What determines the color of a person's skin. Why do people have different skin colors? What determines skin color

We say that people can be black or white, but these two colors by no means exhaust all the richness of the color shades of human skin. The color of a person's skin mainly depends on where, in what place on the planet, his ancestors lived.

Scientists have experimentally confirmed theories about how people developed different shades in skin color (but so far these are only theories).

What determines skin color?

Skin color depends on a substance called melanin. The more melanin in our skin, the darker it is. When a white person spends a lot of time in the sun, a lot of melanin is formed in his skin, in other words, he tans. Albinos, who lack melanin in their bodies, have pinkish skin and reddish eyes. This color is due to the translucence of blood vessels through the skin and colorless tissues of the eye. Albinos have completely white hair.

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What is melanin for?

The deposition of melanin in the skin is its defensive response to the sun's ultraviolet radiation, which can cause skin cancer. As a light shield, melanin absorbs ultraviolet rays and helps protect the skin from damage. The more melanin in the skin, the darker it is and the better it is protected from ultraviolet radiation. Knowing the importance of the presence of melanin in the skin, scientists developed the idea of ​​how differences in the amount of melanin deposited in the skin of different human races appeared and how these differences developed over millions of years.

Interesting fact: a large amount of melanin in the skin protects it from ultraviolet radiation.

How did people develop different skin tones?

Our distant ancestors were covered with a thin layer of wool that protected their skin from the intense ultraviolet radiation of the hot African sun. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. As mankind developed, people began to give birth to cubs devoid of hair on their bodies. Why? Nobody knows this. But gradually, the light spotty skin of our ancestors turned out to be completely unprotected from the scorching rays of the sun.

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Since darker skin provides better protection from the sun, individuals that were born darker than their brethren gained a survival advantage. Since the dark skin color was inherited and had the advantages of natural selection, over time, the skin color of the inhabitants of Africa became dark. Humans have spread all over the earth. Those who got to the cold north found there by no means an African climate. In Europe, for example, sunlight is much weaker, especially in winter. Such a climate also has its drawbacks.

Too much UV is bad, but too little is worse. Ultraviolet rays are vital for us: under the influence of this radiation, vitamin D is produced in the skin, without which the body cannot form strong, durable bones.

Interesting: the very first humans may have had light, mottled skin similar to that of a chimpanzee under its fur.

The dimmer light of the European sun contains far fewer UV rays than the sunlight in Africa. The first problems arose, probably with dark-skinned aliens, whose skin blocked what little ultraviolet radiation remained in the rays of the northern sun. Some children developed rickets, in which the bones became soft and fragile, they easily twisted and broke.

Skin color palette

Pale skin

It has a bluish undertone. It seems that a person with this type of skin does not exist at all in the sun. It includes such shades as porcelain and "ivory" - very light, almost transparent.

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peach pink skin

Slightly less light than the skin of the previous type. Another important difference is a delicate pinkish undertone, which makes the shade warmer overall. But despite this, it is better to choose makeup products in colder colors.

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Medium tone

These are mostly beige skin tones that have warm undertones. It seems that she is a little "browned" in the sun and has become slightly golden. Brown lipstick, bronzer and shades in beige tones will look especially good in makeup.

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Olive skin

In the undertone of this skin type, yellow and green shades are combined. From the outside, she is both warm and pale at the same time. Owners of this skin tone often seem earthy - but the lack of hydration and radiance is to blame.

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bronze skin

Tanned skin tends to have a warm undertone.

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dark skin

It is distinguished by darker golden brown tones. For girls with dark skin, a warm color type is also characteristic. For makeup, beige-brown tones are ideal: lipsticks, shadows and blush.

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How to determine skin tone?

To determine the skin tone and clarify whether it is warm or cold, girls can take a test that will be reliable, even if they do it themselves at home. An important condition: this must be done in natural light. Electric lamps distort perception.

Look at the wrist from the inside - where the veins are visible. If they appear blue or purple, then your skin is cool. If they give the impression that they are green, this indicates that your skin tone is warm. It is difficult to understand what color the veins are? In this case, the tone is most likely neutral - neither warm nor cold; this is typical for owners of olive skin tone.

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Hold a white sheet of paper up to your face and look in the mirror. If a pinkish, reddish or bluish undertone appears on the skin, you can definitely say that the shade is cold. Yellowness indicates, on the contrary, a warm type. And those who see that the skin is “grayed” next to the leaf can be sure that they have a neutral skin tone.

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Remember how your skin usually reacts to the sun in the first days of tanning. If she blushes after half an hour, then she is of a cold type. In people who rarely suffer from sunburn and easily acquire an even golden tan, a warm skin tone.

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Makeup for olive skin


The main characteristic of olive skin is neutrality: it combines both warm and cold pigments. Because of this, it may appear gray, earthy. Therefore, the foundation should be with the effect of radiance (look for the word glow in the title). As for the shade, it should be chosen depending on the goal: if you want your skin tone to become brighter and warmer, take a product with a beige-yellow undertone. Ivory would also be a good choice.

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Eye makeup

It is not worth emphasizing the eyes with cold shades - this will make the skin duller than it really is. The same applies to neutral gray-brown tones. It is better to use warm shadows with a light shimmer, as well as eyeliners in classic colors.

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Lip makeup

Body nude girls with olive skin are not suitable. Cold pink shades will "argue" with the tone. A successful accent on the lips will create bright red-orange shades, red-brown, burgundy and coral.

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Makeup for porcelain skin


So that porcelain skin does not look too pale, you need to opt for a foundation with pink pigments - they will refresh the complexion, make it more “alive”. If such a cream was not at hand, blush of a cold pink shade will help out.

When your own appearance in the mirror brings aesthetic suffering, it's time to think about your health and lifestyle. Our skin mirrors internal problems - physical and emotional. A gray complexion is not just an external flaw. It may be a sign of a serious illness.

All shades of gray - what spoils the complexion

It is difficult for residents of megacities, always in a hurry, experiencing all the “charms” of urban ecology and food from supermarkets, to maintain a healthy glow. Everyone suffers - women, men, children.

Bad ecology, stress and bad habits spoil the complexion

Any factors that negatively affect the emotional background, and as a result, the state of the internal organs are immediately reflected in our appearance.

Removable Causes

The first thought that an unhealthy color should suggest is the influence of bad habits. Today they include not only smoking and drinking alcohol, but also dependence on the Internet. With tobacco, everything is clear - every cigarette smoked hits the body from the outside and from the inside. External "fumigation" does not allow the skin to fully breathe. From the inside, tobacco toxins destroy collagen fibers, worsen the blood supply to the epidermis, not to mention the detrimental effect on the lungs and blood vessels.

One cigarette causes vasospasm for 20 minutes and reduces oxygen levels by 5%.

Those who like to drink beer after work or relax on the eve of the weekend will end up with no less a blow to beauty. Outwardly, such a person is easy to "calculate" by the condition of the skin of the face. It reacts to intoxication with a dull gray color, loss of clarity of lines and enlarged pores.

Internet addiction brings no less harm. This is hypodynamia, and a constant uncomfortable posture, when the vertebral arteries that supply blood to the brain suffer. In addition, we steal precious hours of sleep from ourselves by disrupting biological rhythms. Our skin is restored during the night's rest. And if it is not there, then the results are on the face.

Chronic fatigue is one of the causes of lifeless gray skin

Social media is not relaxing, as many believe. I talked with pleasant interlocutors - and was distracted from my problems. Today, such communication becomes a source of additional stress. And again our skin suffers. An emotional outburst generates a chain of biochemical reactions leading to a decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid and disruption of collagen synthesis. Adrenaline gives the skin a gray color due to spasm of small vessels.

Low mobility is another worst enemy of beauty. The skin does not perform the most important functions - the removal of harmful substances with sweat, thermoregulation is disturbed, an imbalance of calcium and sodium sets in, and blood circulation worsens. The skin ceases to be cleansed naturally. Hence its unhealthy color and sagging.

Another reason is the passion for "healthy" nutrition. The myths about the benefits of low-fat foods, separate meals and other "chips" on which food corporations and individual enthusiasts made money have already been debunked. And today only lazy people do not talk about the dangers of diets for weight loss.

Any diet, if it is not therapeutic or compiled by an experienced nutritionist, harms the body due to imbalance and unreasonable reduction in caloric content of food.

If the body does not receive the nutrients it needs, this is immediately reflected in the appearance. Gray color with bruises under the eyes is a sign of exhaustion. In addition, the emotional stress experienced by a woman in the process of such weight loss causes the consequences already described above for the skin.

Rigid diets for weight loss deal a heavy blow to the body

Water is the source of life and external attractiveness. What flows from taps can hardly be called a useful liquid. Even if it is boiled and filtered. After passing many kilometers through the pipes, tap water collects an incredible bunch of chemicals and bacteria. And the body needs pure life-giving moisture and preferably at least 1.5 liters per day.

Age changes

After 40 years, the process of "reverse development" of the skin begins. Signs of aging skin are loss of turgor, a blurred contour, fine wrinkles and a decrease in the thickness of the epidermis. Over the years, the skin loses its ability to rapidly regenerate cells. Dead particles exfoliate worse, the stratum corneum becomes thicker and denser.

The slowdown of metabolic processes and the deterioration of blood supply negatively affect the complexion

The color is affected by a general slowdown in metabolic processes, deterioration of microcirculation, loss of moisture. The skin becomes dull and acquires a yellowish-gray tint. Poor maintenance is another reason. After 40 years, it is not enough just to take off cosmetics at night. You need to take care of the skin - nourish it with a night cream or mask.

Complexion as a diagnostic feature

The first note that the therapist makes during the appointment concerns the shade of the patient's skin. For a good doctor, its change is one of the first diagnostic signs.

Table: what unhealthy skin tones say

ComplexionPossible diseases
Waxy (bloodless yellowish)Oncological
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • stomach diseases;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • helminthic infestations
Gray with a bluish tint
  • circulatory failure;
  • lung diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • bronchitis in a chronic form;
  • thromboembolism;
  • blood diseases (replacement of normal hemoglobin with damaged)
  • tumor or cyst of the digestive or respiratory system;
  • other oncological diseases;
  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • renal pathologies
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • constipation;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • chronic purulent processes
Pale gray
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • angina attack;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intoxication;
  • internal bleeding;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypotension
Dark grey
  • chronic diseases of the adrenal glands (in particular, Addison's disease);
  • hemochromatosis (deposition of iron-containing pigments in the tissues);
  • severe dysbacteriosis

Women who constantly take birth control pills should be aware of the consequences - the drugs damage the liver, and this gives a yellowish-gray tint to the skin. Some medications for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, and malaria cause a gray complexion in women. A gray tint occurs in people taking antiarrhythmic drugs.

Complexion as a sign of illness: photos of women

Paleness with a bluish tinge may indicate problems with blood circulation. Pale gray color - a sign of gastrointestinal diseases Gray-yellow complexion occurs with liver diseases

In men, an earthy complexion may indicate overwork, dysfunction of the genitourinary system - tumor formations of any origin, adenoma or prostate cancer. In women, this is one of the signs of ovarian dysfunction or endometrial pathology.

If you change the complexion for unknown reasons, you need to contact a dermatologist.

Gray complexion in a child

If the child's complexion changes, this is an occasion to show it to the doctor. Children's skin goes through many changes until adolescence, but normally remains pink. The origins of her pallor must be sought in the state of his health.

An unhealthy complexion in a child is a sign of internal trouble

Especially if it is accompanied by a change in the general condition - lethargy, decreased appetite and activity. Possible reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • renal pathology;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • metabolic disease;
  • anemia caused by iron deficiency;
  • emotional shock.

Combined with the appearance of unexplained bruising, a pale gray complexion can be a sign of a blood disorder.

How to restore a healthy color to the face

The gray complexion as a result of bad habits or an unhealthy lifestyle is eliminated by an effort of will. It will be needed in order to quit smoking, force yourself to break away from the computer and replace it with walks in the fresh air and a healthy sound sleep at night.

The main thing is to withstand the changes within three weeks. It is during this time that a habit is formed.

Giving up cigarettes is incredibly difficult, even with the incentive to improve your appearance. If a smoking woman could see herself at least two weeks after giving up tobacco, no additional arguments were needed. Bags under the eyes disappear, the skin is smoothed, and a blush begins to break through on the cheeks. And if you accompany the rejection of addiction with the intake of antioxidant vitamins and include more foods with their content in the diet, then the effect will be simply amazing.

Including antioxidant foods in the diet of a woman who smokes will help reduce the harm caused by tobacco smoke

Three fundamental principles for beautiful skin and an overall attractive appearance (whether you are a man or a woman):

  • healthy eating;
  • complete rest;
  • active lifestyle.

Do not forget about skin care. Pharmacy products, homemade cosmetic masks, scrubs and peels will help restore her attractiveness.

Pharmacy preparations

Sometimes the most unexpected pharmaceutical products turn out to be the best helpers in skin care. And some of them are ten times cheaper than the creams of well-known brands. What from this arsenal can be used to improve complexion?

Calcium chloride

Exfoliation of dead particles of the epithelium is a must for dull, unhealthy skin. A gentle exfoliation with a calcium chloride solution is called a Hollywood cleansing. The effect is achieved due to the interaction of calcium chloride and alkaline soap, as a result of which hard salts of higher carboxylic acids are formed.

This method is not suitable for dry skin, but oily, combination and normal skin helps to acquire a healthy look and color, reducing sebum production, removing black spots and narrowing pores. Calcium chloride is sold in ampoules, the concentration of the solution is 5 and 10%. For sensitive skin, it is better to take 5%.

Calcium chloride is used for "Hollywood" peeling

On a cleansed face, apply a fat cream around the eyes and around the lips. Moisten a cotton pad with calcium chloride and wipe the rest of the area with it. When the liquid is absorbed, apply it again. Depending on the type of skin, this should be done 3-5 times. Then lather soap (preferably baby soap) and lather your face in circular motions. It is better to wash off the scrub with chamomile infusion. After treatment, be sure to apply a moisturizer. Peeling is carried out no more than 1 time per week.

Panthenol belongs to the group of regenerating drugs. The active substance is vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. The cream has a complex effect on the skin, activating cell regeneration, stimulating blood circulation and microcirculation. Due to this, the normal complexion is restored. Panthenol can be used constantly and even applied under decorative cosmetics.

Panthenol can be used permanently instead of cream

Panthenol in the composition of masks perfectly copes with the problems of aging skin. After a course of application, it tightens, fine mimic wrinkles are less noticeable, inflammation is eliminated, and the complexion becomes much better. A proven recipe is a mask with lemon. Add a few drops of lemon juice to a serving of ointment. Apply it in two layers and leave for a quarter of an hour. This product is good for toning and brightening the skin. And if you add a little sea salt to it, then an exfoliating effect will also be provided.

Ointment Radevit

Dermatological ointment Radevit contains only natural ingredients, therefore it is widely used in pediatric practice. The composition includes three vitamins - E (5 mg), A (10 mg) and D2 (50 mg). The main advantage of the drug for the treatment of dull skin is the normalization of keratinization processes. In addition, it restores the protective functions of the skin, intensively nourishes and moisturizes it.

To restore complexion, use Radevit daily at night for a month and a half. Then you need to take a week break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Cream Vitamin "F99"

In dermatological practice, Vitamin F99 is used to treat eczema. The basis of the drug is omega-acids or vitamin F. It saves the skin, exhausted by frost and dry winter air, from peeling, protects from the active summer sun, preventing photoaging.

Vitamin F99 helps restore tired skin

Returns elasticity to the epidermis, evens out and improves complexion.

Thiogamma 600

The drug with alpha-lipoic acid is intended for the treatment of polyneuropathy of any origin. It is a powerful endogenous antioxidant - an acid produced by our body. It restores blood circulation in small vessels, improves nerve conduction. Acts on the body as vitamins of group B.

Thiogamma contains a powerful antioxidant - alpha lipoic acid

Thiogamma is available in vials as an infusion solution with a concentration of 600 units. Given that this is a medicine, you can use it for no more than 10 days in a row. The drug revitalizes tired dull skin, enhances regeneration and protects cells from the action of free radicals.

Cosmetologists about the use of pharmaceutical preparations for beauty

Doctors are ambivalent about the use of drugs to improve complexion and other cosmetic problems. If you still decide to use pharmaceutical preparations, consult your beautician. The second thing to do is to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. And the third - not a single drug can be used constantly, but only in courses. In general, you should not rely solely on pharmaceutical products, it is better to include them in a comprehensive rejuvenation program.

Homemade masks

The piggy bank of folk recipes for improving complexion is inexhaustible. Masks nourish, cleanse, moisturize, improve blood circulation.

Honey with lemon

Mix warmed honey, lemon juice and ground oatmeal (only 1 tablespoon each) and apply to cleansed skin for 15 minutes. For oily skin, you can add ½ teaspoon of baking soda to the composition.

Coffee + carrots

Combine a small amount of freshly squeezed carrot juice with an equal amount of freshly brewed coffee. Apply the mixture to your face and leave to dry. Wash off with water after 15 minutes. If you add more coffee grounds, you get a great scrub.

peach mask

No wonder healthy skin is compared to a ripe peach. The mask from its pulp perfectly improves the complexion. Add a teaspoon of oatmeal to it and mix until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If the skin is dry, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Sea buckthorn oil

We rarely hear about omega 7 fatty acid. Meanwhile, it is an indispensable component for the care of dull, unhealthy skin. Contains sea buckthorn oil. To improve the complexion, it is taken orally in a teaspoon in the morning before breakfast and used as a mask. Warm oil is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Another way is to moisten gauze with oil and apply it on your face.

Video: how to achieve radiant skin

Salon procedures

Professional cosmetic procedures are the most effective way to get rid of the gray complexion. Facial massage, superficial peels, biorevitalization even out the surface and color.

Cosmetic procedures rejuvenate and improve complexion

Hardware cosmetology rejuvenates for 5-10 years.

Table: cosmetic procedures to improve complexion

Procedure nameHow is it carried outEffectApproximate cost (rub.)
Ozone therapyThe drug is injected into the epidermis using special needles.
  • saturates the cells with oxygen;
  • improves color;
  • tightens;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles
500 - 6300
MesotherapyInjection into the skin of an individually selected cocktail of bioactive substances
  • returns a healthy color to the skin;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • returns elasticity;
  • moisturizes and nourishes
3900 - 4500
BiorevitalizationInjection into the skin of hyaluronic acidRestore vitality to the skin by saturating it with moisture9600 - 10300
Ultrasonic peelingCleansing the skin with ultrasound using a special gel (mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical effects)
  • brightens and revitalizes skin color;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • eliminates oiliness and blackheads
1800 - 2500
Needle-free mesotherapyIntroduction of mesococktails into the skin using oxygen or a laser
  • improves complexion;
  • eliminates minor defects;
  • pulls up
2500 - 4300

Cosmetic procedures are carried out in courses. The duration depends on the condition of the skin. Each method has a number of contraindications.

Diet for glowing skin

Refusal of harmful food addictions is the right way to improve the skin and the body as a whole. And this is the first step towards external self-improvement. Eliminate smoked meats from the supermarket, shawarma from the nearest kiosk and chicken from KFC from the diet. Lean on products recommended by nutritionists and dermatocosmetologists to improve complexion;

  • apples and carrots;
  • fatty fish and lean meats (such as turkey, rabbit, or veal);
  • green vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • vegetable oils (linseed, olive, unrefined sunflower, sesame and others);
  • germinated seeds of wheat and green buckwheat - tiny sprouts contain a maximum of substances that give plants strength to grow.

Drink vitamin drinks - teas, juices, clean water. To improve complexion, juice puree from a bunch of grapes and a handful of strawberries is useful. Spices have a good effect on the condition of the skin. Season green tea with grated ginger, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom.

Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods, and complexion will quickly improve

The connection between irregular stools and a gray complexion is very direct. The body is poisoned by "deposits" of decay products. Prepare salads that will make your digestive tract work like clockwork. Here is the tried and tested recipe. Cut carrots, beets, apples, cabbage, a little prunes or dried apricots into strips. Add pomegranate and pine nuts, season everything with olive oil and lemon juice. This dish will remove toxins, normalize bowel function, and, therefore, improve complexion.

Gray complexion - possible consequences

Do not ignore the change in complexion, it can have far-reaching consequences in the form of severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels, blood, cancer. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, but your complexion causes concern, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the pathological process has just begun to “wake up” in your body and there is an opportunity to prevent its further development.


Daily skin care should be the law for any woman if she doesn't want to look downtrodden and chronically tired. Basic preventive measures:

  • to give up smoking;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air (preferably outside the city);
  • moderate exercise;
  • varied diet;
  • lack of stress;
  • a full night's sleep.

A healthy lifestyle is the best prevention for a gray complexion

And one more thing - take care of your health, do not carry colds on your feet, do not neglect periodic preventive examinations and medical examinations.

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People are different: black, white, and also brown: from light to dark. Skin color varies from continent to continent. Where did this diversity come from? What does a person depend on? What is melanin? Let's figure it out.

Melanin. What is this?

In medical terms, melanin is synthesized in skin cells called melanocytes. Interestingly, it is present in the bulk of animals, including humans. It is the pigment melanin that gives the skin a variety of shades. It is synthesized in two leading forms that range in color from yellow to dark brown to black. Eumelanin is the form of melanin that gives skin its brown color. The second form of melanin is pheomelanin, which has a reddish-brown hue. Thanks to pheomelanin, people have freckles or fiery red hair.

Today almost everyone knows about genetics. Each of us has inherited a set of chromosomes from our parents, including those responsible for human skin color. The more active genes in the cells, the darker the skin color. Not so long ago it was possible to observe a unique case in one family where twins with different skin colors were born. But in addition to the genetic predisposition, external factors also influence the production of melanin.

The impact of melanin on humans

Any person on our planet has an approximately equal number of melanocytes. This fact proves that all people on the planet, whether white men or black girls, have the same skin. The question arises in the synthesis of melanin by a separate organism and some external factors. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, human skin begins to produce more melanin. This helps prevent DNA damage in human skin.

Until now, this process has not been fully explored, but thanks to the protective reaction of the body, our skin remains intact. And in people living in the equatorial region, where the sun's rays scorch ruthlessly, the skin has acquired its characteristic swarthy color.

Crash in the program

But unfortunately, there are exceptions to the rules. Today you can observe a rare disease - albinism. It is characterized by the absence of melanin in the skin cells. This process is observed in both animals and humans. We are happy to watch snow-white animals, for example, you can see or magnificent, but if this happens to a person, this is really a tragedy. A person cannot stay in the open sun for a long time, his skin burns instantly. The body suffers from strong radiation.

There is another failure in the genetic program caused by the progressive loss of melanocytes - vitiligo. In this case, the skin becomes patchy. Whatever color of a person's skin prevails, with this disease it becomes completely white in places. And as a result, a dark-skinned person by nature can become completely white. Unfortunately, today genetic failures are incurable.

Light-skinned inhabitants of the planet

An interesting fact is that representatives of the white population make up 40% of all mankind. As we have already said, the genetically light color of human skin is due to the activity of melanin in the cells. If we take into account that the people who settled on the planet had facial features and dermis color characteristic of a certain group, then over time the isolation of the group led to the formation of a light-skinned race. The bulk of these people live in Europe, Asia and North Africa.

Human skin color, as already mentioned, also depends on external factors. For example, people in Northern Europe have lighter skin than Asians. are less active in the north, and therefore it is easier for white people to get the vitamin D they need. Although it should be noted that there are northern peoples who have enough. According to scientists, this also depends on food.

Interestingly, in people with fair skin, melanin in the upper layers of the epidermis is present in single copies. Eye color also depends on which layer of the iris contains a large amount of melanin. If this is the first layer, then the eyes will be brown, and if the fourth or fifth layers, then, respectively, blue or green.

black people

The main population with dark skin color lives in Central and South Africa. People in this climate zone are exposed to intense solar exposure. And exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes the synthesis of melanin in the human body, which has a protective function. Dark skin is the result of constant exposure to the sun.

A distinctive feature at the gene level in people with black skin is that their cells produce melanin in large quantities. In addition, as scientists have found out, the top layer of the epidermis in such people completely covers the skin with pigment. This fact gives the skin a color that ranges from brown to almost black.

An interesting fact is that the pigment melanin appears in humans even in embryonic development. But by the time of birth, melanocytes practically disappear from the baby's body, and after birth they begin to develop intensively in the skin. Many people are surprised when they see light-colored babies from a dark-skinned mother. The fact is that children are born light and darken over the next few months.

In conclusion

At present, science is based on the fact that human skin color is the result of the adaptation of a certain group of people to the intensity of solar radiation in their habitat. Melanin in this case performs protective functions from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, in the absence of it, the skin would become decrepit very quickly. In addition to aging, the possibility of skin cancer increases.

Interestingly, women have lighter skin than men. This is why black girls look much lighter than guys. In people with a light dermis, this difference is practically not noticeable. Unfortunately, in today's world, skin color often gives rise to stereotypes. The division of mankind on this basis often leads to But after all, we all belong to the same species and are people.

An international team of researchers, as a result of genotyping two thousand people living in different regions of Africa, discovered the main genetic variants responsible for the intensity of skin pigmentation. The variants responsible for dark skin seem to link Africans with South Asian and Australo-Melanesian populations, and one of the alleles associated with fair skin was non-African in origin and brought from outside. In addition, scientists were able to establish the function of one of the genes ( MFSD12), polymorphisms in which are associated with skin color in humans. Research published in the journal Science.

Skin color is an important adaptation for living at one latitude or another and varies over a fairly wide range - for example, among Africans you can meet both people with relatively fair skin and completely black. The intensity of pigmentation correlates with the intensity of ultraviolet radiation characteristic of a given region. It reaches a maximum at the equator, and a minimum - in high latitudes, where the fairest-skinned people live. While dark skin protects its wearer from excess UV, white skin is an adaptation to its deficiency, as some UV is needed for vitamin D synthesis.

The distribution of the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, expressed in the number of doses of ultraviolet radiation required to "burn" the skin (erythemal dose)

The main pigment that provides UV protection is melanin. It is synthesized in special cells - melanocytes, localized in the deep layers of the skin.

Skin color is a complex genetic trait - different genes determine the amount, structure and distribution of the pigment. Animal studies have identified about 350 genes that are somehow associated with pigmentation, but in humans, apparently, they are much smaller.

Researchers from several American universities, in collaboration with colleagues from Botswana, Tanzania and Ethiopia, conducted a large-scale search for genetic variants that determine the diversity of skin tones. The study involved 2092 people who were quantitatively determined by the reflection of light from the skin, the intensity of pigmentation and took a blood test for genotyping. Participants represented different ethnic groups living in the territory of the countries listed above. In addition, the genomes of representatives of the Eurasian and Australo-Melanesian populations, which were read earlier, were used for comparison.

Among the subjects, the representatives of the San people (Bushmen) living in southern Africa had the lightest skin, and the representatives of the Nilo-Saharan language macrofamily of East Africa had the darkest skin. The most significant associations with skin color were found for four genetic loci - polymorphisms in genes SCL24A5,MSFD12 and in regulatory regions of genes DDB1/TMEM138 And OCA2/HERC2. According to scientists, variations in these loci account for approximately 30 percent of the observed diversity. Thus, in humans, skin color, although a complex feature, is not as complex as, for example, height.

Examples of allele distribution of the SLC24A5 (left) and MFSD12 (right) genes in world populations. The SLC24A5 (G) variant is associated with dark skin, while the SLC24A5 (A) variant is associated with light skin. The MFSD12 (T) variant is associated with darker skin, while the MFSD12 (C) variant is associated with lighter skin.

Nicholas G Crawford et al / Science, 2017

For some of the genes found, the functions were known, for example, the gene product DDB1(Damage Specific DNA Binding Protein 1) is involved in the repair of DNA damage caused by ultraviolet radiation, and OCA2 encodes an ion transporter that regulates acidity in melanosomes. However, for the gene MSFD12, in which variations account for almost five percent of the diversity, the function has not been established. As part of the study, the authors of the work tried to do this.

It was known that two mutations located in the gene MSFD12, are found only in the African population, especially in the east, and are associated with the darkest skin. The researchers found that these polymorphisms are associated with reduced gene expression. When expression MSFD12 artificially lowered in melanocytes, the cells began to accumulate black pigment. Thus, the function of the MSFD12 protein was associated with the suppression of melanin synthesis.

The most strongly associated with the skin color of Africans was a polymorphism in the gene SCL24A5, which is also expressed in melanocytes and encodes an ion transporter. The researchers showed that the fair-skinned allele of this gene is common in African populations with established Asian origins (Ethiopia and Tanzania), but is rare in the "indigenous" African populations of the San and Botswana. Apparently, this variant appeared in Africa as a result of gene flow from Eurasia in the last 3-9 thousand years, and its presence there has been traced for 30 thousand years.

Previously, it was known that the “light-skinned” version of this gene is common among Europeans and has become entrenched in the population as a result of selection. Moreover, light-skinned alleles were also found in the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes, which supports the hypothesis that dark skin color is a late acquisition, and our ancestors, after losing body hair, were rather moderately pigmented.

Earlier, we talked about a study by German scientists who suggested that the fair skin of modern Europeans was inherited from the ancient hunters and gatherers who lived in this territory, but not from the first farmers who came from Asia.

Daria Spasskaya