After the holidays, I gained weight. How to get rid of extra pounds after the holidays. Avoid the "coffee plus bun" combo

2. More vegetables and fruits

The norm of the World Health Organization is 800 g of fruit per day. Let 500 g take non-starchy vegetables, the rest - not very sweet fruits. Don't completely avoid bananas and grapes, but lean on apples, citrus fruits, and kiwis. Vegetables can be stewed and baked. They satisfy hunger and prevent overeating with something more high-calorie.

Eating after 18-19:00 is frankly harmful. But even a long break (13-14 hours before breakfast) leads to gastrointestinal diseases, slow metabolism and overeating. How to solve this dilemma? The golden rule of nutrition: dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed at midnight, have dinner at 21:00, it's okay. But food should be light, otherwise there is a risk that the body will digest it until the morning. Ideal fit: salad, lean fish, seafood.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, host of the programs "Food by the rules and without", "Family size"

Our body is delicate and fragile. You can’t “break” him, you need to be able to negotiate with him! Hundreds and even thousands of people begin to eat like “as they should”, and then many of them are convinced that the effect is the opposite. Kilograms quickly return, and even bring new diseases with them. Any prohibition (and a diet is primarily a prohibition), any restrictions unconsciously turn on our psycho-physiological protection. It can manifest itself as irritability and even aggression, and, on the contrary, self-doubt and depression.

4. Stay Fat

The real enemies of a healthy diet and a good figure are fast carbohydrates ( industrial sweets, muffin, soda). If you do not use fats, it will affect the hair, nails, skin. Fats should be consumed of vegetable origin - a spoon olive oil And pine nuts in a vegetable salad, and you are provided with fats for the day. Of animal fats, those found in sea ​​fish(Omega 3).

5. Feast of Disobedience

A complete rejection of your favorite treats is the path to neurosis. Once a week, allow yourself everything you want, but without overeating. For example, serve breakfast beautifully.

6. Avoid sugary drinks

"Liquid calories" - the most insidious. Sugar is directly deposited in fat.

The norm of water is as follows: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight (a woman weighing 68 kg should drink 2 liters of pure water daily). For every cup of coffee and tea, add yourself a cup of water - these drinks remove fluid from the body. Start drinking more, you will want to eat less.

8. Exercise

80% of success is nutrition, but the body also needs physical activity. Fitness improves mood and self-esteem. But do not increase the load abruptly: this leads to injuries and breakdowns. Change the type of activity: running - to dynamic yoga, aerobics - to exercise with free weights. Surprise the body, it will quickly react and give results. And also just works wonders.

9. Body treatments

Treat yourself to chocolate with benefits for the figure: half an hour in a bath with essential oils, coffee peeling and a chocolate mask, and eating buns at night will pull less.

10. Hints

If in the first place in the composition of the flour product is flour of the highest gradeA, you can ignore the inscriptions "whole grain", "coarse grinding", "multi-grain". This is a marketing ploy.

Use spices. They have a lot of vitamins, and they diversify ordinary dishes well.

Frustrated by the results of overeating while on vacation? Here are 20 easy ways to lose unwanted weight.

  1. Drink water. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so the next time you feel like eating, drink water first. Water will help you feel full. Some experts advise drinking water (or iced tea) just before eating. Continue drinking with meals to add volume and weight to your food.
  2. Set realistic goals. Losing a maximum of a pound or a kilogram a week is quite doable. Major weight loss programs recommend stopping after losing the first 4 pounds and then maintaining that weight for six months before trying to lose weight again.
  3. Allow yourself "little pleasures". If you allow yourself to eat whatever you want a couple of times in 3 weeks, then you will not do much harm to your weight loss. But you will feel less disadvantaged in eating.
  4. Count up to 10. Research shows that the average desire to eat lasts about 10 minutes. So before you rush into lunch, set your internal timer for a 10-minute break. Use this time to attend to your daily activities; choose an activity that gives you a sense of accomplishment - and takes you out of the kitchen.
  5. Eat more often. People who maintain their reduced weight for several years tend to eat up to five meals a day on average. Light, frequent meals curb your appetite, increase your energy, improve your mood, and even speed up your metabolism, as the process of digestion itself burns calories.
  6. Make weekly changes. Don't try to change your diet all at once. If you make too many changes at once, you're more likely to get frustrated with the results and give up. Instead, make one change, such as eating more fruit daily, every week.
  7. Start with 10%. People who focus on losing up to 10% of their desired weight will have the best chance of ultimate success. Losing the first few pounds of excess weight leads to the biggest improvement in health.
  8. Add spicy salsa to your meals. This spicy condiment can help you fight mayonnaise by adding a lot of flavor to your food without the fat. Mix it with a little fat-free yogurt to make a tuna salad. Spread it on a veggie burger or add it to chicken or fish.
  9. Remove one third. When you eat out, reduce the temptation to clean your plate completely by leaving one-third of your food untouched. You can ask the waiter to wrap the rest for you to take away, let it be breakfast the next day. Try reducing your portions by one third at home. This simple tactic can reduce over 500 calories each day.
  10. Switch to light alcohol. Remember that alcohol is a source of calories. 300 mg of beer contains 150 calories; 100 mg of wine - 85. The situation is even worse with creamy cocktails - the equivalent of a high-calorie dessert. So if you want to lose weight, drink water.
  11. Write yourself reminder notes. And hang them in the most visited places - on the refrigerator and kitchen. Sample notes - "Do you really want to carry this food in you?" or "Are those calories worth the consequences?"
  12. Give up soda. Soft drinks are a major source of unnecessary calories in the American diet. We drink twice as much soda as milk and almost six times as much as fruit juice. But the liquid does not satisfy the appetite as much as solid food. Study at Purdue University: People consumed 450 calories daily in the form of soda and in the form of marmalade. Soda drinkers gained substantial weight, and marmalade eaters were compensated for the extra calories by cutting back on other foods. Therefore, if you want something sweet, then it is better to chew it than to swallow it. And if you're really thirsty, drink water or unsweetened iced tea instead of soda.
  13. Don't just eat. Eating on the run or in front of the TV is like mindless chewing. Instead, set the table every time you eat. Make it so that you can sit quietly and savor every bite. Put a handful of chips on your best china plate, this will help you stop and not eat the whole pack at once.
  14. Increase your protein intake (slightly). Research suggests that protein makes you feel full better than carbohydrates or fats. Studies in Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and England showed that people who ate a protein-rich breakfast were less likely to eat at the next meal. Protein also requires more energy to digest. Just do not need fanaticism. Stick to lean protein sources. Such as fat-free yogurt or cottage cheese, low-fat soy drinks, or thinly sliced ​​turkey breast.
  15. Accurate amounts of food. It's easy to underestimate portion sizes. Keep track of the exact amounts of oil, dairy, and mayonnaise you eat.
  16. Make the correct substitutions. Look for nutritious, low-calorie alternatives to sugary, high-fat foods. Try frozen grapes instead of hard candy.
  17. Make your "party plan". When you arrive at a party, ask them to bring you a plate. Loading it with fresh chopped veggies and low-fat sauce - or any other low-calorie snack - ensures you don't overeat and feel guilty.
  18. Think positive. Experts point out that low self-esteem is the main reason for overeating. Teach yourself to focus on your best parts, not your weak ones. Buy clothes that fit and feel right for you at your current weight. Update your hair and get a cosmetic consultation so you feel attractive today.
  19. Give yourself a break. Nobody says that you have to reach your goal without making mistakes along the way. Tell yourself that you can succeed in losing weight by taking one step at a time and starting again whenever you make a mistake.
  20. Relax! Some people tend to overeat during times of stress. A Yale University study found that women who had high levels of cortisol (a hormone released during stress) ate the highest-fat food after stress. The combination of cortisol and insulin prompts the body to store fat in preparation for a possible starvation - something you don't need. If stress is a constant part of your life, try learning yoga, meditation, or simple breathing exercises.

Before vacation, any girl tries her best to lose extra pounds, goes to fitness, visits the gym. And now the long-awaited vacation has come! She looks stunning! You can also relax: lie on the beach, eat something delicious ...

This is where the risk lies in wait for you to get a return of all the lost kilograms. Returning from vacation, we are perplexed to find that unwanted changes have occurred to us. Clothes that we easily put on suddenly barely converge, or even completely dress up in it is impossible.

The only plus from the gained kilograms is that they "came quickly, so they will leave quickly."

But you will have to follow some rules to lose weight after the holidays:

There is no place for unhealthy foods in your diet! Sugar, sugary drinks, fast food, as well as processed foods and pasta should be excluded. Buy rice, oatmeal, and cornflakes instead. Eat fruit instead of sugar for dessert.

Reduce the amount of carbohydrate foods, as they retain water in the body. When you lose all those extra pounds, go to a low-calorie, but complete diet, otherwise you will develop a constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness due to a lack of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy.

To strengthen muscle tissue, consume a significant amount of proteins from meat or steamed fish. And don't forget to increase the amount of water you drink. Drink the lion's share of the liquid in the morning, as well as before and after physical exertion.

Increase physical activity. No diet, that is, cutting your diet beyond recognition, replacing all foods with low-calorie foods, will not help you lose weight if you do not train for 2 hours a day. Or at least 30 minutes in the morning and the same in the evening. Listen to your body: if you feel unwell, then reduce physical activity. And if your work is inactive, sedentary, then be sure to interrupt, get up, move. Eliminate lifts while driving - walk more. Get off public transport well in advance and take an active step. By doing this, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also save your body from negative results with a sedentary nature of work. If you train in the gym, don't stop training!

Be sure to use scrubs for deep layers of the skin. With them, you will not only cleanse the skin, remove toxins, but will also fight cellulite all year round. Anti-cellulite gel keep the skin in good shape on the hips and abdomen.

Fruits and vegetables should form the basis of your diet. Boiled beets, celery and cherries - from natural products, and mild laxatives from a pharmacy.

Try actively updating your wardrobe. The exhausting pursuit of fashionable things, trying to buy a branded item on sale, will burn extra calories very quickly. And besides, as a result of all the above actions, you will turn into "the most charming and attractive." Enjoying your own view, keep in mind that all this is deserved by a lot of work, so do not lower the bar!

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How long did you work to improve your body before the holidays? But as soon as you were on vacation, how did you allow yourself to relax, and the lost kilograms returned a hundredfold? Staying in shape after the end of the beach season is difficult, but with our tips it will be a little easier. Don't let your hard work go to waste!

Tips on how to get in shape after the holidays, gives Maria Hatzistefanis, founder of cosmetic skin care brands Rodial and Nip + Fab. Maria's fans include Lady GaGa, Beyonce, Victoria Beckham and Angelina Jolie.

Tip number 1. Have you spent hours harassing yourself in the gym to show off your gorgeous body in a mini bikini on the beach? Don't stop there and keep exercising outside of the fitness center. At work, replace the elevator ride with walking up the stairs, or better yet, run up them. You will see that it is easier to keep fit while staying active.

Tip number 2. Scrubs, wraps and more scrubs! Deep cleansing of the skin of the body is something that you can do every day at home using modern cosmetics. Treatments like these will help eliminate toxins and keep cellulite at bay all year round.

Tip number 3. Use body firming products such as shaping milk or anti-cellulite gel. These products will help keep the skin in good shape in the most problematic areas - the abdomen and hips.

Tip #4 Include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. You will feel the effect of renewal and freshness throughout the body. Drink berry smoothies, which cleanse the body of toxins and help you feel healthy. You will look just amazing!

Tip #5 If on vacation you prefer to spend time in noisy companies, stick to low-calorie cocktails whenever possible, preferably without cola and other sugary drinks. Try to drink plenty of water between meals to help reduce weight gain.

Tip #6 A tan is another trick to cover up problem areas on your figure. The bronzing shade, which you can keep even after the holidays, accentuates the advantages and hides small skin imperfections such as cellulite and stretch marks. Sunbathe properly - only in the morning and evening hours, using special lotions to protect the skin.

Tip number 7. Swim a lot. It is much easier to do this in salt water than in a pool. After water procedures, apply a toning gel to the outer side of the arms from the shoulder to the elbow to maintain the shape of the most vulnerable area.

Tip #8 After the holidays for two weeks, maintain a diet aimed at removing toxins from the body. This may be an emphasis on berries and vegetables: celery, boiled beets, cherries. You can also use mild laxatives purchased at a pharmacy.

Tip #9 Start updating your wardrobe for the autumn-winter period. It may sound silly, but shopping helps you burn calories! Running around with bags in your hands on sales or visiting chic boutiques, where you go with sedate dignity, feeling stunning, have a beneficial effect on your appearance.

Tip number 10. Bring self-confidence and your own attractiveness to the highest point. Believe me, you look amazing in a new dress that you could not afford before! Complete the set with stiletto heels and enjoy the effect. Do not allow yourself to lower the bar - this is the best incentive to stay in shape.

Oh, it's a great vacation time.
You can't deny yourself anything. All day long to bask in the sun, or to make interesting excursions, a tour of a trip in which we will never in our lives deny ourselves the pleasure of a delicious meal and we will definitely eat so that we do not feel sorry for ourselves.

So, after returning from vacation, many of us are surprised to notice not particularly pleasant changes in our own figure. The appearance of unwanted fat deposits in places where they were not there before. In fact, all the clothes that we put on with ease now do not wear at all. A huge amount of money has been spent and I still don’t want to spend on new clothes at all.

Our Coach Masters often receive letters, especially in autumn, asking for help and advice: how can you overcome the desire to eat?
After all, the vacation is in the past, but the desire to eat tasty and a lot remains, and sometimes it becomes impossible to overcome this desire.

In order to help in this matter of psychological support is not enough, you need to start following the rules that will help women not gain weight from food and lose weight.

Here are a few rules that will help you overcome hunger and lose weight very quickly:

  1. Don't forget to drink water. The fact is that water can not only cleanse the body, but also helps reduce appetite. If you drink a glass of clean water before meals, you will eat much less during meals. In addition, sufficient water intake, and this is at least 2 liters per day, contributes to the formation in the body of a special hormone that burns fat perfectly;
  2. Proper nutrition. Avoid "bad foods". These include alcoholic beverages, pasta, convenience foods, fast food, carbonated sweet drinks and canned food. Limit the consumption of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates, but it is absolutely impossible to completely exclude such foods from the diet, as this can cause significant harm to health;
  3. Include in your diet rice (especially brown), oatmeal. Foods rich in proteins are, first of all, meat, but not fatty and not fried, but either steamed or boiled. Fiber is all kinds of fruits and vegetables in their raw form.
    Of the fruits, grapefruit should be mandatory, it greatly reduces appetite. Accordingly, it promotes weight loss;
  4. Follow the correct diet: this is when the time between meals is from 4 to 5 hours, this is about 3-4 times a day.
    If the meal is more than 10 hours, then everything that you eat will begin to turn into fat, so if you starve, you will lose weight, of course, quickly.
    But you can’t starve forever, respectively, you will gain weight even faster;
  5. An active lifestyle is the key to losing weight. Unfortunately, in order to quickly lose weight after the holidays, one diet may not be enough. It is necessary to provide your body with a full and regular physical activity. If, due to being busy at work, or for some other reason, you do not have the opportunity to attend gyms, fitness, then try to do morning runs, if there is an elevator in the house, walk as much as you can, walk more in the fresh air.
    All this will have a positive effect on your body and, in addition to general physical strengthening, will contribute to weight loss.

Compliance with these simple rules will help you lose weight very quickly.

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