What do kisses mean in different places, parts of the body: psychology and the meaning of a male kiss. The meaning of kissing a guy, a man on the neck, right and left cheek, eyes, forehead, hand, nose, ear, head, shoulder, lips, deep with a tongue, eyes closed and open? What do you know

In order for a girl to deliver an unforgettable kissing sensation, or even to excite a girl, it is necessary to be able to kiss her neck correctly.


First of all, a man needs to know that a woman's neck is a very erogenous zone, kissing which you can not only give a girl pleasure, but also bring her to arousal. Therefore, it is not recommended to kiss a girl on the neck if you have a far from close relationship with her.


Start kissing a girl on the neck with the lightest kiss, in which you just touch her neck with your lips and make a light smack. Don't kiss the same place on a girl's neck. With each kiss, you must kiss a new place on your neck. You can return to the previous place of the kiss, but first, having made three or four kisses in other places on the neck.


If you have already kissed a girl's neck with light kisses, start moving on to more serious kisses, in which you not only make a light kiss on the neck, but also suck on a part of the woman's neck. If a light kiss on the neck is made quickly, then sucking on a part of a woman's neck can be done for a longer time, on average, twenty or thirty seconds are given for one kissing place in this case.


This is perhaps the most passionate and sweet kiss on the neck for a girl, because it contains an element of nibbling a woman's neck with your teeth. The duration of the kiss can be exactly as long as the partners want. Use your teeth when kissing a woman's neck with great care, because even a little pain can completely remove arousal and awaken her from your passionate kiss.

When kissing a woman's neck, you can use your tongue with which you will lick the skin on her neck, this is also a great pleasure for the girl.


Never rush or rush, because only a gentle gentle kiss on a woman's neck will give your girlfriend sweet and passionate sensations.

When kissing a woman's neck, you must remember one very important nuance, and your own, that a kiss on the neck with the use of teeth or strong suction leads to the formation of bruises on the neck, which are called "Suction". To suck in, you need a different intensity of sucking and biting, so for some it is enough to make a little effort, and the suction appears, and for some you can bite and suck, but the suck does not appear. Therefore, keep in mind that even light kisses of a girl's neck can cause her trouble in the form of suction.

Probably, none of us will deny: there is nothing more beautiful than the sensual kiss of a loved one. A gentle touch with your lips creates a storm of pleasant sensations.

Kiss story

Historians believe that this form of tactile contact, such as a kiss, is more than 5,000 years old! In ancient Rome, for example, as a sign of greeting, they kissed not only relatives and friends, but even bystanders.

In the Middle Ages, a welcoming kiss depended not only on relationships between people, but also on class. So, people of equal social status were kissed on the lips and cheeks, people of higher rank - on the back of the hand, husbands and women of a higher class - on the knee. Well, representatives of the authorities and the clergy were kissed on the feet or even the ground near them.

In Italy, a man who smacked a girl on the cheek was obliged to marry her, otherwise the shame of the girl herself and her family could not be avoided.

Fortunately, morals today are no longer so strict. But nevertheless, the kiss has not lost its significance and relevance even now.

A pleasant touch with the lips is considered an integral part of the intimate relationship between a man and a woman. A kiss on the neck is especially wonderful for both sexes. But many young people do not know how to kiss the other half on the neck correctly. Today we will understand this issue and give advice to both guys and girls.

How to kiss on the neck of a loved one?

Touching the lips to the neck is, of course, a deeply intimate process, a kind of barometer of personal relationships. He can say much more than, for example, a kind "smack" on the cheek or even on the lips. He is very exciting not only the fair sex, but even the most severe and unemotional men.

This gesture says a lot:

  • passion;
  • love or deep sympathy;
  • affection;
  • tenderness;
  • sexual desire.

But in order for everything to go smoothly for both partners, some rules of personal relationships should be taken into account.

  1. Fresh breath... First of all, take care of the freshness of your breath. After all, even the most passionate and tender relationships can be ruined by bad breath. Advertising, which we daily, against our will, behold on TV screens, recommends using chewing gum for this purpose. In fact, although chewing gum repels unwanted aromas, it still has a characteristic rich smell of menthol or fruit, which is not to everyone's liking, especially if he does not use such products;

To freshen your breath, brush your teeth with a neutral-smelling toothpaste and / or eat a fruit such as an apple or orange. Well, if it is impossible to remove the smell even in this way, contact your dentist or gastroenterologist - it is quite possible that the reason lies in some kind of disease.

  1. Take care of the condition of your lips... The touch of dry, rough skin of the lips, you must admit, neither a guy nor a girl can lead to a state of delight. The softer and more silky the lips are, the more pleasant the touch will be;

For this purpose, you can use special lip softeners, of which, fortunately, there are a great many on sale today. You can also use folk remedies: lubricate the sponges with honey, butter or petroleum jelly several times daily. But before the process itself, of course, the lips should be cleaned of any lubricants and lipstick.

  1. Act gradually... You should not suddenly pounce on your soul mate with such tenderness, it is better to prepare her for the process. Neither a man nor a woman should be kissed on the neck suddenly, especially if a person is busy with important things, as this can scare him or even make him angry!

It is more correct to act like this: approach your loved one from behind, hug, kiss on the lips or top of the head, make sure that he is ready for caress.

Gently run your palms over your back, shoulders, chest, but do not pinch, press your whole body and cheek to cheek, plunge your face into your hair. For more effect, direct the kisses from the lips to the neck area.

In women, the most sensitive is the "cat's place" - the back of the neck, but the kissing of the front part (where the thyroid gland is located) is not to every girl's liking. As for the guys, they usually like the touch of the lips of their beloved on any part of the neck.

  1. Connect your imagination! This is especially true for those couples who have been together for a long time and have already got used to the caresses of the second half. A man, for example, can lift a girl's hair and run his tongue over her skin, or shower her with many kisses. If you like your partner, you can bestow her with open-mouthed kisses - this intimate gesture rightfully belongs to love foreplay and acts excitingly;
  1. Consider the circumstances. If, for example, your beloved is busy in the kitchen, and in the next
    kids frolic in the room waiting for dinner, kissing a woman with her mouth open for a long time and passionately on the neck is not entirely correct, because this can lead to the fact that both of you will become seriously aroused, and the continuation of lovemaking for obvious reasons will be impossible. In this situation, laconic, but multi-speaking caresses are suitable - the second half will once again make sure how dear it is to you;

  1. Do not overdo it. Often we get so carried away that we no longer control the strength of our passion. The fact is that the skin in this area is very delicate and practically does not have subcutaneous fat, which is why a passionate kiss on the neck leads to a rather unpleasant consequence, namely, aspiration (an ugly bruise). And although this to some extent flatters the partner and in the eyes of the people around it is an indicator of an established intimate life, in a certain setting it can lead to embarrassment. For example, you should not "mark" a public person in this way - a school teacher or a head of a company. Of course, "Traces of a crime" subsequently, you can skillfully disguise it with decorative cosmetics, a scarf or reduce it with the help of folk remedies (juice of garlic and onions), it is still not worth the risk;

When kissing a girl or a guy on the neck, many of us love to touch such an erogenous zone as the ear with our lips and tongue. This is definitely correct. But in order to give your partner real pleasure, do not deafen his ear with a loud loud "smack" - this is not only unpleasant, but can also lead to temporary hearing loss.

During the process, watch your partner's reaction - if he tries to pull away, looks away, most likely, he does not like your actions, well, or he is simply not in the mood for affection now. And if he tries to cling to you harder, responds with caresses in return, boldly continue - this is the first sign that you are on the right track!

  1. Do not be silent. Especially this moment should be taken into account by our dear men, because women, as you know, love first of all with their ears. Say nice words, compliments, convince your soul mate of how dear she is to you and how much you love her. It will not be superfluous to show your emotions with a slight moaning or even growling - such sounds can seriously excite your partner.

In our life, it is difficult to name anything more beautiful than the relationship between a man and a woman. An important role in their development is played by the kiss, which can both accelerate the development of love events, and slow it down, or even stop soon. During the kiss, we determine how pleasant this person is to us and whether we will follow the path of further rapprochement with him. However, there are several tricks that can artificially win over a partner. It is possible not to become a victim of tricks only by carefully studying them. Such a powerful factor on literally all is the kiss on the neck, to which researchers of human relations have paid unfairly little attention. So, how to show feelings beautifully and effectively?

A kiss on the neck is not called the notorious "hickey", but a gentle touch on the neck with relaxed lips. On the part of the girl, such a kiss serves as an expression of complete trust in you and a sign of readiness to continue and develop intimate relationships. Outwardly, your friend may hide her desires, but a kiss on the neck will clearly tell you that subconsciously she is ready to become completely yours.

If the partner kisses the chosen one on the neck, then this may serve as a sign of complete trust in her. And if a kiss consists of many gentle touches, then this means one thing - a passionate desire for intimacy between you. And kisses with gentle nibbling are a signal that a guy who is afraid to admit it is in love.

A kiss on the neck may have another, at first glance, strange and implausible reason - the desire to warm the partner. The slight excitement that comes from this kiss helps the body cope with the frost.

Neck kiss technique

How to show feelings beautifully and effectively? Kiss properly and where you need to! Men and women like different things. Oddly enough it may seem at first glance, but women prefer kissing with biting, and even carried out in a somewhat rude manner. They enjoy strong tongue pressure and intense lip pressure. And men, on the contrary, prefer a gentle kiss with soft lips, occasionally with the use of the tongue. And bites start them only with a stormy intimate process, and with quiet sex, biting can lead to a decrease in arousal.

Knowing how strongly a kiss on the neck affects a woman, a partner can use it to get the desired result. If the girl is not sure of the feelings of the chosen one, then she should be on the lookout for such caresses and, if necessary, fight back.

Sensitive areas of the neck

How beautiful and effective to show feelings: which neck area to choose? It is better to kiss the area on the larynx, located under the chin, gently, like kissing, for example, on the cheek.

Biting kisses where the carotid artery passes more often causes discomfort, so you should not use them. And they will be appropriate on the side under the jaw line and above the collarbone. Here you can completely surrender to your passion.

Back kisses on the neck are extremely exciting. Women like it when the partner in the back releases their hair from their neck and kisses the fossa below the back of the head. You can kiss slightly from the side, which will resemble the behavior of a vampire and add spice to love games.

Try kissing the nape of the neck, also called the feline zone. It is by the scruff of the neck that the cat carries kittens, and predatory felines use this place to hold the female during mating.

If your partner has thrown back his head, you can very carefully bite the skin with your teeth, running your tongue over it, then loosening the compression, then strengthening it.

Remember the magical power of a kiss on the neck and use it only for good purposes, giving untold pleasure to yourself and your partner!

What can say more about our feelings than a kiss? He encourages us when we are sad. It calms us down when we are anxious. He is able to awaken a volcano of passion when we do not even expect it. A kiss can be light and gentle, it can be hot and sizzling. in the cheeks and eyes - this is a manifestation of the most tender feelings, a declaration of love without words. But the chest or stomach is designed to kindle passion and desire. They increase sensuality and remove all psychological barriers. The right kiss can turn off consciousness and transfer a partner into an unforgettable atmosphere of euphoria and pleasure. How to learn this difficult science? Anything is possible if you wish.

How to kiss a guy on the neck

Kissing a guy's neck can be arousing in seconds. It has been proven that guys are more into gentle and slow caresses. Therefore, the girl should not rush and treat the kiss lightly.

For a sharp sensation, you can run the tip of your tongue along the guy's neck, then gently press your lips in several places.

Make your partner feel your hot breath, it's incredibly arousing. Slowly examine every inch of your beloved's neck with your lips and tongue.

And only when you feel that he began to breathe faster and show signs of strong arousal, go to more

How to kiss a girl on the neck

Girls, although they are considered the weak half, however, prefer assertiveness and even aggression in kissing. Most girls are crazy about kissing with light biting and sucking. A man should move his tongue more actively, which will make a woman's heart beat faster. Kisses on the neck can drive a girl crazy, give unforgettable emotions and sensations. The most sensitive are the areas under the chin, near and on the dimple near the back of the head. When you find your lips in these places, you will immediately feel how your partner likes it. Start kissing her barely noticeably, adding confidence and assertiveness to the movements of your tongue and your lips every second. Gently pinch the skin with your teeth, play with it. Using such techniques, you are guaranteed to bring your beloved to a "kissing" orgasm. Women often describe their feelings as a shock that runs throughout the body.

Often people who have been married for an extended period of time do not pay much attention to kissing. This is in vain! Kisses on the neck can return the feelings that were when a married couple was just starting their relationship. Remind me of those moments of carefree and all-consuming sex that brought pure joy and pleasure. Sometimes spontaneous, sometimes well-planned. Perhaps, if they are in the neck, you will again feel young, energetic and passionate. Surrender to your feelings again and finally forget about all your everyday problems.

Kissing on the neck is a sure way on the path to bliss, intimacy and trust between a man and a woman. Improve your listen to your partner's desires and enjoy each other.

With kisses, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Given the peculiar body messages that people execute involuntarily under the influence of feelings, kisses to different parts of the body can carry different messages. A fleeting kiss on the cheek means a manifestation of friendly sympathy, a passionate kiss on the lips means love and trust. So a kiss on the neck has its own meaning. If you gently kiss the back of the neck, below the back of the head, this is a sign of trust in your partner. Aggressive kissing on the side of the neck is an expression of the desire to dominate the relationship.

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The meaning of a kiss

The neck is a very sensitive area in the body. It is here that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated, for example, a kind of nerve "highways" that lead to the brain. Due to this, this area is rightfully considered one continuous erogenous zone, acting on which you can bring unforgettable sexual pleasure.

Even if not everyone knows this, with a kiss on the neck, everyone is able to feel that everything is going right. The subconscious itself pushes you to kiss on the neck when you want closeness. But do not forget that for women, such a kiss is often just a sign of trust.

Gentle touching with the lips from behind is a frequent occurrence among couples who have been together for a long time and have been able to go through a lot hand in hand.

Such caresses allow you to feel serious physical and spiritual closeness, confidence in the longevity and strength of the relationship. A man hugging his woman from the back in a dream and touching his lips expresses not only trust, but also the desire to protect. Not every man likes such affection towards him; some call kisses on the neck purely feminine.

If a girl likes to leave visible sucks on a guy's neck, this indicates a desire to manipulate, which is typical for distrustful and suspicious persons. Often, mistresses resort to such female tricks to make the legal spouse nervous and worried. In general, it should also be noted that men do not like aggressive kissing.

Kiss technique

For kisses on the neck, the same rules apply as in the case of mutual contact of the lips. Many experts assure that they belong to a natural phenomenon and by definition they cannot be wrong or correct, the main thing is whether a person likes or not this action produced by a particular partner. But still, it is worth asking your loved one if it gives him pleasure. This is done simply:

  • you can ask directly;
  • freeze for a moment, provoking and inviting the partner to continue;
  • analyze the behavior of the half.

If, after this kind of caresses, a guy or a girl begins to immediately speak on abstract topics, then this is not a good sign to be considered. Such an emotional action must definitely turn a person on. In this case, it is worth resorting to the general recommendations of sex therapists, which will help to comprehend the art of sophisticated and passionate kisses:

  • Breath. He needs to be watched. Not enough gum, toothpaste, and mints. It is required to clean the base of the tongue twice a day - this is where bacteria accumulate, causing unpleasant odors.
  • Saliva. In large quantities, it is good for digestion, but not for kisses on the neck. You can reduce salivation by drinking cold water before petting.
  • Workout. Skills must be brought to automatism so that kissing does not even raise the question of whether the partner likes them or not.

Execution rules

Any lip-touching is a whole art. But kisses on the neck cannot be called usual - it is more a gentle airy touch, a feeling of breathing on velvety sensitive skin. On the back of the neck (nape), where the hairs on the neck of men and women grow thicker, it is enough just to lightly touch them with your lips and tongue, without touching the skin.

  • For men... The lips in the process should be relaxed and soft, due to this, the effect of tenderness is achieved, bringing additional pleasure. It is worth moving your lips slowly along the neck. This is a playful and tantalizing type of kiss. The girl is in anticipation of what will happen next. You can playfully touch your earlobe with your teeth, but you must act carefully so as not to cause pain. All of the above is quite enough if a man kisses his partner on the neck.
  • For women... The girl has more opportunities. She can not only kiss a guy from behind on the neck, but also suck on the skin, bite it. And the more furiously she will do this, the more she will convey the passion to the chosen one, telling about her feelings, which are overwhelming. Men may even experience mild pain, but in most cases they really like such kisses, as well as the passionate nature of their girlfriend.

Both partners should start making sense of their caresses. They can convey a lot of emotions, say intentions, show affection and sympathy. Just one short kiss on the neck replaces the whole phrase "I'm so glad you're with me." Kisses can show excitement: in this case, they should be persistent and prolonged.

If you need to arouse great sympathy, then you can kiss the neck and at the same time massage the shoulders and arms of your partner. Girls are very fond of being held by the hand or shoulders in the process.

You should not be limited only to the classic contact of the lips, when there are so many sensitive areas on the human body. Having found all of them, you can add variety to the relationship, learn to show feelings in a new way and please your soul mate every day.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come off after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN" and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29, divorce from her husband and depression ...