do not deny themselves anything, control over the baby should be especially close.
  6. When going on a visit, you should carefully examine the child. The slightest hint of poor health - moodiness, lethargy, loss of appetite, shiny eyes and even a slight increase in temperature and a slight runny nose - are a good reason to stay at home.

Celebrating the New Year with your beloved baby is always associated with the most touching moments in life. A properly organized holiday will allow both adults and children to enjoy the magic of the evening. Parents should show a little patience and care - in this case, their rest will be pleasant and complete, and the child's familiarization with New Year's miracles will go smoothly.

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