Living water for the face! It's amazing what she can do. Nature's mystery and cosmetic: thermal water for the face

Thermal water for the face is beneficial due to its origin. It contains a large amount of various salts, minerals and trace elements. These include iodine, fluorine, calcium, selenium and many others.

We can endlessly talk about the beneficial properties of thermal water. Because it has no contraindications at all. More detailed information regarding this cosmetic product will be presented below.

The benefits of thermal water for the face

Do you know the benefits of thermal water for the face? Like any other tool, this one has its pros and cons. It makes no sense to talk about the latter, because there are practically none. Therefore, it is worth moving on to considering the benefits of thermal water.

This remedy has soothing properties. Thermal water is best applied before a nourishing cream or mask. Thus, it will be possible to prepare and soothe the skin. This tool is indispensable in the hot season. During this period, the skin lacks moisture, so the use of thermal water is beneficial. The advantage of this cosmetic product is that it can be applied over makeup. There is no need to be afraid of "leakage" of cosmetics, it is completely excluded.

Thermal water is often added to creams and lotions, and dry masks are also diluted. If we talk about an allergic reaction, then it is minimal. The manufacturers of this product add exclusively natural ingredients to its composition. Moreover, everything is selected in such a way that water becomes universal. So, it can be used even for dry skin. In this case, it is important to choose a product with a minimum salt concentration. If the skin is oily, then everything is exactly the opposite.

It should be noted that thermal water is intended to improve the condition of the skin, as well as to facilitate its existence. She is not able to treat serious problems with the skin. Therefore, thermal water for the face is used as a care aid.

The composition of thermal water for the face

What should be the composition of thermal facial water? This remedy is often compared to mineral water. It is clearly pointless to draw parallels in this case. Naturally, both the one and the other water is obtained from natural sources. But nothing else is the same in them.

The structure of thermal water is much lighter than that of mineral water. There is no excess of minerals in it, because they weakly soothe the skin. In addition, there are no salts that can dry out the skin. The chemical composition of thermal water differs significantly in the concentration of salts, minerals and trace elements. It all depends on the source of the loot.

Thus, hypertonic thermal water is excellent for the care of dry skin. If we take a hypotonic agent as a basis, then it fights against oily skin. Isotonic thermal water has always been considered universal. It is perfect for daily care of all skin types.

Thanks to its unique biochemical composition, thermal water is able to penetrate deep into the skin. Thus, metabolic processes in tissues are stimulated, the cells are renewed and their regeneration occurs. The tool can soothe and refresh the skin, improve color and even perform a rejuvenating function.

Thermal facial water has a unique composition. There are many minerals, trace elements and salts here. But all of them together are excellent remedies in the fight against major skin problems.

Thermal water facial spray

Thermal water facial spray is an excellent remedy for combating unwanted skin problems. It is applied at a certain distance from the skin surface, as a rule, it is 25-30 cm. Excess water is easily removed with a napkin. When to apply thermal water, everyone decides for himself. Special restrictions in in this case no. It is often used before applying a nourishing cream or mask. This is because thermal water has soothing properties.

How to use this spray correctly? Everything is applied very simply, spray thermal water on the skin of the face and remove the excess with a dry napkin. After application, a positive effect will be immediately noticed. By the way, you can use thermal water in the form of a spray over your makeup. Such products are ways to make makeup last, prevent it from spreading in the heat, as well as smudging from touching the skin. Thermal facial water is a wonderful and versatile remedy with many positive properties.

Facial thermal water avene

Avene Thermal Facial Water is used as the main treatment for sensitive skin. She is able to make the skin soft, soothe them, as well as give a feeling of comfort and freshness.

Thermal water has a softening, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect. This allows everyone to use the tool, because in its composition it is universal. It is widely used to combat eczema or solar erythema.

This cosmetic product is suitable for daily use. It can soften the skin after epilation and improve the regenerative properties of the skin. In addition, avene thermal facial water is used for a speedy recovery and healing of the skin after any surgical treatment.

This tool has a rather mild effect, so it can be used even for newborns' skin care. Thermal water for the face is a unique remedy to combat flaking, redness and excessive dryness of the skin.

Thermal water for face vichy

The vichy facial thermal water is poured from a spring located in the heart of France. They have been talking about him for several centuries in a row. Indeed, it is true that only here you can get really good water, which has an incredible amount of positive qualities.

Thermal water from this cosmetic company has a good anti-inflammatory effect. It is able to soften the skin, moisturize it and at the same time make it smooth. This water has become the basis of many products of the Vichy cosmetic line. This is to say that the remedy has a healing effect, which is aimed at the skin of the face.

Vichy thermal water contains 13 trace elements and 17 minerals. Thanks to them, the skin is saturated. This allows you to fight against the harmful effects of the environment. These include direct sunlight, wind and frost. This thermal water for the face is able to even out skin tone, make it soft, remove small pores, and also prevent the appearance of inflammation and pimples.

Thermal water for face uriage

Thermal water for face uriage natural isotonic water. They get it in the very center of the Alps. This tool can not only saturate the skin with all useful minerals and trace elements, but also moisturize it. In addition, the complexion is remarkably evened out. This happens due to a pronounced anti-radical action. Thus, premature aging of the skin is prevented.

Uriage Water is a thermal treatment for problematic skin. This remedy is great for people of all ages. It has a positive effect even on very sensitive skin. This thermal water is capable of absorbing quickly, so there is simply no need to use a napkin. It is also not worth waiting for drying, because everything happens just like lightning fast. This is the main advantage of this thermal water. The properties of a cosmetic appear very quickly. In some cases, thermal facial water can help relieve signs of psoriasis from the skin.

The best thermal water for the face

Is there a better thermal water for your face, or are they all special in their own way? It is necessary to understand that this "remedy" is poured directly from the source. If we take thermal water from different cosmetic lines, then they are all taken from different sources. Hence, the conclusion suggests itself that each of the funds has its own amount of useful minerals, trace elements and has a special effect on skin types. Therefore, when choosing thermal water, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition.

So, the most widespread and best of its kind are thermal water from the trading companies Avene, La roche posay, Vichy, Ya Samaya, Evian, Uriage, Dermophil, Kenzo, Spa Vosges, Black Pearl and Yves Rocher. Therefore, it will be advisable to disassemble, in short, each tool.

Avene Thermal Water is used as a treatment for sensitive skin. It leaves the skin soft, soothes and gives a feeling of freshness and comfort. In addition, it is able to act as an emollient and anti-inflammatory agent. Its structure is so soft that it can be used even for newborns.

La roche posay water is one of a kind for its high selenium content. This trace element is involved in improving the regenerative and immune functions of the facial skin. With this remedy, skin aging can be prevented. La roche posay thermal facial water is perfect for sensitive skin.

Vichy is amazing. It has the same properties as the thermal waters described above. But at the same time, it contains 13 trace elements and 17 minerals, which allow you to saturate the skin with useful substances. The pores become less visible, the complexion is evened out, and there are no acne or inflammation.

Water "I Samaya" protects the skin from harmful environmental factors. It softens the skin and helps it cope with stress. It is a wonderful moisturizer.

Evian thermal water is highly purified. It is enriched with trace elements and minerals. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation and gives a feeling of comfort.

Uriage isotonic water is able to saturate the skin with all essential minerals and trace elements. In addition, the skin is moisturized. All this is achieved thanks to a pronounced anti-radical action. This thermal water can even remove signs of psoriasis.

Dermophil aims to restore the natural mineral balance. It is suitable for relieving the discomfort after sunburn, as well as inflammation resulting from prolonged exposure to the sun. Water relieves allergic reactions, restores skin immunity, and is perfectly absorbed.

Kenzo Thermal Water comes from a natural source. It can moisturize the skin, help cope with stress, and even out the complexion. The product fights dry skin remarkably and is perfectly absorbed.

Spa Vosges water is hypoallergenic. There are no dyes or other additives in it. Therefore, it is used by people with very sensitive skin. It relieves fatigue well, removes redness and minimizes inflammation.

And finally, the Yves Rocher thermal water. It is valued for being universal. It can be applied under cream and used to fix makeup. In addition, this remedy can also act as a tonic.

It is difficult to say which of the presented thermal water for the face is the best. It is necessary to take into account skin problems and get acquainted with the composition of the product. After all, the best are those who are able to cope with the task at hand.

Thermal water price for face

What is the optimal price of thermal water for the face? In a way, it is not so easy to answer this question, because everything depends on the financial capabilities of a person. Indeed, the concepts of "optimality" differ somewhat among people.

The price category of thermal water, which is most interesting, fluctuates in a fairly wide range. So, the most affordable tool will cost about 75 hryvnia. It has good properties and also fights many skin problems.

The average price of thermal water fluctuates around 100-120 hryvnia. In this case, a lot can depend on the name of the trade mark. Do not forget that you always have to pay more for a brand. Despite the fact that the quality is basically the same as everyone else's.

The most expensive thermal water will cost 200 or more hryvnia. It is likely that such a line is aimed at combating more neglected options. But you shouldn't forget about the brand name either. Thermal water for the face, first of all, must be effective

In this post I will tell you how great benefits of melt water to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. After all, water is a universal cosmetic skin care product.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers tried to use rain or melted (from snow) water for skin and hair care. But nowadays one cannot be sure of the ecological safety of such water. In modern living conditions, we usually use tap water and, unfortunately, rarely boil it for water procedures.

Tap water is often very hard. Look inside your kettle and imagine how much harm you do to your skin with this water. Therefore, I recommend that you soften your tap water a little by adding soda to it (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of boiled water).

In the past few years, professional cosmetologists have taken an interest in melt water. The benefits of melt water for skin and health in general is invaluable.

Melted water properties for skin rejuvenation:

  1. Melt water acts as a biostimulant on skin structures.
  2. For some time, it retains the crystal lattice of ice.
  3. The structure of the melt water molecule is identical to the structure of water molecules in the cells of the human body.
  4. Melt water is easily incorporated into human tissues and stimulates metabolic processes in the skin.

Washing your face with melt water, you stimulate skin cells to renew, and collagen and elastin fibers to regenerate. Melt water improves the complexion, leaving it fresh and youthful.

You can read about home methods of preparing melt water on many health websites or watch training videos on YouTube. The only thing I would like to add is that it is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to make a decision to pamper yourself and your skin with water with an ideal (relict) crystal structure.

Melt water can serve you both as water for washing and as a tonic instead of a tonic. It is important to know that after melt water the skin does not shrink or dry out, although this does not mean that you do not need to use a moisturizer.

Melt water can be used to prepare decoctions from medicinal plants, then freeze again in special containers for ice and use for a light face massage with cubes of frozen decoction. This procedure has a wonderful effect on the skin of the face, neck, breasts, tightening it and stimulating cell renewal.

Always be young and beautiful like Spring!

Thermal water is a cosmetic product shrouded in a haze of secrets and mysteries, here you will find out what it is and what it is really for. Some vote "for", praising the miraculous composition and magical properties. Others shout outright "no", pointing to yet another money-taking trick. So, read on about what thermal water is for a person, what types of it is, what is it for and how it works, and does it work at all or is it just a trick of marketers?

From the very heart of the earth

Thermal water is water that comes from hot underground springs from the depths, where it is heated by the natural warmth of Mother Earth. As the stream rises, it passes through rocks and soil, which dissolve, saturating it with various minerals. The mineral composition of a particular source depends on where the water came from.

Modern industry has made it a global brand, using thermal water actively in the food, medicine and cosmetic industries. Thermal water for the face is available in the form of a spray of 50 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml.

To understand why it is needed and how it is useful for the skin, we will find out what types it is and how it works, and if it works at all.

For every taste and color - types and properties of thermal water

This cosmetic miracle is divided into four types:

  1. Hydrocarbonate sodium or highly mineralized, the most saturated. Recommended for problematic, combination, oily, acne-prone skin. Has a drying effect.
  2. Isotonic. PH neutral, suitable for normal to dry skin. They say that it has the same concentration of minerals as inside our body, in blood cells and tissue fluids.
  3. Low mineralized. As the name suggests, with a low concentration of minerals. Ideal for dry skin.
  4. Contains selenium. Recommended for sensitive skin and in summer, soothes after sunburn, protects against premature aging.

Each manufacturer of thermal water, when releasing a product, relies on some specific property:

  • La Roche-Posay talks a lot about the selenium content of their water.
  • Uriage emphasizes the high concentration of calcium.
  • Avène relies on a 2: 1 ratio of calcium and magnesium.
  • Vichy and Uriage are marketed as sodium bicarbonate.

Why do you need thermal water for the face?

To maintain the proper functioning of the epidermis and its regular renewal, a certain moisture balance is required. In cosmetology, there is such a thing as "natural moisturizing factor" (NMF).

NMF is a complex of substances found on the surface of the skin that attracts and retains moisture. It consists of amino acids (about 50%), minerals (about 18%), lactic acid salts (13%), organic acids, urea, glucosamine, glycerin, a complex of sugars, peptides.

That is, it is not thermal water itself that is needed, but minerals from the composition, to replenish their deficit, which may be for various reasons. Actually, this is the basis of the principle of skin hydration. We replenish the NMF complex - we moisturize the skin.

Which thermal water is the best in composition?

There is a whole squad of mineral "fighters for beauty" on the shelves in stores, for any wallet. To understand how the products of different brands differ, let's look at four of the most popular products from French cosmetics companies.

Composition * (mg / l)AvèneLa roche-posayVichyUriage
Total dry matter content207 444 5120 11000
Sodium 5 10 1860 2360
Potassium 1 2 100 46
Calcium 43 140 151 600
Magnesium 22 5 12 125
Chlorides 5 25 357 3500
Bicarbonates 227 396 4777 402
Sulphates 14 30 Traces 2862
Nitrates 2 TracesTraces <100
Silica 11 30 - 42
Selenium - 0,060 - -
Zinc - 0,022 - 0,160
Copper - 0,005 - 0.075
Manganese - - 0,154
Iron - - - 0,015
pH 7,4 6,9 7,00 6,77

* Source: Study I Bacle et al. 1999 Int J Dermatol Magazine.

Everything ingenious is simple. Different mineral composition. Avène Thermal Water has the lowest mineral content and is recommended for sensitive skin. Uriage is the most concentrated, nearly 50 times more concentrated than Avène.

  • for sensitive skin - Avène.
  • for dry and dehydrated skin - Uriage (Uryazh).
  • for oily skin - Vichy.
  • for aging skin - La Roche-Posay (La Roche Pose).

How to choose thermal water?

Well, we figured out the composition and concentration. How to choose according to your skin type? But this is the most difficult moment. Of course, you should take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer and cosmetologists, but no one will give you an exact answer, since it is not known which minerals your skin lacks at the moment and in what quantity.

It might be suggested that the more minerals in the thermal water, the better the effect. But it is noteworthy that sometimes less concentrated products give special softness and comfort. Although, again, this is based on research from Avène, which has the lowest content.

Popular brands by reviews

Uriage Thermal Water is a natural isotonic water with a neutral pH and a soothing and moisturizing effect on the skin. Ideal for dry skin prone to flaking and irritation, as well as for use after negative environmental influences.

Thermal water La Roche-Posay high in selenium, a natural antioxidant that slows down cell aging. Neutralizes free radicals that damage cells. It has a wound healing, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, protects against UV radiation.

Thermal water Librederm is a popular remedy due to its low price, it moisturizes, refreshes, removes irritations. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not indicate the exact composition and concentration of minerals anywhere.

Thermal water after depilation Start Epil from Start Epil is designed for all skin types. The tool, which many girls love, is used to cleanse the skin from the remnants of sugar paste, removes stickiness. However, minerals are not found in the list of ingredients. Contains betaine, panthenol, allantoin, chamomile extract.

What is thermal water for the face for?

There are several official studies that support thermal water to improve skin health. It is not for nothing that so many holidaymakers go to the thermal springs to improve their health every year. But almost all research is done by manufacturing companies, and naturally, they show that their product is better than others. But you need to take such information with a healthy dose of skepticism. This does not confirm the superiority of one product over another, but only in reality shows the presence of an effect from use.

With these caveats in mind, according to research, thermal water:

Protects against UV radiation

Therefore, it prevents sunburn and aging. Scientists suggest that selenium, zinc and manganese are responsible for this, as they are important for the proper functioning of antioxidant enzymes that "absorb" damaging free radicals generated by ultraviolet radiation.

Reduces inflammation

It is widely used to combat many skin conditions including atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. It reduces the irritation caused by the ubiquitous sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS, which we are intimidated with from every corner.

Clinical studies have shown that, for example, Avène reduces the severity of atopic dermatitis (eczema) when added to a cream and reduces the number of bacteria that cause inflammation on the skin. Avène also reduces severe flaking. La Roche-Posay was able to help 50% of the test group suffering from psoriasis, although in the study the water had to be drunk and not just applied to the skin.

Regulates water balance and pH

Thanks to the restoration of the "natural moisturizing factor" or NMF, the skin is able to work properly and renew itself. The result is smooth, hydrated, fresh and radiant skin.

Here, in fact, is the answer to the question: "What is it for?"

How to use thermal water for your face

Thermal water has a wide range of uses. There are several ways you can use it to get the most out of it.

1. For moisturizing the face

Rinse off all cosmetics thoroughly before applying thermal water. Spray the product for 2-3 seconds at a distance of about 20 cm from the face. Wait for the moisture to dry and apply the cream you usually use. After application, you will notice how the skin has changed - it has become smoother, the complexion has improved. Thermal water maintains the moisture balance in the skin and protects it from the adverse external environment.

2. To relieve irritation

If your skin is prone to irritation and redness, then it's time to think about buying thermal water. Choose sodium bicarbonate - it fights irritation and helps skin regenerate. First, apply the cream on your face and then spray with thermal water on top. You need to use it at least 2-3 times a day.

3. To set the makeup

Another useful property of thermal water is make-up fixing. With the help of such a natural product, this is much easier to do than with special cosmetics. Thermal water protects against powder and eyeshadow shedding, cosmetics rolling off.

There are two ways to use it:

  • For fixing the foundation. Before applying it, spray thermal water onto your face from a distance of 30 cm for a few seconds - this will protect the pores from clogging with the cream. Can also be used on foundation. Blot excess moisture with a napkin. Next, proceed with your usual makeup.
  • The next way is to spray onto the finished makeup. Apply thermal water to your face at arm's length away from you, closing your eyes and avoiding contact with eyelashes (in case of non-waterproof mascara). It is not recommended to spray thermal water for more than 3 seconds or from a distance of less than 20 cm, otherwise the makeup may leak.

4. For fresh skin on a hot day

Thermal water can also be used outdoors. To do this, spray it directly on or near your skin and expose your face to a cloud of spray. Blot excess with a napkin. If there are a lot of water droplets on your skin, you run the risk of sunburn. Thermal water with selenium is suitable to protect the skin from the sun's rays or after sunbathing. The skin will not shrink and dry out.

5. For skin treatment

There is thermal water with chamomile extract and other medicinal herbs. It is suitable for improving acne skin as it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Such water removes oily sheen, redness and inflammation. It should be applied every 3 hours, spraying onto clean skin.

What is the difference between micellar water and thermal water

Sometimes girls mistakenly try to replace thermal water with micellar water, because they don't see the difference. Here are the main differences:

  • Micellar water is a cosmetic product for removing make-up and cleansing the skin of the face, which has become a good alternative to all kinds of foams and gels for washing. It is not used for moisturizing.
  • The main component of this cleanser is fatty acid micelles. Micelles are oil balls, invisible to the eye, containing surfactants (surfactants) inside. Surfactants, cleansing the skin of impurities, can disrupt the moisture balance, especially with prolonged exposure.
  • The composition of micellar water also contains fragrances and preservatives, which accumulate and can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Micellar must be washed off so as not to leave surfactants, fragrances and preservatives on the skin.

Pros of using micellar as a cleanser:

  • quickly removes even long-lasting makeup;
  • suitable for sensitive and oily skin;
  • convenient to use during long-distance travel (in an airplane, car, train);

To cleanse the skin, a cotton pad is moistened with micellar water, and the face is thoroughly wiped.

  • The main function of thermal water is to restore the moisture balance and pH of the facial skin.
  • It contains many healing elements, as it is obtained from natural sources. It is pure surfactant free water and does not require rinsing.
  • Another difference lies in the method of application: thermal water is sprayed from a spray bottle onto the skin of the face and left to dry.
  • Thermal water quickly soothes the skin with all kinds of irritations and sunburn. This cosmetic product is a must-have for people with allergies, sensitive and dry skin.
  • Thermal water helps fix makeup and prevents makeup from rolling. The product can be sprayed directly over makeup.
  • Thermal water refreshes the skin and is easy to use even outdoors during hot seasons.

Micellar and thermal water are in no way related to each other, they are independent cosmetics that are responsible for completely different functions. It is impossible to replace one tool with another, they can only complement each other.

The best substitute for thermal water is natural mineral water.

How to make thermal water at home

First, select (in a pharmacy or a regular supermarket) the mineral water that is most suitable for your skin type. Be guided by the plate above. It will not be possible to choose the exact composition, but it does not matter.

If you want to complement it with various useful supplements, watch this video:

Thermal water is a controversial product. The item is not the first cosmetic necessity, but it can be an excellent addition to basic care, now you know how to use it and what it is for. Many will appreciate it and will notice the result based on the individual characteristics of their skin. And cosmetic companies will make every effort to fully satisfy these individual characteristics. Therefore, try and search for your "living water". Shine for you and your skin!

Thermal water for facial skin should become an indispensable item in every woman's cosmetic bag. Its main goal is intensive skin hydration, preservation and freshness of makeup, saturation of the epidermis with necessary vitamins and microelements, as well as protection from negative external influences (sun, ecology, etc.).


Properties and benefits of thermal water

The amazing cosmetic effect of thermal water on the skin is due to its composition. Its properties can be compared with mineral water, because it is also mined from underground sources. Thermal water is obtained from the already warm spring (20 ° C and higher). In the composition of such water there are enough useful minerals for the skin (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, etc.), due to which, with its constant use, intercellular exchange in the skin improves, a reliable protective barrier against diseases is created, and recovery processes are improved.

The structure of thermal water is lighter than mineral water, it is devoid of excess trace elements, salts and minerals that the skin is not able to assimilate in large quantities. Thermal water for the face can be of several types, this is influenced by the chemical composition and mineralization, which vary greatly: from fresh and brackish nitrogen, hydrocarbonate, calcium, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, sodium and carbonic to salty and brine nitrogen-methane, chloride, sodium, methane, calcium-sodium, nitrogen-methane, less often hydrogen sulfide. When choosing a product, this factor should be taken into account, since what suits one skin type may be contraindicated for another.

The main function of the thermal water is to intensively moisturize and tone the face. Remember that all skin needs constant hydration, including oily skin. Only in this way will the epidermis be able to maintain internal balance, resist negative external influences (dust, ecology, etc.), and cope with stress.

Thermal water has excellent cleansing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, stimulates blood circulation in the skin, improves the supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients, fights dehydration and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, keeping the skin young and attractive. Sometimes the use of such water is effective in speeding up the healing process of burns.

Already after the first application, the transformation of the facial skin is noticeable. Thermal water improves complexion, helps to solve the problem of oily, dry and flaky skin, eliminate comedones and inflammation, as well as other problems arising from overheating of the skin.

Why thermal water is needed and how to use it

Thermal water can be found in any specialty store or pharmacy. Most often, it is produced in the form of a spray of various volumes, which is very convenient, your favorite thing will fit into any cosmetic bag and will always be with you. It is convenient to use water while at work in the office, take it with you on a trip at any time of the year. For home use, such water is also indispensable, especially in winter, when the air in the apartment is very dry, and in summer during the heat. Spraying thermal water on the face instantly removes dryness, signs of flaking, refreshes the skin, and renews makeup. It does not evaporate from the surface of the face, is completely absorbed by the epidermis, creates a kind of barrier that prevents excessive moisture from evaporating. This property will come in handy during the beach season, after visiting the solarium.

Pure thermal water is used in combination with other cosmetics, as well as for diluting powder masks and preparing home remedies. During morning and evening washing, instead of regular water, it is good to use thermal water. In the morning, its application awakens and tones the skin, and at night it improves the effect of night cosmetics. If washing with such water is too expensive for you, then after cleansing your skin, simply spray thermal water on your face at a distance of 30 cm (close your eyes!), Wait a little and remove the excess with a paper towel. And then apply the skincare products.

Video: All about thermal water in the Good Morning program

This cosmetic novelty is an excellent base for summer makeup. He not only lies flat, but also holds firm throughout the day. It is enough a couple of times during the day, no more, to refresh the face with water from the spray, while the makeup will not deteriorate.

The product is also good for setting and prolonging the freshness of freshly applied makeup. Water-based cosmetics can be enriched with a few drops of thermal water.

The product can be sprayed onto cosmetic wipes and applied to the face for 10 minutes. In the same way, the product can be used on the area around the eyes.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of this cosmetic product; with a neutral pH, it can be used many times.

How to choose thermal water

The effect of using thermal water directly depends on its type and skin type. There are several types of it:

Hypotonic thermal water. The composition of the thermal water is slightly mineralized and intended for dry and sensitive skin.

Hypertonic thermal water. The thermal water contains a lot of mineral salts, tones the skin. The product is intended for oily skin, has an intense cleansing and antiseptic effect.

Isotonic thermal water. The composition is close to human blood serum, suitable for all types of facial skin, especially sensitive, has a soothing effect.

Hydrocarbonate thermal water. It has a high ionic composition, does not draw liquid from the surface of the skin, but retains it. It is used to refresh the face and set makeup.

Specialists-cosmetologists will help you to choose one or another type of thermal water. Be sure to consult!

Video: Choosing thermal water.

Making thermal water at home

You can try to make thermal water at home, it will turn out just as well. To do this, open a bottle of Essentuki No. 17 mineral water and leave it for a few hours so that all gases come out. Everything can be used. To increase efficiency, you can add an infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage, mint to this water. The finished product will have good cleansing and moisturizing qualities. Such a composition can be poured into ice molds, frozen and wiped over your face twice a day. The purity, vigor and freshness of the skin is guaranteed.

Or instead of herbal infusion, you can add lemon juice and your favorite essential oil to our "home" thermal water, which will enhance the action of the product and give a pleasant aroma. For 500 ml of homemade thermal water 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 6 drops of oil. Pour the composition into a clean and dry bottle with a spray bottle and store out of the reach of sunlight. The only downside to this home remedy is that the spray is too coarse.

Regardless of the method of using thermal water, its effect is simply impossible not to notice! Use this amazing remedy and stay young and attractive.

We present you a beauty elixir based on living water. We want to reassure you right away - you won't have to pour in 2 liters of water a day. We will now take only two glasses of water, but we will change its structure so that it turns into healing one, and we will apply it according to a special scenario.

HOW can you turn ordinary water into living water?

Fill two glasses with plain water and place them side by side near the computer. Drinking from the tap (do not forget to filter), bottled without gas, or better - well or spring, will do. Play the audio track "Tibetan Mantra for Rejuvenation" or another similar healing melody. After the water is saturated with the influence of the mantra, its molecular structure will change (see photo). This is how living water for the face is obtained.

This is not a CGI effect, but a real shot of a water molecule. Water altered in this way has amazing regenerating and rejuvenating properties. This facial skin care product is no substitute for any advanced cream. And the effect of use will be noticeable very quickly. You will very soon believe in the power of the living water face mask, seeing how it works.

Using living water for beauty

We have prepared two glasses of water that can work miracles. Drink the water from the first glass immediately after preparation with unhurried sips. And the liquid from the second must be frozen. A mold for making ice cubes (preferably with round cells) will do. As soon as you fill it with water, hurry up to immediately put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator (useful for the skin of the face).

IMPORTANT! Water after listening to the "mantra of rejuvenation" should not hear other sounds and expressions. Since it will lose the acquired structure, its healing properties and turn into ordinary drinking water, losing its healing effect.

The frozen cubes will be used for the mask. In addition, it is advisable to drink at least one glass of prescription water per day. More is possible. But you won't be able to cook it in reserve. Take a few minutes to make your transformation. Imagine how every cell of your body is getting healthier, how the skin of the face becomes younger, saturated with healing moisture, how strength appears with every sip. Thank rejuvenating water for these miracles.

Living Water Mask

  • 2-3 ice cubes (the ones you frozen earlier)
  • a few cotton pads
  • cotton or linen napkin

Get into a comfortable position on your bed. Try not to communicate with anyone for 10-15 minutes, but devote time only to yourself, your beloved. Place two frozen cubes in a small bowl to thaw a little. Do not pour out the melted water, it will still come in handy. We take one cube and begin to gently drive it over the skin of the face and neck. We act slowly, because facial skin care requires a gentle, careful approach.

Facial massage

Take a horizontal position, and covering your face with a damp cloth, lie down for about 5-7 minutes. Try to relax as much as possible without thinking about anything at this moment.

At first after the procedure, a slight burning sensation and itching may bother you. This is natural and should not cause concern and means that the living water for the face begins its effective work in rejuvenating the skin.

The living water face mask will restore the upper layers of the skin and transfer samples of the ideal molecular structure to the cells responsible for maintaining its elasticity and firmness. Applying the invigorating mask daily, you will notice in a week that the skin of your face is significantly younger.

An hour after the procedure, you can feel how the process of epidermis regeneration is going on. A slight chill will be felt on the surface of the skin, and a pleasant warmth will be felt inside. A more significant effect will be seen in a few days. The skin on the cheeks and chin will even out, on the forehead, the neck will become like a swan's :-)

With such simple methods, without the use of expensive creams and complex ingredients, you can improve your skin, acquire a blooming face, excellent health and confidence in your irresistibility. Using water for beauty will transform any woman, while being an absolutely affordable tool for every woman.