Aggressive child. Attention! Children's aggression

What could be the causes of children's aggression? What if the child behaves aggressively?

"He came up!" - a dramatic voice exclaims a teacher in kindergarten. Under barely restrained maternal annoyance, a small man returns home. There, his fate will be solved on the family council: the fate of a person who has committed an unforgivable aggressive act.

Modern society dictates our rules of the game. And then for that 100 years ago, my father would praise, today it causes Parents to panic. What is children's aggression? Is it worth dealing with her? And if it is, how.

Types of aggression in children

According to the most common interpretation, children's aggression is a behavior aimed at others or on itself, and related to harming. Depending on how this behavior is manifested by the following types of aggression:

  • Verbal "The child shouts, swears, calls, wonderingly insults." Depending on whether the baby will pronounce a man who raised him, or complains of a third party who did not have a relation to the conflict, aggression is divided into direct and indirectly respectively.
  • Physical - Here is the causation of material damage to the inclusion.

Such aggression may be:

  • straight - Children fight, bite, knock, scratch. The purpose of such behavior is to hurt another person;
  • indirect - In the course there is harm to the obeusing things. A child can break the book, break a toy or destroy someone else's sand castle.
  • symbolic - represents the threats to the use of force. Often this type of aggression develops into direct. For example, the child shouts that he bites you and, if intimidation did not work, embodies him into life.

No matter how children's aggressive behavior was manifested, the parents always cause a stupor and bewilderment. Where did it come from? What to do with it? Ordinary talk about what to fight and swear bad, do not help.

Causes of outbreaks of aggression and aggressive behavior in children and adolescents

Especially painful family members perceive aggression aimed at them. Why a child is aggressive with other children can be understood, but after all the houses are good to the child. So what is the causes of outbreaks of aggression and aggressive behavior in children and adolescents?

  1. The most common group of reasons can be qualified as "family problems". Moreover, it can be both difficulties in the relationship between parents and a child and the problems of adults, which directly to the baby are not related: Divorce, the death of a close relative
  2. Children as well as adults have their own individual features. Therefore, the second group of reasons can be attributed to "personal peculiarities". The child can be easily excited, anxious, irritable. It is difficult for him to control his emotions, so any trifle can bring him into rage
  3. And the last group can be described as "situational reasons". Fatigue, poor well-being, heat, long monotonous pastime, poor-quality food. Such things can withdraw not only a child, but also an adult

Diagnosis of aggression in children

All these factors can intersect, superimpose each other. To identify that it was the cause of the aggressive behavior of the child in a particular case, a qualified psychologist will help. The diagnosis of aggression in children is carried out in several meetings, according to the results of which a specialist gives an analysis of the problem and offers ways to solve it

The choice of aggression correction methods depends on the set of moments. But parents need to be prepared for the fact that there is no simple way to treat aggression. To help the child will have to work a lot, and above themselves

What to pay attention to the first place, what recommendations to parents of aggressive children should be guided? It depends a lot of both from the causes of such a child's behavior and from his age

Aggression in children in 2-3 years

For this period there are a crisis of 3 years. Kids are selfish, not used to sharing. In case, disagreement with something they can hit, scream or break something belonging to them.

It should be remembered that while children do not know how to control their emotions, so this behavior is rather normal than deviation. Do not scold the child, better try to distract something from the object of his bad mood.

Excessive severity can lead to aggravation problems. Take the baby to the side, gently tell me that it is impossible to behave and offer a new occupation.

Aggressive preschool children

Most often, aggression in children for various reasons arises in preschool age. At this time, the little man still does not know how to express his emotions and feelings and tries to express them as aggression.

Aggression in children in 4-5 years

At this age, the child begins to master in society. He checks, examines how his behavior affects other people, including parents.

If his actions do not harm others, let him build a border of his "I". It should be understood that this does not mean permissiveness. It is necessary to clearly understand the child that you can and what is not. How can he express his anger (words), but as not (physically).

Aggression in children 6-7 years

Senior preschool children are not too often aggressive. They have already learned to control themselves, understand that well, and what is bad. If the child behaves aggressively and cruelly, you should think about the reasons.

Perhaps he lacks independence or difficult to communicate with peers. Now interaction with other children for the baby in the first place.

Aggression from schoolchildren

Schoolchildren also do not have another psyche formed to the end and most often express their feelings on peers and teachers as aggressive self-defense.

Aggression in children in 8-9 years

The child is growing actively, expanding his knowledge about the world and about himself. And boys, and girls begin to pay attention to the opposite sex. An adult authority is questioned.

It is important for parents to understand that the child stopped being a baby. From now on, children require a relationship as equal. Schoolchildren's aggression is often associated with rejection by adults of this fact.

Aggression in children in 10-12 years

Junior adolescent age prepares parents to crisis and complex teenage. Already now the authority of peers for the child is more important than the parent. Aggressive flashes are not avoided now.

It is important not to respond to aggression on aggression and not join a slippery track of confrontation. It is better to try to build partnerships with a child. Cut it more time, talk on adult topics. Of course, the framework and boundaries should be. Still, you are a parent, not a friend of your child.

In any of these periods, it should be understood when aggression is only temporary, situational, and when it threatens to turn into an accentuation of character. If the problem of children's aggression in your family is sharp enough, and you feel that you do not cope with the situation, do not be afraid to ask for help. Education of aggressive children is not an easy task. And the work of the psychologist will not be superfluous here.

How to remove aggression in a child? Treatment of aggression in children

There are various techniques how to remove the aggression in the child. The network has a large amount of information on this issue.

Video: Children's aggression. How to help your child get rid of her?

All these classes and developments can be tasted to apply. Someone from children does not like to draw, but I will gladly write a story with fictional characters. Some guys like to build and break. And someone simply experiences the need to scream, thus releaseing anger.

Aggressive child recommendations to parents

No matter how much way you choose, it should be understood that this is only a transitional stage for your child.

  • Through games and exercises, you can remove the tension, but they are not a panacea
  • The child must learn to cope with his emotions constructively, expressing them with words. Showing the true cause of your disorder, he will experience relief and can search for the options for solving its problem. Agree when inside everything bubbles from anger difficult to find output
  • Perhaps during classes with their child you will understand that the problem of children's aggression lies in you yourself, in parents
  • Recognize such hard, but this is not an indication that you are a bad mother or a bad father. This talks about you as an adult, a person responsible. Having committed certain efforts, you can change the situation. And that would not have done your child, remember, he is waiting for you to love him no matter what
  • Confidence in your need, values \u200b\u200bfor the most important people in their lives - parents - can work miracles even with the most reserved hooligans

Video: How to teach a child to manage your emotions and express your feelings?

Games for aggressive children

  • The life of children, especially younger age, consists of 90% of games. Through them, the child knows the world and learns to live in it. Therefore, often when words in order to explain the baby how to cope with the passions with the passions in it is not enough, you can also use game situations
  • Stootite each other with pillows, arrange a "war" in winter in winter and water guns in the summer, play darts, loudly leucing with every hit, run chairs, play the sea battle
  • This will help the child to reset the internal tension. Remember the films in which the hero, angry, threw his enemy in the face of the cake, and ended with everything with a laugh and friendly mercy of the residues of sweets

Exercises for aggressive children

In addition to the simple, famous for all of the childhood games, in collaboration with children, prone often to show aggression, apply the exercises developed by psychologists.

Video: Games to reduce children's aggression

Classes with aggressive children

  • During all games and exercises, mentioned above, it is important to give a child to understand that with their help he can cope with his emotions and without your direct assistance.
  • During a quarrel, you can, for example, to say: "We both are very angry now, let's take pillows and will fight until each other forgive each other." So you not only remove the voltage, but also show how you can solve a conflict without victims.
  • Another important point in any occupation with the child is to build the boundaries permitted: during the battle, the pillows need to specify that you can only beat the pillow, without the participation of the legs. If you need to cope with verbal aggression, then you can affect, but not disappointing, for example, the names of vegetables

Education of aggressive children

The necessary components of the educational process of children who cannot constructively express their emotions are reflection and personal example.

The concept of reflection implies the ability to analyze their feelings. When a child shouts or beats other children, he does not always understand what happens to him. It is important to talk to him about this so that he felt your participation and support in a difficult situation for him.

All ways of their interaction with other people, children are absorbed primarily in the family. Please note how you and your loved ones are coping with anger. Maybe your baby just copies adults? And before changing his behavior, you need to change yourself?

Video: Children's anger and aggression. Why are our children become evil?

Why a child is aggressive with other children

  • Often the situation when the child is aggressively leading to himself, parents will learn from third parties. Complaints of the teacher or the educator cause bewilderment. How to act in this situation? What measures should be taken
  • First of all, you need to breathe deeply and delve into the situation. What exactly happened? Under what circumstances? The child exhibits aggression to someone concrete or to all children
  • It is also important to find out the child's opinion on this issue. Try to ask him. But do not press. Kids do not always tell about their experiences
  • You should pay attention to what it will take place in the evening. Tulched a doll head? Talk about what a doll did, it's good or bad why it was necessary to punish. You can paint together and through the drawing to play the situation in the afternoon

Work psychologist with aggressive children

If you understand the causes of constant aggressive outbreaks of the child, it is not independently necessary, you do not need to release the situation on "Samotek". In some cases, consultation with a psychologist is equally useful for both parents and a child.

The specialist will help to figure out what is behind such behavior and will give recommendations for the upbringing of your baby. In some cases, psychocorrection work is needed.

Correction of aggression in children

When mentioning the word "psychocorrection", many parents occur in a panic attack: something is wrong with my child, he is not normal, as it happened that they will think that others think, suddenly think that my child is psych. But should not avoid appealing for help because of your own fears.

Thanks to the fact that you and your child will not attend a psychologist, the problem will not disappear. Think more importantly: how you will look in the eyes of the surrounding or health of your baby.

Depending on what kind of children's problem, correctional work can be:

  • individual - the child is engaged in a psychologist one on one. More suitable for senior adolescents, not ready for group work
  • family - When classes with a psychologist attends the whole family or someone from family members and a child. This type of work is ideal for young children. He is able to teach not only the kid himself to cope with strong emotions, but also help his mother with dope correctly understand and respond to emotional outbreaks of his child
  • group - the child visits classes together with peers. Through game situations, communication he learns to better understand himself and behave in society an acceptable way, not humiliating and not offended by others

Prevention of aggressive behavior of children

Not always fears of parents about the fact that their child has serious problems justified. Often apparent unresolved difficulties in fact are not so scary.

And yet it is important to listen to your children and understand what is happening in their lives now. If it is right, you can easily prevent an aggressive outbreak, to send strong emotions to the right channel and reconcile the child with your own feelings, which means with the whole world!

Video: How to repay aggression in a child (S.A. Amonashvili)

Aggression in children has 3-4 years old occurs so often that in recent years the number of so-called "calm" children decreases in front of her eyes. "So-called" because absolutely calm children in principle does not exist.So, you began to bother your child's behavior. You came to the conclusion that it is too aggressive. What exactly do you mean? I think that's what: breaks the toys, shouts and crying for each occasion, rolls hysterics, swears, hits the parents, offends other children, instantly falls into anger, throws and spoils things, hears persuasion, does not want to listen to reasonable arguments, threatening, threatening Persistently stands on its own; It came to the point that there is nothing but physical punishment.

You will be surprised, but everything listed does not mean that you have a really aggressive child. Now I will explain: there is a congenital aggression,genetic Being a feature. Childwith a strong aggression genome - aggressive truly. And it happens aggressionacquired: It is not peculiar to the child, but due to certain reasons, he shows it. In the behavior of the difference, no in the first and in the second case all signs are the same. But the reasons are different, and this is the most important thing. You can cope with a congenital-aggressive child, but it is very difficult. And with the one who behaves aggressively, in fact, not being, - much easier. The fact is that the child with genetic aggression almost does not need to look for the reason for its manifestation, he, like a corded gun, is always ready to shoot. His aggression is needed like air. Wait to record your baby in aggressive. The child, as a rule, is a valid reason for such behavior. If this reason is to find and eliminate, - the child will calm down. And do not forget that the age of 3-4 years is the crisis age when the child often gets tired of himself and, as they say, "he is not glad himself."

If you drive a child in kindergarten, then, watching other children, they probably said that, what family is such a child. That's right, it really is. But do not forget that this law applies to you. "What am I?" - You say, - "We have a normal family!" Yes, if it was at least ten times normal, the reason for the aggression of your child lies in the family. And where else, as not in the family, where he was born, grew up and continues to grow, constantly facing something that causes him aggression. He justdoes not know How else to resist this. Or do you want to demand from a person who lived only 4 years to be able to own himself? How old are you? And you know how to own yourself in any situation? I doubt. There is always some reason because of which the child is forced to behave this way. Universal recipes, like the magic buttons, does not exist: I pressed - and the child corrected. Well, if so! In each particular case, an individual approach is needed, these are children, not tin soldiers.

Here, for example, babybad behaves in kindergarten, The teacher complains. Mom is unpleasant, she begins to justify and say that in general, he is quiet and harmless. Pure truth, he is really like that. But only at home. And in kindergarten he is sleeping and beats other children. To the question of Mom, why he does it, he shrugs, looks in the other side and translates the conversation to another topic. Familiar picture? I do not even doubt. There is nothing complicated here: it's just an intelligent child who has long understood that it is impossible to behave at home, and in kindergarten is still unknown when and for which they will punish. He did not identify the boundaries of the permitted and tries to find them experienced. Naturally, in the group he immediately walked down the dracan and difficult child. And he is just inquisitive and wants to know exactly what it is possible, and which is impossible.

Plus, of course, getting tired of many domestic prohibitions. This is just that you think that you don't prohibit much so much, in fact it is not. So, let him still sit down at home? - you ask. No, of course, this is an extreme. But he accumulates psychological fatigue, which requires an exit, and it is not. So he "discharged" in kindergarten. So strain and record it in the sports section, wherever he talked physically: psychological fatigue is absorbed by physical. No one led to the section - buy a bike, rollers, skates, what you want, but that the child actively moved and coming home, he ate well and quickly flooded.

Whims and scandals will become less. But above the behavior in kindergarten it will be necessary to work additionally. The fact is that your threats to punish, not let or not buy -do not work For the simple reason that in kindergarten he forgets them. The child lives in the moment and the moment makes a moment, do not have time to remember and think. Therefore, they can't praise as much as possible if he did not grow up today, he will remember well.

When you praised the teacher at school for something - you remember it so far, right? And if the child does not listen to you nor the grandmother, and when dad sits away? Afraid father? Sure. All children are afraid of those who are stronger than them, especially the boys. The main thing is that the child well understood that this big and strong will never punish it without a reason, everything will be in fairness, which means it is better to behave well. Or, for example, a child behaves well with everyone except mom. As soon as he and his mother - it seemed to be replaced. I was punished and explained - it is useless. And the thing is that when he was a year and a half, she left for a long time and the child was so subconsciously frightened to lose her, That now all the forces attracts her attention. He causes her tears and scandals to be near and mess with him. In short, the causes of aggression are many and in each case you need to watch individually. I wish you the right relationship with your children.

Is your more cute and clumsy karapuz suddenly become capricious and aggressive? Yesterday, it took the shovel from the friend in the sandbox, and today you barely manage to spread the fight, whose child has become the instigator. Problems, unfortunately, familiar to many parents. How not to become a victim of a small aggressor, understand the reasons for such behavior and teach a child with adequate behavior in the family and society?

Causes and manifestations

There are many reasons why children behave aggressively. The aggressive behavior of the child most often arises in response to his feelings such as fear, sadness, disappointment, despair and jealousy. They may occur as a response to events or circumstances that lead to low self-esteem, the state of isolation or loss of control. Some children do not have the opportunity or do not know how to control their actions, as a result of their feelings are exacerbated, and the anger is manifested in the form of aggressive behavior.

Aggression in young children can manifest themselves in the form of strikes with hands, legs, head, spit, bites, throwing objects, destroy or damage things and toys.

In some cases, the interaction between the temperament of the child and / or genetic predisposition and the impact of the environment (for example, the atmosphere in the family or stress) increases the likelihood of use by a child as a major survival strategy.

Age peculiarities

In children aged up to 3 years Aggressive behavior most often arises about toys. Children can bite, spit, pushed, beat others, throw themselves with various objects, arrange hysterics. At this age, they are trained in adequate ways to communicate with other children: how to offer to play, calm down, switch. Attempting from parents to influence the child by force can only lead to the fact that it will act more aggressively the next time or will lead to the desire to apply a retaliatory strike. At this age, the child is better to switch, give a break from the activity that provokes aggression.

From 3 to 5 years Children typically have physical aggression decreases, they begin to use words to communicate with peers, at the same time they are still quite egocentric and someone else's point of view can still be taken with difficulty. For them, all or bad or good, no nuances. Children are not able to think about, planning, they need clear guidelines, instructions, how and what to do. At this age, they cannot figure out that fantasy, and that reality in a film or television show. They may incorrectly understand the desire of another child to join his games and see hostility in this, the invasion of their territory. Accordingly, they will strive to protect themselves and, rather, with the use of aggression. Explanations that another child peacefully loving is often not perceived.

In 6-10. For years, children already have a sufficient self-control, so as not to express the insult, displeasure or through aggression towards other children. But at the same time, they can still protect their interests with aggression.

Boys usually act openly through physical aggression. Girls are prone to indirect, hidden - without direct confrontation. For example, through a verbal attack - ridicule, nicknames or, on the contrary, through ignoring, silence. And boys, and girls prone to aggression, often have low self-esteem and hidden depression.

In a more older and adolescence Aggressive behavior can be provoked by the medium in which the child is formed (asocial environment, stressful, tense - lack of love, care, child ability). This can lead to the desire to drive a retaliatory blow to revenge. At the same time, peers can fasten the aggressive manifestations of the child, encourage them.

Why is it going on and what to do

Often, children can act aggressively just because they feel upset or helpless and cannot express it with words. Children do not have such developed communicative skills, household psychological knowledge, concepts, as adults. However, they understand more than they can say. Therefore, it is important to encourage the child when he is trying to express his feelings. Here are very useful role-playing games, you will fit, dolls, various characters who are now popular with a child. You can play the confrontation, conflict, contradiction of interest with the baby. Create a provocation during which you can demonstrate to the child on the example of toys, how to resolve conflicts, without showing aggression, physical force, without humiliation and offense: finding common interests, compromises with the help of negotiations.

If the family does not receive the necessary knowledge about acceptable and unacceptable behavior with peers, for example, if he often holds with a brother / sister, and no one teaches to cope with conflicts, it is difficult for him to understand when he behaves aggressively.

Family, evil words, and, of course, physical aggression from parents transfer samples of aggressive behavior to children.

Films, online games also model the behavior of the child and the permissible level of aggression. Television programs, shows are quite cruel, and if children see it, they simply do not understand the difference between the game and reality, especially since violence may look very natural. If the child has problems with aggressive behavior, you must limit or eliminate TV view and aggressive films.

If the child does not feel safe, it can signal aid, becoming aggressive.

Sometimes children may have outbreaks of aggression due to events in the family, for example, with parents. In addition, children have a need for control. Sometimes a child can act aggressively to get a reaction or restore control over the situation over another child. This is normal for children 2-6 years. Little children still do not know how to regulate their reactions, feelings are not separated from behavior.

If you do not manage the aggressiveness of the child, he does not recognize where the boundary is permitted, and will continue to provoke and manifest itself in a similar way, without understanding when he can stop. If you do not take action, the child remains confused, not knowing, nor when he must stop, or any consequences may be. It is important to indicate children on the consequences of their behavior - it helps them feel emotionally safe.

Learning to adjust aggressive behavior

The way you react to the aggression of your child should depend on the level of its development. For example, the baby is better to redirect to safe and more relaxed activities, while older children can already understand and remember the rules of conduct.

The child should know what to experience anger is normal, and there is no people to beat or bite, it is already aggression, because the attack on people does harm. During the outbreak of aggression, print a child from the room, from the playground, take another place. Focus your attention on one or two most dangerous situations of your child's behavior instead of trying to make it change everything at once.

Sit to the child to be at one level of visual contact with him, warm it, keep it by hand. This will demonstrate to him that showing you its feelings safely. You can say: "I know that you are bad now." "I'm here, I will help you. Tell me what is happening. " "With you everything is fine, you are just hard now. I will be with you".

Do not expect a child to explain something wisely. He can cry, tremble, you will deal with the tongue of the body and scream, cry, and not with the words. Hug a child, slightly squeezing so that he calms down. Now feelings are too strong, and long explanations, lectures to a child for nothing. Children remember what you were taught, and without unnecessary words. They scan your actions, reactions, energy.

Do not blame, do not get excite. These actions are just scared of children even more and pushed them. They add pain to the child and make it more aggressive. You can condemn the behavior, not the child himself, his personality. Compliance with the equilibrium between charges and a healthy sense of guilt is that parents are very important to understand. In any case, children feel guilty, even if they show that they don't care. This feeling of guilt prevents saying about those that caused aggression.

Instead of accusations, encourage the situation of proximity to you. Let the child immediately go to you for help when it is upset. This will avoid aggressive behavior due to the fact that he does not feel with you.

The main thing is to remember that an aggressive child is a frightened child. Aggression becomes a way of managing fears, the child finds a solution that can. Your task as parents to help him find other ways of consocting with fear or with a situation - more adequate and calm.

Arina Lipkin, psychologist-consultant

magazine for parents "Rewriting a child", May 2013

Children's aggression is very common phenomenon.

Many parents are lost, not knowing how to behave if the child suddenly becomes aggressive, doubt how normal there are similar manifestations. So today we with psychologist We are talking about why children's aggression arises and how to respond to such manifestations.

Children's aggression - reasons

The causes of child aggression can be the most diverse.

List the most common :

.Baby aggression reacts to adult aggression . Quite often, the child becomes aggressive if the parents themselves often communicate at elevated colors. No wonder. After all, a child to learn himself to behave, taking as a basis an example, who gives his parents. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to how often you yourself will experience anger, irritation, offended. And also observe how this way you tend to treat these feelings. Are you prone to suppress them? Or, on the contrary, actively demonstrate?

.The child is experiencing a shortage of something . Most often, psychologists talk about the lack of parental love or care. And this, indeed, maybe so. However, aggression, in itself, is a signal that some vital need is not satisfied. And it can be any need, not just in love and affection.

Aggression may also be evidence that the child passes the next age crisis. For example, at the age of 2-3 years, almost all children become more aggressive, capricious

If you remember what needs we have, then this is a need for security, in a dream, food, sex, in dominance, in finding your place in the social hierarchy, in proximity and warmth, as well as development needs. She wrote about it yet by A. Masu near the century ago. So, a child may be dissatisfied with any of these needs. For example, it does not feel safe (if the living conditions are not quite comfortable, for example). Or he may not understand his rights and duties in the family. And then any such dissatisfaction of the need can lead to the fact that the baby can behave aggressively.

No less common cause of children's aggression is lack of clear boundaries permitted . No matter how strange it seemed to be at first glance, but the presence of clear rules, requirements, as well as control over their observance - there is a guarantee of the peace of mind, and there is no aggression. It would seem that everyone around says that. However, in fact it is not. Bad prohibitions are harmful. If the parent prohibits anything to demonstrate his authority, then such prohibitions, indeed, are not coming for good. But if we are talking about the rules that are really needed, then their presence helps the child feel more calm. After all, when it is clear and it is clear that it is possible that it is possible, and that it is impossible, then there is no anxiety, but there is a clear understanding of your capabilities.

Quite often at the heart of children's aggression can also lie another feeling. For example, guilt . If you think about, then adults often defended aggression when they feel guilty or embarrass. Also also a child. Under its aggression can be wines or shame.

Aggression may also be evidence that the child passes another age crisis. For example, at the age of 2-3 years, almost all children become more aggressive, capricious. This just says that the child is currently moving to a qualitatively new stage of its development.

Separately, I want to allocate such a cause of child aggression as jealousy . The appearance of a brother or sister for a child is always conjugate with great stress. After all, earlier the baby was the only pet in the family. And now he is forced to share his mother and dad with another baby. This can not not generate discontent and. And it is completely normal.

Children's aggression - how to act?

This is not a complete list of reasons that may underlie children's aggression. And not always children's aggression needs correction. It is important to understand that the presence of aggression in itself is a completely normal phenomenon. However, it may not be normal to be its strength and form of expression.

1. It is worth delimiting the very feeling that lies with aggressive behavior (anger, insult, indignation or irritation), and the action that the child expresses him. You can talk about what you don't like when he is trying to hit or bite you. But you should not figure out for the fact that the child is angry or annoyed.

2. Help the child to figure out what happens to him at the time of aggression. Tell me: "You are angry that you need to go to sleep," "You are unhappy that I forbid you to walk so far away," etc.

3. Conduct various games with the child, where he could drop his aggression. It can be a fight with pillows, balloons, etc.

The child will understand that you are on his side.

Understanding and patience to you!

Aggression is most often part of the usual growth and development of normal children and it often manifests itself in young children and preschoolers. Babies still do not know how to speak and express their discontent or their desires, so aggression is the only way to express them.

If the aggressive actions of the child are "normal" to a certain extent, it is still necessary to react to the attacks of aggression and try to prevent them. Aggressive act in children of 18 months will not have the same meaning as in children of 4 years. Measures to prevent aggression will also differ, but they are needed to demonstrate to the child that its actions are unacceptable and that there are other ways to express their emotions, as well as to prevent the repetition of these attacks of aggression.

To control your aggression, children need active support for their parents. Effective measures taken in connection with aggressive behavior in young children have a positive impact on their subsequent social development and adaptation.